IBJWMC :: Volume #4

#370: 『Golden Silk Dream Monster String』

This is the matter that the extremely remote past had. 这是极为遥远的过去所发生的事情。 Before actually specifically is how long, because the history presented the relations of fault/chasm, was unable to nose. 具体究竟是多久以前,因为历史出现了断层的关系,已经无从查探了。 The present people only know, to stop to arrive at present world Illusory Demon from Chaotic Devil's Lair, human established Tianfeng City. 现在的人们只知道,为了阻拦从混沌魔窟来到现世幻魔,人类建立了天丰市 In other words , when Chaotic Devil's Lair appears, Tianfeng City has not established. 换言之,混沌魔窟出现之时,天丰市是还没有建立的。 At that time, present world and Spirit Demon Prison seemingly just had the trail connection, human and Illusory Demon also clash officially in this stretch of land, development/launch a race war. 那个时候,现世灵魔狱貌似是刚刚产生接轨,人类幻魔亦是在这片大地上正式发生冲突,展开了一场种族大战。 Chaotic Devil's Lair as at that time is also the present largest Spirit Demon Prison entrance, to the threat that human world brought without doubt is biggest, was most fatal. 混沌魔窟作为当时也是现在最大规模的灵魔狱入口,给人类世界带来的威胁无疑是最大的,也是最致命的。 In order to resist arrives at present world Illusory Demon from Chaotic Devil's Lair, in human just obtained heroic fighting bravely that extraordinary power people then fierce do not fear. 为了抵抗从混沌魔窟来到现世幻魔,人类中刚刚获得超凡力量的人们便悍不畏死的英勇奋战。 The final result, is Chaotic Devil's Lair by the forbidden technique seal, human also to guard this Chaotic Devil's Lair, established Tianfeng City this base city to the Chaotic Devil's Lair recent human region, making Tianfeng City have the aloof position gradually, becomes human Holy Land. 最终的结果,便是混沌魔窟禁术封印,人类也为了看守这混沌魔窟,在离混沌魔窟最近的人类地域上建立了天丰市座基地市,让天丰市渐渐的拥有了超然的地位,成为了人类圣地 At that time, Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal was complete, Spirit Demon Prison Illusory Demon is unable to invade present world through Chaotic Devil's Lair this Spirit Demon Prison entrance, making Tianfeng City also enter a rapid period of expansion, blowout -type emergence many expert, many family influences.” “那个时候,混沌魔窟的封印还是完好的,灵魔狱幻魔根本无法通过混沌魔窟这个灵魔狱入口入侵现世,让天丰市也是进入了一个飞速的发展期,井喷式的出现了诸多的强者,诸多的家族势力。” In front of entire tent everyone, Xu Xiayan is starting to tell this segment Mixin. 当着整个帐篷所有人的面,许夏烟开始讲述起这段秘辛。 At that time, Tianfeng City was one seals the organic country, the royal family also constructed, our Wang Family as royal family's left arm right arm, has been escorting for the royal family, protected the royal family, while protected Tianfeng City, before letting experience Chaotic Devil's Lair darkness period human by seal is not rested and built up strength.” “当时,天丰市还是一个封建制国家,王族也建在,我们王家作为王族的左臂右膀,一直都在为王族保驾护航,一边守护王族,一边守护天丰市,让经历过混沌魔窟未被封印前的黑暗时期的人类休养生息。” precisely because Wang Family once special position, in the Wang Family book stacks actually left leeway the ancient book that many his clans do not have, before having many remote years historical records. 正是因为王家曾经的特殊地位,王家的书库中其实留有着许多他族所没有的古书,有着诸多久远岁月以前的历史记录。 Xu Xiayan has understood that period the appearance of history, what thus is not at a loss was the people told. 许夏烟就了解过那段时期的历史的样子,因而毫不迷惘的为众人讲述了起来。 If can follow that appearance to continue, that human can in a short time grow strong inevitably, Tianfeng City can also have enough power while guarding Chaotic Devil's Lair, unnecessary power will go to the inland, other assistance base city, on Illusory Demon to land conducts the resistance and pursuit.” “如果能够照那个样子一直继续下去,那人类势必能够在极短的时间内发展壮大,天丰市亦是能有足够的力量在看守混沌魔窟的同时,将多余的力量投向内陆,协助其它基地市,对陆地上的幻魔进行抵御及驱逐。” In that case, perhaps, sooner or later, Illusory Demon might really be expelled the human survival the land, either can only return to Spirit Demon Prison, either can only enter the oceanic province, otherwise was possibly crusaded against. 那样的话,或许,早晚有一天,幻魔真有可能会被赶出人类生存的大地,要么只能回到灵魔狱,要么只能进入海洋区域,否则只有可能被讨伐。 Only pitifully, does not last forever. 只可惜,好景不长。 In Spirit Demon Prison, terrifying existed to notice present world, noticed Chaotic Devil's Lair this entrance, initiated the invasion to present world.” 灵魔狱中,有一位恐怖的存在注意到了现世,注意到了混沌魔窟这个入口,就此对现世发起了入侵。” That once let the ground plunging the people into disaster, changes to Spirit Demon Prison's King of hell, peak that is situated in Illusory Demon this race, is evolves end point existence ———— " Terror Type " . 那就是曾经让地上生灵涂炭,化作地狱的灵魔狱之王,一位立于幻魔这个种族的巅峰,已然是进化到了终点的存在————恐怖种」。 So exists, has dominated above trillion lives. 如此存在,已然是凌驾于亿万生灵之上。 So exists, has been able to make 7-Star professional be able not hold a candle. 如此存在,已然是能让七星职业者都望尘莫及。 Even in Spirit Demon Prison, such existence also absolutely not over three. 即便是在灵魔狱里,这样的存在亦绝对不会超过三位。 But, is existence of such terrifying, initiated historically the most fearful invasion to present world. 可偏偏,就是这样恐怖的存在,对现世发起了历史上最为可怕的一次入侵。 It used to contain the right hand of endless power to rip open Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal, with can make all life instantaneous lethal left hands swallow the land, finally trod Tianfeng City that defended in the forefront.” “它用蕴含着无尽力量的右手撕开了混沌魔窟的封印,又用能够使一切生命瞬间致死的左手吞噬了大地,最终踏碎了守在最前线的天丰市。” „The human innumerable Hero heroes get together, innumerable expert converge, initiated the resistance to that 『King』 together, no matter but was been also good to the long jab by High-Class Spiritual Technique, was pierced body also fine by alchemical weapon of Artifact level, it has not stopped the footsteps of devastation, relies on one to restore its physical body continuously, restores its injury heart, by a person of strength, then gives to crash entire human race.” 人类无数英雄豪杰齐聚,无数强者云集,一同对那位「王」发起了反抗,可不管是被高级灵性术给直击也好,被次神器级的炼金武器洞穿躯体也罢,它都不曾停下过蹂躏的脚步,凭借着一颗能够源源不断的修复它的肉体,恢复它的伤势的心脏,以一人之力,便将整个人类族群都给压垮。” Finally, human can only fight to win or die, building up strongest one crowd of Hero, blocked the Spirit Demon Prison king in the border of mainland, put in the greatest sacrifice, cut the both arms of 『King』 with forbidden technique, dug out the heart of 『King』, making it no longer have the invincible body, no longer after having endless power, was just now successful its seal.” “最后,人类只能背水一战,集结最强的一群英雄们,在大陆的边境拦下了灵魔狱的王,付出了莫大的牺牲,用禁术斩下「王」的双臂,挖出「王」的心脏,让它不再拥有无敌的身躯,不再拥有无尽的力量以后,方才成功将其封印。” Xu Xiayan said solemnly, and observed the situation to the people on the scene. 许夏烟沉声说着,并环视向了在场众人。 Only this war, the royal family declines thoroughly, human also lost many expert, Tianfeng City, although obtained the reconstruction, but Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal is actually because had been ripped open relations, had the flaw.” “仅此一战,王族彻底没落,人类也失去了许多强者,天丰市虽获得了重建,可混沌魔窟的封印却是因为被撕开过一次的关系,就此出现了缺陷。” Why this Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal will have the gap, these years will have many Illusory Demon to arrive at the present world reason through Chaotic Devil's Lair as before. 这就是为什么混沌魔窟的封印会有间隙,这些年来依旧会有不少幻魔通过混沌魔窟来到现世的原因。 Even if the seal maintained reluctantly, blocked the road of these truly powerful existence, letting Terror Type is unable to reappear, even Nightmare Type was hard to come from Chaotic Devil's Lair another side, Spirit Demon Prison is unable to invade present world again on a large scale, but invaded unable to accomplish massively, lukewarm water dye frog style small scale invasion actually continuously. 即使封印勉强维持住了,拦住了那些真正强大的存在的路,让恐怖种无法再现界,连噩梦种都难以从混沌魔窟的另一边过来,灵魔狱也无法再大举入侵现世了,可大规模的入侵办不到,温水煮青蛙式的小规模入侵却一直都在。 Illusory Demon only in these years, has had from Chaotic Devil's Lair another side comes, making the Illusory Demon quantity increase or decrease, is maintaining balanced reluctantly, various Wonderland are also appears under the influence of Chaotic Devil's Lair around Tianfeng City one after another one after another, formed special regions. 一只只的幻魔就在这些年里,一直都有从混沌魔窟的另一边过来,让幻魔的数量是有增有减,勉强维持着一个平衡,各种奇境亦是相继在混沌魔窟的影响下相继出现在天丰市四周,形成了一片又一片特殊的地域。 Now, so many years passed by, arrived at present world Illusory Demon to have the evolution, some evolutions were Dangerous Type, some evolutions were Nightmare Type, occupies one by one Wonderland respectively, the circle was a king. 如今,这么多年过去了,许多来到现世幻魔都产生了进化,有的进化为危险种,有的进化为噩梦种,各自占据着一个个奇境,圈地为王。 But Tianfeng City has had in thinking up every possible method maintenance Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal, but the flaw of seal is unable to make up as before on, the gap remains. 天丰市虽然一直都有在想方设法的维护混沌魔窟的封印,可封印的缺陷依旧无法弥补上,间隙就依旧存在着。 In human are also some people of propositions a time this/should exert seal, but the seal of that forbidden technique rank, wants to display, must sacrifice stands expert much in human peak apex.” 人类里也有人提议是不是该重新施加一次封印,可那禁术级别的封印,想施展,必须牺牲不少站在人类巅峰顶点上的强者。” Existence of that rank, is willing to sacrifice even, the human high levels will also not comply.” “那种级别的存在,就算愿意牺牲,人类高层们亦不会答应。” Only if as a last resort, bumped into the real crisis, otherwise, loses so many expert, actually only to restore the gaps of some seals, gain does not equal the loss.” “除非万不得已,碰上了真正的危机,否则,失去那么多的强者,却只为了修复一些封印的间隙,得不偿失。” no trace of politeness said, these stand expert in human peak apex, each is human is used to resist the Illusory Demon energy, the true trump card, loses one to make entire human race have a fracture, let alone was incessantly one. 毫不客气的说,那些站在人类巅峰顶点上的强者,每一个都是人类用来对抗幻魔的底气,真真正正的王牌,损失一个都能让整个人类族群伤筋动骨,更别说是不止一个了。 If the seal breaks open thoroughly, really does not have the means that that also has to endure suffering to accept the sacrifice. 如果封印彻底破开,实在没办法,那还不得不忍痛接受牺牲。 But the seal has not broken open thoroughly, only has part of gaps, was not worth human experts doing that. 可封印没有彻底破开,只是存在一部分间隙而已,便不值得人类强者们这么做了。 Therefore, the Tianfeng City high level must find the way to conduct a restore to Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal once in a while, did not strive for being complete the seal thorough restore, only sought the gap not to increase, do not let many Illusory Demon, strongest Illusory Demon arrive at present world.” “于是,天丰市高层每隔一段时间都得想办法对混沌魔窟的封印进行一次修复,不求将封印彻底修复完全,只求间隙别增加,别让再多的幻魔、最强的幻魔来到现世。” this period of time is about 60 years one time.” 这段时间大约是六十年一次。” Every 60 years, Tianfeng City must conduct seal a restoration of time , is to maintain Chaotic Devil's Lair's seal.” “每60年,天丰市都得进行一次封印的修缮,也就是对混沌魔窟的封印进行维护。” Xu Xiayan then explained all reasons here. 许夏烟便在这里说明了一切的缘由。 However next year, will conduct the 60 th year of maintenance next time.” “而明年,就是下次进行维护的第六十年。” Taking this into consideration, Tianfeng City starting from this year, is preparing. 有鉴于此,天丰市从今年开始,就在做准备。 „To restore the seal, not only needs the Warlock's Guild senior statesmen auxiliary, provides the technique/technology support, but also needs special extraordinary item assistance.” “想修复封印,不仅需要术士公会的元老们进行辅助,提供技术支持,还需要许多特殊的超凡物品协助。” These extraordinary item, some are alchemical item, some are heavenly material and earthly treasure.” “这些超凡物品,有的是炼金道具,有的是天材地宝。” alchemical item is actually easy to do, Tianfeng City is not first item that the maintenance work that conducts the seal, used in the past has to remain.” 炼金道具倒是好办,天丰市不是第一次进行封印的维护工作,过去使用到的道具都有留下来。” But some special heavenly material and earthly treasure, quite difficult office. 可一些特殊的天材地宝,就比较难办了。 These heavenly material and earthly treasure, all are the extremely precious rare things.” “这些天材地宝,无一不是极其珍贵罕见的事物。” Even in Tianfeng City such resources big treasure house, the part does not have the stock, needs to seek, must find its substitute badly.” “即便是在天丰市这样的资源大宝库里,也有一部分连库存都没有,需要重新寻找,最不济都要找到其替代品。” For this reason, Tianfeng City actually prepared many requests, some entrusted to some respected families, some entrusted to some big influences, some......, then entrusted to some big teams.” “为此,天丰市其实准备了许多的委托,有的委托给一些大家族,有的委托给一些大势力,有的......则委托给了一些大团队。” Xu Xiayan's words, at this point, is very clear easy to understand. 许夏烟的话,说到这里,已经是非常清楚易懂的了。 In other words, Captain Xu 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 received such a request, right?” “也就是说,许团长『夏日逐烟』就是接到了这样的一个委托,对吧?” Qiao Liang then looks at Xu Xiayan, saying. 乔梁便看着许夏烟,这么说着。 Right.” Xu Xiayan shows a faint smile, said: This is our SS-Rank Quest origin, is the matter that we then must handle.” “没错。”许夏烟微微一笑,道:“这就是我们此次SS级任务的由来,也是我们接下来要做的事情。” According to Xu Xiayan said that in an numerous who Tianfeng City issued entrusted, some were only B-Rank, some had S-Rank, can achieve SS-Rank actually few several. 根据许夏烟所言,天丰市发布的一众委托里,有的只有B级,有的有S级,能够达到SS级的却只有寥寥无几的几个。 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 receives is this few several SS-Rank Quest in which one. 『夏日逐烟』接取的就是这寥寥无几的几个SS级任务的其中一个。 In extraordinary item that in restoring the seal needs, has an extremely rare precious treasure.” “在修复封印所需的超凡物品里,就有一件极其稀有珍贵的宝物。” Saying, Xu Xiayan stood up, on the silver screen that in tent most deep place builds operated several, making the silver screen demonstrate an image. 说着,许夏烟站了起来,在帐篷最深处搭建起来的银幕上操作了几下,让银幕显示出了一副图像。 That is a three-dimensional outline drawing of treasure. 那是一件宝物的立体外形图。 Line?” “线?” whispered that Zhu Qian is then astonished. 朱茜便讶异的呢喃出声 Yes. 是的。 Presents the treasure on silver screen, precisely very thin silk threads. 出现在银幕上的宝物,正是一条条非常细的丝线。 The silk thread is dreamlike, resembles not to have the ray of entity to be common, is the same like the running water, gently is fluttering. 丝线如梦似幻,似没有实体的光线一般,有如流水一样,轻轻的飘荡着。 Looks on the silver screen that golden flowing light silk threads, the people then whooped. 看着银幕上那一道道金色流光般的丝线,众人便议论纷纷了起来。 Good attractive treasure...” “好漂亮的宝物啊...” What line is this?” “这是什么线啊?” Seemed like the sunlight to congeal careful silk threads to be the same, was quite attractive.” “看起来好像是阳光凝成了一道道细细的丝线一样,好好看。” Only this appearance, even if it is not the treasure, still some countless people are willing to spend the high price to buy to appreciate and collect?” “单凭这卖相,就算它不是什么宝物,也有无数人愿意花大价钱去买来欣赏和收藏吧?” The people are acclaiming like this. 众人就这样赞叹着。 Even Chi Qian cannot help but looked at several, some in the eyes faint brilliance was flowing, making Su Ming somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry. 池浅都不由得多看了几眼,眼中隐隐有些光彩在流动,让苏明有些哭笑不得。 Xu Xiayan had expected probably people's response was the same, smiles, starts to introduce. 许夏烟好像已经预料到了众人的反应一样,笑了笑,开始介绍了起来。 Golden Silk Dream Monster String, extremely rare heavenly material and earthly treasure, is seemed like running water tiny silk threads that condense by the sunlight becomes, but it is only is extremely sufficient in demon essence, all year round could not see ray in the side black place will breed.” 金丝梦妖线,一种极其罕见的天材地宝,看起来像是由阳光凝聚而成的一道道流水般的细小丝线,可它却是只在魔性极其充足,一年到头都见不到一点光线的极黑之地里才会孕育出来。” Xu Xiayan operates the silver screen again, making the treasure image the surroundings present the explanation introduction writing. 许夏烟再次操作银幕,让宝物图像的周围出现说明介绍般的文字。 This Golden Silk Dream Monster String, not only has the harsh request to the environment of breeding, and ten years will be born, pass by until hundred years, after being born the entire ten silk threads, this treasure was the forming.” “这种金丝梦妖线,不仅对孕育的环境有着苛刻的要求,且十年才会诞生出一条,直到百年过去,诞生出整整十条丝线以后,这件宝物才算是成形了。” in a nutshell, this time is 100 years will be born treasure, precious, is rare, it can be imagined. 一言蔽之,这是一百年才会诞生一次的宝物,有多珍贵,多稀有,可想而知。 Perhaps, even if compared with Dragon Demon Saliva and Purple Snow Pulp, this Golden Silk Dream Monster String is the same rank priceless treasures. 或许,就算和龙魔涎紫雪浆相比,这金丝梦妖线都是同一个等级的无价之宝。 Its function is also very simple, can be used to refine to fight the clothes, refines alchemical armor, can be used to refine part of alchemical weapon, for example Zhang Family's Young Master love bow, then the bowstring of bow, it is said with one striation treasure that is similar to Golden Silk Dream Monster String refining up, only is not so rare like Golden Silk Dream Monster String preciously.” “它的作用也很简单,能够用来炼制战衣,炼制炼金防具,也能用来炼制一部分炼金武器,比如张家少爷的爱弓,那把弓的弓弦,据说就是用一种类似于金丝梦妖线的线状宝物炼成的,只是不像金丝梦妖线这般罕见珍贵而已。” In addition, some best quality goods and even are marvelous work alchemical potion, might use it, as principal material.” “除此之外,一些极品乃至是神品的炼金药剂,也有可能会用到它,作为主材料。” Its function is very widespread, thus the value is also very high, is innumerable Alchemist Warlock asks precious alchemy material that but does not get.” “它的作用就很广泛,因而价值也很高,是无数炼金术士求而不得的珍贵炼金素材。” Explanation of Xu Xiayan quite detailed, and is straightforward, letting the person immediately to understand precious and specialness of this Golden Silk Dream Monster String. 许夏烟的讲解可谓是相当的详细,且浅显易懂,让人立即就能明白这金丝梦妖线的珍贵及特殊。 Naturally... 当然... Regarding Tianfeng City, this Golden Silk Dream Monster String also vital function, that is used to coordinate Warlock's Guild Warlocks, conducts sewing on spirituality/intelligence to the gap of Chaotic Devil's Lair seal, gives to fill in part of gaps, or is to make it no longer expand.” “对于天丰市来说,这金丝梦妖线还有一种重要的作用,那就是用来配合术士公会术士们,对混沌魔窟封印的间隙进行灵性上的缝补,将一部分间隙给填上,或者是让它不再扩大。” Said this point, Xu Xiayan observed the situation again to presented everyone. 说完这一点,许夏烟才再次环视向了在场所有人。 For this reason, I will organize everyone, enters Polar Night Labyrinth together, arrives at this tenth floor.” “为此,我才会组织起大家,一同进入极夜迷宫,来到这第十层。” The implied meaning is anything, clear. 言下之意是什么,一目了然。 so that's how it is.” Chi Qian said in a low voice: That Golden Silk Dream Monster String in this Polar Night Labyrinth tenth floor?” 原来如此。”池浅低声道:“那金丝梦妖线就在这极夜迷宫第十层吗?” Yes.” Xu Xiayan heavily nodded, said: This Polar Night Labyrinth tenth floor environment is in this world can satisfy the place of condition Golden Silk Dream Monster String is born few.” “是的。”许夏烟重重的点头,道:“这极夜迷宫第十层的环境就是这世上为数不多能满足金丝梦妖线诞生的条件的地方。” This is the Tianfeng City relevant departments after the strict and complex computation the result of obtaining. 这是天丰市有关部门经过严密且复杂的计算以后得出的结果。 They then believe, in this Polar Night Labyrinth tenth floor, presents the Golden Silk Dream Monster String possibility in a big way. 他们便认为,在这极夜迷宫第十层,出现金丝梦妖线的可能性非常的大。 Therefore, they handed over in this SS-Rank request the hand of 《Summer Chasing Smoke》, lets 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 this A-Rank team that has the S-Rank team strength enters Polar Night Labyrinth, seeks for Golden Silk Dream Monster String. 所以,他们才将这一SS级委托交到了『夏日逐烟』的手上,让『夏日逐烟』这个有着S级团队实力的A级团队进入极夜迷宫,寻找金丝梦妖线 But... 可是... If only comes this tenth floor to seek for the treasure, that doesn't need to hire so many powerful teams to assist your 《Summer Chasing Smoke》?” “如果只是来这第十层寻找宝物,那根本不需要雇佣这么多强大的团队辅助你们『夏日逐烟』吧?” I also think.” “我也是这么想的。” Qiao Zhi and seconds in command of Zhu Yun these two A-Rank teams published oneself idea. 乔志朱芸这两个A级团队的二当家就都发表了自己的想法。 They said also right. 他们说的也没错。 only seeks for a treasure, the Xu Xiayan team can definitely be competent, why big do such fee/spent flustered employment so many teams assist? 只是寻找一件宝物而已,许夏烟的团队完全能够胜任,何必这么大费周章的雇佣这么多团队协助呢? Even if needs the manpower, that was still insufficient to find 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 and 《Iron Rose》 such team body is right. 就算需要人手,那也不至于找到『锦龙玉阁』『铁蔷薇』这样的团队身上才对。 Xu Xiayan assembles combat power like, does not need to fight, radically is careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 许夏烟像这样集结战力,不用来战斗,根本就是暴殄天物。 The fact is also so. 事实也是如此。 If the matter is so simple, that was good.” “如果事情这么简单的话,那就好了。” Xu Xiayan sighs. 许夏烟叹了一口气。 could it be had not discovered, this tenth floor is different from the front floor, hasn't seen including Illusory Demon?” “各位难道没有发现,这第十层跟前面的楼层不同,连一只幻魔都没有见到吗?” hearing this, the people were startled. 闻言,众人纷纷怔住了。 Really...” “果然...” Su Ming was narrows the eye, in the heart the secretly thought one. 苏明则是眯起眼睛,心中暗道了一声。
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