IMBFC :: Volume #24

#2332: That crosses a tribulation

In the pair of wings day demon hand the blue great sword cuts flickers, the silver-white cold light that falls illuminates Heaven and Earth, Ling very cold arrived at the pinnacle blade light to divide together above the great sword. 双翼天魔手中蓝色巨剑斩落的一瞬,银白色的寒光照亮天地,一道凌冽到了极致的刀光劈在巨剑之上。 Bang!!! 嘭!!! sword qi explodes, point bone to inter the body. 剑气爆裂,锋芒入骨。 The blue white two groups of energies strangle to death crazily. 蓝白两团能量疯狂绞杀。 This flickers, the terrifying qi energy raises the Lan Yan body again flies. 这一瞬,恐怖的气劲将岚烟的身躯再次掀飞。 She stared in a big way the beautiful pupil, looks at that to present slender perfect the back on field, cannot help but called out in alarm: Is you...... spirit?!” 她瞪大了美眸,看着那出现在场上的窈窕完美的背影,不由得惊呼起来:“是你……灵儿?!” Yes, Lan Yan , because with Xu Xiaolan is the good friend , is very naturally familiar with good friend that pretty lovable young apprentice, it can be said that she looks that Ye Ling grows step by step. 是的,岚烟因为跟许小兰是好朋友,自然也对好朋友那个那个娇俏可爱的小徒弟十分熟悉,可以这么说,她都是看着叶灵一步步成长起来的。 Is I, Elder Sister Lan Yan , you led others...... the Ye Ling difficult resistance to focus on the day before yesterday the huge strength of demon far away from here quickly, that vast such as the sword potential of sea, that powerful to the extreme strength, let her, even if used goes to face full power, still can only support by strenuous efforts. “是我,岚烟姐姐,你快带着其他人远离这里……”叶灵艰难抵御着眼前天魔的庞大力量,那浩瀚如海的剑势,那强大到了极点的力量,让她就算倾尽全力去面对,也只能苦苦支撑。 Lan Yan hears word starts to withdraw immediately. 岚烟闻言立即开始后撤。 Arrival of Ye Ling made the Vermilion Bird Sect disciple elders see a ray of hope. 叶灵的登场让朱雀宗的弟子长老们看到了一丝希望。 But at this time, in the center of battle, blue sword qi has pressed the white blade glow to a corner in slowly. That sharp dagger, in the contact face of blue great sword on, is erupting the energy flame, even presents ka ka ka neighing sound. 而这时,在交战的中心,蓝色剑气已经缓缓将白色刃芒压到一个角落之中。那锋利至极的匕首,在与蓝色巨剑的接触面上,爆发着能量火光,甚至出现“咔咔咔”的嘶鸣声。 Also had the new prey.” The peerless day demon sees Ye Ling that comes to suddenly, on the face that is scorched the flesh that melts to solidify gradually, the corners of the mouth split, the sword pressure of right hand falls slowly, simultaneously the blue great sword of left hand cuts suddenly air-splitting toward the waist of Ye Ling! “又有新猎物了。”绝世天魔看到突然现身的叶灵,脸上那被烧焦融化的血肉渐渐凝固,嘴角裂开,右手的剑缓缓压落,同时左手的蓝色巨剑突然破空朝叶灵的腰部斩来! The Ye Ling complexion big change, the dagger is pressing to the great sword fiercely, withdraws toward the rear area with the strength fast, but the left hand blue color great blade flung one boundless powerful to extreme sword qi at this time suddenly, twists the space, grinds all! 叶灵脸色大变,匕首对着巨剑猛地一按,借力朝后方快速后撤,但这时左手蓝色巨刃突然甩出了一道磅礴强悍到了极点的剑气,扭曲空间,碾碎一切! Underworld gang magnetism shield!” Ye Ling knew that cannot avoid this Taoist skill law, immediately keeps off the dagger before the body, the black Divine Dao energy changes to the circular shield to keep off before the body. “黑道磁盾!”叶灵自知根本躲不开这一道术法,当即将匕首挡在身前,黑色神道能量化作圆形盾牌挡在身前。 Bang!!! 轰隆!!! The blue sword glow chops to fall fiercely. That sword prestige exceeded the imagination of Ye Ling completely, the underworld gang magnetism shield is divided at the scene bursts, then that sword qi from the body penetration of young girl. 蓝色剑芒猛地劈落。那剑威之强完全超出了叶灵的想象,黑道磁盾被劈得当场破裂,然后那剑气就从少女的身躯穿透而过。 „Before ......” Ye Ling body, had the huge bloodstain, puts out a blood to start the crash ground. “噗……”叶灵身前出现了巨大血痕,吐出一口鲜血开始坠落地面。 Spirit!!” Lan Yan saw that this heart trembles fiercely. “灵儿!!”岚烟看到这一幕心头猛地一颤。 Vermilion Bird Sect other disciples have a big shock. 朱雀宗的其余弟子们也都大惊失色。 Ye Ling merely one move suffered the heavy losses, was not that the opponent of day before demon. 叶灵仅仅一招遭受了重创,根本就不是那头天魔的对手。 At this time, the peerless day demon pair of wings inspired, toward had not died Ye Ling to pursue to go, when it lifted up high the double sword, the distant place suddenly also had the ceremonial fire to burn the day. 这时候,绝世天魔双翼一振,就朝还未断气叶灵追击而去,当它高举双剑的时候,远处突然又有圣火焚天。 What skill bullying a little girl is? Your opponent is I!” Zhu Xu ze angrily roars to clash, he releases the ceremonial fire to congeal again the ceremonial fire vermilion bird, each pair of wings throws strikes, can start the powerful incomparable flame storm. “欺负一个小女孩算什么本事?你的对手是我!”朱旭泽怒吼着冲来,他再次释放圣火凝化圣火朱雀,每一次双翼扑击,都能掀起强大无比的火焰风暴。 Vermilion bird mouth, the ceremonial fire changes spits the breath to burn to extinguish all, burns toward the peerless day demon. 朱雀嘴巴一张,圣火化作吐息焚灭一切,朝绝世天魔烧来。 You court death, that first killed you.” The peerless day demon is saying very much calmly, single sword cuts, the vermilion bird emitted the ceremonial fire that came to succeed in giving up two halves by it. “你找死,那就先杀了你。”绝世天魔很平静地说着,单剑一斩,朱雀喷吐而来的圣火就被它断成了两半。 At this time, Ye Ling has crashed in the ground. 这时,叶灵已经坠落在地面。 She felt that the whole body was being destroyed by a strength crazily, the meridians severe pain, the sword mark place blood stream continues, that body endures to shiver freely, that is regarding the instinct of sky that powerful terrifying power. 她感觉浑身都被一股力量疯狂摧毁着,经脉剧痛,剑痕处血流不止,就连那身子都忍不住地颤抖,那是对于天空那强大恐怖力量的本能反应。 Too strong, this day before demon was powerful is inconceivable! 太强了,这头天魔强大得难以想象! The strength, is the speed, or is the strength attribute, dominates above her, she is not an opponent, she was too weak...... 无论是力量,还是速度,抑或是力量属性,都凌驾于她之上,她根本就不是对手,她太弱了…… Even she now is the Return to Emptiness peak, can display the Dao Integration rank the strength, but regarding the present peerless day demon, was weakly is too too weak. 就算她现在是返虚巅峰,能够发挥合道级别的力量,但对于眼前的绝世天魔而言,还是太弱太弱了。 This way, Vermilion Bird Sect will all be extinguished! 再这样下去,朱雀宗会被全灭的! Since Ye Ling crawls from the ground difficultly, knocked immortal pill, looked that to that cloudy as if must crush Heaven and Earth all black ink, in the ink also has the eye of densely packed, each eye, represents a big terrifying...... 叶灵从地面上艰难爬起,磕了一枚仙丹,看向那阴沉沉仿佛要压碎天地一切的黑色墨水,墨水中还有密密麻麻的眼睛,每一双眼睛,都代表一份大恐怖…… This is the desperate world. 这是绝望的世界。 Great Dao 50, the evolution 49, the person escapes its one......” 大道五十,天衍四九,人遁其一……” Master has told me, regardless of despairs, never give up hoping.” “师父跟我说过,无论多么绝望,永远都不要放弃希望。” Ye Ling is gripping tightly the dagger in hand, is sipping tightly lip that is stained with the blood, that pair of limpid eye pupil gradually becomes firm: Person can create the miracle, I can also...... tried...... to succeed by some chance?” 叶灵紧握着手中的匕首,紧抿着沾血的唇瓣,那双清澈的眼眸渐渐变得坚定起来:“人是能够创造奇迹的,我也是可以的……试试吧……万一成功了呢?” The young girls deeply inspire. 少女深吸了一口气。 Heaven and Earth in this moment, thoroughly seems to be peaceful. 天地在这一刻,仿佛彻底安静下来。 The terrifying imposing manner of peerless day demon disappears, the sound that the Vermilion Bird Sect disciple elder and day demons battle disappears, the vault of heaven is shattered sadly and disappears angrily...... 绝世天魔的恐怖气势不见了,朱雀宗弟子长老与天魔们交战的声音不见了,苍穹破灭的悲伤与愤怒不见了…… Ye Ling unties was tying ponytail, making her pitch-black long hair dance in the breeze in the wind. 叶灵解开了束着的马尾,让她那乌黑的长发在风中飘舞。 She stands gracefully in the land that in the battlefield cracks, a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) vitality, formed an vortex suddenly, gathers toward the body of young girl...... 她盈盈站立在战场上开裂的大地上,方圆万里的元气,突然形成了一个漩涡,朝少女的身上汇聚…… Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” In the sky, as if there is thunder to leap, broadcasts the depressed sound. 天空上,似乎有雷霆跃动,传来沉闷的声音。 On field can detect the different places greatly. 场上的大能们察觉到了不一样的地方。 What's the matter, did flow direction of vitality start changes?” “怎么回事,元气的流向开始变了?” „The thunder on sky, seems is Heavenly Way releases,......” “天空上的雷霆,好似是天道释放出来的,难道……” The powerhouses will look at the young girl of that black Daoist robe as if by prior agreement, on the face appear an unbelievable absurd feeling. 众强者都不约而同地将目光转向那个黑色道袍的少女,脸上浮现出一种难以置信的荒谬感。 Cannot......” “不会吧……” She...... can Ye Ling of that four nine kinds of immortals sects, cross the tribulation?!” “她……那位四九仙宗的叶灵,要渡劫了?!” Vermilion Bird Sect cultivator shocked. 朱雀宗修士们都震惊了。 Ye Ling actually in this moment, broke through the shackles thoroughly! 叶灵却在这一刻,彻底冲破了桎梏! Bang!! 轰隆!! The imposing manner of huge as sea shoots up to the sky! 庞大似海的气势冲天而起! That imposing manner is very swift and fierce, very powerful, even above the sky that like the ink viscous sky, poked a giant cavity!! 那股气势十分凌厉,十分的强大,甚至连天空上方那如墨水般粘稠的天空,都戳出了一个巨大的空洞!! The shadow assassinates Divine Dao, spreads from her body, even the sky and land, crossed a shadow. 暗影刺杀神道,从她的身上蔓延出来,甚至将天空和大地,都渡上了一层阴影。 She looks like the control of shadow, the solitary independence in the center, the black hair like black ink, the blade light like the silver, is lending the fatal aura frequently, and that aura is getting more and more terrifying! 她就像是阴影的主宰,孑然独立在中心,黑发如墨,刀光如银,时刻散发着致命的气息,并且那气息越来越恐怖! A surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) vitality, wells up such as within the body of young girl crazily. 方圆数千里的元气,狂涌如少女的体内。 At this moment, all cultivator confirmed that Ye Ling really must in this moment, enter into the boundary of Dao Integration! 这一刻,所有修士都确认了,叶灵真的要在这一刻,迈入合道之境! Master An Lin had said that perhaps Ye Ling also arranges, the step cannot step is too quick. Teacher's wife had also once said to her, her shadow Divine Dao also needs to continue to improve, if too anxious, but Dao Integration meeting deceased person. 师父安林曾经说过,叶灵还没准备好,步子不能迈太快。师娘也曾对她说过,她的阴影神道还需要继续完善,如果太急,合道可是会死人的。 But Ye Ling knows, she cannot wait. 叶灵知道,她不能等下去了。 Her can be victorious peerless day demon, therefore can only cross a tribulation. 她打不过绝世天魔,所以只能渡个劫了。 At this moment, she decided that must spell completely all fights, she must step into the boundary of Dao Integration! Only has this, can fight to seek the opportunity of victory for this reason!! 这一刻,她决定要拼尽一切去战斗,她要踏入合道之境!唯有这样,才能为此战寻得胜利的机会!! „ The tribulation of Dao Integration is ever changing, does not know my disaster can be what appearance...... „ in the heart of Ye Ling is somewhat disturbed. 合道之劫千变万化,也不知道我的劫难会是什么样子的……“叶灵的心中有些忐忑。 Do not look the little friends who four nine kinds of immortals sects crossed the tribulation to succeed, actually crossed tribulations the Dao Integration mortality rate is very high, does not know that many Return to Emptiness peaks talent monstrous talent, fell from the sky on the tribulation of Dao Integration, this was in preparing the good situation. 别看四九仙宗的小伙伴们渡劫都成功了,其实渡劫合道的死亡率可是很高的,不知有多少返虚巅峰的天才妖孽,陨落在合道之劫上面,这还是在准备好的情况下。 But Ye Ling, absolutely does not have the preparation in this aspect probably...... 叶灵,好像完全没有这方面的准备……
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