IHPDMB :: Volume #2

#117: fourteenth realm( asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection!)

Fei Chen as if knows Divine Demon Blood, but his cultivation only Heavenly Demon Blood...... 费尘似乎认识神魔血,但其自身修练只是天魔血…… Chen Luoyang hesitates does not speak. 陈洛阳沉吟不语。 If this mysterious black pot, is not Fei Chen this first generation Cult Master on the treasure of handing down from generation to generation, then its origin with Divine Demon Token and Heavenly Demon Blood Tree two treasures perhaps is not a source. 如果说这个神秘的黑壶,不是费尘这个初代教主就传下来的宝物,那么其来历同神魔令天魔血树二宝恐怕不是一个源头。 After being possible be Fei Chen, some generation of Cult Master obtained. 有可能是费尘之后某一代教主所得。 The origin and details, seem more mystical than Fei Chen this Demon Cult first ancestor. 其来历和底细,似乎比费尘这位魔教初祖更加神秘。 However, inquired the harvest of Demon Cult ancient book on Chen Luoyang for serveral days, historically the record of related this mysterious black pot almost does not have. 不过,就陈洛阳这些天查询魔教典籍的收获,历史上有关这尊神秘黑壶的记载几乎没有。 With is Demon Cult cult protecting treasure, Heavenly Demon Blood Tree has multiple, or must say. 同为魔教镇教之宝,天魔血树有多重要不必多说。 Divine Demon Token besides significance of Cult Master status symbol, there is a control to control the actual role of Zhurong Burning the Heaven Formation. 神魔令除了教主身份象征的意义外,也有驾驭掌控祝融焚天阵的实际作用。 Only this black pot, as if no deeds or the merit stays behind, why to become Demon Cult cult protecting treasure? 唯独这尊黑壶,似乎没有什么事迹又或者功绩留下,凭什么成为魔教镇教之宝呢? Chen Luoyang oneself have certainly realized to the wondrous use of this treasure nowadays. 陈洛阳本人现如今当然对这件宝物的妙用有所体会。 But the issue is, pot lid with him together comes to this world before Earth, this black pot is incomplete. 但问题在于,壶盖同他一起从蓝星来这个世界前,这黑壶是不完整的。 Before that what appearance is? 在那以前,是什么模样? The Records of the Divine Province different Demon Cult ancient book that regardless of outside spreads, records rare, at best few words mention a name. 不论外面流传的神州志异还是魔教自家典籍,都少有记载,充其量只言片语提个名字而已。 After Chen Luoyang thinking moment, shakes the head slightly, is no longer puzzled. 陈洛阳思索片刻后,微微摇头,不再纠结。 He lowers the head sizes up Divine Demon Token in hand. 他低头重新打量自己手中的神魔令 Divine Demon Token is heavy, the outward appearance has not changed, but was obviously heavier than before. 神魔令沉甸甸,外观没有变化,但明显比之前沉重许多。 The Chen Luoyang intention moving place, communicates with it. 陈洛阳心念动处,与之沟通。 In his mind, presents world of one flame hells. 他脑海中,呈现一片火焰地狱的世界。 In this world, there is Nine Demon Gods to send out to roar together, as if must run out momentarily. 这世界中,有九尊魔神一起发出咆哮,仿佛随时都要冲出。 However, it as if not thought that but complies with the will of Chen Luoyang this current Divine Demon Token master. 但是,其本身似乎并无思想可言,而是遵从陈洛阳这个现任神魔令主人的意志。 Although Fei Chen remains has unravelled, but the last essence, as if the whereabouts on this Divine Demon Token, making Divine Demon Token compared with previously many some changes. 虽然费尘遗蜕已经灰飞烟灭,但最后一点精华,似乎都着落在这神魔令上,让神魔令比先前多出一些变化。 To present, this could become a useful modern weapon. 对如今的自己来说,这或许能成为一件有用的新武器。 only strength, as if there is problem that a consumption decreases, oneself need to seize the limited opportunity carefully is. 只是这其中的力量,似乎存在一个消耗减损的问题,自己需要仔细把握有限的机会才是。 Chen Luoyang receives Divine Demon Token, a hand move, that strange mirror, flies in his hand. 陈洛阳收好神魔令,手一招,那面古怪的镜子,飞到他手中。 Mirror edge frame pitch-black, probably metal quality of material. 镜子边缘框架乌黑,像是金属质地。 The mirror surface is also dark mass of one piece, gloomy, shines upon the Chen Luoyang's face reluctantly. 镜面也是乌压压一片,黯淡无光,勉强映照出陈洛阳的面孔。 The Chen Luoyang attempt communicates with this mirror, finally not at all responded. 陈洛阳尝试与这镜子沟通,结果并没有反应。 He is trying black pot in communication mind, questioned this mirror. 他又试着沟通脑海中的黑壶,查问这面镜子。 However, before asking, his actually many already some preparations. 不过,问之前,他其实多少就已经有些心理准备。 Finally as expected, in the pot blood red nectar is insufficient. 结果不出所料,壶中血红琼浆不够。 Chen Luoyang was a little numb, nod calmly, then receives the mirror. 陈洛阳对此都有点麻木了,若无其事的点点头,然后把镜子收好。 No matter how said, this mirror seems unusual, is worth the preserve well, later studies slowly. 不管怎么说,这镜子似乎很不寻常,值得妥善保存,以后慢慢研究。 At present, first is the issue of tight earth fire lava. 眼下,还是先着紧地火熔岩的问题吧。 He looks down downward. 他低头向下看去。 Because Chen Luoyang was previously busy with the reason that Fei Chen wrangled, was hard to give dual attention to below earth fire. 因为先前陈洛阳忙着跟费尘扯皮的缘故,难以兼顾下方地火 At present the lava is keeping surging upwardly, threatens, makes the person palpitation. 眼下熔岩正在不停向上涌起,气势汹汹,令人心悸。 Chen Luoyang first through Divine Demon Token, stands firm Zhurong Burning the Heaven Formation. 陈洛阳首先通过神魔令,稳住祝融焚天阵 great formation shines with several points of brilliance, the scarlet ray suppresses below lava earth fire. 大阵重新焕发几分光彩,赤红光芒镇压下方熔岩地火 Then Chen Luoyang looks to own bosom small Su Yuan. 然后陈洛阳又看向自己怀里的小苏远 The boys are still sleeping soundly. 男孩儿还在酣睡。 Chen Luoyang grins secretly. 陈洛阳暗自咧咧嘴。 The opposite party are so weary he desirably for it result. 对方如此疲倦还是他刻意为之的结果。 However now needs the little fellow to work, oneself only have to squeeze the child laborer. 不过现在又需要小家伙干活儿了,自己唯有压榨童工。 He wakes small Su Yuan, child bewildered look Chen Luoyang, about look: „...... Cult Master? Is our also in Zhurong Burning the Heaven Formation?” 他将小苏远弄醒,孩子一脸茫然的看看陈洛阳,又看看左右:“……教主?我们这是还在祝融焚天阵里?” The little fellow under Underworld Sea Curse Seal influence, as if its second personality is ordinary. 冥海咒印影响下的小家伙,仿佛其第二人格一般。 When curse seal opening when seal he, consciousness the shape with two people, the memory does not exchange. 咒印开启时和封闭时的他,意识形同两人,彼此之间的记忆也不互通。 Therefore small Su Yuan feels helpless at this moment. 所以小苏远此刻茫然不知所措。 Chen Luoyang said indifferently: You were too tired, therefore makes you take a break, then continues.” 陈洛阳淡然道:“你方才太累了,所以让你休息片刻,然后再继续。” Child somewhat embarrassed scratching the head: Thanked the Cult Master kindness.” 孩子有些不好意思的挠挠头:“谢教主恩典。” Might as well.” Chen Luoyang said: Spirit restored, we continue.” “无妨。”陈洛阳言道:“精神恢复了,我们就继续。” Yes!” Small Su Yuan sound loud and clear replying. “是!”小苏远声音洪亮的答道。 Chen Luoyang nods, finger then again at its forehead gently point. 陈洛阳点点头,手指便再次在其眉心处轻轻一点。 Then, Underworld Sea Curse Seal reappears. 然后,冥海咒印再现。 Child's double pupil rapidly gets makes the azure black, loses beforehand nimble and resourceful and lively. 孩子的双瞳飞速变作青黑色,失去之前的灵动与活泼。 The little fellows look at Chen Luoyang at this moment again, in the vision fill to dread and suspect. 小家伙此刻再看陈洛阳,目光中充满忌惮和怀疑。 Chen Luoyang gently supine , the chin selected to the under earth fire magma. 陈洛阳轻轻仰了下头,下巴冲着下方地火岩浆点了点。 The little fellows are helpless, can only take orders from the conduct, helping Chen Luoyang coordinate earth fire balanced. 小家伙无奈,只能听命行事,帮助陈洛阳平衡协调地火 Great Cult Master Chen are carefree and content , to continue previous cultivation. 陈大教主自己悠然自得,继续先前的修练 Over time, under fiery red formation covers brilliance, gradually appears a big person's shadow. 随着时间的慢慢推移,火红的阵法光辉笼罩下,渐渐多出一个高大的人影。 This person's shadow completely comprised of the flame, the imposing manner is scary. 这人影完全由火光组成,气势骇人。 Chen Luoyang's fist intent, condenses unceasingly, the image of this person's shadow, is then getting more and more concrete. 陈洛阳的拳意,不断凝聚,这人影的形象,便也越来越具体。 And astonishing imposing manner, is getting more and more intense. 其中惊人气势,也越来越强烈。 Arrived afterward, a God who fully used flames to incarnate, appeared in Zhurong Burning the Heaven Formation. 到了后来,一尊完全由火焰化身而成的神祗,出现在祝融焚天阵中。 This God animal face and human body, fire snakes passing through his ears, feet treading on fire dragons. 这尊神祗兽面人身,耳穿火蛇,足踏火龙 The whole body winds around for the raging fire up and down, whole body is transparent, as if the crystal, by a redness that the flame shines upon, blossoms in radiant splendor. 周身上下为烈火缭绕,通体透明澄澈,仿佛水晶,被火焰映照的一片赤红,从中大放光明。 In the strength concept, showing the raging fire was brutal, destroying the heavens and extinguishing the earth, burns down the myriad things overbearing wild. 其力量意境中,彰显了烈火无情,毁天灭地,焚烧万物的霸道狂野。 But on the other hand, contains the raging fire to bring the light and warmth for world, brings the concept of vitality and civilization. 但另一方面,却又蕴含烈火为世间带来光明和温暖,带来生机与文明的意境 Body both sides, achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, share everything, the incomparable circle melts. 一体两面,融会贯通,不分彼此,无比圆融。 Former overbearing brightly displayed, the latter kingly way is orderly. 前者霸道昭彰,后者王道井然。 The God image, is in ancient Divine Demon, illustrious God of Fire Zhurong. 神祗的形象,正是上古神魔中,赫赫有名的火神祝融 Chen Luoyang this type Divine Martial Demon Fist, then named "Zhurong"! 陈洛阳这一式神武魔拳,便名为“祝融” His hand is hugging the little fellow, another hand makes a fist stretches out forward averagely. 他一只手抱着小家伙,另外一只手握拳向前平平伸出。 That Flame God image is getting more and more real, finally the boundary of breakthrough actual situation, the raging fire congeals for the idol of essence, the military might is overbearing. 那尊火焰神祗的形象越来越真实,最后突破虚实的界限,烈火凝结为实质的神像,威武霸道。 The little fellow body of Chen Luoyang bosom shrank shrinking, dreads to that idol. 陈洛阳怀里的小家伙身体缩了缩,对那神像忌惮至极。 The emotion to nearly no him, has the sentiment of several points of fear indifferently unexpectedly faintly. 情感冷漠到近乎没有的他,竟然隐隐生出几分恐惧之情。 Chen Luoyang maintains the posture of fist to be motionless, by strange rhythm turnover breath. 陈洛阳维持出拳的姿势不动,以古怪的节奏吞吐呼吸。 The strength of below earth fire lava, was extracted to absorb unceasingly, integrates in the Zhurong idol. 下方地火熔岩的力量,不断被抽取吸纳,融入到祝融神像中。 How long does not know appeared, in the eyes of Zhurong idol, as if there is flame to flash slightly. 不知多了多久,祝融神像的双眼里,似乎有火光轻微闪动一下。 God that this arrives at the world, as if had several breath true God appearances at this moment unexpectedly. 这尊降临人世的神祗,这一刻竟似乎有了几息真神的模样。 Incomparable terrifying scary imposing manner, waves worshiping in the crater. 无比恐怖骇人的气势,在火山口内澎拜 Entire Ancient God Peak, as if sways. 整座古神峰,仿佛都摇晃起来。 Below lava sea of fire fluctuate. 下方熔岩火海起起伏伏。 Concentrates a fist that does not send, momentum already world-shaking. 凝而不发的一拳,声势已惊天动地 Underworld Sea that the little fellow forehead lives, directly retracts automatically, the strength has not exhausted , to continue the activity on don't dare. 小家伙眉心所生的冥海,直接自动缩回,力量未曾耗尽,就不敢继续活动。 The Chen Luoyang corners of the mouth show the smile 陈洛阳嘴角则露出微笑 Although can have such a move with the aid of the strength of earth fire, but oneself this fist, deserving is the fourteenth realm level, reappeared Demon Sovereign past the elegant demeanor. 虽然是借助地火之力才能出这么一招,但自己这一拳,该当是第十四境的水平,重现魔皇昔日风采。 martial way fourteenth realm, Entranced. 武道第十四境,出神
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