IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1025: Enters the mountain

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! Two days later, in February/two months 2 nd. 两天后,二月初二。 auspicious clouds blocks out the sun, pink clouds all over the sky. 祥云蔽日,彩霞满天。 The dawn was just begining to break, around a mind/square inch mountain the person within several hundred li (0.5 km) range then all discovered this grade of phenomenon. 天还未亮时,方寸山周围数百里范围内的人便皆发现了这等异象。 Usually sees only a mind/square inch summit that in the white clouds fill as if to turn into an five-colors brocade pile suddenly, in cloud Zhengxia Wei good luck thousand, completely has never had from ancient to present magnificent scene. 只见平日里白云弥漫的方寸山巅仿佛突然变成了一个五彩锦堆,云蒸霞蔚中瑞气千条,全然是自古至今从未有过的盛景。 Countless people walk out of the door, looks at this wonderful light extraordinary splendor distantly, in the mouth expresses admiration, but also thinks that is dragon raised the head this day really to have Xianglong born. 无数人走出家门,遥遥看着这奇光异彩,嘴中不住啧啧称奇,还以为是“龙抬头”这日真有祥龙降世。 Many common people to the end then do obeisance, non-stop kotowing in the direction of mind/square inch mountain, was praying the Divine Dragon blessings, eliminate the risk to seek asylum, the appearance is reverent. 不少百姓倒头便拜,向着方寸山的方向不停叩首,祈祷着神龙赐福、消灾避难,模样虔诚无比。 Already cannot bear raise head to look the line to Wei Changtian and Xu Suisui of halfway up the mountainside to top of the head's myriad auspicious clouds, in the look full is the color of shock. 就连已行至半山腰的魏长天许岁穗也忍不住仰头看向头顶的万千祥云,眼神里满是震惊之色。 Right, they midnight evaded good symbol to go out of town on use yesterday secretly, run to climb a mountain. 没错,他俩昨天半夜就利用“避行符”偷偷出了城,跑来爬山了。 Crawled half in the evening, crawled the halfway up the mountainside, sufficiently obviously mind/square inch mountain high. 爬了半晚上,才爬到半山腰,足以可见方寸山到底有多高。 But when they sit when a stone head rest, this exaggerating then almost appeared in the flash. 而就在俩人坐在一块石头上休息时,这夸张的一幕便几乎是在一瞬间出现了. Wei Changtian 魏长天 Raised the head pink clouds that looks at that to block the sky, Xu Suisui saying: It seems like.” 抬头看着那遮天蔽日的彩云,许岁穗愣愣的说道:“看来是真的了.” Un.” “嗯。” Although Wei Changtian is also very surprised, but quick recovers, slowly standing up body. 魏长天虽然也很吃惊,但很快就回过神来,慢慢站起身子。 Ok, do not look.” “行了,别看了。” Since, that Chu Xianping and Qin Zhengqiu estimated that quick also came.” “既然是真的,那楚先平秦正秋估计很快也就来了。” We must first their one step to the summit.” “咱们得先他们一步到山顶。” Good “好” Nods, Xu Suisui also stood, whatever Wei Changtian will carry, both hands closely embrace in the latter chest front. 点点头,许岁穗也站了起来,任由魏长天将自己背起,双手紧紧揽在后者胸前。 Wei Changtian 魏长天 What's wrong?” “咋了?” You and your hand were too near the bottom.” “你、你手太靠后了.” „???” “???” „.” “.” The under foot catches up, 脚下发力, Two people then disappeared in quickly like this same place, only left behind several fallen leaves to flutter in the midair slowly. 两人很快便这样消失在了原地,只留下几片落叶在半空中缓缓飘荡。 But auspicious clouds of summit is also getting more and more dense, as if also has the electric light twinkle. 而山顶的祥云也越来越密,其中似乎还有电光闪烁。 Almost after two double-hour, Wei Changtian arrived at a mind/square inch summit at the back of Xu Suisui finally. 差不多两个时辰后,魏长天总算是背着许岁穗到达了方寸山巅。 Actually Wei Changtian does not know here elevation high, but, and violent incomparable mountain breeze judged from the Xu Suisui pale complexion all around, even if cannot compare Mount Everest, it is estimated that will not differ too. 魏长天不知道这里海拔究竟有多高,但是从许岁穗惨白的脸色、以及周遭猛烈无比的山风判断,即便比不上珠穆朗玛峰,估计也不会相差太多。 Because the air is extremely thin, the entire summit is bare, although does not have the duplicate snow, but actually does not see any vegetation, disorderly giant stone and strong winds. 由于空气太过稀薄,整个山顶光秃秃的,虽没有覆雪,但却也不见任何草木,只有凌乱的巨石和狂风。 Naturally, as the second rank military person, this environment follows to Wei Changtian on the flat land not different. 当然了,身为二品武人,这种环境对魏长天来说跟在平地上没什么两样。 However Xu Suisui not Taihang. 不过许岁穗就不太行了。 Even if had expected that this situation, prepared one to have ahead of time restores vital energy to drive out the cold the jade pendant of function, but the oxygen deficit and extremely cold condition actually makes her very weak, the lip still somewhat turns purple. 即便早已预料到了这种情况,提前准备了一块有“补气驱寒”作用的玉佩,但缺氧和极寒的条件却还是使得她十分虚弱,嘴唇也有些发紫。 Your resting a while, could not support here took the compounded drug.” “你在这里歇一会儿,撑不住了就吃丹药。” Looked for one pile of quite covert quarry stone, puts Xu Suisui under the lee, Wei Changtian has handed over small bottle compounded drug. 找了一堆比较隐蔽的乱石,将许岁穗放在背风处,魏长天递过一小瓶丹药。 On the Xu Suisui current situation, he does not need to worry that actually the latter will run around. 许岁穗目前的情况,他倒是不用担心后者会到处乱跑了。 I first go to the cloud to transfer, why can look find this phenomenon is.” “我先去云里面转一圈,看看能不能找到这异象是因何而起。” Since there is a auspicious clouds, that then proves becoming an immortal secret big probability real. 既然有祥云,那便证明“登仙天机”大概率是真的。 Although then does not have more phenomenon besides auspicious clouds at present, but guarantees does not permit the chance in the cloud? 虽然眼下除了祥云之外便没有更多的异象,但保不准机缘就在云里面呢? If can first step take, that wasn't does not use with Chu Xianping and Qin Zhengqiu directly meets face to face? 如果能抢先一步弄到手,那不是直接都不用跟楚先平秦正秋打照面了吗? Even if knows that this possibility is very low, but Wei Changtian decided must first heaven look. 哪怕知道这个可能性很低,可魏长天还是决定要先“上天”看一看。 But Xu Suisui un, then gazed after Wei Changtian governing to empty gently, takeoffs more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) cloud layers to fly to that. 许岁穗则只是轻轻“嗯”了一声,然后就目送着魏长天御空而起,直直向那离地百余丈的云层飞去。 !!” “呼!!” The biting blast howled to pass over gently and swiftly by the slit of quarry stone, Xu Suisui bound the gown, the line of sight has looked at that colorful clouds. 刺骨寒风透过乱石的缝隙呼啸掠过,许岁穗裹了裹袍子,视线一直看着那五彩斑斓的云朵。 Normal, such Fu auspicious clouds Wei should give people one type excitedly, or respect feeling. 正常来说,这样的福瑞霞蔚应该会给人一种“激动”,亦或是“崇敬”的感觉。 But does not know that is because the environment of summit was extremely bad, Xu Suisui more looked that more feels unexpectedly disturbed. 但也不知道是不是因为山顶的环境太过恶劣了,许岁穗越看竟越觉得不安。 It seems these clouds not to come from care of Heavenly Dao, do not see somebody off to become an immortal, but is a huge conspiracy is the same. 就好像这些云朵并非来自天道的眷顾,也并非是要送人登仙,而是一场巨大的阴谋一样。 Shakes the head, Xu Suisui closely grips the small porcelain bottle, in the mind is assigning out the system contact surface, looked at a that skewer to be located in the most above number. 摇了摇头,许岁穗紧紧攥着小瓷瓶,脑海中调出系统界面,看了一眼那串位于最上方的数字。 2600 points. 2600点。 Without a doubt, Xu Suisui now compared with Wei Changtian rich many. 毫无疑问,许岁穗现在要比魏长天“富有”的多。 How she accumulates so many systems, this perhaps only then she knows. 她是如何攒下这么多系统点的,这恐怕只有她自己知道。 But what without a doubt is, this and insufficiently changes really dragon Elin. 但毫无疑问的是,这并不够换一枚真龙额鳞的。 Even the Wei Changtian surplus points are in addition insufficient. 甚至加上魏长天剩余的点数都不够。 Actually according to the Xu Suisui original plan, if multi- and other months, she almost can accumulate 5000 points again. 其实按照许岁穗原本的计划,如果再多等几个月,她是差不多能攒到5000点的。 Pitifully only this accident/surprise comes extremely sudden, now she does not have the means to achieve this goal. 只可惜这场“意外”来的太过突然,现在她已经没办法达成这个目标了。 However when necessary, she can change some such as Tianyuan pill and god strikes and so on item, perhaps can also add on Wei Changtian's to be busy. 不过如果有必要,她还是可以换一些诸如“天元丹”、“神击”之类的道具,或许也能帮上魏长天的大忙. !!!” “呼!!!” Also is cold wind pours into the clothes, Xu Suisui rolls up one group, this is waiting silently. 又是一阵寒风灌入衣中,许岁穗蜷缩成一团,就这样默默等着。 How long also has not known, when she felt that the consciousness is somewhat fuzzy, when is preparing to take compounded drug, Wei Changtian from got down finally in the clouds. 也不知过了多久,就当她感觉意识有些模糊,正准备吃一枚丹药之时,魏长天总算是从云中下来了。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Suddenly came some spirits, Xu Suisui to rush to raise the head to ask: What has in the clouds?” 突然来了些精神,许岁穗赶忙抬头问道:“云中有什么?” Anything does not have.” “啥也没有。” Wei Changtian falls side her, some expression doubts: Except for the cloud is the cloud, and I flew almost dozens meters to go out upward.” 魏长天落在她身边,表情有些疑惑:“除了云彩就是云彩,并且我往上飞了差不多几十米就出去了。” Went out?” “出去了?” Xu Suisui gawked staring: What do you mean?” 许岁穗愣了愣:“什么意思?” Departs the cloud layer.” “就是飞出云层了。” Wei Changtian knits the brows to explain: These five-colors auspicious clouds, only then many 100 meters thick, did not have again upward, ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky.” 魏长天皱眉解释道:“这些五彩祥云只有最多一百米厚,再往上就没了,万里晴空。” Most critically, in cloud is really air/Qi the density not to have with outside difference.” “更关键的是,云里的真气浓度跟外面一点区别都没有。” Does not know that was I wants to be many, but always felt like some people to make such one flower colorful cloud to be here same.” “也不知道是不是我想多了,但是总感觉像是有人弄了这么一朵五颜六色的云彩在这里一样.” Sits side Xu Suisui, Wei Changtian looked up, the line of sight was somewhat strange. 一屁股坐在许岁穗身边,魏长天又抬头看了看,视线有些古怪。 But the former this time also remembered itself just to feel, in the heart was more anxious suddenly. 而前者这时也想起了自己刚刚的感觉,心中一时间更加不安。 Naturally, perhaps these were only she and Wei Changtian want. 当然了,这些或许只是她和魏长天想多了。 After all becoming an immortal secret this matter no one had previously seen, no one knows that should be what appearance. 毕竟“登仙天机”这事儿此前谁也没见过,谁也不知道应该是什么样子的。 But if this is really a conspiracy. 但如果这真的是一场阴谋. Actually does that person want to make what secretly? 那幕后之人究竟想做什么? Shake-out in a grain of small compounded drug Xu Suisui raising head clothing/taking entrance from the porcelain bottle, felt that the mind then sobered instantaneously much. 从瓷瓶中抖出一粒小小的丹药许岁穗仰头服入口中,感觉头脑瞬间便清醒了不少。 She just wants to ponder over not right place carefully, but the next quarter then heard one very remotely, very depressed explosion sound. 她刚想仔细琢磨一下其中不对劲的地方,但下一刻便听到了一声十分遥远,又十分沉闷的轰响。 Bang “轰” Bang, rumbling.” “轰、轰轰.” From the first sound, to one after another Large expanse , a explosion sound sound flowing transmits from the mountain, from now on will not then stop again. 从第一声响起,到接连成片,轰响声一浪浪从山下传来,自此便再未停下。 Wei Changtian and Xu Suisui expression changes, looked at each other one silently. 魏长天许岁穗表情一变,默默对视了一眼。 Without a doubt, at this moment in the mind/square inch mountain, Chu Xianping and Qin Zhengqiu has hit. 毫无疑问,此时此刻就在方寸山中,楚先平秦正秋已经打起来了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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