IATVOTB :: Volume #6 江湖夜雨十年灯

#1022: Going well

After half double-hour, presents the imperial palace newly underground. 半个时辰后,新奉皇宫地下。 Around the jet black said/tunnel was covered by the soil, the wooden support frame is crooked. 漆黑的地道四面被泥土覆盖,木制的支撑框架歪歪斜斜。 The hand holds the flare to walk in the said/tunnel, Wei Changtian step slightly slow, asked to behind Xu Suisui: 手举火把走在地道中,魏长天步子稍缓,问向身后的许岁穗: „Do you find the person to dig?” “你找人挖的?” Un, two months ago started to dig.” “嗯,两个月前就开始挖了。” Xu Suisui nods: Can pass through directly gathers a air/Qi most core.” 许岁穗点点头:“可以直接通到聚气阵的最核心。” Hadn't been discovered by the person of Buddhism?” “没被佛门之人发现?” Wei Changtian knits the brows: „Under you hid in their eyes dug such long said/tunnel, haven't they detected?” 魏长天皱了皱眉:“你在他们眼皮子底下挖了这么长的地道,他们就一点也没察觉到?” Snort, when you my emperor is white Dang.” “哼,你当我这个皇帝是白当的呀。” As if somewhat discontented with the Wei Changtian's question, Xu Suisui mumbled low voice: I naturally had the means to hide the truth from them.” 似乎对魏长天的质疑有些不满,许岁穗小声嘟囔道:“我自然有办法瞒过他们了。” They are not all day defend by the underground strategy, said again who can think some people will steal that gold/metal Buddhist relics.” “他们又不是整日守在地下阵法旁边,再说谁又能想到会有人来偷那金舍利呢。” Also yes.” “也是。” The revolutions turns head, Wei Changtian this matter is extremely not puzzled. 转回头,魏长天没就此事太过纠结。 This gold/metal Buddhist relics he must carry off in any case. 反正这枚金舍利他是一定要带走的。 Even perhaps cannot help itself break through one, but a inner strength of implication actually can still have a strength by oneself in a short time, especially is essential to Qin Zhengqiu or Chu Xianping. 即便或许不能帮助自己突破一品,但其中蕴含的一品内力却也能让自己在短时间内具备一品的实力,不论是对上秦正秋还是楚先平都尤为关键。 Naturally, should not worry as usual, at least must first come several times to step on point, assigns a plan. 当然了,照常来说自己不应该这么着急,最起码也要先来几次“踩踩点”,指定一个计划。 But the time is extremely tight, in order to 2 nd rushes a mind/square inch mountain in February/two months, Wei Changtian really cannot present the Yuan to delay is too long, can only begin directly. 怎奈时间太过紧迫,为了能在二月初二之前赶到方寸山,魏长天实在不能在奉元耽误太久,就只能是直接动手了。 Regardless of a while what happened, do not run all over the place.” “等会儿不论发生什么事,别乱跑。” Thinks of here, Wei Changtian warned once again: Follows side me, after attaining the gold/metal Buddhist relics, we remove.” 想到这里,魏长天又一次警告道:“跟在我身边,拿到金舍利之后我们就撤。” If yourself make what trick, do not blame me not to save you when the time comes.” “如果你自己闹出什么幺蛾子,可别怪我到时候不救你。” Un, I know.” “嗯,我知道。” Xu Suisui also knows that this matter no small matter, has not then quarrelled with Wei Changtian, but holds on latter's sleeves gently, very earnest should say: 许岁穗也知道这事儿非同小可,便没有与魏长天拌嘴,只是轻轻拉住后者的衣袖,十分认真的应道: If the human hair lived the accident/surprise, you first run well, does not need to manage me.” “如果真发生了意外,你先跑就好,不用管我。” „.” “.” Shooting a look at Xu Suisui was the same, Wei Changtian has not spoken again. 瞥了许岁穗一样,魏长天没再说话。 Two people step out, only walks the time of approximately burning a joss stick in the silence along the said/tunnel. 两人加快脚步,就这样在沉默中又沿着地道走了大约一炷香的功夫。 Then, after Wei Changtian cautious shoves open the typical end a leaf of flagstone, be peaceful temple that in a big way to gather air/Qi on compared with cloud not to know that many time of underground tomb then appears in two people at present. 然后,当魏长天小心翼翼的推开地道尽头的一扇石板之后,一座要比云安寺那个聚气阵大上不知多少倍的地下“墓穴”便出现在了二人眼前。 Bang “轰” star moon/month in the sky, dim light of night heavy. 星月当空,夜色沉沉。 11 p.m. to 1 a.m the moment, along with one does not know that the dull thumping sound from where, entire presented the Yuan city to rock suddenly. 子时一刻,伴随着一阵不知来自何处的闷响,整座奉元城突然晃动了一下。 It looks like an incomparably short earthquake, merely is after the flash, the vibration then vanishes does not see, the candle lamp that only then sways was proving this is not an misconception. 就像是一场无比短暂的地震,仅仅是一刹那过后,震动便消失不见,只有摇晃的烛灯在证明着这并非错觉。 „! Awakes quickly! How just to shake?” “当家的!快醒醒!刚刚怎么晃了一下?” Un? What shakes to shake? You rested muddled.” “嗯?晃什么晃?你睡糊涂了吧.” Aiya! The bed just now really shakes fiercely!” “哎呀!床方才真的晃得厉害!” Ok, the father must begin work tomorrow morning, do not quarrel.” “行了,明早老子还要上工呢,别吵了.” „.” “.” Suddenly, the innumerable same discussions resound in presenting Yuan residents. 一时间,无数相同的议论响起在奉元的一间间民宅之内。 Some have not rested the deep person to feel this rocking, but actually does not know why, after often has doubts, then went to sleep. 有些没有睡深的人感觉到了这阵晃动,但却不知因何而起,往往疑惑一阵后便又睡下了。 Truly, regarding the common people, this cannot be regarded anything at the worst. 确实,对于普通百姓而言,这并算不得什么大不了的事。 The expression big change of form fitting several Buddhism eminent monks actually all in imperial palace, quick then runs out of the room immediately in abundance, changes to shadows to rush in the same direction. 可身处在皇宫之内的几个佛门高僧却皆顿时表情大变,很快便纷纷冲出房间,化作一道道黑影往同一个方向奔去。 Less than the quarter of an hour, four serious Buddhism eminent monks then stood before a giant lotus throne, look not only vigilant, and had doubts. 不到一刻钟,四个面色凝重的佛门高僧便站在了一座巨大的莲台之前,眼神既警惕、又疑惑。 Just should be firmly gathers air/Qi to present the difference.” “刚刚确应是聚气阵出现了异样。” After inspecting one carefully, some people knit the brows saying: But the gold/metal Buddhist relics still , the strategy revolved were still also smooth.” 仔细检查了一番后,有人皱眉说道:“但金舍利仍在,阵法运转也仍顺畅。” But nearby inner strength density is not obviously right.” “可附近的内力浓度明显不对劲。” Another person bent down to look at several toward lotus pond: „The inner strength that showing just in the middle of the Buddhist relics stored up truly leaked.” 另一人俯身往莲池看了几眼:“说明刚刚舍利当中储存的内力确实外泄了一些。” Can have the people's desires chart to steal the Buddhist relics?” “会不会是有人意图窃走舍利?” Has the possibility, but this person does not know why has not gone well.” “有可能,只是这人不知为何没有得手。” Also may be the strategy have problems.” “也有可能是阵法出了什么问题。” Like this, we first defend for the time being one after another here “这样罢,我们暂且先轮番守在这里” After a simple discussion, four people found that gathered air/Qi besides leaking some internal strength then did not have the difference again, then the decision did not act rashly temporarily, but first fed in the Baima Temple the matter. 一番简单的讨论过后,四人发现聚气阵除了外泄了一些内力之外便再无异样,便决定暂时不轻举妄动,而是先将事情传回白马寺。 But while they discussed countermeasure, Wei Changtian and Xu Suisui had actually returned to latter's resting palace. 而就在他们商议对策的同时,魏长天许岁穗却已经回到了后者的寝宫。 With difference that four Buddhism eminent monks judge, two people have actually gone well. 跟那四个佛门高僧判断的不同,两人其实已经得手了。 But has not settled temple that time to cause the large explosion like cloud, has not made the person of Buddhism detect that is not right, is because Wei Changtian used one move perpetrating a fraud. 而之所以没有像云安寺那次一样引起大爆炸,也没让佛门之人察觉到不对,则是因为魏长天用了一招“偷梁换柱”。 Takes the gold/metal Buddhist relics at the same time, in cloud secure Siju will be mad that gold/metal Buddhist relics that will obtain to put the home position, will complete making a fraudulent switch. 取走金舍利的同时,将在云安寺聚气阵中得到的那枚金舍利放到原位,完成“掉包”。 Is same because of the function of gold/metal Buddhist relics, such a, except for leaked some small internal strength in the making a fraudulent switch process, created beyond the short stir, entire gathers air/Qi is not damaged, can continue to revolve as before. 因为金舍利的作用都是相同的,这么一来,除了在掉包过程中外泄了小部分内力,引起了短暂的震动之外,整个聚气阵并没有受损,依旧能继续运转。 Not only this has deceived the person of Buddhism temporarily, avoided entire presenting the Yuan city to be exploded stretch of ruins. 这不仅暂时骗过了佛门之人,也避免了整个奉元城被炸成一片废墟。 Therefore changes crown prince through leopard cat, Wei Changtian immediately such easy trading to gold/metal Buddhist relics that contain massive internal strength. 所以通过“狸猫换太子”,魏长天便就这么轻而易举的“换”到了一枚蕴含着大量一品内力的金舍利。 Un, the inner strength truly wanted many about one time compared with former that.” “嗯,内力比之前那枚确实要多一倍左右。” In the resting palace, Wei Changtian nods to Xu Suisui, gold/metal Buddhist relics careful income bosom. 寝宫中,魏长天许岁穗点了点头,将金舍利小心收入怀里。 At present the thing has attained, he will not naturally be presenting the Yuan waste time. 眼下东西已经拿到了,那他自然也不会在奉元浪费时间。 I walked, the person of Buddhism should not suspect anything temporarily.” “我走了,佛门之人暂时应该不会怀疑什么。” You must fill in earlier that said/tunnel.” “不过你还是得早点把那地道填起来。” If they really look for you, you are first dealing with, when I processed to say the matter of mind/square inch mountain again.” “如果他们真的找上你,你就先应付着,等我把方寸山的事儿处理完了再说。” Exhorted several with Xu Suisui simply, Wei Changtian worked on the table the teapot to drink water, then prepared to leave. 简单跟许岁穗嘱咐了几句,魏长天抓起桌上茶壶喝了口水,然后就准备走人。 However has not waited for his starting to walk step, then hears Xu Suisui to say suddenly: 不过还未等他迈开步子,便听得许岁穗突然说道: I must go to a mind/square inch mountain.” “我也要去方寸山。” Un?” “嗯?” Wei Changtian stares, at once impatient beckoning with the hand: „Do you do? Adds to the chaos to me?” 魏长天一愣,旋即不耐烦的摆摆手:“你去干什么?给我添乱?” I will not add to the chaos to you.” “我不会给你添乱的。” Xu Suisui approached a point, very earnest reply: 许岁穗走近了一点,很是认真的回答: Wei Changtian, if this time you died, I could not go back forever.” 魏长天,如果这次你死了,那我就永远也回不去了。” When the time comes I live do not have the significance, might as well goes with you together, must die also dies together.” “到时候我活着也没意义,还不如跟你一起去,要死也一起死。” And I am also systematic, compared with anybody can help you.” “并且我也有系统,比其他任何人都更能帮到你的。” „.” “.” Is staring at Wei Changtian, the Xu Suisui tone is especially serious, even is somewhat stubborn. 直直盯着魏长天,许岁穗的语气格外严肃,甚至有些倔强。 But on Wei Changtian face is impatient also removes gradually, is looking the eyes of Xu Suisui, seems pondering anything. 魏长天脸上的不耐烦也渐渐褪去,回望着许岁穗的双眼,似乎在思考着什么。 Actually Xu Suisui said but actually also right. 其实许岁穗说的倒也没错。 Although she is not a military person, but has system this point only, the help that can provide then surpassed any others. 虽然她不是武人,但单凭有系统这一点,能提供的帮助便超过了其它任何一个人。 But must say that Xu Suisui must follow, to help oneself 可要说许岁穗非要跟着去,就只是为了帮自己 You thought my time has the possibility to become an immortal directly?” “你是不是觉得我这次有可能直接登仙?” After long time, Wei Changtian asked slowly: Therefore you don't want to let up this opportunity?” 半晌之后,魏长天缓缓问道:“所以你不想放过这个机会?” Yes.” “是。” Xu Suisui not hesitant, refreshed of very acknowledgment. 许岁穗没有犹豫,承认的很爽快。 Wei Changtian, if becoming an immortal secret matter real, this to us actually is also an opportunity.” 魏长天,如果登仙天机的事是真的,这对我们来说其实也是一个机会。” If you have won Qin Zhengqiu and Chu Xianping finally, perhaps that can lead me to go back.” “如果最终你赢过了秦正秋楚先平,那或许就可以带我回去了。” If you lost, that like you said that our life possibly could not go back again.” “而如果你输了,那就像你说的,我们此生可能都再也回不去了。” Therefore I must go with you, can help your point is, even if died did not regret.” “所以我一定要跟你去,能帮你一点是一点,哪怕死了也不后悔。” „.” “.” The pale yellow candlelight swayed slightly, reflects to shine the Xu Suisui tranquil face. 昏黄的烛火微微摇晃,映亮了许岁穗平静的脸庞。 To be honest, this is the first time that Wei Changtian saw she such firm must do a matter. 说实话,这还是魏长天第一次见到她这么坚定的要做一件事。 To put it bluntly, looks like in Xu Suisui, if this time ascended the immortal by Qin Zhengqiu or Chu Xianping, she did not have the opportunity to go home again. 说白了,在许岁穗看来,这一次如若被秦正秋楚先平登了仙,那她就再没机会回家了。 Therefore she will not hesitate to violate the danger by the body. 因此她才会不惜以身犯险。 Actually, compares in Xu Suisui, the Wei Changtian's escape route must be more, because he regarding going home held to read truly not to be in former this degree. 其实,相比于许岁穗,魏长天的退路要更多一些,因为他对于“回家”的执念确实还到不了前者这种程度。 This time goes to a mind/square inch mountain is also same, if really cannot stand off Qin Zhengqiu and Chu Xianping when the time comes, Wei Changtian will not fight to the last ditch, the big probability will first save the life, in the future will try to find the solution slowly. 这次去方寸山也是一样,如果到时候真的敌不过秦正秋楚先平,魏长天也不会死拼到底,大概率会先保住性命,日后再慢慢想办法。 Even if he therefore possibly could not go back forever. 哪怕他可能因此永远也回不去了. From this perspective, Wei Changtian must be more rational without doubt, Xu Suisui must silly some. 从这个角度来说,魏长天无疑要更理性一些,许岁穗要更“傻”一些。 But this time, Wei Changtian did not feel Xu Suisui silly has what wrong. 但这一次,魏长天倒不觉得许岁穗的“傻”有什么错。 After all the pursue of everyone is always different. 毕竟每个人的追求总是不同的。 Ok, you are willing to go to go.” “行吧,你愿意去就去。” Sighed in the heart, Wei Changtian reminded for the last time: You are clear, this time you might really die very much.” 在心底叹了口气,魏长天最后一次提醒道:“不过你要清楚,这次你真的很有可能会死。” Un, I am certainly clear.” “嗯,我当然清楚。” Xu Suisui does not have as before a wee bit hesitant: I will not regret.” 许岁穗依旧没有丁点犹豫:“我不会后悔的。” „. That hurries to tidy up, walks.” “.那就赶紧收拾收拾,走吧。” Shakes the head, Wei Changtian has not said anything again. 摇了摇头,魏长天没再说什么。 Actually, he very wants to ask why Xu Suisui regarding going back this matter has like this in a big way, even transcends the life and death holds to read. 其实,他挺想问问许岁穗为啥对于“回去”这件事有这样大的、甚至超越生死的执念的。 However ran behind the screen to change civilian clothes until Xu Suisui, stood before his body again, he has not asked the exit|to speak. 不过直到许岁穗跑去屏风后面换了一身便服,再次站在他身前,他也没有问出口。 Possibly, this issue, only then he and Xu Suisui really when that world meets again, can get the answer. 可能,这个问题只有等到他与许岁穗真的在那个世界再次相遇时,才能得到答案吧。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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