IHPDMB :: Volume #2

#180: Under the picture is my one

Su Wei is surprised. 苏伟感到意外。 Everspring Palace, not in Yù Prefecture, but in the Yù Prefecture Qin Prefecture ground, relates well with Southern of Wei Zhao family. 长春宫,并不在豫州,而是在豫州以西的秦州地面上,同渭南赵家关系不错。 According to the division of Demon Cult Azure Dragon Hall, this is a level B influence. 按照魔教青龙殿的划分,这是一个乙级势力。 Although in the palace has Martial Ancestor to assume personal command incessantly, but generally speaking, in the name of martial, martial way expert is not limited, what to become famous outside is they compares to excel in cultivating various spirit flowers and grasses, as well as refining pills and medicine. 宫中虽有不止一位武宗坐镇,但总体来说,不以武为名,武道高手有限,扬名于外的是他们比较擅于培育各种灵花灵草,以及炼丹炼药 However, they cultivate various spirit grass plants, is not medicinal, but browses broadly, sometimes will have both some ornamental functions, will cultivate some poisons, wait/etc. as the defense barrier in garden. 不过,他们培育各种灵草植物,并不全是药用,而是涉猎极广,有时候也会兼备一些观赏作用,甚至会培育一些毒物,作为庭院内的防御屏障等等。 In Qin Prefecture, the Everspring Palace reputation also is quite actually ordinary, in the level B influence is not outstanding. 秦州,长春宫的名声其实也比较一般,乙级势力中并不出众。 If places entire Grand Land of the Divine Province, insufficiently looked. 如果放在整个神州浩土来说,更不够看了。 At least, regarding Demon Cult such colossus, insufficiently looks. 至少,对于魔教这样的庞然大物来说,不够看。 Demon Cult, has to be skilled to cultivate spirit flowers and grasses and expert of pill refining counteracting poison. 魔教自家内部,就有精通培育灵花灵草炼丹制毒的好手。 Far, Dian Prefecture branch Zhang Tianheng under care winds does not have the means temporarily, doesn't the newspaper have possible? 远的,滇州分舵张天恒座下络暂时没办法,报纸有没有戏? The papermaking and printing of this world, at present it seems like also good appearance. 这个世界的造纸和印刷,目前看来还不错的样子。 As for the literate foundation, the culture popularizes this, on the one hand, it seems like that the foundation of martial artist level is also at present good. 至于识字基础,文化普及这一方面,目前看来武者层面的基础也还不错。 However, has seen Situ Qi today, after a word determines thousands of person destinies, Chen Luoyang had some new ideas slowly. 不过,在今天见过司徒启,一言决定千万人命运后,陈洛阳慢慢有了些新想法。 He to this world huge population, compared with former slightly appeared true feelings. 他对这个世界庞大的人口,比以前略微多了点实感。 Perhaps because of the Earth mentality different reasons, facing so many martial artist, the issue that Chen Luoyang thinks is, in addition martial artist so many, that ordinary mortal? 或许因为来自蓝星思路不同的缘故,面对这么多武者,陈洛阳想到的问题是,武者尚且这么多,那普通凡人呢? Here not accurate census. 这里没有精准的人口普查。 But Chen Luoyang felt, perhaps that can be the digit that surpasses him to estimate completely. 陈洛阳觉得,那恐怕会是一个完全超出他预估的数字。 To so many people, what is the most practical related matter? 对这么多人来说,最切实相关的事情是什么? Food is what matters to the people. 民以食为天。 He knows at present, in this broad world, has the natural famine to happen once for a while. 就他目前所知,这个广阔的世界上,也时不时有自然灾荒发生。 The agriculture was still the major event, the primary industry. 农业仍然是头等大事,第一产业。 The martial artist strength can move to Mountain and Sea, many disaster tribulations, or can also solve with the means of this world. 武者力能移山海,很多灾劫,或也可以用这个世界的办法来解决。 But the concept limits, few person will go is so dry/does. 但观念所限,少有人会去那么干。 Can control itself do not affect the civilians in the battle, avoids the densely populated areas as far as possible, has the conscience very much. 能在交战时控制自己不要波及平民,尽量避开人口密集区,就已经算是很有良心了。 But in fact, as you might guess, many natural disasters, are following influence after supreme expert battle, creates the climate change. 但事实上,可以想见,很多自然灾害,正是大能强者交战后的后续影响,造成气候变化。 Did not say other, a short time ago Sword Sovereign and Demon Sovereign met Snow Region plateau. 不说别的,前不久剑皇魔皇约战雪域高原 Truly is the unvisited, desolate and uninhabited region, avoids the wound and innocent person. 确实是人迹罕至,荒无人烟的区域,避免伤及无辜。 But this level two big expert decisive battles, the shatter land triggers the earthquake, the bang collapsing river valley to let the rivers and streams closure or changing course, said that does not have influence to the person of downstream life, that is the completely impossible matter. 但这个层级两大强者决战,破碎大地引发地震,轰塌河谷让江河断流或者改道,说对下游生活的人没有影响,那是完全不可能的事情。 Qian Prefecture Dead Sea black tide, scarlet thousand li (500 km). 黔州一场死海黑潮,赤地千里。 The Southern Cloud Mountain war, the trim mountain range was almost razed to the ground. 南云山大战,整片山脉几乎被夷为平地。 Chen Luoyang has a mind to control, oneself city also vanishes into thin air now. 要不是陈洛阳有心控制,自己脚下这座城现在也化为乌有了。 Then Demon Sovereign and Sabre Sovereign meet Eastern Sea. 接下来魔皇刀皇又约战东海 Sea truly no one, but among them the peak showdown, causes the tsunami typhoon to be a cinch. 海上确实没人,但他们俩之间的巅峰对决,引起海啸台风不在话下。 Even if they fight a decisive battle in the deep sea open sea, later the person on Grand Land of the Divine Province coastline also prepares to greet the violent storm baptism. 哪怕他们是在深海远洋决战,稍后神州浩土海岸线上的人也准备好迎接狂风暴雨洗礼吧。 Suddenly Chen Luoyang self-ridicules smiled under. 陈洛阳突然自嘲的笑了下。 Ok. 行吧。 At this time I can feel actually, I somewhat was truly different from that person Cult Master, the that person eldest child will perhaps not keep thinking about these matters. 这个时候我倒是能感觉到,我跟那位教主确实还是有些不一样,那位老大恐怕不会惦记这些事。 Perhaps, is not completely different. 或许,也不是完全不同。 When really I face the life and death crisis, must with the person fights tooth and nail, will I also consider these? 真等到我自己面临生死危机,要与人搏命的时候,我还会考虑这些吗? It seems like eats now too full...... 看来还是现在吃得太饱了…… Chen Luoyang sigh. 陈洛阳叹息。 But since the present thought of here, that many consideration. 但既然现在想到这里了,那就多少考虑一下吧。 Was complying with those words, the food is what matters to the people. 正应了那句话,民以食为天。 The skill tree of this world, looks like very curved in Chen Luoyang. 这个世界的技能树,在陈洛阳看来很弯。 Flavor that a little engages in wanton military activities. 有点穷兵黩武的味道。 Includes Demon Cult, cultivates various types of magical things, the objective point is martial artist. 包括自家魔教在内,培育各种灵物,着眼点都在于武者 More precious rare treasure, for higher -level expert. 越稀贵的奇珍异宝,用于越高层的强者 Chen Luoyang has a liking for Everspring Palace, does not think them to strive for perfection, climbs up to climb step by step upwardly, cultivates on how big how wonderful spirit flower different grass. 陈洛阳看上长春宫,并不是想他们精益求精,步步登高向上攀登,培育出多么高大上多么神妙的灵花异草。 On the contrary, Chen Luoyang wants them to sinking some. 相反,陈洛阳希望他们更向下沉一些。 Sinks to the mediocre common people thoroughly, ponders over research breeding improvement, is extinguishes as for the insect disinfestation harms the issue in aspect. 彻底沉到凡俗百姓当中去,琢磨研究育种改良方面,乃至于杀虫灭害方面的问题。 Everspring Palace only starts, here primarily is utilizes their existing mentality and experience, makes a wedge, following has more people to follow up. 长春宫只是开始,这里主要是运用他们已有的思路和经验,做一个楔子,后续有更多人跟进。 This should not be the matter of getting it done in one action, needs to plan long-term. 这应该也不是一蹴而就的事情,需要长远谋划。 Demon Cult Black Tortoise Hall will assemble other specialized talents, invests together, constantly develops. 魔教玄武殿会调集其他专业的人才,一起投入进去,不断开拓。 Perhaps, needs very for a long time. 或许,需要很久。 Oneself with Sabre Sovereign fight , if defeated, all these also do have following, must draw a question mark. 自己同刀皇一战如果落败,这一切还有没有后续,都要画一个问号。 Therefore, oneself must win. 所以,自己必须胜。 speaking of which, this was still the strength decided all. 说起来,这仍然是力量决定一切。 The strength of coercive world, can by idea to become true who oneself these are at variance with the world, for all these guarantee and protect. 压服天下的力量,才能让自己这些异于世界的想法成真,为这一切保驾护航 But Chen Luoyang wants to give a try, whether oneself can let this profound imaginary strength, forward affects in the world, rather than only used to destroy and fight. 陈洛阳想试试看,自己能否让这玄幻的力量,正向去作用于人间,而不是只用来破坏与斗殴。 Even if only little also good. 哪怕只是一点点也行。 An agricultural breeding only start, except for this, the animal husbandry, forestry, fishery wait/etc. has various difficulties respectively. 农业育种只是一个开始,除此以外,畜牧业、林业、渔业等等都各有各的难处。 The agriculture also has manure, tool and other issues. 农业本身也还有肥料、工具等问题。 He has not thought before these issues, did not determine actually wants to change a society should where, did not determine that the Industrial Revolution must have the agricultural reform to take the foundation. 他以前没想过这些问题,不确定想要改造一个社会究竟该从哪里着手,不确定工业革命是不是必须有农业改革作为基础。 Perhaps instead gave the person in this world to refer to a tortuous path ............ 说不定反而给这个世界的人指了一条弯路………… Chen Luoyang stands up, strolls in the main hall. 陈洛阳站起身来,在大殿中漫步。 The mural on main hall wall, is the ancient Divine Demon charts draws. 大殿墙壁上的壁画,是一幅幅上古神魔的图绘。 After he walked the moment, stops the footsteps, in front of looks at a picture. 他走了片刻后,停下脚步,看着面前一副画。 Above is also Ancient God, not dead Chi You is like that rogue, but Zhurong even resides in its under. 上面也是一尊古神,不死蚩尤那般凶恶,但祝融甚至居于其下。 Shennong. 神农 Some Chen Luoyang slightly Entranced looked at after the long time, shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. 陈洛阳略有些出神的看了半晌后,摇头失笑。 He turns back on the seat, slowly under care. 他重新走回座位上,徐徐座下 Perhaps after this first radical next, stops suddenly. 或许这第一笔画下后,就戛然而止。 But now makes me first fall this. 但现在就让我先把这一笔落下来好了。 Since arrives at this world, must leave behind a different thing. 既然来到这个世界,总要留下点不一样的东西。 Believes that does not need to attend to every detail, working with the heart labor force. 相信不需要自己面面俱到,劳心劳力。 Does not need to underestimate most people's wisdom and ability. 不用低估大多数人的智慧和能力。 So long as some old concepts have been changed or inspired, believes that the following all slowly will be different. 只要旧有的观念得到改变或者启发,相信后续一切会慢慢不同。 The people long for crossing well. 人都渴望过得更好。 Under this driving influence, naturally can have changes appears. 这种驱动力下,自然会有更多变化出现。 More importantly, to everyone a new idea, new mentality. 重要的是,给大家一个新的理念,新的思路。 Chen Luoyang has no interest in deny existence of martial way. 陈洛阳无心否定武道的存在。 Even, in the future this possibly was still the cornerstone of this world. 甚至,日后这可能仍然是这个世界的基石。 But its utilization, can have other aspect possibility. 但其运用,可以有另一面可能。 Also is first develops military, then develops civil? 也算是先发展军用,再发展民用吧? Chen Luoyang self-ridicules wants to say. 陈洛阳自嘲的想道。
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