IHPDMB :: Volume #7

#620: Opens the coffin

Chen Luoyang treads the Blackwater Absolute Palace imperial city top fully, regarding numerous Blackwater Absolute Palace martial artist looked that did not look, but takes a fast look around front imperial city. 陈洛阳足踏黑水绝宫宫城的城头,对于一众黑水绝宫武者看也不看,而是扫视面前的宫城 The Blackwater Absolute Palace area is also broad, although is slightly smaller than Earlier Heaven Palace, but almost cannot look at the side continuous palace. 黑水绝宫占地面积同样广阔,虽比先天宫稍小,但也有一眼几乎望不到边的连绵宫殿。 At present may still see that each corner of mark same lines after lines of multi-colored sunlight in the palace raises a piece by piece, interweaves Blackwater Absolute Palace defending mountain great formation. 眼下仍可见到一片片阵纹同一道道霞光在宫内各个角落升起,交织成黑水绝宫的守山大阵 Demon Palace martial artist comes and goes, non-stop running. 魔宫武者来来往往,不停奔走。 Although great formation dark weak, but Blackwater Absolute Palace high and low was still striving the support, only appears futile attempt. 大阵虽然已经暗弱,但黑水绝宫上下仍在勉力支撑,只是显得杯水车薪。 But the Chen Luoyang's facial expression gradually becomes strange. 陈洛阳的神情则渐渐变得古怪起来。 Projects on this share, Blackwater Absolute Palace Palace Lord Ji Tianqiong, still did not see the person. 打到这个份上,黑水绝宫宫主纪天琼,仍然不见人。 So the predicament, Palace Lord in secluded cultivation, in Demon Palace the person will still ask her to go out even, otherwise everyone reimburses together. 如此窘境,就算宫主闭死关,魔宫中人也该去请她出关了,否则大家一起报销。 Regarding Palace Lord is the war is , or, because was disturbed to close up injured, influence the battle efficiency, decided to refuse battle finally flees, is possible. 至于说宫主是战是和,又或者因为被人打扰闭关而受伤,影响了战斗力,最终决定避战遁走,都不无可能。 only completely disappears like the present, unavoidably was extremely strange. 只是像现在这样全然不见踪影,就难免太过奇怪了。 Not only the Chen Luoyang look becomes strange, Ancient God Cult martial artist that outside the palace looks at Cult Master gave full play of power and strength, look at each other in blank dismay. 不仅陈洛阳神色变得古怪,宫外原本看着自家教主大发神威的古神教武者,也都面面相觑。 This situation, why makes them feel so familiar? 这情形,为什么让他们感觉那么熟悉? Good intense regards the feeling...... 好强烈的既视感啊…… Everyone as if felt returned to oneself Ancient God Cult main altar on the same day by Savage Clan King gets the gate the time. 大家都仿佛感觉回到了自家古神教总坛当日被蛮荒族王打上门的时候。 Just, they became attack a side now, the person of coming under attack in the opposite. 只不过,现在他们成了攻击一方,挨打的人则在对面。 The powerful enemies threaten the border, but holds the aspect big shot leader from Family Lord, is actually missing, is only left over others to support by strenuous efforts. 强敌压境,可是自家主持局面的巨头领袖,却不见了踪影,只剩下其他人苦苦支撑。 When precarious, this thinks in closing up Palace Lord, unexpectedly already not in? 风雨飘摇之际,本以为在闭关的宫主,难道竟早已不在? Blackwater Absolute Palace, does not see Palace Lord to come, underlying bed martial artist also had the turbulence slowly. 黑水绝宫内部,迟迟不见自家宫主现身,中低层武者也都慢慢起了动荡。 They also start to relate obviously with their present condition the Ancient God Cult initial bitter experience. 他们显然也开始将古神教当初的遭遇同自家眼下的状况联系起来。 Do not compel me to begin.” Chen Luoyang tone peaceful, takes a step, goes to the Blackwater Absolute Palace interior line. “别逼我动手。”陈洛阳语气云淡风轻,重新迈步,向黑水绝宫内部行去。 Front rival, is utterly routed. 面前一众敌手,溃不成军。 However under several apexes old and renowned scholar lead, Blackwater Absolute Palace people not thorough flurried, retreats fighting, draws back toward the palace in the deep place. 不过在几位顶尖耆宿带领下,黑水绝宫众人没有彻底慌乱,且战且退,退往宫中深处。 Chen Luoyang not busy is unhurried, does not press hard on excessively, but follows behind the opponent. 陈洛阳不忙不慌,不过分紧逼,而是跟在对手后方。 These people, should go to the place of Palace Lord closing up now. 这些人,现在应该正前往宫主闭关之地。 In the quick, large expanse of architectural complex, the small lake appears in the Chen Luoyang field of vision, the lake water is all black, strongly like black ink, smoothly like mirror. 很快,成片建筑群里,有一片小湖出现在陈洛阳视野里,湖水纯黑,浓烈如墨,平滑如镜。 Lake center islands, in the island have the palace to stand erect, is especially conspicuous. 湖中心一座岛屿,岛上有宫殿矗立,格外显眼。 The front door of palace, has also opened at this moment. 宫殿的大门,此刻也已经打开。 However, could see, was opened from outside forcefully. 不过,看得出,是被人强行从外面开启。 Still did not see Demon Empress the Ji Tianqiong form. 仍然不见“魔后纪天琼的身影。 Chen Luoyang crosses the lake surface, moves toward in the center of the lake island the main hall. 陈洛阳越过湖面,走向湖心岛上大殿。 By the palace entrance, can see that Blackwater Absolute Palace martial artist do not know is face that cries is smiles. 透过殿门口,可以看到黑水绝宫武者一张张不知是哭是笑的面庞。 Audience Blackwater Absolute Palace martial artist, is at this moment vacant, the embarrassed, worried and indignant, desperate sentiment can be seen in speech and appearance. 一众黑水绝宫武者,此刻茫然,难堪,忧愤,绝望之情溢于言表。 Like faced Savage Clan King to get the gate initially, actually discovered when Jiang Yi is missing the Ancient God Cult people. 像极了当初面临蛮荒族王打上门,却发现江懿失踪时的古神教众人。 Similarly declared Blackwater Absolute Palace Palace Lord Ji Tianqiong that closes up, unexpectedly seriously not. 同样宣称闭关的黑水绝宫宫主纪天琼,竟然当真不在。 Ancient God Cult one line sent pays respects Tie early, the time remains sufficiently to Blackwater Absolute Palace, the news spreads over the world early, is far from attacks suddenly. 古神教一行早早发了拜贴,时间给黑水绝宫留得充足,消息早传遍天下,谈不上突然袭击。 If Ji Tianqiong has the matter to be away from home, should hurry back with enough time. 如果纪天琼有事出门在外,也应该来得及赶回来了。 At this moment disappears, when Blackwater Absolute Palace high and low most vacant. 此刻不见踪影,黑水绝宫上下最时茫然。 At present can only depend on themselves, does wrestles finally. 眼下只能靠他们自己,做最后一搏。 Chen Luoyang looks toward that main hall in, sees a black coffin, impressively parking in. 陈洛阳朝那大殿里看去,就见一口黑棺,赫然停放其中。 Initially with the Chen Chuhua closely related that black coffin! 正是当初跟陈初华密切相关的那口黑棺! After Grand Land of the Divine Province fights, Chen Luoyang finally sees this treasure again, really returned to Blackwater Absolute Palace. 神州浩土一战之后,陈洛阳终于再次重新见到这件宝物,果然回到了黑水绝宫 Several Demon Palace Elder, are uniting around the black coffin, attempts to stimulate to movement the strength meets head-on Chen Luoyang. 几位魔宫长老,正团结在黑棺周围,尝试催动其中力量迎战陈洛阳 This mysterious black coffin to Blackwater Absolute Palace high and low, is quite mystical. 这口神秘的黑棺对黑水绝宫上下来说,也极为神秘。 From Demon Empress Ji Tianqiong, others are hard to contact, first Palace Lord Ling Cang, most time only will also suppress the seal, is unable to control. 源自“魔后纪天琼,旁人难以接触,前宫主凌苍,大多数时间也只是将之镇压封印,无法驾驭。 At present Ji Tianqiong oneself am missing, the black coffin had not actually carried off by her, still kept this place. 眼下纪天琼本人失踪,黑棺却没被她带走,仍留在此地。 Refuses to abandon hope, the Blackwater Absolute Palace people only have to make the final effort. 死马当作活马医,黑水绝宫众人唯有做最后的努力。 However, how whatever they attempt, the black coffin does not have the least bit to respond. 然而,任凭他们如何尝试,黑棺始终没有半点反应。 The Chen Luoyang as if wait and see appearance, has not continued take action, calmly stops in the main hall entrance, in the looks at palace the people competes with the black coffin. 陈洛阳则仿佛拭目以待的模样,并未继续出手,静静停在大殿门口,看着殿内众人跟黑棺较劲。 He did not say a word, the look was amiable. 他一言不发,神色随和。 The Blackwater Absolute Palace people even more are anxious, almost must feel to suffocate. 黑水绝宫众人则越发焦虑,几乎要感到窒息。 The body of young people stops up in the entrance, the back light stands, making in the palace the people unable to see clearly his expression, its shadow lengthens in the ground unceasingly, slowly close to people. 那年轻人的身躯堵在大门口,背光而立,令殿内众人看不清他表情,其影子在地面上不断延长,徐徐靠近众人脚下。 In the palace the atmosphere is getting more and more depressing, nearly solidification. 殿内气氛越来越压抑,近乎凝固。 The black coffin is actually the Blackwater Absolute Palace people to cause completely the skills, was still entirely still, asking everyone to start to feel desperate. 黑棺却任黑水绝宫众人使尽浑身解数,仍纹丝不动,叫所有人开始感到绝望。 After the moment, Chen Luoyang shakes the head, takes a step, walks into the main hall. 片刻后,陈洛阳摇摇头,重新迈步,走入大殿。 The Demon Palace people onset and retreat can not, have disposition staunch brave martial artist, charges into Chen Luoyang. 魔宫众人进退不得,有脾性刚烈勇武者,冲向陈洛阳 But does not see Chen Luoyang to have what movement, does not have shadow invisible “shadow moon”, then makes the opposite party be decapitated. 但不见陈洛阳有什么动作,无影无形的“影月”,便让对方身首异处。 Shoves open the coffin lid, perhaps Palace Lord Ji does not hide waits to ambush me, this is your last chances.” Before Chen Luoyang arrives at the coffin pauses, sizes up front black coffin interestingly. “推开棺盖,或许纪宫主不是藏身其中等着伏击我,这是你们最后的机会。”陈洛阳走到棺前停步,饶有兴趣打量面前的黑棺。 Several Blackwater Absolute Palace Elder smile bitterly. 几位黑水绝宫长老都苦笑。 This black coffin without doubt is the greatly ominous thing, shoves open the coffin lid, perhaps first dies is they. 这黑棺无疑是大凶之物,推开棺盖,说不定首先死的就是他们。 But at present does not have the means to think again, might as well try at risk of life, even if puts together to perish together well. 但眼下已经再无办法可想,不如拼死一试,哪怕拼个同归于尽也好。 Blackwater Absolute Palace several thousand years of legacy, as one of the demon path sacred ground, has proudly, is unwilling to conquer the humiliation for the foreign enemy. 黑水绝宫几千年传承,作为魔道圣地之一,自有骄傲在,不甘为外敌征服凌辱。 This moment several Elder look at each other one, sets firm resolve, simultaneously take action, pushes the coffin lid with joint forces! 此刻几位长老对视一眼,都下定决心,齐齐出手,合力去推棺盖! Finally, the black coffin is completely motionless. 结果,黑棺还是完全不动。 The Blackwater Absolute Palace people, feel desperate instantaneously. 黑水绝宫众人,瞬间感到绝望。 The Chen Luoyang seeing that eyebrow flutters, smiles, extend the hand. 陈洛阳见状眉毛轻扬,笑了笑,伸出手 Then, under an numerous Blackwater Absolute Palace martial artist shocking vision gaze, the black coffin coffin lid, was shoved open by Chen Luoyang! 然后,在一众黑水绝宫武者震惊的目光注视下,黑棺棺盖,被陈洛阳推开! Strong death qi gushes out, such as the fog like black ink, regarding around the black coffin, congealing is not loose. 浓重死气从中涌出,如雾如墨,围绕在黑棺周围,凝而不散。 Around the Chen Luoyang body also has black mist to surge, protects itself. 陈洛阳身体周围也有黑雾涌动,护住自身。 Meanwhile, Ksitigarbha Wheel, yellow earth writ talisman, azure wood writ talisman and "Life" character Heavenly Book and other all has prepared appropriately in view of the Underworld death intent treasure, can play the role momentarily. 与此同时,地藏轮黄土符诏青木符诏“生”字天书等诸般针对幽冥死意的宝物全都早已准备妥当,随时可以发挥作用。 However, after the black coffin was opened, not changes specially, has not attacked Chen Luoyang. 但是,黑棺被打开后,并无特殊变化,也没有攻击陈洛阳 Although there is a death qi overflow of savings, but the people carefully look, in coffin completely empty. 虽然有积蓄的死气溢出,但众人仔细看去,棺中空空如也。 Demon Empress Ji Tianqiong, not in inside. 魔后纪天琼,并不在里面。 The black coffin has not revealed the prestige energy, all light. 黑棺也没有显露威能,一切平平淡淡。 The Blackwater Absolute Palace people are greatly disappointed, the final hope is shattered at present. 黑水绝宫众人大失所望,最后的希望破灭在眼前。 The Chen Luoyang look is quiet, instead falls into the thinking. 陈洛阳神色沉静,反而陷入思索中。 He remembers that previously also in Grand Land of the Divine Province, attempting to explore the black coffin to be mysterious with Chen Chuhua together. 他记得早先还在神州浩土的时候,尝试跟陈初华一起探索黑棺奥妙。 At that time opened the coffin, he saw was also a spatial coffin. 当时开棺,他看到的也是一具空棺。 But Chen Chuhua said that in the coffin has the person indistinctly. 陈初华却说,棺中隐约有人。 Chen Luoyang hesitates is circling the coffin the line, extends a hand discretely discretely, searches into the coffin. 陈洛阳沉吟着绕棺而行,谨慎谨慎伸出一只手,探入棺内。 Under the careful sensation, in the black coffin anything does not have as before. 仔细感知下,黑棺里依旧什么也没有。 Now the Chen Luoyang cultivation base strength compared with is no comparison between them when Grand Land of the Divine Province initially completely. 如今陈洛阳修为实力比起当初在神州浩土时完全不可同日而语。 He searches the hand to enter the coffin at this moment, the feeling is also different. 他此刻探手入棺,感觉也不一样。 Except that can inquire about that thoroughly comprehends outside strength concept, Chen Luoyang suddenly has a strange feeling. 除了能更深入探寻参悟其中力量意境外,陈洛阳忽然有种奇异的感觉。 This black coffin, resembling is the genuine spatial coffin. 这黑棺,似是真正的空棺。 Thing of the without owner. 一件无主之物。 The feeling in this aspect, with was different initially. 这方面的感觉,同当初迥异。 Just, this black coffin is really powerful, 18th realm several Blackwater Absolute Palace Elder, are unable to refine it, is unable to stimulate to movement. 只不过,这黑棺着实强大,第十八境的几位黑水绝宫长老,无法将之炼化,无法催动。 Then is Chen Luoyang at present, feels strenuous. 便是陈洛阳眼下,也感到吃力。 He narrows the eyes, the vision is spooky. 他眯缝起双眼,目光幽幽。 Was own feeling is wrong? 是自己的感觉错了? Has the profound and abstruse principles seriously? 还是当真另有玄机? He points in the black coffin edge raps gently. 他手指在黑棺边缘上轻轻敲击。 Mind, white jade bottle in communication mind. 心神,则在沟通脑海中的白玉瓶 Then, inquired Ji Tianqiong! 然后,查询纪天琼 Previous time draws out the Jiang Yi news, in white jade bottle dark gold nectar consumes greatly, had not supplemented. 上次套出江懿消息,白玉瓶暗金琼浆消耗巨大,一直还没补充。 At present investigates another Martial Venerable big shot, rather must consume the family property that Chen Luoyang saves again, appears the ruined family. 眼下再查另一位武尊巨头,未免要把陈洛阳积攒的家底再消耗,显得败家。 However Chen Luoyang this time mainly to confirm in heart a suspicion. 不过陈洛阳这次主要是为了验证心中一个猜想。 The result showed, he guessed right. 结果证明,他猜对了。 dark gold nectar directly in white jade bottle bottoms, vanishes completely, but immediately restores the original design. 白玉瓶内的暗金琼浆直接见底,全部消失,但又马上恢复原样。 Presently is about equivalent to three big shot components nectar, wraps the Ji Tianqiong information, is insufficient. 当前大约相当于三个巨头份量的琼浆,套纪天琼的信息,不够数。 Compares in the hearsay the Ji Tianqiong cultivation base strength, this obviously has the issue. 对照传闻中纪天琼修为实力,这明显有问题。 She hidden the realm possibility is not high outward, should has the trick. 她对外隐藏境界的可能不高,应该是另有猫腻。 Ji Zhong is such, Han Mei and Xu Peng such? 姬重那样的,还是韩莓徐鹏那样的? Chen Luoyang thought that performs the second experiment again. 陈洛阳思索了一下,再做第二个试验。 Inquired Yang Qingshi, was the Jiang Yi previous generation. 查询杨青士,也就是江懿的前世。 Finally in white jade bottle nectar is unrelieved, directly presents the Jiang Yi information. 结果白玉瓶琼浆并无变化,直接呈现江懿的信息。 Chen Luoyang long puts out the one breath. 陈洛阳长长吐出一口气。 Inquired a person white jade bottle here, if had past intelligence same state of mind samsara several, that these world, can treat as the same person to regard, can regard as each first is still real he. 白玉瓶这里查询一个人,如果是有宿慧的同一个神魂轮回几世,那这几世人,可以当做同一人看待,也可以看做每一世仍是真实的他。 Checks Jiang Yi each first different names, can aim at him. 江懿每一世不同的名字,都可以指向他。 However, different he, contacts with another person respectively, then inquired the information of this person, middle Jiang Yi will only leave behind a so- called real name, respectively will present with each first different names? 但是,不同的他,跟另外一个人分别接触,那么查询这个人的信息,当中江懿是会只留下一个所谓的真名,还是会分别以每一世不同的名字呈现? The Chen Luoyang ponder, dried in the sun the Blackwater Absolute Palace people in one side. 陈洛阳沉思,把黑水绝宫众人晾在了一边。 Sees him to be distracted, some people move. 见他走神,有人一动。 But does not immediately have the indication, is decapitated, the scene is alarmed strangely. 但马上没有征兆,身首异处,场面诡异惊怖。 Everyone startled and anger, looks to Chen Luoyang. 所有人又惊又怒,望向陈洛阳 Chen Luoyang as if no to think, but also is patrolling. 陈洛阳则仿佛一无所觉,还在神游。 At this time, Su Ye was the head, the Ancient God Cult people also flushed, confronted with Blackwater Absolute Palace martial artist. 这时,苏夜为首,古神教众人也冲了进来,同黑水绝宫武者对峙。 Chen Luoyang did not speak, they then did not begin. 陈洛阳不发话,他们便也不动手。 The Blackwater Absolute Palace person falls into the difficult boundary. 黑水绝宫的人则陷入两难之境。 Finally, Chen Luoyang recovers. 终于,陈洛阳似是回过神来。 Ji Tianqiong, since is not , you antiwar crime, pledge allegiance to me at present, does not go into one's past, resists stubbornly, I may also help you.” 纪天琼既然不在,你们眼下非战之罪,归顺于我,既往不咎,负隅顽抗,我也可成全你们。” Two big demon path sacred ground person hearing this, regardless of the enemy and ourselves, the look is a little strange. 两大魔道圣地的人闻言,不论敌我,神色都有点怪。 Does not have big shot expert to assume personal command, loses to the same level martial way sacred ground, truly can't be considered error. 没有巨头强者坐镇,败给同层次的武道圣地,确实算不得过失。 But the issue is, at present this Cult Master Chen, just like them, Martial Saint...... 但问题在于,眼前这位陈教主,跟他们一样,都还是武圣啊……
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