IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#253: Biggest traitor Chen( 4 sought subscription to ask monthly ticket!)

reporting to the Cult Master, Mister Tu pursues the person of Southern Chu to north, then searches for in northern void portal, will have a mind the seal.” subordinate person report to said. 禀教主,屠先生一路追击南楚之人向北,然后搜寻在北方的虚空门户,有心将之封闭。”属下禀报道。 He had a mind.” Chen Luoyang nods, then told to the people: „When The void portal from the far west land, I already personally the closure, Buddhism surviving members from Mortal World on this Snow Region plateau, you eliminate the Demon Buddha trace, handle them together.” “他有心了。”陈洛阳点点头,然后向众人吩咐道:“极西之地的虚空门户,我已经亲手将之关闭,来自红尘佛门余孽尚在这雪域高原上,你们清除魔佛痕迹时,一并料理了。” Below people, acknowledged loudly. 下方众人,轰然应诺。 At this moment, in most Divine Province Ancient God Cult the person looks to the Chen Luoyang's vision, is full of the frantic respect. 此刻,绝大多数神州古神教中人看向陈洛阳的目光里,充满狂热的崇敬。 Previously Chen Luoyang led Ancient God Cult to sweep away Grand Land of the Divine Province, has made its prestige reach the unprecedented peak. 此前陈洛阳率领古神教横扫神州浩土,已经让其威望达到前所未有的高峰。 Later Mortal World expert came, making just delighted shortly after Divine Province Ancient God Cult people many somewhat anxious. 之后红尘高手先后现身,让刚刚欢喜没多久的神州古神教众人多少有些不安。 But now everyone's anxious mood sweeps away. 但现在大家不安的情绪一扫而空。 Under own Cult Master is in the glare of the public eye, kills Tathagata Demon Palm direct legacy authentic lineage Pravdhakara Demon Monk. 自家教主众目睽睽之下,击毙如来魔掌嫡传正宗圆嗔魔僧 Then strikes to kill Mortal World Buddhism first sacred ground Minor Western Paradise three big expert continuously. 然后又连续击杀红尘佛门第一圣地小西天的三大高手 Strikes arrives at to Demon Monk Vandhyarhab that Pravdhakara Demon Monk helps. 杀来圆嗔魔僧助拳的空屠魔僧 Within one day, five fourteenth realm expert, perform all defeats under the Chen Luoyang fist. 一天之内,五位第十四境强者,尽皆败在陈洛阳拳下。 Poured incessantly is the person, is in Divine Province person's dreading and fear to Mortal World guest. 倒的不止是人,也是神州中人对红尘来客的忌惮与畏惧。 At this moment in everyone opinion, so-called Mortal World guest, and has nothing at the worst. 此刻在大家看来,所谓红尘来客,也并没什么大不了的。 Some people can also maintain sane calm. 部分人还能保持理智冷静。 And few people thorough frantic, falls into „, no matter who, is not my family Cult Master opponent psychology. 而又一部分人已经彻底狂热,陷入“不管是谁,都不是我家教主对手”的心理状态。 As fights the news of result to feed in central land finally, entire Grand Land of the Divine Province also falls into half of revelries again, the half silent strange condition. 而随着最终大战结果的消息传回中土,整个神州浩土也再次陷入一半狂欢,一半沉默的诡异的状态。 The merrymakings celebrate victory of again Demon Sovereign and Ancient God Cult. 狂欢者庆祝魔皇古神教的再次胜利。 But the silent person is filled with reluctantly, mood mixed feelings. 而沉默之人则满心无奈,心情五味杂陈 But follows time to compare, this obvious merrymaking are more, but silent ones are less. 而跟上次比较起来,这一次明显狂欢者更多,而沉默者更少。 On northern prairie the strength of final foreign race vestiges, starts to be swept clear gradually cleanly. 北方草原上最后的异族残余之力,开始被渐渐清扫干净。 But in Snow Region plateau and western region area, eliminates the work of Demon Buddha surviving members, starts like a raging fire conducts. 而在雪域高原和西域地区,清除魔佛余孽的工作,开始如火如荼的进行。 After Pravdhakara and Amoghavajra and Vandhyarhab these top leaders died one after another, Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary is untenable immediately again, disintegrates fast. 圆嗔、不空空屠这几个顶尖领导者相继身亡后,黑莲佛境顿时再难以维系,快速土崩瓦解。 However, duty that during this process, in Demon Cult the person captures that Minor Western Paradise routed troop, some that then progresses are not smooth. 不过,在此过程中,魔教中人追捕那支小西天溃兵的任务,则进展的有些不顺利。 The enemies seek for The void portal from the far west land not to harvest, facing pursuing to the end and hit hard of Ancient God Cult, then also don't dare continues in west to stay extremely, only has shift in all directions to escape. 敌人寻找极西之地的虚空门户没有收获,面对古神教的穷追猛打,便也不敢继续在极西停留,唯有四处转移逃跑。 Lucky they have Su Mingjue this native to guide, otherwise feared that had been surrounded by the Divine Province Ancient God Cult person. 万幸他们有苏明觉这个本地人带路,否则怕是早已经被神州古神教的人围堵住。 But Ancient God Cult plateau branch here, some massive olds horse knows the way. 古神教在这里的高原分舵,也有大量识途老马。 Therefore Su Mingjue also great stress. 所以苏明觉也压力巨大。 Many times, they almost place oneself in the hopeless situation, is difficult to escape, the casualty is all the way serious. 许多次,他们都差点置身绝境之中,再难逃脱,一路上死伤惨重。 But is lucky, they often can run out of surrounding in the most critical time, is insufficient to be annihilated. 可幸运的是,他们每每都能在最危急的时刻冲出包围,不至于全军覆没。 This Minor Western Paradise routed troop, non-stop fighting in one place after another in the plateau area. 这支小西天溃兵,不停在高原地区转战。 This place vast territory with a sparse population, does not search after all easily, by Ancient God Cult cult members, although overwhelms with numerical strength, but cannot grasp the opposite party suddenly. 此地毕竟地广人稀,搜索不易,是以古神教教众虽然人多势众,但一时间始终拿不住对方。 only everyone could not expect, this captures internal has the spy, in no trace holds back quietly. 只是大家料想不到,这场追捕内部有间谍,在不露痕迹的悄悄拖后腿。 Therefore Su Mingjue and other talents can escape to present this situation. 所以苏明觉等人才能逃到现在这个地步。 But all Ancient God Cult cult members are more unexpected, this drags the person who they retrocede in secret, is their Great Cult Master Chen oneself. 可是所有古神教教众更意想不到,这个暗中拖他们后退的人,就是他们的陈大教主本人。 Some such super big traitor, Ancient God Cult can also almost hold Su Mingjue and the others several times , was not seriously easy. 有这么一个超级大内鬼在,古神教还能数次差点就抓住苏明觉等人,也当真是不容易至极了。 Under Chen Luoyang's invisible baton brandishes, after going through, Su Mingjue and the others approaches the place of treasure crash that drops from the clouds gradually ............ 而在陈洛阳的无形指挥棒挥舞下,几经辗转,苏明觉等人渐渐靠近那从天而降的宝物坠落之处………… That Blood River swordsman realm high strength, Chen Luoyang is not good to guarantee opposite party without knowing the circumstances of the matter, goes to help the treasure get up for him to come out. 血河剑客境界高实力强,陈洛阳不好确保对方在不知情的情况下,去替他帮宝物起出来。 Moreover by the strength of opposite party, after obtaining this treasure, inevitably even more powerful. 而且以对方的实力,得到这宝物后必然如虎添翼。 When the time comes can Chen Luoyang take the treasure, was not quite good to say. 到时候陈洛阳能不能将宝物拿下来,就不太好讲了。 Even possibly in turn, this/should opposite party has enough energy, looks for his trouble for the Flowing Fragrance Powder formula. 甚至可能反过来,该对方有足够底气,为了流芳散的药方来找他的麻烦。 But this Su Mingjue is completely different. 但这个苏明觉就完全不同了。 At the both sides power gap, he and his companion, the basis could not realize oneself are following Chen Luoyang's baton. 以双方实力差距,他和他的同伴,根本意识不到自己是在跟着陈洛阳的指挥棒走。 When the time comes he discovered Chen Luoyang hopes the treasure that he found, will only be wild with joy, the sigh with emotion Heaven never seals off all exits, sighs with emotion after the bitter comes the sweet, finally had opportunity and strength of overthrowing big demon king Chen ............ 到时候他无意间发现陈洛阳希望他找到的宝物,只会欣喜若狂,感慨天无绝人之路,感慨自己苦尽甘来,终于有了打倒大魔王陈某人的机会与力量………… Chen Luoyang can seize the chance to observe in the one side, that is what treasure, has what trap or the side effect and so on matter. 陈洛阳则可以在一旁趁机观察一下,那到底是个什么宝贝,有没有什么陷阱或者副作用之类的事情。 What is wonderful, this Su Mingjue is the Buddhism lay family disciple, with him in all Minor Western Paradise people, was just incurred the generation a short time ago the Buddhism envoy outside that Mortal World. 妙的是,这苏明觉就是个佛门俗家弟子,跟他在一切的小西天众人,更是前不久才刚刚招代过那红尘外的佛门使者。 After having transferred such together the hand, Chen Luoyang takes over this treasure by the way of normally chasing down again, perhaps is not conspicuous. 转过这么一道手以后,陈洛阳再以正常追杀的方式接手这件宝物,或许就没那么惹眼了。 The owner of that pale gold/metal mirror has scruples existence of Demon Venerable, don't dare peeps at Mortal World, is unable to know detail. 那淡金镜子的主人顾忌魔尊的存在,不敢过于窥视红尘,便无法知道其中细节。 Although the treasure falls into Chen Luoyang in the hand finally, but the nature takes with his directly, entirely different. 虽然最后宝物还是落入陈洛阳手里,但性质跟他自己直接去取,截然不同。 Oneself run to take, installs to have no intention again the coincidence, is unavoidably garish. 自己跑去取,装得再无意再巧合,也难免扎眼。 Now although must run risks, the risk is without doubt lower. 现在虽然仍要冒风险,风险无疑低一些。 Naturally, must confirm in advance that was anything said again. 当然,还是要先行确认一下那到底是什么东西再说。 In the Chen Luoyang heart calculates. 陈洛阳心中盘算。 During this process, Tu Shanyi also comes back from the north, Xie Chong accompanies him together. 在此过程中,屠山夷也从北方回来,谢冲陪同他一起。 Northern void portal, had been sealed up by me, so long as no one deliberately destroys, hope that in a short time should not reopen, but must maintain the vigilance.” Bald guy looks at Chen Luoyang said. “北方的虚空门户,已经被我封闭,只要无人蓄意破坏,短时间内应该没有重开的希望,但仍需保持警惕。”光头大汉看着陈洛阳说道。 Chen Luoyang nods slightly: thank you for your trouble Mister Tu.” 陈洛阳微微颔首:“有劳屠先生。” His static looks at front Tu Shanyi, compares the material that in black pot provides simultaneously. 他静静看着面前的屠山夷,同时对照黑壶里提供的资料。 Before struck to kill the powerful enemy continuously, making blood red nectar in his black pot immediately quite abundant. 之前连续击杀强敌,让他黑壶里的血红琼浆当下较为充裕。 At this moment spends part on Tu Shanyi, clarifies the standpoint of this person as well as it behind the object of representative, clarifies, Mortal World that side will Main Ancient God Cult, actually how do at present? 此刻花费一部分在屠山夷身上,闹清楚此人的立场以及其身后代表的对象,同时也闹清楚,红尘那边的古神教总教,眼下究竟会怎么做? The situation of at present grasping, this Tu Shanyi, as if probably one of the Mortal World Ancient God Cult current Cult Master trusted aides. 从目前掌握的情况来看,这个屠山夷,似乎像是红尘古神教现任教主的心腹之一。 Some degree, his time comes Grand Land of the Divine Province, means that in the future will report Chen Luoyang and Divine Province Ancient God Cult situation to Cult Master. 某种程度来说,他这次来神州浩土,意味着将来对教主汇报陈洛阳神州古神教的情况。 But on the other hand, Tu Shanyi just attended the Mortal World Ancient God Cult internal small meeting a short time ago, at the meeting has discussed the Chen Luoyang's issue with emphasis. 而另一方面,前不久屠山夷刚刚参加过红尘古神教内部一个小会,会上重点讨论陈洛阳的问题。 And how the result of discussion first did not discuss, the issue that Chen Luoyang discovers is, eye descend from the Mortal World Ancient God Cult does not seem like Cult Master to manage a household, the conference that but such many people attend makes the decision. 讨论的结果如何且先不谈,陈洛阳发现的问题在于,眼下红尘古神教似乎不是教主当家,而是这么个多人参加的会议做决定。 Also does not know that Cult Master went out or closes up cultivation. 也不知道教主是外出了还是闭关修行去了。 In brief now to the Grand Land of the Divine Province matter, is that conference is making a decision. 总之现在对神州浩土的事情,是那个会议在拿主意。 This multi- person conference, do oneself have the opportunity found point that may be for the use? 这种多人会议,自己有没有机会在其中找到可供利用的点? Chen Luoyang ponder time, Tu Shanyi also in looks at he. 陈洛阳沉思的时候,屠山夷也在看着他。 Front this young people, really gave him too many surprised. 面前这个年轻人,真是给了他太多惊讶。 Is well-known really might as well meet, after having seen truly, discovered, he to Chen Luoyang's all impressions, seemed previously wrong. 闻名真的不如见面,真正见过之后才发现,他先前对陈洛阳的一切印象,似乎都是错的。 If receives and instructs this boy to go to Mortal World Ancient God Cult, what result will have? 如果接引这小子前往红尘古神教,会有什么结果? His institute studies, where comes? 他这一身所学,到底哪里来的? If Cult Master has not closed up, when Cult Master may one word worth nine sacred tripods make a decision. 如果教主没闭关的话,教主当可一言九鼎拿主意。 But now this aspect may be difficult to say. 但现在这局面可就难说了。 Tu Shanyi deeply suspected, oneself brings back to Mortal World the Grand Land of the Divine Province experience, if repeats completely, where that side main cult good to perhaps not to go to the Chen Luoyang's attitude. 屠山夷深深怀疑,自己将神州浩土的所见所闻带回红尘,如果完整复述的话,总教那边对陈洛阳的态度恐怕不会好到哪里去。 Having under qualifications competition, no matter what extreme within the cult high-level expert of Cult Master candidate, promising youth who such braves suddenly, is really the most loathful variable. 对有资格竞争下任教主候选人的极为教中高层强者来说,这样一个突然冒起来的后起之秀,实在是最让人讨厌的变数。 Cult Master happen to closes up at present ............ 教主眼下又正好闭关………… Tu Shanyi shakes the head secretly. 屠山夷暗地里摇头。 His looks at Chen Luoyang said: Matter, not only Southern Chu and Abyss of Suffering are involved, Minor Western Paradise and Blood River and Heavenly River also insert a foot, I need to reply that side main cult as soon as possible, at present turns in resignation to your excellency especially.” 看着陈洛阳说道:“此间事,不仅南楚苦海牵扯其中,小西天血河天河也都插一脚,我需要尽快回复总教那边,眼下特向尊驾请辞。” Chen Luoyang tranquil asking: Does not know that side Mortal World, who is the present takes responsibility?” 陈洛阳平静的问道:“不知红尘那边,现在是谁做主?” Tu Shanyi is slightly silent. 屠山夷略微沉默。 Other issue said that but in this issue, he does not want to tell the Chen Luoyang truth. 别的问题都好说,但这个问题上,他不想告诉陈洛阳实情。 But if Chen Luoyang proposed that sends people to return to Mortal World with him together, when the time comes also anything knew. 可如果陈洛阳提出派个人跟他一起回红尘的话,到时候也什么都知道了。 Therefore Tu Shanyi has not concealed, said confidently: Cult Master is closing up at present, the going out time is uncertain, the present is Elder composes Divine Demon Union with four halls chief together, handles within the cult everyday concerns.” 所以屠山夷没有隐瞒,坦然道:“教主眼下正闭关,出关时间不定,现在是各位长老四殿首座一起组成神魔联会,处理教中日常事务。” Hears the Tu Shanyi title, presents in some Divine Province Ancient God Cult the person, the brow secretly is pressed. 听见屠山夷的称谓,在场一些神州古神教中人,眉头都暗自蹙起。 Chen Luoyang oneself do not care. 陈洛阳本人倒不甚在意。 At this moment he thinks is actually, Divine Province Ancient God Cult frame, but also was really Fei Chen copied initially according to the Mortal World Main Ancient God Cult construction. 他此刻想到的却是,神州古神教的框架,还真是当初费尘照着红尘古神教总教的架构抄来的。 His heart laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, in the surface said: Mister Tu this time came from Mortal World, the sentiment of assisting aid, my Divine Province has returned by rights ought.” 他心底失笑摇头,面上则说道:“屠先生此次从红尘来,相助援手之情,我神州理当有所回报。” Saying, he makes a fist gently, delivers forward. 说着,他轻轻握拳,向前一送。 A person of surface bird body, cold and gloomy ice cold azure black God, appears in the main hall. 一尊人面鸟身,森冷冰寒的青黑神祇,就出现在大殿内。 looks at this Xuan Ming Idol, Tu Shanyi inspires immediately. 看着这尊玄冥相,屠山夷顿时吸一口气。 But Chen Luoyang took back the fist immediately, diverges Xuan Ming Idol. 陈洛阳又马上收回了拳头,散去玄冥相 Eye descend from the Mortal World as if lacks the one word worth nine sacred tripods person, therefore this matter first first puts temporarily.” Chen Luoyang said: Hopes that Mister Tu conveyed my good intentions, and asked that side Mortal World to take a regulation to come out as soon as possible, facilitates our two sides to exchange.” “不过眼下红尘似乎缺少一言九鼎的人,所以此事就先暂时先放放吧。”陈洛阳说道:“希望屠先生转达我的善意,并请红尘那边尽快拿个章程出来,方便咱们两边交流。” Tu Shanyi hearing this, deep looked at Chen Luoyang one. 屠山夷闻言,深深的看了陈洛阳一眼。 This may really be ............ 这可真是………… In the end, unexpectedly was Grand Land of the Divine Province this side put the bait, can fish that side Mortal World? 到头来,居然是神州浩土这边放了饵,要钓红尘那边? I will have the words of your excellency.” Tu Shanyi arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest toward Chen Luoyang. “我会将尊驾的话带到。”屠山夷陈洛阳拱了拱手。 Chen Luoyang nods: For the communication exchange, this cult this side one person, hopes that can travel together with Mister Tu.” 陈洛阳颔首:“为方便沟通交流,本教这边将有一人,希望能跟屠先生同行。” Had received the Chen Luoyang order Great Elder Xie Chong, at this time walked, toward Tu Shanyi good casual greeting: Also asked Mister Tu to look.” 已经接过陈洛阳命令的大长老谢冲,这时走出来,朝屠山夷行了半礼:“还请屠先生多关照。” Tu Shanyi said: From may, be so supposed better all.” 屠山夷言道:“自无不可,如此最好不过。” Chen Luoyang nods: Anticipates your good news.” 陈洛阳点头:“期待你们的好消息。” Tu Shanyi and Xie Chong go to the south. 屠山夷谢冲向南方而去。 Do they have the good news also to discuss separately, but Chen Luoyang obtains the good news that another side spreads immediately. 他们有没有好消息还要另说,不过陈洛阳马上得到另外一边传来的喜讯。 Su Mingjue they approached the true destination gradually. 苏明觉他们渐渐靠近真正的目的地了。
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