IHPDMB :: Volume #6

#533: Dark Sword

On Lofty Light Mountain Ridge, searches Xie Xingmang location Yan Mingkong earnestly, in the double pupil frozen blue flashes brilliance suddenly. 崇光岭上,认真搜索解星芒所在燕明空,双瞳中冰蓝光辉猛然闪动一下。 She without delay, then sends out together sword qi immediately, cuts to under mountain ridge. 她二话不说,当即便发出一道剑气,斩向下方山岭 But falls on sword qi to mountain ridge previous quarter somewhere, the rock of that place blasts out suddenly. 而在剑气落到山岭某处的前一刻,那地方的山石猛然炸开。 As if the fountain is the same, the bloody water, underground runs out from the ravine together, is clever and swift and violent, catches up before Yan Mingkong sword qi, first runs away. 仿佛喷泉一样,一道血水,从山间地下冲出,灵巧而又迅猛,赶在燕明空剑气之前,抢先逃遁出去。 This bloody water rises suddenly instantaneously together far away Blood River, flies to escape toward the distant horizon. 这血水瞬间暴涨成一道迢迢血河,朝远方天际飞遁。 Yan Mingkong is unemotional, seems like that failed sword qi, as if winds the rivers that in the midair, turns around together the graceful arc, pursues tightly after Blood River. 燕明空面无表情,看似已经落空的剑气,在半空里也仿佛蜿蜒的河流,拐过一道曼妙的弧线,紧追在血河之后。 Nearby Daoist Ban Hai fixes the eyes on to look, the vision concentrates slightly. 一旁的半海道人定睛看去,目光微微一凝。 Sees sword qi of white clothing female, when dusky one piece, no longer was past Dark Sword has the move appearance. 就见白衣女子的剑气,灰蒙蒙一片,不再是往日冥剑出招时的模样。 The meaning of cold and gloomy withering does not see, on the contrary appears silent gentle. 森冷肃杀之意不见,反倒显得寂静平和。 Also probably together rivers. 也像是一道河流。 When only the person is looking at that say/way dusky sword qi river, the mind has the absent-minded feeling unexpectedly slightly, as if the state of mind must have the hole, joins in the rivers. 只是当人望着那道灰蒙蒙的剑气长河时,心神竟微微生出恍惚的感觉,仿佛神魂要出窍,投身河流之中。 Although only is looking from afar, but the Chen Luoyang heart has the premonition, if the state of mind really invests the river water, feared that is unable to come back again. 虽然只是远远望着,但陈洛阳心有预感,如果神魂真的投入河水,怕是再也无法回来。 That is one disappears the life, disappears the sentiment, only had the death with the tranquil river. 那是一条泯灭生命,泯灭感情,唯有死亡同宁静的长河。 ............ It looks like in legend Yellow Springs River of Forgetfulness to be the same. …………就像是传说中黄泉忘川一样。 After this is Yan Mingkong three type Dark Sword unite, does sword way live the transformation? 这就是燕明空三式冥剑合一之后,剑道所生蜕变吗? Chen Luoyang came the interest, carefully observes Yan Mingkong sword qi to melt the river. 陈洛阳来了兴趣,仔细观察燕明空剑气所化长河。 Sees that dusky river water, seems like not anxious, but closely pursues after fleeing Blood River. 就见那条灰蒙蒙的河水,看似不急,但紧紧追在遁逃的血河之后。 Blood River, naturally then brings Xie Xingmang to leave this place Xue Yeyu. 血河,自然便是带着解星芒离开此地的血夜雨 His not at all with Yan Mingkong in the plan that this place entanglement ratio fights, only wants to leave as soon as possible, do not tie down by the opposite party. 并没有燕明空在此地纠缠比斗的打算,只希望尽快离开,不要被对方缠住。 He is Blood River ancient elder, can contact many secrets. 他乃血河宿老,能接触许多机密。 Blood River lineage once hunted down Yan Mingkong wantonly, is her to grasp Underworld Sword Technique that. 血河一脉曾经大肆搜捕燕明空,意欲得到她所掌握的幽冥剑术 Then recognizes that white clothing female by Xue Yeyu one, is Yan Mingkong. 是以血夜雨一眼便认出那白衣女子,正是燕明空 only has not thought, the geomancy transfers in turn, once by Yan Mingkong that their Blood River captured, at this moment chased him unexpectedly in turn. 只是没想到,风水轮流转,曾经被他们血河追捕的燕明空,此刻竟然反过来追赶他了。 old in Jianghu Xue Yeyu not at all sets at the air/Qi with Yan Mingkong. 老于江湖血夜雨并没有燕明空置气。 He while fought the later confusion to plunder Xie Xingmang initially secretly, does not follow the Blood River large unit, stays in wilderness alone secretly, then for Xie Xingmang's type Absolute Sword. 他趁着当初大战之后的混乱暗自掳劫解星芒,不跟血河大部队走,独自偷偷栖身于蛮荒,便是为了解星芒的一式绝剑 To Underworld Sword Technique, he craves extremely, naturally covets Underworld Sword Technique that Yan Mingkong grasps very much. 幽冥剑术,他极为热衷,当然很眼热燕明空掌握的幽冥剑术 But Yan Mingkong can find his hiding place unexpectedly, knowledge not other more enemy in the vicinity? 燕明空竟然能找到他的藏身之地,焉知没有其他更多敌人在附近 Did not say other, Daoist Ban Hai, falls in his field of vision. 不说别的,半海道人,也落在他视野内。 Has not pondered to win the forethought defeat. 未虑胜先虑败。 In the not understanding the complete truth situation, Xue Yeyu don't dare excessively stays, but is the plan first casts off Yan Mingkong, after oneself safety, then slowly nosing concrete situation. 不明真相的情况下,血夜雨不敢过多停留,而是打算先甩开燕明空,待自身安全后,再徐徐查探具体情形。 Underworld Sword Technique that Yan Mingkong has although is good, but actually possibly is the bait that fishes him to swallow the bait. 燕明空拥有的幽冥剑术虽好,但却可能是钓他上钩的诱饵。 Xue Yeyu discrete , the restraint seduces, first walks for the best plan. 血夜雨谨慎之下,克制诱惑,先走为上策。 Blood River does not want to contact with Yan Mingkong Dark River, escapes rapidly. 血河不欲同燕明空冥河接触,迅速远遁。 However the Yan Mingkong Dark River speed, is above the Xue Yeyu imagination. 然而燕明空冥河的速度,超乎血夜雨想象。 That strange dusky sword qi, closely follows in Xue Yeyu behind. 那诡异的灰蒙蒙剑气,紧紧跟在血夜雨身后。 The white clothing female treads floating on Dark River, the clothes belt/bring works as the wind, controls Dark River sword qi, the speed seems unexpectedly getting more and more fast, eye looks at more overtakes near from Blood River. 白衣女子飘然踏在冥河上,衣带当风,驾驭冥河剑气,速度竟似乎越来越快,眼看着距离血河越追越近。 Chen Luoyang's Daoist Ban Hai doppelgänger, nearly does not follow on the heels, seeing in this heart to laugh in one's heart. 陈洛阳的半海道人分身,不远不近跟在后面,看见这一幕心中暗笑。 When Grand Land of the Divine Province, Yan Mingkong competes with Heavenly Demon Blood, besides comprehends type Dark Sword, in other martial way aspect comprehensions, mainly manifests is promoting the self-defence, must dispute with Heavenly Demon Undying Body. 神州浩土时,燕明空天魔血较劲,除了自行参悟一式冥剑外,在武道方面其他的领悟,主要体现在提升自身防御,要跟天魔不死身较量。 But after arriving at Mortal World, because was surrounded and captured to chase down by Heavenly River and Blood River numerous expert, the direction that therefore she practices martial art had/left some changes gradually. 而来到红尘界后,因为被天河血河众多高手围捕追杀,所以她习武的方向渐渐出了些变化。 Have the attack to murder outside sharp Underworld Sword Technique, she progressed quickly was movement technique transfers, in order to from numerous surrounded withdraws. 出了攻击杀伐犀利的幽冥剑术外,她进步最快的便是身法挪移,以便从重重包围里脱身。 At present her transcending mortality and becoming a Saint, sword technique enters greatly, unifies movement technique evasion technique by sword technique, making her figure speed also quicker and quicker. 眼下她超凡入圣,剑术大进,以剑法结合身法遁法,使得她身形速度也越来越快。 under the same realm compared with movement technique, Chen Luoyang must feel ashamed of one's inferiority. 同境界下身法,陈洛阳也要自愧不如。 Xue Yeyu then has bad luck at this moment. 血夜雨此刻便倒了霉。 Although he cultivation base realm is one level above compared with Yan Mingkong, but by the movement technique speed, had instead been inferior, more was overtaken near by Yan Mingkong. 他虽然修为境界燕明空高出一筹,但论身法速度,反而有所不如,以至于被燕明空越追越近。 Chen Luoyang estimates the distance between both sides, so long as Yan Mingkong pursues again about, she killed that Blackwater Absolute Palace Elder initially attacks movement technique strangely, should be able to display. 陈洛阳估算双方之间的距离,只要燕明空再追近一点,她当初袭杀那黑水绝宫长老的诡异突袭身法,应该就可以发挥了。 Under erupts the speed to increase suddenly suddenly, feared that can catch up with Xue Yeyu instantaneously. 骤然爆发下速度猛增,怕是能在瞬间追上血夜雨 However, Xue Yeyu is not the ordinary person. 不过,血夜雨也非等闲之辈。 Feels behind sword intent to be nervous and uneasy, punctures the person more and more, this Blood River Elder, turns around suddenly! 感受到背后剑意如芒在背,越来越刺人,这位血河长老,猛然掉头! Enormous and powerful swift and fierce Blood River sword light, strikes back instantaneously, cuts to Yan Mingkong. 浩荡凌厉的血河剑光,瞬间杀一个回马枪,斩向燕明空 When Xue Yeyu flees does not forget to observe the surrounding condition, opponent who notices another sloppy daoist appearance keenly, the speed seems to be slow, spreads out with Yan Mingkong gradually. 血夜雨遁逃时不忘观察周围状况,敏锐注意到另外一个邋遢道人模样的对手,速度似乎偏慢,渐渐同燕明空之间拉开距离。 These two tourmates, lose the opportunity that the mutual photo lends assistance protects temporarily. 这两个同行的人,彼此间暂时失去相互照应援护的机会。 In the wink of an eye, he only needs to face a Yan Mingkong opponent. 瞬息之间,他只需要面对燕明空一个对手。 Seizes this point opportunity, Xue Yeyu sticks out suddenly suddenly launches an attack, the implementation counter-attacks. 把握住这一点机会,血夜雨突然暴起发难,实施反扑。 He did not strive for cutting to kill Yan Mingkong, so long as wounded to the strange white clothing female this speed quickly, letting her to pursue itself not to put again tightly then. 他不求斩杀燕明空,只要将这个速度快到诡异的白衣女子击伤,让她不能再紧追自己不放即可。 So long as first throws off this hateful pursuing troops temporarily, then all from may attempt it slowly. 只要暂时先甩掉这可恶的追兵,接下来一切自可徐徐图之。 Blood River sword technique swift and fierce evil crafty, in this sword Xue Yeyu by the incisiveness that shows. 血河剑术之凌厉邪诡,在这一剑中被血夜雨展现的淋漓尽致。 However hits Yan Mingkong of too many social dealings to guard with Blood River expert early. 不过跟血河高手打过太多交道的燕明空对此早有提防。 Once, she facing Blood River Martial Saint, wanted to escape difficultly. 曾经,她面对血河武圣,想要逃跑都难。 But at this time is different in those days, she who cultivation base enters greatly, facing 17th realm Xue Yeyu, unhurriedly, keeps off Blood River depending on Dark River hardly. 但今时不同往日,修为大进的她,面对第十七境血夜雨,不慌不忙,凭冥河硬挡血河 both sides clash, the Yan Mingkong figure in a flash, the potential of Dark River advance, lives slightly at the scene, even non-stop rocking, as if there is potential of disintegration faintly, was nearly hit the loose appearance. 双方对撞,燕明空身形微微一晃,冥河前进之势,当场顿住,甚至不停晃动,仿佛隐隐有解体之势,险些被撞散的模样。 However carefully looked the focus that both sides sword light collides, actually sees Dark River sword light, breaks open Blood River sword light unexpectedly, deeply cuts into. 但是仔细看双方剑光碰撞的焦点,却见冥河剑光,竟破开血河剑光,深深斩入其中。 Said sword qi innumerably, simultaneously erupted from Dark River and Blood River, each other collision, disappeared the opposite party. 无数道剑气,同时从冥河血河中爆发出来,彼此碰撞,泯灭对方。 In the middle of this, Dark River sword qi by Blood River sword qi massive crushing. 这当中,冥河剑气血河剑气大量击碎。 But Blood River sword qi also loses the point, dissipates in invisible. 血河剑气本身也失去锋芒,消散于无形。 Is similar evilly this to the wicked sword, lost own life, fell into the death the condition. 就仿佛这至邪至恶之剑,失去了自己的生命,陷入死亡的状态。 Chen Luoyang's doppelgänger Daoist Ban Hai catches up from the rear area, sees this, in the heart to understand clearly from afar. 陈洛阳的分身半海道人从后方追上,远远看见这一幕,心中了然。 The advantage on Xue Yeyu cultivation base realm, is objective existence. 血夜雨修为境界上的优势,还是客观存在的。 Sets up Sacred Mountain, reaches the peak, cultivation base is concise and pure. 立起圣山,登上顶峰,一身修为凝练而又精纯。 But is exquisite by both sides sword way, is actually Yan Mingkong sword technique even better. 但论双方剑道精妙,却是燕明空剑术更胜一筹。 Moreover accurate, Yan Mingkong has not played a Underworld Sword Technique might truly. 而且准确来说,燕明空还没有真正发挥自己一身幽冥剑术的威力。 She by short of oneself, bumps the strong point of opposite party intentionally, to weigh to grasp her and real disparity between 17th realm Blood River Elder. 她是以己之短,故意去碰对方的长处,为的是衡量掌握她跟第十七境血河长老之间的真实差距。 After having changed this sword, Yan Mingkong has known fairly well. 换过这一剑后,燕明空已然心中有数。 But Xue Yeyu, then the facial color slightly changes. 血夜雨,则面色微微一变。 He also sees the plan of Yan Mingkong. 他也看出燕明空的打算。 But the result that these probes, makes in the Blood River Elder heart of other side sink suddenly. 而这一下试探的结果,则让另一方的血河长老心中猛然一沉。 Almost immediately, he determined, at present this white clothing female, cultivation base strength, above Xue Changkong and other Blood River 16th realm Martial Saint! 几乎在第一时间,他就确定,眼前这个白衣女子,修为实力,更在血长空血河第十六境武圣之上! Does not have the threat of Daoist Ban Hai in the one side, his Xue Yeyu unshackles to fight with Yan Mingkong, without many assurance can exceed the opposite party. 没有半海道人的威胁在一旁,他血夜雨放开手脚跟燕明空大战一场,也没有多少把握能胜过对方。 This Yan Mingkong, two type can Dark Sword, create so the appearance her? 这个燕明空,两式冥剑,可以将她造就成这般模样吗? Is it possible that did she assemble three type Dark Sword? 莫非,她齐集了三式冥剑 In the Xue Yeyu heart fiery of flash, wishes one could like taking Xie Xingmang takes Yan Mingkong. 血夜雨心中一瞬间的火热,恨不得像拿下解星芒一样拿下燕明空 But immediately he restores calmly, gives up not the realistic fantasy. 但马上他就恢复冷静,放弃不现实的幻想。 The sword light makes a feint, immediately casts off Yan Mingkong, must continue to flee. 剑光虚晃一招,马上甩开燕明空,就要继续遁逃。 Now, before he, first tidied up a thought of enemy to give up, only sought to leave wholeheartedly, in order to avoid oneself were besieged with Daoist Ban Hai by Yan Mingkong. 现在,他连之前先收拾一个敌人的念头都放弃了,只一心谋求离开,以免自己被燕明空半海道人围攻。 But Xue Yeyu wants to walk, Yan Mingkong actually does not give him this opportunity. 血夜雨想走,燕明空却不给他这个机会。 Before has changed a sword, is enough. 之前换过一剑,已经足够。 Then Yan Mingkong will not use just now like that the technique again, fights with Xue Yeyu. 接下来燕明空自不会再用方才那般手法,同血夜雨交手。 Her sword light, suddenly changed. 她的剑光,猛然变了。 In dusky Dark River, open wide door. 灰蒙蒙的冥河中,洞开扇门户 The gateway opens, the frozen blue radiance four shoot, instantaneously the Dark River freeze. 门户开启,冰蓝光华四射,瞬间将冥河冻结。 Freeze Dark River, instead a quicker speed extends by the analogy, in an instant Xue Yeyu that said Blood River also freezes! 冻结的冥河,反而以比方才更快的速度延伸,转眼之间就将血夜雨的那道血河也冻住! The ice-cold woods cold ray, at the irresistible speed, plunges Xue Yeyu oneself. 冰冷森寒的光芒,以势不可挡的速度,扑向血夜雨本人。 The Xue Yeyu facial color again changes. 血夜雨面色再次一变。 Because he actually feels, oneself sword light, is hard to resist Yan Mingkong sword momentum completely! 因为他竟然感觉到,自己的剑光,完全难以抵挡燕明空剑势 In Mortal World, Heavenly River and Blood River and called the sword way two-pole. 红尘界里,天河血河并称剑道两极。 Two big peaks stand erect together for many years, world-famous. 两大巅峰共同屹立多年,称雄于世。 However today, own Blood River is sword technique, utterly routed in front of Yan Mingkong sword momentum unexpectedly? 然而今天,自己的血河剑术,竟然在燕明空剑势面前溃不成军? Even both sides are also not fight with cultivation base realm, he obviously is higher than Yan Mingkong cultivation base realm! 甚至双方还不是同修为境界下交手,他明明比燕明空修为境界更高一层! Mistakenly, this female...... really gather completely three type Dark Sword! 错不了,这个女子……果然集齐了三式冥剑 Can three type Dark Sword collections in one, make her strength rise to so the degree unexpectedly? 三式冥剑集于一身,竟能让她的实力上升到这般程度吗? In the Xue Yeyu heart shocks at the same time, under the hand the movement is not slow. 血夜雨心中震惊的同时,手底下动作却不慢。 A phoenix cry sound of sad and shrill fierce, concealed terrifying gets up. 一声凄厉凶恶,隐含恐怖的凤鸣声响起。 By Blood River of frozen blue brilliance faint freeze, the change, was changed into a huge blood phoenix suddenly unexpectedly. 冰蓝光辉隐隐冻结的血河,骤然变化,竟化为一头庞大的血凤凰。 The blood phoenix places in the blood-color vortex, non-stop sending out long cry, launches the both wings to circle to dance in the air. 血凤凰身处血色的旋涡内,不停发出长鸣,展开双翅盘旋飞舞。 The powerful strength, crushes the ice layer in this moment. 强悍的力量,在这一刻粉碎冰层。 Yan Mingkong sees that in both eyes the frozen blue brilliance is more abundant. 燕明空见状,双目中冰蓝光辉更盛。 In that open wide the gate of underworld, presents the cold and gloomy deep prison scene. 在那洞开冥府之门内,呈现森冷冥狱景象。 This deep prison scene is no longer unreal, but as if arrives at Mortal World truly. 这冥狱景象不再虚幻,而是仿佛真正降临红尘界 The blood phoenix, was inhaled in the deep prison at this moment, must be suppressed by the cold ice. 血凤凰,这一刻被生生吸入冥狱之中,要被寒冰镇压。 But Xue Yeyu oneself, am as if hard to escape from so Misfortune, wants the footsteps of step blood phoenix, was attracted by altogether. 血夜雨本人,似乎也难以逃脱这般厄运,要步血凤凰的后尘,被一并吸进去。 Blood River Elder sees that exudes the severe howl. 血河长老见状,发出厉啸声。 Then was inhaled the deep prison, seems like that must march into the death thoroughly, is impossible to reverse the blood phoenix of life and death Nirvana again, blasts open suddenly on own initiative. 那被吸入冥狱,看似要彻底步入死亡,不可能再逆转生死涅槃的血凤凰,骤然主动炸裂开来。 Is quite rogue, terrifying sword intent that the nature dies certainly, erupts, resists the Yan Mingkong sword intent deep prison's suppression. 有极为凶恶,绝性绝命的恐怖剑意,从中爆发,对抗燕明空剑意冥狱的镇压。
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