IHPDMB :: Volume #1

#22: The acrobatics see through an affair( ask the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

The looks at Cult Master calm appearance, Vajrapani is also tranquil. 看着自家教主淡定的模样,金刚也平静下来。 He hehe said with a smile: Cult Master you are really the divine strategy, the ball point out the enemy.” 他嘿嘿笑道:“教主您真是神机妙算,弹指破敌。” Chen Luoyang looks to Vajrapani: Looked that you responded a moment ago, you are very accidental/surprised?” 陈洛阳看向金刚:“看你刚才反应,你对此很意外?” Vajrapani has a scare, kneels down: don't dare don't dare! Cult Master you misunderstood, I...... I am country bumpkin that has not seen the world, therefore makes much ado about nothing, your wise supernatural might, determines the final outcome beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km), who dares to question this point, my first hits to explode his head!” 金刚吓了一跳,跪倒在地:“不敢不敢教主您误会了,我……我是个没见过世面的土包子,所以才大惊小怪,您英明神武,决胜万里之外,谁敢质疑这一点,我第一个打爆他脑袋!” Chen Luoyang static looks at Vajrapani. 陈洛阳静静看着金刚 The Vajrapani forehead starts to break into sweat. 金刚额头开始冒冷汗。 After long time, Chen Luoyang said lightly: Ok, got up.” 半晌后,陈洛阳淡淡说道:“行了,起来吧。” Vajrapani relaxes, stands up slow of speech. 金刚松了一口气,讷讷站起身来。 His looks at Chen Luoyang, starts to speak but hesitates. 看着陈洛阳,欲言又止。 Said.” Chen Luoyang sitting high on the seat, the finger raps the seat arm rest gently. “讲。”陈洛阳高居座上,手指轻轻敲击座椅扶手。 Cult Master, Five-colored Hall didn't Song Lun, decline your gathering on that day?” Vajrapani is puzzling: Is it possible that did he come to surrender to you afterward in private?” 教主,五色堂宋伦,那天不是回绝了您的招揽吗?”金刚百思不得其解:“莫非他后来私下又来向您投诚?” That time, he has complied.” Chen Luoyang spoke thoughtlessly to say. “那一次,他已经答应了。”陈洛阳随口说道。 Vajrapani is bewildered, whole face question mark. 金刚莫名其妙,满脸问号。 Chen Luoyang did not explain. 陈洛阳并不解释。 The mystery helps maintain high-rank the dignity. 神秘感有助于维系上位者的威严。 In fact, at that time was in front of Sword Pavilion Nie Hua, Chen Luoyang is getting a sudden inspiration suddenly. 事实上,当时当着剑阁聂华的面,陈洛阳忽地灵机一动。 He has not pricked the matter of Yang Xiaofeng, but reminded Song Lun with Cloud Star Grass. 他没有挑破杨晓风之事,而是用星云草提醒宋伦 On the one hand is to make Song Lun determine to know, his only bloodlines in Demon Cult in the hand. 一方面是让宋伦确定知道,其唯一血脉在魔教手里 On the other hand, this vague way, reminded Song Lun to keep secret. 另一方面,这种隐晦的方式,提醒宋伦自己保密。 Let Song Lun ambush in Golden Summit , helping Demon Cult. 宋伦潜伏在金顶,更有利于魔教 Song Lun comprehended the Chen Luoyang's meaning obviously. 宋伦显然领会了陈洛阳的意思。 Just now has today. 如此方才有今天。 When Chen Luoyang knows that Elder Ming Jing is Azure Dragon Hall in secret development one of the three dragons, successfully subdues Song Lun again, he then had confidence that breaks through Golden Summit. 陈洛阳知道明镜长老青龙殿暗中发展的三条龙之一,再成功收服宋伦,他便有把握攻破金顶 the only question is when. 问题只在于什么时候 Pays the big price. 付出多大代价。 Discovers the opposite party to practice trickery, after using diversionary tactics, Chen Luoyang then beating somebody at their own game, pushes the boat along. 发现对方瞒天过海,声东击西后,陈洛阳便将计就计,顺水推舟。 Lures the enemy out of his stronghod, defeat in detail, can make Demon Cult occupy Shu Prefecture at the minimal cost without doubt most quickly. 调虎离山,各个击破,无疑能让魔教以最小代价最快占据蜀州 At present, is only left over the last pass/test. 眼下,只剩下最后一关。 Cult Master, Sword Sovereign that side ……” Vajrapani is looking at outside the palace, is probing asking. 教主,剑皇那边……”金刚望着殿外,试探着问道。 The Chen Luoyang finger raps the seat arm rest gently. 陈洛阳手指轻轻敲击座椅扶手。 He has 70% assurances, Lord of the Sword Pavilion now is also the severe wound in the body, supports the face. 他有70%把握,剑阁阁主现在也是重伤在身,强撑面子。 he even doubted whether the opposite person is the Pavilion Lord himself. 他甚至怀疑对面是不是阁主本人 Therefore dares so to plan. 所以才敢如此谋划。 Now must look at opposite party's response. 现在就要看对方的反应了。 Nie Hua and the others on the return trip road were ambushed again, the news that the inside and outside are attacked, feeds in quickly. 聂华等人返程路上再遭伏击,内外遇袭的消息,很快传回。 within the valley, ascends suddenly vigorous vast sword light. 山谷里,蓦然升腾起雄浑浩瀚的剑光 the sword goes straight to the skies, like the vast sun in the sky. 剑冲云霄,如昊日当空 The Demon Cult people saw, at heart is one tight. 魔教众人见了,心里都是一紧。 A Chen Luoyang instead at heart loosen. 陈洛阳反而心里一松。 If the opposite party have the genuine materials, directly turned around to kill to give Nie Hua and the others to break through. 对方如果有真材实料,直接就掉头杀回去给聂华等人解围了。 What posture here also assumes? 还在这里摆什么姿势? Waits to take a group photo? 等合影吗? Because of outwardly strong but inwardly weak, dreaded that Chen Luoyang this does not know Demon Sovereign that the injury is restored to health or not, therefore can only conduct the intimidation of demonstration here again. 因为外强中干,又忌惮陈洛阳这个不知伤势康复与否的魔皇,所以只能在这里再进行示威似的恫吓。 On the other hand. 另一方面。 Chen Luoyang has carefully been observing sword light of opposite party. 陈洛阳一直在仔细观察对方的剑光 When with the Song Lun meeting. 宋伦会面时。 Demon Cult withdraws troops, when righteous path must pursue. 魔教撤军,正道要追击时。 Now. 还有现在。 Altogether three times, sword light strong and weak, exactly right. 一共三次,剑光强弱,分毫不差。 Said that Sword Sovereign has so strong controlling force, could convince. 剑皇有如此强的控制力,说得通。 But in sword intent sword light, does not reveal slightly the mood, does not have any fluctuation. 剑意剑光中,不流露丝毫情绪,没有任何波动。 The first time, two sovereigns confronts, in sword light could not feel having made up mind that is ready to go to war. 第一次,双皇对峙,剑光里感觉不到不惜一战的决意。 The second time, pursues Demon Cult, in sword light could not feel accomplishes a task with ease safely. 第二次,追击魔教,剑光里感觉不到游刃有余的安然。 The third time, the disciple is attacked, in sword light could not feel that suffers anger that offends. 第三次,弟子遇袭,剑光里感觉不到遭受冒犯的怒意。 Said that Sword Sovereign heart is like a clear mirror does not dye the dust, by influence, was not been as stable as the rock of Gibraltar, could still convince. 剑皇心如明镜不染尘埃,不受外界影响,始终稳如泰山,仍然说得通。 But eventually one type...... extremely mechanical feeling? 但终究还是有一种……太过机械的感觉? Therefore first twice, Chen Luoyang suspected unavoidably, some opposite only camouflage, at all is not Sword Sovereign oneself. 所以前两次,陈洛阳难免怀疑,对面只是某种障眼法,根本不是剑皇本人。 At present the third time, he almost can determine this point. 眼下第三次,他几乎可以确定这一点。 Drives to go forward.” Chen Luoyang thorough was calm, optional beckons with the hand to Vajrapani. “驱车上前。”陈洛阳彻底淡定了,随意的冲金刚摆摆手。 Sees the Cult Master so assured appearance, the Vajrapani spirit inspires, immediately stimulates to movement six dragons imperial cart, turns around reverse that to cover the surrounding hills clear sky sword light to drive. 见自家教主如此笃定的模样,金刚精神一振,当即催动六龙皇辇,掉头反向那覆盖周围群山的昊天剑光驶去。 both sides are away from, start to be close. 双方距离,开始接近。 That clear sky sword light had several points to change finally. 昊天剑光终于有了几分变化。 As if powerful a point. 似乎强盛了一点。 But saw with own eyes that Demon Sovereign six dragons imperial cart has no meaning of suspension of movement, sword light is suddenly dim. 但眼见魔皇六龙皇辇没有任何停步的意思,剑光陡然黯淡下去。 Then, flies to draw back! 然后,飞退! The opposite party could not bring one's strength to bear. 对方吃不住劲了。 The Demon Cult people in an uproar. 魔教众人哗然。 Vajrapani is delighted: Cult Master, Sword Sovereign looks like the body to be very improper!” 金刚眉飞色舞:“教主,剑皇看来身体很不妥啊!” Chen Luoyang un: Pursues.” 陈洛阳“嗯”了一声:“追。” The sword light rapid movement, rushes to Nie Hua and the others location. 剑光飞速移动,赶往聂华等人所在 The person excluding Nie Hua first is one happy, subsequently is startled. 聂华以外的人先是一喜,继而一惊。 Person who in sword light comes, is not righteous path mainstay Lord of the Sword Pavilion, but is seemingly under 20-year-old young people. 剑光里现身的人,不是正道中流砥柱剑阁阁主,而是一个看上去还不到20岁的年轻人。 This person, everyone also knew. 这人,大家也都认识。 Absolute Sword, Xie Xingmang. 绝剑,解星芒 one of the Five Heroes of the Sword Pavilion, the Pavilion Lord disciple passes on four disciples, Divine Province is called Sword Pavilion fourth mister is. 剑阁五杰之一,阁主门下亲传四弟子,神州人称剑阁四先生的便是。 Just like his several fellow apprentices, young, achievement Martial King, sword way is original in conception, is in a class by itself, Great Grandmaster bearing unexpectedly. 和他几个师兄弟一样,年纪轻轻,成就武王,剑道自出机杼,独具一格,大宗师气度竟然。 But at present, makes in all will of the people have one's heart sink with disappointment. 但眼下,却让所有人心里凉了半截。 Since the trick has seen through an affair, why again? Also falls you in the dangerous situation.” “既然戏法已拆穿,何必再来?把你自己也陷在险境里。” Nie Hua forced smile. 聂华苦笑。 He sees the own junior brother appearance, knows the matter whole story. 他一见自家师弟模样,就知道事情原委。 Cannot rescue completely, aids your several to come out, can rescue naturally must rescue.” Xie Xingmang is saying, the directly racket broke to pieces oneself in the hand to send out the sword light long box. “救不得全部,也接应你们几个出来,能救当然要救。”解星芒说着,直接拍碎了自己手里发出剑光的长盒。 The box was shattered, sword light is more abundant. 盒子破碎,剑光更盛。 Inside together Sharpening Sword Stone. 里面一块磨剑石 The righteous and demonic paths character saw, performs all suddenly. 正邪两派人物见了,尽皆恍然。 But next moment, Xie Xingmang uses the sword, delimits continually several on Sharpening Sword Stone, constitutes plain mysterious talisman seal. 下一刻,解星芒出剑,在磨剑石上连划数下,构成一个古朴玄奥的符印 sword light on Sharpening Sword Stone congeals completely on talisman seal. 磨剑石上的剑光全部凝结在符印上。 Then turns into the lines after lines of fissure. 然后变成道道裂痕。 Stone, loudly Shattered! 石块,轰然破碎! The raging tide, expands to all around together, temporarily blocks Xiao Yuntian, Zhang Tianheng, Shangguan Song and other Demon Cult expert. 一道狂澜,向四周扩张,暂时挡住萧云天张天恒上官松魔教高手 Nie Hua and Xie Xingmang seize the chance to call the companion to hurry to leave. 聂华解星芒趁机招呼同伴赶紧离开。 At present, only has their several Martial King, flees powerfully. 眼下,也唯有他们几个武王,才有力逃离。 However, at this time, mutation regeneration! 然而,就在这个时候,异变再生! A monk's staff, raises suddenly. 一条禅杖,忽地扬起。 buddhist light condenses, changes into more than ten meters high Eight-armed Arhat Golden Body. 佛光凝聚间,化为一尊十几米高的八臂罗汉金身 In this golden body Arhat eight arms, the distinction holds a monk's staff respectively. 金身罗汉八条手臂里,分别各持一支禅杖。 Then eight monk's staff, change to everywhere light shadow, all covers Nie Hua, Xie Xingmang and two Xia Dynasty Martial King. 然后八条禅杖,化作漫天光影,将聂华解星芒和两个夏朝武王全都笼罩。 From continuously with Cooling Monastery Elder Ming Jing that they fight side-by-side! 来自一直跟他们并肩作战的清凉寺明镜长老 Is attacked suddenly, four people are all startled. 骤然遇袭,四人全都一惊。 Except that movement technique quickest Nie Hua evaded promptly, other three people are forced to resist, speed one slow. 除了身法最快的聂华及时避过,其他三人被迫抵挡,速度都一慢。 Slow such a racket, numerous Demon Cult expert, then throws. 慢了这么一拍,一众魔教高手,便重新扑上。 „Are you a spy?” Nie Hua severe shouts, bolt of white silk sword light cuts to fall. “你才是奸细?”聂华喝一声,匹练般的剑光斩落。 But gust of wind, sweeps across suddenly, reduces and solves his sword light. 但一阵疾风,骤然席卷,化解他的剑光 Xiao Yuntian, has arrived in front of him swiftly. 萧云天倏忽间,已经到他面前。 Those who make Nie Hua and the others desperate is, like the mountain, flies in six dragons imperial cart of space huge, appears in the distant horizon. 更让聂华等人绝望的是,庞大如山岳,飞行于天上的六龙皇辇,出现在远方地平线上。
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