IBJWMC :: Volume #4

#368: Details of blow

In the following one day, had the agreed team with 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 one by one arrives one after another. 接下来的一天里,各个与『夏日逐烟』有所约定的团队均都陆陆续续的抵达了。 Also before one such as, guessed like that in only two A-Rank teams as hired team, 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 and 《Iron Rose》 were finally. 也一如之前所猜测的那般,作为被雇佣的团队里唯二的A级团队,『锦龙玉阁』『铁蔷薇』是最后才到的。 When they arrive in the tenth floor camp, that is the almost quick at nightfall. 等到他们抵达第十层的营地时,那已经是差不多快入夜了。 According to the agreement, seventh day must converge in this tenth floor, these two A-Rank teams are it can be said that pressing the long in coming of line, is slow the words that a point arrives, possibly no one and others they. 按照约定,第七天就得在这第十层里汇合,这两个A级团队可以说是压着线的姗姗来迟,再慢一点到的话,可能都没人等他们了。 The directors of two teams as if also understand this truth, thus arrives in the camp, lead Captain and Vice-Captain then do not rest the rest, goes to the camp most central big tent directly, met with Xu Xiayan, others were arranged to rest. 两个团队的主事者们似乎也明白这个道理,因而一抵达营地,领头的团长副团长便连休息都不休息,直接前往营地最中央的大帐篷,和许夏烟见面,其余人则纷纷都被安排去休息了。 The 《Azure Mercury》 people also rested the almost half-day time, then receives 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 a notification of team member. 『湛蓝水银』的众人也是休息了差不多半天的时间,然后才接到『夏日逐烟』的一名团队成员的通报。 Invited Captain and Vice-Captain of team goes to the central tent to meet.” “请团队的团长副团长前往中央帐篷开会。” Heard this notification, Su Ming and Chi Qian looked at each other one immediately, stood up. 听到这通报,苏明池浅立即对视了一眼,站了起来 Captain.” 团长。” Elder Sister Qianqian.” 浅浅姐。” Mu Yan, Feng Qing'er and Tongxin Yao three people of also subconscious following stood up. 穆嫣风清儿童心瑶三人亦是下意识的跟着站了起来 Su Ming looks to the people. 苏明看向众人。 You wait for us here.” “你们在这里等我们吧。” Su Ming is showing a faint smile to the people. 苏明对着众人微微一笑。 All right. “没事。 Chi Qian also said: Should be the Captain Xu preparation with us explained officially this Quest details, came back to tell you again.” 池浅也说道:“应该是许团长准备正式跟我们说明此次任务的详情了,回来再跟你们说。” Is such matter. 就是这么回事。 Because of this matter of great substance, related to base city future relations, like Quest of SS-Rank this rank, the secret is truly important, in order to avoid causes the unnecessary panic and anxiety. 因为兹事体大,涉及到基地市本身的未来的关系,像SS级这种级别的任务,保密工作确实很重要,以免引起不必要的恐慌和不安。 thanks to this, until now, Su Ming and the others has not known that this SS-Rank Quest detail, is actually anything. 拜此所赐,直到现在,苏明等人都还不知道此次SS级任务的详细内容,究竟是什么。 Now, should be the time makes known. 现在,也该是时候揭晓了。 Does not make known, this Quest did not have the means to continue again. 再不揭晓,这任务也没办法再继续下去了。 Mu Yan and the others naturally also understands that this matter, anything had not said, only sat. 穆嫣等人自然也明白这件事,什么都没说,只是重新坐了下来。 We came back.” “等我们回来。” After Su Ming abandons such a few words, took the lead to go out of the tent. 苏明则扔下这么一句话以后,率先走出了帐篷。 Following of Chi Qian without saying a word. 池浅一言不发的跟上。 two people under herald's leadership, arrived at the camp most central big tent, entered inside. 两人在通报者的带领下,一路来到了营地最中央的大帐篷,进入了里面。 Inside space is very vast, and has displayed the big wooden table that has seemed like just completed, replaces the board, assumes circular being situated in most central. 里面的空间很辽阔,且已经摆上了一张似乎是刚刚做好的大木桌,代替会议桌,呈圆形的坐落在最中央。 All around of round table, the one by one seat places neat and tidy, and has sat many people. 圆桌的四周,一个个的座位摆放得整整齐齐,且已经坐上了不少人。 Captain as well as Vice-Captain of one by one team arrived, gathers round the round table to sit down, whispers low voice, while is waiting for the start of conference. 一个个团队的团长以及副团长就都到场了,围着圆桌坐下,一边小声交头接耳,一边等待着会议的开始。 And, Xu Xiayan and Wang Di also arrived, sits on the innermost seat of honor. 其中,许夏烟王狄也都到场了,就坐在最里面的主位上。 What is worth mentioning is, in those present, as if only then Captain has the seat, Vice-Captain is standing in Captain side, like the most loyal follower. 值得一提的是,在场的人里,似乎只有团长才有座位,副团长则在团长的旁边站着,有如最忠心的追随者。 Like Wang Di, stands in sitting Xu Xiayan the side on seat of honor, the only attitude is not respectful, the conversely admire is in the majority. 王狄,就站在坐在主位上的许夏烟的身旁,只是态度不怎么恭敬,反倒是爱慕居多。 Such as 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 and 《Iron Rose》 beforehand representative character, as Vice-Captain Qiao Zhi and Zhu Yun is also standing. 诸如『锦龙玉阁』『铁蔷薇』之前的代表人物,身为副团长乔志朱芸也都是站着。 Qiao Zhi stands in a look with it at least nine points of similar, can see two people is side a twin's middle-aged man. 乔志是站在一名相貌与其至少有九分相似,一眼就能看出两人是一对双胞胎的中年男子身旁。 Although the men have at least nine points of similarity with Qiao Zhi, may with having Young Master disposition Qiao Zhi is different, the look is calm, the look is jet black, seeming like somewhat is quite immeasurably deep. 男子虽与乔志有着至少九分的相似度,可和有着少爷脾性的乔志不同,神色沉稳冷静,眼神漆黑深邃,看上去颇有些深不可测。 Stands also appears timid in this man Qiao Zhi, some as if respect feared that the when appearance of opposite party, was in front to look for compared with the Su Ming trouble appearance with before, did not seem like the same person simply. 站在这位男子身旁的乔志也显得唯唯诺诺的,似乎有些敬怕对方的样子,和之前当着面找苏明麻烦时的样子相比,简直不像是同一个人。 „Is that 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 Captain, Big Brother in Qiao Family's brothers, Qiao Liang?” “那就是『锦龙玉阁』团长,乔家兄弟中的大哥,乔梁吗?” Su Ming looked at carefully an opposite party meeting. 苏明端详了对方一会。 Can very obvious seeing, the opposite party really have many of ability compared with Qiao Zhi, the sole imposing manner is not Qiao Zhi can compare. 可以很明显的看出,对方确实比乔志有能耐的多,单单气势就不是乔志能比的。 The opposite party are also in 《Brilliant Dragon Jade Pavilion》 only 6-Star professional, is leading numerous high-class professional, making its body disclose high-ranked person aura faintly. 对方也是『锦龙玉阁』中唯一的六星职业者,领着为数众多的上级职业者,令其身上隐隐透露着一股上位者气息 Su Ming's spiritual sense told him, this Qiao Liang is not simple. 苏明的灵觉就告诉了他,这个乔梁不简单。 Only by the strength, this Qiao Liang, perhaps is higher than Xu Xiayan and Chi Qian.” “单论实力,这个乔梁,或许比许夏烟池浅都要高。” Su Ming had such clear(ly) to become aware. 苏明有了这样的明悟。 As for 《Iron Rose》 Zhu Yun, this treats as the Zhu Family collateral branch of competitor Chi Qian it is said at this moment is also respectful standing in a person of side. 至于『铁蔷薇』朱芸,这位据说将池浅当做竞争对手的朱家旁系此时此刻也是毕恭毕敬的站在一人的身边。 That person of beautiful white skin, the stature selects extremely high, is ordinary like the model, not only has a pair of going against heaven's will big long leg, even the height is to present in all women is highest, least must be 177 centimeters. 那人肤白貌美,身材极其高挑,有如模特儿一般,不仅有着一双逆天的大长腿,连身高都是在场所有女人里面最高的,最少都得有个177公分。 That height, even must come high compared with part of male on the scene, made many male shrinking does not dare to sit in her side. 那身高,甚至比在场的一部分男性都要来得高,令得不少男性都有些畏畏缩缩的不敢坐在她的身边。 In addition an opposite party unemotional appearance, is sending out cold intent of undulating, the appearance that some aloofing feelings, are not quite as if easy getting along with, many people on the scene looked that does not dare to look at her one eyes, making her audience sense of presence to be strongest one of the that several people. 加上对方一副面无表情的模样,散发着澹澹的冷意,有种拒人于千里之外的感觉,似乎不太好相处的样子,在场的不少人就连看都不敢多看她一眼,让她成为全场存在感最强那几个人之一。 That is 《Iron Rose》 Captain, Zhu Family Young Lady, Zhu Qian......” “那就是『铁蔷薇』团长,朱家大小姐,朱茜......” Nearby, the Chi Qian chanting in a low voice sound spreads to Su Ming's ears slowly, seemed thinking aloud. 一旁,池浅的低吟声缓缓传入苏明的耳中,似乎在自言自语。 Obviously, Chi Qian also notices this Zhu Qian. 显然,池浅也是注意到了这个朱茜 That is with its same 6-Star professional, and two people only recruits female professional Captain of team, has many things in common. 那可是与其一样的六星职业者,且两人都是只招收女性职业者的团队的团长,有着不少的共通之处。 The different places are, Chi Qian strives for success to rise, Zhu Qian has the giant backer, oneself follows directly as the family apex grandfather scholarship, in talent that under a guidance of 7-Star professional grows. 不同的地方在于,池浅是一路自己拼搏崛起的,朱茜则是有着巨大的靠山,本人更是直接跟着身为家族顶点的爷爷学艺,在一名七星职业者的教导下成长起来的天才。 Xu Xiayan has said that by combat technique rank, this Zhu Qian is the audience is only strongest, and even is in entire Tianfeng City, most combat technique expert excluding 7-Star professional. 许夏烟说过,单论战斗术等级,这个朱茜是全场最强的,乃至是整个天丰市里,除七星职业者以外的最战斗术专家。 If Qiao Liang gives people the impression that is immeasurably deep, that Zhu Qian feels is the visible great strength, solely with it with being in a space, has plants shocking by the opposite party regards the feeling. 如果说乔梁给人的感觉是深不可测的话,那朱茜给人的感觉就是肉眼可见的强大,单单与其同处于一个空间内,都有种被对方给震慑住的既视感。 This person, may very much also stronger compared with Xu Xiayan and Chi Qian.” “这人,很有可能也比许夏烟池浅要强啊。” Su Ming is sighing with emotion in the heart silently. 苏明在心中默默感慨着。 Did not have the means that Chi Qian just to promote soon 6-Star professional, Xu Xiayan also successfully promoted for about a year, and on these two people, was very not normal. 没办法,池浅是刚刚才晋升不久的六星职业者,许夏烟也不过是成功晋升了一年左右的时间而已,及不上这两人,很正常。 Especially Qiao Liang, its age has been close 40 years old, is in numerous 6-Star professional oldest, is in itself also established 6-Star professional, the promotion still has many years, will be stronger than Chi Qian, Xu Xiayan and Zhu Qian and the others, excusable. 尤其是乔梁,其年龄已经接近四十岁,是一众六星职业者中岁数最大的,本身亦是一名老牌的六星职业者,晋升至今已有好些年头,会比池浅许夏烟朱茜等人更强,情有可原。 Naturally... 当然... Could not have threatened me.” “还威胁不了我。” The Su Ming corners of the mouth rise slightly, bring Chi Qian, walked. 苏明嘴角微微上扬,带着池浅,走了进来。 When Su Ming is observing the person in field, the person in field is also observing him. 而在苏明观察着场内的人时,场内的人也在观察着他。 „Is that 《Azure Mercury》 Captain, rookie Warlock in hearsay?” “那就是『湛蓝水银』团长,传闻中的新人术士吗?” Really, was a little young excessive.” “果然,年轻得有点过分了啊。” Looks at the appearance, 20 years old?” “看样貌,连二十岁都不到吧?” In general audience everyone, only then he was low-class professional.” “大概全场所有人里,也就只有他是个下级职业者了。” Captain and Vice-Captain of many team are then observing Su Ming, some in the eyes full are curious, some in the eyes disdain completely, even some saw following that Chi Qian this famous female legend blindly follows suit showed the look of envy in its behind appearance. 不少团队的团长副团长便都在观察着苏明,有的眼中满是好奇,有的眼中满是不屑,甚至有的看到池浅这个大名鼎鼎的女传奇亦步亦趋的跟在其身后的模样不禁露出了嫉妒的神色。 Big Brother, is he.” 大哥,就是他。” Qiao Zhi also pulled down following Qiao Liang of sound to speak such words. 乔志亦是压低着声音的跟着乔梁说着这样的话。 Young lady, he is Su Ming.” “小姐,他就是苏明。” Zhu Yun is also saying to Zhu Qian. 朱芸也在跟朱茜说着。 This let two people the vision centralized to Su Ming's body. 这让两人都将目光集中到了苏明的身上 Rookie Warlock...?” “新人术士...吗?” Qiao Liang narrowed the eye. 乔梁眯起了眼睛。 Su Ming...” 苏明...” Zhu Qian is knitted the brows, does not know that is thinking anything. 朱茜则是蹙起眉头,不知道在想什么。 Even Xu Xiayan is staring at look usual Su Ming, drops gu secretly. 许夏烟都在盯着神色如常的苏明,暗自滴咕。 This little brother, really in hidden strength.” “这个小弟弟,果然在隐藏实力。” Xu Xiayan confirmed this point finally. 许夏烟终于确认了这一点。 Although, no matter before Xu Qianqian or Chi Qian have indicated this point with her, but Xu Xiayan has not personally seen Su Ming to show the strength to come after all, is can only be half believing and half doubting. 虽说,之前不管是许芊芊还是池浅都已经跟她表明过了这一点,可许夏烟毕竟没亲眼见过苏明展现出实力来,还是只能将信将疑。 Now, she actually no longer suspected. 如今,她却是不再怀疑了。 The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 This tenth floor the strength of demon essence, but general professional cannot withstand continually.” “这第十层魔性之浓烈,可是连一般的职业者都承受不住的啊。” With is the same, does not arrive at other 3-Star Rank strength that previously said that even professional, to here, it is estimated that must insane under the influence of demon essence. 就和先前说的一样,不到三星级别的实力,就算是职业者,到了这里,估计都得在魔性的影响下精神失常 Even if has arrived at 3-Star Rank to leave, that somewhat is still dangerous. 即便已经到了三星级别,那也有些危险。 The 《Summer Chasing Smoke》 person has arrived at this tenth floor ahead of time, here treated for at least one day and one night, therefore Xu Xiayan is very clear, effect of here demon essence on human big. 『夏日逐烟』的人就已经提前来到这第十层,在这里待了至少一天一夜的时间,所以许夏烟很清楚,这里的魔性人类的影响有多大。 In 《Summer Chasing Smoke》, including part of strength bad 3-Star professional, after arriving at this tenth floor, when one day and one night, now as if became somewhat impulsive, somewhat agitated, obviously were mind/energetic came under the influence, thus were rested by the Xu Xiayan compulsory order, can not participate again then act. 『夏日逐烟』中,连一部分实力不济的三星职业者,来到这第十层以后,待了一天一夜的时间,现在似乎都变得有些冲动,有些烦躁了起来,明显是精神受到了影响,从而被许夏烟强制命令去休息,不得再参与接下来的行动了。 Su Ming? 苏明呢? Is the look is usual, unflustered, even also quite relaxed appearance. 却是神色如常,从容不迫,甚至还相当轻松的样子。 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Explained the strength of this boy, basic impossible and its record in tuart like that only 1-Star. 说明了这小子的实力,根本不可能和其记录在桉的那般,只是一星 This boy, must have the strength of 3-Star degree lowly, even must be outstanding person that rank in 3-Star.” “这小子,最低都得有三星程度的实力,甚至还得是三星中的佼佼者那一个级别。” Otherwise, the Su Ming impossible manner is so relaxed. 否则,苏明不可能神态这么轻松。 And what is more, this boy also possibly is not only low-class professional. 更甚者,这小子还有可能不仅仅是个下级职业者 18-year-old high-class professional...?” “18岁的上级职业者...吗?” Xu Xiayan cannot help but smiled. 许夏烟不由得笑了。 A little anticipation this boy's performance.” “有点期待这小子的表现了啊。” Is thinking, Xu Xiayan also while looks to Qiao Liang and Zhu Qian two people. 一边这么想着,许夏烟还一边看向乔梁朱茜两人 Looks that in the audience only two have two people of strength explicitly above oneself, is fixing the eyes on Su Ming unexpectedly, Xu Xiayan is knowing, these two people definitely also noticed the hidden of Su Ming. 看着全场里面唯二明确有着在自己之上的实力的两人,竟是都在紧盯着苏明,许夏烟知道,这两人肯定也都注意到了苏明的隐藏。 If cannot pay attention including such obvious anomaly, these two people also sits less than today this position. 若是连这么明显的异常都注意不到,这两人也坐不到今天这个位置。 Matter became interesting.” “事情变得有意思起来了。” Xu Xiayan smiles. 许夏烟嫣然一笑。 Does not know oneself had exposed Su Ming of some details somewhat, under the gazes of numerous vision, brings Chi Qian, arrives in a spatial position, sat. 不知道自己已经多多少少暴露了一些底细的苏明,就在众多目光的注视下,带着池浅,来到一个空位置上,坐了下来。 Chi Qian stands in the Su Ming side, the beautiful woman guard, results in likely does not want. 池浅站在苏明的身旁,像个美女护卫,飒得不要不要的。 Later, was some people arrives one after another, arrived here. 之后,又是陆陆续续有人抵达,来到了这里。 After all seats are filled, Xu Xiayan stood up the body. 等到所有的座位都坐满以后,许夏烟才站起了身。
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