IMBFC :: Volume #24

#2338: Immeasurable golden light big mercy palm

In the sky the densely packed day demon, hears this sound, as if suffered anything to cause heavy losses unexpectedly general, if in abundance the rain fell. 天空上密密麻麻的天魔,听到这个声音,竟然仿佛遭受了什么重创一般,纷纷如雨落下。 A Buddha sound, clears away all evil spirits! 一声佛音,涤荡一切魑魅魍魉! Gets sucked into the hell scene western Buddha Kingdom Buddhist priest Buddha, hears this Buddha sound, first is confused, is the instinct feels the mind to be peaceful, no longer fears, no longer despairs, as if that extremely cheerful hope is close at hand. 深陷地狱般场景的西方佛国的僧人佛陀们,听到这一声佛音,先是迷茫,然后是本能地觉得心神安宁,不再恐惧,不再绝望,仿佛那极乐和希望都近在眼前。 What exactly had? How did the sky of this terrifying turn into the golden color suddenly?” “到底发生什么了?这恐怖的天空怎么突然变成金色了?” Sound sounds comfortable, not only that but also a word shakes falls myriad days of demon, did this contain to tall Foli the Buddha sound?” “声音听起来好舒服,不仅如此,还一言震落万千天魔,这难道是蕴含了至高佛理的佛音吗?” Looks quickly! In ground that ascension, but the golden light, started to change the shape!” “快看!地面上那升腾而起的金光,开始改变形状了!” The Buddhist priests look changed color Heaven and Earth suddenly, is excited the sentiment to be difficult to control self. Although they do not know that this powerful strength came from where, but they know, this strength belongs to their Buddhism, this is the hope of Western Buddha Kingdom!! 僧人们看着突然变了颜色的天地,都是激动得情难自禁。虽然他们不知道这强大的力量来自于哪里,但他们知道,这份力量是属于他们佛教的,这是西方佛国的希望!! A den of day demon clan, in black cavity. 天魔一族的老巢,黑色空洞内。 Five peerless day demons, saw the huge golden character in ground, is centered on their den central extensions unexpectedly, does not immediately feel wonderfully. 五头绝世天魔,看到了地面上的巨大金色卍字符,竟是以它们的老巢为中心扩张的,顿时觉得不妙。 Destroys it!” “破坏掉它!” And a peerless day demon opens the mouth to say. 其中一头绝世天魔开口道。 Roar...... kills!!” “吼……杀!!” Dozens giant day demons and five peerless day demons, charge into the bottom simultaneously character, the terrifying strength seems the sea mighty waves to be vast, no one may keep off! 几十头巨型天魔和五头绝世天魔,同时冲向地底的“卍”字符,恐怖的力量好似海洋般波澜浩瀚,无人可挡! However also at this time, the infinite golden light ascended from the golden character, started to concentrate condenses, finally formed one to extend 30,000 li (0.5 km) giant golden palm. 然而也在这时,无限金光从金色字符内升腾而起,开始浓缩凝聚,最后形成了一个延绵三万里的巨大金色手掌。 Golden palm, the Heaven and Earth myriad things were covered by a strange Buddha principle rule, the innumerable golden lines cover in the Heaven and Earth spread, in the multi-dimensional space alternation, forms the pouch day to include the place the highest good principle. 金色手掌一出,天地万物都被一股奇异的佛理规则笼罩,无数金色线条在天地蔓延笼罩,在多维空间穿插,形成囊天括地的至理法则。 The day demons found panic-strickenly, their speeds slowed down, some even seemed touches anything to ban, the body changed to beach liquid naturally, even the pitiful yell sound has not sent out with enough time, has fallen from the sky. 天魔们惊骇地发现,它们的速度变慢了,有的甚至好似触碰到了什么禁制,身子自然而然地化作一滩液体,连惨叫声都没来得及发出,就已经陨落。 Puts down the butcher knife......” “放下屠刀……” The Buddha sound reappears, is still at a moderate pace, soaks the myriad things. 佛音再现,依旧是不紧不慢,浸透万物。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Besides the peerless day demon, the weapons in all day of demon hands, and sharp claws fang, is not known the strength in abundance from where coming breaks off! 除了绝世天魔之外,所有天魔手中的武器,以及利爪獠牙,纷纷被不知从何而来的力量折断! Returns to Heavenly Way......” “重归天道……” The Buddha sound sends out again. 佛音再次发出。 That 30,000 li (0.5 km) giant golden palm, starts the racket to the sky. After it moves, the palm , the terrifying strength has not twisted the space, day of demons cannot withstand the pressure in palm such as the smoke fireworks and firecrackers to open. 紧接着,那三万里的巨大金色手掌,开始拍向天空。它动起来后,掌还未至,恐怖的力量就已经扭曲空间,一个个天魔承受不了掌中的威压如烟花爆开。 This palm, the day demons have not felt any killing intent. It contains the immeasurable strength light/only, contains the infinitely great mercy, wants to tell day of demons merely, where you come, where returns to go, here is not their dull places! 这一掌,天魔们没有感受到任何的杀意。它蕴含着无量光之力,蕴含着无限大慈悲,仅仅是想告诉天魔们,你们从哪里来,就回到哪里去,这里不是它们呆的地方! Actually can also summarize to become a character, that is: 其实也可以总结成为一个字,那就是: Go away! 滚! This is the immeasurable golden light big mercy palm! 这就是无量金光大慈悲掌! Day of demons explode same place. 一个个天魔原地爆炸。 The powerful giant day demons, want to tear this palm, in abundance release powerful attack, but these attacks have not bumped into the palm, was decomposed the ray by strange Fokuang, did not know where. 实力强大的巨型天魔们,想要撕裂这个手掌,纷纷释放强大的攻击,但那些攻击还未碰到手掌,就被奇异的佛光分解成光芒,不知去了何处。 The giant day demon was also pierced the body by Fokuang, falls from the sky at the scene. 紧接着,巨型天魔也被佛光刺穿身体,当场陨落。 Kills! We break open it jointly!” The five peerless day demon complexion in black cavity the drastic change, has collaborated the release to extinguish the world purple flame dreadfully. “杀!我们联手破开它!”黑色空洞内的五头绝世天魔脸色已经剧变,联手释放滔天灭世紫焰。 Extinguishes the world purple flame to gather one, a foot can trample flat at present nearly ten thousand li (0.5 km) great purple flame demon of this Buddha Kingdom super city, falls toward that palm hammer ruthlessly! 灭世紫焰汇聚成一个,一脚就可以踏平眼前这个佛国超级城池的近万里之巨的紫焰魔头,狠狠朝那手掌锤落! The hugeness of purple flame demon, has exceeded the imagination of monk Buddha. But that immeasurable big mercy palm big, is 30,000 li (0.5 km)! 紫焰魔头的巨大,已经超出了众僧佛的想象。但那无量大慈悲掌更加的大,足足有三万里! Facing the fist of that purple flame demon, the golden light palm has no response , to continue to pat toward the sky, is the collision of fist and palm, the golden light and purple flame slaughters crazily! 面对那紫焰魔头的拳头,金光手掌没有任何的反应,继续朝天空拍去,然后就是拳头与手掌的碰撞,金光和紫焰疯狂厮杀! Merely after one second, the purple flame was punctured by the golden light, over ten thousand li (0.5 km) purple flame demon vanishes in a puff of smoke, no opportunity of overturn in the pitiful yell sound. 仅仅一秒后,紫焰就被金光刺破,上万里的紫焰魔头更是在惨叫声中灰飞烟灭,没有任何翻盘的机会。 „Did we attack jointly are broken? How is this possible?!” “我们联手攻击被破了?这怎么可能?!” The peerless day demons shocked. 绝世天魔们震惊了。 How Western will Buddha Kingdom have existence of this level?” “西方佛国怎么会有这种层次的存在?” No one can reply that their words, can reply them only, is that immeasurable golden light big mercy palm! 没有谁能够回答它们的话,唯一能够回答它们的,就是那无量金光大慈悲掌! „......” “啪……” The peerless day demon of first, was held vigor tearing to attack the ink certainly, revolts radically without enough time, was patted mother 's womb by a palm of the hand. 强绝一世的绝世天魔,被掌劲撕裂冲击成墨水,根本来不及反抗,就被一巴掌拍回了娘胎。 Once made wandering three peerless day demon that outside den the maitreya buddha falls from the sky, was pressed not to have by the thumb of immeasurable golden light big mercy palm while still alive. 就连曾经让弥勒佛陨落的流离在老巢之外的三个绝世天魔,也被无量金光大慈悲掌的拇指给活活摁没了。 Giant golden palm after being run over and dying all day of demons, has not vanished, swept away all obstacles , to continue to fall toward the den black empty racket of that day demon! 巨大金色手掌在碾死所有天魔之后,没有消失,一路所向披靡,继续朝那天魔的老巢黑色空洞拍落! Bang!! 轰隆!! Under rupturing dashing beyond description, the palm racket falls, the vault of heaven play trembles, the golden impact swings 100,000 li (0.5 km)! The black cavity under the immeasurable golden light big mercy palm, the fast reduction, the breakage, changes into the nihility finally, belongs to Heavenly Way! 在一声难以形容的爆裂冲撞下,手掌拍落,苍穹剧颤,金色冲击直荡十万里!黑色空洞在无量金光大慈悲掌下,快速缩小,破裂,最终化为虚无,归于天道 This palm, may exterminate trillion demon, may spend to melt various heaven! 这一掌,可灭绝亿万魔物,可度化诸天! Western Buddha Kingdom all Buddhist priest Buddha, can see that everywhere golden light, that hopeful with mercy light, the savage fearful day demon, vanishes in a puff of smoke under the golden light completely. 西方佛国的所有僧人佛陀,都能看到那漫天金光,那充满希望与慈悲的光,凶残可怕的天魔,在金光下全部灰飞烟灭。 In day demons completely by, land in character number seems the strength consumption to be completely ordinary, is invisible together with space that giant palm. 就在天魔们全部被度化之时,大地上的“卍”字符号好似力量消耗殆尽一般,连同天上那巨掌一同消失于无形。 Heaven and Earth all were peaceful. 天地的一切都安静了下来。 Without shouting of day of demon, did not have monk Buddha shouted sadly. 没有了天魔的嘶吼,没有了僧佛的悲喊。 Only thick smoke billowing cities and clear clean nighttime skies. 唯有一座浓烟滚滚的城池和清澄干净的夜空。 With monk Buddha of day demon dogfight, day demon has been unravelling. They look at that clean nighttime sky, was thoroughly eliminated the clean day demon, cannot bear with tears, even if they downplayed the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, cannot stop as before leaves behind the tears. 正在与天魔缠斗的僧佛,身旁的天魔早已灰飞烟灭。他们看着那干净的夜空,被彻底清除干净的天魔,忍不住眼含泪水,纵使他们淡化了七情六欲,依旧止不住地留下泪水。 Finished, finally finished...... me also thinking that our heaven of heavens, must change to the dust, I have never thought that we can also live unexpectedly......” “结束了,终于结束了……我还以为我们这个极乐世界,都要化作尘土,真没想到,我们竟然还能活着……” „Did a palm solve all enemies? This...... this is which really Buddha, really has so powerful?” “一掌就解决掉了所有的敌人吗?这……这到底是哪位真佛,竟然有如此强大的佛威?” Saluting Amitabha...... to is extremely happy from the hell, flickers merely, a word universal restoration, a palm changes the course of events, only had him to achieve......” “南无阿弥陀佛……从地狱到极乐,仅仅只是一瞬,一言普度众生,一掌扭转乾坤,唯有他才能做到了……” Overwhelming majority monk Buddha in absent-minded and shock. 绝大部分僧佛只是在恍惚和震撼。 But some Buddha, have looked at Western Buddha Kingdom the place of core, respectfully and is devotionally good to that direction the Buddha ritual. 但有的佛陀,已经将目光转向西方佛国的核心之地,恭敬又虔诚地对着那个方向行着佛礼。 The intermittent Buddha sound starts reverberation Heaven and Earth. 阵阵佛音开始回荡天地 Various deity Buddha starts to chant scripture simultaneously, the innumerable golden Sanskrit embed in the summit of vault of heaven, illuminated the entire night land, is sacred and peaceful. 诸天神佛同时开始念经,无数金色梵文镶嵌在苍穹之巅,照亮了整个黑夜大地,神圣且安宁。 Proliferates the entire Western extremely happy disaster, starts to eliminate at Buddha sounds, seems like the Buddhist priest who surpassed these dead, had golden light continuously to raise from the ground, circled to linger in the sky...... 遍布整个西方极乐的灾难,在一声声佛音开始消去,又似乎是在超度那些死去的僧人,有缕缕金光从地面升起,在天空盘旋萦绕着…… Trillion all living things of that heaven of heavens, when looks up to the sky, as if saw an endless great real Buddha empty shadow. It sits cross-legged in the summit of vault of heaven, the height is boundless, golden light endless, boundless beneficence! 不知不觉间,那极乐世界的亿万众生,在仰望天空的时候,似乎看到了一个无尽伟岸的真佛虚影。它在苍穹之巅盘坐,身高无边,金光无尽,功德无量! Salutes Amitabha......” “南无阿弥陀佛……” He is our Buddha......” “他就是我们的佛祖……” Sakyamuni Buddha!” 释迦牟尼佛!”
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