IHPDMB :: Volume #5

#421: Ultimate target

The middle-aged man not making a sound, relayed in the palace. 中年男子不声不响,在宫中转了一圈。 Even if passes through from others, others is unable to discover his existence. 哪怕是从别人面前经过,旁人似也无法发现他的存在。 This middle-aged man arrives at a courtyard finally, stands under ancient tree, raises the head to look at the treetop, long time did not speak. 这中年男子最后来到一间院落,站在一株古树下,仰首望着树梢,半晌不语。 In him behind, in the courtyard also a silent appeared black-clothed and white-haired old man, stands silently, does not make noise. 在他身后,院落中也无声无息多了一个黑衣皓首的老者,默默站立,并不出声。 Long time later, the middle-aged man says: Is under him the hand?” 良久之后,中年男子开口说道:“是他下的手?” The black-clothed and white-haired old man replied: Yes.” 黑衣皓首的老者答道:“是。” The middle-aged man also asked: Also was he tells you, I and Shan Jing past matter?” 中年男子又问道:“也是他告诉你们,我和山静当年的事?” Earlier Heaven Palace Qian Trigram of the Heaven Elder You Hao replied again: Yes.” 先天宫乾天长老游浩再次答道:“是。” Mister Tianji said: I 30 years ago, then no longer manages the Earlier Heaven Palace matter.” 天机先生说道:“我三十年前,便不再管先天宫的事。” black-clothed and white-haired You Hao, nods: Old man understands, apologizing should...... the mister.” 黑衣皓首游浩,点点头:“老夫明白,谢过应……先生。” The meaning of opposite party, will not investigate the rebels in their these Earlier Heaven Palace obviously. 对方的意思,显然不会追究他们这些先天宫内的反叛者。 Naturally, Earlier Heaven Palace from now on, again difficult with the aid of the Mister Tianji given name shock and awe four directions, within this actually in You Hao and the others expected. 当然,先天宫从今往后,也再难借助天机先生的名号震慑四方,这倒是在游浩等人预料之内。 The opposite party do not pay attention to this Palace Lord to change, is lucky. 对方不理会这次宫主更替,已经是万幸。 Some only family affairs, need to process.” Mister Tianji turns around finally, looks at Qian Trigram of the Heaven Elder You Hao. 只是有些家事,需要处理。”天机先生终于转过身来,看着乾天长老游浩 The old men open the mouth saying: Old man has assigned Earlier Heaven Palace then to close off a mountain area.” 老者开口道:“老夫已经命先天宫接下来封山。” Mister Tianji must look to strike to kill Shan Jing Cheng Yingtian, You Hao at this moment naturally is the explicit statement, draws a line with Cheng Yingtian. 天机先生要去找击杀山静程应天,游浩此刻自然是明确表态,同程应天划清界限。 That is good.” Mister Tianji nods. “那就好。”天机先生颔首。 Then his line of sight, swept one toward Earlier Heaven Palace behind. 然后他的的视线,朝先天宫后方扫了一眼。 That child can hear the Heavenly Phoenix whining noise, somewhat found the Earlier Heaven Catacomb possibility, you seize the opportunity well.” “那个孩子能听见天凤鸣声,有几分找到先天冢的可能,你们好好把握机会。” Notices the Mister Tianji line of sight direction Qian Trigram of the Heaven Elder You Hao, in the heart is one tight. 注意到天机先生视线方向的乾天长老游浩,心中便是一紧。 Before hearing the opposite party, half a word words, the heart of You Hao nearly stops. 待听到对方前半句话,游浩的心脏更是险些停跳。 Until after hearing, half a word words, clutch the tight heart to relax slightly. 直到听到后半句话,揪紧的心脏才略微放松。 The old men said slowly: Short 1-2 years, the long 35 years, should be clear.’ 老者徐徐说道:‘短则1-2,长则三五年,应该就见分晓了。’ You seize the opportunity, I will not meddle.” Mister Tianji said. “你们自己把握机会,我不会插手。”天机先生言道。 You Hao is silent, then bows a ritual: Thanks.’ 游浩沉默,然后躬身一礼:‘谢谢。’ Does not need to thank me.” Mister Tianji passes through from his side, leaves the courtyard. “不必谢我。”天机先生从他身边走过,离开院落。 Qian Trigram of the Heaven Elder You Hao is straight the body, is looking at the Mister Tianji back, says: Demon Palace Ling Cang, Mad Sovereign Bie Donglai, once came before.” 乾天长老游浩直起身体,望着天机先生的背影,开口说道:“魔宫凌苍,‘疯皇别东来,之前都曾现身。” I know.” The Mister Tianji form disappears: Is thank you, eldest senior brother.” “我知道。”天机先生的身影消失:“不过还是谢谢你,大师兄。” You Hao turns the head to look ancient tree to the institute, restores silent, stands still does not speak. 游浩转头望向院中古树,恢复沉默,静立不语。 Mister Tianji had/left Earlier Heaven Palace, the eye pupil of eyes, gets makes the Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven appearance simultaneously. 天机先生出了先天宫,双眼的眼瞳,同时变作先天八卦图模样。 Sky over the top of the head, float huge Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven, slowly rotation. 其头顶上空,也悬浮一个巨大的先天八卦,徐徐转动。 Mister Tianji lifts the hand, the index finger fingertip, infiltrates one drop to imitate the buddhist treasure stone radiant blood bead. 天机先生抬手,食指指尖,渗透出一滴仿佛宝石般璀璨的血珠。 Above this drop of blood bead flies into huge Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven, then Eight Trigrams Diagram rotation. 这滴血珠飞入上方巨大的先天八卦图里,然后八卦图转动。 After the moment, Mister Tianji takes a step, the figure vanishes outside Earlier Heaven Palace. 片刻后,天机先生重新迈步,身形在先天宫外消失。 When he comes again, has placed Southern Chu Dynasty another border area, close to the place of Southern Wasteland. 待他再现身时,已然身处南楚皇朝另一片边疆,靠近南荒之地。 The Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven rotation in Mister Tianji double pupil, walks in wooded mountains. 天机先生双瞳中的先天八卦图转动,行走在一片山林间。 His footsteps suddenly stopped, Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven in double pupil vanishes, restores the normal appearance, turns the head to look to another side mountain range. 他脚步忽然一顿,双瞳中的先天八卦图消失,恢复正常模样,转头看向另一边的山峦。 A big form takes a step come out. 一个高大的身影从中迈步而出 Mister Tianji said: Guessed correctly that you possibly come, but has not expected you are first.” 天机先生言道:“猜到你可能来,但没料到你是第一个。” Naturally is my first.” newcomer said: Is victorious hits, cannot be victorious loses, besieges the words that or picks up a bargain, I had no interest, must hit, hit your full of vigor and energy time.” “当然是我第一个。”来者言道:“打得过就打,打不过就输,跟人围攻或者捡便宜的话,我就没兴趣了,要打,就打你神完气足的时候。” The Mister Tianji top of the head presents huge Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven: Bie Donglai, you do not lose candidly, but did not have self-knowledge.” 天机先生头顶出现巨大的先天八卦图:“别东来,你倒不失磊落,但没有自知之明。” newcomer, is Mad Sovereign Bie Donglai. 来者,正是“疯皇别东来 We were not resentful in those days, recently did not have the enmity, only cultivates the behavior to speak the good faith, I complied with helping other helping hand, today must fight with you.” He shakes the head: I will not besiege you jointly, but you should better not to think keeps the strength to deal with the following person, otherwise I kill you, does not satisfy a craving.” “咱俩往日无怨,近日无仇,只是做人要讲信义,我答应助人一臂之力,今天就必然要跟你一战。”他摇摇头:“我不会跟人联手围攻你,不过你最好不要想着留力对付后面的人,否则我打死你,都不过瘾。” Saying, is a fist hits to Mister Tianji. 说着,便是一拳向天机先生打去。 In front of Mister Tianji huge Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven rotation. 天机先生面前巨大的先天八卦图转动。 The fist of Bie Donglai hits, when unlike previously to fighting Blackwater Absolute Palace Palace Lord Ling Cang like that with irresistible force. 别东来的拳头打上去,不似先前对战黑水绝宫宫主凌苍时那般势如破竹。 Present Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven, the mire was probably same, making his fist fall. 眼前的先天八卦图,像是泥潭一样,使得他拳头陷了进去。 In Bie Donglai own sensation, although Mister Tianji at present, but oneself as if lose the trail position of opposite party. 别东来自己的感知中,虽然天机先生就在眼前,但自己仿佛失去对方的踪迹位置。 A fist of destroying the hardest defenses, loses the goal suddenly probably, does not know that should fall toward where. 无坚不摧的一拳,一时间像是失去目标,不知该落往何处。 He not startled counter- happy: Your this old doesn't cultivate, really has one set.” 他不惊反喜:“你这老不修,果然有一套。” Has the arm of fist, shakes suddenly. 出拳的手臂,猛然一抖。 Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven rocks. 先天八卦图为之晃动。 The surrounding world is void, non-stop shaking like the wave shivers. 周围天地虚空,也像水波一样不停震荡颤抖。 Follows this movement, that falls in the Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven water of his fist the inverted image to break equally. 伴随这个动作,那陷住他拳头的先天八卦图似水中倒影一样破碎开来。 Bie Donglai one step forwards, attacks again to Mister Tianji, simultaneously laughs saying: Your skill should be not limited to this, but also there is any skill, with!” 别东来一步向前,再次攻向天机先生,同时大笑道:“你本事该不止于此,还有什么本事,都拿出来吧!” After Bie Donglai and Blackwater Absolute Palace Palace Lord fights after Earlier Heaven Palace, in the Southern Chu land erupts the world-shaking war again. 别东来黑水绝宫宫主先天宫外一战之后,南楚大地上再次爆发惊天动地的大战。 Fights several moves, Mister Tianji then knows fairly well. 交手几招,天机先生便心中有数。 At present this seemingly bewildered lunatic, a strength, really intrepidly. 眼前这个看起来莫名其妙的疯子,一身实力,着实强悍至极。 In Mortal World various big shot, Empress Xu Ruotong is youngest, Mad Sovereign Bie Donglai discussed the age is but actually two positions. 红尘巨头中,女皇许若彤年纪最轻,“疯皇别东来论年岁则是倒二的位置。 But these two young later generations, have actually exceeded many seniors. 但这两个年轻的后辈,却已然超越不少前辈。 By the energy of Mister Tianji, only has the calm full power to deal at this moment. 天机先生之能,此刻也唯有沉着的全力应对。 both sides fight, without many probes, almost first then bring forth the true strength, turns the superheating. 双方交手,没有多少试探,几乎第一时间便拼出真火,进入白热化。 In the distant hills, in the mountain forest of cover, Chen Luoyang looks into this war from afar. 远方群山间,茂密的山林里,陈洛阳远远眺望这场大战。 He at this moment, places oneself in a giant transparent crystal stone, his whole person package is one of them, the amber is probably common. 他此刻,置身于一枚巨大的透明晶石,将他整个人包裹在其中,像是琥珀一般。 This is Heavenly River Old Sword Immortal gives "Demon Venerable" gift Heavenvault Stone. 这是天河老剑仙送给“魔尊”的礼物穹天石 Initially under the Western Qin Imperial Capital Zhengyang City dry well, Chen Luoyang then with the aid of this supreme treasure, defended Great Emperor of Western Qin final counter-attack, successfully took "Soul" character Heavenly Book. 当初在西秦皇都政阳城的枯井下,陈洛阳便是借助这件至宝,防住了西秦大帝最后的反扑,成功将“魂”字天书拿到手。 After period of time recuperation, Heavenvault Stone can use again, now was used to hide own figure by Chen Luoyang, prevents to be discovered by Mister Tianji. 经过一段时日的休养后,穹天石可以再次使用,现在被陈洛阳用来隐藏自己的身形,防止被天机先生发现。 In Mortal World various big shot, the Mister Tianji strength is not only uncommon, simultaneously one of the perception capability possibly topest several. 红尘巨头中,天机先生不仅实力不凡,同时感知能力可能最顶尖的几位之一。 To hide the truth from him, even if there is a Heavenvault Stone guard, still wants the cautious control distance, cannot depend excessively near. 想要瞒过他,即便有穹天石护身,也要谨慎控制距离,不能靠得过近。 However, in white jade bottle through mind, he knows that another location in this hills, Cheng Yingtian is like him, calmly looks on at present this war. 不过,通过脑海中的白玉瓶,他知道在这群山间另一处所在,程应天跟他一样,正静静旁观眼下这一场大战。 Moreover he knows, the opposite party has also prepared. 而且他知道,对方也有所准备。 War between Bie Donglai and Mister Tianji, each other has not really retained, hits extremely frigidly. 别东来天机先生之间的大战,果然彼此没有保留,打得极为惨烈。 Arrived afterward, the fist of Bie Donglai smashing world, broke Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven that Mister Tianji protected oneself directly. 到得后来,别东来粉碎天地的一拳,正面打破天机先生护身的先天八卦图 But the Mister Tianji figure flashes, appears in the position of the world another corner/horn. 天机先生身形一闪,在天地另外一角的位置出现。 Meanwhile, the Bie Donglai chest front presents one to flash the brilliance Eight Trigrams Diagram mark, and starts an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration to burst, might make the Bie Donglai whole person torn to pieces. 同时,别东来胸前出现一个闪动光辉的八卦图纹,并开始寸寸崩解破裂,像是要让别东来整个人支离破碎一样。 Bie Donglai fights with the fists to oneself, first step destroys this Eight Trigrams Diagram mark, oneself escape death by a hair's breadth. 别东来一拳打向自己,抢先一步将这个八卦图纹打碎,本人则幸免于难。 But his figure sways slightly, obviously has been injured. 但他身形微微摇晃一下,显然已经受了伤。 But Mister Tianji that another side comes, seemingly evades the Bie Donglai iron fist, but the facial color actually appears the unhealthy paleness. 而另外一边现身的天机先生,看似避过别东来的铁拳,可是面色却浮现不健康的苍白。 The fight result, impressively is just now mutually wounded. 方才交手结果,赫然两败俱伤。 But almost at the same time, golden Light Radiance, suddenly appears in the world. 而几乎同一时间,金色的光明煌,突然出现在天地间。 Does not have Chen Luoyang to expect, waits for person incessantly one here. 不出陈洛阳所料,等在这里的人不止一个。 Sovereign of Chu. 楚皇到了。 Sends out Gold Dragon of heaven-shocking dragon roar sound, when Mister Tianji fights Bie Donglai, initiates the sneak attack, goal Mister Tianji. 发出惊天龙吟声的金龙,在天机先生大战别东来之际,发起偷袭,目标正是天机先生 However, Mister Tianji seems like has the expectation general early, blocks Sovereign of Chu in view of his sneak attack. 不过,天机先生像是早有预料一般,挡住楚皇针对他的偷袭。 Diagram of the Eight Trigrams of the Earlier Heaven with the golden light raging fire transformed into Gold Dragon, non-stop circling the collision in the world. 先天八卦图同条条金光烈火所化的金龙,在天地间不停盘旋碰撞。 Shan Jing and Earlier Heaven Palace only pretence, I am your real goals.” Mister Tianji puts out the one breath slowly: Your temper is such anxious.” 山静先天宫只是幌子,我才是你们真正的目标。”天机先生徐徐吐出一口气:“你性子还是这么急。” Sovereign of Chu has not answered, but is the line of sight looks to another side Bie Donglai. 楚皇没有搭腔,而是视线看向另一边的别东来 Meaning that but Bie Donglai has not actually continued to begin. 别东来却没有继续动手的意思。 He extremely rare sighing, then directly turns around, left without consulting anybody. 他极为少见的叹了一口气,然后直接转身,径自离开了。 With a Mister Tianji war, he hits quite enjoys oneself to the full, the opposite party is a strong opponent. 天机先生一战,他打得颇为尽兴,对方是个强劲的对手。 Two people die to fight, perish together finally mostly. 两人就这么死战到底,结果多半是同归于尽。 What a pity his moment heart worries, must find the wife, otherwise first expels Sovereign of Chu, then projects on the bottom with Mister Tianji. 可惜他此刻心有牵挂,一定要找到自家娘子,否则就先赶走楚皇,然后跟天机先生打到底。 Since did not plan that collaborates with Sovereign of Chu, naturally does not need to treat, only has leaves, just now spells to go all-out, has done right by Chen Luoyang. 既然不打算跟楚皇联手,自然也没必要待下去,唯有就此离开,方才拼尽全力,已经对得起陈洛阳 In the distant mountain forest Chen Luoyang, in the static looks at field changes. 远方山林中陈洛阳,静静看着场中变化。 Departure of Bie Donglai, he is not accidental/surprised. 别东来的离开,他不意外。 Before beginning, both sides on having the exchange, the idea of Bie Donglai he have known how things stand, did not oppose. 动手前,双方就有过交流,别东来的想法他都有数,也不反对。 It realizes Bie Donglai that on the scene departs, with Sovereign of Chu that just arrived, is not the key point that he cares about. 其实现在场中离去的别东来,和刚到的楚皇,都不是他在意的重点。 What Chen Luoyang cares when was previously came to here, a matter that Bie Donglai mentioned. 陈洛阳在意的是先前来这里时,别东来提到的一件事。 Right, just now in Earlier Heaven Palace, besides Blackwater Absolute Palace that fellow, felt also two person in the vicinity, but was busy at that time, to, who not being able to distinguish clearly was, stared at your person really to be many.” Somebody do not speak thoughtlessly to say. “对了,方才在先天宫,除了黑水绝宫那家伙外,感觉还有两个人在附近,不过当时忙,离得也远,分不清是谁,盯上你的人还真不少啊。”别某人随口说道。 The Chen Luoyang nature is careful. 陈洛阳对此自然上心。 Specially Bie Donglai raised two people, among expressions with the Blackwater Absolute Palace Palace Lord analogy, without a doubt, referred to definitely was also expert of big shot rank. 别东来特意提起的“两个人”,语气间又将之同黑水绝宫宫主类比,毫无疑问,指的肯定也是巨头级别的强者 Who can be? 会是谁呢? Azure Cow Monastery Monastery Lord? 青牛观观主 The words of two people, who is furthermore there is another? 两个人的话,还有一个是谁? They, come to themselves? 他们,都是冲着自己来的吗? Is three pairs one has not grasped exceeds Bie Donglai, has other idea respectively? 是三对一也没把握胜过别东来,还是各有别的想法? Chen Luoyang comes on this place road to hear the news, in the heart is then pondering over. 陈洛阳来此地路上听到消息,心中便在琢磨。 At this moment looks at the battlefield of distant place, in the heart is thinking, do that two people, currently have also arrive at the nearby? 此刻望着远方的战场,心中则在思索,那两个人,现在有没有也来到附近? Above the distant vault of heaven, Sovereign of Chu sees Bie Donglai to leave, does not make noise to detain, tranquil turning the head looks to Mister Tianji. 远方天穹之上,楚皇别东来离开,并不出声挽留,平静的转头重新望向天机先生 Mentioned truly ashamed, Our these years calmed the mind to cultivate vital energy also some result, only only to your time, were the easy rashes.” Sovereign of Chu is unemotional: imperial brother.” “说来确实惭愧,朕这些年来静心养气也有些成绩,只是唯独对着你的时候,还是容易心浮气躁。”楚皇面无表情:“皇兄。”
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