IBJWMC :: Volume #4

#366: 『Rainbow Eye Juice』

Then, was three days of passes. 就这样,又是三天的时间过去了。 In Polar Night Labyrinth, numerous professionals are seeking for oneself chance as before, and even is similar is fighting with here Illusory Demon. 极夜迷宫里,众多职业者们依旧在寻找着自己的机缘,并与这里的幻魔乃至是同类做着斗争。 Outside confusion, regarding has entered Polar Night Labyrinth them, has not thought slightly. 外面的混乱,对于已然进入极夜迷宫的他们而言,根本就是丝毫未觉。 even if not few people saw seems like struck the sure-kill by the sharp weapon the professional corpse, saw they do not die in the hand of Illusory Demon, but with is human others kills, but their also only suspected that some people are eating black black, has not discovered the invasion of 《Sin》. 即使不少人都见到了像是被利器一击绝杀的职业者的尸体,看出了他们不是死在幻魔的手中,而是被同为人类的他人所杀,可他们也只是怀疑有人在黑吃黑而已,并没有发现『罪恶』的入侵。 Including the 《Azure Mercury》 people, also has not discovered this point. 包括『湛蓝水银』的众人,同样没有发现这一点。 These in three days, entire group then only headed by Su Ming continue to march on the road, continue to walk downward. 这三天里,以苏明为首的一行人便只是继续赶着路,继续往下走。 Has arrived in seventh floor Su Ming's group regarding first three days, the following distance, is very smooth. 对于前三天就已经抵达第七层苏明一行来说,后面的路程,已经算是非常顺利的了。 When fourth day, they had spanned two one time, not only entered eighth floor, but also entered ninth floor. 在第四天的时候,他们就已经一次性跨越了两层,不仅进入了第八层,还进入了第九层 Arrived here, to tenth floor of Polar Night Labyrinth lowest level, only had the one pace. 到了这里,离极夜迷宫最底层的第十层,都只有一步之遥。 Therefore, Su Ming's group stopped the footsteps of hurrying along, stopped in this ninth floor. 于是,苏明一行才停下了赶路的脚步,停在了这第九层 „The also three days, we seek for heavenly material and earthly treasure in this ninth floor.” 还有三天,我们就在这第九层里寻找天材地宝吧。” Su Ming got down this decision. 苏明就下了这个决定。 In lowest level tenth floor, only then in ninth floor of one pace, lives in heavenly material and earthly treasure here without doubt is in entire Polar Night Labyrinth the highest that rank. 在离最底层的第十层只有一步之遥的第九层里,生在在这里的天材地宝无疑是整个极夜迷宫中最高的那一级别。 Here moves, the harvest is biggest. 在这里活动,收获才是最大的。 Therefore, before entering Polar Night Labyrinth, Su Ming on faint had decided, decided must the development/launch team in this ninth floor move, formally starts to collect heavenly material and earthly treasure. 所以,早在进入极夜迷宫之前,苏明就隐隐的有所决定,决定要在这第九层展开团队活动,正式开始搜集天材地宝 Regarding this, the females naturally have no opinion. 对此,众女们自然没有任何的意见。 At that moment, Su Ming's group started the official team action, in the consecutive three days of time is plundering the resources in this ninth floor. 当下,苏明一行开始了正式的团队行动,连续三天的时间里都在这第九层中搜刮着资源。 must say, the resources in this ninth floor are truly astonishing. 不得不说,这第九层中的资源确实惊人。 In the quantity not to mention, is in the nature, this ninth floor heavenly material and earthly treasure also has huge difference that bumps into with the floor of front. 量上姑且不说,就是质上,这第九层天材地宝也与前面的楼层碰上的有着天壤之别。 At least, in this short three days , the harvest of Su Ming's group is astonishing. 至少,在这短短三天的时间里,苏明一行的收获就是惊人的。 Used to refine the best quality goods alchemical potion principal material. 用来炼制极品炼金药剂的主材料。 Used to forge the best quality goods alchemical weapon special metal. 用来锻造极品炼金武器的特殊金属。 Used to manufacture the best quality goods alchemical item strange material. 用来制作极品炼金道具的奇异素材。 also can take variously directly, immediately played the role heavenly material and earthly treasure, Su Ming and the others found. 还有各种各样能够直接服用,立即发挥作用的天材地宝,苏明等人都找到了很多。 These heavenly material and earthly treasure, value lowest can enter the Wanbao Auction House third floor auction, lays out 100000 contribution points about prices. 这些天材地宝,价值最低的都能进入万宝拍卖行第三层的拍卖会,拍出100000贡献点左右的价格。 Precious even can lay out hundreds of thousands of contribution points, 700,000-800,000 contribution points rates are not a problem. 珍贵的甚至能拍出数十万贡献点,700,000-800,000贡献点的成交价都不成问题。 Might lay out over a million contribution points treasures continually, Su Ming's group started two in these three days. 连有可能拍出上百万贡献点的宝物,苏明一行都在这三天里入手了两件。 One is the mineral of named scarlet fine gold crystal. 一为名为赤鎏晶的矿物。 One is the juice of named seven color eyes. 一为名为七彩眼的汁液。 The former is on Weapon List Artifact level alchemical weapon ranked the second " demons " one of the forging principal materials. 前者为武器榜上排名第二的次神器炼金武器「罗刹」的锻造主材料之一。 That is true marvelous work level alchemical weapon, powerful ability is next to one of the Artifact Artifact, principal material of its forging precious, it can be imagined. 那可是真真正正的神品级炼金武器,威能仅次于神器的次神器之一,其锻造的主材料有多珍贵,可想而知。 What a pity, regarding has two Artifact levels Su Ming of weapon, this thing is the tastelessness of food, hates to discard something, does not place in the backpack to be covered with dust, is takes away the result of auction, does not calculate many big pleasant surprises. 可惜,对于已经拥有两件神器级的武器的苏明而言,这东西是食之无味,弃之可惜,不是放在背包里吃灰,就是拿去拍卖的结果,不算多大的惊喜。 Instead is the juice of that named seven color eyes, gave a Su Ming big pleasant surprise. 反而是那名为七彩眼的汁液,给了苏明不小的惊喜。 That can be used to refine the marvelous work level treasure similarly the principal material. 那同样是能够用来炼制神品级宝物的主材料。 only, with is not a weapon that seven color eyes refine, but is potion. 只是,用七彩眼炼制的不是武器,而是药剂 alchemical potion, its is Rainbow Eye Potion, the principal material is not other, the juice of precisely this named seven color eyes. 有一种炼金药剂,其名便为七彩眼药剂,所用的主材料不是别的,正是这种名为七彩眼的汁液。 But will take the potion name with this raw material , because in this alchemical potion, precious principal material that only happens by happy circumstance truly only then seven color eyes, other only accessory material, although cannot say that is the rotten avenue, actually can also spend a good money to buy in the market, its collecting rank. 而之所以会用这原材料作为药剂的名字,就是因为这副炼金药剂里,真正可遇而不可求的珍贵主材料只有七彩眼,其余的都只是辅助材料,虽不能说是烂大街,却也是能够在市场上花一笔大钱买到手,将其凑齐的等级 It can be said that so long as started seven color eyes, that was equivalent started complete condition that refined Rainbow Eye Potion. 可以说,只要入手了七彩眼,那就相当于入手了炼制七彩眼药剂的全部条件。 Then, only needs to look for the technique/technology not bad Alchemist Warlock help to refine, Rainbow Eye Potion of that this marvelous work level can be born. 接下来,只需要找个技术不差的炼金术士帮忙炼制,那这神品级的七彩眼药剂就能诞生了。 Naturally, wants to refine the marvelous work level alchemical potion, is not specialized technique/technology is perfect, stands in Alchemist Warlock peak the words of that group of Grandmasters, the success ratio is unable to be protected. 当然,想炼制神品级的炼金药剂,不是专业技术过硬,站在炼金术士顶峰的那一批大师的话,成功率是无法获得保障的。 But Tianfeng City takes human Holy Land, the professional heaven, naturally many Alchemist Warlock Grandmaster, its technique/technology ability even helped Su Ming refine Nightmare Type bloodline Illusory Demon Potion Shi Lin to be higher than initially, is stronger. 天丰市作为人类圣地,职业者的天堂,自然有不少炼金术士大师,其技术能力甚至比当初帮苏明炼制了噩梦种血脉幻魔药剂施林更高,更强。 After waiting, Su Ming can ask Xu Xiayan, making her introduce, looks for Alchemist Warlock Grandmaster, making him help refine potion. 等出去以后,苏明就能拜托许夏烟,让她代为介绍,找一位炼金术士大师,让他帮忙炼制药剂 Although does not know that finally can refine successfully, but this Rainbow Eye Potion effect, being worth Su Ming pursuing. 虽然不知道最终能不能炼制成功,但这七彩眼药剂效果,值得苏明去追求一番。 Rainbow Eye Potion: alchemical potion, the marvelous work, has the unusual effect of promotion vision sensation, if the user is Hunter, then can obtain the strong vision, even the muscular tissue movement of enemy can catch smoothly, and reacts, if the user is Warlock, then can obtain strong spiritual sense, making all not have to hide. 七彩眼药剂:炼金药剂,神品,拥有着提升视力感知的奇特效果,服用者若为猎人,则能获得超强视力,连敌人的肌肉组织运动都能顺利捕捉,并做出反应,服用者若为术士,则能获得超强灵觉,让一切无所遁形。 Right, this is alchemical potion that Hunter or Warlock can take. 没错,这就是一种无论是猎人还是术士都能服用的炼金药剂 Its effect also extremely powerful. 它的效果也极其强力。 Once after having Hunter took, its line of sight can see clearly the sound several kilometers away, was separated by several kilometers distance, can see a grain of sand the activity sign, to the wartime, saw through the muscular tissue movement of enemy by the strong vision, only if the strength differed disparately, otherwise even was high a Star Rank opponent, do not want to hit even if he. 曾有猎人服用之后,其视线能看清数千米外的动静,相隔数千米的距离,都能看到一粒沙子的活动迹象,与人对战时,更是凭借超强视觉看穿敌人的肌肉组织运动,除非实力相差悬殊,否则就算是高一个星级的对手,都别想打中他哪怕一下。 Once having Warlock took, its spiritual sense can all within several kilometers range cover, such as the radar of human form, scanned all things, it is said including several kilometers away aura of person can catch, what kind of concealment method no matter and used, finally by this strong spiritual sense comparing broken, in the true sense no hid. 曾有术士服用之后,其灵觉能将数千米范围内的一切都笼罩在内,如人形的雷达,扫描所有的事物,据说连数公里外的人的气息都能捕捉到,且不管使用了怎样的隐匿手段,最终都会被这超强灵觉给勘破,真正意义上的无所遁形。 Such alchemical potion, is enormous to the rise of strength, beyond the factor to strength can the upgraded to pinnacle. 这样的炼金药剂,对实力的提升是极大的,对实力以外的因素都能提升到极致。 Its value completely under famous Dragon Blood Potion, not making Su Ming extremely excited. 它的价值完全不下于大名鼎鼎的龙血药剂,让苏明都极其心动。 In order to obtain these seven color eyes, Su Ming did not even attend to hiding, girls in front of numerous team performed a double professional show, not only displayed as the Hunter strength, released Spiritual Technique in the fight repeatedly, finally only spent for ten seconds then to protect of seven color eyes Dangerous Type that bordered on the evolution gave the devastation lethal. 为了得到这七彩眼,苏明甚至都不顾隐藏了,在一众团队里的姑娘们面前上演了一场双职业者的表演秀,不仅施展出了身为猎人的实力,更是在战斗中频频释放灵性术,最终只花了十秒钟便将守护七彩眼的一只濒临进化的危险种给蹂躏致死。 Feels sorry for this Dangerous Type, only misses one step to evolve, the success is Nightmare Type, the failure can also become the mutant in Dangerous Type, its strength endures compared with the 5-Star peak level exists, even must be more powerful than initial Ghoul, actually including for ten seconds unable to go out in Su Ming's hand, was devastated lethal. 可怜这危险种,只差一步就能进化,成功即为噩梦种,失败也能成为危险种中的突变体,其实力堪比五星巅峰级存在,甚至比当初的食尸鬼还要更强大一些,在苏明的手中却连十秒钟都走不出,被生生蹂躏致死。 This also makes the 《Azure Mercury》 girls see the scene that for the first time Su Ming full fights full power, making them dumbfounded for a long time for a long time. 这也让『湛蓝水银』的姑娘们第一次见到苏明全力全开去战斗的景象,让她们哑口无言了许久许久。 Perhaps, that was inferior when Su Ming uses 【Silver Arm】's power like that terrifying. 或许,那不如苏明使用【银之臂】的力量时那般恐怖 Perhaps, that was inferior when Su Ming uses 【Karmic Sanskrit】 High-Class Spiritual Technique shocks like that. 或许,那不如苏明使用【缈业梵景】高级灵性术时那般震撼。 But this is manifestation of hard strength, the demonstration of true strength, actually lets all eyewitness clear feeling Su Ming's current strength in which level. 但这是硬实力的体现,真正实力的展示,让所有目击者们真真切切的感受到苏明目前的实力究竟在哪个层次。 In any case, as 6-Star professional, Chi Qian felt, even if Su Ming does not use variation ability of right hand, does not use destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth High-Class Spiritual Technique, oneself and it to words, the fate compares that only to border on the evolution Dangerous Type, where very to goes. 反正,作为六星职业者,池浅是觉得,就算苏明不用右手的变异能力,不用毁天灭地高级灵性术,自己与其对上的话,下场相比较起那只濒临进化的危险种,都好不到哪去。 thanks to this, when Su Ming brings to run, girls who Rainbow Eye Juice is beaming with joy parsimoniously do not give oneself appreciation. 拜此所赐,当苏明带着七彩眼汁液眉开眼笑的跑回来时,一众姑娘们毫不吝啬的给出自己的赞赏。 Monster.” “怪物。” Anomaly.” “变态。” „It is not the person.” “不是人。” „... Too was too fierce!” “太...太厉害了!” Chi Qian, Mu Yan and Feng Qing'er three people could not bear take a stand, only then Tongxin Yao looks that in Su Ming's eyes is filling the small star, full was the worship. 池浅穆嫣风清儿三人就是这么忍不住表态了,只有童心瑶看着苏明的眼睛里充满着小星星,满是崇拜。 Su Ming's harvest, is so big. 苏明的收获,就有这么大。 Thus it can be seen, Polar Night Labyrinth truly is a treasure trove, this time can come on invitation, to Su Ming, gained no matter what, gains that type that gains especially greatly. 由此可见,极夜迷宫确实是一座宝地,这次能应邀进来,对苏明而言,不管怎样都是赚了,还是大赚特赚的那一种。 Only pitifully, the going against heaven's will level treasure like Purple Snow Essence, Su Ming and the others has not bumped into again. 只可惜,像紫雪浆精那样的逆天级宝物,苏明等人就不曾再碰到过了。 Also right, the treasure of that rank, can bump into one time is a miracle, even here is ninth floor, that is also unlikely to present this rank the treasure.” “也对,那种级别的宝物,能碰上一次都是个奇迹了,就算这里是第九层,那亦不太可能出现这种级别的宝物。” Su Ming thinks. 苏明是这么想的。 Rather, Purple Snow Essence of that pool, must appear even, should appear in lowest level tenth floor is right. 倒不如说,那一池子的紫雪浆精,就算要出现,都应该是出现在最底层的第十层才对。 Finally, it appears in the floor that sixth floor is suspended in midair like this, somewhat is really strange. 结果,它却是出现在第六层这样不上不下的楼层,着实有些奇怪。 No, Purple Snow Essence must in the treasure that in the special environment can breed, the environment that even if in tenth floor, has not tallied, does not have the harsh breeding condition, that cannot be born such heavenly material and earthly treasure.” “不,紫雪浆精是必须在特殊的环境里才能孕育出来的宝物,就算是在第十层,没有符合的环境,没有苛刻的孕育条件,那也诞生不出这样的天材地宝。” Su Ming also responds immediately. 苏明也是立刻反应过来。 Actually breeds the Purple Snow Essence special condition to be how, Su Ming does not know. 孕育紫雪浆精的特殊环境究竟该是怎样的,苏明不知道。 But wants also to know that is very definitely harsh, is very special, will otherwise not never have presented Purple Snow Essence until now, only then first-level Purple Snow Pulp has appeared in the world. 可想也知道,那肯定很苛刻,很特殊,否则至今为止也不会从未出现过紫雪浆精,只有次一级的紫雪浆在世界上出现过了。 sixth floor cavern only just meets the condition. 第六层的洞窟只是刚好符合条件。 But it tallies, in not representative tenth floor has such environment and condition. 而它符合,不代表第十层里有这样的环境及条件。 What we definitely know is that this Purple Snow Essence absolutely is priceless treasure in the priceless treasure. 可以肯定的是,这紫雪浆精绝对是无价之宝中的无价之宝。 It is estimated that in this life, Su Ming only will bump into for the second time again this time, impossible bumps into. 估计,这一生里,苏明都只会碰到这一次,不可能再碰到第二次了。 Mysteriously actually does not know this Purple Snow Essence effect.” “也不知道这紫雪浆精的效果究竟有多神奇。” Su Ming a little wants to take Purple Snow Essence, tastes its effect. 苏明都有点想服用紫雪浆精,尝尝它的效果了。 But this Purple Snow Essence effect a little expressed the mold lake, only showed that can break the limit of life, had the inconceivable effect, this so-called which inconceivable effect also had, actually does not know completely. 但这紫雪浆精的效果表达得有点模湖,只是说明能够打破生命的限制,拥有不可思议的效果,这所谓的“不可思议的效果”又都有哪些,却是完全不知。 Considering this, Su Ming suppressed. 考虑到这点,苏明才强忍了下来。 I do not want to be the same with Hai'er, growing up of unfathomable mystery.” “我可不想和海儿一样,莫名其妙的长大。” Therefore, Su Ming does not plan to take Purple Snow Essence during Polar Night Labyrinth, after waiting to study one, makes the decision. 所以,苏明不打算在极夜迷宫期间服用紫雪浆精,等回去研究一番以后再做决定。 Looked at time, looked at females who lie down in the tent to rest, knows seventh day arrived Su Ming silently is thinking. 看了一眼时间,又看了一眼躺进帐篷里休息的众女,知道第七天已经到来的苏明默默的想着。 Was the time goes to the tenth floor set.” “是时候去第十层集合了。”
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