B-2 Area.B-2区域。This is same as B-5 Area, gathers round the A-1central area, the importanceis next toA-1 Area one of the fiveregions.
这是与B-5区域相同,围着A-1中心区域,重要性仅次于A-1区域的五个区域之一。Just likeB-5 Area, is ordinarywithotherregions, thisregionwelcomedvisits of manyoff-road vehicleinthis day, makingoff-road vehicletravelbe one of them, divides to all directions, startsto conduct the punitive expeditiontoIllusory Demon of thisregion.
和B-5区域一样,也和其它区域一般,这片区域在这一天里迎来了诸多越野车的造访,让一辆辆的越野车行驶在其中,分向四面八方,开始对这片区域的幻魔进行讨伐。Intheseoff-road vehiclein whichone, Xu Qianqiansitsinbeing equivalent to the position of trunk, is swaying the bodywith the travel of off-road vehicle.
就在这些越野车的其中一辆里,许芊芊坐在相当于后备箱的位置上,正随着越野车的行驶摇晃着身体。Naturally, isoneteam of Li Weiand otherDemon-Hunting School the topstudentsalsoto sitwithXu Qianqian above, looks atthisregion, the lookis seriousandearnest.
理所当然,和许芊芊同属一队的李维等猎魔学院的顶尖学员亦坐在上面,看着这片区域,神色严肃且认真。Li WeithenafterenteringB-2 Area, the visionsweepseveryoneone in too smallteam.李维便在进入B-2区域以后,目光扫过小队里的所有人一眼。„Ithink,everyoneshouldbe very clear, was thiswecanrecover the reputation/honoraryfinally the opportunity?”
“我想,各位应该很清楚,这是我们最后能够挽回名誉的机会了吧?”Li Weiseriousis saying.李维就一脸严肃的这么说着。„The previouscombat, ourperformance, everyone is also clear, is not good.”
“先前的作战,我们的表现,想必大家也清楚,并不算多好。”hearing this, in the squad, fourtopstudentsbesidesXu Qianqiansomewhatis awkward, someunstated criticism.听到这话,小队里,除了许芊芊以外的四名顶尖学员都有些尴尬,有些腹诽。Notis far more than good? Waspassedsimplyrottenly?
何止是不算多好啊?简直就是烂透了好吗?Those presentareexistences that inDemon-Hunting School the resultranks among the best, the position and commonstudentinschooland evenis the elitestudentsmay notplace on a par.
在场的人都是猎魔学院中成绩数一数二的存在,在学院中的地位与一般学员乃至是精英学员都不可相提并论。Theirperformance, did not say that the base cityhigh levelwatches, the schoolhigh-levelthat sidealsodefinitelyinreal-timepays attention.
他们的表现,不说基地市高层看在眼里,学院高层那边也肯定都在实时关注。Theirevery action and every movementrepresentedDemon-Hunting School's face, representedin other people's eyes the image of Demon-Hunting Schoolstudent.
他们的一举一动都代表了猎魔学院的脸面,代表了别人眼中的猎魔学院学员的形象。Suchthey, the badperformanceinthiscombat, aremakemanyprofessional circleseniorsfeeldisappointed, let alonewas the school and relevant personnel in base cityaspect.
这样的他们,在此次作战中的糟糕表现,亦是让不少职业圈的前辈都感到失望,更别说是学院及基地市方面的相关人员了。Therefore, eventheydo not wantto acknowledge,theystillhave torecognizelost/carryingdifference of thisperformance.
The evidenceis, a short time ago, theyreceivedtelephone that is responsible forinstructingownInstructor, byInstructorscoldingstream of abuse.
证据就是,前不久,他们才纷纷都收到了负责指导自己的教导员的电话,被教导员给骂了一个狗血淋头。Li Weiis more miserable, receivedHunter Division the call of directordirectly, was scolded the entire30minutesby the director of rage.李维更惨,直接接到了猎人学部的主任的电话,被勃然大怒的主任数落了整整三十分钟。EvenXu Qianqianhas not escaped the sanction of school, byHunter Division's Deputy Headto the contact, if it weren't for her bloodline being honored, originextraordinary, isXu Familydirect lineYoung Lady, leadingcharacter of Xu Familynext generation, even if the directorsdo not dareto shout abusetoher, words that can only blameslightly, thisYoung Lady could experienceafterSu Mingshouted abuse in public for the second time.
连许芊芊都没有逃过学院的制裁,被猎人学部的副主任给联络上了,要不是她血脉尊贵,来历不凡,是许家的直系大小姐,许家下一代的领军人物,就算是主任都不敢对她破口大骂,只能略微责备的话,这位大小姐可能得体验到继苏明之后的第二次骂街了。Thus it can be seen, peopleappraisal of Li Wei's squadbad.
由此可见,李维小队的众人这次的评价有多糟糕。Before then, theyconfessedto the schoolcompletion of very difficultQuest is quite splendid, in the squad the strengths of variousmembers are also veryhard, hasmajorityincludingmade a debut1-Starprofessionalandnotonthey, is then only their performance and appraisals, theymightlinkto be sentin the B Areaimportant regionto be responsible forElimination Questnot being able to achievelike this.
要不是在此之前,他们对学院交代下来的高难度任务的完成度都相当出色,小队内各成员的实力亦是很硬,连已经出道的一星职业者都有大部分及不上他们,那么,单凭他们此次的表现和评价,他们有可能连被派到B区这样的重要区域里来负责讨伐任务都做不到了。Taking this into consideration, eventhesetopstudentsare arrogant, unwilling, is not convincedagainwell, thistimetheyhave toacknowledge,oneselfperformanceis very bad.
有鉴于此,即便这些顶尖学员们再高傲,再不甘心,再不服气都好,这次他们都不得不承认,自己的表现很差。Naturally, theydo not wantthisappraisalto followoneself.
当然,他们并不愿意这个评价一直跟着自己。„Iacknowledged,beforewea littleworried.”
“我承认,之前我们是有点着急了。”„Toocorruptmerit, outsmarted oneselffinallyon the contrary.”
“太贪功了,结果反倒弄巧成拙。”Twotopstudentssoopen the mouth.
两个顶尖学员如此开口。„Boss, what to doyousaidus should.”
“老大,你说我们该怎么办吧。”„Thistimewedo not act without authorizationabsolutely, howyoumakeusdo, howwedo.”
“这次我们绝对不擅自做主了,你让我们怎么做,我们就怎么做。”Li Wei's two personal servantsalsotook a standhastily.李维的两个跟班也连忙表态。Ingroup of six, is the these two peoplementalityto be most impetuous, terrorized men and take their womenin the school, outside alsothinksoneselfcanbe lawless.一行六人里,就属这两人的心态最浮躁,在学院里欺男霸女惯了,在外面也以为自己能够无法无天。Finally, inthiscombat, the most corruptmeritadvances recklesslyand evenisletting success go to the head is also they, causingthemto standhigh, fallensore.
结果,在这一次的作战里,最贪功冒进乃至是得意忘形的也是他们,导致他们站的有多高,摔的就有多疼。It can be said that the badappraisal of thissquad, havinghalfmustbetheirheads.
Others, includingLi Wei, afterhaving been taught, at leastalsounderstands the introspection, understands the promptstop-loss, only thenthese two people, ends up a fatein an extremely difficult situationobviously, actuallyunwilling to give upthrows intotoward the most dangerousplace, attemptsto prove itself , to continue to collectcontribution points, makingLi Wei's mentalityentirebe collapsedbythemquickly.
其余人,包括李维在内,在得到教训以后,至少还懂得反省,懂得及时止损,只有这两人,明明落得个狼狈不堪的下场,却还是不死心的往最危险的地方一头扎进去,企图证明自己,继续敛贡献值,让李维的心态都快被他们整崩了。if it weren't for these two being decent toolmen, helped itselfcarrymanypotssecretly, was pulled stringsto domanymattersbyoneself, Li Weialsoreallywantsto tramplethem.要不是这两人还算是不错的工具人,暗地里帮自己背了不少的锅,被自己指使着做了不少的事,李维还真想把他们一脚踹开。
( Alsocounted onyoulook for the trouble of Su Ming, youwere booing, givemeto put in ordermanytroubles.)
(本来还指望你们去找苏明的麻烦呢,你们倒好,给我整出了不少的麻烦。)Li Weilookbadlooks atowntwopersonal servants, in the hearthas the retributionuncomfortablefeeling.李维神色不善的看着自己的两个跟班,心中有种报应不爽的感觉。However, in the surface, Li Weisaid.
不过,表面上,李维却是这么说了。„Sinceeveryonerealized the mistake, then, Ihope that do not act presumptuouslyagain.”
“既然大家都意识到了错误,那么,接下来,我希望你们都别再擅自行动。”At this point, Li WeialsolookedtoXu Qianqian.
说到这里,李维还看向了许芊芊。„Qianqian, Ialsohope that youcan the coordinationwe, actwithusearnestly, do not doto isolateagain, whatmatterhas, waited forthiswarto end, after returning to the school, weagain said that ok?”
“芊芊,我也希望你能认真的配合我们,和我们一起行动,别再搞孤立了,有什么事情,等这次战争结束,回到学院以后,我们再说,行吗?”Li Wei was sayingsuchwordstoXu Qianqianunexpectedly.李维竟是对着许芊芊说出了这样的话。It can be imagined, Li Weitrulybypresent worldattacking, wantsto displayearnestly, does not dareto dotoomanycurvedcurvesay/wayatthis kind of timeagain.
可想而知,李维确实是被现世给打击到了,想认真的表现一回,不敢再在这种时候搞太多的弯弯道道。Xu Qianqian shot a look at such Li Wei, pourshas not fallenhisfaceagain.许芊芊瞥了这样的李维一眼,倒也没有再落他的面子。
The badperformance of theirsquad, Xu Qianqiandoes not think that is not relatedwith.
他们小队的糟糕表现,许芊芊并不认为和自己不相关。AlthoughYoung Ladydoes not have the corruptmeritto advance recklessly, has not thoughtdizzilyoneselfcangaincontribution pointsin the battlefieldcasually, butherdid not get on well with othersalsotrulygives the squadto bringmanytroubles.
虽然大小姐没有贪功冒进,没有得意忘形的以为自己能够随便在战场上赚贡献值,但她的不合群也确实给小队带来了不少的麻烦。For this reason, even ifbydivisionDeputy Headblaming, Xu Qianqian also has not made the rebuttal, insteadacceptedthisblame.
正因如此,即使是被学部副主任给责备了,许芊芊亦没有做出反驳,反而接受了这个责备。In such a case, ifLi Weiis willingto give upsomeimpracticalmanipulating strategically, earnestdoes a job, thatXu Qianqiandid not mind that coordinateshim.
The premiseis...
前提是...„Laterbe not entanglingmeagain, Ilisten toyour.”
“你以后别再缠着我,我就听你一回。”Xu Qianqian's faint words, making the Li Weicomplexionchange.许芊芊淡淡的话语,令李维面色微变。
Others in squadalsochanged the complexion, in the heartis flabbergastedsecretly.
小队里的其余人也变了脸色,心中暗暗咋舌。Obviously, no onethinks, the Xu Qianqianspeechunexpectedlyissuchdirect, does not give the leeway that Li Weiis forgiving.
The Li Weigood and evil is also the Li Familycollateral branchtalent, Hunter Division's representative, isXu Qianqian's senpai, in the schoolsimilarlyis the put on airs in manyfemale studentmind, the perfectselecting a friend for marriageobject, unexpectedlyliketreatingentanglementcontinuouslapdogis treatingbyXu Qianqian, ifthisis not ruthless, whatcalledruthlessly?李维好歹也是李家旁系的天才,猎人学部的首席,还是许芊芊的学长,在学院里同样是不少女生心目中的白马王子,完美的择偶对象,居然被许芊芊像对待纠缠不休的舔狗一样对待着,这如果不狠,什么才叫狠呢?In any case, thesefourpeoplewere frighteneddo not dareto speak.
反正,这四人是被吓得都不敢说话了。converselyLi Wei, after the complexionchanges, immediatelyreturns tonormal.反倒是李维,面色一变以后,立刻恢复正常。„Chatted, myhowdoingwill letyourrepugnantmatter, pestersto the girlcontinuous?”
“说笑了,我怎么会做让你讨厌的事情,对女孩子纠缠不休呢?”Li Weishowed the smilefor the time being, onlythatsmilelooksa littlefalse.李维姑且露出了笑容,只是那笑容看上去有点假。Xu Qianqianmay, no matterhe, the toneis still faint.许芊芊可不管他,语气依旧淡漠。„Otherwise, Ilatersaw that youdetourdirectlygood.”
“不然,我以后见到你直接绕道走也行。”Reallyispersonaggressive statementmanyYoung Lady, thissaying, even iffalsesuch asLi Weialmostcould not hang the forced smile on face.
果然是人狠话不多的大小姐,这话一出,即便虚伪如李维都差点挂不住脸上的假笑了。At that moment, Li Wei can only sink the face, complexionugly/difficult to look atspeechno longer.
Others in squadare the atmospheredo not dareto leaveagain, as ifanythinghas not heardto be the same, casts down one's eyes, noseviewheart, digressing from the topic of discussion.
小队内的其余人更是大气都不敢再出,仿佛什么都没听到一样,眼观鼻,鼻观心,顾左右而言他。Cracks a joke, no matterLi WeiorXu Qianqian, theycannot stir up, at this timedid not install the blind person, does not install the deaf person, will then have the goodfruitto eat.
开玩笑,不管是李维还是许芊芊,他们都惹不起,这时候不装瞎子,不装聋子,回头可是会有好果子吃的。EvenLi Wei's two personal servantsissuchidea.
连李维的两个跟班都是这样的想法。Theironlymixes, is notsilly, canattacktoSu Mingwith heavy blows, toXu Qianqian's words can only timid.
他们只是混,不是傻,对苏明还能重拳出击,对许芊芊的话就只能唯唯诺诺了。Otherwise, was really investigatedbyXu Qianqian, theyaffirmsuffer serious consequences.
否则,真被许芊芊追究起来,他们肯定吃不了兜着走。Thereupon, the atmosphere on off-road vehiclebecomes the thiefto be bad, making the people of drivingbe about the footto shake, the accelerator and brakesalmoststepped onmix.
于是乎,越野车上的气氛就变得贼差,让开车的人都快脚抖了,油门和刹车差点踩混。Until the frontpresents the Illusory Demonform, Li Weiopened the mouth, brokethisseriousatmosphere.
直到前方出现幻魔的身影,李维才开口,打破了这沉重的氛围。„Ok, otherwere not manysays.”Li Weisaid with a calm face: „Does not wantagainby the words that the directorandinstructorsscolded, thistimedisplayedwell.”
“好了,别的就不多说了。”李维沉着脸的道:“不想再被主任和教导员们骂的话,这次好好表现吧。”hearing this, the peoplerestrain the mind, startsto change over toearnestlyopposes the enemystatus/condition that.闻言,众人才收敛起心神,开始认真转入对敌的状态。Xu Qianqiantightened the body, no longerbickers.许芊芊拉紧了身体,不再抬杠。To her, Li Weiis not the trouble, onlysomewhatis always annoying.
对她来说,李维一向都不是什么麻烦,只是有些烦人而已。In the face of the proper business, Xu Qianqian can definitely achieveto disregardLi Wei.
在正事面前,许芊芊完全可以做到无视李维。In the final analysis, Li WeiinXu Qianqian's heart, this degree ofcomponentforget it/that's all.
说到底,李维在许芊芊的心里,就只有这种程度的份量罢了。Therefore, Xu Qianqianhas preparedto relinquish difference, likeLi Wei said that seriouslytreatsthisQuest, reversing the schooland evenis the base cityhigh leveltoownappraisal.
为此,许芊芊已经准备不计前嫌,像李维说的那样,认真对待此次任务,扭转学院乃至是基地市高层对自己的评价。Butat this moment, cellphone in Xu Qianqianpocketvibratedviolently.
“————!”Xu Qianqiancomplexionchanging suddenly, without a second thought, jumps, jumpedfromoff-road vehicle.许芊芊面色陡变,想也不想,一个纵身,从越野车里跳了出来。„What?”
The peoplestanding by, seesXu Qianqian's movementsuddenly, was also startledall of a sudden.
众人正准备战斗,陡然间看到许芊芊的动作,一下子也是怔住了。Only hasLi Wei, does not know that feelsanything, suddenlycomplexionbig change.
“快逃!”Li Weiroared.李维吼了起来。What a pity, at this timeactedagain, is too late.
“——!”In the position that a radicalexplosionsuddenlysinceoff-road vehicleis atjumpspresently, starts the windage, uncovers the detonationflame, brutallydestroyedall.
一阵剧烈的爆炸突然自越野车所在的方位上迸现,掀起爆风,揭起爆炎,无情的摧毁了一切。off-road vehiclewill be exploded the fragmentshortly, the people on vehicleis also exploded the flameto giveto embezzlein abundance, the life and deathdoes not know.越野车顷刻间被炸成了碎片,车上的众人也纷纷都被爆炎给吞没,生死不知。FirstonestepXu Qianqian that is separated fromoff-road vehiclefallsfrom the midair, looks atthis, charming facebecomesextremelyugly/difficult to look at.
先一步脱离越野车的许芊芊自半空中落下,看着这一幕,俏脸变得极其难看。„Young lady!”
“小姐!”„Young lady!”
“小姐!”Meanwhile, form that wears the black clothesone after anotherflees, fallsonXu Qianqian's side, protectedit.
与此同时,一道道身披黑衣的身影接二连三的窜来,落在许芊芊的身边,将其保护了起来。Thesepeople, naturallyareXu Qianqian's subordinated private forces.
这些人,自然是许芊芊麾下的私兵部队。Theyhave been followingsecretlyXu Qianqian, nearbyprotection.
他们一直都在暗地里跟着许芊芊,就近保护。Just, istheyin the timeon the alert, discovered that somepeoplepreparedoff-road vehicle that attackedXu Qianqianto be, firstindeferred to the plan that reached an agreementbeforehand, warnedtoXu Qianqian, makingXu Qianqianmaketo avoidpromptly.
刚刚,就是他们在时刻警惕着,发现有人准备袭击许芊芊所在的越野车,第一时间里按照事先说好的方案,给许芊芊示警,让许芊芊及时做出回避。But the danger, mustapproachat this time.
可危险,这个时候才要来临。„Really, this degree oftrapcould not solveyou, mygoodyounger sister.”
“果然,这种程度的陷阱是解决不了你的啊,我的好妹妹。”Withsuchlaughter, formsfleeagain.
伴随着这样的一个笑声,一道道身影再次窜来。only, thesepeopleno longerwere the Xu Qianqianprivatesoldiers, presented the goalheretonot to protectXu Qianqian, buttosurroundher.只是,这些人就不再是许芊芊的私兵了,出现在这里的目的也不是为了保护许芊芊,而是为了将她包围起来。Butis the person of head, preciselyXu Qianqian's acquaintance.
而为首之人,正是许芊芊的熟人。„Xu Yanyan...”
“许艳艳...”Xu Qianqianlookice-cold.许芊芊神色冰冷。„Madeyouwait for a long time, Younger Sister Qianqian.”
“让你久等了,芊芊妹妹。”Xu Yanyanstep by stepwalks, is licking the knife in hand, shows the joyfulsmile.许艳艳一步一步的走来,舔着手中的小刀,露出愉悦的笑容。„Come, was the timemakes a settlement.”
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