IMBFC :: Volume #22

#2187: The hopeless situation meets to live

Finally is dying? 终于还是要死了吗? Finally arrived at this? 终于还是走到这一步了吗? Originally used the final 1/5 lives, will really die. 原来用了最后五分之一生命,真的会死。 Will be really erased exists. 真的会被抹除存在。 The system will not lie to him. 系统是不会对他说谎的。 It is but unwilling...... he also to call Xu Xiaolan wait/etc. he to come back, if he does not come back, Xu Xiaolan has certainly waited, waits for the broken endless years, lonely innumerable years, therefore he cannot break a promise, cannot die, cannot die absolutely...... 可是很不甘啊……他还叫许小兰等他回来呢,如果他不回来,许小兰一定会一直等下去,等破无尽岁月,孤独无数岁月,所以他不能失信,不能死,绝对不能死…… The An Lin incomparably intense desire, the incomparably intense faith, as if broke through what shackles in this moment. 安林无比强烈的愿望,无比强烈的信念,在这一刻仿佛冲破了什么桎梏。 Void before his body, splits together the crack of distortion suddenly, a white and tender slender small hand, held his collar. 他身前的虚空,突然裂开一道扭曲的裂缝,一个白嫩纤细的小手,一把抓住了他的衣领。 An Lin giant.” 安林巨人。” Clear and delightful, as if world happiest sound. 清脆又悦耳,仿佛世间最美好的声音。 Like this resounds in the An Lin’s ear bank. 就这样在安林的耳畔中响起。 That had not seen you for a long time the familiar sound. 那是久违了的熟悉的声音。 Young?” An Lin stared in a big way the eyes. “小娜?”安林瞪大了双眼。 He also not with enough time excited, that small hand has made an effort suddenly, drew in him the crack of that say/way distortion. 他还未来得及激动,那个小手就已经突然用力,将他拖入了那道扭曲的裂缝之中。 Four big see this to the high deity, all exploded. 四大至高天神看到这一幕,全都炸了。 Not......! Why creates the world Spiritual God?!” “不……!为什么还有创世神灵?!” Quickly! The sky, stops her quickly!” “快!天空,快制止她!” Cannot make An Lin escaping!!” “决不能让安林给逃了!!” Rumbling!!! 轰轰轰!!! Has fallen to the attack of high authority deity loudly. 至高权柄天神的攻击已经轰然落下。 Land by terrifying energy baptism, but that crack has vanished does not see, entire Heaven and Earth lost the An Lin’s internal energy. 大地被恐怖的能量洗礼了一遍,但那道裂缝早已经消失不见,整个天地都失去了安林的气机。 Is impossible, what's the matter?” On the life deity face full is the puzzled and shocking color, who does that female create the world Spiritual God is?” “不可能的,到底怎么回事?”生命天神脸上满是困惑和震惊之色,“那个女创世神灵是谁?” Why that creates the world Spiritual God god to have does not know that the ghost is close to our skills unconsciously?” The bright deity is also puzzled, but also looked at a sky deity. “为何那个创世神灵神能有不知鬼不觉接近我们的本事?”光明天神亦是满脸困惑,还看了一眼天空天神。 Sky deity but now the foundation of say/way the condition, can actually hide the truth from that condition it, this and other were intrepid can achieve. 要知道,天空天神现在可是道之本相的状态,竟然能够瞒过那个状态的它,这等多强悍才能做得到。 The sea deity is raising gold/metal cross/crotch as before, in place chaotic thorn that An Lin vanishes. 海洋天神依旧提着金叉,在安林消失的地方乱刺。 Surrounding area over a hundred li (0.5 km) void was punctured the pulp by the gold/metal fork, the turbulent flow that the chaos exterminate wreaks havoc in the surroundings, but is unable to subside the sea deity as before the anger. 方圆上百里的虚空都被金叉刺得稀巴烂,混沌灭绝的乱流在周围肆虐,但依旧无法平息海洋天神的怒火。 Begins , do not make An Lin escaping!” “动手啊,你们,千万不要让安林给逃了!” We almost, almost!” “我们就差一点,就差一点啊!” Sky, why don't you retain them?!” “天空,你为何不留住他们?!” The sea deity nearly roared opens the mouth to say. 海洋天神近乎咆哮地开口道。 The sky deity complexion is very ugly: I...... I cannot retain them......” 天空天神脸色很难看:“我……我留不住他们……” „The opposite party creates the world macrocosm the Coordinate to know that we following this point, break open two barriers forcefully, went to their world to kill An Lin.” Light tomorrow Divine Dao. “对方创世大世界的坐标总该知道吧,我们顺着这个点,强行破开两界壁垒,去他们的世界把安林杀了。”光明天神道 But we will suffer like this backlash seriously......” life female Divine Dao. “可这样我们会遭受严重反噬……”生命女神道 We did not have the escape route, was An Lin’s powerful you also to be able to feel? This kills the An Lin best opportunity, like this is dry!” Sea deity very firm say/way. “我们没退路了,安林的强大你们也能感受得到了吧?这是杀死安林最好的机会,就这样干!”海洋天神十分坚决道。 Therefore, will look at the sky deity three to the high deity. 于是,三位至高天神都将目光转向天空天神。 The complexion of sky deity is still very ugly: I...... I cannot locate her Coordinate, not only that she opens the Coordinate of two channels, is that crack, I am unable the sensation to locate now unexpectedly......” 天空天神的脸色依旧很难看:“我……我定位不到她的坐标,不仅如此,她打开两界通道的坐标,就是那条裂缝,我现在竟然也无法感知定位了……” Sea deity: „???” 海洋天神:“???” The bright deity and life deity are also one ignorant. 光明天神和生命天神也都是一懵。 They may not believe look at the sky deity, the feeling are looking at a planetarium aerospace god, wields the sky and domain to tall God, in the foundation of say/way condition, unexpectedly including isn't a Coordinate that creates the world Spiritual God able to find? 他们都不可置信地看着天空天神,感觉在看着一个假天空天神,执掌天空和界域的至高神,在道之本相状态,竟然连一个创世神灵的坐标都无法找到? Cracks a joke!! Lets not a well-known creation world Spiritual God like this, kills to rescue An Lin in their four to encirclement of high deity, then swaggers away? 开什么玩笑啊!!难道就这样让一个不知名的创世神灵,在他们四位至高天神的围杀下救下安林,然后扬长而去? Un...... I can find the Coordinate of Nüwa world, or do we stress the day of bird goddess?” The sky deity also feels very awkward, said forcefully some words pull to revere. “嗯……我可以找到女娲世界的坐标,要不我们去抓天雀神女?”天空天神也觉得很尴尬,强行说些话挽尊。 Hehe, to stress a day bird goddess, withstands a top to create the world Spiritual God macrocosm Heavenly Way to backlash? Were we insane?” The sea deity sneers to say. “呵呵,为了抓一个天雀神女,就承受一位顶级创世神灵大世界的天道反噬?我们是疯了吗?”海洋天神冷笑道。 Therefore, the scene was also peaceful. 于是,场面又安静了下来。 The numerous look at present the empty scene to the high deity, on the face becomes burning. 众至高天神看着眼前空荡荡的场景,脸上又变得火辣辣的。 This place, keeps one second to feel awkward. 这个地方,多留一秒都感觉是尴尬。 Encircle four to the high deity kills, comes to naught unexpectedly in the end, if this said, the day face must be given to lose completely by them!! 四个至高天神围杀,竟然到头来一场空,这要是说出去,天的脸都要被它们给丢尽了!! However, this matter was needless to say. 但是,这事根本不用说出去。 Because everyone saw, this matter is also doomed to spread over the entire mainland. 因为大家都看到了,这事也注定会传遍整个大陆。 Blue little Ni stands the top in moon/month tung oil tree god city, the mood returns to the heaven from the hell, is excited weeps, somewhat sobbed to the entire city notification news. 蓝小倪站在月桐神城的墙头,心情从地狱重返天堂,激动得喜极而泣,有些哽咽地向全城通报消息。 The day bird goddess was rescued by Nüwa, An Lin sovereign was also created the world Spiritual God to rescue mystically, encircled to the high deity kills to plan to fail! 天雀神女被女娲救走,安林宗主也被神秘创世神灵救走,至高天神围杀计划宣告失败了! News, entire city ebullition! 消息一出,全城沸腾! Powerhouses shouted loudly to the day, was excited reddens all over the face. 一个个的强者对天高呼,兴奋得满脸通红。 Officers hug mutually, are releasing the joy of heart. 一个个将士互相拥抱,释放着心头的喜悦。 Some even kneel down, wails, cries while to smile. 有的甚至跪倒在地,嚎啕大哭起来,一边哭一边笑。 They do not know, An Lin was actually in such important position in their hearts, the An Lin’s life and death encountered can actually so affect their. 连他们也不知道,安林竟然在他们心中占据了如此重要的地位,安林的生死遭遇竟然能够如此牵动他们的神经。 Lucky, the result is good, An Lin in a big way escaped from four to kill to encirclement of high deity finally. 万幸,结果是好的,安林终于逃脱了四大至高天神的围杀。 This to them, good too to be really good, this may make them fight an earth-shaking successful battle to be excited. 这对他们来说,真的太好太好了,这可比让他们打一场惊天动地的胜仗还要兴奋。 The broken day allied armies are wild with joy. 破天联军们在狂喜。 Blue little Ni after short joy, then restored again calmly, notifies the entire city to enter the battle condition again, lost An Lin this goal to the high deity, has the possibility to fall in torrents the anger very much above the moon/month tung oil tree god city, they must make the worst preparation. 蓝小倪经过短暂的喜悦后,则再次恢复了冷静,再次通报全城进入战斗状态,至高天神丢失了安林这个目标,很有可能将怒火倾泻在月桐神城之上,他们必须做最坏的准备。 The officers hear the order, tidies up the mood, prepares to protect city big. 将士们听到命令,也都收拾心情,准备着护城大阵。 Blue little Ni is one qualified commanded, her growth is not very easy, many lives watch. Now, she from once love crying ghost, has turned into one to assume sole responsibility for an important task, and lets leader who overwhelming majority powerhouses believe. 蓝小倪已经是一个合格的统帅了,她的成长很不容易,许多生灵都是看在眼里的。如今,她已经从曾经的爱哭鬼,变成了一个可以独当一面,并且让绝大部分强者信服的领导者。 This is not very really simple. 这真的很不简单。 Now, she is facing the huge challenge as before, but she will not flinch. An Lin eldest child faced with that and other desperate situations, without easily speaking to give up, her is the little brother, how can also lose eldest child's face? 现在,她依旧面临着巨大的挑战,不过她不会退缩的。安林老大面临那等绝望的处境,都没有轻言放弃,她一个做小弟的,又怎么能够丢老大的脸? A place, there are several powerhouses to be excitedly happy. 还有一处地方,也有几位强者在兴奋开心着。 They carry out fighting of duty to defeat Buddha and the others with An Lin. 他们就是跟安林去执行任务的斗战胜佛等人。 Extinguished the god squad whole staff not to sacrifice, and victory was countless. This lets their self-confident at the same time deeply feels the glory. 灭神小队全员都没有牺牲,并且战果累累。这点让他们自信的同时又深感荣耀。 Fight had not ended, we first return to moon/month of tung oil tree god city!” “战斗还没结束,我们先回月桐神城!” Good, we cling to tenaciously moon/month of tung oil tree god city, waits for An Lin to return!” “好,我们死守月桐神城,等待安林回归!” The members fight intent to be spirited, moves toward the moon/month tung oil tree god city fast. 众成员都战意昂扬,快速朝月桐神城移动。 At this moment, four big to the battlefield of high deity. 此刻,四大至高天神的战场。 The numerous from is caught one's breath by the huge blow that in An Lin escapes from the high deity finally. 众至高天神终于从被安林逃脱的巨大打击中缓过气来。 While the foundation of say/way the condition, we extinguished moon/month of tung oil tree god city!” The sky deity always felt that the chest cavity has an anger to be hard to vent. “趁着道之本相状态,我们去灭了月桐神城!”天空天神总感觉胸腔有一股怒气难以发泄。 Right, the life in moon/month tung oil tree god city is the main force of broken day allied armies, extinguished these main forces, even if later starts the large-scale fight, we only need divert An Lin and the others, can send the Celestial clan extinguishing other person of clan lives!” The bright deity seconds the motion to say. “没错,月桐神城内的生灵是破天联军的主力,灭了那些主力,就算以后发动大型战斗,我们只需牵制安林等人,就能派天人族将其余人族生灵给灭了!”光明天神附议道。 The sea deity the meaningful vision will actually shift to the bright deity at this time, said: I felt, first first compels bright deity the foundation of say/way, everyone attacks again together the moon/month tung oil tree god city......” 海洋天神却在这时将意味深长的目光转向光明天神,道:“我觉得,还是先把光明天神的道之本相先逼出来,大家再一起进攻月桐神城……” Bright deity: „!!!?” 光明天神:“!!!?” Sky deity eyes one bright, was, fought side-by-side some time, almost took for the teammate the bright deity, sea deity saying, was really a language awakens in the dream the god! 天空天神双眼一亮,是了,并肩作战一段时间,差点把光明天神误认为队友了,海洋天神这话,真是一语惊醒梦中神啊!
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