IMBFC :: Volume #22

#2198: Full of vitality sect gate

Xu Xiaolan to create world, but is trying hard. 许小兰正在为创世而努力着。 How An Lin is studying the right reasonable broken day. 安林正研究着如何正当合理的破天。 How Dina ponders over secretly should restore the god mirror world. 缇娜则暗自琢磨着该如何恢复神镜世界。 She since the river of time, spans the long years, almost pulls out to empty all her vigor and strength of god mirror world, even if she is the highest level creation world Spiritual God, now still is only left over a body, is hard to display the battle efficiency radically. 她进入时间之河,跨越漫长岁月,几乎掏空她所有的精气神以及神镜世界的力量,就算她是最顶级的创世神灵,如今也只剩下一副躯壳,根本难以施展战斗力。 Everyone is running for the respective goal. 大家都在为了各自的目标而奔跑。 In does not have some top immortal sect several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) away from the moon/month tung oil tree god city. 在距离月桐神城无数万里之外的某个顶级仙宗。 Crest of wave most abundant sect gate of one in this war, four nine kinds of immortals sects, at this moment is also a prosperous appearance. 一个在此次大战中风头最盛的宗门,四九仙宗,此刻也是一副欣欣向荣的模样。 Among the peaceful armistice, everyone race against time is also practicing. 和平休战其间,大家也都争分夺秒地修炼着。 The rear end in Mochidzukiyama has a waterfall to crash just like the Silver Dragon, the great quantity river water carries ten thousand tons great strength crazy bang, shoots down on the rivers rock, splashes everywhere mist. 望月山的后侧有一条瀑布宛如银龙坠落,巨量的河水携带万吨巨力狂轰而下,击落在河流岩石上,飞溅起漫天水雾。 A man like this is naked the upper body, is withstanding the entire waterfall falling water power, sat in meditation enough of one day and one night. 一个男子就这样赤裸着上身,承受着整个瀑布的下坠水力,打坐了足足有一天一夜之久。 , He could not support gradually, the body somewhat rocks. 渐渐地,他支撑不住了,身子有些晃动。 But he was still insisting, seems breaking through some limit. 但他仍是在坚持着,仿佛在突破某种极限。 Bang!!! 轰隆!!! „......!” “啊啊啊啊……!” One absent-minded just like landslide cracks in the earth, he was flushed by the waterfall boundless great strength flies, crashes in the rivers, is extremely distressed. 一恍惚就宛如山崩地裂,他被瀑布的磅礴巨力冲飞,坠落在河流之中,极其狼狈。 Little grandson! woof!” Big White sees the person who crashes, quickly runs, the man who will fall in the water held in the mouth with the mouth. “小孙子!汪!”大白看到坠落的人,急忙跑过去,将落水的男子用嘴巴叼了起来。 Man who this is going against the waterfall cultivation, is four nine kinds of immortals sect sword pavilion illustrious sword immortal Sun Yu luo, he is comprehending frogman sword intent, this cultivates under the waterfall. 这个顶着瀑布修炼的男子,正是四九仙宗剑阁赫赫有名的剑仙孙宇洛,他在领悟水鬼剑意,这才在瀑布下修炼。 Thanks Brother Big White.” Sun Yu luo rubs the neck, the grinning pain is shouting. “谢谢大白哥。”孙宇洛揉着脖子,咧着嘴痛呼起来。 „Are you all right? Did the neck injure? woof?!” The big eye of Big White round withstand/top Sun Yu luo that to be attacked some necks of blushing by the waterfall, asks. “你没事吧?脖子伤到了?汪?!”大白圆溜溜的大眼顶着孙宇洛那被瀑布冲击得有些发红的脖子,开口询问。 Sun Yu luo turned the neck, said: Possibly is the cervical vertebra is somewhat exhausted.” 孙宇洛扭了扭脖子,道:“可能是颈椎有些疲惫吧。” Big White is sticking out one's tongue cheerfully said: This simplicity, I teach you one set of cervical vertebra setting-up exercise, makes the neck to feel absolutely ultra crisp, the head shakes like me, right, left, about, high and low, left under......” 大白吐着舌头乐呵道:“这个简单,我教你一套颈椎保健操,做一下脖子绝对感觉超爽,脑袋像我这样晃,右下,左下,左右,上下,左下……” Sun Yu luo looks at Big White to do, mutters: Was too complex.” 孙宇洛看着大白做,喃喃道:“太复杂了吧。” I can summarize.” Big White said. “我可以概括。”大白道。 How to summarize?” Sun Yu luo curious say/way. “怎么概括?”孙宇洛好奇道。 Cervical vertebra not good time, has a specific use writes one in the sky excrement character on the line.” Big White opens the mouth to say. “颈椎不好的时候,用头在天空写一个‘粪’字就行。”大白开口道。 Sun Yu luo: „???” 孙宇洛:“???” Then, four nine kinds of immortals sect Mochidzukiyama. 就这样,四九仙宗望月山。 Always can see a handsome man, assiduous cultivation under waterfall, tired had a specific use to the sky writes the excrement the encouraging scene...... 总能看到一个俊朗男子,在瀑布下刻苦修炼,累了就用头对着天空写粪的励志场景…… In the small squares of four nine kinds of immortals sects. 四九仙宗的小广场上。 Colored clothing handsome gentle female, in cooking ingredients. 有一个彩衣翩翩的温婉女子,正在烹饪着料理。 Her status is not ordinary, that is An Lin sovereign beast pet, the ossiculum. 她的身份可不一般,那可是安林宗主的兽宠,小骨。 The alias was also called the small color. 别名也叫小彩。 Ossiculum vice- pavilion main special ingredients completed, the disciples who want to taste make the best use of the time, passed through to pass by do not miss, the slow in work did not have!” An appearance extremely charming fox female pulls the throat sweet and delicate voice to shout. “小骨副阁主的特别料理做好了,想要品尝的弟子们抓紧时间啦,走过路过不要错过,手慢则无!”一个容貌极其妩媚的狐妖女子扯着嗓子娇声喊道。 Has no need for her propagandizing, the small square has encircled a group of disciple, discusses in abundance. 用不着她宣传,小广场早就围了一大群弟子,热议纷纷。 What good thing does this ossiculum make to us?” “这次小骨又给我们做什么好东西呢?” You determined that is the good thing, the previous eating young lad urination pickled vegetable, after eating, I spat fully for day......” another disciple Chen Yonglong trembling sound said. “你确定那是好东西吗,上次吃的童子尿泡菜,吃了后我整整吐了一天……”另外一个弟子陈永龙颤声道。 „The thing that she makes although sounded a point scary, but the effect was truly good, ate that meal, was equal to eating spirit pill!” Another girl student looks to yearn saying that heard after Senior Brother willow ate the young lad urination pickled vegetable, under the energy increase impact, breaks through to Spirit Nurturing Middle Stage directly!” “她做的东西虽然听起来吓人了一点,但功效确实好呀,吃了那一顿饭菜,等于吃一枚灵丹呢!”另外一个女弟子面露向往道,“听说柳师兄吃了童子尿泡菜后,在能量增幅冲击下,直接突破至育灵中期呢!” You determined that was not the spirit is stimulated, broke through?” “你确定不是精神受刺激了,才突破的吗?” ...... …… Although some disciples are very hurried. 一些弟子虽然很慌。 But could not bear gather the front of ossiculum. 但还是忍不住凑到了小骨的面前。 The dark ingredients of evil spirit beast prison are the characteristics, the ossiculum are the big energies of evil spirit beast prison, therefore prepares food is the dark ingredients, is actually understandable. 恶灵兽狱的各种黑暗料理是特色,小骨是恶灵兽狱的大能,所以做饭是黑暗料理,其实是可以理解的。 Although the vegetable/dish is fearful, but is really beneficial to the body. 菜虽然可怕,但是真的对身体有益啊。 On the mouth was saying does not want really fragrant disciple are really many, the short moment, the small square gathered several hundred core disciples. 嘴上说着不要的“真香”弟子还真不少,短短片刻,小广场就聚集了数百位核心弟子。 Everyone listened, this good food supplied with limited quantity, disciple who 20, wanted to taste the ossiculum pavilion main good food, now can register, we will draw an item at random 20 lucky disciples to taste.” Fox beautiful woman with a face all smiles introduced. “大家听好了,此次美食限量供应,二十份,想要品尝小骨阁主美食的弟子,现在就可以报名了,我们将随机抽取二十位幸运弟子进行品尝。”狐妖美女笑容满面地介绍道。 The disciples see ossiculum front cauldron, above has black pig's feets, the red very viscous soup blister, is seeming like makes the person appetite increase. 众弟子看到小骨面前的大锅,上面有一个个黑蛮猪脚,还有红色的很粘稠的汤水泡着,看起来就让人食欲大增。 Should not be the sauced pig's feet? 该不会是卤猪脚? The disciples are in abundance excited, register competitively. 众弟子纷纷兴奋得不行,争先恐后地报名。 The ossiculum pavilion main can actually make so the color fragrance complete good food, this opportunity may be rare, everyone is not willing to miss this opportunity. 小骨阁主竟然能够做出如此色香味俱全的美食,这机会可非常难得,大家都不愿意错过这个机会。 Finally, the registration ended, draws to start. 终于,报名结束,抽奖开始。 20 lucky disciples were selected, cheers excitedly. 二十位幸运弟子被抽中,兴奋地欢呼起来。 On this disciple, really also has previous time eats the young lad urination pickled vegetable ate to spit Senior Brother Chen Yonglong. Yes, this he came, could not bear! 这弟子上面,竟然也有上次吃童子尿泡菜吃吐了的陈永龙师兄。是的,这回他又来了,忍不住来了! They encircle impatiently in a cauldron, looks that inside pig's feet swallows the saliva crazily, in the eye braves up. 他们都迫不及待地围在一个大锅里,看着里面的猪脚狂咽口水,眼中都冒着光。 At this time, the colored clothing female ossiculum however said with a smile shallowly: Old rule, everyone was selected, must give to finish eating the food in pot, cannot waste food oh......” 这时,彩衣女子小骨浅然一笑道:“老规矩,大家被抽中了,就得把锅里的食物都给吃完,不能浪费食物喔……” The disciples loudly shouted are and ensure will not waste food absolutely. 众弟子纷纷大呼称是,保证绝对不会浪费食物。 Everyone looks in the pot the pitch-dark pig's feet, with the viscous red liquid, thought that seemed like very good, definitely got food down very much. 大家看着锅里黑漆漆的猪脚,和粘稠不已的红色液体,都觉得看起来已经很不错了,肯定很下饭。 Ossiculum pavilion lord, take the liberty asked that this food......” “小骨阁主,冒昧地问一下,这个食材……” Chen Yonglong somewhat asked disturbedly. 陈永龙有些忐忑地问道。 Oh...... almost forgot to introduce.” The ossiculum has gotten back one's composure, smiles saying that this black pig's feet, is the overlord in ominous pig, the pig's feet of black pig, eats to chew the vigor freshly and tenderly. But this viscous red liquid, is the nasal mucus of red spoiled crying baby cultivates the millenniums, can increase the pig's feet enormously the Shun sliding tasty degree, but also the implication extremely high energy, can relax the muscles and joints and stimulate blood circulation......” “噢……差点忘记介绍了。”小骨回过神,笑眯眯道,“这个黑色的猪蹄,是凶猪中的霸王,黑蛮猪的猪蹄,吃起来鲜嫩有嚼劲。而这粘稠的红色液体,是修炼千年的红腐鼻涕虫的鼻涕,能够极大增加猪蹄的顺滑鲜美程度,还蕴含极高能量,可以舒筋活络……” The people hear the introduction of pig's feet, feels good, is hearing the introduction of red liquid, the instantaneous leg was soft, not selected disciple, felt that lived likely generally, the selected lucky disciple, each one such as was struck by lightning, looking at dumbly on the spot. 众人听到猪蹄的介绍,感觉还好,听到着红色液体的介绍,瞬间腿就软了,没有被抽中的弟子的们,感觉像重新活过来了一般,被抽中的幸运弟子,个个如遭雷击,呆立在原地。 The nasal mucus of Chinese photinia spoiled crying baby? 千年红腐鼻涕虫的鼻涕? Viscous along sliding tastily?! 粘稠顺滑鲜美?! With this type of nasal mucus has soaked pig's feet, really can eat? 用这种鼻涕泡过的猪蹄,真的能吃吗? The lucky disciples light/only imagine, almost felt nauseated. 幸运弟子们光是想象,就差点要吐出来了。 A girl student is the double strand trembles, eye socket with tears. 一个女弟子更是双股颤颤,眼眶含泪。 The people felt a cauldron pig's feet good food that before the appetite increases, now looks like, the black pig's feet red liquid, looks like a devil to stare at them. 众人之前感觉食欲大增的一大锅猪蹄美食,现在看来,黑色的猪脚红色的液体,就像是一个魔鬼在凝视着他们。 Chen Yonglong looks to despair: „Doesn't ossiculum pavilion lord, I...... I eat the pig's feet? I to pig's feet allergy......” 陈永龙面露绝望道:“小骨阁主,我……我不吃猪蹄可以吗?我对猪蹄过敏……” The ossiculum said refreshedly: Ok, you eat the soup.” 小骨爽快道:“可以啊,你喝汤吧。” Chen Yonglong: „???” 陈永龙:“???”
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