IHPDMB :: Volume #3

#235: Sweeps Black Lotus

Hears the Chen Luoyang's issue, Xiao Yuntian replies: Goes to the northwest from here, about seven thousand li (500 km) about positions.” 听到陈洛阳的问题,萧云天答道:“从这里向西北去,大约七千里左右的位置。” Chen Luoyang nods: Front guides, has a look.” 陈洛阳点点头:“前面带路,去看看。” Yes, Cult Master.” Xiao Yuntian replied. “是,教主。”萧云天答道。 Therefore Flame Dragon Imperial Carriage then goes to the place that initially second elder Yan Zhao and fifth elder Tan Yunsheng as well as some Demon Cult cult members died in battle. 于是炎龙皇辇便来到当初二长老燕赵五长老谭云生以及一些魔教教众战死的地方。 As then when Yan Mingkong comes such, this place besides battled the terrain destruction that initially causes, could not have seen any trace that Yan Zhao, Tan Yunsheng and the others left. 一如当初燕明空来时那样,此地除了当初交战造成的地形破坏外,已经看不出燕赵谭云生等人留下的任何痕迹。 After Chen Luoyang has a look, asked unemotionally: Who does?” 陈洛阳四下里看看后,面无表情问道:“谁干的?” Xiao Yuntian replied: reporting to the Cult Master, can only determine that is the Tathagata Demon Palm direct legacy behavior, who is unable to verify specifically, at present among misled people in Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary, spreads a broadest given name, calls makes True Buddha Amoghavajra.” 萧云天答道:“禀教主,只能确定是如来魔掌嫡传所为,具体何人无法查证,目前在黑莲佛境里被蛊惑的民众当中,流传最广的一个名号,唤作不空真佛。” Chen Luoyang turns the head to visit him, Xiao Yuntian said: This demon and before the person manifests a presence, is the images of dark Buddha, is difficult to see the appearance/portrait, accidentally make an appearance several times, has looked at the person cannot remember his concrete appearance, only said that is young monk.” 陈洛阳转头看他,萧云天言道:“这魔和尚在人前显圣,都是黑暗佛陀的形象,难见真容,偶然几次露面,看过的人也想不起他具体长相,只说是一个年轻和尚。” Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary being puzzled person mind. 黑莲佛境惑人心神。 Tathagata Demon Palm legacy, there are many cultivation that aims at the spirit, is good at attacking others mind especially. 如来魔掌传承,又有很多针对精神的修炼,也格外擅长攻击他人心神。 By this influence, the average person was hard to distinguish its look, actually excusable matter. 受此影响,一般人难以辨别其相貌,倒是情有可原的事情。 Chen Luoyang nods, has not said anything. 陈洛阳点点头,没有多说什么。 He turns the head to look the hills of land and collapse that front Wasteland bursts, did not speak silently. 他转头看面前荒芜破裂的大地和倒塌的群山,默默不语。 Two people of dying, Yan Zhao were not many raised, fifth elder Tan Yunsheng somewhat was special. 死的两个人,燕赵就不多提了,五长老谭云生则有些特别。 This person of not like seventh elder Shangguan Song same was a surrender Cult Master side afterward, but hits from the beginning, is Cult Master most believes one of the heavy people, conceals intentionally camouflages itself, joins in veteran faction, the waiting removes firewood from under the pot, earth-shaking that moment. 此人不像七长老上官松一样是后来投诚教主一方,而是打一开始,就是教主最信重的人之一,故意掩饰伪装自己,投身元老派,等待釜底抽薪,石破天惊的那一刻。 According to Cult Master oneself first 20 years of entire life experiences that in black pot provides, this Elder Tan, can be looks at him to grow up since childhood. 按照黑壶中提供的教主本人前二十年的生平经历,这位谭长老,可以算是从小看他长大。 In within the cult old generation, Cult Master few intimate person. 教中年长一辈中,教主少有亲近的人。 Besides his father Chen Hanhai, perhaps was this Elder Tan. 除了其老爹陈翰海以外,恐怕就要数这位谭长老了。 This Elder Tan comes Snow Region plateau, volunteers for military service on own initiative, for monitors second elder Yan Zhao. 这次谭长老雪域高原,也是主动请缨,为了来监视二长老燕赵 If this is not the case, perhaps will not meet with this tribulation. 若非如此,恐怕不会遭逢此劫。 What a pity he does not know, inside oneself Cult Master already exchange people. 可惜他不知道,自家教主内里已经换人了。 Chen Luoyang to this fifth elder, is really far from what sentiment, both sides are together too few, spoke the truth, to him, has not been coming to be intimate with small Su Yuan. 陈洛阳对这位五长老,实在谈不上什么感情可言,双方相处太少,讲老实话,对着他,还没有对着小苏远来得亲近。 However thinks and this fifth elder entire life, in the Chen Luoyang heart is somewhat sigh with emotion. 不过思及这位五长老的生平,陈洛阳心中还是有些感慨。 Is far from really sadly, may be truly sorry. 悲伤实在谈不上,可确实感到惋惜。 Demon Cult will soon sweep away Divine Province, the eve of monopolizing, Tan Yunsheng walks. 魔教即将横扫神州,一统天下的前夕,谭云生走了。 No matter craves the authority, looks after the later generation, this old person cannot taste to the final fruits of victory. 不管是热衷权位,还是关照后辈,这个老人都没能品尝到最后的胜利果实。 Even walks to him beforehand at that moment, the within the cult tendency Cult Master young faction go-getters raised his time, but also treated as and Yan Zhao, Wang Mofeng, Chai Han and Zhou Pancheng equally hateful old codger him. 甚至到他走之前那一刻,教中心向教主少壮派干将们提起他的时候,还将他当做跟燕赵王默峰柴翰周攀澄一样可恨的老不死。 This makes people somewhat disappointed. 这着实让人有些怅然。 only, cannot say that he pours before the daybreak in final the darkness. 只是,也不能说他倒在黎明前最后的黑暗里。 After unifying Grand Land of the Divine Province, Ancient God Cult is still far from relaxes vigilance, war over. 统一神州浩土之后,古神教还远远谈不上刀枪入库,马放南山呢。 Tan Yunsheng is alive, must same face the present aspect with everyone similarly. 谭云生在世,也同样要跟大家一样面对眼前的局面。 First, present Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary. 首先,就还是眼下的黑莲佛境 In the Chen Luoyang gaze distant place sky that partly visible huge Black Lotus, did not speak for a very long time. 陈洛阳注视远方天空中那若隐若现的巨大黑莲,久久不语。 In his heart moves suddenly slightly, then looks to another side. 他心中忽然微微一动,然后看向另外一边。 Sees that direction, has buddhist light for the first time presently. 就见那个方向,有佛光乍现。 In colored glaze buddhist light gentle, wise round sleep/felt wonderfully. 琉璃佛光中一片平和,充满智慧圆觉之妙相。 In buddhist light indistinctly, has incessantly person surrounded by this. 佛光中影影绰绰,有不止一个人身处其中 This piece of buddhist light, comes quickly from the distant place close to this place. 这片佛光,自远方而来很快靠近此地。 In buddhist light, the faintly visible string of pearls, canopy, lotus flower, valuable pestle, morning bell, evening drum, golden bell and streamer flag and other Buddhism treasure of phantom, curl all in colored glaze buddhist light, light shining one piece by piece, not eye-catching dazzling, instead made one have the tranquil auspicious feeling. 佛光中,隐约可见璎珞、伞盖、莲花、宝杵、晨钟、暮鼓、金铃、幡旗等佛门宝物的虚影,尽数卷在琉璃佛光内,光灿灿一片片,并不夺目刺眼,反而令人心生宁静祥和的感觉。 And concept, was Grand Land of the Divine Province Buddhism first expert "Maha Illness" Grandmaster Ming Jue was also then well below in years past. 其中意境,便是昔年神州浩土佛门第一高手“病摩诃”明觉大师也远远不及。 In the Chen Luoyang heart understands clearly, this was that Buddhism view regiment. 陈洛阳心中了然,这就是那支佛门观战团了。 The opposite party have no meaning that comes to greet, but has not revealed any hostility. 对方没有任何前来打招呼的意思,不过也没有流露出任何敌意。 Xiao Yuntian said in a soft voice: Cult Master, these Buddhism authentic lineage descendant, should from that Mortal World, the concrete details still not be clear, but as if there is name of Minor Western Paradise.” 萧云天轻声道:“教主,这些佛门正统传人,应该也是来自那红尘界,具体底细尚不清楚,但似乎有小西天之名。” Chen Luoyang un one, heart these people, are not only Mortal World Minor Western Paradise Buddhism martial artist, should furthermore there is another or several, from outside the Mortal World. 陈洛阳“嗯”了一声,心道那些人,不仅仅是红尘界小西天佛门武者,其中应该还有一个或几个,来自红尘之外 Now this appearance, reflected Mortal World inside and outside Buddhism descendant, has related. 现在这模样,反映了红尘内外的佛门传人,有所联系。 But such clear swayed in everyone at present, really appropriate? 但就这么明明白白摆在大家眼前,真的合适吗? that person will Demon Venerable surnamed Tang, turn a blind eye to this matter unexpectedly? 那位姓唐的魔尊,居然会对这种事情视若无睹? or is, is this also the single layer probe? 还是说,这是又一重试探? Own present acts as "Demon Venerable", should turn a blind eye to this phenomenon? 自己现在充当“魔尊”,该不该对这种现象睁一只眼闭一只眼? Many issues have delimited the Chen Luoyang mind rapidly. 多个问题迅速划过陈洛阳脑海。 Own this "Demon Venerable", besides the protest, anything does not do at present. 自己这号“魔尊”,眼下除了抗议外,什么都做不了。 If this also is really the single layer probe, but also really some are not good to deal. 如果这真是又一重试探的话,还真有些不好应对。 Must try to find the solution, can only give a try whether to provoke in Mortal World other expert, aims at this Minor Western Paradise. 要想办法,就只能试试看能否挑动红尘中其他强者,来针对这个小西天 However pours not busily afraid. 不过倒也不忙心虚。 The situation at present keeping abreast, this Sir Demon Venerable surnamed Tang, some quite meat and vegetarian dishes does not envy, the meaning of all rivers run into sea. 目前掌握的情况,这位姓唐的魔尊大人,颇有些荤素不忌,海纳百川的意思。 authentic lineage Buddhism descendant, Demon Buddha descendant, Ancient God Cult, Blood River lineage......, if has Daoism and other demon path again exists, in this billowing Mortal World, seriously is all sorts of strange and unusual, was all-embracing. 正统佛门传人,魔佛传人,古神教,血河一脉……如果再有道门和其他魔道存在,这滚滚红尘中,当真是千奇百怪,无所不包了。 Perhaps, walked is such path, oneself do not need to make much ado about nothing. 或许,走的就是这么个路子,自己不用对此大惊小怪。 only to confirm this point, oneself also need to understand more things. 只是为了确认这一点,自己还需要了解更多东西。 In the Chen Luoyang heart is thinking. 陈洛阳心中思索着。 In opposite Buddhism the person does not look for him, perhaps is because in Mortal World, Minor Western Paradise relates with Ancient God Cult was not good. 对面的佛门中人不来找他,或许是因为在红尘界里,小西天古神教关系本就不好。 But Chen Luoyang are unfriendly to Buddhism in Grand Land of the Divine Province. 陈洛阳自己在神州浩土佛门也不友好。 Others are waiting eagerly to wait to ask him to trouble, but must wait for him and Demon Buddha descendant first hits one to say again. 人家正憋着劲儿等着找他麻烦呢,只不过要等他和魔佛传人先打一场再说。 But that came from in Buddhism outside Mortal World the person, cared that with emphasis perhaps lies in this Ancient God Cult with Demon Buddha descendant this expedition, who does not matter in the warring parties concretely is. 而那来自红尘外的佛门中人,关心重点或许在于这次古神教魔佛传人这场征战本身,而无所谓于交战双方具体是谁。 So, suits me ............ in the Chen Luoyang heart to say. 如此,正合我意…………陈洛阳心中想道。 Flame Dragon Imperial Carriage starts to start off, flies to the Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary deep place. 炎龙皇辇重新启程上路,向黑莲佛境深处飞去。 Fiery red auspicious clouds interlocks with golden buddhist light, everyone when as if the opposite party does not exist to be the same. 火红祥云同金色的佛光交错而过,大家都仿佛当对方不存在一样。 But this Ancient God Cult with the war between Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary, has opened officially. 而这一场古神教黑莲佛境之间的大战,已然正式拉开帷幕。 While Chen Luoyang visits Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary while Flame Dragon, all around, some lots of Ancient God Cult numerous, start to launch the attack to Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary simultaneously. 陈洛阳炎龙踏足黑莲佛境的同时,四面八方,同时有大量古神教众,开始向黑莲佛境发起进攻。 North, from the western region desert comes, to be headed by Absolute Wolf Yamo, the part surrenders Ancient God Cult foreign race to take the main force, starts to capture Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary in the territory of western region. 北部,自西域大漠而来,以“绝狼亚木阿为首,部分归降古神教异族作为主力,开始攻入黑莲佛境在西域的疆土。 Middle, south-north from Shu Prefecture and Ba Prefecture, two groups of armies enter Snow Region plateau respectively, then captures Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary, wipes out Black Lotus pagoda Buddhist temples. 中部,从蜀州巴州一南一北,分别有两路大军进入雪域高原,然后攻入黑莲佛境,拔除一座座黑莲佛塔佛寺。 North road troops, before Xia Dynasty King of Han Li Yuanlin and the others as main force. 北路人马,以前夏朝汉王李元麟等人作为主力。 Just like the foreign race that side, their moment don't dare have idled, even goes all out compared with authentic lineage Ancient God Cult cult members. 异族那边一样,他们此刻不敢有所懈怠,甚至比正统古神教教众更加卖力。 The performance in this war, will further decide them in the new times of Ancient God Cult control world, actually situated in what position. 这一战中的表现,将更进一步决定他们在古神教统御天下的新时代中,究竟处于什么位置。 South troops who sets out from Shu Prefecture, is primarily the Ancient God Cult strength, after entering Snow Region plateau, with here local bully plateau branch Hong Yan and the others converged, then attacks Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary. 蜀州进发的南路人马,则以古神教自家力量为主,进入雪域高原后同这里的地头蛇高原分舵洪岩等人汇合,然后攻击黑莲佛境 What is worth mentioning is, besides the Ancient God Cult troops, few people, from Hui Prefecture Ksitigarbha Zen Courtyard. 值得一提的是,除了古神教自家人马以外,还有一部分人,来自徽州地藏禅院 Then south, is another team of people. 最南边,则是另外一队人。 Qian Prefecture branch lord Wang Dubao and the others, lead another Ancient God Cult army, detours from Dian Prefecture, goes over hill and dale from Snow Region plateau, enters the plateau region, converging attack Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary. 黔州分舵舵主王独豹等人,带领又一支古神教大军,自滇州绕道,从雪域高原南部翻山越岭,进入高原地带,夹击黑莲佛境 Follows Cult Master Chen Luoyang's Flame Dragon Imperial Carriage to go forward, four mighty currents penetrate plateau together, cuts quickly Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary. 伴随教主陈洛阳的炎龙皇辇前进,四道洪流一起贯入高原,很快将黑莲佛境切割开来。 As Buddhist temple pagodas wiped out, that covers sky over plateau Black Lotus at visible speed, in fast dispirited reduction. 随着一座座佛寺佛塔被拔除,那朵笼罩高原上空的“黑莲”以肉眼可见的速度,在快速萎靡缩小。 Azure Dragon Hall and Xiao Yuntian and the others the initial upholstery work has not wasted, the Ancient God Cult accurate attack Black Lotus Buddhist temple foothold, with irresistible force, restores the lost territory. 青龙殿萧云天等人前期的铺垫工作没有白费,古神教精准的打击一个又一个黑莲佛寺据点,势如破竹,收复失地。 Previously, because Ancient God Cult was busy with foreign race encounters, after defeating foreign race, is busy seizing the beyond the Great Wall prairie and stabilizes across central land, to the western Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary expansion, had the conservative attitude. 此前,因为古神教忙于同异族交锋,击败异族后忙着占领塞外草原和稳定中土各地,对西边的黑莲佛境扩张,采取了保守的态度。 But after now all attention concentrate arrives at the west side, Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary immediately feels the pressure. 但现在所有注意力都集中到西边后,黑莲佛境立马就感受到压力。 Entire Divine Province, the potential presses an corner/horn. 整个神州,势压一角。 Even if Ancient God Cult draws to internal cleaning up has not carried out thoroughly, the strength at this moment erupting, as if withstands great pressure on be the same, breaks down the Black Lotus Buddhist Boundary surrounding by the potential of bang thunder, points to the center. 哪怕古神教对内部的清理收拢还没有彻底完成,这一刻爆发出来的力量,也仿佛泰山压顶一样,以雷霆之势轰垮黑莲佛境外围,直指中心。 Compares in the resistance that Demon Buddha descendant creates at this moment, how later to settle is instead more troublesome. 相较于魔佛传人此刻造成的抵抗,之后如何善后反而还更麻烦一些。 Here people by Demon Buddha zen intent influence, somewhat were been unconscious. 这里的民众受魔佛禅意影响,都有些神智不清。 Wants them to restore, requires the long time, cannot act with undue haste. 想要他们恢复,需要漫长时间,不可操之过急。 But at present the most important matter, naturally first thoroughly destroys the chief criminal. 而眼下首要之事,自然是先彻底摧毁罪魁祸首。 Opposite Demon Buddha descendant, goal obviously also centralized on Ancient God Cult high-level expert, particularly centralized on Cult Master Chen Luoyang. 对面的魔佛传人,目标显然也集中在古神教高层强者身上,尤其是集中在教主陈洛阳身上。 If Demon Sovereign failure, then the situation obviously wants the immediately reversal. 如果魔皇失败,则大势显然要立马逆转。 Place that plateau most West, Demon Buddha lineage first stops over, is they operates the deepest place. 高原最西方,魔佛一脉最先落脚的地方,也是他们经营最深的地方。 Black Lotus Buddhist temple that here builds, is especially great, in temple above pagoda float Black Lotus light shadow, launches in the midair, the area has over a hundred mu size fully. 这里建立起来的黑莲佛寺,格外宏大,寺中宝塔上方悬浮的黑莲光影,在半空中展开,面积足有上百亩大小。 Must destroy such Buddhist temple, must cultivation base enough high expert be good. 要摧毁这样的佛寺,必须修为足够高的强者才行。 On opposite snowy mountain, one crowd of Demon Cult cult members are ready and waiting. 对面的雪山上,一群魔教教众整装待发。 The leaders is a youngster who is hanging loose the hair. 为首者则是一个披散着头发的少年。 Past Black Tortoise First Constellation, nowadays Demon Cult new Right Envoy, Su Ye. 正是昔日的玄武第一宿,现如今的魔教新科右使,苏夜 After he looks into the Buddhist temple, turns the head to ask: „Couldn't you solve?” 他眺望佛寺后,转头问道:“你们解决不了?” Front cult members smiles bitterly. 面前教众都苦笑。 Su Ye then nods, the figure flashes, appeared again had arrived above Black Lotus. 苏夜便点点头,身形一闪,再出现已经到了黑莲上方。 Without the world-shaking loud sound, on that Black Lotus already suddenly a appeared hole. 没有惊天动地的巨响,那黑莲上已经骤然多了一个孔洞。 The Demon Cult people see that follows hastily. 魔教众人见状,连忙跟上。 The Buddhist temple war cries are shocking, on distant another snowy mountain the black clothes female crosses the hands behind the back to stand, ease looks at that Black Lotus is on the wane. 佛寺处杀声震天,远方另一座雪山上则有一个黑衣女子负手而立,悠然看着黑莲凋零。 But in her heart suddenly moves, then looks, sees itself behind suddenly the appears a white clothing monk, young delicate and pretty, the forehead reversed "卍" symbol to be very striking. 但她心中忽的一动,回头望去,就见自己身后突然多出一个白衣和尚,年轻俊美,眉心处一个逆转“”字符无比醒目。 In this side world, Ancient God Cult Azure Dragon Hall chief, Chen Chuhua, right?” The youth monk smile said: „To ask you to be possible is not really easy.” “这方天地里,古神教青龙殿首座,陈初华,对吗?”青年僧人微笑道:“想找你可真不容易。”
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