IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#251: I have a good impression to you, is very important

That Blood River arrives in front of Chen Luoyang to stop, in torrential Blood River, a male form is partly visible, is just now that Blood River swordsman. 血河来到陈洛阳面前停下,滔滔血河中,一个男子身影若隐若现,正是方才那名血河剑客。 Chen Luoyang raised the head, tranquil looks at opposite party. 陈洛阳抬头,平静看着对方。 In Blood River spreads that high-pitched and fine gloomy sound: Congratulates you to win total victories.” 血河中传出那尖细阴沉的声音:“恭喜你大获全胜。” He pursues on the this side road, has seen the Yanhaghavajra three people of corpses. 他追来这边的路上,已经看到衍空三人的尸首。 Is horrendous by this person all along, in the hand full is the attitude of blood, at this moment also felt that the heart sends faintly coldly. 以此人一贯杀人如麻,手上满是鲜血的作风,此刻也感到心头隐隐发寒。 Today within one day, Chen Luoyang by the widowed enemy numerous, has struck to kill too many opponents. 今天一天以内,陈洛阳以寡敌众,已经击杀了太多对手。 Casual which in Mortal World, has the number character famously, does not compare this Blood River swordsman to come badly. 随便哪个在红尘界,都是有名有号的人物,不比这个血河剑客来得差。 However they plant in this side world today completely under Mortal World, forever dies to return to Mortal World. 然而他们今天全部栽在红尘下这一方天地里,永远没命返回红尘 This Blood River swordsman saw, in the heart also feels intermittently anxious, was worried oneself are seeking an impossibility, does not know whether really to attain the thing that oneself want from Chen Luoyang here. 这个血河剑客见了,心中也感觉阵阵不安,担心自己在与虎谋皮,不知能否真的从陈洛阳这里拿到自己想要的东西。 Chen Luoyang had knowledge of his secret, there is a Flowing Fragrance Powder formula, if has then threatened him, what should he do? 陈洛阳掌握了他的秘密,又有流芳散的药方,如果接下来一直威胁他,他该如何是好? This walks all the way, this Blood River swordsman ponders over this issue in the heart. 这一路上走来,这血河剑客都在心中琢磨这个问题。 In his heart really lacks self-confidence. 他心中实在没底。 Although pursues Chen Luoyang to come, but the snowy mountain is boundless, loses the Chen Luoyang's trail quickly. 虽然是追着陈洛阳过来,但雪山茫茫,很快失去陈洛阳的踪迹。 But quick, this Blood River swordsman then discovered, some as if people showed a way to come out to him. 但很快,这血河剑客便发现,似乎有人给他指了一条路出来。 Therefore he pursues hastily. 于是他连忙追上来。 looks at that trace is getting more and more dense, especially when to the Chen Luoyang front almost becomes the frontline continually, can know that is Chen Luoyang specially to the guidepost that he leaves behind. 看着那痕迹越来越密,尤其到了陈洛阳面前时几乎连成一线,便可知道是陈洛阳专门给他留下的路标。 In this Blood River swordsman heart feels fuzzy slightly. 血河剑客心中更是微微发沉。 The opposite party seem to have expected him not to manage that Heavenly River swordsman, but pursues this side. 对方似乎已经料到他不会管那天河剑客,而是一路追来这边 Own thoughts and movement, as if were all seen through by the opposite party. 自己的心思和动作,仿佛全都被对方看穿了。 In a world beneath the Mortal World, really has the so powerful character? 红尘下一方天地里,竟然有如此强大的人物? Chen Luoyang tranquil looks at front Blood River, calm smiles, then knocks out the fist. 陈洛阳平静看着自己面前的血河,淡定的一笑,然后出拳。 The fist does not make to that Blood River swordsman, but the opposite party was still full of the alert. 拳头并不是向那血河剑客打出,但对方仍然充满戒备。 Finally sees the Chen Luoyang's fist vigor, falls in a precipice of distant snowy mountain. 结果就见陈洛阳的拳劲,落在远方一座雪山的山岩上。 By his strength, strikes conveniently then can relaxed put in order a mountain peak to cancel from the Divine Province land fully. 以他的实力,随手一击便足可以轻松将整座山峰都从神州大地上抹去。 But this moment this fist falls, the mountain peak is safe and sound. 但此刻这一拳落下,山峰安然无恙。 The Blood River swordsman does not certainly think that Chen Luoyang is exhausted, exhausts the strength. 血河剑客当然不会认为陈洛阳已经筋疲力尽,耗尽力量。 He looks carefully to that mountain peak, sees on the mountain peak to have the rock and product snowflake falls. 他仔细向那山峰望去,就见山峰上有岩石和积雪花落。 In the mountain peak surface, appears quickly a writing. 在山峰表面,很快浮现出一篇文字。 In this writing, recorded massive spiritual medicine names. 这篇文字上,记录了大量灵药的名字。 The Blood River swordsman looked, in the heart admires secretly. 血河剑客看了,心中暗暗佩服。 This Ancient God Cult promising youth, is really at present intrepid, strength really isn't spoke out freely purely, but was lifting the heavy as if it were light, can transform castoffs into delicaties. 眼前这个古神教的后起之秀,实在强悍,一身实力并非单纯大鸣大放,而是举重若轻,可以化腐朽为神奇。 Opposite party really isn't to refer to writing a letter on another's behalf in the stone wall precipice carves characters, but thought concept, integrates in fist intent. 对方并非以指代笔在石壁山岩上刻字,而是将念头意境,融入自身拳意中。 A fist, is an article. 一拳,便是一篇文章。 The so reach a high degree of proficiency attainments, the Blood River swordsman self-examined, could attempt, but feared that cannot achieve Chen Luoyang with ease like that enjoyable. 如此炉火纯青的造诣,血河剑客自问,或许能尝试一下,但怕是做不到陈洛阳那般轻松写意。 However, when acclaimed, his attention fell to that writing quickly, examined carefully the above record spiritual medicine. 不过,赞叹之余,他的注意力很快就落到那篇文字本身上,细细看上面记载的灵药 This should be his long-awaited Flowing Fragrance Powder formula! 这应该就是他梦寐以求的流芳散药方! In fact, this Blood River swordsman in recent years, has been seeking to collect the Flowing Fragrance Powder formula, what a pity harvests the limited, scattered, inadequate system. 事实上,这血河剑客近些年来,也一直在寻找收集流芳散药方,可惜收获有限,零零散散,不成系统。 But this also lets him to this spiritual medicine, has to surpass the understanding of average man. 但这也让他对这门灵药,有超出常人的认识。 Although had never before seen the complete formula, but compares itself passing to know now, examines formula that Chen Luoyang provides, he more looks more felt, this formula real. 虽然此前从未见过完整药方,但现在对照自己过往所知,查看陈洛阳提供的药方,他越看越觉得,这药方是真的。 In the Blood River swordsman heart the joyous feelings are getting more and more thick. 血河剑客心中喜悦之情越来越浓。 But at this moment, his sudden facial color changes, turns the head to look suddenly to Chen Luoyang. 但就在这时,他突然面色微变,豁然转头望向陈洛阳 Here, only then the material displays, that refinement technique?” “这里只有材料罗列,那炼制手法呢?” No matter pill refining or medicine refining, besides the raw material, have the refinement technique match that corresponds. 不管炼丹还是炼药,除了原材料以外,都有相对应的炼制手法匹配。 Two unify, can treasure the material numerously, blends a furnace, finally refining up end product spirit pills and marvelous medicines. 两相结合,才能将众多珍惜材料,融汇一炉,最终炼出成品灵丹妙药 How each material increases, what time world, what using the technique of processes in advance, when numerous materials connect in together, how should also coordinate, the crucial moment time of finally coming out wait wait/etc. etc., is the knowledge. 每种材料如何添加,什么时机天下,以什么样的手法预先处理,众多材料交汇在一起时,又该如何协调,最后出炉的火候时机等等等等,全是学问。 After all refining pills and medicine, is not the kitchen cooks the big teasel, all materials went in the pot to finish up together but actually. 毕竟炼丹炼药,不是伙房炖大锅菜,所有材料一起倒进去等出锅就完事了。 Words that really must speak, cooks the big teasel also to speak the crucial moment similarly, let alone refining pills and medicine. 真要说的话,炖大锅菜也同样要讲火候,就更别说炼丹炼药了。 know-how in these aspects, all are the knowledge. 这些方面的门门道道,全是学问。 Different pill medicine, has oneself original secret technique and know-how respectively. 不同的丹药,也各有自己独到的秘法和窍门。 The raw material that therefore Chen Luoyang gives at present lists, at best can only be half of formulas. 所以陈洛阳眼下给出的这个原材料列表,充其量只能算是一半药方。 Does not need to be irritable.” Chen Luoyang said lightly: there's no such thing as a free meal in the world, everyone offers mutual benefit and achieves common progress is quite good, formula you first taking away half, remaining half of you whether to obtain, must look that side Mortal World has Heavenly Profound Metal Essence Stone, or Celestial Crystal of the Magnetic Poles.” “无需急躁。”陈洛阳淡淡说道:“这天下从没有白吃的午餐,大家互惠互利比较好,药方你先拿去一半,剩下一半你能否得到,要看红尘界那边有没有玄天精金母石,或者两极元磁天晶。” That Blood River swordsman is slightly silent, has restored calmly: „Do you want Heavenly Profound Metal Essence Stone and Celestial Crystal of the Magnetic Poles? I understood, you must borrow this kind of treasure, cultivates a 'Rushou' type in Divine Martial Demon Fist, is right?” 血河剑客略微沉默,已经恢复冷静:“你要玄天精金母石两极元磁天晶?我明白了,你要借这一类宝物,修炼神武魔拳中的‘蓐收’一式,对不对?” Rushou, within the various Divine Demons of the ancient legends, God of West, golden body, God of Autumn. 蓐收者,上古传说诸神魔中,西方之神,金身,秋神 Chen Luoyang very confident saying: Good, these two treasures, Grand Land of the Divine Province does not have, therefore needs you to help me have a look at that side Mortal World.” 陈洛阳很坦然的说道:“不错,这两件宝物,神州浩土都没有,所以需要你帮我看看红尘界那边。” This Blood River swordsman snort/hum: You very think to be actually beautiful, this two kinds treasure, cherishes in Mortal World, moreover your Ancient God Cult Divine Martial Demon Fist 'Rushou', can restrain the myriad metals in the world, my Blood River lineage by influence, although is limited, but sometimes the hair's difference can decide result that the life and death fights, will I help you?” 血河剑客哼了一声:“你想得倒是挺美,这两样宝物,在红尘界也是稀罕,而且你古神教神武魔拳‘蓐收’,能克制天下万金,我血河一脉影响虽然有限,但毫厘之差有时候就能决定生死一战的结果,我会帮你?” Chen Luoyang raises up a finger, swung swinging gently: Do not make a mistake, you are helping you.” 陈洛阳竖起一根手指,轻轻摇了摇:“别搞错了,你是在帮你自己。” The Blood River swordsman obstructs slightly. 血河剑客微微一窒。 Even if Chen Luoyang practices inadequate "Rushou", actually still harmless, not influence he at present, is short of a way of promotion strength at best. 陈洛阳就算练不成“蓐收”,其实也无伤大雅,不影响他眼下,充其量是少了一个提升实力的途径。 Even is not necessarily able few. 甚至都未必会少。 Perhaps this fellow does not practice "Rushou", can practice other Divine Martial Demon Fist? 说不定这家伙不练“蓐收”,也可以练别的神武魔拳 Also or through other channels, seeks for Heavenly Profound Metal Essence Stone and Celestial Crystal of the Magnetic Poles. 又或者通过其他渠道,寻找玄天精金母石两极元磁天晶 But this Blood River swordsman not necessarily have the place to look for the complete Flowing Fragrance Powder formula again. 但这血河剑客自己却未必再有地方去找完整的流芳散药方。 He looked for many years not to harvest in Mortal World, having was so easy to look, has succeeded, where also runs up to front of Chen Luoyang with the present submissive. 他在红尘界找了多年都没有收获,有那么好找,早就成功了,哪里还用现在跑到陈洛阳面前低声下气。 Even if he depends on the first half formula to ask the refining pills and medicine capable person to infer the remaining half formulas on hand, that still requires the time. 就算他靠着手头上半张药方去找炼丹炼药的能人推导剩下半张药方,那也需要时间。 Before that Chen Luoyang can the internal injury hidden danger of this Blood River swordsman, the world of shouting all know. 在那以前,陈洛阳就可以将这血河剑客的暗伤隐患,嚷嚷的天下皆知。 When the time comes without he grasped complete Flowing Fragrance Powder, he must first look for trouble facing the Blood River inside and outside important goods enemies. 到时候没等他掌握完整流芳散,他就要面对血河内外一大帮对头先来找麻烦了。 both sides the condition in this transaction, are not completely coordinated. 双方在这个交易中的条件,完全不对等。 The voice of this Blood River swordsman, gloomy as if can pinch the water leakage. 血河剑客的声音,阴沉的仿佛能捏出水来。 I have helped your today, is it possible that you also think, acts bashful me to be inadequate? Was coerced by you with it to you, when the cow makes the horse, works as the lackey in any case, I might as well ask a big backer to consider as finished in Mortal World.” The person in Blood River hates the sound to say. “我今天已经帮你一回,莫非你还想以后都拿捏我不成?与其被你要挟给你当牛做马,反正都是当奴才,我还不如在红尘里找个大靠山算了。”血河里的人恨声说道。 Facing the somewhat manic opponent, Chen Luoyang is quite calm. 面对有些狂躁的对手,陈洛阳却极为淡定。 His only superficial saying: My matter, does not belong to you, it is necessary only half formula does act bashful you? You made a decision, helping me find Heavenly Profound Metal Essence Stone or Celestial Crystal of the Magnetic Poles, then you can obtain this Flowing Fragrance Powder second half formula, as well as ……” 只是轻描淡写的说道:“我的事,又不是非你不可,有必要区区半张药方拿捏你?你自己拿主意好了,帮我找到玄天精金母石或者两极元磁天晶,那么你就可以得到这流芳散的下半张药方,以及……” Chen Luoyang smiles: And, keeps a good impression here, to you, this is good compared with previous.” 陈洛阳笑了笑:“以及,在我这里留个好印象,对你来说,这比前一条更有好处。” That Blood River swordsman hearing this, has an absurd feeling. 血河剑客闻言,生出一种荒谬的感觉。 Obviously the a world beneath the Mortal World family background, cultivation base realm with young people who he is similar, unexpectedly spoke to him with this condescending tone? 明明不过红尘下一方天地出身,修为境界跟他相若的一个年轻人,居然用这种居高临下的口吻跟他说话? Did this boy, really take himself to work as entire Mortal World Ancient God Cult Cult Master? 这小子,真拿自己当整个红尘古神教教主了吗? However is in this Grand Land of the Divine Province a frog in a well. 不过就是这神州浩土里一只井底之蛙而已。 The Blood River swordsman wants to rebut with sarcasm, but somewhat jams suddenly. 血河剑客想要反唇相讥,但突然间又有些卡壳。 In Mortal World, wants to look for one to look like today fourteenth realm Martial Emperor of Chen Luoyang so score, if also in the sea fishes the needle to be the same...... 红尘界里,想找一个能像今天陈洛阳这般战绩的第十四境武帝,也如大海里捞针一样啊…… But at present this person, but also so young. 而眼前这个人,还如此的年轻。 In this Blood River swordsman heart sighed the one breath secretly, the anger disappeared gradually, no longer with Chen Luoyang fight of one breaths. 血河剑客心中暗叹一口气,火气渐渐消了,不再跟陈洛阳斗一口气。 The face countenance, starts to yield in the practical interests. 颜面,开始让位于实际利益。 After he calms down, the corner of the eye split vision swept a that side to carve the precipice of formula. 他冷静下来后,眼角余光扫了一下那边刻着药方的山岩。 After hesitation moment, this Blood River swordsman said: I am unable to guarantee that gets so far as thing that you want, is more impossible to guarantee in the short time to get so far as.” 沉吟片刻后,这血河剑客说道:“我无法保证弄到你想要的东西,更不可能保证短时间内能弄到。” Chen Luoyang actually completely not to the leeway that he bargained back and forth: Deciding a time was good, within one month, you take the thing to come here to trade the formula, if you do not appear, then before you attain the formula, your matter will first spread over Mortal World.” 陈洛阳却完全不给他讨价还价的余地:“定个时间好了,一个月之内,你拿东西来我这里换药方,如果你不出现,那在你拿到药方之前,你的事会先传遍红尘界。” The Blood River swordsman one breath withstand/top: You...... ……” 血河剑客一口气重新顶上来:“你…………” Although the heart medium baking temperature is big, but this time he actually somewhat pants afraid. 虽然心中火大,但这次他却有些心虚气短。 Because he idea of hitting, is the excuse looks for the treasure to constrain Chen Luoyang, but he collects the medicine refining raw material in Mortal World hastily, simultaneously looks for the refining pills and medicine famous expert, infers the second half formula depending on this first half formula as soon as possible. 因为他在打的主意,就是借口找宝物拖住陈洛阳,而他自己在红尘界则连忙收集炼药原材料,同时寻访炼丹炼药名家,凭这上半张药方尽快推导出下半张药方。 After own Flowing Fragrance Powder mass refining up, he can turn around to look for Chen Luoyang to do accounts. 等自己的流芳散大批量炼成后,他就可以掉头找陈洛阳算账了。 What a pity, Chen Luoyang does not give him completely this opportunity. 可惜,陈洛阳完全不给他这个机会。 You make a decision.” Chen is not irritable, repeated these words. “你自己拿主意。”陈某人始终不急不躁,将这句话重复了一遍。 That Blood River swordsman stares him to clench jaws the half of the day, finally endures this tone: I make contribution.” 血河剑客瞪着他咬牙切齿半天,终于还是把这口气忍下来:“我尽力。” Wish your succeed easily.” Chen Luoyang indifferent nod. “祝你马到功成。”陈洛阳淡然点头。 This Blood River swordsman felt in own heart the one breath withstand/top upward. 血河剑客就感觉自己心中一口气又往上顶。 Obviously is the thing that Chen Luoyang must look, finally now in the end, actually as if turns with Chen Luoyang irrelevant, but with his matter of life and death same as. 明明是陈洛阳要找的东西,结果现在到头来,却仿佛变成跟陈洛阳无关,而跟他生死攸关一样似的。 He tried hard to put down calming down, but could not bear puncture Chen Luoyang one finally: Before I found the thing, you first saved your poor life to say again.” 他努力平了平气,但最终还是忍不住刺了陈洛阳一句:“在我找到东西之前,你先保住你自己的小命再说吧。” Chen Luoyang is without turning a hair, only static looks at opposite party. 陈洛阳面不改色,只是静静看着对方。 That Blood River swordsman coldly said: You are truly awe-inspiring today, I must to you say that admires, but the issue is you should be clear, today the person in this Grand Land of the Divine Province, no is 15th realm.” 血河剑客冷冷说道:“你今天确实威风八面,我也要给你道一声佩服,但问题是你该清楚,今天这神州浩土里的人,没有一个是第十五境的。”
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