IHPDMB :: Volume #5

#417: eating and drinking merrily is the unenlightened ruler

Good, is variation, build huge such as the hill is ordinary, the whole body azure, an eye of present red light, four hooves get angry, treading to be spatial and good, dragging the ox cart to speed along the plain. 牛,是异种,体型庞大如小山一般,浑身青色,目现红光,四蹄冒火,踏空而行,拖着牛车在平原上飞驰。 only this cart ostentation seems like, compares in its mastership, seems very crude. 只是车架排场看起来,相较于其主人身份,显得很是简陋。 However, Mister Cheng and old man two people saw the ox cart, immediately salutes. 不过,成先生和老帅两人见了牛车,当即行礼。 Feudal official, pays respect to your majesty.” “臣,参见陛下。” azure cow that four hooves get angry, stops the footsteps. 四蹄冒火的青牛,停下脚步。 The ox cart covers for the tissue, inside person's shadow numerous, appearing intermittently purple light. 牛车为薄纱笼罩,里面人影重重,隐现紫光。 In the car(riage) resounds one crack crack sound. 车中响起一阵“咔嚓咔嚓”的声音。 Some probably people are knocking a pine nut nut kind of thing. 像是有人在磕松子坚果一类的东西。 Follows this crack crack the sound, some people said: Dispense with ceremony.” 伴随这阵“咔嚓咔嚓”的声音,有人说道:“免礼。” Thanked your majesty.” Mister Cheng and old man said with one voice. “谢陛下。”成先生和老帅齐声道。 The former moves the sore joint, latter instead forerunner one step, to front ox cart at a more grand every other Sunday off but actually: Old minister is guilty.” 前者活动一下自己酸痛的关节,后者则反而前驱一步,向面前牛车以更隆重的大礼拜倒:“老臣有罪。” In the car(riage) has the sound to resound, resembles ambiguously, as if the mouth is somewhat chewing the thing. 车中有声音响起,似有些含混,仿佛嘴里正嚼东西。 Merit also has, has also had, the merit does not balance, oneself go back the lead(er) to punish.” “功也有,过也有,功过不相抵,自己回去领罚吧。” Old man hearing this, respectful sound said: Feudal official thanks lord grand favor.” 老帅闻言,恭声道:“臣谢主隆恩。” Said to set out, stood in the one side hands tied, gazed after the ox cart to start, went to the Western Qin direction. 言罢起身,束手站在一旁,目送牛车重新起步,向西秦方向而去。 But this old man, not at all returns to border there to direct the team, but is honest, oneself return to the Sovereign of Eastern Zhou city. 而这老帅自己,并没有返回边境那里重新指挥队伍,而是老老实实,自己返回东周皇城。 The Mister Cheng armpit is clamping the oiled paper umbrella, follows nearby the ox cart, walks while said: Does not pass through the instruction, then captures Western Qin, and with Heavenly River become enemy, this naturally must give the disciplinary punishment, but Marshall Hu is truly devoted to the public, does not save the selfish desire, only wants to open up territory to develop the earth person for my Great Zhou, does not think your majesty you feel embarrassed, he prepared load responsibility early.” 成先生腋下夹着油纸伞,跟在牛车一旁,边走边说道:“不经请示便即攻入西秦,并与天河为敌,这自然要予以惩戒,不过胡元帅确实是一心为公,不存私欲,只想为我大周开疆拓土的人,也是不想陛下您为难,他早做好担责的准备了。” Does not need quickly to fluster for him asks favor, old Hu's manner, I trust.” In the ox cart ka-beng, cracks open a husk probably. “不用着急忙慌为他求情,老胡的为人,我信得过。”牛车里“嘎嘣”一声,像是磕开个果壳。 Then Mister Cheng relaxes slightly. 成先生便即稍微松一口气。 Takes action first and explains later this opening, naturally cannot easily open. 先斩后奏这个口子,当然不能轻易开。 So-called Monarch will assign outside not, must divide the special details. 所谓“将在外君命有所不受”,也要分具体情况。 The internal disciplinary punishment of Eastern Zhou to old man, cannot avoid, using temporarily as others reminded to oneself. 东周对老帅的内部惩戒,免不了,权当是给自家其他人提个醒。 But outside the person regarding Eastern Zhou, in the ox cart this has not planned to pay attention obviously. 但对于东周以外的人,牛车里这位显然没打算理会。 Conflict between Eastern Zhou Dynasty and Western Qin Dynasty has not been short, the relations intense are not inferior in Ancient God Cult and Southern Chu Dynasty. 东周皇朝西秦皇朝之间的冲突从来没少过,关系之紧张丝毫不逊色于古神教南楚皇朝 At present the Western Qin big piece area merges into itself, with Eastern Zhou, naturally is opening up territory of keen assurance opportunity develops the merit of earth. 眼下西秦大片疆域并入自家,与东周而言,自然是敏锐把握机会的开疆拓土之功。 Mister Cheng asked for instructions: „The feudal official goes to Western Expedition army there ……” 成先生请示道:“那臣去西征大军那里……” In the ox cart crack crack sound is lingering on faintly, in the car(riage) the person mouth non-stop: By the present was good.” 牛车里“咔嚓咔嚓”声音不绝于耳,车中人嘴巴不停:“就到眼下为止好了。” Yes, your majesty.” Mister Cheng understands. “是,陛下。”成先生心领神会。 His one person alone returns to Zhou-Qin Frontier intersection point that piece of mountain ridge. 他孤身返回周秦边境交界处那片山岭 Still waited for the Eastern Zhou numerous here to hear the decree peacefully, slightly relaxed. 仍然安静等候在这里的东周众将闻听旨意,都略松一口气。 The result of that person old man surnamed Hu, including old man, everyone has the preparation. 姓胡那位老帅的结果,包括老帅自己在内,大家都有心理准备。 After having only suspense only goes out, to the domain that occupies how to handle. 唯一有悬念的只是自家陛下出关后,对已经占下的地盘会如何处置。 Heavenly River lineage legacy, often some people ran for serveral days back and forth, try to extinguish the between Zhou and Qin gunsmoke. 天河一脉传承,这些天常有人来回奔走,试图消弭周秦之间的硝烟。 At present the decree lowers, in view of the attack of Western Qin, will come to the end. 眼下自家陛下旨意降下,针对西秦的进攻,将告一段落。 But oneself depend on the territory that the skill overcomes, does not have again also possibility. 但自家凭本事打下的疆土,没有再还回去的可能。 Then reorganizes the stage of digestion, Eastern Zhou, this profit is huge. 接下来就是整理消化的阶段了,于东周而言,这一趟已经获利巨大。 After Mister Cheng all arrangements are appropriate, then again leaves to pursue that ox cart. 成先生将一切安排妥当之后,便即再动身追赶那架牛车。 The ox cart, goes to the Zhengyang City line. 牛车,一路向政阳城行去。 Tacitly approves the victory of Eastern Zhou generals, considers stemming from Eastern Zhou Dynasty. 默认东周将帅的战果,是出于东周皇朝自家考量。 But Zhengyang City there, must help break through , helping Old Sword Immortal helping hand. 政阳城那里,也要帮忙解围,助老剑仙一臂之力。 old Ying have they, this/should seen Old Yun at this moment?” After Mister Cheng catches up with the ox cart, sits before the car(riage) on the shaft, acts as the driving a cart person. 赢老他们,此刻想必该已见到云老了吧?”成先生追上牛车后,一屁股坐在车外前辕上,充当赶车人。 On road that comes, but also without arriving at the Western Qin boundary, Heavenly River Elder has heard the news to catch up, Empress that the interview goes out, but declined a visitor's call by Mister Cheng. 一路来的路上,还没到西秦地界,就已经天河长老闻讯赶来,求见出关的女皇,但都被成先生挡驾。 Helpless the opposite party depart, with Old Sword Immortal explanation. 对方无奈离去,想必自会跟老剑仙说明情况。 In car(riage) in person nose un. 车中人鼻子里“嗯”了一声。 Mister Cheng is very helpless: Your majesty, although I also believe that with the Old Yun mind/bosom bearing, is insufficient to be incited, but the times on our some faces, must make.” 成先生很无奈:“陛下,虽然我也相信以云老的胸怀气度,不至于受人挑唆,但咱们一些面子上的功夫,还是要做一下的。” Ka a sound, in the car(riage) the person throws an almond, falls into the mouth: Except for Old Yun and few several people, the Heavenly River person is getting more and more wordy, is disinclined to listen to them rubbish.” “咔”的一声响,车里人抛起一枚杏仁,落入自己口中:“除了云老和寥寥数人,天河的人越来越啰里吧嗦,懒得听他们废话。” Mister Cheng then smiles bitterly. 成先生便苦笑。 So long as is the person, then possibly has the thoughts respectively. 只要是人,便可能各有心思。 Overall, the person of Heavenly River handles affairs mostly honestly. 整体来讲,天河之人行事大都正派。 But also old-fashioned tenacious. 但也古板固执。 This more than hundred years, Heavenly River lineage supports Eastern Zhou. 这百多年以来,天河一脉扶保东周 Old Sword Immortal only after caring for old friend, the person in Heavenly River does not pose as the Savior. 老剑仙自己只是出于关爱故人之后,天河中的人也不以救世主自居。 But in some Heavenly River the person, more or less forms a surveillant's consciousness, to Eastern Zhou Dynasty as not being able to tolerate, the meaning of common correction. 但部分天河中人,或多或少形成一种监督者的意识,对东周皇朝一些作为看不过眼,常有纠正之意。 Your majesty, although in Heavenly River the person suggested impractically, but said no matter how, the good and evil also calculates another sound, was enlightened from listening to both sides.” Mister Cheng remonstrates to say. “陛下,虽然天河中人很多建议不切实际,但不管怎么说,好歹也算另一种声音,兼听则明嘛。”成先生劝谏道。 Does not want.” In car(riage) person saying of without hesitation. “不要。”车里人不假思索的说道。 acting like a wise ruler is too tiresome, working as an unenlightened ruler was quite suitable I.” 当明君太累了,当个昏君比较适合我。” Mister Cheng has almost the impulsion of rolling the eyes: „ Your majesty you were really modest, the unenlightened ruler leaves you are very far. 成先生几乎有翻白眼的冲动:“陛下您实在过谦了,昏君离您还是很远的。 Naturally, if you can diligence some, that be better. ” 当然,如果您能更勤政一些,那就更好了。” eating and drinking merrily is quite suitable I.” Empress cracks open a pine nut leisurely, tastes the taste of pine carefully. 吃喝玩乐比较适合我。”女皇慢条斯理磕开一枚松子,细细品尝松仁的滋味。 The Mister Cheng supercilious look turned finally: With all due respect, your majesty you transfer in the state treasury packing the storehouse to all eat and drink three times, really wants the standard of by unenlightened ruler, similarly very does not have ambition ……” 成先生的白眼终于翻了出来:“恕我直言,陛下您三次挪移国库填充内库全是为了吃吃喝喝,真要以昏君的标准来看,同样挺没志向的……” The words have not said, on the back of the head in the car(riage) by the loosen that throws is husked to pound. 话未说完,后脑勺上被车里扔出来的松子壳砸到。 Mister Cheng deeply sighed the one breath. 成先生深深叹一口气。 Your majesty, your anything is good, is sometimes rather is too childish.” “陛下,您什么都好,就是有时候未免太孩子气。” Middle-aged cart driver whole face depressed looks at front that huge azure cow. 中年车夫满脸郁闷的看着前方那头巨大的青牛 Because of repugnant Azure Cow Monastery, hit in childhood on abandoned the dragon imperial carriage for an ox cart, does not ride a Dragon but instead rides a bull, this child mumped action, oneself this your majesty can do. 因为讨厌青牛观,打小时候起就放弃龙辇坐牛车,不骑龙改骑牛,这种小孩子斗气般的举动,也就自家这位陛下能干得出来。 Even if in ascending the throne for the sovereign, to treat as an equal after Lord of the Azure Cow Monastery, this custom had not changed. 哪怕在登基为皇,跟青牛观观主平起平坐后,这习惯也一直没改。 The result causes to act as governing to her at present , can only drive the ox cart...... 结果导致自己眼下给她充当御者,也只能赶牛车…… If must say that anything progresses, that is azure cow that is used to go by car, continually promotes from the ordinary every type to the treasure variation. 如果一定要说有什么进步,那就是用来驱车的青牛,从普通凡种不断升级到奇珍异种。 Working as a baby is good.” In the car(riage) the person crack crack knocks the dry fruit. “当个宝宝挺好的。”车中人又咔嚓咔嚓磕起干果。 The Mister Cheng again whole face is then helpless. 成先生便再次满脸无奈。 He wanted to say anything, suddenly shut up, on the face the facial expression became gentle steady, turned the head to look into the distance toward the distant place. 他欲要开口说什么,忽然闭上嘴,脸上神情重新变得平和稳重,转头朝远方眺望。 Your majesty, probably Azure Cow Monastery and Southern Chu person.” Mister Cheng said. “陛下,像是青牛观南楚的人。”成先生说道。 „It is not the resembles, radically is.” In the car(riage) the person said careless: move a bit faster, we must go to Zhengyang City.” “不是像,根本就是。”车里人漫不经心说道:“动作快一点,咱们还要去政阳城。” Yes, your majesty.” The Mister Cheng armpit is clamping the oiled paper umbrella, jumps down the ox cart, goes far away in the wind and rain floating. “是,陛下。”成先生腋下夹着油纸伞,跳下牛车,在风雨中飘然远去。 Front, in the Western Qin mountains, is erupting a war. 前方,西秦山川间,正爆发一场大战。 Half sky purple qi is enormous and powerful, huge Supreme Ultimate Chart that the Yin-Yang fish connection becomes, as if replaces Sun in sky. 半边天空紫气浩荡,阴阳鱼交汇而成的巨大太极图,仿佛取代天空中的太阳。 Moreover half the sky in the air, is the flaming pure gold sea of fire, the shining piece, does not see the boundary. 另外半边天空中,则是熊熊纯金火海,金灿灿一片,不见边际。 Has the Gold Dragon light shadow, in fluctuate. 有金龙光影,在其中起起伏伏。 A purple qi side, is old daoist. 紫气一方,是一个老道士 The war of this Western Qin, Lord of the Azure Cow Monastery never before has come, Azure Cow Monastery then this Daoism have several the old and renowned scholar leader general situation at present. 此次西秦之战,青牛观观主一直不曾现身,青牛观便是眼下这位道门有数耆宿主持大局。 But in another side golden light sea of fire, is a beard and hair as if changes into the golden old man, wears the imperial family magnificent and expensive clothing, the imposing manner is extraordinary. 而另外一边的金光火海里,则是一个须发都仿佛化为金色的老者,身着皇族华贵服饰,气势非凡。 As also wants old two generations of Solar Universe King compared with Sovereign of Chu now, is top expert that Southern Chu have several, usually in secretly cultivating, only has at present the so big war most of the time, leaves the mountain is Southern Chu fights. 作为比当今楚皇还要年长两辈儿的宇阳王,亦是南楚有数的顶尖高手,平日里大多数时候潜修,唯有眼下这般大的战事,才出山为南楚而战。 both sides unfold Grand Purity Scripture and Manager Radiance Chart respectively, fights earth-shakingly in the Western Qin land, to occupy this stretch of area. 双方各展太清经辉煌谱所长,在西秦大地上斗得天翻地覆,却都是为了占据这片疆域。 They for the central battlefield, others all don't dare approach. 他们为中心的战场,旁人皆不敢靠近。 But in battlefield surrounding, then there is Azure Cow Monastery authentic legacy and Southern Chu expert, is launching the war. 而在战场外围,则有更多青牛观真传南楚高手,正展开大战。 However, from the center to the surrounding, everyone slowed down the movement suddenly. 不过,从中心到外围,所有人忽然都放缓了动作。 Alerts opposite enemy at the same time, everyone looks vigilantly to the distant place. 戒备对面敌人的同时,大家都警惕的看向远方。 The dark clouds proliferate the sky suddenly, and moves to their this side unceasingly. 阴云突然遍布天空,并且不断向他们这边移动。 As the dark clouds approach, the continuous drizzle falls, scrubbing world. 随着阴云靠近,连绵细雨落下,洗刷天地。 The golden light roaring flame, the fire intensity is low. 金光烈焰,火势低落。 Boundless purple qi, the dissipation withdraws. 苍茫紫气,消散退避。 In the world was covered by the rain completely. 天地间完全被阴雨所覆盖。 An armpit is clamping the form of oiled paper umbrella, appears between old daoist and Southern Chu Solar Universe King. 一个腋下夹着油纸伞的身影,出现在老道士南楚宇阳王之间。 both sides have a move of pressure, entire tribe in his, but extinguishes in invisible quickly. 双方出招的压力,全部落在他一人身上,但又很快消弭于无形。 Mister Cheng bent the waist to beat beat the sore joint. 成先生弯腰捶了捶自己酸痛的关节。 Two hale and hearty, this Cheng this rusty arm leg, really somewhat cannot withstand.” “二位老当益壮,成某这生锈的胳膊腿,实在有些承受不了啊。” Words this saying, the middle-aged man manner is relaxed. 这么说,中年男子神态轻松。 With it relative, is his two opponents, the expression was more dignified than previously. 与之相对,则是他的两个对手,表情都比先前凝重。 Rain Master, Cheng Shuzi ……” two people, the complexion seems with one voice cloudier than the space raincloud. 雨师,成叔至……”两人异口同声,脸色都仿佛比天上雨云更加阴沉。 Cheng Shuzi genial smiling: This goes out toward your majesty, to subside the weapons war disaster comes, but also please two give up to diverge.” 成叔至和善的笑笑:“本朝陛下出关,为平息此间兵戈战祸而来,还请二位罢手散去吧。” Old daoist took a deep breath: Empress has your majesty, arrived at this place? Does not know whether this poor Daoist does have an audience with?” 道士深吸一口气:“女皇陛下,已到此地?不知贫道可否觐见?” Cheng Shuzi shakes the head: Also asked daoist to excuse me, your majesty did not receive guests at this moment, therefore enjoined me to see two, please two withdraw from Western Qin.” 成叔至摇摇头:“还请道长见谅,陛下此刻不见客,故嘱我来见二位,请二位退出西秦。” Old daoist looks at Cheng Shuzi: Your Eastern Zhou also occupying western does Land of Qin spit?” 道士看着成叔至:“那你东周是不是也把占了的西秦之地吐出来?” This not work daoist you worried.” Cheng Shuzi said. “这就不劳道长你操心了。”成叔至言道。 Southern Chu Solar Universe King sneers: Your Eastern Zhou facial skin is thick.” 南楚宇阳王冷笑一声:“你们东周脸皮是厚啊。” Cheng Shuzi moves the sore nape of the neck: don't dare works as, but two, if never draws back, but also wants a skin of your leather bag to be thick enough is good.” 成叔至活动一下酸痛的脖颈:“不敢当,不过二位若是始终不退的话,还要你们一身皮囊的皮够厚才好。” During the speeches, all Southern Chu martial artist and Azure Cow Monastery martial artist, felt the rain that this drops from the clouds suddenly changed. 说话间,所有南楚武者青牛观武者,都感觉这从天而降的雨猛然变了。 Each drop of rainwater, as if turns pierces the sharp blade of the world! 每一滴雨水,都仿佛变成洞贯天地的利刃! Drop of rainwater falls, punctures their body-protecting qi energy on directly. 一滴雨水落下,就直接打穿他们的护体气劲。 The rainfall intensity has not increased. 雨势并未变大。 But the drizzle is continuous, the trim world, as if by the becoming integrated with screen, was not enough to describe tattered and torn miserably its. 但细雨连绵,整片天地,都仿佛被打成一片筛子,千疮百孔不足以形容其凄凉。 The majority person on the scene, instantaneously as if by the cereal crop seedling that the rainstorm strong winds blow down, large expanse of large expanse of drops down. 在场大半数人,瞬间仿佛被暴雨狂风刮倒的禾苗,成片成片倒下。
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