IHPDMB :: Volume #4

#399: Perpetrating a fraud

Under the Chen Luoyang control, the "Soul" character Heavenly Book brilliance falls on Lu Jian. 陈洛阳控制下,“魂”字天书的光辉落在鹿剑身上。 On this Earlier Heaven Palace Elder forehead, appears gradually mysterious and unfathomable, grotesque talisman seal. 这位先天宫长老的额头上,渐渐浮现一个玄奥莫测,奇形怪状的符印 Lu Jian mind slightly absent-minded. 鹿剑心神微微一阵恍惚。 He appears at present probably the grotesque and gaudy scene, is and out. 他眼前像是浮现出许多光怪陆离的景象,忽隐忽现。 When he recovers, sees Chen Luoyang satisfied nodding the head. 等他回过神来,就见陈洛阳正满意的颔首。 But on that page of "Soul" character Heavenly Book, appears a simply actually mysterious talisman seal. 而那页“魂”字天书上,也多出一个简单却玄奥的符印 Chen Luoyang is placed Heart of Fusang Tree and "Soul" character Heavenly Book in the same place. 陈洛阳扶桑树心“魂”字天书摆在一起。 Mysterious talisman seal that in the Heavenly Book remnant page, that comes out newly much, changes into the flowing light, little by little is separated from "Soul" character Heavenly Book, then seal carved on Heart of Fusang Tree. 天书残页上,那枚新多出来的玄奥符印,化为流光,一点一点“魂”字天书上脱离,然后印刻到了扶桑树心上。 The Heart of Fusang Tree surface, gradually appears this talisman seal. 扶桑树心表面,逐渐浮现这枚符印 Lu Jian mind at this moment, then slightly absent-minded. 鹿剑此刻的心神,则又微微恍惚了一下。 His present angle of view as if there is change, the state of mind thought seems like divided into two. 他眼前的视角仿佛出现变化,神魂念头像是被人一分为二。 Earlier Heaven Palace Elder recovers, heart with amazement. 先天宫长老回过神来,心头骇然。 Were oneself, divided the soul by others forcefully? 自己,被别人强行分魂了吗? This obviously is not the method that 16th realm Martial Saint can have. 这显然不是一个第十六境武圣能具备的手段。 At present are this page of books remnant chapters, really one page of Heavenly Book? 眼前这一页书卷残章,果然是一页天书吗? Lu Jian heart while in a state of confusion, actually sees on Chen Luoyang Heart of Fusang Tree, suddenly flashing brilliance. 鹿剑正心头混乱之际,却见陈洛阳手上扶桑树心,忽然闪动光辉。 Then this brilliance, as if changes into Golden Crow of the Great Sun, flies since the tree heart, falls on Lu Jian. 然后这光辉,似乎化为一只大日金乌,从树心上飞起,落在鹿剑身上。 The brilliance flashes passes, the Lu Jian mental consciousness is more chaotic, ignorant vacant. 光辉一闪即逝,鹿剑精神意识却更加混乱,一阵懵懂茫然。 He concentrates the mind reluctantly, struggles to look toward Chen Luoyang. 他勉强集中心神,挣扎着朝陈洛阳望去。 This Earlier Heaven Palace Elder opens the mouth wants to speak, but under the train of thought confusion, can only put out some significance ambiguous words and expressions unexpectedly. 这位先天宫长老张口想要说话,但思绪混乱下,竟然只能吐出一些意义含混不清的字句。 Chen Luoyang turns the head to look, as if knows the opposite party wanted to say anything. 陈洛阳转头看过来,似乎知道对方想要说什么。 His tranquil nod: You will help my.” 他平静的点点头:“你会帮我的。” Similarly a few words, fall into the Lu Jian ear at this moment again, makes him feel own all the limbs and bones, such as falling ice cave. 同样一句话,此刻再落入鹿剑耳中,却让他感觉自己四肢百骸,如坠冰窟。 "Soul" character Heavenly Book wraps in the light group, floats in the Chen Luoyang top of the head as before. “魂”字天书包裹在光团内,依旧浮于陈洛阳头顶。 He takes the Fusang core of wood, the trend is wrapping the Xie Buxiu blood cocoon. 他拿着扶桑木心,走向包裹谢不休的血茧。 Then the Fusang core of wood, sends in the blood cocoon. 然后将扶桑木心,送入血茧之中。 Brilliance that in the blood cocoon flashes, slightly static flash. 血茧里闪动的光辉,微微静止一瞬间。 Then, starts to beat like the heart continuous. 接下来,又重新开始像心脏一样跳动不休。 Passed the moment, the brilliance that this leaps, more and more anxiously, until links up into a single stretch finally thoroughly, is often bright. 过了片刻,这跃动的光辉,越来越急,直到最后彻底连成一片,常亮不息。 On blood cocoon innumerable capillaries, starts to flake to be separated gradually one after another. 血茧上无数血丝,开始渐渐一根一根剥落脱离。 Arrived finally, then only remains one group of blood light to flash same place. 到最后,便只剩一团血光在原地闪动。 When clears to blood light gradually, appears a form. 待到血光渐渐散尽,从中现出一个身影。 The state of mind has not been, the heart vacant Lu Jian line of sight looked at the past, the spirit vibrated slightly. 已经神思不属,心头茫然的鹿剑视线看过去,精神微微震动。 At present an appearance scholarly, the white hair combs the faint trace neat old man, with him face-to-face. 眼前一个面目儒雅,白发梳理丝丝规整的老者,同他面对面。 But this appearance, clearly is his Lu Jian. 可这模样,分明就是他鹿剑自己。 From head to foot, from inside to outside, as if not slightly different. 从头到脚,从内到外,似乎都没有丝毫不同可言。 Lu Jian thinks oneself will be very shocked, but the actual feelings are not intense. 鹿剑以为自己会很震惊,但实际感触并不强烈。 Not because of heart already early some expectations, but is he discovered that own present does not seem able concentrates one's mind, the thought is chaotic. 不是因为心头已经早有预料,而是他发现自己现在似乎无法集中精神,念头混乱。 He as if there are two angles of view at present. 他眼前仿佛生出两个视角。 One is now own, opposite another does...... belong probably? 一个是现在自己的,另一个……像是属于对面? But watches, seems actually staring at the same face, probably in staring at mirror, in own pupil, reflects own appearance, unceasing repeat in cycles gets down. 但看在眼里,却都似乎在盯着同样一张面孔,像是在盯着镜子中,自己的瞳孔里,倒映出自己的模样,就此不断循环往复下去。 only two Lu Jian expression manner varies, this enables this Earlier Heaven Palace Elder to detect several points of difference. 只是两个“鹿剑”表情神态不一,这才让这位先天宫长老能察觉几分不同之处。 But his heart confusion, is unable the concentrates one's mind ponder. 可是他心头一片混乱,无法集中精神思考。 Opposite that Lu Jian, in the vision appears the color of confusion similarly, made an effort to shake the head, actually still felt in own mind as if forced in the bewildered thing. 对面那个“鹿剑”,目光中同样现出混乱之色,用力晃了晃脑袋,却仍然感觉自己脑海里仿佛被塞进许多莫名其妙的东西。 Just started a little not to adapt.” “刚开始会有点不适应。” At this time, the Chen Luoyang's sound, resounded in two Lu Jian mind simultaneously. 这时,陈洛阳的声音,同时在两个鹿剑脑海中响起。 His sound sound, two Lu Jian mind instead for a it clear, then no longer chaotic confused. 他的声音一响,两个鹿剑脑海反而为之一清,不再那么混乱迷茫。 Three the consciousness thoughts of people, as if were aloof the physical body shackles at this moment simultaneously, exists in the completely new world beyond reality. 三个人的意识念头,这一刻仿佛同时超脱了肉身桎梏,存在于现实之外的全新天地里。 Lu Jian saw a flash, opposite person, clearly Xie Buxiu appearance. 鹿剑眼前一花,对面的人,分明还是谢不休的模样。 He felt that own state of mind seems like the hole to be the same, attempts to rotate elsewhere the angle of view observation, actually the discovery, oneself present sizes up all around angle of view, probably in the position of Chen Luoyang top of the head. 他感觉自己神魂像是出窍一样,尝试转动视角观察别处,却发现,自己现在打量四周的视角,像是在陈洛阳头顶的位置。 ...... That page of Heavenly Book? ……那页天书 Lu Jian and Xie Buxiu simultaneous reaction, looks with amazement to Chen Luoyang. 鹿剑谢不休同时反应过来,都骇然看向陈洛阳 Chen Luoyang's state of mind, then still in oneself body, raised the head looks at "Soul" character Heavenly Book, the smile said: Is quick you to adapt.” 陈洛阳的神魂,则仍处于自身躯壳内,抬头看着“魂”字天书,微笑说道:“很快你们就会适应。” These words saying, Lu Jian and Xie Buxiu the spirit slightly is also absent-minded simultaneously. 这句话说完,鹿剑谢不休又同时精神微微恍惚。 Then their consciousness thoughts, return to the body probably together. 然后他们的意识念头,像是又一起返回躯壳内。 However, stated differently, Xie Buxiu only returns to the body. 不过,不同的是,谢不休只返回自己身躯。 But Lu Jian, actually felt that again own thought was divided into two forcefully, falls into the original body respectively, as well as opposite Xie Buxiu changes Lu Jian that” becomes within the body. 鹿剑,却再次感觉自己的念头被强行一分为二,分别落入自己原本的身躯,以及对面谢不休变化而成的“鹿剑”体内。 This makes his spirit again absent-minded, state of mind non-. 这让他精神再次恍惚,神思不属。 But said like Chen Luoyang, over time, he started to adapt to this condition gradually. 但诚如陈洛阳所言,随着时间推移,他渐渐开始适应这种状态。 Intense involuntary feeling, to Lu Jian. 强烈的身不由己之感,向鹿剑袭来。 Resides in some states of mind in within the body, the stiff delay, is hard automatic control. 居于自己体内的部分神魂,僵硬呆滞,难以自控。 Falls into some states of mind of Xie Buxiu within the body, is completely the autogenous control. 落入谢不休体内的部分神魂,更是完全不由自己控制。 Including without free slaves is not, pours is not more like a utensil of self-awareness, wants, whatever Xie Buxiu controls the use. 连没有自由的奴隶都算不上,倒更像是没有自我意识的一件器物,要任由谢不休来操控使用。 In Lu Jian heart panic-stricken inexplicable, looks at Chen Luoyang could not speak completely. 鹿剑心中惊骇莫名,看着陈洛阳完全说不出话来。 Under the Xie Buxiu heart is slightly stable, but looks to approach own Vice-Cult Master vision, is also awe-stricken. 谢不休心下稍微安定,但望向自家副教主的目光,也同样充满敬畏。 He arrives at the ravine mountain stream, looked own appearance, swallows the saliva slightly: All-Covering Myriad Manifestations Divine Art cultivates the pinnacle, counterfeits others, most is also in so the situation?” 他走到山间溪水边,看了看自身模样,不由微微吞咽口水:“森罗万象神功修炼到极致,仿冒他人,最多也就到如此地步吧?” Chen Luoyang said: Only from the outward appearance, compared with All-Covering Myriad Manifestations Divine Art, must be more careful.” 陈洛阳言道:“只从外观来说,比森罗万象神功,要更细致。” Xie Buxiu, or is Lu Jian, in the surface reveals the forced smile: Vice-Cult Master Chen possess great magical power, the old man admires ……” 谢不休,或者说是“鹿剑”,面上露出苦笑:“陈副教主神通广大,老夫佩服……” The words told only half, he is startled suddenly. 话说到一半,他突然怔住。 Because he discovered, in this moment mountain stream inverted image, revealed forced smile expression, seemed not same as own past, even expression subtle change, was similar to Lu Jian. 因为他发现,此刻溪水倒影中的自己,露出的苦笑表情,似乎同自己以往并不相同,连表情细微变化,也与鹿剑相仿。 In the mouth expresses, really isn't he has a mind to imitate Lu Jian to speak, but blurts the come out instance, was different from the past speech. 口中措辞,也并非他有心模仿鹿剑说话,而是脱口而出的瞬间,就与自己往日说话不同。 What makes his with amazement is, he spoke simultaneously, one side people with one voice, made the same sound. 更让他骇然的是,他说话同时,一旁有人异口同声,发出相同声音。 Lu Jian turns head fiercely, sees another side to pour in ground that person Earlier Heaven Palace Elder softly oneself, stares dumbfounded, eye of reveal panic-stricken color. 鹿剑”猛地回头,就见另外一边软倒在地上的那位先天宫长老本人,也瞠目结舌,目露惊骇之色。 Xie Buxiu transformed into Lu Jian sucked in a breath of cold air, stands firm the mind, fixes the eyes on the opposite party, the cautious opens the mouth said: Is you?” 谢不休所化的鹿剑倒吸一口凉气,稳住心神,紧盯对方,小心翼翼开口说道:“是你?” Really sees Lu Jian oneself, the movement is synchronous with him, opens the mouth to make the sound: Is you?” 果然就见鹿剑本人,动作跟他完全同步,也开口发出声音:“是你?” In Lu Jian both eyes full is the color of resistance struggling, but has no function. 鹿剑双目中满是抗拒挣扎之色,但却没有任何作用。 In the Xie Buxiu heart understands, the movement of opposite party, cannot help but, but synchronizes with him. 谢不休心中明了,对方的动作,不由自主,而是跟他同步。 But his behavior movement, is actually decided by oneself not completely, but as if changes makes Lu Jian to be the same. 但他的行为动作,其实也不完全是由自己说了算,而是仿佛变作鹿剑一样。 He wants to try to make his custom movement. 他想试着做一个自己的习惯动作。 Finally actually stroked the beard. 结果却是捋了捋胡须。 He the non- pogonotrophy, this custom movement naturally is others. 他原本又不蓄须,这习惯动作自然是别人的。 Tries also well, is helpful to your quicker adaptation.” Chen Luoyang said in the one side. “多试试也好,有助于你更快适应。”陈洛阳在一旁说道。 Xie Buxiu then smiles bitterly. 谢不休便苦笑。 Then is not accidental/surprised, really saw that on opposite Lu Jian face shows the same expression. 然后也不意外,果然看到对面鹿剑脸上露出相同表情。 Although there is the strength of Heavenly Book to assist, but still had the deficiency.” The Chen Luoyang direction said: Remembers, is incomplete, therefore every so often, still needed you to adapt to changing circumstances.” “虽然有天书之力相助,但仍有不足之处。”陈洛阳指点道:“记忆,是不完整的,所以很多时候,仍然需要你自己随机应变。” "Soul" character Heavenly Book wraps in the brilliance to the whereabouts, receives the Chen Luoyang top of the head. “魂”字天书包裹在光辉中向下落,收入陈洛阳头顶。 Xie Buxiu smiles bitterly is taking a look at itself to change up and down. 谢不休苦笑着上下打量自身变化。 Chen Luoyang has spent such big time, definitely cannot allow him to back down again. 陈洛阳都已经花费这么大功夫了,肯定容不得他再打退堂鼓。 Own this Vice-Cult Master absolutely is a ruthless person. 自家这位副教主绝对是个狠人。 If he dares to reveal the meaning of slightly flinching, Chen Luoyang is definitely not thinking has spent such big qualification to waste was a pity, but is a directly palm of the hand pats him to settle. 如果他敢流露出丝毫退缩的意思,陈洛阳肯定不会想着已经花费这么大本钱浪费了可惜,而是直接一巴掌拍死他了事。 Xie Buxiu uses the brains immediately, don't dare is loaf to shirk again. 谢不休当即开动脑筋,不敢再偷懒推脱。 His austere appearance/allow say/way: Was not closely examined the past events, particularly related to the past events of lots of information, talked daily, should not have the issue.” 他肃容道:“不被人追问往事,尤其是涉及大量信息的往事,日常对话,应该没有问题。” Is saying, while looks to Lu Jian. 一边说着,一边看向鹿剑 Chen Luoyang side Lu Jian, patted the racket unable to control Earlier Heaven Palace Elder of body: Good, has him to assist, being on site deal with changes will not have the major problem.” 陈洛阳鹿剑身边,拍了拍无法控制自己身体的先天宫长老:“不错,有他相助,临场应变不会有大问题。” Xie Buxiu heaved a deep sigh, to a Chen Luoyang ritual: How then should do, asking Vice-Cult Master Chen to show, the old man puts one's heart and soul, devotes life to for you.” 谢不休长叹一声,向陈洛阳一礼:“接下来该如何做,请陈副教主示下,老夫尽心竭力,为您效命。” Listens to near the ear the Lu Jian opens the mouth to speak, the sound is synchronous with, Xie Buxiu feels is very mysterious, in especially his moment sends out is also the Lu Jian sound. 听着耳边鹿剑张口说话,声音与自己完全同步,谢不休还是感觉很神奇,尤其他此刻口中发出的也是鹿剑的声音。 First goes with your to accompany the cart convergence, then goes to Earlier Heaven Palace.” “先去跟你的随从车架汇合,然后前往先天宫吧。” Chen Luoyang told: Relax, you can notice that I can also see, from can take care of you.” 陈洛阳吩咐道:“放心,你能看到的,我也能看到,自可以照应你。” Saying, him is pointing at selects selected own temples. 说着,他手指点了点自己的太阳穴。 Heavenly Book unexpectedly is so wonderful...... Xie Buxiu and in the Lu Jian heart also sighs with regret. 天书竟如此神妙……谢不休鹿剑心中同时慨叹。 Earlier Heaven Myriad Manifestation Formation, the bloodlines, the state of mind, is as for divination, basically does not need to be worried, but is discrete.” Chen Luoyang is saying, gives Xie Buxiu a brocade box: Earlier Heaven Daoist Scripture is also an issue, but has no need for you beginning, takes this thing is.” 先天万象大阵,血脉,神魂,乃至于卜算,基本都不用担心,不过还是要谨慎。”陈洛阳说着,将一只锦盒交给谢不休:“先天大道藏也是个问题,但用不着你动手,将这东西带上便是。” Although Xie Buxiu some does not understand such thing, but accepts honestly. 谢不休虽有些不明所以,但还是老老实实收下。 Has that limited several, is short shakes before others, does not direct in the situation of person specially attention, will not have the matter.” Chen Luoyang said. “有那么有限的几位,少在人家面前晃悠,不引人特意关注的情况下,不会有事。”陈洛阳言道。 Xie Buxiu is probing asking: If Mister Tianji comes back ……” 谢不休试探着问道:“假如天机先生回来……” That naturally cannot conceal the truth.” Chen Luoyang straightforward saying. “那自然瞒不过。”陈洛阳直白的说道。 Xie Buxiu only has the forced smile. 谢不休唯有苦笑。 But he does not come back.” Chen Luoyang looked at Lu Jian one: Some people compared with us, do not think that he returns to Earlier Heaven Palace at present, not?” “但他回不来。”陈洛阳则看了鹿剑一眼:“有人比我们,更不想他眼下回先天宫,不是吗?” Lu Jian is silent. 鹿剑默然。 In the Xie Buxiu heart moves slightly. 谢不休则心中微微一动。 He restrains the thoughts, wears along completely the Lu Jian clothing, then flatters looked at Chen Luoyang one, still remembers that slides smooth Lu Jian also to exchange the remaining clothing cleanly, then turns around to depart floating. 他收敛心思,将鹿剑随身衣物全部穿好,然后讨好的看了陈洛阳一眼,尚记得把自己剩下的衣物给清洁溜溜的鹿剑也换上,然后才转身飘然离去。 Lu Jian does not know whether to laugh or cry to look at another own back, silent. 鹿剑哭笑不得望着另一个自己的背影,默然不语。 Does not need to think suddenly one startled one will make him expose for the first time, Heart of Fusang Tree on him, can only his influence you, you unable influence he.” “不用想着突然一惊一乍会让他暴露,扶桑树心在他身上,只能他影响你,你无法影响他。” Chen Luoyang is knows in the Lu Jian heart to think, spoke thoughtlessly to say. 陈洛阳似是知道鹿剑心中所想,随口说道。 Lu Jian whole body is icy cold, a heart sinks to the valley completely. 鹿剑通体冰凉,一颗心完全沉入谷底。
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