INIIDF :: Volume #9

#818: Momonosuke disappearance (Middle Part)( 5800 characters)

Nine li (0.5 km), west of mountain deep place. 九里,头山深处以西。 The obese Ashura young lad scooped up sewages in one scoop of river, the complexion seems this water to be equally cloudy. He is a warrior, drinks this and other poisonous water, at most the abdominal pain, is the Wano Country ordinary civilians, will actually be poisoned even endangers life. But this is in these years, Wano Country regional people daily...... 肥胖的阿修罗童子舀了一瓢河里的污水,脸色就好像这水一样阴沉。他乃武士,饮用这等毒水,顶多腹痛而已,可是和之国的普通平民,却会中毒甚至危及生命。而这不过是这些年里,和之国各地人们的日常…… Said, this year should be......” Ashura talked to oneself unemotionally, suddenly has the subordinate facial expression of wear tattered clothing to lift a paper to clash excitedly, liquor day pill eldest child! Looks at this quickly!” “说起来,今年应该就是……”阿修罗面无表情地自语,忽然有穿着破烂衣衫的手下神情激动地举着一张纸条冲过来,“酒天丸老大!快看这个!” „Did chased down person come?” The alias knits the brows, after having taken the paper , the quick facial expression drastic change for the Ashura young lad of liquor day pill, during does not dare to believe that also not being able to suppress excitements, as well as a little filled with grief. “追杀的人来了?”化名为酒天丸的阿修罗童子皱眉,拿过纸条后很快神情剧变,不敢置信之中,又有一丝抑制不住的激动,以及那么一点悲怆。 19 years, Kin'emon, did you really span for 19 years to come? 十九年了,锦卫门,你们真的跨越十九年而来了? ...... …… Does not have the actor of audience, does that have the necessity of acting in a play?” “没有观众的演员,那还有演戏的必要吗?” From abandoning in the deserted village in Oden city, Kanjuro drew a black ink bed with the ability conveniently, long-drawn-out lay down. 距离废弃的御田城的一座荒村之中,勘十郎随手用能力画了一张墨床,悠哉地躺了上去。 Let him inquires the news in nine li (0.5 km) north side and US , Greece, but, that also serve a need to take the effort. 让他在九里北边与希美一带打听消息,可自己一个人,那还用得着那么费力气。 Kanjuro shows the indifferent smile, even if in any case must go to investigate, still must set an appearance of hidden whereabouts such being the case, does that might as well hide, does not go out thoroughly thoroughly perfectly? Hehe...... he curls upwards the leg to lie on the black ink bed, before continue focus on, black ink that will let out good fortune clone, brings the confidential letter that will write the Momonosuke whereabouts will rush to the flower to visit the big snake Sir. 勘十郎露出无所谓的笑容,反正即使自己要出去探查,也必然要做出一副隐藏行踪的样子既然如此,那不如隐藏得彻底一点,彻底不出去了岂不是完美?呵呵呵……他翘着腿躺在墨床上,继续将注意力放在之前放出去的墨・福禄寿分身,带着写有桃之助行踪的密信奔赴花之都拜访大蛇大人。 ...... …… Greece , US. White wild boundless. One crowd goes down in the world vagabonds, bandits and thieves and warriors to gather, on the face of thin emaciated look, appears a excitement. 希美。白野茫茫。一群落魄至极的浪人、盗贼、武士们聚集在一起,消瘦菜色的脸上,都浮现一丝激动。 19 years, this think has been reduced to ashes the heart, cooked in a covered vessel unexpectedly once again ignited sparks/Mars. 十九年了,本以为早就化为灰烬般的心,竟又一次焖燃起了火星。 This is approaching the flower the note of outer suburbs village discovery, in addition this very new note...... on this picture symbol...... absolutely is they, is five people that among 19 years of predecessors evaporates! When is the prediction of Sir......, but in addition, a very persuasive evidence: Cipher design that this need certain culture knowledge and experience, can write down, only then the warrior of that several Kozuki Oden hangers-on can draw! 这是在临近花之都远郊村庄发现的这张字条,这张尚且很新的字条……这上面画的记号……绝对是他们,是十九年前人间蒸发的五人!是时大人的预言……而除此之外,还有一条很具有说服力的佐证:这种需要一定文化知识与见识,才能写下的暗号图案,只有那几位光月御田门下的武士才能画得出来! The illiterate person who the country civilians, one pile of large characters do not know, where aesthetic pleasure, does this bad joke. 乡野平民,一堆大字不识的文盲,哪里雅兴,搞出这种恶劣的玩笑。 Time...... the place...... should there!” “时间……地点……应该就在那里!” It looks like the large size maitreya buddha bald fatty to narrow the eyes to focus to ask that goes down in the world companions, can go together?” 长得像大号弥勒佛的光头胖子眯着眼问落魄至极的同伴们,“要一起去吗?” „Do we have other matter to do?” “我们还有别的事可做吗?” The vagabonds smiled, „was really, always thought that this heart very long has not beaten.” 浪人们纷纷笑了,“真是久违了啊,总觉得这颗心脏已经很久没有跳动过了。” Each other looks at each other, laughs loudly. 彼此相视,不禁放声大笑。 Low voice! If by some chance exposes, making the big snake the person know......” “小声点!万一暴露,让大蛇的人知晓……” Relax, big snake tall Ju spending Jiangjunfu, how to pay attention to the minor matter of this type of in the sewers......” “放心吧,大蛇高居花之都将军府,怎么会注意这种阴沟里的小事……” ...... …… Did not have Denjiro, the river loosen also to have Ashura's news, this way is not always means.” “一直没有传次郎、河松还有阿修罗的消息,这样下去总不是个办法。” The flower with the desolate small village of nine li (0.5 km) common border inside, after Kin'emon hunted for a beast, with the Foxfire class/flow sword technique roasts ripe, oneself tried, the toxicity is not deep, this apportions Momonosuke to eat. 花之都与九里交界的一处荒僻小村里头,锦卫门猎了一头走兽后,用狐火流剑术烤熟,自己试了一番,毒性不深,这才分给桃之助食用。 Momonosuke was hungry, one wolfed down. 桃之助饿极了,一顿狼吞虎咽。 The symbol scattered in all directions on several th, Kin'emon was in suspense, in his hand is pinching the symbol paper, hesitated saying: River loosen is the fish person, perhaps he hides in the river bottom, I did not have the skill to find him. Ashura initially was a mountain thief, hid toward the mountain, can live in seclusion not to come out...... the Denjiro brain to be intelligent for several years, his hiding place, perhaps in the liveliest flower, under the eye of big snake hid......” 记号四散了几日,锦卫门还是放心不下,他手里捏着记号纸条,沉吟道:“河松是鱼人,他说不定躲在河底,我是没本事找到他。阿修罗当初就是山贼,往山里一躲,能隐居个三年五载都不出来……传次郎脑筋聪明,他藏身之地,或许是在最热闹的花之都,就在大蛇的眼皮子底下……” The Kin'emon look strengthens, even if must take some risks, to contact with Denjiro, could not attend. 锦卫门的眼神坚定下来,就算要冒些许风险,为了与传次郎联系上,也顾不得了。 If Denjiro has the hidden status of security, could entrust Your Highness Momonosuke for the time being in him......? 传次郎如果有安全的隐藏身份,或许能将桃之助殿下暂且托付在他……嗯? Your highness?!” “殿下?!” Kin'emon catches the eye looks, Momonosuke actually disappearing form. Kin'emon is impatient, rushes out through the door, almost two one black should at the scene the desolate and uninhabited small village roads, a tall and strong robust man, with a complexion old-fashioned vagabond, is saying anything with Your Highness Momonosuke. 锦卫门抬眼一看,桃之助却不见了身影。锦卫门心急,夺门而出,当场就差点两眼一黑本该荒无人烟的小村路中间,一个魁梧的壮汉,与一个脸色古板的浪人,正在与桃之助殿下说着什么。 Kin'emon, you look at this!” Momonosuke turns head, is pointing in that two people of hands, is actually the symbol paper that Kin'emon disperses. 锦卫门,你看这个!”桃之助回头,指着那两人手中,却是锦卫门散出去的记号纸条。 Senior meets a child, but asked casually two, were not clear here has anything, but at this moment actually secretly vigilance, but in the surface maintains composure, was away from the sunglasses to lift the chin toward Kin'emon, seemed well aware to all said generally lightly: Can help?” 塞尼奥尔碰见个小孩,只是随便问了两句,并不清楚这里头有什么事,但此刻却暗自警觉起来,不过面上不动声色,隔着墨镜朝锦卫门抬了抬下巴,仿佛对一切心知肚明一般地淡淡道:“要帮忙么?” Even if not know the concrete details, said that this words, will not make what wrong after all. 就算不知道具体底细,说这种话,总归也不会出什么错。 This saying falls in the Kin'emon ear is actually such as hears the immortal sound, several want to cry. 19 years, never expected that Wano Country also has warrior who is loyal to Kozuki! 这话落在锦卫门耳中却是如聆仙音,几欲落泪。十九年了,没想到和之国还有着忠于光月家的武士! Good, good!” Kin'emon patted Senior's shoulder with emotion, says with emotion, you are great! We naturally must help, more people are better! However you also saw, has not been the collection time in the cipher agreeing on......” “好,好!”锦卫门感动地拍了拍塞尼奥尔的肩膀,感慨道,“你们好样的!我们当然要帮忙,越多人越好!不过你们也看到了,还没到暗号上约定的集合时间……” Un?” The water buffalo doubts, what this person said suddenly, what do you mean? “嗯?”水牛疑惑,这人突然之间说什么呢,啥意思? Cipher? Set? Senior is pinching the paper, makes appearance that nods slightly, must look for a matter to do.” 暗号?集合?塞尼奥尔捏着纸条,做出微微颔首的样子,“总要找点事做。” This is natural!” Kin'emon said, I am just about belt/bring peach belt/bring my son to go to the flower to send out the symbol paper, gets together more colleague people of integrity, will wait for in the future all join in worthy undertaking.” “这是当然!”锦卫门道,“我正要带桃带犬子前往花之都散发记号纸条,聚合更多的同仁志士,以待日后共襄义举。” My son?! Kin'emon, your big guts! I may...... Momonosuke deeply inspire, actually also knows that at this time is different in those days, can only lower the head to tacitly approve Kin'emon this view. 犬子?!锦卫门,你好大的胆!我可……桃之助深吸一口气,却也知道今时不同往日,只能垂首默认了锦卫门这个说法。 ...... Can these people, with Kaido for the enemy? Senior guessed correctly, although thought that the local warrior somewhat overreaches oneself, but he also eats this. 哦……这些人,难道是要与凯多为敌?塞尼奥尔猜到,虽然觉得本地的武士有些不自量力,不过他个人还就吃这一口。 Is a dauntless man. If then delivers to front of such dauntless man Kaido, trades Kaido Lin Qi an information of whereabouts, should not be excessive? 是个硬汉。那么如果将这样的硬汉送到凯多面前,换凯多一个林奇的行踪的情报,应该不过分吧? Such being the case, matter cannot be delayed, this walks.” Senior nods lightly, originally he with the water buffalo south nine li (0.5 km), waited for several days from the waterfall entrance recent coast, without waiting till least bit straw hat one line of traces, had planned that the flower asked the hard sugar sisters to discuss the countermeasure again, this little while actually also happen to the way. “既然如此,事不宜迟,这就走吧。”塞尼奥尔淡淡颔首,本来他跟水牛在九里南边,距离瀑布入口最近的海岸等了好几天,也没等到半点草帽一行的踪影,就已经打算去花之都找砂糖姐妹再商量对策了,这会儿其实也正好顺路。 His affection, deepened the trust of Kin'emon imperceptibly, to hide the identity of Your Highness Momonosuke a moment ago, but secret ashamed, said hastily: Said right, matter cannot be delayed.” 他这番作态,更是无形中加深了锦卫门的信任,不禁为刚才自己隐瞒桃之助殿下的身份而暗暗惭愧,连忙道:“说得对,事不宜迟。” Therefore two one line of two people, turn into one line of four people toward the flower hurrying. 于是两个一行二人,变成一行四人朝花之都赶去。 On the road, Kin'emon to Senior inquired that these years the change of Wano Country, where especially the warriors wandered about destitute, why was so hard to seek for the whereabouts. 路上,锦卫门向塞尼奥尔两人询问这些年来和之国的变化,特别是武士们流落何方了,为何如此难以寻找行踪。 Where Senior knows, but they came Wano Country also to have a while, knows actually the general big snake has been hunting down anyone, moreover recent hunting efforts especially big. 塞尼奥尔哪里知道,不过他们来和之国也有好一阵子了,倒是知道将军大蛇一直在搜捕什么人,而且最近的搜捕力度尤其的大。 Recently increased the raid?” Kin'emon is surprised, why is this? Always the not possible big snake to have known oneself and the others whereabouts? “最近加大了搜捕?”锦卫门惊疑不定,这是为何?总不可能大蛇已经知道自己等人的行踪了吧? ...... …… The good fortune of black ink black ink fruit mold enters the capital of flower. Kanjuro naturally recognizes the position of Jiangjunfu, after entering the city, goes toward that side directly quietly. 墨墨果实塑造的福禄寿进入花之都。勘十郎自然是认得将军府的位置,入了城之后径直朝那边悄然而去。 Arrived Jiangjunfu, by the face of good fortune, naturally can alarm the big snake Sir, can draw on the good fortune main body again badly, above can definitely meet in any case and that's the end, oneself hand over the confidential letter, can clone to relieve black ink , to continue to hide the identity, acts own Kozuki retainer and scarlet sheath warrior...... 到了将军府,凭借福禄寿的这张脸,自然能惊动大蛇大人,再不济也能招来福禄寿本尊,反正肯定能接上头就是了,自己将密信交出去,就可以将墨分身解除,继续隐藏身份,扮演自己的“光月家臣”、“赤鞘武士”…… black ink clone good fortune goes far away, the flower street, the hard sugar is teaching her younger sister Monet. 墨分身福禄寿远去,花之都的街头,砂糖正在教训她的妹妹莫奈。 On the little miss same hard sugar five fingers is selecting five grapes, place is eating, finished eating also to lick the white and tender fingertip. 小姑娘一样的砂糖五指上挑着五颗葡萄,一口一个地吃着,吃完还舔舔白嫩的指尖。 Her another hand is pulling Monet's collar, glances at to size up that to wipe the glaring white, the indignation however scolds: What dresses up coquettishly makes? Does not know that we can't bring to the attention?” 她另一只手扯着莫奈的衣领,瞥眼打量那一抹晃眼的白色,忿然呵斥道:“打扮得这么风骚做什么?不知道我们不能引起注意吗?” Monet squats down, the small hand who grabs the elder sister, the forced smile said: Must inquire the news, Elder sister. Trouble that compared with makes a move to be easy to annoy truly, putting on the cool point on the contrary is the minor matter.” 莫奈蹲下,抓着姐姐的小手,苦笑道:“总要打听消息啊,姐姐。比起真正出手容易惹来的麻烦,穿得清凉一点反倒是小事啦。” Must reveal goes out to reveal, do not shake in me at present.” The hard sugar is chewing the grape unemotionally. “要露出去露,别在我眼前晃。”砂糖面无表情地嚼着葡萄。 Monet smiles, embraces the hard sugar, supple sound said: Elder sister, if did not eat this fruit, is definitely older than me......” 莫奈一笑,揽住砂糖,柔声道:“姐姐如果不是吃了这个果实,肯定比我大啊……” Snort!” The hard sugar stopper the mouthful grape, the cheek roused, the look disdains, is the look actually passing one not so that?” Meaning. “哼!”砂糖塞了满嘴葡萄,腮帮子都鼓起来,神色不屑,眼神却透着一股“那不然呢?”的意思。 Monet is pulling elder sister's small hand, talked to oneself: Wano Country this place, puts on extremely properly, instead was not easy to act says two slightly, will be mistaken as to them will intend, more exaggerating asked my address at the scene, the appearance that a request marriage gave a present......” she could not bear shake the head. 莫奈牵着姐姐的小手,自语道:“和之国这个地方,穿得太过正经,反而不好行动稍微多说两句,就会被误会是对他们有意,更夸张的当场就问我住址,一副要求婚送礼的样子……”她忍不住摇头。 Two people transferred everywhere two, suddenly the split vision sees the familiar form, looked calmly, arrives at the room in Yijian Lane child corner, the homeowner person had been knocked the dizzy, by outside corridor. 两人又四处转了两圈,忽然余光看见熟悉的身影,不动声色地找了过去,来到一间巷子角落的房间,屋主人已经被敲晕,靠在了外面走廊。 Who are they?” “他们是谁?” The hard sugar spits the grape skin, knits the brows to look to Kin'emon and Momonosuke. 砂糖吐掉葡萄皮,皱眉看向锦卫门桃之助 Senior said: Warrior.” 塞尼奥尔只是道:“武士。” Finishes barely the words, sees Kin'emon to stare Monet heatedly, lowers the sound saying: Too was too and profligate! As female, how can clothing?!” 话音未落,就见锦卫门面红耳赤地瞪着莫奈,压低声音道:“太、太放荡了!身为女子,岂能如此着装?!” Shut up!” Hard sugar look one cold, she puts on anything is her matter. What thing are you?” “闭嘴!”砂糖眼神一冷,“她穿什么是她的事。你算个什么东西?” Kin'emon was scolded, is first startled, suddenly absolutely terrified feelings, are not right, aren't these people...... the Wano Country people?! 锦卫门被如此呵斥,先是一怔,忽然有一种毛骨悚然的感觉,不对,这几个人……不是和之国人?! Senior's hand puts out from the kimono bosom, prepares to begin at any time. 塞尼奥尔的手从和服怀里拿出,随时准备动手。 However also appraised the Monet cool appearance in Kin'emon a moment ago, the hard sugar scolded his time, the people also quickly hear Momonosuke exuded hehehe the laughter...... 不过也在锦卫门刚才评价莫奈清凉的打扮,砂糖呵斥他的时候,众人也很快听见桃之助发出嘿嘿嘿的笑声…… ...... …… Actually you and are you who?!” “你、你究竟是谁?!” Big snake Jiangjunfu, the governing courtyard numerous leader good fortune dies is staring at front this exactly the same „”. 大蛇将军府,御庭番众头领福禄寿死盯着面前这个一模一样的“自己”。 But this „”, actually smile strangely, took out a letter stops up to give him from the bosom, only said one: Does not want to make the big snake Sir execute your words, gives him this constantly.” Then the whole person changes to one group of black ink baseless, beach place black ink. 而这个“自己”,却诡异地一笑,从怀里取出一封信件塞给了他,只说了一句:“不想让大蛇大人处死你的话,就把这个原封不动地交给他。”然后便整个人凭空化作一团墨,啪嗒滩了一地黑墨。 This is anything endures the technique......” “这是什么忍术……” The good fortune is pinching the confidential letter, is startled however long time, finally fiercely one startled, squeezes in the confidential letter the wide sleeve, moves sideways to enter in the mansion to seek the big snake general hurriedly. 福禄寿捏着密信,怔然半晌,最后猛地一惊,将密信塞入宽袖之中,急匆匆地闪身进入府内去寻大蛇将军。 ...... …… Hehehe......” “嘿嘿嘿……” Momonosuke wants to disguise as the pity slightly, jumps in this sexy big sister's arms to rub well, after all in this indifferent brutal world, only then such......? It is not right, although is truly soft, but how such ice-cold??? 桃之助本来想稍微假扮一下可怜,扑进这个性感大姐姐的怀里好好蹭一蹭的,毕竟在这个冷漠残酷的世界,只有这样的……嗯?不对啊,虽然确实很软,不过怎么这么冰冷??? Hehe, is a young sex maniac.” Monet is rubbing the head of Momonosuke with a laugh. Since the big sister is so gentle, Momonosuke plans to forgive her to have the so ice-cold crime for the time being, will first enjoy a time, suddenly, side is similar one group of colder flame to shoot up to the sky, seems mixes with Yellow Springs the sound of cold air/Qi to approach near the ear: “呵呵呵,是个小色鬼呢。”莫奈笑呵呵地揉着桃之助的脑袋。既然大姐姐这么温柔,桃之助打算暂且原谅她胸怀如此冰冷的罪过,正要先享受一番的时候,忽然间,旁边仿佛有一团更加寒冷的火焰冲天而起,一个好似夹杂着黄泉的冷气的声音逼近耳边: Is small mixed plants...... you in dry/does?!” “小・杂・种……你・在・干・什・么?!” What did you call me?” “你叫我什么?” Momonosuke stares, but also thinks oneself misunderstood, immediately flies into a rage, turns head then to see that with the also almost big little girl, scolded, I endured not to teach your eye not to have the high and low a moment ago, you may know me are......” 桃之助一愣,还以为自己听错了,随即勃然大怒,扭头便看到那个与自己也差不多大的小女孩,呵斥道,“刚才我就忍着未曾教训你目无尊卑,你可知我乃将……” Kin'emon has not covered the precious words of your highness with enough time, sees that complexion extremely ugly little girl, to had looked not quick Your Highness Momonosuke the hand racket. 锦卫门还没来得及捂住殿下的金口,就看到那脸色极度难看的小女孩,已经将手拍向了面露不快的桃之助殿下。 The small hand of little girl, the least bit strength does not have, is seemingly light, Kin'emon has not naturally been serious. Momonosuke has not been serious. Even if hides them to call together Kikunojo, Kanjuro and thunder, perhaps no one will still be serious, only thinks that was Your Highness Momonosuke also really inherits Sir Oden to be easy to attract the female bloodlines, unexpectedly brought in the same age girl's hitting sentiment to scold on this...... 小女孩的小手,半点力气都没有,看上去轻飘飘的,锦卫门自然没有当回事。桃之助也没有当回事。就算把菊之丞、勘十郎和雷藏他们一起叫过来,恐怕也没有人会当回事,只会以为是桃之助殿下还真是继承了御田大人容易吸引女性的血脉啊,居然就这样就引来同龄女孩的打情骂…… The small hand of hard sugar, fell on the shoulder of Momonosuke. 砂糖的小手,落在了桃之助的肩膀上。 Monet looks with a smile. The water buffalo takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. Senior is indifferent. 莫奈笑吟吟地看着。水牛幸灾乐祸。塞尼奥尔漠不关心。 But in flash that the hard sugar small hand drops, Momonosuke then during the gaze of Kin'emon, at the visible speed, from the image of original moon/month generation of youngster warriors, swiftly reduces the body, to turn into the physique that the four limbs are well-grounded, the body grew the valuables the false fur...... to become a furry toy puppy suddenly. Meanwhile, Kozuki Momonosuke the name and image of this person and all with the related memory , as in the Kin'emon eye in gloomy tall light, tidal was gradually cancelled...... 而在砂糖小手落下的一瞬间,桃之助便在锦卫门的注视之中,以肉眼可见的速度,从原本的月代头少年武士的形象,迅速缩小身体、变成四肢着地的体态,身上长出细软的假毛皮……眨眼间成了一只毛茸茸的玩具小狗。与此同时,“光月桃之助”这个人的名字、形象和一切与之相关的记忆,都在随着锦卫门眼中逐渐暗淡的高光中,潮水般地被抹去…… ...... …… Confidential letter? Ink person who endures the technique to turn into?” “密信?墨水忍术变成的人?” Jiangjunfu, the big snake snatched to receive the confidential letter that the good fortune sent, waving makes him get the hell out. Black coal places in the undercover of Kozuki, he does not want casual anything to know. 将军府,大蛇劈手接过福禄寿送来的密信,挥挥手让他滚蛋。黑炭家安插在光月家的卧底,他可不想让随便什么人都知道。 However, in one room of Kaido of naturally not in „the casual anyone”. 不过,同在一室的凯多自然不在“随便什么人”之列。 Kaido is drinking, says with a smile: Small insect that you raise, really 19 years ago passes through to come?” 凯多喝着酒,笑道:“你养的小虫子,真的从十九年前穿越而来啦?” You think that you can stay out?” The big snake tremble opens the confidential letter, rapid reader reads off, is confused simply, what things that is Kanjuro this write? Momonosuke? Who is Momonosuke?” “你以为你能置身事外吗?”大蛇哆哆嗦嗦地打开密信,一目十行地读完,简直一头雾水,“勘十郎这都是写的些什么东西?桃之助桃之助是谁?” ...... …… Meanwhile, in the island of ghost, after Kaido leaves, big and several rises, arrives at the crown of that giant bull horn skeleton head, takes out that to be regarded as Holy Bible the log of Kozuki Oden from the bosom by oneself. This diary she has read innumerable, but regardless of read several times, when Kozuki Oden and his wife who day moon/month first above recorded child's matter named Kozuki Momonosuke...... is attacking big and mind. 与此同时,鬼之岛上,凯多离开后,大和几个起落,来到那巨大牛角骷髅头的顶部,从怀里取出那本被自己视作圣经的光月御田的航海日记。这本日记她已经读过无数遍,可不论读几次,上面记录的光月御田与他的妻子天月时的第一个叫做光月桃之助的孩子的事情……都在冲击着大和的心神。 Who is Momonosuke? Kozuki Momonosuke? 谁是桃之助光月桃之助 Wano Country has not absolutely had this person! Kozuki Oden only then an only daughter, disappeared 19 years of Kozuki day sums! 和之国根本就没有过这个人啊!光月御田只有一个独女,消失了十九年的光月日和! That did Oden...... write down the lie in the diary? 那个御田……在日记里写下了假话? Big and had such vacillation for the first time, grasps has been turning very much old Oden diary, felt that the innermost feelings are very depressed. She thinks that today, oneself should confront this issue: Since Kozuki Oden in the diary, will fictionalize the eldest son who does not have, then the other parts of diary, the credibility also does need to form a question mark? 大和第一次产生了这样的动摇,握着已经翻得很旧的御田日记,感觉内心十分苦闷。她觉得到了今天,自己应该正视这个问题了:既然光月御田在日记里,会虚构一个根本不存在的长子,那么日记的其他部分,可信度是不是也要打一个问号? I worship, is actually Kozuki Oden that person......, am I worshipping one to repose me to revolt against father's one just to be called the Kozuki Oden symbol? 我所崇拜的,究竟是光月御田那个人……还是,我只是在崇拜一个寄托了我想要反抗父亲的一个刚好叫做光月御田的符号呢? Has not gone to a day of school big and is a little at this moment confused. 没有上过一天学堂的大和此刻有点迷茫。 If Ace because of were good, at this time good to drink two glasses of liquor with him, this did not need to worry...... 如果艾斯在就好了,这时候好想跟他喝两杯酒,这样就不用烦恼了…… ...... …… This idiot! To I wrote the Kozuki day and whereabouts!” “这个蠢货!给我写光月日和的行踪啊!” The big snake falls the confidential letter indignantly on the tatami, that vanished 19 years of woman is the Kozuki only successor, her one day did not die, my one day difficult secure! Momonosuke of what nonsense, this fellow did an inside job for a long time, the head also went bad wait/etc, is it possible that this ‚was Momonosuke, the Kozuki days and between the synonyms in their these Oden trusted subordinates?” 大蛇气愤地将密信摔在榻榻米上,“那个消失了十九年的女人是光月家唯一的继承人,她一日不死,我一日难安啊!什么狗屁的桃之助,这家伙卧底久了,脑袋也坏了等等,莫非,这个‘桃之助’,是光月日和在他们这几个御田亲信之间的代称?” Kaido raised head to fill liquor, smiled saying: Your own trusted subordinate, writes the confidential letter to disclose secret information to you, why can also beat around the bush?” 凯多仰头灌了一口酒,哂笑道:“你自己的亲信,写密信给你通风报信,为什么还要拐弯抹角?” The big snake restores to fly into a rage. 大蛇恢复暴跳如雷。 Kaido sneers saying: Wanted to discover the Kozuki day and is very simple, so long as all women gave black Maria the flower and ensure could not run away!” 凯多冷笑道:“想要找出光月日和很简单,只要把花之都的所有女人都送给黑玛利亚,保证一个都跑不掉!” You are insane!” The big snake receives the stimulation to be common, flower all women? That does not include me to kiss own small purple?!” “你疯啦!”大蛇受到刺激一般,“花之都的所有女人?那不是也包括我亲亲的小紫?!” Kaido said indifferently: In any case is a whore, what so-called has?” 凯多冷漠道:“反正都是婊子,有什么所谓?” Small purple, but chief among flowers!” The big snake is restraining one's anger, she is different.” “小紫可是花魁!”大蛇忍着气,“她是不一样的。” Kaido does not care is drinking, that trades a method, looked to kill the women. Outside goes to transport the woman to come to fill on the line.” 凯多不在意地喝着酒,“那就换个方法,把女人都找出来杀了吧。去外面运女人进来填补就行。” „Isn't this more feasible?!” The big snake is indignant. “这更不可行吧?!”大蛇愤愤不平。 Oh, you are really the waste, big snake!” Kaido dissolute laughing reverberation in the inner room in Jiangjunfu. “噢啰啰啰啰,你真是废物啊,大蛇!”凯多放肆的大笑回荡在将军府的内室之中。 ...... …… The banquet diffuses, the chief among flowers small purple gorgeous cheek flushed red, death due to insanity court attendant...... you said, I did die am quite good?” 酒宴放散,花魁小紫艳丽的面颊酡红,“狂死郎……你说,我是不是死掉比较好?” You were drunk, small purple.” The death due to insanity court attendant walks in side, the nearby person are many, he is unable saying that her real name, shouted her the day and Sir. “你醉了,小紫。”狂死郎走在旁边,附近人多,他无法称她的真名,喊她日和大人。 The Denjiro intent has referred to smiles saying: You such unique woman, is the Wano Country valuable rarities, how can easily speak to give up?” 传次郎意有所指地微笑道:“你这样绝无仅有的女人,可是和之国的稀世珍宝,怎么能轻言放弃呢?” Hehe......” small purple is spitting the liquor air/Qi, glances the circulation, girl lives a treasure, not on line?” “呵呵呵……”小紫吐着酒气,眼波流转,“小女子生一个更宝贝的,不就行了?” Death due to insanity youth say/way: You were drunk.” 狂死郎道:“你醉了。” Hehe...... your heart movement?” The small purple physique drags, has not turned head, „is really useless, death due to insanity Mr. youth, these may be you teach.” “呵呵呵……你心动了吗?”小紫身姿摇曳,没有回头,“真是不中用啊,狂死郎先生,这些可都是你教的呢。” Until small purple leaves, the death due to insanity court attendant looks at dumbly in same place, is speechless. 直到小紫离开,狂死郎呆立在原地,怔怔无言。 An issue appears fuzzily in his heart......, since the Kozuki day and Sir are the Kozuki only bloodlines, actually do oneself these years are making what, why need to portray a chief among flowers her? He rubbed the frontal eminence, quick sighed secretly painstakingly, sometimes Sir, you should they deliver to 19 years later present the day and Sir along with Kin'emon together, rather than let her in these for 19 years in Wano Country suffering...... 一个问题模模糊糊地浮现在他心底……既然光月日和大人已经是光月家唯一的血脉,那自己这些年究竟是在做什么,为何要将她塑造成一位花魁?他揉了揉额角,很快暗自苦叹,时大人,您应该将日和大人随锦卫门他们一同送到十九年后的现在,而不是让她在这十九年来的和之国里煎熬…… Is carrying the beverage bottle, the death due to insanity court attendant walks dissolutely in the Dujie of head flower, suddenly look one cold, stepped a slip of paper. 拎着酒瓶,狂死郎浪荡走在花之都街头,忽然眼神一凛,踩住了一张纸片。 Opens is drawing the paper of symbol, the tipsy feeling in death due to insanity court attendant look sobers fiercely, the breath became slightly is also rapid! You came finally, Kin'emon! 打开画着记号的纸条,狂死郎眼神中的酒意猛地清醒过来,呼吸也变得略显急促来了!你们终于来了,锦卫门 ...... …… How did Kin'emon initiate dull? 锦卫门怎么发起呆了? Momonosuke looked up one strangely......, was not right, my did also lift has high compared with before? Not is right! I how...... are my how four feet well-grounded?! 桃之助奇怪地抬头看了一眼……诶,不对,我怎么头抬得比以前还有高?不对不对!我怎么……我怎么四脚着地啊?! The Momonosuke innermost feelings surge suddenly panic-stricken, he thinks that two feet stand, actually hit to stagger, lay on the ground again, at this time he saw, oneself both hands, covered Nekomamushi and dog mist their such furs unexpectedly...... are being only, this fur compared with their soft attractive fur, inferior feelings. 桃之助内心忽然涌起一阵惊恐,他想两脚站起来,却打了个踉跄,再度趴在地上,这时他才看见,自己的双手,竟然覆盖着猫蝮蛇、犬岚他们那样的毛皮……只是,这毛皮比起他们那软乎乎的漂亮毛皮,更有一种劣质的感觉。 Almost meanwhile, Momonosuke hears an indifferent sound: Contract: First, you later cannot speak the logical expression, as a dog, only permitted the tearful dog to call enough......” 几乎同时,桃之助听到一阵冷漠的声音:“契约:一,你以后不许说人话,作为一条狗,只许汪汪狗叫就够了……” Is speaking to me? Momonosuke is angry puzzled, the opens the mouth must scold this little girl two, woof called to make noise...... 在对我说话?桃之助不解又生气,张口要呵斥这小女孩两句,却“汪”地叫出了声…… Monet have a relish observes, in the eyes of stuffed animal dog, in woof the flash of exit|to speak, the pupil seemed to be panic-stricken enlarges. 莫奈饶有兴致地观察到,毛绒玩具狗的双眼里,在“汪”出口的一刹那,瞳孔似乎都惊骇得放大了。 The hard sugar continues to use the children's enjoyment fruit unemotionally the ability, to stuffed animal dog that oneself manufacture release establishment, read the contract that she set indifferently: Two, later you see any female, gives me 20 meters away to knock the foot ten heads! Finally, three......” 砂糖继续面无表情地使用童趣果实的能力,给自己制作的毛绒玩具狗“出厂设置”,冷漠地念完她定下的契约:“二,以后你看到任何女性,都给我在20米外磕足十个头!还有最后,三……” The hard sugar lifts the foot to step the face that the stuffed animal dog restlesses, suddenly smiled, the meaning that the look actually does not want to smile, looks is stepped on the flat plush angry face, full loathes and annoyed mood, her cold sound said: As a dog, you only with eating excrement on line. Should this not be difficult?” 砂糖抬脚踩住毛绒玩具狗心神不宁的脸,忽然笑了,眼神却一点没有想笑的意思,看着被踩扁的毛绒狗脸,满是厌恶与恼火的情绪,她冷声道:“作为一条狗,你只用吃屎就行了。这应该不难吧?” Her voice falls, the children's enjoyment fruit ability immediately becomes effective completely. 她的话音落下,童趣果实能力立即完全地生效。 Kozuki Momonosuke this existence, in everyone's the cognition from the world by hidden goes to quietly at the same time, rule that three force to set, is ordinary like the ideological steel seal, hit on his body of new body stuffed animal dog, changed into the unshakeable instinct. 光月桃之助这个存在,从世界上所有人的认知中被悄然隐去的同时,三条强制定下的规则,也如同思想钢印一般,打在了他的新身体毛绒玩具狗的身体上,化为不可动摇的本能。
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