IHPDMB :: Volume #2

#176: Welcome you to deliver( 7 sought subscription to ask monthly ticket!)

Besides Chi You Idol, side Chen Luoyang also sets up Zhurong Idol. 除了蚩尤相以外,陈洛阳身边还立起祝融相 The giant palm that the raging flame composes, holds talisman to melt gold/metal sword. 熊熊烈火组成的巨大手掌,抓住符箓所化金剑。 Then under raging fire burning down, gold/metal sword melts. 然后烈火焚烧下,金剑融化。 Gives your final dignity, you do not want.” The Chen Luoyang facial color is calm: Always like this does the small trick, why practice martial art?” “给你最后的体面,你自己不要。”陈洛阳面色波澜不惊:“总是这样的小花招,何必习武?” Speech meanwhile, the fist of Zhurong, to Li Yuanlong overhead strike down. 说话同时,祝融之拳,向李元龙当头打落 The Li Yuanlong form, was embezzled by the raging fire. 李元龙的身影,被烈火吞没。 He is looking at the youth in midair, looks at that to flashing the double pupil of dark gold brilliance. 他望着半空中的青年,望着那对闪动暗金光华的双眸。 winner is the king, loser is the villain...... ……” 成王败寇…………” Explosive sound of thundering, after him, half a word words interruption. 轰鸣的爆炸声,将他后半句话截断。 Li Yuanlong looked down an own chest. 李元龙低头看了一下自己的胸口。 In there, the ice crystal is spreading unceasingly, has covered to corrode his half chest. 在那里,冰晶正不断蔓延,已经覆盖侵蚀他半边胸膛。 At this time, was attacked by the raging fire, the ice crystal vibrated suddenly, lines after lines of azure sword qi ran out, the ice was cold. 这时,被烈火冲击,冰晶猛然震动,从中有一道道青色的剑气冲出,冰寒刺骨。 The intense cold air, the shape such as the sharp sword blade, cuts front sea of fire. 强烈的寒气,形如锋利的剑刃,切割面前的火海。 But is also quick by the boundless endless raging flame is swallowed. 但又很快被无边无尽的熊熊烈火吞噬。 But the Li Yuanlong wound, was torn by the now cold now hot two strengths. 李元龙的伤口,则被一冷一热两种力量撕扯。 The place that the ice crystal has broken, cannot see the flesh, only then a stretch of cavity, was filled up by the raging fire subsequently. 冰晶已经破碎的地方,看不到血肉,只有一片空洞,继而又被烈火填满。 Li Yuanlong has the absurd feeling suddenly. 李元龙突然生出荒谬的感觉。 Oneself are going to be killed by Chen Luoyang. 自己将要被陈洛阳杀死了。 However the body actually instead became brand-new battlefield of Chen Luoyang flying high test of strength with Yan Mingkong. 然而身体却反而成了陈洛阳燕明空之间凌空角力的全新战场。 This is telling him, from the beginning to finally, him isn't the lead of time? 这是在告诉他,从始到终,他都不是时代的主角吗? Many years of plan bears patiently, steels oneself for revenge, the savings, all comes to naught in secret in the end. 多年筹谋隐忍,卧薪尝胆,暗中积蓄,到头来全都是一场空。 In nowadays Divine Province five emperors, oneself first step forward obviously that step, succeeds to break through to fourteenth realm, shortly with three sovereigns shoulder to shoulder. 明明现如今的神州五帝中,自己最先跨出那一步,成功突破至第十四境,眼看就将与三皇并肩。 Finally in the end, could not stand off Demon Sovereign Chen Luoyang not saying that lost to thirteenth realm Empress Yan Mingkong. 结果到头来,敌不过魔皇陈洛阳不说,更败给第十三境女帝燕明空 Obviously is toward after founding a country Grand Ancestor, second ascended to fourteenth realm Sovereign of Xia, lets annihilate more than thousand years of Heavenly Cauldron Divine Art to reappear in own. 明明是本朝自开国太祖之后,第二位登临第十四境夏皇,更让湮灭千多年的鼎天神诀在自己手上重现。 But Xia Dynasty over a thousand years of foundation, actually moves toward the end in own. 可是夏朝上千年基业,却正是在自己手上走向终结。 We am unwilling...... ……” “朕不甘…………” In the raging flame, resounds in the Li Yuanlong life the final half a word words. 熊熊烈火中,响起李元龙一生中最后半句话。 The sound stops suddenly, its body also burns down in the raging fire. 声音戛然而止,其身躯也在烈火中焚毁。 Chen Luoyang static looks at this, in surface expression unemotional. 陈洛阳静静看着这一幕,面上表情无悲无喜 Previously after Sword Emperor Wang Jian fell from the sky, left behind the skeleton that a as if sword composed in the raging fire. 先前剑帝王健陨落后,在烈火中留下一副仿佛剑组成的骸骨。 This moment Li Yuanlong falls from the sky, does not have the skeleton to stay behind. 此刻李元龙陨落,却没有骸骨留下。 In the only sea of fire, visibles faintly ten dragon shadow, interweaves to soar, non-stop circling fluctuating. 只是火海之中,隐约可见十条龙影,交织飞腾,不停盘旋起伏。 The intermittent dragon roar sound transmits, is then quick gets down low and deep. 阵阵龙吟声传来,然后又很快低沉下去。 In the Chen Luoyang heart moves slightly. 陈洛阳心中微微一动。 Then incurred started. 然后招了一下手。 The raging fire subsides immediately, changes to one piece warm bright. 烈火顿时为之平息,化作一片温暖光明。 Then, from the raging fire, a little golden light raises slowly. 然后,从烈火中,有一点金光冉冉升起。 within the golden light, reveals the sandalwood fragrance unclearly, meanwhile as if has buddhist chants and brahma sounds to spread. 金光中,隐隐然流露出檀香香气,同时还似乎有佛唱梵音从中传出。 Buddha sarira? 一枚,佛舍利 Also is that Li Yuanlong thing ............ in the Chen Luoyang heart the secretly thought. 也是那李元龙的东西…………陈洛阳心中暗道。 He received Chi You and Zhurong two phase, then receives oneself to hold that Buddha sarira. 他收了蚩尤祝融二相,然后将那枚佛舍利收入自己掌中。 After static feeling buddhist technique concept, in the Chen Luoyang heart moves slightly. 静静感受其中佛法意境后,陈洛阳心中微微一动。 Then, his another hand, pinched seal technique. 然后,他另外一只手,捏了一个法印 Tathagata Demon Palm seal technique. 如来魔掌法印 Jet black big buddha not appeared, "卍" symbol that but only reverses, then made sarira immediately have the response. 漆黑大佛并未显化,但只是逆转的“”字符,便让舍利子立马起了反应。 lines after lines of buddhist light, is quite strong, the back pressure comes, contains the Chen Luoyang Tathagata Demon Palm palm strength. 道道佛光,极为强硬,反压过来,遏制陈洛阳如来魔掌的掌力。 Although Buddhist mercy, but also has the fierce appearance exorcize demons method, now puts at present then. 虽说佛家慈悲,但也有金刚怒目的降魔手段,现在摆在眼前的便是了。 Chen Luoyang sees that shakes the head slightly. 陈洛阳见状,微微摇头。 Also restrains the Tathagata Demon Palm method seriously. 还当真是克制如来魔掌的手段。 He was pondering over before, Southern Wasteland Demon Cult were not many raised, in central land, Li Yuanlong, no matter worship Buddhism and restrict Daoism, were in turn worship Daoism and restrict Buddhism, is doing the balance. 他之前就琢磨着,南荒魔教就不多提了,在中土,李元龙不管是尊佛抑道,还是反过来尊道抑佛,都是在搞平衡。 But under the balance, is suppresses to say two families essentially. 但在平衡之下,本质上都是打压佛道两家 Such a Buddhism treasure by the Li Yuanlong belt/bring on the body, did not possibly worship buddha devotionally. 这么一件佛门宝物被李元龙带在身上,不可能是虔诚礼佛。 May be the treasure of guard. 有可能是护身之宝。 However considering this person of consistent attitude, Chen Luoyang favors this sarira is used to restrain others, rather than protects itself and sustains. 不过鉴于此人一贯的作风,陈洛阳更倾向于这舍利子是用来克制别人,而非护持自身。 In the "Maha Illness" Grandmaster Ming Jue severe wound, after basically drops Martial Emperor Realm, Buddhism three sects no longer is the Great Xia Dynasty internal danger. “病摩诃”明觉大师重伤,基本跌落武帝之境后,佛门三宗已经不再是大夏皇朝的心腹之患。 At least, is not urgent. 至少,并不紧迫。 Beforehand aspect, but also it can be said that one of the Great Xia Dynasty helpers. 之前的局面,还可以说是大夏皇朝的帮手之一。 Then this sarira is used to restrain anyone, was obvious. 那么这枚舍利子用来克制什么人,就显而易见了。 Demon Cult, Tathagata Demon Palm. 魔教,如来魔掌 Chen Luoyang even felt, accurate, should to restrain Tathagata Demon Palm last type killing move, Continuous Hell. 陈洛阳甚至觉得,准确来说,应该就是为了克制如来魔掌的最后一式杀招,步步地狱 Tathagata Demon Palm that at present on Grand Land of the Divine Province spreads, incomplete. 目前神舟浩土上流传的如来魔掌,残缺不全。 Not is only the style defect, among each move, actually itself also has the oversight to delete. 不仅仅是招式缺失,每一招间,其实本身也有疏漏删减。 Chen Luoyang reads in own entire life material, in a martial arts column, looking at Tathagata Demon Palm is most speechless. 陈洛阳看自己的生平资料里,武学一栏中,看如来魔掌是最无语的。 The loophole are many. 漏洞很多。 Moreover is that type does not patch easily. 而且还都是那种不容易修补的。 Because really isn't cultivation the issue, but is Tathagata Demon Palm remnant volume that Demon Cult grasps had many oversights. 因为并非自己修炼有问题,而是魔教掌握的如来魔掌残篇本来就有许多疏漏。 The loophole that the black pot direction person cultivates, cultivates the fault of having in view of oneself mostly. 黑壶指点人修炼的漏洞,大都是针对自身修炼中出现的错处。 This type in view of the errors of military Tibet, often only proposes one. 这种针对武藏本身的错漏,往往只是提一句。 Chen Luoyang does not know whether to draw out complete Tathagata Demon Palm from black pot. 陈洛阳不知道能否从黑壶里套出完整的如来魔掌 But looks at the remnant volume might, wants complete entire, needs blood red nectar, it is estimated that can be the astronomical figures, compared with wrapping the Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng material also wants exaggerating many. 但看残篇威力,想要完整全篇,所需血红琼浆,估计会是个天文数字,比套刀皇宇文峰的资料还要夸张的多。 Reason that remnant volume still had the big prestige in Grand Land of the Divine Province, fourth holds Continuous Hell, at least occupies more than 50% merit. 之所以残篇仍然在神舟浩土有偌大威名,第四掌步步地狱,至少占一半以上功劳。 After all this palm was really savage. 毕竟这一掌实在是太凶残了。 The might on paper surface, horizontal Divine Martial Demon Fist must be fiercer at present. 纸面上的威力,比自己目前水平的神武魔拳都还要更猛。 Enough cross two realm promotion battle efficiencies, moreover disregards promotion of Martial King to Martial Emperor natural moat. 足足跨两个境界提升的战斗力,而且还是无视武王武帝之间天堑的提升。 Although must pay with the life to take the price, but the combustion of this flash, lags behind the hell own opponent sufficiently together. 虽然要付出自己生命作为代价,但这一瞬间的燃烧,也足以将自己的对手一起拉下地狱。 Makes high realm opponent, a move not necessarily sufficient. 打比自己高一个境界的对手,一招未必够用。 However fights own same realm opponent, without the opportunity causes to be killed that's the end of it, so long as displays, is stabilizes opponent to perish together, the opponent hides does not have the place to hide. 但是打跟自己同境界的对手,没机会使出来就被人打死也就罢了,只要施展出来,就是稳定拉对手同归于尽,对手躲都没地方躲。 If not this move of cultivation is too difficult, Demon Cult trains person ready dead every move, already even push Divine Province. 如果不是此招修炼太难的话,魔教培养死士人手一招,早就平推神州了。 Demon Cult second elder Demon Amitabha can Yan Zhao, in the normal condition in Martial King on Grand Land of the Divine Province arrange to enter first five not to say. 魔教二长老魔弥陀燕赵,正常情况下在神舟浩土上的武王中能不能排进前五都不好说。 But under the same realm, no one dares dead to fight with him. 同境界下,没人敢跟他死斗到底。 , Said extremely he is under Martial Emperor the first person, most Martial King is not excessive, everyone holds one's nose recognizes. 极端一点,说他是武帝之下第一人,最武王也不算过分,大家捏着鼻子就认了。 Because his type Continuous Hell hits, is equivalent to fourteenth realm Martial Emperor to begin, with is Martial King, the sincerity no one able to resist lives. 因为他一式步步地狱打下来,相当于第十四境武帝动手,同为武王,真心没人能抗住。 Then the issue came. 那么问题来了。 thirteenth realm Yan Mingkong, even is fourteenth realm Chen Luoyang, if were compelled the hopeless situation, comes such Continuous Hell? 第十三境燕明空,甚至是第十四境陈洛阳,如果被逼到绝境,来这么一下步步地狱呢? These two, also meet this move. 这二位,同样也会这一招 Chen Luoyang estimates this type palm technique, it should have the upper limit to exist, realm is higher, the strength step is more difficult. 陈洛阳揣摩这一式掌法,其应该有上限存在,境界越高,力量越阶越难。 However only currently speaking, really with trump card that the enemy association perishes. 不过仅就目前来说,着实是与敌协亡的杀手锏 Therefore he is actually interested very much, Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng meets confidently, if when the time comes oneself cannot really be victorious, delivers him this move, how the opposite party to deal? 所以他其实很感兴趣,刀皇宇文峰信心满满来约战,到时候自己要是真的打不过,送他这一招,对方如何应对? This sarira, without doubt is the solution that Li Yuanlong tries to find. 这枚舍利子,无疑是李元龙想的办法。 However Chen Luoyang pondered over carefully, this should be consumables, can only go against one time. 不过陈洛阳仔细琢磨了一下,这应该是个消耗品,只能顶一次。 Li Yuanlong thinks that also the headache should cope with anyone, what a pity can not make bricks without straw, can have sarira to be good. 李元龙想必也头疼该对付谁,可惜巧妇难为无米之炊,能有一枚舍利子就不错了。 After Chen Luoyang takes sarira to look at carefully the moment, shakes the head. 陈洛阳拿着舍利子端详片刻后,摇了摇头。 sarira against Continuous Hell, the blue light icy seas suppress Zhurong Burning the Heaven Formation, Heavenly Cauldron Divine Art against Great Heavenly Demon Hand, waits for that Flame Dragon to be grown, unites Ten Dragons Sovereign Fist to besiege Heavenly Demon Undying Body...... 舍利子步步地狱,蓝光冰海压制祝融焚天阵,鼎天神诀大天魔手,等那条炎龙再成年一点,联合十龙皇拳围攻天魔不死身…… Breaks through fourteenth realm to old Li Tongzhi, if some Cult Master does not have the new pattern, really has the possibility of capsizing. 给老李同志本人突破到第十四境,某位教主如果没有新花样,真有翻船的可能。 Finally Li was given the dozen to be ignorant by his Divine Martial Demon Fist. 结果李某人被他的神武魔拳给打懵了。 If this set of family property still complete, is also insufficient is so distressed facing Yan Mingkong. 这一套家底如果仍然都齐全,面对燕明空也不至于那么狼狈。 However, old Li your imaginary enemies come in view of our Demon Cult. 不过话说回来,老李你这些假想敌都是针对我们魔教来的。 How the foreign race that side do you prepare? 异族那边你怎么准备的? That is I can at present truly the useful thing...... 那才是我眼下真正能用得上的东西啊…… Chen Luoyang is somewhat speechless. 陈洛阳有些无语。 He receives sarira, looks at has changed into a piece of Wasteland land, shakes the head. 他收好舍利,看着已经化为一片荒芜的大地,摇了摇头。 When he returns to Scarlet Dragon Imperial Chart, Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng still there. 当他返回赤龙皇辇的时候,刀皇宇文峰仍然在那里。 Your murderous aura analogy has been weaken.” Yuwen Feng opens the mouth to ask: „Did you kill Li Yuanlong?” “你的杀气比方才有所减弱。”宇文峰开口问道:“你杀了李元龙?” Remains will not be giving birth, doesn't kill and other new year's celebrations?” Chen Luoyang indifferent say/way. “留着不会下崽儿,不杀等过年吗?”陈洛阳淡然道。 After Yuwen Feng was startled one slightly next, shakes the head with a smile: Luckily We also understand some central land customs, otherwise cannot understand your meaning.” 宇文峰略微怔了一下后,笑着摇头:“幸亏朕还懂一些中土风俗,要不然都听不懂你意思。” He did not ask the Yan Mingkong whereabouts, immediately stood up: Ok, when must be also long enough, should walk.” 他也不问燕明空去向,当即站起身来:“好了,待得也够久了,该走了。” Does not deliver.” Chen Luoyang said indifferently. “不送。”陈洛阳淡然说道。 Naturally not work accompanies a long way.” Yuwen Feng goes out with a smile, has not turned head: We and subordinate soldier, quick will come back together.” “当然不劳远送。”宇文峰笑着出门,没有回头:“朕与麾下儿郎,很快会一起回来。” In the Chen Luoyang surface does not see the mighty waves: Welcome you to deliver.” 陈洛阳面上不见波澜:“欢迎你们来送。” Said uselessly, prepares well, we four days later is clear.” Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng had/left Scarlet Dragon Imperial Chart, treading to be spatial and good, that great eagle fluttered to soar at this time, after meeting Yuwen Feng, rising typhoon heaven, in a flash fade and disappear. “多说无益,好好准备吧,咱们四天后见分晓。”刀皇宇文峰出了赤龙皇辇,踏空而行,那头巨鹰这时振翅高飞过来,接了宇文峰后,扶摇上天,转瞬消失不见 Chen Luoyang sits quietly to freeze, in both eyes, has changed the pitch-black ray, flashes again and again. 陈洛阳安坐原地不动,双目中,已经重新变回乌黑的光芒,连连闪动。 After Sabre Sovereign Yuwen Feng leaves, Vajrapani walks into the main hall, asked for instructions to Chen Luoyang: Cult Master, under that...... Luoyang City, the aspect basically had been controlled, do you look?” 刀皇宇文峰离开后,金刚步入大殿,向陈洛阳请示:“教主,下方那个……洛阳城,局面已经基本都被控制住了,您看?” Chen Luoyang does not care gave a hand signal. 陈洛阳不在意的做了个手势。 Yes, Cult Master.” Vajrapani draws back immediately, communicates with that Flame Dragon. “是,教主。”金刚当即退下,同那艘炎龙沟通。 Flame Dragon sends out dragon roar, hmph hmph two. 炎龙发出一声龙吟,哼哼了两声。 In its heart some do not hope, but under the threat of Su Ye frequently, has learned the dragon gradually under the eaves, has to lower the head. 它心中有些不愿,但在苏夜时时刻刻的威胁下,渐渐已经学会龙在屋檐下,不得不低头。 Just now Demon Sovereign and leave to Sabre Sovereign together, this Flame Dragon has not dared the treachery or travelling. 方才魔皇和到刀皇一同离开,这炎龙也没敢倒戈或者跑路。 At this moment it somewhat was still reluctant, but to below Luoyang City drop. 此刻它仍有些不情不愿,不过还是向下方的洛阳城下降。 Flame auspicious clouds is skilled. 火焰般的祥云为之熟练。 Flame Dragon build changes is also small. 炎龙本身的体型也变小。 When Demon Sovereign cart falls after the city, the solemn palace, was replacing the position of beforehand Xia Dynasty imperial palace. 等到魔皇车架在城中落下后,俨然一座宫殿,正取代了之前夏朝皇宫的位置。
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