IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#239: Strongest to strongest( 6)

Chen Luoyang move of Chi You take action, tyrant certainly world. 陈洛阳一招蚩尤出手,霸绝天地。 Just now fought Amoghavajra, Vandhyarhab and Pravdhakara and the others when compared with it must overbearing swift and fierce. 比之方才跟不空、空屠、圆嗔等人动手时都还要更加霸道凌厉。 The great axe chops to fall, brings the sharp howl. 巨斧劈落,带起尖锐的啸声。 only these howls, then like sound killing technique, form just like the sharp ripple of essence merely, as if must separate void. 仅仅只是这些啸声,便如同音杀之术,形成宛若实质的尖锐波纹,仿佛要割裂虚空。 If not periphery the observing realm strength is high enough, only this severe howl keeps the average man from withstanding. 如果不是周围观战者境界实力都足够高的话,只是这厉啸声就让常人无法承受。 However, previously seemed like continuously quite passive Pravdhakara, at this moment also decisive take action. 不过,先前看似一直比较被动的圆嗔,这一刻也果断出手 Just now with own eyes the looks at apprentice by him who Chen Luoyang kills, at this time the mood is calm as usual. 方才亲眼看着自己徒弟被陈洛阳杀死的他,此时情绪冷静如常。 But its movement, actually extremely violent. 但其动作,却极为暴烈。 Dark big buddha facing great axe of dropping from the clouds, not only the does not have any meaning of flinching, instead powerful welcomed the opposite party to go forward. 黑暗大佛面对从天而降的巨斧,不仅没有任何退缩之意,反而强悍的迎着对方前进。 Tathagata Demon Palm terrifying palm intent continually promotes, as if no end, the strength to soar to for the degree that it is alarmed instantaneously. 如来魔掌的恐怖掌意不断提升,仿佛没有尽头,力量瞬间飞涨到一个叫人为之惊怖的程度。 18 are taking instantaneously, the hung upside down hell scene appears in the midair, was lifted upwardly by the dark big buddha counter is rising, the upfront bumps Chen Luoyang's "Chi You" hardly! 十八步在瞬间迈出,倒悬的十八层地狱景象出现在半空中,被黑暗大佛托举着向上逆升,正面硬碰陈洛阳的“蚩尤” Tathagata Demon Palm, Continuous Hell! 如来魔掌,步步地狱 Before seemed like somewhat overcautious and indecisive, Pravdhakara that hesitated hesitant, at this moment actually began is striking power strongest move! 之前看似有些瞻前顾后,犹豫踟蹰的圆嗔,这一刻却一上手就是攻击力最强的一招 Has not retained, nothing hesitant. 没有丝毫保留,没有任何犹豫。 directly is Continuous Hell! 直接就是步步地狱 As if what eight moves approximately talked nonsense. 仿佛什么八招之约都是扯淡。 Since the beginning, him must in this first move, defeat Chen Luoyang! 打从一开始,他就要在这第一招,就击败陈洛阳 A move decides the victory and defeat! 一招就决定胜负! Terrifying hanging upside down hell directly ascends to heaven, covers all around the world in this moment, covers the world. 恐怖的倒悬地狱直接升天,在这一刻笼罩周遭天地,覆盖人间。 Everyone has an misconception in this moment. 大家在这一刻都有一种错觉。 The world as if inverts, then world all, must fall into that side Xuan but actually in the hell of space. 天地似乎颠倒过来,然后世间一切,都要倒跌入那方悬于天上的地狱中。 The similar move, causes at fourteenth realm Pravdhakara in the hand, might compared with thirteenth realm is not spatial, there is a difference. 同样一招,在第十四境圆嗔手里使来,威力比起第十三境的不空,又有不同。 Amoghavajra using the Continuous Hell, cultivation base as if raises one baseless, reaches to fourteenth realm. 不空催动步步地狱,修为仿佛凭空拔高一层,臻至第十四境 But Pravdhakara displays Continuous Hell, as if promoted 15th realm cultivation base in this moment! 圆嗔施展步步地狱,在这一刻仿佛提升到了第十五境修为 In the Grand Land of the Divine Province history, appears briefly merely, later several hundred years had not presented again 15th realm. 神州浩土历史上,仅仅昙花一现,之后数百年都再未出现过的第十五境 Pravdhakara at this moment, as if visits this realm. 圆嗔此刻,就仿佛踏足这个境界 The boundless endless Demon Buddha palm strength, hits by the potential of overturning the heavens to Chen Luoyang. 磅礴无尽的魔佛掌力,以翻天之势打向陈洛阳 The Chen Luoyang look is usual. 陈洛阳神色如常。 His figure combines with Chi You Idol faintly. 他身形隐隐同蚩尤相合二为一。 Then besides that big axe, Chi You Idol lifts another hand, takes down a long halberd from the top of the head again, chops with the big axe together to overturning the heavens, but hanging upside down hell. 然后除了那柄大斧之外,蚩尤相抬起另一只手,又从头顶上空再取下一柄长戟,和大斧一起劈向翻天而起的倒悬地狱。 The big axe and long halberd, directly chops into pieces layer upon layer the hell, and downward. 大斧和长戟,直接劈碎层层地狱,并且一路向下。 After the hell disruption is over nine, after the big axe and long halberd as if have , the strength is bad, strong crossbow by end indication. 在十八层地狱碎裂超过九层后,大斧和长戟似乎有后力不济,强弩以末的征兆。 But at this moment, on Chen Luoyang's Chi You Idol, unexpectedly baseless are many a arm, then in top of the head remaining nine divine weapon, takes down a broadsword. 但就在这时,陈洛阳的蚩尤相身上,竟然凭空再多出一条手臂,然后在头顶剩下九支神兵中,取下一杆大刀。 The broadsword chops to fall loudly. 大刀轰然劈落。 Not only oneself with irresistible force, after drive originally as if, strength bad long halberd and big axe, radiates the vigor, launches the impact toward that matter level hell layer on layer/heavily. 不仅自己势如破竹,更带动原先似乎后力不济的长戟与大斧,也重新焕发活力,重重朝那层层地狱发起冲击。 Imposing manner dreadful Chi You Idol sends out the silent rave. 气势滔天的蚩尤相发出无声的狂吼。 The world changes color. 天地为之变色。 Originally plateau of clear and boundless sky, in this piece of zone, instantaneous overcast sky. 原本晴空万里的高原,在这一片区域上空,瞬间阴云密布。 In these dark clouds shows is the malignant influences. 那些阴云里透出的全是煞气。 In these malignant influences, the faintly myriad forms appear together, and sends out to roar with Chi You Idol together. 这些煞气里,隐隐有万千身影一起浮现,并随着蚩尤相一同发出怒号。 Suddenly, fights intent deafening sound, murderous aura full wild. 一时间,战意喧天,杀气盈野。 The inexhaustible life, gives birth fights to the end, is dies also the continuous powerful will, must follow Chi You to go on an expedition the world entire world together. 无穷无尽的生灵,生出战斗到底,便是死也不休的强大意志,要追随蚩尤一起征战天地寰宇。 Then is the hell, must tread broken. 便是地狱,也要踏破。 Then is Demon Buddha, must cut to kill! 便是魔佛,也要斩杀! Three divine weapon together downward, breaks out the hell together. 三支神兵一同向下,将十八层地狱也一起劈开。 Meets hardly their is the huge dark Buddha palm that palm reversed "卍" symbol non-stop rotating. 硬接他们的则是掌心逆转“”字符不停转动的巨大黑暗佛掌。 As if Buddha take action, stops three divine weapon personally forcefully, will soar to the heavens killing intent and war intent also intercepts. 仿佛佛陀亲自出手,硬生生止住三支神兵,将冲霄杀意和战意也拦截住。 Even, the terrifying strength, must reverse Chi You Idol to retrocede. 甚至,恐怖的力量,要倒逼蚩尤相后退。 However on Chi You Idol regenerates the fourth arm, from above surplus six divine weapon, takes off a sledgehammer, pounds down toward that Buddha palm! 但是蚩尤相身上再生第四条手臂,从上方剩余六支神兵中,摘下一柄大锤,朝着那佛陀手掌砸下! Four divine weapon, collide with dark big buddha palm loudly. 四支神兵,同黑暗大佛这一掌轰然碰撞。 The big buddha palm, was cut torn to pieces, simultaneous/uniform wrist breaks. 大佛手掌,被斩得支离破碎,齐腕而断。 Chi You Idol in the hand four divine weapon, was also shaken. 蚩尤相手里四支神兵,则也被生生震断。 both sides meet the tough head-on with toughness directly, the momentum is scary, world-shaking. 双方正面硬碰硬,声势骇人,惊天动地 The intense complementary waves, encircle the proliferation to all around, changes like the sharp blade gust of wind, the snowy mountain summit that the distant place stands erect, was truncated by this gust of wind entire simultaneously. 强烈的余波,向四周围扩散,化作如同利刃般的疾风,远方屹立的雪山山顶,被这疾风整整齐齐削断。 Above half summit, shatter faded and fallen. 上面半截山顶,破碎飘零。 The following half mountain peak, the crown was truncated smoothly like the mirror. 下面半截山峰,顶部被削得平滑如镜。 The fresh breeze toward the distant place, the outward diffusion, will as if never have the end unceasingly. 劲风朝着远方,不断向外扩散,仿佛永远不会有尽头。 The surrounding observing people see both sides this first move of fight, all at present one bright. 周围观战众人见到双方这第一招交手,全都眼前一亮。 These two, seriously are the first move on bring forth the true strength, whole-heartedly. 这两人,当真是第一招就拼出真火,全力以赴。 Although also only fourteenth realm cultivation base, but this full power eruption suddenly, has basically been equal to 15th realm expert take action. 虽然都还只是第十四境修为,但这瞬息间的全力爆发,基本上已经等同第十五境强者出手 Overbearing of Tathagata Demon Palm and Divine Martial Demon Fist, shown incisiveness. 如来魔掌神武魔拳的霸道,展现的淋漓尽致。 From Tu Shanyi that Mortal World Ancient God Cult comes, this moment attention completely on Chen Luoyang. 红尘古神教而来的屠山夷,此刻注意力全部都在陈洛阳身上。 Pravdhakara Tathagata Demon Palm is truly powerful, but to Tu Shanyi, what is more important confirms the Chen Luoyang's details. 圆嗔如来魔掌确实强大,但对屠山夷来说,更重要的还是确认陈洛阳的底细。 He gazes at this young people, the pupil contracts slightly. 他注视这个年轻人,瞳孔略微收缩。 Absolute authentic lineage type "Chi You", absolute authentic lineage Divine Martial Demon Fist direct legacy. 绝对正宗的一式“蚩尤”,绝对正宗神武魔拳嫡传 The attainments, are so truant are too difficult to learn. 如此造诣,偷学都学不来。 But also because is just extremely pure, therefore Tu Shanyi could not see little while, actually Chen Luoyang this Divine Martial Demon Fist transits the discipling from. 但也正因为太过纯正,所以屠山夷一时三刻间也看不出,陈洛阳神武魔拳究竟师承何人。 Generally speaking, only if studies independently completely, otherwise the detail on person martial arts, will carry over somewhat transits the discipling from the origin, receives own respected master influence. 一般来说,除非完全自学,否则一个人武学上的细节,多多少少会带出些师承来历,受自己恩师影响 Same gate martial arts, the different people cultivation, would the fine distinction. 同一门武学,不同的人来修炼,总会有细微差别。 Has the individual comprehension, there is transiting the discipling from influence. 这其中有自己个人的领悟,也有师承的影响 Until melts later is a furnace, forms the completely alone own characteristics, but in this regard, sect lineage succeeds one another, many can carry over some clues. 直到后期融为一炉,形成完全独属于自己的特征,但在这方面,师门一脉相承,多少能带出些线索。 Now but Chen Luoyang knocks out the fist, falls in the Tu Shanyi eye, only has two characters. 可是现在陈洛阳出拳,落在屠山夷眼里,只有两个字。 Pure. 纯正。 Overbearing swift and fierce these are the special characteristics that "Chi You" should have. 霸道凌厉这些都是“蚩尤”理应具备的特质。 But in addition, actually cannot see any individual trace again. 而除此之外,却再看不出任何个人痕迹。 Also, because of this purely, therefore especially is then swift and fierce! 可是,也正因为如此纯粹,所以便格外凌厉! This does not mean to stress the past over the present, the people of our time own comprehension of cannot exceed legacy of ancient, but after this strength concept arrived at the pinnacle purely, except for overbearing overbearing, except for swift and fierce swift and fierce, more and more limit close to this fist technique pursue. 这并不是说厚古薄今,今人自己的领悟胜不过古人的传承,而是当这份力量意境纯粹到了极致后,除了霸道还是霸道,除了凌厉还是凌厉,越来越接近这门拳法追求的极限。 Therefore especially is also powerful! 于是也就格外强大! But those who make Tu Shanyi care, even if in Mortal World Ancient God Cult, cultivate Divine Demon Blood and Divine Martial Demon Fist fourteenth realm expert, when displays "Chi You", generally is also incapable of using four divine weapon simultaneously. 而更让屠山夷在意的是,哪怕在红尘界古神教,修习神魔血神武魔拳第十四境强者,在施展“蚩尤”的时候,一般也无力同时动用四支神兵 Divine Martial Demon Fist is broad and profound, infinitely subtle. 神武魔拳博大精深,奥妙无穷。 Basic, small accomplishment, great accomplishment, perfection, is the different concepts. 入门,小成,大成,圆满,是不同的概念。 Can learn and put forth move of fist technique, does not mean the truth will have a thorough understanding completely, the strength will display completely. 能学会并使出一招拳法,并不意味着就将其中道理完全吃透,将其中力量完全施展。 Besides comprehends the understanding personally, has the directly relations with cultivation base realm. 除了个人参悟理解以外,也跟修为境界直接关系。 Every so often promotion of cultivation base realm, means that to progress that the truth comprehends. 很多时候修为境界的提升,也意味着对道理参悟的进步。 both sides one, but two, two but relations. 双方一而二,二而一的关系。 But at present Chen Luoyang as if breaks this heavy boundary unexpectedly faintly, how to make Tu Shanyi be startled? 但眼下陈洛阳竟似乎隐隐突破这重界限,如何不让屠山夷吃惊? Only looks at this move, he felt profoundly, perhaps previously many people, underestimated this young people. 只看这一招,他就深刻觉得,此前很多人,恐怕都低估了这个年轻人。 Under buddhist light covers, the Minor Western Paradise people also all look at steadily, was attracted the attention completely. 佛光笼罩下,小西天众人也全都目不转睛,全部被吸引注意力。 This not like is Ancient God Cult secret training descendant, his does Divine Martial Demon Fist, how practice probably purely?” Having the monk look is dignified. “这不像古神教秘密培养的传人,他的神武魔拳,怎么像是纯粹自己练的?”有僧人神色凝重。 Oneself practice indifferently, can cultivation to the situation is so astonishing.” That fierce appearance same big monk, at this moment seems to be unemotional. “自己练无所谓,能修炼至如此地步才惊人。”那仿佛怒目金刚一样的大和尚,此刻面无表情。 Has the famous teacher to direct, is completely two concepts. 有没有名师指点,完全是两个概念。 The so-called knowledge sees the barrier, that is to the thing that certainly highly or some special times considered. 所谓知见障,那是到了一定高度或者个别特殊时刻才考虑的东西。 Most times, a famous teacher selection and broadcast passed on the truth, can the younger generation little take the innumerable tortuous paths, omits wastes time innumerably. 绝大多数时候,名师一句点播传了真理,就可以晚辈少走无数弯路,省去无数蹉跎。 Big monk sinking sound said: So the demon, the climate gradually had become, cannot appease again, otherwise must become great misfortune.” 大和尚沉声道:“如此魔头,气候已经渐渐成了,绝不能再姑息下去,否则必成大患。” He turns the head to look to Grandmaster Yanhaprajna: „ Should say, he is for the big demon of calamity common people, so aptitude, if Ancient God Cult regards as important training, that will be beyond redemption. 他转头看向衍慧大师:“应该说,他已经是个为祸苍生的大魔头了,如此资质,若得古神教看重培养,那将更加不可收拾。 If he dies in Pravdhakara that's the end of it, but if won is he, we take advantage to solve simply now, Ancient God Cult only has Tu Shanyi one person at present here, but must by the person diversion of Southern Chu. 如果他死在圆嗔手里也就罢了,可如果赢得是他,我们索性就趁现在解决掉,古神教眼下在这里只有屠山夷一人,还要被南楚的人牵制。 If he returned to Mortal World to report Ancient God Cult, Ancient God Cult came many expert, or he brings this Chen Luoyang to return to Mortal World simply, then on night long dream appeared. 如果等他回红尘报告古神教,古神教来了更多高手,或者他索性带这个陈洛阳返回红尘界,那就夜长梦多了 The present is the best opportunity! ” 眼下是最好的机会!” Grandmaster Yanhaprajna has not spoken, in only both eyes the light colored glaze unusual brightness appears, flickers gaze below Chen Luoyang that does not transfer. 衍慧大师没有说话,只是双目中淡淡琉璃宝光浮现,一瞬不转的注视下方陈洛阳 Chen Luoyang and Pravdhakara first move on bring forth the true strength, "Chi You" decisive battle Continuous Hell. 陈洛阳圆嗔第一招就拼出真火,“蚩尤”决战步步地狱 But both sides have not made concessions, second move of following. 而双方谁都没有退让,第二招接踵而来。 Still was "Chi You" to putting together Continuous Hell! 仍然是“蚩尤”对拼步步地狱 Strongest attack, decisive battle strongest attack! 最强的攻击,决战最强的攻击! The wild fighting method, making the surrounding numerous come from Mortal World, sees observing of great storms, is soul-stirring. 狂暴的打法,让周围一众来自红尘界,见惯大风大浪的观战者,都惊心动魄。 This may probably branch out the life and death in several moves seriously the fighting method. 这可当真是要在几招内分出生死的打法。 Minute life and death, rather than minute of victory or defeat. 分生死,而不是分胜败。 Once who shows a flaw carelessly, immediately is in danger. 谁一旦不慎露出一点破绽,立刻就有生命危险。 Everyone concentrates on, carefully looks, sees the body of dark big buddha, is indistinct seems like appeared some wounds of splitting. 大家全神贯注,仔细看去,就见黑暗大佛的身上,隐约间似乎多了一些裂开的伤口。 Continuously fierce move to spelling, is younger Chen Luoyang gets several points of winning side impressively! 连续猛招对拼,赫然是更年轻的陈洛阳占据几分上风! Does not have fancy, the attack that meets the tough head-on with toughness directly, Demon Sovereign starts to crush Demon Monk gradually. 如此毫无花俏,正面硬碰硬的对攻,魔皇开始渐渐压倒魔僧 Arrived the third move, Pravdhakara had to fear intent to be the same probably, as if don't dare met the tough head-on with toughness with Chen Luoyang again. 到了第三招,圆嗔像是心生惧意一样,似乎不敢再跟陈洛阳硬碰硬了。 He changes on own initiative, no longer is Continuous Hell. 他主动变招,不再是步步地狱 But is not other styles in Tathagata Demon Palm. 但也不是如来魔掌中的其他招式。 The Pravdhakara third move, traded other martial arts unexpectedly. 圆嗔第三招,居然换了别的武学 Moreover, his is not another comparable to Tathagata Demon Palm shocking absolute technique, but is one type obviously absolute technique that Tathagata Demon Palm was weaker than planned. 而且,他这也不是另外某种堪比如来魔掌的惊世绝学,而是一种明显比如来魔掌弱了一筹的绝学
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