About after threeminutes, Shi Linrefineonebottle of potion.
大约三分钟以后,施林炼成了一瓶药剂。Hefalls onpotion the wound of Jiang Wanyushoulderdirectly, makingJiang Wanyu's woundexude the "chī chī"sound.
The Jiang Wanyucannot help butpainsnort/hummakes noise, the bodyrolledonegroup, as ifverypainfulappearance.江婉瑜不由得痛哼出声,身体都团成了一团,似乎很痛苦的样子。„Wanyu!”
“婉瑜!”An ZijinandYao Beibeiexude the yawp that worries about.安子衿和姚贝贝发出担忧的叫喊声。Lei Hao and Ye Baiis also opening the probe head of eye.雷浩和叶白也睁大着眼睛的探头。Only hasSu Ming and Yun Langyue, directlylooks atall these, lookancient well without ripples.
只有苏明和云琅月,径直的看着这一切,神色古井无波。Untilafter a while, potion in Shi Linpouredup, making the wound on Jiang Wanyushoulderalsostop the anomalysound.
直到一会以后,施林手里的药剂才倒光了,让江婉瑜肩上的伤口也停下了异常的动静。In such a case, although the wound on Jiang Wanyushoulderhas not hadwhatrestorationphenomenonmarvelously, actuallydoes not know when fromstartedto stopto bleed.
The pain in young girlmouthsnort/hum is also changes tooneto spit the breath, the shortly afterwardsheadonecrookedly, lost the consciousnessunexpectedly.
“婉瑜!”An ZijinandYao Beibeicall out in alarmsimultaneously.安子衿和姚贝贝同时惊呼而起。„Relax, heronlyfell asleep.”Shi Linexpressionlessly said: „Herwas too weak, shouldrest, tohelprestore, now the toxinstopsinitially, canenter the dormancyphenomenon, was the body the signal that startedto restore.”
“放心,她只是睡着了而已。”施林面无表情的道:“她的身体太虚弱了,早就应该休息,以便于恢复,现在毒素初步止住了,能够进入休眠现象,便是身体开始恢复的信号。”Saying, Shi Linput outseveralbottles of alchemical potionfrom the toolbox.
这么说着,施林又从工具箱里拿出了几瓶炼金药剂。„Thisiscanalchemical potion of blood recoveryas well ascanrestore the injuryandstaminaalchemical potion, feedsonetoherevery two , three hours, quickcanrestoresuch asbeginning, butbeforerestoringto be bestagainnot to participate in the fight, otherwisecanrestore the bodyto have one misfortune after another.”
“这是能够补血的炼金药剂以及能够恢复伤势及体力的炼金药剂,每隔两、三个小时给她喂一口,很快就能恢复如初,但在恢复之前最好别再参与战斗,否则会给恢复中的身体雪上加霜。”AlthoughShi LinispersonalitysentimentstrangeAlchemist Warlock, but is also utterly loyalto fulfill duty, withoutreceivingalso has no problem, oncereceived the order and request, heearnestcompletion.施林虽是个性情古怪的炼金术士,但还算是尽忠尽职,没有接取也就算了,一旦接取了订单及委托,那他就会认认真真的完成。Hethenexhorts the item that severalneedto pay attention, whenAn ZijinandYao Beibeitwo peoplerepeatedly nod, just nowfollowsto nod, finished the work.
他便嘱咐了几项需要注意的事项,等到安子衿及姚贝贝两人连连点头,方才跟着点头,结束了工作。„Thisdid not have the issue.”
“这样就没问题了。”Shi Linshifted toSu Ming.施林转向了苏明。„Good.”Su Mingrubbish, said with a nod: „ExhaustedGrandmaster.”
“好。”苏明也没有废话,点头说道:“劳烦大师了。”„Completes the request of contract, is not in the way.”Shi Linlightly said: „Since the workhas been completed, Ifirstwalked.”
“完成契约的要求而已,不碍事。”施林淡淡的道:“既然工作已经完成了,那我就先走了。”„Grandmasterfirstwalksonestep.”Yun Langyueshows a faint smile, said: „Iwill pursuelater.”
“大师先走一步吧。”云琅月微微一笑,道:“我待会会追上去的。”„Knew.”Shi Linhas not inquired aboutanything, turns aroundto leavedirectly.
“知道了。”施林没有过问什么,直接转身离开。Then, trulyalreadynothis anything.
接下来,确实已经没有他的什么事情了。WhenShi Linleft the room, the peoplelookto lieon the bed, the deep sleepin the past, the breathactuallygraduallybecameevenJiang Wanyu, just noweach otherlooked at each otherone, could not bearbreathes a sigh of relieflightly.
“太好了。”Yao Beibeicrying tears of joy.姚贝贝喜极而泣。Lei Hao and Ye Baialsoarrives atSu Ming's side, beat his chest.雷浩和叶白亦是来到苏明的身边,捶了一下他的胸口。„Never expected thatyoureallyhave the means.”
“没想到你真有办法。”„Where is thatfrominvitingAlchemist Warlock?”
The two peoplelookalsorelaxedfinally.两人的神色也终于是放松了下来。An Zijinwantsto arrive atSu Ming's side, expressedownjoy.安子衿更是想来到苏明的身边,表达自己的喜悦。But, at this time, in the ear of Yun Langyue's voiceclearintroductionpeople.
可是,这时,云琅月的声音清晰的传入众人的耳中。„Yourlucktrulynot bad, justcaught up withGrandmaster Shi Linto arrive at the time on thisfront, can only say,thisattractiveyounger sisterassigned/lifeshould notcertainly.”
“你们的运气确实不错哦,刚好赶上了施林大师来到这条战线上的时机,只能说,这位好看的妹妹命不该绝啊。”Whensuchchucklesoundspreads to the ear of people, the peoplerealizedfinally, inSu Ming's side, unexpectedlyisalsoanotherperson.
当这样的轻笑声传入众人的耳中时,众人才总算是意识到了,在苏明的身边,竟是还有另外一个人。And, thisperson of looksenchanting, is beautifulmakesonefeelto suffocate.
“你...”Lei Hao and Ye Baijust nowYun Langyueincomeeyeground, immediatelyshockingasturned very quiet.雷浩和叶白才刚将云琅月收入眼底,立即惊艳似的屏住了呼吸。„Who are you?”
“你是谁啊?”An Zijinequallyfeelssomewhatshockingly, butlooks atYun Langyueto standinSu Mingappearance, subconsciousraised a vigilance of faint trace.安子衿同样感到有些惊艳,但看云琅月站在苏明身旁的模样,下意识的就升起了一丝丝的警惕。Without the means that Yun Langyuelookswas too attractive, by the appearance under her, the stature and makingsis notexplodesshesuchshyyoung missonly, feelingwill beonewill enticevixen of man.
没办法,云琅月长得太好看了,单论外貌就不下于她,身材和气质更是完爆她这样青涩的小姑娘,给人的感觉就是一个会勾引男人的狐狸精。At least, what we definitely know is that the lethality of thisElder Sistertomale, will be very highis very high.
至少,可以肯定的是,这个姐姐对男性的杀伤力,将会很高很高。SawsuddenlysuchenchantingappearslikevixensameElder SisterinSu Ming's side, part of An Zijinaswomanonunconsciouslywas vigilant.
陡然见到这么一位千娇百媚得有如狐狸精一样的姐姐出现在苏明的身边,安子衿身为女人的部分就不自觉的警惕了起来。ReviewsYun Langyue, looks that An Zijinin the eyesteasedcompletely.
反观云琅月,看着安子衿的眼中满是戏谑。„Are youYounger Sister An Zijin?”Yun Langyuehas not repliedAn Zijin's question, insteadsaid with a smile: „Reallylooks can very cute, likedoll, Elder Sisterhugyou?”
“你就是安子衿妹妹吧?”云琅月没有回答安子衿的问题,反而笑吟吟的道:“果然长得很可爱呢,像个洋娃娃一样,姐姐可以抱抱你吗?”Yun LangyuethenapproachestowardAn Zijin.云琅月便朝着安子衿逼近过去。„Eh...”
“呃...”An Zijinsomewhatflinchedimmediatelydrew backhalfstep, shortly afterwardsseemed like not willingto show weakness, stopped the footsteps.安子衿顿时有些退缩般的退了半步,紧接着又像是不愿意示弱似的,生生的停下了脚步。Thisstops, An ZijinbyYun Langyueholdingone.
这一停,安子衿就被云琅月给抱了一个正着。„hū hū, is softandcomfortable, reallycutelikedoll.”Yun Langyuesaid somewhat happily: „Does cutetolettingElder Sisterwantyourtake home, Younger Sister Zijin, yourElder SisterIto go hometo consider as finishedsimplytogether?”
“呼呼,又软又舒服,真的像个洋娃娃一样可爱呢。”云琅月有些开心的道:“可爱到让姐姐都想把你抱回家了,子衿妹妹,干脆你就姐姐我一起回家算了吧?”„Inot!”An Zijinworked loose the hug of Yun Langyuehastily, slightlyruns up toSu Ming's side, graspedhisarm, shouted: „Iam the Elder Brother Su Mingperson, mustgoalsogoes to the Elder Brother Su Minghome, will not go toyour family!”
The view of An Zijinthispanting with rage, letsYun Langyueraised the brow.安子衿这气呼呼的说法,却是让云琅月眉头一挑。only, Yun Langyue's smiledoes not reduce the slightest, evenwas more abundantseveralpoints.只是,云琅月的笑容不减分毫,甚至还更盛了几分。„Isn't thisjust?”
“这样不是刚好吗?”Yun Langyuesaid.云琅月是这么说的。Makes the peoplefeel strangewhyYun Langyuemustsay, inSu Mingheartthump.
就让众人都奇怪云琅月为什么要这么说的时候,苏明心中咯噔了一下。„Was bad!”
“坏了!”Heknows,thisYun Langyuemuststun the world.
他知道,这个云琅月又要语出惊人了。Sure enough, has not waited forSu Mingto make noiseto prevent, said that Yun Langyueis then prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements.
果不其然,还不等苏明出声阻止,云琅月便语不惊人死不休的说了一句。„We must bring back to the family/homeyourElder Brother Su Mingin any case, right nowjustcanbuy one and get one free, Younger Sister Zijin, youIgo backwithElder Sistertogether!”
The words that Yun Langyuequiteponders, makingSu Mingcoverownface.云琅月颇为玩味的话语,令苏明捂住自己的脸了。„Ha?”
“哈?”An Zijinalsojumped, seemed touchedreverse scale.安子衿也跳了起来,仿佛被触及了逆鳞。„Does belt/bring... bring back to the home?”
“带...带回家?”Lei Hao and Ye Baialsoimmersesinattractiveness value that Yun Langyuegoes against heaven's willimmediately, hearing this, at the scenestared blankly.雷浩和叶白还沉浸在云琅月逆天的颜值当下,听到这话,当场愣在那里。„Do not listen toherto speak irresponsibly.”
“你们别听她乱说。”Su Minghurryingstandsto spike a rumour.苏明赶紧站出来辟谣。An Zijinactuallyseizedhim.安子衿却一把揪住了他。„Elder Brother Su Ming.”An Zijinaskedin a low voice: „Whothis is vixen?”
“苏明哥哥。”安子衿低声问道:“这个狐狸精到底是谁啊?”At this moment, An Zijin's voicechanged, not onlybecomesverylow and deep, but alsoresults incoldlydoes not make sense, cannot help butmadeto treatinJiang WanyuYao Beibeitenderbodyshakes.
这一刻里,安子衿的声线都变了,不仅变得很低沉,还冷得不像话,令得待在江婉瑜身边的姚贝贝都不由得娇躯一抖。Su Mingalsothought that the whole bodyhas fled a chill in the air, explainedhastilymakes noise.苏明也觉得浑身窜过一丝寒意,连忙解释出声。„Sheis the friend of mine, usuallyquitelikesplaying, likescracking a joke, herjokenot taking seriously!”
“她是我的朋友,平时比较爱玩,喜欢开玩笑,别把她的玩笑话给当真了!”These words, but alsowithoutlettingAn Zijinfeels at ease, thentakes the leadto tradeYun Langyue's sad reply.
这句话,还没有让安子衿安心下来,便率先换来云琅月伤心的回复。„Othersare have been very earnest, howcanbe the joke?”
“人家可是一直都很认真的,怎么会是玩笑话呢?”Yun Langyueas ifreally felt sadly same, startsto wipetearssecretly, Isee the appearance that stillpities, as ifmadenearbyLei HaoandYe Baia littleloved dearly.云琅月仿佛真的感到伤心了一样,开始偷偷抹眼泪,那我见犹怜的模样,令得一旁的雷浩及叶白都似乎有点心疼了起来。What a pity, Su Mingdoes not eat this set, not onlynottenderhearted, but alsostaredheroneeyes.
可惜,苏明一点都不吃她这一套,不仅没有心软,还瞪了她一眼。„Does a bit less, haven't Iknownyou?”
“少来,我还不知道你?”Su Mingis certain, his is seekingwithoneselfhappily.苏明可以肯定,这丫的又在拿自己寻开心了。oneselfhad said that so long ascanevery daymake fun ofhim, seesheembarrassedhelplessappearance, thatcan the nextthreebowls of food, eat to the full.本人可是曾经说过的,只要能够每天捉弄他,看到他窘迫无奈的模样,那就能下三碗饭,吃得饱饱的。
The fact is also so.
“呵呵。”Yun Langyuejust like then turning hostileto be the same, showed the smileall of a sudden.云琅月便宛如在变脸一样,一下子又是露出了笑容。„Good, did not playwithyou.”Yun Langyuesmiles, to turn to others on the sceneimmediately, said: „Such asstraight man of thispuzzledcharacter and style said that Iwashisfriend, IcalledYun Langyue, youcalledmynamethen it will be alrightdirectly.”
“好吧,不跟你玩了。”云琅月抿嘴一笑,随即才转向在场的其余人,道:“如这个不解风情的直男所言,我是他的朋友,我叫云琅月,你们直接叫我的名字就行了。”Untilthis time, Yun Langyuebecamegraceful, seemed likeappropriateYoung Ladyto be the same, let the peoplecannot help butveryrelaxingkeel.
直到这个时候,云琅月才变得落落大方了起来,看起来就像是个得体的大小姐一样,让众人都不由得挺直腰脊。„You... hello/you good, IcalledLei Hao.”
“你...你好,我叫雷浩。”„IcalledYe Bai.”
“我叫叶白。”Lei Hao and Ye Baisomewhatis cautious.雷浩和叶白就有些拘谨。Obviously, inYun Langyueis like this maturelike the honey peachsamebigbeautiful womanin front, even iftheyfeltanxiously.
显然,在云琅月这样成熟得有如水蜜桃一样的大美女面前,就算是他们都不禁感到紧张了起来。„I... IamYao Beibei.”
“我...我是姚贝贝。”Yao Beibeialsohurriesto set outto salute, introduced itself.姚贝贝也赶紧起身行礼,介绍了自己。As forAn Zijin, but alsoinfacepanting with rageis holdingSu Ming's arm, does not make noise.
还出什么声呢?Otherstimesfrom the beginningcalledhername, clearlywasknowsher, doesn't sheabsolutely needto introduce oneself?
人家一开始的时候就叫出她的名字了,明显是认识她的,她根本没必要自我介绍吧?Without a doubt, like thisis thinkingAn ZijinhadsomeresistancepsychologytoYun Langyue.
毋庸置疑,这样想着的安子衿还是对云琅月起了一些抵抗心理的。As everyone knows, Yun Langyuenot onlyknowsAn Zijin.
殊不知,云琅月不仅是认识安子衿而已。Everyoneon the scene, Yun Langyueknows.
在场的所有人,云琅月都是认识的。„Iknowyou, are youhisteammate?”Yun Langyueshot a look at Su Ming, smilingly said: „Such being the case, thatdoes not need is so politetome, IandSu Mingare very ripe, youtreated asperson on one's own sidethen it will be alrightme.”
“我知道你们,你们都是他的队友吧?”云琅月瞥了苏明一眼,笑盈盈的道:“既然如此,那就不用对我这么客气,我和苏明很熟,你们把我当做自己人就行了。”„Hehe.”Su Minggavetwocharactertrue wordsimmediately.
“呵呵。”苏明顿时给出了二字真言。„Veryripe...”An Zijinsank the face.
“很熟...”安子衿则沉下了脸。Lei Hao and Ye BailookstoSu Ming, the in the eyeslook, clearly is to make Su Mingexplain, whyheknewsuchattractivebeautiful elder sister.雷浩和叶白看向苏明,眼中的神色,分明就是让苏明解释一下,他为什么认识了这么漂亮的大美女姐姐。Su Mingis disinclinedto pay attention tothesetwofriend who is a bad influences, after the peoplefinishedintroduced oneself, suchsaid.苏明懒得理会这两个损友,在众人结束了自我介绍以后,这么说了一句。„JustGrandmasterwasshebrings.”
The implied meaningis, oneselfaretorescueJiang Wanyu, rescuescute kouhai, has toYun Langyuecalling.
言下之意就是,自己是为了救江婉瑜,救可爱的学妹,才不得不把云琅月给叫来的。These wordsexplainedwhyYun Langyuewill appearhere, gave the peoplein disguised form a suggestion, making the peoplethink that Yun Langyueis the reinforcement who Su Mingmoves.
The peoplethenexpressed gratitudetoYun Langyuehastily.
众人这才连忙向云琅月道谢。Yun Langyueshakes the head, making the peoplenot care.云琅月摇了摇头,让众人别在意。Naturally, ifshecanlittlesaytwo, do not add onthat„after all is the request of my familygreat benefactor”is better.
当然,她要是能少说两句,别加上那句“毕竟是我家大恩人的请求”就更好了。In any case, Su Mingsaw after numerousin people's eyesthat„, remembersexplainedwell”look.
反正,苏明是看到了众人眼中那“之后记得好好解释一下”的神色的。EspeciallyAn Zijin, thenlost the focal distanceeyein the hidden bitterness, makesSu Mingsomewhattimid.
尤其是安子衿,那在幽怨中失去了焦距似的眼睛,着实让苏明有些胆怯。Realized after oneself , must be interrogatedoneto pass, Su Mingcasts the vision that hatestowardYun Langyue.
“呵呵。”Yun Langyueactuallysmiledvery muchhappily, smilesextremely joyful.云琅月却很是开心的笑了,笑得异常愉悦。
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