IBJWMC :: Volume #2

#147: Always has the price

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

The time passes rapidly. 时间飞速流逝。 In an instant, several days of passed by. 转眼间,数天的时间过去了。 In these several days, various Huaming District defense lines prompting forward diligently, diligently is exterminating in the defense line residual Illusory Demon, this war unceasing push victory. 在这数天的时间里,华明区各防线都在努力的向前推进,努力的清剿着防线内残留的幻魔,将这场战争不断的推向胜利。 Su Ming also no longer takes any different kind action, but an honest student, has acted with own teammates likely together. 苏明也不再做出任何别样的行动,而是像个老老实实的学员,一直跟着自己的队友们一起行动。 For these days, Su Ming rode Dragon Courage car race on Huaming District defense lines either, is the jack-o'-lantern youngster, either carried out to exterminate Quest with own teammates, Illusory Demon all the way will give one by one to eradicate. 这几天,苏明就要么骑着龙胆华明区的一道道防线上飙车,做个鬼火少年,要么就和自己的队友们一起执行清剿任务,将一路上的幻魔都给一一铲除。 Naturally, in situation that no one discovers, Su Ming also in collection secretly will scatter various Illusory Demon materials in battlefield in secret, is enriching own belt-bag( chip), the harvest will be nothing less than big. 当然,在没有任何人发现的情况下,苏明还会在暗中偷偷的收集散落在战场上的各种幻魔素材,充实着自己的腰包(晶片),收获不可谓不大。 However, during harvest full, Su Ming also discovered, oneself sent to collect the Illusory Demon material Illusory Demon regiment one by one to lose the contact. 不过,在收获满满的同时,苏明也发现,自己派出去收集幻魔素材的幻魔军团一一失去了联系。 The reason is very simple, they were crusaded against. 原因很简单,它们被讨伐了。 Present Huaming District has entered comprehensively exterminates in the action of Illusory Demon, Su Ming own Illusory Demon regiment breeding, was exterminated Quest professional to meet by the open country execution, to the elimination, it can be said that is not worth the strange matter at the scene. 如今的华明区已经全面进入清剿幻魔的行动里,苏明将自己的幻魔军团给放养出去,那被野外执行清剿任务职业者碰见,当场给消灭,可以说是一点都不值得奇怪的事情。 Only if like Xiao Hai'er, under the arrangement of Xu Qianqian, has mixed in the official transportation channel, the preparation achievement extracts goods traffic of bloodline to go out, otherwise, keeps Illusory Demon in Huaming District at this moment, almost impossible survival. 除非是像小海儿一样,在许芊芊的安排下,已经混入了官方的运输渠道,准备作为提取血脉的商品运送出去,不然,留在此时此刻的华明区里的幻魔,几乎都没有可能幸存。 Regarding this, Su Ming does not love dearly but actually. 对此,苏明倒也不怎么心疼。 One crowd of Low-Class Illusory Demon, except for that strength can being on par normal state the Scale Horned Demon mutant under 4-Star professional, other ten three Illusory Demon, lose also lost. 一群下级幻魔而已,除了那只实力可以比肩常态下的四星职业者鳞角魔突变种,其余的十三只幻魔,失去了也就失去了。 Only is a pity is that only Scale Horned Demon mutant, under the induction of Su Ming, its body Spirit Power sharp lance vanished similarly. 唯一可惜的就是那只鳞角魔突变种,在苏明的感应下,它身上灵力尖矛同样消失了。 This showed that mutant shook off the 【Demon Catcher】 fetter of Su Ming either, either has died. 这证明那只突变种要么挣脱了苏明【拘魔】束缚,要么已经死了。 But wants to shake off the fetter of 【Demon Catcher】, must have strongly is by far good in Su Ming's power. 可想挣脱【拘魔】的束缚,必须要有远远强于苏明的力量才行。 Only if that only Scale Horned Demon mutant evolved, otherwise, it cannot accomplish this point. 除非那只鳞角魔突变种进化了,不然,它是办不到这一点的。 But as the mutant, that Scale Horned Demon had only lost the qualifications of more further evolution. 而作为突变种,那只鳞角魔早已失去了更进一步的进化的资格。 Therefore, keeps its body disappearance of Spirit Power sharp lance, only then possibly means that the opposite party had died. 所以,留在它身上灵力尖矛的消失,只有可能意味着对方已然死去。 Ok.” “行吧。” Su Ming is still thinking must give to make the Illusory Demon regiment that this collection comes, now does not need to think actually again. 苏明本来还在想着要不要把这收集而来的幻魔军团都给弄出去,现在倒是不用再想了。 Is was a pity that their acquired Illusory Demon materials, did not know many.” “就是可惜它们收集到的幻魔素材,不知道都有多少了。” Su Ming feels about this only somewhat regrettably. 苏明唯独对这点感到有些遗憾。 Then at the late stage , the Huaming District campaign starts to march into. 就这样,华明区的战役开始步入末期。 Defense line that Su Ming is on unceasing in process of advancement, converges with the defense lines of front. 苏明所在的防线就不断的在推进的过程中,与前方的一道道防线汇合。 First is the third defense line. 最先是和第三道防线。 Then is the second defense line. 然后是和第二道防线。 Finally in forefront there of first defense line, built up entire Longyao City all combat power, fights to the death with remaining all Illusory Demon that the bedding bag encircles. 最终是在第一道防线的最前线那里,集结了整个陇曜市所有的战力,与被包围起来的剩下的所有幻魔决一死战。 That war, plays especially intensely. 那一战,打得尤其激烈。 Saw situated in rear Su Ming in any case may be called the stirring scene much. 反正处于后方的苏明是见到了不少堪称震撼人心的场景。 destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth High-Class Spiritual Technique seems no longer rare general, once in a while will appear one time, bombs the audience, earth-shaking. 毁天灭地高级灵性术好似不再稀有一般,每隔一段时间就会出现一次,轰炸全场,惊天动地。 In those days in extremely rare high-class professional was also appearance one after another, withstood/top in the frontline, either the development/launch slaughter pattern, rushed ahead in the Illusory Demon army back and forth, either to power can High-Class Illusory Demon of moving mountains to fill the seas, hit the earth-shattering with the opposite party, the livelihood does not have up. 往日里极为罕见的上级职业者亦是一个接着一个的出现,顶在最前方,要么展开屠杀模式,在幻魔的大军中来回冲杀,要么对上力量可以移山填海的上级幻魔,与对方打得天崩地裂,日月无光。 Su Ming even witnessed a Dangerous Type mutant is not counted cutting of price to kill by 6-Star Hunter with own eyes, sheds the blood the expansive sky. 苏明甚至亲眼见证了一只危险种的突变体被一位六星猎人不计代价的斩杀,血洒长空。 That scene, somewhat is really stirring. 那场面,着实有些震撼人心。 Does not know only what should rejoice or this/should is regrettable, opening of this Spirit Demon Prison entrance, the attack of Illusory Demon army, although presents Dangerous Type that led to raid much, does not have Nightmare Type to appear. 唯一不知道是该庆幸还是该遗憾的是,这一次灵魔狱入口的开启,幻魔大军的来袭,虽然出现了不少领军袭来的危险种,却没有噩梦种出现。 Otherwise, can Longyao City take the victory of this war, but also is really uncertain. 要不然,陇曜市能不能拿下这场战争的胜利,还真不一定。 It is said that to prevent Nightmare Type present, that side Warlock's Guild in using the 【Secluded Boundary Profound Gate】 seal Spirit Demon Prison entrance period, as if also sets the example that anything arranged. 据说,为了阻止噩梦种的现界,术士公会那边在使用【遥境渊门】封印灵魔狱入口的期间,似乎还做了些什么布置的样子。 Perhaps was lucky these powerful Warlock, Nightmare Type does not have present? 或许是多亏了那些强大的术士,噩梦种才没有现界的吧? Naturally, the paid price is also big, Warlock's Guild this storage that exhausted various alchemical item, alchemical potion and alchemical weapon did not say, as in Longyao City only 6-Star Warlock Warlock's Guild President heard because consumes excessively, spirituality/intelligence is damaged, at present has withdrawn from the battlefield. 理所当然,付出的代价也不小,术士公会这次耗尽了各种炼金道具炼金药剂炼金武器的储存不说,身为陇曜市里唯一的六星术士术士公会会长听说都因为消耗过度,灵性受损,目前已经退出战场。 If nothing unexpected happens, that Guild President may go into seclusion, Longyao City will also lose only 6-Star Warlock also perhaps. 如无意外,那位公会会长可能会就此隐退,陇曜市也将失去唯一的一位六星术士亦说不定。 In addition, the casualties in other aspects are also big. 除此之外,其余各方面的伤亡同样不小。 Afterward, the Longyao City aspect counts the casualties that this fought. 事后,陇曜市方面就统计出了这一战的死伤人数。 1-Star professional: 13876 people.” 一星职业者:13876人。” 2-Star professional: 2559 people.” 二星职业者:2559人。” 3-Star professional: 882 people.” 三星职业者:882人。” 4-Star professional: 57 people.” 四星职业者:57人。” 5-Star professional: 8 people.” 五星职业者:八人。” 6-Star professional: 1 person( severe wound goes into seclusion).” 六星职业者:一人(重伤隐退)。” This is the professional casualties. 这是职业者的伤亡人数。 Besides the professional casualties, the casualties of there is still one soldier. 除了职业者的伤亡人数以外,还有一个军人的伤亡人数。 106477 people.” “106477人。” Yes. 是的。 In this war, the soldier of dying, had the entire over 100,000 people. 这一战里,死去的军人,就有整整十万人以上。 professional, died the entire more than 10,000 people. 就连职业者,都死去了整整一万多人。 And also a substantial number of high-class professional. 其中还有为数不少的上级职业者 This told a Su Ming truth. 这告诉了苏明一个道理。 The victory, always has the price. 胜利,从来都不是没有代价。 But this war, Longyao City won eventually. 但这场战争,陇曜市终究还是获胜了。 That day of the Spirit Demon Prison entrance opening, pours until last Illusory Demon under the professional blade, trades to break through the clouds the cheers and announced that victory the end of that day bugle horn sound, this war conducted for 11 days. 灵魔狱入口开启的那一天算起,直到最后一只幻魔倒在职业者的刀下,换来冲破云霄的欢呼声及宣告胜利的号角声的那一天结束,这场战争就足足进行了十一天。 Morning of 11 th day, Longyao Base City then serious announces to the public, the war ended, they won. 第十一天的早上,陇曜基地市便郑重的对外宣布,战争结束,他们获得了胜利。 But this war was also recorded, writes down the history book, not only mentioned in the Longyao City textbook, made noisily in other base city. 而这场战争也被记载了下来,载入史书,不仅是在陇曜市的教科书里有提及,在其余基地市中亦是闹得沸沸扬扬的。 The world then call it —— 『Huaming Campaign』 this war. 世人便将这一场战争称之为——「华明战役」 ...... ...... Huaming District, school community. 华明区,学院小区。 Assigns as the Longyao City aspect to the camp that the Demon-Hunting School student conducts the use, this community was preserved perfectly, had not been swept across the entire Huaming District war bringing disaster. 作为陇曜市方面分配给猎魔学院的学员进行使用的营地,这个小区被完美的保存了下来,并没有被席卷整个华明区的战争给殃及。 11 days later, outside the front door of this community welcomed off-road vehicle, welcomed the return of one by one student. 时隔11天,这个小区的大门外就重新迎来了一辆辆越野车,迎接了一个个学员的回归。 Students in abundance exhausted and distressed gathers in the community, some get to know each other well, some are not ripe, actually had the feeling of attracting each other in this moment, each other warm greeting. 学员们纷纷都疲惫又狼狈的在小区里聚集,有的相熟,有的不熟,却都在这一刻里产生了惺惺相惜的感觉,彼此热情的打起了招呼。 only, in this warm back, similarly is the life hundred condition. 只是,在这热情的背后,同样是人生百态。 Some people were recalling these 11 days of fighting bravely, thinks, unexpectedly cried. 有人回想着这十一天的奋战,想着想着,居然哭了。 Some people are survivor of disaster feel has a lingering fear, state of mind is not quite good. 有人是劫后余生般的感到心有余悸,精神状态都不太好。 Some people did not come back forever... 有人永远回不来了... Some person of personalities change... 有人性情大变... Naturally, the good deed also has. 当然,好事也不是没有。 At least, after this time matter, in Demon-Hunting School left to the lover, there is a person who many had a grudge to smile to vanish the love and hate, as if overnight grew up. 至少,这一次的事过后,猎魔学院里出了很多对情侣,也有不少本来有仇的人一笑泯恩仇,仿佛一夜之间长大了许多。 Director, Vice-Director and Hunter Division Deputy Head and Warlock Division Deputy Head as well as each instructors greeted all students seriously, and so announced. 院长副院长猎人学部的正副主任术士学部的正副主任以及各个教导员们郑重其事的迎接了所有的学员,并这般宣告。 Congratulates you, succeeded survived in a brutal war.” “恭喜你们,成功的在一场残酷的战争中存活了下来。” Your struggles, your contributions, the school watches completely, on heart.” “你们的奋斗,你们的贡献,学院全部都看在眼里,记在心上。” Unnecessary words, we do not say.” “多余的话,我们就不说了。” At this moment, we only want to say one, welcome you to come back.” “此时此刻,我们只想说一句,欢迎你们回来。” This announced, lets in a student is labor pain weeping sound resounds. 这宣告,让一众学员里又是一阵阵痛哭声响起。 Director then indicated that student who to praise all fights bravely heroically, not only the Longyao City aspect will give contribution points to take the reward, the school will also reward the school grades and scholarship and so on substantive rewards in various aspects, rewards with food and drink by this. 院长便表示,为了嘉奖所有英勇奋战的学员,不仅陇曜市方面会给出贡献值作为报酬,学院亦是会奖励学分及奖学金等等各方面的实质性奖赏,以此犒劳。 The students of these sacrifices, school side will give the pension, the base city aspect also has the corresponding policy. 就连那些牺牲的学员,学院方面都会给出抚恤金,基地市方面同样有相应的政策。 In brief is a few words, no matter the school or base city, will not forget everyone's struggle, not parsimonious any praise. 总之就是一句话,不管是学院还是基地市,都不会忘记所有人的奋斗,更不会吝啬任何的嘉奖。 Announced after these things, Director disbanded the crowd, making the students return to all rooms to rest respectively. 宣布完这些事情以后,院长就遣散了人群,让学员们各自回到本来所有的房间里休息。 Su Ming's group also returned to lodging building fourth floor suite 404, had on the loosen the time of one breath. 苏明一行也回到了住宿大楼第四层404号套房,有了松上一口气的时间。 ...... ...... Came back finally!” “总算回来了!” Lei Hao in entering the earliest possible time of room discarded the baggage, falls on the sofa, an exhausted appearance. 雷浩在进入房间的第一时间里扔掉了行李,倒在沙发上,一副精疲力尽的模样。 !” “呼!” Ye Bai same heavily stretch/leisurely has the one breath, wants to fall on another sofa, actually discovered that was snatched. 叶白同样重重的舒出一口气,想倒在另一张沙发上,却是发现被人抢了。 We are living, right?” “我们活着回来了,对吧?” Pouring that Jiang Wanyu drips greatly on that sofa, gets buried into the sofa soft fur by the face, while also feels not too real remaining silent inquiry. 江婉瑜大喇喇的倒在那张沙发上,一边以脸埋进沙发柔软的毛皮中,一边还有些感到不太真实般的闷声询问。 Un, we are living.” “嗯,我们活着回来了。” Yao Beibei is holding a hand of An Zijin, why did not know, suddenly some tearful eyes. 姚贝贝抱着安子衿的一只手,不知为何,突然有些泪眼了起来。 Can see from Yao Beibei that red eye socket, before this young girl, has cried a time. 姚贝贝那红红的眼眶中可以看出,这个少女之前已经哭过一次了。 This girl seems like some perceptions, after returning to the school community, saw that the surrounding person is crying, she also cried. 这丫头似乎有些感性,回到学院小区以后,见到周围的人都在哭,她也就哭了。 Director speech time, others cry again, Yao Beibei also cries again. 院长发言的时候,其余人再哭,姚贝贝亦是再哭。 Therefore, this girl has cried excessively twice. 所以,这丫头已经哭过两次了。 Ok, was all right, clever, do not fear.” “好了,没事了,乖,别怕。” An Zijin is comforting Yao Beibei in the one side. 安子衿就在一旁安慰着姚贝贝 Su Ming brings a backpack, the vision has swept the people on the scene. 苏明带着一个背包,目光扫过在场的众人。 These 11 days of wars, to Su Ming, are not too actually sad. 这十一天的战争,对苏明来说,其实并不算太难过。 First, he completed oneself plan during the war, succeeded obtained Nightmare Type's bloodline, but also awakened Vision Mark, the strength enters greatly. 一来,他在战争期间完成了自己的计划,成功的获得了噩梦种的血脉,还觉醒了见纹,实力大进。 Secondly, the Illusory Demon material that in the battlefield remains was also given to plunder by him, for this reason deposited many chips. 二来,战场上残留下来的幻魔素材亦是被他给搜刮了一遍,为此入账了不少的晶片。 In addition had not worked as the person who takes the lead, law-abiding treating in the rear area, is an ordinary student, Su Ming has not really encountered many danger. 加上一直都没有当出头鸟,安安分分的待在后方,做个普通的学员,苏明还真没有遭遇多少的危险。 Everyone in squad are smooth, without reducing anyone , confirmed this point perfectly. 小队里的所有人都顺利回来,没有减少任何一人,亦是完美的证实了这一点。 But, must say that has not a little had a lingering fear completely, that is impossible. 但,要说完全没有点心有余悸,那是不可能的。 Especially Jiang Wanyu, because of the relations of Poisonous Rubber Demon's poison, almost died. 尤其是江婉瑜,因为毒胶魔的毒的关系,差点就死了。 Lei Hao and Ye Bai also has injured, has Su Ming to support in secret, perhaps they do not have the means like the safe return. 雷浩和叶白同样不是没有受伤,要不是有苏明在暗中支援,他们或许没办法像这样安全回归。 Yao Beibei somewhat was timid, lets on her the battlefield, breaks through enemy lines as Hunter, regarding new student/life who just entered a school, really somewhat reluctantly. 姚贝贝本就有些怯弱,让她上战场,还是作为猎人冲锋陷阵,对于一个刚入学的新生而言,着实有些勉强。 Even if An Zijin, has the pressure. 哪怕是安子衿,都不是没有压力。 Jiang Wanyu almost died time, she worried about one all night. 江婉瑜差点死了的时候,她担忧了一整夜。 Yao Beibei follows on the Su Ming together frontline combat time, she worried about one all day. 姚贝贝跟着苏明一起上前线作战的时候,她担忧了一整天。 Lei Hao and Ye Bai to her not bad, she is always also afraid holds back, or when heard the two people sacrifice the news. 雷浩和叶白对她也不错,她总是害怕拖后腿,或者什么时候就听到两人牺牲的消息。 Let alone also Su Ming? 更何况还有苏明呢? What accident if Su Ming also had/left, that what to do? 要是苏明也出了什么三长两短,那怎么办? thought until here, An Zijin some eye then same unconsciously red. 想到这里,安子衿的眼睛便同样有些不自觉的红了起来。 Without a doubt, this time, the feelings in people heart are many. 毫无疑问,这一次,众人心中的感触是很多的。 Before I have believed that even if the result is not so outstanding, in the future will make a debut to make 1-Star professional, that can still live hand to mouth to eat, is insufficient to lose my family's face.” Lei Hao then said suddenly: Now I suddenly feel, I can attempt, becomes by oneself more powerful.” “以前我一直认为,就算成绩不那么突出,将来出道做个一星职业者,那也能混口饭吃,不至于丢我家的脸。”雷浩便突然说道:“现在我突然觉得,我可以尝试一下,让自己变得更强大。” The Lei Hao sudden speech, made the people be shocked. 雷浩突如其来的发言,就让众人愣住了。 But the people are are not incomprehensible. 但众人并不是不能理解。 Experienced such battlefield, witnessed so many brutalities and sacrifices, will have such idea, indisputable. 见识了那样的战场,见证了那么多的残酷及牺牲,会产生这样的想法,无可厚非。 I am also.” Ye Bai approved of the view of Lei Hao, said: This time also made me realize own deficiency, was too many were too many, must find the way to strive itself to be good.” “我也是。”叶白赞同了雷浩的说法,道:“这次也让我意识到了自己的不足之处,实在是太多太多了,必须想办法精进自己才行。” In only one by one as the squad does not have any outputs ability, can only assist the member who battles, in the Ye Bai heart, if has not selected to be unwilling, that is impossible. 作为小队里唯一一个没有任何输出能力,只能辅助作战的成员,叶白心中要是没有点不甘,那是不可能的。 Auxiliary ability may be insufficient, I really must study attack type Spiritual Technique.” “只有辅助的能力可不够,我真得专研一下攻击类灵性术了。” Ye Bai stated. 叶白如此声明。 Were needless to say as for An Zijin, Jiang Wanyu and Yao Beibei three people much. 至于安子衿江婉瑜姚贝贝三人更是不用多说。 This time looking after that was lucky Senpais.” “这次多亏了学长们的关照了。” „Will the new student/life who Senpais, our just entered a school, definitely encounter many dangers?” “要不是学长们,我们这样刚入学的新生,肯定会遇到不少危险吧?” Really... really thanked you very much!” “真...真的很感谢你们!” Three kouhai thanked toward three Senpai said solemnly, row of neat and tidy, bowed to bend the waist, the attitude appeared the incomparable sincerity. 三个学妹向着三个学长郑重的道谢,排的整整齐齐的,鞠躬弯腰,态度显得无比的真诚。 Seeing that is Su Ming cannot bear said. 见状,就是苏明都忍不住说了一句 „Don't your performance lose the higher grades senpais?” “你们的表现可一点都不输高年级的学长学姐哦?” The Su Ming rare gentle voice comforted. 苏明难得柔声宽慰了起来。 Yes, your performance may be much better compared with us initially.” “是啊,你们的表现可比我们当初好多了。” An-kouhai Spirit Power is astonishing, does not know that helped us crusade against many Illusory Demon with Spiritual Technique, Jiang-kouhai alchemical weapon was also very sharp, pours may be many Illusory Demon on alchemical weapon in that the Yao-kouhai similar feeling was keen, monstrous strength unparalleled, your performance, may good be too more than our these ordinary Senpai.” 安学妹灵力惊人,都不知道用灵性术帮我们讨伐了多少幻魔,江学妹炼金武器也很犀利,倒在那把炼金武器上的幻魔可不少,姚学妹同样感觉敏锐,怪力无双,你们的表现,比我们这些平平无奇学长可好太多了。” Lei Hao and Ye Bai comforting with a smile. 雷浩和叶白均笑着的宽慰。 An Zijin, Jiang Wanyu and Yao Beibei three people looked at each other one immediately mutually, immediately simultaneously smiles, has a feeling relieved feeling. 安子衿江婉瑜姚贝贝三人顿时互相对视了一眼,随即齐齐一笑,颇有种如释重负的感觉。 The atmosphere becomes extremely warm, extremely harmony happiness. 现场的氛围就变得极为温馨,极为其乐融融。 Narrows the eye, probably sees what dazzling thing Su Ming then suddenly said. 眯起眼睛,像是看到什么耀眼之物的苏明便陡然说了一句 Decided, tonight eats the hot pot.” “决定了,今晚吃火锅吧。” Such remarks, five both hands simultaneously hold up. 此话一出,五双手齐齐举起。 Approval!” “赞成!” The people excitedly and responded happily. 众人兴奋又开心的回应了。 That night, the Su Ming's squad six people enjoyed a delicious hot pot. 这一天晚上,苏明小队的六人就享用了一顿美味的火锅。 Invisible within, the relations and distance between people also hauled in many many, making the ally friendship preserve in the hearts of everyone. 无形间,众人之间的关系及距离也拉进了许多许多,让战友情谊留存于每个人的心间。
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