IACB :: Volume #8

#761: Su Family young lord

dīng dīng dāng dāng 叮叮当当 The sound of excavating road surface resounds again. 开凿路面的声音再度响起。 Causes the seven realms resonance! 引得七界共鸣! This time, in a dust-laden Sea of Chaos territory, the chaotic Great Way turbulent flow starts to boil, opens out like the one after another dense fog, reveals a brand-new world. 这次,就连一处尘封的混沌海域中,混乱的大道乱流都开始沸腾起来,有如一重重迷雾拨开,露出一个崭新的世界。 Here is hiding, was separated by battle soul second! 这里隐藏着的,正是被战魂所隔断的第二界! At this time, way manifest, similarly connection in second! 此时,一条路径显化,同样连接在了第二界! Second. 第二界内。 Piece of Chaos. 一片混沌 Here ratio it initial Third Realm also wanted the deathly stillness, has destroyed the extreme. 这里比之当初的第三界还要死寂,已然破坏到了极点。 If the beforehand from all walks of life is the mountain stream, then this time second is the sewer that the sewer, does not have any fish can survive! 如果说以前的各界是溪水,那么此时的第二界则是臭水沟,没有任何鱼可以生存的臭水沟! Here has not been angry and not had spirit energy, the stars do not have, even Great Way Supreme’s cultivation base, is unable to survive in this environment! 这里没有生气、没有灵气,就连星辰都没有,就算是大道至尊的修为,在这种环境中都无法生存! Because of here, his spirit power overflowing powder, the life source will be dim, is unable to obtain slight to raise. 因为在这里,他的灵力会溢散,生命本源会黯淡,无法得到丝毫的养。 In the past, the person of Source Realm entered second, the release the unknown fog, died to fight with seven realms battle soul in this. 当年,源界之人进入第二界,释放出不详灰雾,与七界战魂死战于此。 Even if that war has not witnessed, still imagination then frigidity, entire second therefore disintegrated sufficiently, all annihilated, the world obtained is unable the destruction of counter war! 那一场大战就算没有亲眼目睹,也足以想象当时的惨烈,整个第二界因此而分崩离析,所有的一切都湮灭,世界得到了无法逆战的破坏! Moreover finally, seven realms battle soul separated directly second, this was equal to separating the second source, making it thoroughly a beach dead area. 而且最后,七界战魂更是直接隔断了第二界,这等于是隔断了第二界的源头,让它彻底成为一滩死界。 In later innumerable years, Source Realm that group of people also give to move out second all valuable things entirely, later abandoned here. 在随后的无数年里,源界的那群人还把第二界中的一切有价值的东西统统给搬走,随后抛弃了这里。 At this time, sky over this realm’s, illusory way phantom appears, becomes the this realm only light source, is sending out the glistening brilliance. 此时,在这一界的上空,一条虚幻的路径虚影浮现,成为了这一界唯一的光源,散发着莹莹光辉。 Meanwhile, has a faint trace clear sound reverberation. 同时,有着一丝丝清脆的声音回荡。 Under shining of this glimmer, this discovered, is floating silhouette in dark in the void unexpectedly. 在这微光的照耀下,这才发现,在黑暗的虚空之中居然漂浮着一道身影 This form youngster appearance, pale like paper, like grass that will soon wither, vitality already weakly to pinnacle. 这身影少年模样,脸色苍白如纸,如同即将枯萎的小草般,生机已然弱到了极致。 He wears a brocade clothes, has the jade embed, above is also carving the formation trace, taking a quick look around is not ordinary, but, because the long-time spirit energy overflowing powder, had changed into ordinary, no spiritual rhyme. 他穿着一身锦衣,有着玉石镶嵌,其上还刻着阵法纹路,一眼看去就不是凡品,只不过,因为长久的灵气溢散,都已经化为了凡品,没有一丝灵韵 Su Chen, your Ruler bloodlines I impolite accepted, ha ha ha 苏辰,你的主宰血脉我就不客气的收下了,哈哈哈 Elder Brother Chen, I have not loved you, to let call the Elder Brother to obtain your Ruler bloodlines close to you, you loved me, certainly will not blame me.” “辰哥哥,我从来没有爱过你,接近你也只是为了让鸣哥哥得到你的主宰血脉,你那么爱我,一定不会怪我吧。” younger sister Yanran, rubbish with him, throws into Ancient Forbidden Region him, there deathly stillness aura this makes his skeleton not save sufficiently!” 嫣然妹妹,不要跟他废话了,把他扔入上古禁区,那里的死寂气息这足以让他尸骨无存!” Congratulates Elder Brother Chen to obtain the Ruler bloodlines, later you are inborn Ruler, can become Source Realm peak expert absolutely.” “恭喜辰哥哥获得主宰血脉,以后你就是天生的主宰,绝对可以成为源界的巅峰强者。” This must be lucky Su Chen this fool, to thank your bloodlines, I might as well told you a secret, Yanran did not make you touch her body, but I have played her three years, ha ha ha......” “这都要多亏了苏辰这个傻子,为了感谢你的血脉,我不妨告诉你一个秘密,嫣然不让你碰她的身子,但我已经玩了她三年,哈哈哈……” Called the Elder Brother, you were quite repugnant “鸣哥哥,你好讨厌啦” Deeping frown of youngster, the one after another image revolves in his mind repeatedly, making his complexion more and more ugly. 少年的眉头紧锁,一重重影像在他的脑海中反复回旋,让他的脸色越来越难看。 Adulterer **!” “奸夫**!” He opens the eye fiercely, fierce shouts makes noise. 他猛地睁开眼睛,厉声的嘶吼出声。 Just, he then discovered, oneself throat to the extreme, could not have shouted the words hoarsely unexpectedly. 只不过,他这才发现,自己的嗓子已经沙哑到了极点,居然喊不出话来。 No, I cannot die!” “不,我不能死!” I must kill that to the adulterer **!” “我要去杀了那对奸夫**!” My Supreme bloodlines, the position of my young lord, was unable so to be cheap they, I cannot die, I must live!” “我的至尊血脉,还有我的少主之位,不能就这么便宜了他们,我不能死,我要活!” Who is only...... can save me?” “只是……谁能救我?” The hatred that he just raised extinguishes instantaneously, in the eye pupil full is desperate and sad, the tears fall rolling, incomparable frustration. 他刚刚提起来的仇恨瞬间熄灭,眼眸中满是绝望与哀伤,泪水滚滚滑落,无比的挫败。 This radically is the hopeless situation. 这根本就是绝境。 Non-solution! 无解! dīng dīng dāng dāng 叮叮当当 At this time, a clear sound spread to his ear suddenly, making him stare slightly. 这个时候,一阵清脆的声响突然传入他的耳中,让他微微一愣。 Then discovered, void above presented path phantom unexpectedly, under scatters radiance. 这才发现,虚空之上居然出现了一道道路虚影,散落下光华。 That decides however is road of the vitality!” “那定然是一条生机之路!” He seemed grabbed the last straw to grasp, exhausted the strength of whole body to crawl toward that phantom. 他好似抓住了最后一条救命稻草般,用尽全身的力气向着那个虚影爬去。 Even if only has a vitality merely, I must try!” “就算仅仅只有一丝生机,我都要去试试!” He is roaring lowly, exhausted all means by the past, even the blood of self-ignition heart lineage/vein, only to let oneself moved one forward! 他低吼着,用尽一切手段靠过去,甚至自燃心脉之血,只为了让自己向前移动一丝! Near, was getting more and more near. 近了,越来越近了。 Can some people save me? 有人可以救救我吗? He enters path phantom, only felt that has a dizzy spell, absent-minded, shuttled back and forth the endless space and time, fainted. 他进入道路虚影,只感觉一阵头晕目眩,恍恍惚惚之间,穿梭了无尽的时空,晕厥了过去。 When he opens eyes again, the pleasant place is a mountain range, as well as endless forest. 等到他再度睁开眼,入眼处是一座山脉,以及无尽的森林。 Surroundings, the familiar spirit energy encirclement, is enriching his body. 周围,熟悉的灵气环绕,充实着他的身体。 „Is after here dies the world?” “这里是死后的世界吗?” Su Chen twittering talked to oneself, he lies down on the ground, controlled one's breathing long time, this can stand up reluctantly. 苏辰呢喃自语,他躺在地上,调息了良久,这才能够勉强站起身。 Then the discovery in not far away, is standing erect a stele, above is carving Falling Immortal Mountain Range four '大' Character, the handwriting is flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, vigorous powerful, the aura that sacred and is as deep as a well heads on. 这才发现在不远处,矗立着一块石碑,其上刻着“落仙山脉”四个大字,字迹龙飞凤舞,刚劲有力,一股神圣而高深莫测的气息扑面而来。 This, who this is carves, the light looks at one, I had the endless sensibility unexpectedly, faintly produces the resonance with Great Way and source, even I have not had this feeling in the enlightenment mountain in clan!” “这,这是什么人所刻,光是看一眼,我居然生出了无尽的感悟,隐隐与大道和本源产生共鸣,就算是我在族中的悟道山中都没有过这种感觉!” Su Chen stares greatly the eye, the mind hōng cry. 苏辰瞪大着眼睛,心神鸣。 Although he cultivation base was abandoned, but the vision still, one sees the uncommonness of that stele. 他虽然修为被废,但是眼界还在,一眼就看出那石碑的不凡。 „It is not right, here environment...... Great Way is rich, the source aura full, this obviously is not the ordinary place! Did I arrive at Source Realm the place of some secret realm? Shouldn't I in Ancient Forbidden Region?” “不对,还有这里的环境……大道浓郁,本源气息充盈,这显然不是普通之地!我难道来到了源界的某一处秘境之地?只是,我不是应该在上古禁区之内吗?” The Su Chen heart plop plop jumps, the whole body blood accelerated flow, is disturbed, is excited. 苏辰的心头扑通扑通直跳,全身血液加速流动,即是忐忑,又是激动。 The disturbance is because cannot see here depth, excited is because he as if can not use, moreover as if arrived at some uncommon place. 忐忑是因为看不出这里深浅,激动则是因为他似乎可以不用死了,而且似乎来到了某个不凡之地。 Falling Immortal Mountain Range, is this name intent has referred to?” 落仙山脉,这名字是不是意有所指?” His took a deep breath, anxious looks on the mountain, a forcibly ground, impatient must fly to climb mountains. 深吸一口气,紧张的看着山上,用力的一点地面,迫不及待的要飞上山。 However, he just took off, body then straight falling , the face toward the place, fell one to go fall flat on one's face. 然而,他才刚刚起飞,身子便笔直的掉落而下,脸朝地,摔了一个狗吃屎。 The cement road surface pounded his face to distort, two lines of nosebleeds flowed under. 水泥路面砸得他脸都变形了,两行鼻血流淌而下。 Bans spatially?!” “禁空?!” Was, here is passing everywhere uncommonly, I also attempted to fly unexpectedly to the mountain, this regarding senior, but huge offending, I was really silly!” “是了,这里处处透着不凡,我居然还妄图想要飞向山,这对于前辈来说可是天大的冒犯,我真傻!” He cancels the nosebleed without enough time, but the knees kneel immediately, is kowtowing to apologize to the mountain on. 他来不及抹去鼻血,而是立刻双膝跪地,对着山上磕头赔罪。 After three knocks, he then stands up, step by step devout walks toward the mountain on. 三个响头之后,他这才重新站起身,一步一步虔诚的向着山上走去。 After the moment, beast roars spread to his ear, goes following the prestige, actually sees there to have a leader monster beast to gather. 片刻后,一声声兽吼声传入他的耳中,循声望去,却见那里有着一头头妖兽聚拢。 In the middle of monster beast, stands a figure big man to select the excrement from big pit. 在妖兽的中间,站着一名身形高大的男人正在从大坑中挑着粪便。 These monster beast body aura very powerful, even also is more powerful than my peak, may command as a side in Source Realm!” “这些妖兽身上的气息好强,甚至比我巅峰时期还要强大很多,在源界都可作为一方统领!” The brain of Su Chen shakes fiercely, feels incomparable shock, looks to King Venerable, this discovered that cannot feel a wee bit aura from his body unexpectedly, cannot see through. 苏辰的脑子猛地一震,感到无比的震撼,又看向王尊,这才发现从他身上居然没能感受到一丁点儿气息,根本看不穿。 He salutes to say respectfully: Younger generation Su Chen, pays a visit the senior.” 他恭敬的行礼道:“晚辈苏辰,拜见前辈。” King Venerable has not visited him, but said lightly: To makes anything, by, helping me mix the latrine pit.” 王尊没有看他,只是淡淡道:“离那么远做什么,靠过来,帮我把粪坑搅动一下。” Agitation latrine pit? 搅动粪坑? Su Chen stares slightly. 苏辰微微一愣。 If before place, he will not look straight at to look at one absolutely, even is only hears feels a nausea. 若是放在以前,他绝对不会正眼去看一眼,甚至光是听到就感到一阵恶心。 However, his bitter experience wheted his disposition, in the meantime, he wants to seize all defying heavens and changing the fate opportunities. 但是,他的遭遇磨砺了他的心性,同时,他更想抓住一切逆天改命的机会。 Good.” “好。” He complied with one, raised legs, before quick arrived at the latrine pit . 他答应了一声,抬腿走了上去,很快就来到了粪坑前。 In a twinkling, rich stink heads on, direct impact his nasal cavity, smokes his brain blank, faint. 霎时间,一股浓郁的臭味扑面而来,直冲他的鼻腔,熏得他脑子一片空白,晕乎乎的。 In he just prepared to turn very quiet breathe strongly, his within the body dry strength suddenly revolves, in the injury on joined bodies, had the sign of turning for the better. 就在他刚准备竭力屏住呼吸时,他体内干涸的力量突然运转起来,就连体内的伤势,都有了转好的迹象。 This...... this excrement taste has the effect of therapy unexpectedly!” “这……这粪味居然有着疗伤的功效!” He opened the mouth with amazement, only felt that in the heart heat wave gushes out, direct impact forehead. 他骇然的张开了嘴巴,只感觉心中一股热浪涌出,直冲脑门。 Are that these excrement what type of divine object?! 那这些粪便得是何种神物?! Inconceivable, shocking! 不可思议,骇人听闻! Hurries, mixes the latrine pit with me.” “赶紧的,跟着我搅动粪坑。” The sound that King Venerable urged pulled back the reality him. 王尊催促的声音把他拉回了现实。 Su Chen quickly grasps the meaning of something, hastily without hesitation mixes with the manure fork. 苏辰一个激灵,连忙不假思索的用粪叉搅动起来。 However, as mixes him clearly to feel that the one after another mystical aura from wells up in all directions toward oneself, is raising own body, is more effective than any cultivation technique that it cultivates! 然而,随着搅动他分明感觉到一股股神异的气息从四面八方向着自己涌来,养着自己的身体,比之修炼的任何功法都有效! This where is selecting the excrement, is clearly practicing! 这哪里是在挑粪,分明就是在修炼啊! Moreover what cultivates is peerless cultivation technique, powerful to inconceivable! 而且修炼的还是一门绝世功法,强大到不可思议! He has a feeling, if before oneself, selects the excrement with King Venerable, the achievement only feared to a big way not side! 他有种感觉,自己若是以前就跟着王尊挑粪,成就只怕已经大到没边儿了! expert, proper hidden world expert. 高人,妥妥的隐世高人 Oneself can foresee, this is the good fortune that has a dream cannot think! 自己能够预见,这是做梦都不敢想的造化! He stopped the movement in oneself hand immediately, passes one to kneel down to King Venerable, kowtowing that continuously, said excitedly: Senior, the younger generation was harmed by the evildoer, places the hopeless situation, thank the senior to help to rescue from the abyss the younger generation, originally the younger generation should not the greed, but the big enmity has not reported that requested earnestly the senior to receive me for the disciple with great courage!” 他当即停下了自己手中的动作,噗通一声对着王尊跪下,不住的磕头,激动道:“前辈,晚辈被奸人所害,身处绝境,感谢前辈施以援手将晚辈从深渊中救出,本来晚辈不该贪心,但是大仇没报,斗胆恳请前辈收我为徒!” King Venerable opens the mouth to say hastily: Do not speak at a venture, rescues your is not I, but is existence that is above the imagination! If not looked at you to contaminate the expert’s fate, I was disinclined to speak with you, gave you opportunity.” 王尊连忙开口道:“你可别乱说话,救你的不是我,而是一位超乎想象的存在!若非看你沾染了高人的缘分,我才懒得跟你说话,给你机会呐。” The heart of Su Chen jumps fiercely, unbelievable of whole face. 苏辰的心猛地一跳,满脸的难以置信。 Listens to the King Venerable tone, here unexpectedly also fearful existences . Moreover, can be so esteemed by King Venerable, that only feared that is not can think. 王尊的语气,这里居然还有一位可怕的存在,而且,能够被王尊如此推崇,那只怕根本不是自己所能想的。 Even, King Venerable was selected the excrement by oneself, looked in that existing face. 甚至,王尊之所以让自己来挑粪,也是看在了那种存在的面子上。 King Venerable is saying with a smile: Ok, here happen to lacked the manpower, can you be willing to follow I to select the excrement?” 王尊笑着道:“行了,我这里正好缺人手,你可愿跟着我挑粪?” He does that truly looks in the Li Nianfan’s face. 他之所以这么做,确实是看在李念凡的面子上。 expert opened the road of seven realms, even second also connects, so big writing skill, actually merely only then a Su Chen person can pass through the path to arrive at Falling Immortal Mountain Range, obviously this person has the affinity. 高人开了七界之路,甚至将第二界也连接起来,如此大的手笔,却仅仅只有苏辰一个人能够穿越道路来到落仙山脉,可见此人有着缘法。 Did not need to select the excrement to be a pity. 不用来挑粪可惜了。 Su Chen is overjoyed, including hastily said: Wants, the younger generation wants!” 苏辰大喜过望,连忙道:“愿意,晚辈愿意!” King Venerable is saying with a smile: Very good, then I say to you select the excrement the matters needing attention , we, but is expert selects the excrement, cannot be careless absolutely, cannot make the excrement few!” 王尊笑着道:“很好,接下来我给你讲一讲挑粪的注意事项,还有,我们可是为高人挑粪的,绝对不能马虎,更不能让粪便少了!” Su Chen scalp tingles, actually exists, can make King Venerable be willing for it to select the excrement, has a dream does not dare to do that! 苏辰头皮发麻,究竟是何等存在,可以让王尊甘愿为其挑粪,做梦都不敢这么做啊! Oneself can select the excrement for this grade of expert, perhaps really can re-enter the peak, must report the big enmity! 自己能够为这等高人挑粪,说不定真的可以重回巅峰,得报大仇! At the same time. 同一时间。 realms passage between seven realms has dissipated entirely, from now on seven realms will be connected, melts for a macrocosm, but was recognized routinely is divided into seven regions. 七界之间的界域通道已经统统消散,自此七界相连,融为了一个大世界,不过还是被认习惯性的分为七个地域。 Some many cultivator discovered, surrounds the Sea of Chaos territory outside seven realms also to thin, as if presented a brand-new way, can go out of the Sea of Chaos territory, to the unknown world...... 有很多修士发现,环绕着七界之外的混沌海域也在变薄,似乎出现了一个全新的路径,可以走出混沌海域,通往未知的世界…… But that unknown world is Source Realm! 而那片未知的世界便是源界 Above Source Realm, there is a Su clan, came from the antiquity inheritance, the inheritance was unceasing, the bloodlines were noble. 源界之上,有苏氏一族,自上古传承而来,传承不断,血脉高贵。 On this day, is a Su clan liveliest time. 这天,是苏氏一族最为热闹的时候。 Invites the Guests from All Directions, witnesses the birth of Su new young lord together. 宴请八方来客,共同见证苏氏新任少主的诞生。 Yeah, on Su Family’s young lord was really a pity, carries the Ruler bloodlines, is about hundred years has then become Heavenly Way Realm, may be called the defying heavens evildoer/monstrous talent, but initially commotion entire Source Realm!” “哎,苏家的上一任少主真是可惜了,身负主宰血脉,不过百年便已经成为了天道境界,堪称逆天妖孽,当初可是轰动了整个源界!” Still remembers initially when examined Su Chen is the Ruler bloodlines, that is what kind of glorious and crazy, Su Family chats the banquet three months, the good wine spirit fruit is uninterrupted!” “犹记得当初检测出苏辰主宰血脉时,那是何等的荣耀与疯狂,苏家大摆宴席三个月,美酒灵果不间断!” That is the Ruler bloodlines! Ruler keeps aloof, but palm person destiny!” “那可是主宰血脉啊!主宰高高在上,可掌人命运!” No one thinks, Su Chen will be missing unexpectedly strangely.” “谁都不会想到,苏辰居然会离奇失踪。” On the cultivate dao road, the talent falls from the sky is not rare, Su Chen innate talent defying heavens, stared at is not unusual by the person with high aspirations, Su Family’s lost is too big.” 修道路上,天才陨落并不少见,苏辰天赋逆天,被有心人盯上并不稀奇,苏家的损失太大了。” ...... …… All cultivator are whooping in secret, filled sobbing. 所有的修士都在私下里议论纷纷,充满了唏嘘。 Gradually from previous young lord, chatted newly appointed young lord body. 渐渐的从上一任少主,聊到了新上任的少主身上 Su Family worthily was the antiquity large clan, did not have Su Chen, unexpectedly came out Su Ming, this grade of destiny made one be jealous simply!” “不过苏家不愧是上古大族,没了苏辰,居然又出来一个苏鸣,这等气运简直让人眼红!” Su Ming, the person such as the name, amazes the world with a single brilliant feat, after Su Chen is missing, innate talent that shows is only not unexpectedly weaker than Su Chen!” 苏鸣,人如其名,一鸣惊人,苏辰失踪后,展现出的天赋苏辰居然只强不弱!” Actually Su Ming has been very strong, after all is deity Way Pupil, may see through world all dao method, but has been pressed by Su Chen, this not remarkable.” “其实苏鸣一直很强,毕竟是天神道瞳,可看穿世间所有道法,只不过一直被苏辰压着,这才没有引人注意。” At this moment, an old man is situated in the void, bright sound said: young lord succeeds the grand ceremony to start!” 就在这时,一名老者立于虚空,朗声道:“少主继任大典开始!” Then, under glare of the public eye, a youngster trod to empty to walk, arrived above the stage, is taking a fast look around everyone on the scene neither arrogant nor servile. 接着,在众目睽睽之下,一名少年踏空而走,来到了高台之上,不卑不亢的扫视着在场的所有人。 His eye pupil darkness, like black hole, as long as looks at each other with him, has a dao method seen through misconception, is inspired. 他的眼眸一片漆黑,如同黑洞,但凡与他对视者,都有一种道法被看穿的错觉,心生敬畏。 Afterward the ceremony starts. 随后仪式开始。 Finally was announced by that old man, everyone, since does not have the objection, then I announced that from this moment henceforth, Su Ming is my Su Family’s young lord!” 最后由那名老者宣布,“大家既然都没有异议,那么我宣布,从此刻起,苏鸣便是我苏家的少主!” I opposed!” “我反对!” Actually at this time, sonic boom drank to resound through the audience, a middle-aged person ran, the complexion was red, has the dreadful anger, loudly exclaimed: My son is Su Family’s young lord!” 却在这时,一声爆喝响彻全场,一名中年人跑了出来,脸色通红,带着滔天的愤怒,大吼道:“我儿子才是苏家的少主!” He is staring at Su Family’s everyone, hiss sound said: My father and son, were Su Family established the illustrious military exploits, self-examined to have no qualms in Su Family, now Chen is missing, you did not seek, did not verify the reason, actually set up new young lord here, what is this?!” 他盯着苏家的所有人,嘶声道:“我父子二人,为苏家立下了赫赫战功,自问无愧于苏家,如今辰儿失踪,你们不去寻找,不去查明原因,却在这里立新任少主,这是什么意思?!” The old man said lightly: Su faces the wind, we can realize your pain of losing a child, but we had looked for three years, does not have the clue as before, this decides first to set up new young lord, later is verified the reason by new young lord.” 那老者淡淡道:“苏临风,我们能体会你的丧子之痛,只不过我们已经找了三年,依旧毫无线索,这才决定先立新少主,之后再由新少主去查明原因。” Su Ming is saying with a smile: Uncle Su, when I became new young lord, even if searched entire Source Realm, still decides however will ask for an explanation to Su Chen!” 苏鸣笑着道:“苏伯父,等我成了新少主,就算查遍了整个源界,也定然会给苏辰讨一个说法!” Su faces the wind said immediately excitedly: You talk nonsense, missing of Chen cannot be inseparable from you absolutely!” 苏临风当即激动道:“你放屁,辰儿的失踪绝对跟你脱不了干系!” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Comes the person, faces the wind Su to me presses in the water dungeon, making him sober!” “来人,把苏临风给我压入水牢,让他清醒清醒!”
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