IHPDMB :: Volume #6

#530: Lives it up

Since Zhao Rimian through informed and experienced, completes the task, then Chen Luoyang this Master of the Star Palace, naturally cannot treat unjustly him. 既然赵日眠通过历练,完成任务,那么陈洛阳这个星宫主人,自然不会亏待他。 Quick, small daoist Zhao was absorbed to attain "Star Palace" by Chen Luoyang. 很快,小赵道长陈洛阳摄拿到“星宫” Your tertiary passes informed and experienced, the reward is as follows.” The Master of the Star Palace low and deep and dignified sound resounds. “你的第三重历练通过,奖励如下。”星宫主人低沉而又威严的声音响起。 The Zhao Rimian front, presents a fruit. 赵日眠的面前,出现一枚果实。 After he saw, the breath is rapid immediately, passed the moment to return to normal. 他见了之后,呼吸顿时急促起来,过了片刻才平复。 Benevolent King Immortal Fruit, is he at present most urgently needed heavenly materials and earthly treasures. 仁王仙实,正是他眼下最急需的天材地宝 This treasure is quite rare in Mortal World, overwhelming majority centralized in three big dynasty hands, is Azure Cow Monastery this grade of Daoism sacred ground in the hand also is very short. 此宝在红尘中极为罕见,绝大部分集中在三大皇朝手中,便是青牛观这等道门圣地手里也很短缺。 This time, he delivered the Senior Brother a Qin Yumian huge merit, the opposite party obtains Benevolent King Immortal Fruit that in the monastery is a rear survival as the reward. 这一次,他送了师兄秦雨眠一场天大功劳,对方才得到观里硕果仅存的仁王仙实作为奖励。 But his Zhao Rimian, by his original foundation and position, then receiving and instructing the Daoist Ban Hai merit appropriates to oneself, is not necessarily able to obtain in the monastery to bestow this Benevolent King Immortal Fruit. 而他赵日眠,以他原先的根底与地位,便是将接引半海道人的功劳据为己有,都未必能得到观里赐下这枚仁王仙实 But now, long-awaited treasure, before oneself. 但现在,梦寐以求的宝物,就在自己面前。 This time he contends the position of Lord of Transformation, even has the teacher and supporting of 18th realm Elder Li Qingyuan, was still not safe, finally only danger dangerous victory. 这次他角逐化主之位,即便有自己师尊和第十八境长老李青原的力挺,仍然不稳当,最后只是险之又险的胜出。 The biggest reason is, his current cultivation base realm is fourteenth realm, rather than Qin Yumian such 15th realm peak Martial Emperor, the strength is insufficient the obedience. 最大原因便在于,他当前修为境界第十四境,而非秦雨眠那样的第十五境巅峰武帝,实力不足以服众。 Can be successful, besides displays the excellent rising trend and potential recently, must be lucky supporting of Li Qingyuan. 能够成功,除了近来表现出良好的上升势头与潜力外,也要多亏李青原的力挺。 Lord of Transformation Qin Yumian that he replaces is Li Qingyuan direct disciple, the ownership of position of new Lord of Transformation, Li Qingyuan has heavy right to speak. 他接替的化主秦雨眠李青原亲传弟子,新任化主之位的归属,李青原有很重的话语权。 Lord of the Azure Cow Monastery is not at present, in the view of leader general situation the abbot quite respects the opinion of Li Qingyuan in this matter. 青牛观主眼下不在,主持大局的观中监院在此事上相当尊重李青原的意见。 Zhao Rimian closes up to Li Qingyuan, joining in Li Qingyuan one is, Li Qingyuan supports, small daoist Zhao successfully mounts the position of Lord of Transformation finally. 赵日眠李青原靠拢,投身李青原一系麾下,李青原力挺,小赵道长终于成功登上化主之位。 But he this position, sits at present not steadily. 但他眼下这个位置,坐得并不稳。 The eyes of countless person are staring at him, waits to select his fault. 无数人的眼睛在盯着他,等着挑他的错处。 Present victory, only gradual victory. 眼下的胜利,只是阶段性的胜利而已。 Even Li Qingyuan is also observing, looked that actually Zhao Rimian whether may make the material. 甚至李青原同样在观察,看赵日眠究竟是否可造之材。 However now, in the small daoist Zhao heart is confident. 不过现在,小赵道长心中已然有底。 Obtains the Benevolent King Immortal Fruit that Master of the Star Palace bestows, he is hopeful in the time of one year or so, attacks 15th realm. 得到星宫主人赐下的这枚仁王仙实,他就有希望在一年半载的时间里,冲击第十五境 So long as achieves 15th realm, he can hold on to the Lord of Transformation position. 只要达到第十五境,他就可以坐稳化主的位置。 Meanwhile, at his current age, achieves 15th realm cultivation base, decides however can obtain further favoring of sect elder, works hard to train him. 同时,以他当前年纪,达到第十五境修为,也定然能得到师门长辈的进一步看好,更下力气培养他。 In the young daoist heart long relaxes, not only rouses and joyful. 年轻道士心中长松一口气,既振奋又喜悦。 The own beforehand judgment, is correct. 自己之前的判断,是正确的。 Master of the Star Palace seriously possess great magical power. 星宫主人当真神通广大 Beforehand Sublime Comprehension Immortal Fruit and Heavenly Valley Essence Jade, explained that the opposite party clearly knows he most needs what treasure, and is able to provide. 之前的崇明仙果天谷精玉,都说明对方清楚知道他最需要什么宝贝,并且有能力提供。 So long as he can through the informed and experienced test of this Master of the Star Palace, opposite party here as if have everything expected to find. 只要他能通过这位星宫主人的历练考验,对方这里就仿佛应有尽有。 Zhao Rimian is on good terms decisively Qin Yumian, gives the opposite party the most merit, successfully makes contact with behind Qin Yumian Li Qingyuan this big backer, a foundation deeper background in Azure Cow Monastery was been stronger by oneself, the position of Lord of Transformation finally after can replace Qin Yumian rises high, to empty. 赵日眠果断交好秦雨眠,将大半功劳让给对方,成功搭上秦雨眠背后李青原这座大靠山,让自己在青牛观中根底更深背景更强,最终得以接替秦雨眠高升后空出来的化主之位。 Now, in "Star Palace", he also successfully obtains in Azure Cow Monastery countless people to break Benevolent King Immortal Fruit that cannot snatch, kills two birds with one stone, gains full. 现在,在“星宫”,他也成功得到青牛观里无数人打破头都抢不到的仁王仙实,一箭双雕,赚个盆满钵满。 Three months the laborious troubles, have not wasted finally. 三个月来的辛苦周折,总算没有白费。 Zhao Rimian receives Benevolent King Immortal Fruit, the heart is fiery, toward dark void ritual: Apologized to the senior.” 赵日眠收起仁王仙实,心头火热,朝着黑暗的虚空一礼:“谢过前辈。” Next time will test, and is not first anxious, after you break through to 15th realm, the side is the fourth informed and experienced opportunity.” Chen Luoyang said by the Master of the Star Palace tone lightly: Oneself make the best use of the time.” “下次考验,且先不急,待你突破至第十五境之后,方是第四次历练之机。”陈洛阳星宫主人的口吻淡淡说道:“自己抓紧时间。” Yes, senior.” Zhao Rimian replied: Younger generation decides studies hard assiduously, does not disappoint the senior to expect, will strive soon to break through 15th realm, reaching perfection.” “是,前辈。”赵日眠答道:“晚辈定勤勉用功,决不辜负前辈期望,争取早日突破第十五境,出神入化。” Heard that then does not have the duty, in the Zhao Rimian heart to be far with ease. 闻听接下来没有任务,赵日眠心中谈不上轻松。 On the contrary, the enthusiasm in his heart, surges upward unprecedentedly. 相反,他心中的热情,正前所未有高涨。 Previously, he in the Azure Cow Monastery direct legacy younger generation, did not say that vanished however the people, but the position is unable to place on a par with Ye Canmian, Zhang Chunmian, Qin Yumian et al . 此前,他在青牛观嫡传年轻一代中,不说泯然众人,但地位无法跟叶蚕眠张春眠秦雨眠等人相提并论。 But now, he has escaped clever come out successfully. 而现在,他已然成功脱颖而出 Although cultivation base strength also weak in the topest several people, the potential that but shows, causes the sect elder to favor much. 虽然修为实力还弱于最顶尖的几人,但彰显出来的潜力,引起更多师门长辈看好。 Azure Cow Monastery, will incline more resources to train him, is on par gradually Zhang Chunmian, Qin Yumian et al . 青牛观,会倾斜更多的资源培养他,渐渐比肩张春眠秦雨眠等人。 The small daoist Zhao following road will then walk smooth. 赵道长接下来的路便会走得更顺。 Therefore obtains the sect incline resources to be getting more and more, forms the forward circulation. 于是得到师门倾斜资源越来越多,形成正向的循环。 This was Ye Canmian wait/etc. the topest several people once or path. 这正是叶蚕眠等最顶尖几人曾经或正在走的道路。 Now, his Zhao Rimian also had the opportunity. 现在,他赵日眠也有机会了。 But in turn, the momentum that if some day, he rises compares to be slow the present, sect then also possibly correspondingly adjusts. 但反过来,如果有朝一日,他上升的势头相较于现在慢下来,师门便也可能相应调整。 Although his present foundation by far in those days, but still obviously weak. 他眼下的根基虽然远胜往日,但仍显薄弱。 Compares has in always never before , but duplicate/restores loses makes one lose without doubt. 相较于从来不曾拥有,得而复失无疑更让人失落。 Inserts small daoist Zhao of life speedway with great difficulty, is naturally unwilling to be pushed again. 好不容易插进人生快车道的小赵道长,自然不甘心再被人挤出去。 His vision becomes quiet, but eyeground most deep place, as if there is flaming roaring flame combustion. 他目光变得沉静,但眼底最深处,仿佛有熊熊烈焰燃烧。 No matter for what reason, oneself must in most in a short time, break through to 15th realm...... 不管为了什么理由,自己都一定要在最短时间内,突破至第十五境…… Respectful after Master of the Star Palace said goodbye, the Zhao Rimian figure, under the dark starry sky vanishes. 恭敬的向星宫主人告辞后,赵日眠的身形,在黑暗星空下消失。 Chen Luoyang's mind, takes back from "Star Palace". 陈洛阳的心神,也从“星宫”收回。 In Ancient God Cult main altar Divine Demon Palace, his sitting high on the seat, the finger raps the seat arm rest gently. 古神教总坛神魔宫内,他高居座上,手指轻轻敲击座椅扶手。 Trades Benevolent King Immortal Fruit by the "parasol tree" status in "tree house" with Li Gucheng, is the Azure Cow Monastery Zhao Rimian preparation. “梧桐”的身份在“树屋”李故城换来仁王仙实,正是为青牛观赵日眠准备。 This thing truly is rarely scarce, Ancient God Cult has not stored goods at present on hand. 这东西确实稀少难得,古神教眼下手头都没有存货。 Small daoist Zhao had the contact with little Prince Li in the Mortal World reality, previously Chen Luoyang never before expected. 赵道长小李王爷红尘现实中有了接触,此前陈洛阳不曾料到。 However this not influence original arrangement, this Benevolent King Immortal Fruit matter, Zhao Rimian in the belly, will certainly keep one's mouth shut rottenly. 不过这不影响本来的安排,这枚仁王仙实的事情,赵日眠一定会烂在肚子里,守口如瓶。 If this time cannot obtain Benevolent King Immortal Fruit from Master of the Star Palace in the hand, he has possibility to find the way to relate Western Qin imperial prince Li Gucheng this rare personal connection actually to try to find the solution in private. 要是这次没能从星宫主人手里得到仁王仙实,他倒是有可能自己想办法私下联系西秦皇子李故城这难得人脉想办法。 Changes as for Zhao Rimian just now mentality, Chen Luoyang approximately can grasp. 至于赵日眠方才的心态变化,陈洛阳大约能把握住。 This is he expects. 这正是他所期望的。 It is not shy has the ambition. 不怕人有野心。 The opposite party not want not to strive , is quite troublesome. 对方无欲无求,才比较麻烦。 Then Zhao Rimian this side can first, let the small daoist Zhao wholly-absorbed cultivation slowly, to break through 15th realm prepares. 接下来赵日眠这边可以先缓缓了,让小赵道长专心修炼,为突破第十五境做准备去吧。 Azure Cow Monastery following a long time, will be quite peaceful. 青牛观接下来很长一段时间,都会比较安静。 Chen Luoyang wants to direct them, must pay attention to the criterion, helping them cover Monastery Lord not in the Mortal World truth. 陈洛阳想使唤他们,也要注意尺度,帮他们掩盖观主不在红尘界的真相。 Temporarily first nearly did not hang to do with them with doppelgänger Daoist Ban Hai. 暂时就先用分身半海道人跟他们不远不近吊着打交道好了。 Speaking of Daoist Ban Hai, at present similarly and other Yan Mingkong news. 说到半海道人,眼下同样在等燕明空的消息。 Just like Zhao Rimian and Han Mei, Yan Mingkong similarly in secretly cultivating. 赵日眠韩莓一样,燕明空同样在潜修 Three type Dark Sword assemble, she must start sprint 16th realm, tried to lighten lights a fire, breaks through to Martial Saint realm. 三式冥剑齐集,她要开始冲刺第十六境,试图点亮生火,突破至武圣境界了。 When she succeeds, her next trend decides however goes to wilderness, seeks for Xue Yeyu and Xie Xingmang's whereabouts. 等她成功,她下一步动向定然是前往蛮荒,寻找血夜雨解星芒的下落。 Before then, Chen Luoyang is not impatient. 在此之前,陈洛阳也不心急。 If the time without enough time, makes Daoist Ban Hai follow Yan Mingkong to walk when the time comes together. 如果到时候时间来不及,就让半海道人跟着燕明空一起走一趟。 Perhaps if the time with enough time, he sends out personally, moves the physique simply. 如果时间来得及,他本人或许亲自出动,索性活动一下筋骨。 After Chen Luoyang directs in again Divine Demon Palace various people and Liu Si practice martial art secretly, he returns to oneself peaceful room to sit cross-legged to sit in meditation. 陈洛阳再指点一下神魔宫中各人和暗地里刘思习武之后,他返回自己的静室盘膝打坐。 Little leans, sky over Chen Luoyang top of the head, float five black balls. 少倾,陈洛阳头顶上空,悬浮五个黑色的球。 Heavy, gloomy, ominous, fierce. 沉重,晦暗,不祥,凶恶。 As if five rounds of black great sun, seem like five immeasurably deep bottomless abyss. 仿佛五轮黑色的大日,又像是五个深不可测的无底之渊 Sky over Chen Luoyang looks at top of the head five rounds of “black sun”, static breathing controls one's breathing. 陈洛阳看着头顶上空的五轮“黑日”,静静吐纳调息。 Then, sees sixth round of “black sun”, slowly in his top of the head congealment forming, grows strong unceasingly, to afterward, posted with beforehand five rounds of “black sun”. 然后,就见第六轮“黑日”,慢慢在他头顶凝结成形,不断发展壮大,到得后来,与之前五轮“黑日”并列。 Under the peaceful mind cultivation, the time passes rapidly. 静心修炼下,时光飞速流逝。 Then enough several months, Mortal World compared previously, was tranquilly more peaceful. 接下来足足几个月时间内,红尘界相比此前,平静安宁许多。 It is not tranquil except for the Western Qin Dynasty interior storm, the imperial family, Minor Western Paradise and Abyss of Suffering conflict outside, in Mortal World other places, relatively are unceasingly gentle. 除了西秦皇朝内部风浪仍未平静,皇室、小西天苦海冲突不断外,红尘界里其他地方,都相对平和。 Perhaps previously conflicted and bled is too too fierce, everyone needs time recuperation to live. 或许是此前冲突与流血太多太剧烈,大家都需要时间休养生息。 Also perhaps is because was short of somebody to do the matter in secret...... 也或许是因为少了某人暗中搞事…… Somebody are accumulating slowly, the digestion estimated previously studied, mediates the Great Technique of Stealing the Sky and Exchanging the Sun concealed worry. 某人自己在慢慢积淀,消化揣摩此前所学,排解偷天换日大法的隐忧。 But after tranquil approximately six months, in Mortal World the undercurrent surges again. 而在平静大约半年时间后,红尘界里暗潮再次涌动。 Chen Luoyang's doppelgänger Daoist Ban Hai, receives the long no message Empress Yan Mingkong pass on message. 陈洛阳的分身半海道人,接到久无音讯的“女帝燕明空传讯。 Inquired Xue Yeyu to him with the Xie Xingmang's concrete whereabouts. 向他询问血夜雨解星芒的具体下落。 Chen Luoyang slight nod. 陈洛阳微微点头。 Opposite party success transcending mortality and becoming a Saint 对方成功超凡入圣 If obtains Xie Xingmang that type Absolute Sword again, perhaps she will continue to advance triumphantly. 如果再得到解星芒那一式绝剑,她说不定会继续高歌猛进。 Also should make Mortal World live it up...... Chen Luoyang to smile. 也该让红尘界重新热闹起来了……陈洛阳笑笑。 Already who the previous Great Technique of Stealing the Sky and Exchanging the Sun future trouble extinguishes, can look for the new goal. 已经将前一次偷天换日大法后患消弭的自己,可以去找新的目标。 Chen Luoyang called Xie Buxiu, Su Wei, Zhang Tianheng and other trusted subordinates. 陈洛阳召来谢不休苏伟张天恒等亲信。 I will leave some main altar date and time, your each then stay peacefully in respective post.” “我会离开总坛些时日,你们各安其职即可。” Listened to the Chen Luoyang's words, the Su Wei three people slightly somewhat are accidental: Cult Master, you left, within the cult matter ……” 听了陈洛阳的话,苏伟三人都略有些意外:“教主,您离开了,教中的事……” In the half year, in Mortal World calm and steady, Ancient God Cult is not peaceful. 这半年来,红尘里安稳,古神教内部却不太平。 Situation of Cult Master Jiang after Mortal World tends to be steady, announced closes up. 江教主红尘间局势渐趋平稳后,宣布闭关。 Tang Yiming, Hong Biao and the others could not remonstrate, in heart depressed. 汤乙明洪彪等人劝谏不得,都心中郁闷。 After Divine Demon Palace breathes in fresh air, Vice-Cult Master Chen influence and strength, rising trend not previously that violent swift and violent, but a stair is steadily upward, although slow, but does not have any meaning of stop, irresistible. 神魔宫纳新之后,陈副教主的势力与实力,上升势头没有先前那么暴烈迅猛,但一步一个台阶稳稳向上,虽然慢但没有任何停顿的意思,势不可挡。 Lucky, before Cult Master Jiang closes up, summoning Du Qiming Elder Du to return to main altar to come between coordinated. 万幸,江教主闭关前,召了杜期明杜长老回到总坛居中协调。 Has ancient elder expert that this Ancient God Cult have several to assume personal command, other person of many a little energy facing Vice-Cult Master Chen, being insufficient make the situation out of control. 有这位古神教有数的宿老强者坐镇,其他人多少有点底气面对陈副教主,不至于让局势一发不可收拾。 But under the six months pressure, they lose the position unceasingly, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger. 但近半年来的压力下,他们不断丧失阵地,压力越来越大。 At this time if Chen Luoyang left suddenly, the difficult insurance opposite party not to rebound. 这个时候陈洛阳如果忽然离开,难保对方不会反弹。 After all Vice-Cult Master Chen one is troops, at present after the weak area lies in leaving Chen Luoyang oneself, lacks second in command who a qualifications strength all suffices the weight/quantity. 毕竟陈副教主一系人马,眼下短板就在于离开陈洛阳本人后,缺少一个资历实力全都够分量的二把手。 Sees Su Wei and concealed worry in Xie Buxiu vision, Chen Luoyang said indifferently: Some people jump, best.” 看到苏伟谢不休目光中的隐忧,陈洛阳淡然道:“有人跳出来,最好不过。”
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