IMBFC :: Volume #24

#2336: Ye Ling legend

The peerless day demon also detected all these. 绝世天魔也察觉到了这一切。 The imposing manner and strength of young girl grown stronger suddenly significantly so many, the Divine Dao strength completed the transformation, if it had not detected, retarded. 少女的气势和力量突然大幅度变强了那么多,神道力量更是完成了蜕变,它要是还不察觉,就是弱智了。 The peerless day demon is the heart startled. 绝世天魔本来是很心惊的。 However, it changes mind thinks, actually smiled happily. 但是,它转念一想,却又开心地笑了起来。 Did Ye Ling cross the tribulation to be successful, what represented? 叶灵渡劫成功,代表了什么? Stiffens on behalf of her? 代表她变强? No, she grown stronger being nothing! 不,她变强了算个屁! Even if she turned into Dao Integration Middle Stage and even Dao Integration Later Stage, it is unhurried! 就算她变成了合道中期乃至合道后期,它都丝毫不慌! What it fears is the chaos god thunder!! 它怕的是混沌神雷啊!! Ye Ling crosses the tribulation to be successful, didn't have the chaos god to be struck by lightning she? Didn't she lose the control chaos god thunder ability? This is the key point. 叶灵渡劫成功,不就没有混沌神雷劈她了?她不就丧失了操控混沌神雷的能力了吗?这才是重点。 Without chaos god thunder Ye Ling, it can hit ten! 没有混沌神雷的叶灵,它可以打十个! The peerless day demon smiled, smiles very happily. 绝世天魔笑了,笑得很开心。 At this moment, a resounding transmits suddenly. 就在这时,一声脆响突然传来。 kā chā......” 咔嚓……” The peerless day demon found that its blue great sword, by the spot that the dagger stabs, presented massive fissures unexpectedly, is sparkling thoroughly thunder light the dagger slowly. 绝世天魔发现它的蓝色巨剑,被匕首刺中的部位,竟然出现了大量的裂痕,闪耀着雷光的匕首正缓缓深入。 How possibly......” “怎么可能……” Why doesn't the chaos god thunder follow the great sword to run over to divide me?” “为何混沌神雷不顺着巨剑跑过来劈我?” The peerless day demon in this moment, the complexion sudden drastic change gets up. 绝世天魔在这一刻,脸色突然剧变起来。 Because did not need.” The Ye Ling double pupil suddenly becomes incomparably swift and fierce, the shadow in within the body assassinated Divine Dao on the chaos god thunder perfect integration with dagger, the point rises suddenly suddenly again the pinnacle! “因为没必要了。”叶灵双眸突然变得无比凌厉,体内的阴影刺杀神道突然与匕首上的混沌神雷完美融合,锋芒再次暴涨到了极致! Bang......” “嘭……” The blue great sword disrupts suddenly from the middle. 蓝色巨剑突然从中间碎裂开来。 The young girls under the peerless day demon panic-stricken vision, the hand grasp the blade of thunder shadow, pricked in the head of peerless day demon, the thunder wailing, the point passes through the thousand li (500 km)!! 少女在绝世天魔惊恐的目光下,手握雷霆暗影之刃,刺入了绝世天魔的头颅之中,雷霆尖啸,锋芒贯穿千里!! „............” Was pierced the peerless day demon of head, is wriggling difficultly the mouth, the thunder following the wound, wreaks havoc in its body crazily. “呃……呃……”被刺穿了头颅的绝世天魔,艰难地蠕动着嘴巴,雷霆顺着伤口,正疯狂在它的身体中肆虐。 It cannot think, after Ye Ling complete Divine Dao fused the chaos god thunder, can actually erupt the so powerful might. 它根本想不到,叶灵的完整神道融合了混沌神雷之后,竟然能够爆发出如此强悍的威力。 Finished.” The dagger in Ye Ling hand blooms the most powerful silver white point, a pressure, the body of peerless day demon was cut to fall from the head by the dagger ruthlessly downward directly, cut two halves its body thoroughly! “结束了。”叶灵手中的匕首绽放出最为强大的银白锋芒,狠狠地往下一压,绝世天魔的身躯被匕首直接从头部一路斩落,将它的身躯彻底斩成了两半! The peerless day demon this also thinks after Ye Ling crosses the tribulation success, is the time that it counter-attacks arrived, has not actually thought that unexpectedly is the ended bugle. 绝世天魔本还以为叶灵渡劫成功后,是它反击的时刻到了,却没想到竟然是自己被终结的号角。 Shadow kills, flickers the prison lotus!” The dagger in Ye Ling hand to was being delimited the innumerable say/way shadow remnant glow by the peerless day demon of cleaving in two, that blade light gathered a dark purple giant lotus flower unexpectedly faintly, the body thorough package of peerless day demon. “影杀,瞬狱莲!”叶灵手中的匕首对着被劈成两半的绝世天魔划出无数道暗影残芒,那一道道刀光竟隐隐汇聚成了一朵黑紫色的巨型莲花,将绝世天魔的身躯彻底包裹。 The next quarter, the peerless day demon eye bulge, on the body has the innumerable say/way bloodstains, densely packed, are getting more and more, finally the body wriggled fiercely, turned into the innumerable tiny flesh lumps. 下一刻,绝世天魔眼睛凸起,身子上出现无数道血痕,密密麻麻,越来越多,最后身躯剧烈蠕动,变成了无数细小的肉块。 The tiny flesh lump was cut tinier existence, finally cut a minute of not separable granule, was swallowed by that lotus flower thoroughly. 细小的肉块又被斩成了更细小的存在,最后斩成了分无可分的粒子,彻底被那莲花所吞噬。 Flickers the prison lotus vanishes, before body of Ye Ling, the trace of disappearing peerless day demon, the peerless day demon had or been given to cut not to have by her...... 瞬狱莲消失的时候,叶灵的身前,已经不见了绝世天魔的踪影,或者说绝世天魔已经被她给斩没了…… The aura of big terrifying dissipated. 大恐怖的气息消散了。 During Heaven and Earth fell into was silent. 天地陷入了寂静之中。 Everyone looks at the present all dull, until now has not gotten back one's composure. That was once insufferably arrogant, brings the day demon of nightmare to the vermilion bird, unexpectedly by the present young girl, was really cut to kill neatly? 所有人都呆呆地看着眼前的一切,直到现在还没回过神。那个曾经不可一世,给朱雀带来噩梦的天魔,居然真的被眼前的少女,干脆利落地斩杀了? In sky that dense just like the ink thing, is drawing back the powder at the visible speed unexpectedly, that type of pinnacle destruction aura, although is not the radical dissipation, but had been short specially, some people even can raised the head, see the star on sky. 天空上那黑压压的宛如墨水般的事物,竟以肉眼可见的速度在退散,那种极致的毁灭气息,虽然不是彻底消散,但已经特别的少了,有人甚至能够抬起头,看到天空上的星星。 Facts showed, this most difficult catastrophe, their Vermilion Bird Sect really passed! 事实证明,这场最艰难的浩劫,他们朱雀宗真的度过了! She achieved! She really achieved......” Lan Yan to look at that independence void simple and beautiful young girl, sipped the small mouth, the tears cannot be stopping to flow. “她做到了!她真的做到了……”岚烟看着那独立虚空的清丽少女,抿着小嘴,眼泪止不住地流下来。 Zhu Xu ze sighs with emotion smiles: An Lin he accepted a good apprentice.” 朱旭泽感慨一笑:“安林他真是收了个好徒弟呢。” At this time, Vermilion Bird Sect disciple elder , the sentiment difficult from have been shouting loudly the Ye Ling name, is feeling grateful Ye Ling for all that sect gate makes. 此时,朱雀宗的弟子长老,也都情难自已地高呼着叶灵的名字,感激着叶灵为宗门所做的一切。 After this war, Ye Ling becomes the Vermilion Bird Sect hero truly!! 经此一战,叶灵真正成为了朱雀宗的英雄!! That shouting loudly just like tide. 那一声声的高呼宛如浪潮。 Ye Ling stands still above the upper air, the blood invaded the Daoist robe, the simple and beautiful pretty cheek also has sword qi together to cut the mark, destroyed the overall aesthetic sense, but she does not care muddily. 叶灵静立在高空之上,鲜血侵染了道袍,清丽娇俏的脸蛋也有一道剑气斩痕,破坏了整体美感,不过她浑不在意。 In her hand still gripped tightly that An Lin to give her dagger, a pair of clear insightful eye pupil, looks to Heaven and Earth of West, talked to oneself in a soft voice: Master...... spirit has not disappointed you, Vermilion Bird Sect, spirit defended for you......” 她的手中仍紧握着那柄安林送给她的匕首,一双清澄通透的眼眸,望向西方的天地,轻声自语道:“师父……灵儿没有让您失望,朱雀宗,灵儿替你守下来了……” ...... …… At this time, other human crowded cities of Nine Provinces, is erupting every large or small war intent, above various political integrity points, is erupting the startled day war. Each cultivator, is trying the best, is encountering with this catastrophe. 此时,九州界的其余人类密集的城池,也都爆发着大大小小的战意,在各大节点之上,更是爆发着惊天大战。每一个修士,都在尽自己所能,在与这一场浩劫交锋。 This is the protection, is the survival. 这是守护,也是生存。 No human can escape by luck. 没有任何人类能够幸免。 On White Splendour Province another giant city. 白华州的另外一个巨型城池上。 Phoenix little yellow and snow clan empresses perform the ice hot twofold day, successfully cut to kill an ox head demon deiform giant day demon, blessed tens of millions person clan residents. 凤凰小黄与雪族女帝上演冰火两重天,成功将一头牛头魔神状的巨型天魔斩杀,庇佑了数千万人族居民。 Nine Provinces Green Wood Imperial Family territory. 九州界青木皇族领地。 The day demon blots out the sky. 天魔铺天盖地而来。 Royal cultivator are exerting to fight with all might, however protects sect Dazhen to be in imminent danger. Su Qianyun controls Moonlight Wheel to keep shuttling back and forth in the day demon, every acts one time, can cut to kill a day before demon neatly. 皇族修士们正奋死拼杀着,然而护宗大阵已经岌岌可危。苏浅云操控月光轮在天魔中不停穿梭,每一次出手,都能将一头天魔干脆利落地斩杀。 She has grown is one of the Green Wood Imperial Family highest level strengths, is shouldering the heavy responsibility of protecting Green Wood Imperial Family. 她已经成长为青木皇族最顶级的战力之一,肩负着守护青木皇族的重任。 Professor Yang turns on the secret research for a long time Qingmu cannon, a round of bang to the vault of heaven, blew out flower of the shining destruction in the sky, explodes an extremely huge powerful day demon directly vanishes in a puff of smoke...... 杨教授将秘密研究已久的青木大炮开启,一发轰向苍穹,在天空爆出了一朵金灿灿的毁灭之花,将一头极为巨大强悍的天魔直接炸得灰飞烟灭…… Ancient Void Province, many powerful disciples of Sky Sword sect are WTO entry, display the powerful swordsmanship to cultivate for the salvation, sovereign Liu Mingxuan and East cut giant double headed dragon Tianmo sturdy jointly in the Sky Sword sect. 古虚州,天剑宗的众多强大弟子入世,施展强悍的剑道修为救世,宗主柳明轩与东方壮实联手斩巨型双头龙天魔于天剑宗。 Thunder Province, lord of Heavenly Emperor Heavenly Court, displays the invincible strength, wants to attack the Heavenly Court’s peerless day demon two to cut to kill simultaneously! 雷州,天庭之主天帝,施展出无敌战力,将两头想要进攻天庭的绝世天魔同时斩杀! Heavenly River Province, has the moonlight to sprinkle the flame river city. 天河州,有月光洒满炎河城。 Chang’e solo dance in empty/sky, has the clear and bright bright moonlight to hang, the day demons arrive at many, many day of demons were purified the water of bunch of pure yin by the strength of strange moonlight. 嫦娥独舞于空,有皎白明月高悬,天魔们降临多少,就有多少天魔被奇异的月光之力净化成一团团的纯阴之水。 This is the most serene super city. 这是最为安详的超级城池。 The innumerable residents the form gratitude to sky that shocking all living things worship on bended knees. 无数居民都对天空那惊艳众生的身影感激跪拜。 Treasure Province, Shennong city. 宝州,神农城。 Ao Xiaowu and azure magnificence Great Emperor were being pursued hitting by a peerless day demon, they retreated fighting, ran up to the barren mountains and wild hills outside Shennong city...... 敖小舞和青华大帝正在被一头绝世天魔追着打,他们且战且退,跑到了神农城之外的荒山野岭…… Stone Dragon Province, Shi Hua county. 石龙州,石花郡。 Here becomes the day of demon storm, the day demon falls like rain, during Emperor Ziwei, the emperor Great Emperor, the second son war-god, fell into struggled hard. 这里成为了天魔风暴,天魔如雨般落下,紫薇大帝,天皇大帝,二郎战神,都陷入了苦战之中。 Each place, the fight is far from ceasing. They do not know how long this catastrophe will continue, only what they know, human that must protect, side them, they can do, is keeps fighting! 每一处地方,战斗都远远没有停息。他们不知道,这场浩劫会持续多久,他们唯一知道的是,要守护的人类,就在他们身边,他们能做的,就是不停地战斗! At this time, in Purple Star Province’s four nine kinds of immortals sect stations. 此时,在紫星州的四九仙宗驻地。 Bai Ling looks at the node that on Nine Provinces presents, is calculating crazily. Chen Chen and Xilier have not decoded the day of demon tribulation until now, this makes Bai Ling even more anxious. 白凌看着九州界上一个个出现的节点,疯狂演算着。陈尘和西里尔直到现在都没破解天魔劫,这让白凌越发不安起来。 Suddenly, she gathered the vision above second largest agglomeration West Buddha Kingdom of human, the chilly double pupil contracted slightly. 突然间,她将目光汇聚在了人类的第二大聚集地西方佛国之上,清冷的双瞳微微收缩。
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