IBJWMC :: Volume #2

#138: That wipes the soul-stirring fairness

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Wooded mountain deep place, artificial lake. 山林深处,人工湖。 At this time, here had the torrential downpour. 此时,这里下起了倾盆大雨。 The huge water splash that blasts out changes to the curtain of rain, huā lā lā here is getting down, making the lake surface in artificial lake be pounded the mighty waves to be turbulent by the innumerable waterdrops. 炸开的巨大水花化作雨幕,哗啦啦的在这里下着,让人工湖的湖面都被无数的水滴砸得波涛汹涌。 The surrounding trees were also being drenched by the rain, gradually becomes wet. 周围的一棵棵树木亦是被雨淋着,逐渐变湿。 Su Ming and Xu Qianqian also arrived in the shore, bathes in the rain, the whole body soaked. 苏明和许芊芊亦是抵达了岸边,沐浴在雨中,全身都湿透了。 „......” “......” „......” “......” A man and a woman two people stands in the shore, looks at each other silently, for a very long time is speechless. 一男一女两人就站在岸边,默默相视,久久无言。 specially Xu Qianqian, shot a look at one because of soaking to stick to body, lets the skin color started thoroughly clothes, gazed at Su Ming's look to appear some hidden bitterness. 尤其是许芊芊,瞥了一眼因为湿透而紧贴在身上,让肤色都开始透出来的衣服,注视着苏明的眼神显得有些幽怨。 I am not intentional...” “我不是故意的...” Su Ming's eyes is out of control glances toward Xu Qianqian's body, glances also while weak argument. 苏明的眼睛禁不住的往许芊芊的身上瞟去,一边瞟还一边弱弱的辩解。 If heaven pities me, his real only wants to hit to explode the water spray, does not make two people be swallowed by the lake water. 天可怜见,他真的只是想打爆水浪,不让两人被湖水吞噬而已。 Finally, two people soaked, this and was swallowed by the water spray directly, falls into the lake to compare, differently what does the fate have? 结果,两人还是都湿透了,这和直接被水浪吞噬,跌入湖中相比,下场又有什么不同呢? Xu Qianqian thinks obviously, will just now be staring at Su Ming, the look hidden bitterness. 许芊芊显然就是这么想的,方才会盯着苏明,眼神幽怨。 Su Ming can only put aside the line of sight, no longer looks at Xu Qianqian. 苏明只能撇开视线,不再去看许芊芊 Although the scenery is very beautiful, but looks again like this, perhaps Young Lady must act crazy. 虽然风景很美丽,但再这样看下去,大小姐恐怕就要发飙了。 When the time comes, oneself do not bleed is impossible. 到时候,自己不出血是不可能的。 Un, hemorrhage in physics. 嗯,物理上的出血。 Oh...” “唉...” Xu Qianqian can only sigh, no longer investigated that this matter, then looks to the direction of artificial lake. 许芊芊只能叹息一声,不再追究这件事,转而看向人工湖的方向。 In there, the beautiful mermaid young girl form has disappeared thoroughly does not see, does not see the least bit signs completely. 在那里,美人鱼少女的身影已是彻底消失不见,完全不见半点踪迹。 Hid in the lake bottom?” “躲进湖底了吗?” Xu Qianqian muttered. 许芊芊喃喃出声 Very obvious matter.” Su Ming sees the Xu Qianqian shift topic, is naturally glad to see, echoes to say continually: It seems like we frightened her.” “很明显的事情。”苏明许芊芊转移话题,自然乐得看见,连附和道:“看来我们吓到她了。” This is also very obvious matter. 这也是很明显的事情。 Does not blame the opposite party so. 不怪对方如此。 In this world, she should be captured and chased down by various types?” Su Ming so said: Had such experience, she will be hiding from us, pouring is not strange.” “在这个世界里,她应该一直都被各种追捕及追杀吧?”苏明这般道:“有了那样的经历,她会躲着我们,倒也不算奇怪。” Do not think that Illusory Demon does not have the cruel wild animal of brain, they will also be afraid, will be will fear, will escape. 别以为幻魔都是没有脑子的残暴野兽,它们也是会害怕,也是会恐惧,也是会逃跑的。 The injured wild animal is no doubt fearful, may in the open country, once is injured, even if the wild animal knows temporarily evades the point, temporarily retreats, let alone was Illusory Demon. 受伤的野兽固然可怕,可在野外,一旦受了伤,就算是野兽都知道得暂避锋芒,暂时撤退,更别说是幻魔了。 That mermaid cub then obviously after experiencing various types has chased down and captured, had the timid psychology to human. 那美人鱼幼崽便明显在经历过各种追杀及追捕以后,对人类产生了胆怯的心理。 Therefore, sees Su Ming and Xu Qianqian, beautiful mermaid young girl without delay, frightened escapes immediately, now also hides in the lake bottom directly, comes out not to dare to come out. 所以,见到苏明和许芊芊,美人鱼少女才会二话不说,受惊般立即逃跑,现在亦是直接躲进湖底,连出来都不敢出来。 Also right.” “也对。” Xu Qianqian thinks, understood the beautiful mermaid young girl behavior. 许芊芊想了想,理解了美人鱼少女的行为。 But, what to do then should, this Young Lady worry. 但,接下来该怎么办,这个大小姐就又犯难了。 Can call her?” “要把她叫出来吗?” Xu Qianqian shifts to Su Ming, asked the opinion of Su Ming. 许芊芊转向苏明,询问苏明的意见。 Su Ming has also turned the head, looks to Xu Qianqian, finally actually saw wipes the soul-stirring fairness, made his mind, has almost not overstated. 苏明也转过头,看向许芊芊,结果却是看到了一抹惊心动魄的白皙,令他心神一荡,差点没有走火入魔。 Xu Qianqian hurries to cover the neckband, looks at Su Ming's look to take some murderous aura. 许芊芊赶紧捂住领口,看着苏明的眼神带上了些许杀气 cough cough.” Su Ming coughed, said: I did not think that she easily will come out.” 咳咳。”苏明干咳了一声,道:“我不觉得她会轻易出来耶。” That cannot put her, no matter?” Xu Qianqian said with a frown: Did not say that the base city high level and underground mercenary organization people are staring at her in secret, is her existence is a chaotic root, if throws her here, god knows later what happened?” “那也不能放着她不管吧?”许芊芊皱着眉头的道:“不说基地市的高层和地下雇佣兵组织的人都在暗中盯着她,就是她本身的存在都是一个混乱的根源,如果把她扔在这里,天知道以后会发生什么事情?” beautiful mermaid young girl eventually is cub, although has honored bloodline, having sufficiently the evolution is being the Nightmare Type strong potential, may before has not grown, she absolutely does not have power of High-Class Illusory Demon level. 人鱼少女终究是一只幼崽,虽拥有着尊贵的血脉,拥有着足以进化为噩梦种的强大潜力,可在还没有成长起来之前,她绝对没有上级幻魔水平的力量 But does not have High-Class Illusory Demon's power, has High-Class Illusory Demon bloodline, this bloodline still has the evolution possible cub, is really a serious sweetie pie, once exposes the whereabouts, no matter what everybody can want to nip one. 而一只没有上级幻魔的力量,却有着上级幻魔血脉,这份血脉还存在进化的可能的幼崽,着实是一个不得了的香饽饽,一旦暴露行踪,任谁都会想来咬上一口。 At the appointed time, just finished Longyao City of frigid war fearing that must fall into to abyss of suffering. 届时,刚结束一场惨烈的大战的陇曜市怕是又得陷入到水深火热之中了。 Such matter, even Su Ming some want to avoid, let alone is big enterprise has lots of assets Xu Qianqian. 这样的事情,连苏明都有些想避免,更别说是家大业大的许芊芊 Therefore, Xu Qianqian will worry, does not know how should continue to handle this cub matter. 为此,许芊芊才会犯难,不知道该怎么继续处理这只幼崽的事情。 Actually Su Ming, perhaps is because has Nightmare Type bloodline, the strength also for the relations that it big enters, his mentality keeps up with compared with the time, many were somewhat different. 倒是苏明,或许是因为已经拥有了噩梦种血脉,实力亦为之大进的关系,他的心态跟上次相比,多少有些不同了。 What to do otherwise do you also want?” Su Ming then said as if the matter was of no concern to oneself: could it be do you want to bring back to Xu Family her?” “不然你还想怎么办?”苏明便事不关己似的道:“难道你想把她带回许家吗?” That truly is a very beckoning matter. 那确实是一件很让人心动的事。 If Xu Family knows that has Nightmare Type bloodline soon to deposit, that Xu Qianqian's merit may be big, is regarded as the successors of next generation to have the possibility directly. 要是许家知道有一份噩梦种血脉即将入账,那许芊芊的功劳可就大了,直接被视为下一代的继承人都有可能。 All that let alone, Nightmare Type bloodline can bring are also a huge seduction, a pass to 7-Star, wants to reject such seduction, even Xu Qianqian, doing is very difficult. 更别说,噩梦种血脉本身能够带来的一切也是一个巨大的诱惑,一张通往七星的通行证,想拒绝这样的诱惑,即便是许芊芊,做起来都会很困难。 Naturally, Xu Qianqian seems like very calm. 当然,许芊芊看上去是很冷静的。 I do not want her bloodline.” Xu Qianqian said: Has not evolved Nightmare Type.” “我已经不想要她的血脉了。”许芊芊这么道:“又不是已经进化成了噩梦种。” The implied meaning is, this is can be given up. 言下之意就是,这是可以被放弃的。 Just, Xu Qianqian does not want to make this bloodline fall into others hand probably. 只不过,许芊芊好像也不想让这份血脉落入别人手中。 If this bloodline falls into others hand, the Longyao City influence distributes absolutely will to present the change, making Xu Family be affected, if obtains this bloodline Xu Family enemy, that Xu Family suffering were more. 若是这份血脉落入别人手中,陇曜市的势力分布一定会出现变动,让许家受到影响,要是得到这份血脉的还是许家的对头,那许家的苦头就更多了。 Taking this into consideration, Xu Qianqian does not want this bloodline, is unable to achieve to it sits by and does nothing. 有鉴于此,许芊芊即不想要这份血脉,又无法做到对它坐视不管。 In brief, first leads her in the side.” “总之,先把她带在身边吧。” Xu Qianqian can only find out this is not the means of means. 许芊芊只能想出这样不是办法的办法。 Ok.” “行。” Su Ming shrugs. 苏明耸了耸肩。 He actually does not want the relations with that cub, in order to avoid later draws fire to oneself. 他其实是不太想和那只幼崽扯上关系的,以免以后引火烧身。 But changes mind thinks, even if oneself and this cub pretend non-involvement the relations, when Longyao City has the confusion because of her, oneself can could it be avoid being involved? 但转念一想,就算自己和这只幼崽撇清关系,当陇曜市因她而产生混乱时,自己难道能避免被卷入其中吗? Is involved in it passively, might as well the chaotic source control in own side, such gripped the initiative temporarily at least. 与其被动卷入,还不如暂时把混乱的源头控制在自己身边,那样自己起码握住了主动权。 moreover, after having 【Demon Catcher】 technique/spell, this was only very likely the evolution is Nightmare Type cub had turned into own it's in the bag. 况且,有了【拘魔】术式以后,这只极有可能进化为噩梦种幼崽已经变成了自己的囊中之物。 If, after this child, really can evolve is Nightmare Type, can oneself have Nightmare Type to take the subordinate? 如果,这孩子以后真能进化为噩梦种,那自己岂不是能够拥有一只噩梦种作为部下? Thinks, Su Ming cannot bear somewhat excitedly. 想想,苏明都忍不住有些激动。 Therefore, Su Ming raises hand, the preparation stimulates to movement 【Demon Catcher】 technique/spell again. 于是,苏明举起手来,准备再次催动【拘魔】术式 After may just stimulate to movement 【Demon Catcher】, that quite painful sorrow Ti who creates suddenly appears in the Su Ming mind, lets movement slightly on his hand. 可刚刚催动【拘魔】以后造成的那一声颇为痛苦的哀啼突然出现在苏明的脑海中,让他手上的动作微微一顿。 After several seconds, Su Ming changed use technique/spell. 数秒钟过后,苏明改变了使用的术式 45 types Rising Force Restraining Flow.” “【四十五式・升力拘流】。” Su Ming put forth can detect the life, discovery certain range technique/spell within of life body. 苏明使出了能够侦测生命,发现一定范围内的生命体的术式 Initially, Warlock of underground mercenary group is also the technique/spell of use, was used to trace the beautiful mermaid young girl whereabouts. 当初,地下雇佣兵集团的术士也是使用的这种术式,用来追踪美人鱼少女的下落。 Now, Su Ming imitates, making the Spirit Power wave flow expand to open from body, just like the scanner of radar, has swept the entire artificial lake. 如今,苏明依样画葫芦,让灵力的波流自身上扩展而开,如同雷达的扫描仪一样,扫过整个人工湖。 Before long, Su Ming discovered in the position of lake bottom, a quite powerful life in uneasy as is hovering. 不一会,苏明发现了湖底的一个位置上,一个颇为强盛的生命在忐忑不安似的游动着。 Found.” “找到了。” The Su Ming corners of the mouth bring back slightly, in the wrist/skill appears four ring array. 苏明嘴角微微勾起,手腕上浮现出四个圆环阵列 【Type 33 ・ Stagnation Lock】.” 【三十三式·滞形锁】。” The invisible chains sticks out suddenly from Su Ming around the body, was the same like not visible pythons, flies high to pass over gently and swiftly. 无形的锁链自苏明身周暴起,有如一条条看不见的蟒蛇一样,凌空掠过。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!”... “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”... The invisible chains of passing over gently and swiftly midair entered in the artificial lake, aroused a water splash of intermittent blasting open, thorough lake bottom. 掠过半空的不可视锁链窜进了人工湖中,激起一阵阵炸裂的水花,深入湖底。 They are hovering, has the intermittent mighty waves. 它们游动着,带起阵阵波涛。 They are mixing, making the lake center present an vortex. 它们搅动着,让湖中心出现了一个漩涡。 Artificial lake on gradually became must the mighty waves turbulent, lake bottom bang made noise, told shore Su Ming and Xu Qianqian, there had was not tranquil. 人工湖就渐渐的变得波涛汹涌了起来,湖底一阵轰隆作响,告诉了岸边的苏明许芊芊,那里有多么的不平静。 By some moment, in the lake surface exploded a biggest water splash, made the magnificent heavy rain again. 直到某一刻里,湖面上才炸起了一朵最大的水花,再次制造出了壮观的大雨。 In the water splash, running away of beautiful mermaid young girl panic as, like pursuing is the same by any terrible thing. 水花中,美人鱼少女惊慌失措似的逃窜,如同被什么可怕的东西给追着一样。 The fact is also so. 事实也是如此。 Not visible chains jump out from the lake bottom one after another, interweaves mutually, grazes mutually, gradually formed a big net, surrounded beautiful mermaid young girl. 一道道看不见的锁链相继从湖底窜出,互相交织,互相飞掠,逐渐形成了一张大网,将美人鱼少女包围了起来。 beautiful mermaid young girl body exudes the intermittent wave, making the space change to lake surface, the ripples were intermittent, the invisible chains that will attack gave separating. 人鱼少女身上泛起阵阵水波,令空间都化作湖面似的,涟漪阵阵,将来袭的不可视锁链都给弹开。 Before these underground mercenaries have also caught her with 【Stagnation Lock】, let beautiful mermaid young girl many appearance that experience that had some manipulations. 之前那些地下雇佣兵也是一直用【滞形锁】来抓她,让美人鱼少女多少有了一些应付的经验的样子。 Only pitifully, grasped her only two 2-Star Warlock with 【Stagnation Lock】 in the past. 只可惜,过去用【滞形锁】来抓她的只是两个二星术士 But this time, puts forth the 【Stagnation Lock】 person, has actually awakened Vision Mark, becomes High-Class Warlock Su Ming. 而这次,使出【滞形锁】的人,却是已经觉醒了见纹,成为了上级术士苏明 You cannot run away?” “你可是跑不掉的哦?” Su Ming makes villain declaration once again, adds on one on the difference Jie Jie Jie smiled strangely. 苏明又一次的做出反派宣言,就差加上一阵“桀桀桀”的怪笑了。 Under the operation of Su Ming, the invisible chains dances in the air back and forth, beautiful mermaid young girl being stranded in the sky of artificial lake, cannot run. 苏明的操纵下,不可视的锁链来回飞舞,将美人鱼少女给困在了人工湖的上空,根本跑不出去。 Then... 然后... 50 types the ni rapids steam braise.” “【五十式・氼泷蒸烩】。” ring array in Su Ming wrist/skill turned into five, making powerful Spirit Power spew out. 苏明手腕上的圆环阵列变成了五个,让强大的灵力喷涌而出。 The next quarter, marvelous matter happened. 下一刻,奇妙的事情发生了。 Bang!” “轰!” Sees only, the wave that beautiful mermaid young girl around the body exudes unceasingly like boiled was the same, unexpectedly is the direct boiling evaporation. 只见,美人鱼少女身周不断泛起的水波有如被煮沸了一样,竟是直接汽化蒸发。 Niing!” 咪呤!” The sudden drastic change, making beautiful mermaid young girl have a big shock. 突如其来的剧变,让美人鱼少女大惊失色。 But at this time responded again, is without enough time. 但这个时候再反应,已经是来不及了。 Invisible chains entangled the beautiful mermaid young girl petite body on suddenly, tied down the prey to be the same like the spider web. 一道道不可视的锁链就豁然缠上了美人鱼少女娇小的躯体,如同蜘蛛网缠住了猎物一样。 Niing! Niing!” 咪呤咪呤!” beautiful mermaid young girl is struggling, the body wave is intermittent, even the also cold air is fluctuating, is powerful. 人鱼少女挣扎着,身上水波阵阵,甚至还有寒气在起伏,气势十足。 What a pity, with the support of Su Ming that huge Spirit Power, is extremely high by way of the 【Stagnation Lock】 binding force that his hand puts forth, is not has not grown, has bloodline spatially, power is still in the Low-Class Illusory Demon level beautiful mermaid young girl to work loose. 可惜,在苏明那庞大灵力的支持下,经由他之手使出的【滞形锁】束缚力极高,绝不是还没成长起来,空有血脉,力量则依旧处于下级幻魔层次的美人鱼少女能挣脱的。 beautiful mermaid young girl entrains in dragging of invisible chains, was delivered to the Su Ming front. 人鱼少女就在不可视锁链的拖拽下,被送到了苏明的面前。 Handles.” “搞定。” Su Ming patted clapping, high-spirited. 苏明拍了拍手,意气风发。 Xu Qianqian looks at beautiful mermaid young girl, eyes shines. 许芊芊看着美人鱼少女,双眼放光。 beautiful mermaid young girl collapses to the ground, looks at Su Ming and Xu Qianqian, trembled. 人鱼少女瘫坐在地上,看着苏明和许芊芊,瑟瑟发抖了起来。 That appearance, like bullied little girl. 那模样,像极了被欺负的小女孩。
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