IBJWMC :: Volume #2

#134: Sunken wreck? Su Ming that the mentality will soon blast open!

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...” “呼...” In hut, Su Ming sets out, while starts to stretch a little bit. 小屋里,苏明一边起身,一边开始活动身体。 Restored some strengths finally.” “总算恢复些力气了。” In the Su Ming heart full is sighed. 苏明心中满是唏嘘 Was attracted by beautiful girl blood sucking to the leg is soft, perhaps this experience, to some people, does not hesitate the especially big benefits that pays money wants to taste, but to experiencing several times Su Ming, very has a lingering fear. 美少女吸血吸到腿软,这种体验,对一些人来说,或许是不惜付钱都想尝尝的特大福利,但对经历了几次的苏明而言,还是挺心有余悸的。 Felt that this person empty many, goes back later to select the means that makes up the body.” “感觉这个人都虚了不少,回去以后想点办法,把身体补回来吧。” Su Ming also really somewhat worried, such long-time getting down, the strong body and spirit that oneself obtain with great difficulty direct empty will fall. 苏明还真有些担心,这么长久的下去,自己好不容易获得的强壮体魄会直接虚掉。 No matter this as a person, is as a man, cannot accept. 这不管是作为一个人来说,还是作为一个男人来说,都不太能够接受呢。 If can start out perfect makes up the soup greatly and so on thing to be good from the package.” “要是能从包裹里开出十全大补汤之类的东西就好了。” In the heart flashed through such a thought Su Ming suddenly to think. 心中闪过这么一个念头的苏明突然想了起来。 Words said, my present chip also accumulated, was this/should operates a wave of package again?” “话说,我现在的晶片又攒起来了,是不是该再开一波包裹啊?” Is thinking Su Ming opens in the brain interface, looks to the chip column. 这么想着的苏明打开脑内界面,看向晶片栏目。 Because swept a wave of battlefield, obtained the relations of many Illusory Demon material, the Su Ming chip accumulated about 100,000, the harvest that after the number has caught up with previous and Xu Qianqian quickly conducted transaction, obtains. 由于扫荡了一波战场,获得了不少幻魔素材的关系,苏明的晶片累积了将近十万,数目已经快追上上次和许芊芊进行交易以后得到的收获了。 That time, Su Ming will open the preserve that one year of package obtained to give nearly to take, after the difference of market and Shop, gained a wave of price difference, harvest that just now obtains. 那次,苏明可是将自己开了一年包裹得到的储藏都给近乎拿了出来,经过市场与商城的不同,赚了一波差价,方才获得的收获。 This so many curved curve say/way, have not been the pure battlefield cleanups, and swept about one day merely, finally then has about 100,000 chips to deposit, such harvest, is very high. 这次没有那么多的弯弯道道,就是单纯的打扫战场而已,且仅仅是扫荡了一天左右的时间,结果便已经有了近十万的晶片入账,这样的收获,着实很高。 Su Ming thinks, finally could not bear, starts to buy the package. 苏明想了想,最终还是没有忍住,开始买起了包裹。 Before played the game time, Su Ming also mood for some definition and so on thing crowding stone, may in this world, Su Ming absolutely not have that mood. 以前玩游戏的时候,苏明还有心情为了一些限定活动之类的东西攒攒石头,可在这个世界里,苏明就完全没有那种心情了。 Not is only because own golden finger has no definition and so on thing , because open package represents a time can the reality in the harvest each time, even the strength will rise sharply, in such a case, who can also have the mood to accumulate the chip? 不仅是因为自己的金手指没有什么限定活动之类的东东,更是因为每次开包裹都代表着一次能够带到现实里来的收获,甚至实力都会为之大涨,在这样的情况下,谁还能有心情攒晶片呢? Some so many chips, open casually, can obtain many good things, making the strength promote one wave again? 有这么多晶片,随便开一开,都能得到不少好东西,让实力再提升一波吧? Therefore, once had the open package thoughts, Su Ming could not repress completely. 因此,一旦起了开包裹的心思,苏明就完全按捺不下去了。 At that moment, Su Ming gave to squander the chip directly, bought up about 100 packages. 当下,苏明直接将晶片给花光,买进了近一百个的包裹。 Then, Su Ming opened to wrap. 然后,苏明开起了包裹来。 „, open package is always when most excited, most happy.” “无论是什么时候,开包裹总是最激动,最令人开心的啊。” Su Ming then smiles very happily. 苏明便笑得很开心。 May be opened with the one by one package, Su Ming could not smile. 可随着一个个的包裹被打开,苏明就笑不出来了。 Scarecrow: alchemical item, uses the special mimicry straw knitting, can change anybody's appearance, and simulates the action of opposite party, the attacked words will be broken to pieces like the glass, does not come under the attack to recycle. 稻草人:炼金道具,使用特殊的拟态稻草编织而成,能够变化成任何人的模样,并模拟出对方的行动,受到攻击的话将会如玻璃般碎开,不受到攻击则能进行回收。 This is Su Ming to fighting in Yi Junchuan that night had used alchemical item. 这是苏明在对战易俊川的那一夜里曾经使用过的炼金道具 Its function does not need to say much, is pretty good, Xu Qianqian when also used similar alchemical item by Gao Xu and Xu Yanyan ambush, has just now deceived the eye of Gao Xu and Xu Yanyan successfully, succeeded held under duress Xu Yanyan, Xu Yanyan is also a ruthless person, unexpectedly was not coerced, but also goes all out with Xu Qianqian in turn, perhaps, then does not need Su Ming to enter the stage today. 它的作用已经不需要多说,还是挺不错的,许芊芊在被高旭许艳艳埋伏的时候也使用了类似的炼金道具,方才成功骗过高旭许艳艳的眼睛,成功的挟持了许艳艳,要不是许艳艳也是个狠人,居然不受要挟,还反过来跟许芊芊拼命,或许,今天便不需要苏明出场了。 But, such alchemical item, must say that some precious words, that does not have. 但,这样的炼金道具,要说有多珍贵的话,那也没有。 After all body substitution of only simulation contour, can only be used to deceive people, cannot replace itself injured and even is that going against heaven's will body substitution item of death, the function is limited. 毕竟只是模拟外形的替身,只能用来骗骗人,又不是能够代替自身受伤乃至是死亡的那种逆天的替身道具,作用有限。 Such thing, Su Ming actually started out entire three in the first package, in the following several packages also started out several. 这样的东西,苏明却在第一个包裹里开出了整整三个,后面的几个包裹中也开出了好几个。 This is a little face is without doubt black. 这无疑是有点脸黑的。 Naturally, only words a little are good. 当然,只是有点的话还好。 The issue is, behind, Su Ming as if continuously face black. 问题是,后面,苏明似乎一直脸黑了下去。 Spirit Power (Small): Extremely pure without owner Spirit Power, integrating the body can small scope the content of promotion Spirit Power, no side effect. 灵力(小):极为纯净的无主灵力,融入身体可以小幅度的提升灵力的含量,无任何副作用。 Spirit Power (Small): Extremely pure without owner Spirit Power, integrating the body can small scope the content of promotion Spirit Power, no side effect. 灵力(小):极为纯净的无主灵力,融入身体可以小幅度的提升灵力的含量,无任何副作用。 Spirit Power (Small)... 灵力(小)... Su Ming started out each article to promote Spirit Power item, actually each article only( small). 苏明开出了一件件能够提升灵力物品,却件件都只是(小)而已。 This is also not anything. 这还不算什么。 Even Spirit Power (Small) still same can be used to promote Spirit Power, is not totally without the function. 即便是灵力(小)也一样能够用来提升灵力,并不是完全没有作用。 conversely following thing, true made the Su Ming whole person confuse. 反倒是接下来的东西,才真正的让苏明整个人都迷了。 Decoration clothes: Throws over to change in body to conform to the current environment the luxurious formal clothes, has to eliminate the wrinkle and waterproofing, to smear and other effects only, is the people of quality long-awaited thing. 装饰衣:披在身上可以变化成最符合当前环境的豪华礼服,拥有除皱、防水、净污等效果,乃是上流人士梦寐以求的东西。 Returns to virgin potion: Feels rejuvenated the potion deteriorated version, can make the body of user return to the childhood days instantaneously, feels rejuvenated, the effect can only maintain for 12 hours. 返童药剂:返老还童药剂的劣化版,能让服用者的躯体瞬间返回童年时代,返老还童,效果仅能维持十二小时。 Dragon Courage: The first arming motorcycle, has the extremely strong horsepower, the maximum speed may reach 800 kmh, anti- hits, but cross country, not consumes energy, if transforms with the special material, will evolve for the second arming motorcycle, has a higher performance. 龙胆:第一型武装机车,有着极强的马力,最高时速可达800kmh,耐撞,可越野,无耗能,若用特殊的素材进行改造,将进化为第二型武装机车,拥有更高的性能。 thus and so, Su Ming started out each article to see what one never saw before, hears something never heard of before, to cannot subtly the subtle thing. 如此这般,苏明开出了一件件见所未见,闻所未闻,微妙到不能再微妙的东西。 „Is this decoration clothes useful? Luxurious formal clothes? Can could it be allow me to attend the dance party?” “这装饰衣有什么用?豪华礼服?难道要让我去参加舞会吗?” „Can effect only maintain 12 hours of feeling rejuvenated medicines? Didn't this determination make one before satisfy a feeling rejuvenated desire at the point of death the passing away medicine?” “效果仅能维持十二个小时的返老还童药?这确定不是让人在临死前满足一回返老还童的愿望的圆寂药?” What ghost arming the motorcycle is? I am not the rampage clan!” “武装机车又是什么鬼?我又不是暴走族!” Su Ming this spits, on thorough cannot stop. 苏明这槽一吐,就彻底的停不下来了。 Behind also so, started out the effect subtle thing either, either started out is not specially precious item, was unable to make ends meet completely. 后面也是如此,要么开出了效果微妙的东西,要么开出了不是特别珍贵的物品,完全就是入不敷出。 Gan!” “淦!” The face of Su Ming is black with bottom of the pot, the mentality is also some blasting open. 苏明的脸黑得跟个锅底似的,心态亦是有些炸裂。 The experience of this open package is extremely bad, nearly misses makes Su Ming not split. 这一次开包裹的体验就极差,差得让苏明险些没有裂开。 „A year, am I also finally the blending an African?” “一年了,我也终于是混成了一个非洲人了吗?” The Su Ming complexion became somewhat pale, before feeling like returned, pulls out the time of game card pond sunken wreck to be repeatedly same, must spit blood. 苏明脸色都变得有些苍白了起来,感觉好像回到了以前抽游戏卡池频频沉船的时代一样,都要吐血了。 ( Raises while convenient, village pond, our thousand stone Yibao......) (顺带一提,村正池,咱千石一宝......) Arrived finally, the Su Ming open package technique became somewhat hot tempered, seemed wishes one could to open rottenly the package, obviously was the mentality has problems. 到最后,苏明开包裹的手法都变得有些暴躁了起来,好似恨不得将包裹拆烂,明显是心态出了问题。 Luckily, the genuine good thing not to have. 幸好,真正的好东西并不是没有。 For example, before Su Ming leafed through highest rank recover/reply that the entire backpack cannot find with alchemical potion, Su Ming from a package opens. 比如,之前苏明翻遍整个背包都没能找到的最高等级回复炼金药剂,苏明从一个包裹里开出来了。 This bottle of alchemical potion effect may also be called breaking the rules, so long as the person has not died, the head had not been stepped on rottenly, then, the heart by the crumb, can rescue even by this bottle of alchemical potion. 这瓶炼金药剂的效果也堪称犯规,只要人还没死,脑袋没有被踩烂,那么,就算心脏被捏碎了,都能靠这瓶炼金药剂救回来。 So the effect, may take to give that bottle of alchemical potion that Xu Yanyan uses Gao Xu more astonishing. 如此效果,可比高旭拿出来给许艳艳用的那一瓶炼金药剂还惊人。 Had such a bottle of alchemical potion, was equivalent to a life, must say that the precious words were truly precious. 有了这样的一瓶炼金药剂,相当于多了一条命,要说珍贵的话确实非常珍贵。 What a pity, present Su Ming cannot use. 可惜,现在的苏明用不上。 Moreover, Su Ming also started out some medicine and stone acupuncture needle one thing. 另外,苏明还开出了一些药石一样的东西。 Red Star Jasmine: The function in bloodline item, takes then melts in blood, raises the bloodline density, speeds up bloodline to awaken the speed that. 红络石:作用于血脉物品,服用即可融于血,提升血脉浓度,加快血脉觉醒的速度。 This thing, similarly very precious. 这东西,同样非常的珍贵。 Su Ming has heard, this type of medicine and stone acupuncture needle will only appear in Spirit Demon Prison, if Illusory Demon take massively, not only can speed up the evolution of bloodline, but can also promote the success ratio of evolution. 苏明有听说过,这种药石只会在灵魔狱中出现,幻魔们若是大量服用,不仅可以加快血脉的进化,还能提升进化的成功率。 Because Hunter of this type of medicine and stone acupuncture needle to having Illusory Demon bloodline also has the function, can raise the bloodline density, speeds up bloodline to awaken the relations of speed, the demand of human to Red Star Jasmine is not weak in Illusory Demon. 因为这种药石对拥有幻魔血脉猎人也有作用,能够提升血脉浓度,加快血脉觉醒的速度的关系,人类红络石的需求一点都不弱于幻魔 Only pitifully, Red Star Jasmine will only appear in Spirit Demon Prison, present world is hard to seek extremely, thus is expensive, even was treated as the strategic resources by some large-scale base city, it can be said that everyone is pursuing and collecting. 只可惜,红络石只会出现在灵魔狱,现世极为难以寻得,因而价格昂贵,甚至被一些大型的基地市当做战略资源,可以说是所有人都在追求及收藏。 Can start out Red Star Jasmine, to Su Ming is also a pleasant surprise. 能够开出红络石,对苏明来说也是一个惊喜。 „, Without the face is fortunately black.” “还好,没有脸黑到底。” Su Ming relaxes, after hesitated for a moment, took up Red Star Jasmine, throws in the entrance. 苏明松了一口气,犹豫了一下以后,还是拿起了一块红络石,抛入口中。 As the red vein medicine and stone acupuncture needle of thumb size enters the abdomen, Su Ming obviously felt own bloodline to enliven. 随着拇指大小的红色脉络药石入腹,苏明明显感受到自己的血脉活跃了起来。 The medicine and stone acupuncture needle melts in the blood, let transform Su Ming's body bloodline as if to further pick up the speed of transformation unceasingly. 药石融于血中,让本就在不断改造苏明的身体血脉似乎更进一步的加快了改造的速度。 Detected that such change, Su Ming felt, oneself leaves the bloodline density upgraded to limit, touches the time of physical body shackles, should be not quite long. 察觉到这样的变化,苏明觉得,自己离将血脉浓度提升到极限,触碰到肉体桎梏的时间,应该不太久了。 If my Demonization awakened, double profession ability reached the high-class professional level, do I also need to fear Gao Xu?” “要是我连魔人化都觉醒了,双职业能力均达到了上级职业者的水平,那我还需要怕高旭吗?” When the time comes, Su Ming has the self-confidence, even facing 5-Star professional, oneself can win. 到时候,苏明有自信,即便是面对五星职业者,自己都能战而胜之。 Even if facing 6-Star professional, should be able to move out. 哪怕是面对六星职业者,应该都能全身而退。 Therefore, Su Ming precious Red Star Jasmine will take in the backpack , to continue open package. 于是,苏明将珍贵的红络石收进背包里,继续开包裹 The thing that behind, opened nothing more to be said that has advantages and disadvantages, no longer has to let Su Ming at present a bright treasure. 后面就没什么好说的了,开出来的东西有好有坏,却不再有让苏明眼前一亮的宝贝。 Naturally, this is regarding Su Ming. 当然,这是对于苏明而言。 Some things, Su Ming looks does not glance, may place the outside world, that absolutely is the big treasure. 有些东西,苏明看不上眼,可放在外界,那绝对是大宝贝。 For example Illusory Demon's Blood, Su Ming this time started out one bottle of Dangerous Type Illusory Demon's Blood unexpectedly, how its value, does not need to make the details much. 比如幻魔之血,苏明这次竟是又开出了一瓶危险种的幻魔之血,其价值如何,已不需要多做赘述。 For example alchemical weapon, Su Ming also opens again, but this time is a dagger, to has Fire Hunt Su Ming, the attraction is not big. 再比如炼金武器,苏明也开出来一把,但这次是匕首,对已经拥有火獠苏明而言,吸引力不算大。 In addition, Su Ming started out High-Class Spiritual Technique ———— 【Fallen Splendor】. 此外,苏明又开出了一门高级灵性术————【茯闐落华】 Fallen Splendor (Type 62): High-Class Spiritual Technique, operates the change of strength of rock, on may fall the stone, getting down can do great things, summoned the meteorite to move the mountain, was a cinch. 茯闐落华(六十二式):高级灵性术,操纵山石之力的变化,上可落石,下能移山,无论是召唤陨石还是搬动山岳,都不在话下。 How this Spiritual Technique might, can see from its introduction. 这门灵性术的威力如何,从其介绍中便可看出了。 Type 62?” 六十二式吗?” Su Ming is looking at spell book in hand, touches the chin. 苏明看着手中的术式书,摸了摸下巴。 Can attempt actually.” “倒是可以尝试一下。” Before, High-Class Spiritual Technique that Su Ming started out basically was 80 types high and low, but also has not really started out about Type 60 High-Class Spiritual Technique. 之前,苏明开出的高级灵性术基本都是八十式上下,还真没有开出过六十式左右的高级灵性术 Although the 【Fallen Splendor】 sequence can only be counted is sets the base existence in High-Class Spiritual Technique, but the sequence is low, means that the learn/study difficulty is not also high, uses also not to have such consumption Spirit Power. 虽然【茯闐落华】的序列在高级灵性术中只能算作是垫底般的存在,可序列低,也就意味着学习难度同样不高,使用起来亦没有那么的耗费灵力 Now, Su Ming has become High-Class Warlock, completely grasps High-Class Spiritual Technique that can use at any time, without doubt is very necessary. 如今,苏明已经成为了上级术士,完全掌握一门可以随时动用的高级灵性术,无疑是很有必要的。 But compares 【Karmic Sanskrit】 and 【Order of Shifting Heaven and Earth】 these two 80 type above technique/spell, 【Fallen Splendor】 that this time opens without doubt is more suitable to become Su Ming in commonly used High-Class Spiritual Technique of High-Class Warlock stage. 而相比起【缈业梵景】【命天地转】这两门八十式以上的术式,这次开出来的【茯闐落华】无疑更适合成为苏明上级术士阶段的常用高级灵性术 Finds a time to study.” “找个时间学习一下吧。” Su Ming decided. 苏明这么决定了。
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