IBJWMC :: Volume #2

#118: Completely different state of mind

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Different advances recklessly from the Li Wei and the others anxious merit, the Su Ming's squad people time guard the performance on Quest in this are actually quite dazzling. 不同于李维等人的急功冒进,苏明小队的众人在此次驻守任务上的表现其实是颇为亮眼的。 Throws except receives Jiang Wanyu that Poisonous Rubber Demon's poison dropped down from the beginning, others in the frontline combat, left behind not the poor result. 抛除一开始就受了毒胶魔的毒而倒下的江婉瑜,其余人在前线作战时,都留下了不菲的成绩。 Most dazzling without doubt is Su Ming and An Zijin. 亮眼的无疑是苏明安子衿 two people in yesterday's first in the whole staff who resists Illusory Demon battles, once showed astonishing Spirit Power, range attack type Spiritual Technique continuous was put forth by two people, although the sequence is not high, the might is very strong, making everyone be startled. 两人在昨天的第一场对抗幻魔的全员作战里,就曾展现出了惊人的灵力,范围攻击类灵性术接连不断的被两人使出,虽序列不高,威力却很强,让所有人都为之吃惊。 Although, after that because of tense tactical situation, people too many attention will not have placed Su Ming and An Zijin's body, but the performance of two people definitely as commanding Commander Duan and military headquarters tops entire defense line of watches. 虽说,在那之后,因为紧张的战况,人们并没有将太多的注意力放在苏明安子衿的身上,但两人的表现肯定是被作为统领全防线的段司令及军部高层们看在眼里的。 The Longyao City aspect has also promised, in this campaign, whose performance, whose contribution is big, will obtain many contribution points, obtains many harvests, since talked big such, that showed that the Longyao City aspect had to arrange the informer to include various fronts momentarily the information, gave to record everyone's performance. 陇曜市方面也许诺过,在此次战役中,谁的表现好,谁的贡献大,就会获得更多的贡献值,得到更多的收获,既然夸下了这样的海口,那就证明陇曜市方面是有布置眼线在随时收录各战线的情报,将所有人的表现都给记录下来的。 The performance of Su Ming and An Zijin fell into in the eyes of these people, finally obtained the strong approval. 苏明安子衿的表现就落入了这些人的眼中,最终获得了高度的评价。 Later, when Jiang Wanyu rests and builds up strength, Su Ming, Yao Beibei, Lei Hao and Ye Bai four people have not put down the combat of frontline, has been observing being in shifts system, is never late for one minute/share one second. 之后,在江婉瑜休养生息期间,苏明姚贝贝雷浩叶白四人也没有放下前线的作战,一直都在遵守轮班制度,从未迟到一分一秒。 In such a case, perhaps Lei Hao and Ye Bai displays averagely, but they are insisted after all finally, definitely had/left the accidental/surprised person to take more victories compared with these midways. 在这样的情况下,雷浩和叶白或许表现平平,但他们终归是坚持到了最后,肯定比那些中途出了意外的人要拿下更多的战果。 Yao Beibei is also, has Su Ming to bring up the rear to her, she is feels depressed about oneself performance, may fall on his in people's eyes, a new student/life of first grade, can like such break through enemy lines in the frontline, but also demonstrated the excellent potential and quality, the appraisal of Yao Beibei can follow together when production costs rise, prices rise too, that was also the natural matter. 姚贝贝也是,有苏明给她压阵,她自己是对自己的表现感到沮丧的,可落在他人眼中,一个一年级的新生,能像那样在前线冲锋陷阵,还展现出了过人的潜力和素质,这样的姚贝贝的评价会跟着一起水涨船高,那亦是理所当然的事情。 In addition Jiang Wanyu, although the midway drops down, in resting and building up strength, actually Poisonous Rubber Demon's poison can also only depend on the effort of squad member to obtain the restoration, this naturally makes the appraisal of Su Ming and the others promote again. 再加上江婉瑜虽中途倒下,一直在休养生息,却在中了毒胶魔的毒以后还能只靠小队成员的努力获得恢复,这自然就让苏明等人的评价再度提升。 Therefore, perhaps Su Ming and the others had not discovered, but they in high levels in the eyes, the performance in this campaign, possibly return dazzling compared with the Li Wei's squad person. 所以,苏明等人或许没有发现,但他们在高层们的眼中,在此次战役中的表现,可能比李维小队的人还亮眼 The Li Wei's squad person is the corrupt merit advances recklessly, does a distress, there is a person who Xu Qianqian this does not get on well with others to have no interest in coordinate radically, making the squad be overall, in high levels in the eyes, such a group of so-called top students, must reduce without doubt minute/share. 李维小队的人又是贪功冒进,搞得一身狼狈,又有许芊芊这样不合群的人根本无心配合,让小队整体貌合神离,在高层们的眼中,这样的一群所谓的顶尖学员,无疑是要减分的。 Finally is, in student level of each squad, appraisal of Su Ming's squad in this campaign, arranges entered the top three unexpectedly. 结果就是,在学员这一级的各个小队中,苏明小队在此次战役中的评价,竟是不知不觉间排进了前三之列 Yes. 是的。 Su Ming and the others from a ordinary ordinary student squad, turned actually displayed dazzling, had ability, had the acting, had the consideration, the unity coordinates, also tough splendid squad. 苏明等人硬是从一支平平无奇的普通学员小队,变成了表现亮眼,有能力,有担当,有考量,团结又配合,还有韧性的出色小队。 contribution points of their squad, group of six adds, actually already arrange first three in all student squads, the student squad that even if fights bravely in other defense lines in addition, they can arrange first ten. 他们小队的贡献值,一行六人加起来,其实已经在所有的学员小队中排进前三,即便加上在其余防线奋战的学员小队,他们都能排进前十之列。 A does not have any top student, and even including an elite student no ordinary student squad, unexpectedly can achieve this degree, does this display could it be that in addition insufficient dazzling? 一支没有任何一个顶尖学员,乃至是连一个精英学员都没有的普通学员小队,居然能够做到这个程度,这表现难道还不够亮眼吗? Therefore, Su Ming's group many received some attention, finally is considered that has ability to hold the post of Elimination Quest of important region, successfully becomes one of the B-5 Area punitive expedition squads. 因此,苏明一行多少受到了一些关注,最终被认为有能力担任重要区域的讨伐任务,成功成为了B-5区域的讨伐小队之一。 Su Ming then wants to understand this point, will thus say that the performance was excessive. 苏明便是想明白了这一点,因而才会说表现过头了。 This after the people explained that people understands clearly, while worried. 将这点跟众人说明白了以后,众人一边了然,一边又不禁担忧了起来。 Appraisal promotion is a good deed, but by our strengths, really can be competent Elimination Quest of important region?” “评价提升是件好事,但以我们的实力,真能胜任重要区域的讨伐任务吗?” Lei Hao somewhat does not have the confidence rarely. 雷浩难得有些没信心。 I feel dangerous.” Ye Bai also said with a frown: Don't forget, us, but also Jiang-kouhai fell behind.” “我觉得悬。”叶白皱着眉头的道:“别忘了,我们这边可是还有江学妹掉队了的。” Only then our five people?” Yao Beibei cannot bear say: Really can be good?” “只有我们五个人吗?”姚贝贝忍不住道:“真的能行?” Elder Brother Su Ming...” An Zijin displayed itself to encounter a difficulty again does not look at the Su Ming instinct definitely, shifted to Su Ming, anxious. 苏明哥哥...”安子衿则再次发挥了自己遇事不决看苏明的本能,转向苏明,忧虑了起来。 Su Ming scratched the head, although smiled bitterly in the heart, has not actually displayed extremely in the worry. 苏明挠了挠头,虽在心中苦笑了一声,却没有表现得太过于担心。 Quest has not requested us to crusade against many Illusory Demon, if really encountered the danger, we escape and that's the end.” Su Ming said: moreover, is responsible for B-5 Area the person of punitive expedition not only then our squad.” 任务又没有要求我们必须讨伐多少幻魔,如果真遇到了危险,我们逃就是了。”苏明如此说道:“况且,负责B-5区域的讨伐的人又不仅仅只有我们小队。” The punitive expedition of each region, is conducted by several squads of multiple together. 每个区域的讨伐,都是由复数的好几支小队一起进行的。 The punitive expedition of important region are more, dozens squad together make a move are very normal things, many specialized professional squads. 重要区域的讨伐更多,几十支小队一起出手都是很正常的事情,其中不乏一些专业的职业者小队。 This Quest, is seemingly heavy, instead does not have danger of that An Zijin and the others imagination actually. 任务,看似沉重,实则反而没有安子衿等人想象的那么危险。 Just Commander Duan also said that encounters the danger time, we can send the distress signal, making nearby squad come the rescue, therefore, we act according to one's capacity then it will be alright, does not need too to be worried.” “刚刚段司令也说了,遇到危险的时候,我们可以发求救信号,让附近的小队过来救援,所以,我们量力而为就行,不需要太担心。” Su Ming's tone is relaxed. 苏明的语气就还算轻松。 Was the state of mind is mainly different. 主要是心境不同了。 He has run up to beyond the front not to know many times alone, but also swept a wave of Illusory Demon material, subdued a Illusory Demon regiment, even the experiment of strength has made many times outside, is familiar and easy. 他都已经独自跑到战线外不知道多少次了,还扫荡了一波幻魔素材,收服了一支幻魔军团,连实力的试验都在外面做过不少次,早已轻车熟路。 But the large scale rise of strength, made Su Ming many many confidence, before does not need to look like again like that anytime and anywhere cautious. 而实力的大幅度提升,更让苏明多了不少的信心,不需要再像之前那般,随时随地都小心翼翼的。 high-class professional is true expert, which to is the focus of attention, by love, recommanded and respect. 上级职业者已经是真正的强者,到哪都备受关注,备受爱戴,备受推崇及尊敬。 Awakening of Vision Mark makes Su Ming real High-Class Warlock, there is a far ultra 3-Star Hunter -based Hunter strength that Nightmare Type bloodline transforms, present Su Ming does not use everything fraught with uncertainty, only needed to maintain careful mentality then it will be alright. 见纹的觉醒让苏明成为了货真价实的上级术士,又有基于噩梦种血脉改造出来的远超三星猎人猎人实力,现在的苏明就不用凡事都畏首畏尾的,只需要保持小心谨慎的心态就行了。 Perhaps by Su Ming's relaxed attitude to the infection, the anxiety in people heart was reduced much. 或许是被苏明的轻松态度给感染,众人心中的不安消减了不少。 „The right, real situation is not wonderful sends the distress signal or escapes directly, we do not fear disgraced.” “也对,真的情况不妙就发求救信号或者直接逃吧,我们又不怕丢人。” Lei Hao restored the casual appearance. 雷浩恢复了大大咧咧的模样。 The people nod one after another, immediately discussed the Quest matter. 众人相继点头,随即讨论起了任务的事情。 Other squads were so, had also determined the responsible region, one by one encircled in the same place, discussed that making the conference site is full of the noise. 其余小队亦是如此,都已经确定了自己负责的区域,都一一围在一块,讨论了起来,让会场变得充满喧嚣。 Is the Li Wei's squad people starts inspired mind/energetic, looked at each other mutually. 就是李维小队的众人都开始振奋精神,互相对视了起来。 They want to recall beforehand loses self-control, thus was determined that must display well, cannot be again the same as before absolutely. 他们想挽回之前的失态,因而决心要好好表现,绝对不能再跟之前一样了。 What a pity, how they want, Xu Qianqian not to care as before. 可惜,他们想怎么样,许芊芊依旧不关心。 She first shot a look at Su Ming's direction one, then gazed at to approach Xu Yanyan's direction. 她先是瞥了苏明的方向一眼,然后注视向了许艳艳的方向 War had arrived at the last act, should she to begin?” “战争已经到了尾声,她应该要动手了吧?” Xu Qianqian has such idea, got hold of the waist dagger. 许芊芊带着这样的想法,握紧了腰间匕首。 Xu Yanyan actually just like forgetting Xu Qianqian's existence, was gathering surrounding family Hunter, serious is discussing anything. 许艳艳却宛如遗忘了许芊芊的存在似的,聚集着周围的家族猎人,正一脸严肃的讨论着什么。 But, no one discovered, before the discussion, Xu Yanyan with standing exchanged a look in Commander Duan's side Gao Xu. 但,没有人发现,在讨论之前,许艳艳与站在段司令身边高旭交换了一个眼神。 Gao Xu without trace nodded, lets Xu Yanyan also without trace outlined corners of the mouth. 高旭不着痕迹点了点头,让许艳艳不着痕迹的勾勒了一下嘴角。 At once, Xu Yanyan returns to the original condition, like crosses nothing happened, continued to chitchat with surrounding family Hunters. 旋即,许艳艳才恢复原状,如同什么都没有发生过一样,继续和周围的家族猎人们攀谈了起来。 ...... ...... After breaking up, professionals starts the respective residence to reorganize, gave the army guarding of defense line. 散会之后,职业者们开始回各自的住所进行整顿,将防线的驻守交给了军队。 Lost the support of Spirit Demon Prison, the pressure descent of frontline, even does not have professional, gives the people of army to guard, is also feasible. 失去了灵魔狱的支援,前线的压力陡降,就算没有职业者,交给军队的人进行镇守,亦是可行的。 professionals Quest has no longer guarded, but is the attack. 职业者们任务已经不再是驻守,而是进攻。 This is the last stage of war, so long as passed this pass/test, that can make all end. 这是战争的最后一个阶段,只要度过这一关,那就能让一切落幕。 thought until here, exhausted professionals also cannot help but cheer up the mind comes, chose insisted. 想到这里,身心疲惫的职业者们也不由得振作起精神来,纷纷都选择了坚持。 Su Ming's group returns to the dwelling to reorganize similarly, planned, then set off, starts to crusade against Illusory Demon. 苏明一行同样回到住处进行整顿,打算之后便出发,开始讨伐幻魔 only, what making entire group accidental/surprised is, when they return to the dwelling, has waked in Jiang Wanyu of deep sleep unexpectedly. 只是,让一行人意外的是,当他们回到住处时,一直在沉睡的江婉瑜居然醒了过来。 Wanyu!” 婉瑜!” An Zijin and Yao Beibei were pleasantly surprised to the extreme, sees Jiang Wanyu that sits from the bed, immediately threw without delay. 安子衿和姚贝贝均都惊喜万分,一看到从床上坐起来的江婉瑜,立即二话不说的扑了过去。 All right?” “没事吧?” How felt?” “感觉怎么样了?” Lei Hao and Ye Bai also goes forward hastily. 雷浩和叶白也连忙上前。 Su Ming stands in behind, observed Jiang Wanyu's complexion, discovered that she has almost fully restored. 苏明站在后面,观察了一下江婉瑜的脸色,发现她已经差不多完全恢复了。 In, Jiang Wanyu is then smiling at this moment at the same time, while spoke in extreme gratitude towards everyone. 此时此刻里,江婉瑜便一边笑着,一边感激万分的对着众人出声 I felt that has been much better, thank you.” “我感觉已经好多了,谢谢大家。” Jiang Wanyu lowers the head. 江婉瑜低下了头。 Regarding the people on the scene, Jiang Wanyu is truly grateful. 对于在场的众人,江婉瑜确实挺感激的。 Not only because of the people to her attendance , because everyone has not given up saving her from beginning to end. 不仅是因为众人对她的照顾,更是因为大家自始至终都没有放弃过挽救她。 Especially Su Ming, Jiang Wanyu had not forgotten, oneself can offend, was lucky anyone. 尤其是苏明,江婉瑜可没有忘记,自己能够得罪,都是多亏了谁。 Senpai...” 学长...” Jiang Wanyu looks to Su Ming, opens mouth, as to say anything. 江婉瑜就看向苏明,张了张嘴,似乎想说些什么。 Su Ming shakes the head, extend the hand, broke Jiang Wanyu. 苏明摇了摇头,伸出手,打断了江婉瑜 You were all right are good.” “你没事就好了。” Su Ming does not want to pester in this topic. 苏明可不想在这个话题上纠缠。 After all, he has not explained Shi Lin's origin to the people, without explaining Yun Langyue's origin, why can call such two people including oneself, has not explained. 毕竟,他至今都还没向众人解释施林的来历,也没解释云琅月的来历,连自己为什么能叫来这么两个人,都没有解释过。 In order to exempt the people mentioned this topic, Su Ming can only choose to end it. 为免众人提及这个话题,苏明只能选择终结掉它了。 Does not know that all these Jiang Wanyu also think Su Ming is embarrassed, only grateful looked at Su Ming both eyes, no longer mentioned, actually gave this matter deeply at heart. 不知道这一切的江婉瑜还以为苏明是不好意思,只是感激的看了苏明两眼,不再提及,却将这件事给深深的记在了心里。 The people inquired after the well being to Jiang Wanyu one, confirmed that after Jiang Wanyu truly had nothing in a big way obstructed, just now felt relieved. 众人对江婉瑜一阵嘘寒问暖,确认江婉瑜确实没什么大碍了以后,方才放心了。 But, Jiang Wanyu is knowing the Spirit Demon Prison entrance success seal, after the war has been close to the end, immediately makes to express. 但,江婉瑜在知道灵魔狱入口成功封印,战争已经进入尾声以后,立刻做出表示。 I must go with everyone together!” “我也要跟大家一起去!” Jiang Wanyu then crawled from the bed. 江婉瑜便从床上爬了起来。 „It is not good!” “不行!” You must rest well!” “你得好好休息!” An Zijin and Yao Beibei hurry to prevent her. 安子衿姚贝贝赶紧阻止她。 But Jiang Wanyu really does not want to continue to lie down. 江婉瑜实在不想继续躺下去了。 I have troubled everyone too many things, cannot continue to lie down again here!” “我已经麻烦了大家太多的事情,不能再继续在这里躺下去了!” Jiang Wanyu very stubborn opens the mouth. 江婉瑜很是顽固的开口。 I am also one of the squad members, making me go together!” “我也是小队的成员之一,让我一起去吧!” Obviously, Jiang Wanyu did not plan lay down to finish, sits idle and enjoys the fruits. 显然,江婉瑜是不打算躺到一切结束,坐享其成的。 The people see unable to calm down Jiang Wanyu, can only simultaneously looks to Su Ming. 众人见劝不住江婉瑜,只能齐齐的看向苏明 „Do you determine you to be able?” “你确定你可以?” Su Ming sized up Jiang Wanyu one, asked one. 苏明打量了江婉瑜一眼,问了一句。 I can!” “我可以!” Jiang Wanyu straight to Su Ming's line of sight. 江婉瑜笔直的对上了苏明的视线 In his hand, that thinks of small cloth bag of alchemy short sword, its closely was gripped. 其手中,那装着炼金短刀的小布囊,被其紧紧的握住了。 Sees that Su Ming knows, Jiang Wanyu to no longer be a drag on people, planned to play the trump card. 见状,苏明就知道,江婉瑜为了不再拖众人的后腿,打算打出王牌了。 Such being the case... 既然如此... Ok.” Su Ming refreshed complying said: You come together.” “行。”苏明爽快的答应道:“你就一起来吧。” Thanks Senpai!” Jiang Wanyu look inspired revealed the smile. “谢谢学长!”江婉瑜神色振奋的露出了笑颜。 At that moment, the people reorganized to equip and item slightly, immediately left the dwelling. 当下,众人稍微整顿了一下装备及道具,随即离开了住处。 In a while, off-road vehicle start to drive out of the camp, goes toward each region of this side front front. 没过多久,一辆辆越野车开始驶出营地,往此方战线前方的各个区域而去。 Su Ming's group is then one of them. 苏明一行便在其中。 Li Wei's squad that Xu Qianqian is, similarly so. 许芊芊所在的李维小队,同样如此。 No one discovered, in direction that Li Wei's squad departs, off-road vehicle pursued one after another. 没有人发现,在李维小队离去的方向,一辆辆的越野车相继的追了上去。 The good play, must start. 好戏,就要开始了。
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