IACB :: Volume #7

#667: Heavenly Palace new night scene, the investigation extremely archenemy of star cliff

The day has day-by-day. 日子一天一天过。 The news average person who Ancient Race Supreme will soon attack naturally does not know, but already faintly spread between some large-scale Sect and influences. 古族至尊即将攻来的消息一般人自然不知道,不过已经隐隐在一些大型宗门和势力间传开了。 In these influences, some mobilization all disciples, are ready that life-and-death wrestles, some are seeking for appropriate secret realm in Chaos, preparing to find a place to be careless, attempts to evade this Great Tribulation. 这些势力中,有的动员所有的弟子,做好殊死一搏的准备,有的则是在混沌中寻找着合适的秘境,准备找个地方苟起来,企图避过这次大劫 Heavenly Palace unites some Divine Territory’s influences, strengthened did an inspection to Chaos’, paid close attention to the trace that the Gu He straddling of zones is coming. 天宫则是联合神域的一些势力,加强了对混沌的巡查,密切关注着古河跨界而来的痕迹。 In courtyard house. 四合院中。 Li Nianfan in leisurely the tea, he is looking to practice yoga Fire Phoenix and Daji, looked to wallow in playing a stringed musical instrument with Qin Manyun and Situ Qin of calligraphy, even Blackey sweated profusely on the treadmill. 念凡正在优哉游哉的品着茶,他看着练着瑜伽的火凤妲己,又看了看沉迷于弹琴和书法的秦曼云司徒沁,甚至就连大黑都在跑步机上挥汗如雨。 Cannot help but selected the eyebrow. 不由得挑了挑眉。 What do this group of people do? How suddenly became such diligent? 这群人搞什么?怎么突然之间变得这么勤奋了? I alone am drinking tea in this, doing me is very awkward, like the waste. 就我一个人在这喝着茶,搞得我挺尴尬的,像个废物一样。 These days, Li Nianfan watches their efforts. 这段时间,李念凡可是把他们的努力看在眼里。 He cannot bear light cough one, opens the mouth saying: That...... Little Daji, yoga, although is good, but must have, alternating work with rest is most appropriate, must know truth that goes too far is as bad as not far enough, Miss Situ Qin with Miss Manyun is also same, actually, only needed to pull out a double-hour to come out every day to practice to be OK, many instead burst oneself again.” 他忍不住轻一声,开口道:“那个……小妲己,瑜伽虽好,但是也得有个度,劳逸结合才是最合适的,要知道过犹不及的道理,还有司徒沁姑娘曼云姑娘也是一样,其实,每天只需要抽一个时辰出来练习就可以了,再多反而伤身。” Some where people are practicing the yoga and fitness all day, the body direct was waste. 哪有人整天都在练瑜伽和健身的,身体岂不是直接废了。 Daji stopped, opens the mouth saying: Young Master, we wallow in unable to extricate.” 妲己停了下来,开口道:“公子,我们只是沉迷于其中无法自拔。” Li Nianfan shakes the head saying: This is not good, we stuffy were also very long in courtyard house, goes out to pick to collect folk songs, walks, appropriate relaxation is beneficial to the physical and moral integrity.” 念凡摇头道:“这样可不行,我们在四合院中也闷了很久了,还是出去采采风,走走吧,适当的放松有益于身心健康。” Regarding the Li Nianfan’s words, Daji will not naturally oppose, opens the mouth saying: Good, I listen to Young Master’s 对于李念凡的话,妲己自然是不会反对,开口道:“好呀,我听公子的 In her heart is moved, Young Master definitely feared that we have the too tremendous pressure, this proposed that makes everyone relax. 她心中感动,公子肯定是怕我们有太大的压力,这才提议让大家放松的。 Fire Phoenix curious asking: Where does the Young Master preparation go to?” 火凤好奇的问道:“公子准备去哪里?” Li Nianfan hesitation moment, opens the mouth saying: Un......, or goes to Heavenly Palace to have a look, I remember that I there may also the suite, just go.” 念凡沉吟片刻,开口道:“嗯……要不就去天宫看看吧,我记得我在那里可还有一套房呐,刚好去住住。” His so-called suite, naturally refers to Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall, has saying that the mansion many are good. 他所谓的一套房,自然是指功德圣君殿,不得不说,豪宅多就是好。 The people naturally cannot have what objection, the nod said: Un, good.” 众人自然不会有什么异议,点头道:“嗯,好。” Immediately, Daji went to the backyard also shouted Long’er and Nannan, everyone tidied up, then accompanied Li Nianfan to go toward Heavenly Palace. 当即,妲己去后院把龙儿囡囡也喊了过来,大家收拾了一下,便陪同李念凡向着天宫而去。 Southern Heavenly Gate. 南天门 Is guarded by Giant God, two Heavenly Soldier put on the golden armor, is situated in the both sides of front door, the figure is big, the facial features are serious. 巨灵神把守,两名天兵穿着金色铠甲,立于大门的两侧,身形高大,面容严肃。 At this time, Xiao Chengfeng the coming skewer class, is sitting with Giant God in Southern Heavenly Gate not far away, is actually playing chess. 此时,萧乘风正过来串班,与巨灵神就坐在南天门的不远处,却是在对弈。 The border between the states of Chu and Han exhibits. 楚河汉界摆开。 Generals relative and vertical. 将帅相对而立。 Played Chinese chess, two people isn’t that a joy. 玩的正是象棋,两人不亦乐乎 Xiao Chengfeng young private one step, opens the mouth to say forward: „The Chinese chess of expert invention may be really interesting, the small chessgame, seemingly contains to have murdering of pinnacle simply, both armies play chess, each has its strong points, has calculated respectively, is really interesting.” 萧乘风小卒子向前一步,开口道:“高人发明的象棋可真有意思,小小的棋局,看似简单却蕴含有极致的杀伐,两军对弈,各有所长,各有所算,实在是有意思。” The Giant God vaulting horse, the nod said: Yes, this may be diligent compared with that anything Chinese chess, my big uneducated person plays very energetically, expert is fierce.” 巨灵神跳马,点头道:“是啊,这可比那什么围棋好学多了,就连我这个大老粗都玩得很带劲,高人就是厉害。” Xiao Chengfeng shakes the head to sigh: Pitifully, if not Great Tribulation nears, originally the day feels better very much.” 萧乘风摇头叹气道:“可惜了,若非大劫在即,本来日子还是很好过的。” In the eye pupil of Giant God filled recalling, opens the mouth saying: Tree desiring calm but wind restless, initial Vast Desolate, I as Heavenly Court divine general, the people who made the monster will never disappear even, the leisurely and carefree day were not many, let alone now involving entire universe.” 巨灵神的眼眸中充满了追忆,开口道:“树欲静而风不止啊,就算是当初的洪荒,我作为天庭神将,作妖的人都从来不会消失,悠闲的日子都不多,更何况如今涉及整个宇宙。” The Xiao Chengfeng admiration said: Said right, the Giant God brother worthily was many years of old Heavenly General, heard that Gu He has at least killed two Supreme, was simply shocking, did the Giant God brother feel this time us to be able obstruct?” 萧乘风敬佩道:“说得对,巨灵神兄不愧是多年的老天将了,听说古河至少杀过两名至尊,简直骇人听闻,巨灵神兄觉得这次我们能挡住吗?” , Old Xiao, said turns over to say, what you do steal my artillery to make? Can't lose?” ,老萧,说归说,你偷我的炮做什么?是不是输不起?” At this time, guarding a gate Heavenly Soldier hurriedly came, the complexion became flushed, passing is anxious and excited. 这个时候,守门的一位天兵急匆匆的而来,脸色涨红,透着焦急与激动。 Report “报” Two divine general, the horizon has golden auspicious clouds to depend, doubtful high...... expert came!” “两位神将,天边有着金色的祥云正靠过来,疑似高……高人来了!” Because excited, he spoke some is not agile. 因为激动,他说话都有些不利索。 This is the dreadful big matter. 这可是滔天大的事情。 Xiao Chengfeng and Giant God complexion is also the broadminded big change, without hesitation, huā stands up. 萧乘风巨灵神的脸色也是豁然大变,不假思索的,“”的一声站起身来。 They look at the vision simultaneously to the horizon of distant place, has been able to see that auspicious clouds was nearer, above person's shadow appeared. 他们同时将目光看向远处的天际,已经能看到那朵祥云近了很多,其上的人影都浮现了出来。 expert, was really expert came, quickly, quickly, along with me greeted expert together!” 高人,真的是高人来了,快,快,随我一起迎接高人!” Xiao Chengfeng and Giant God arrive at Southern Heavenly Gate immediately quickly, waits. 萧乘风巨灵神当即快步走到南天门,翘首以盼。 When sees Li Nianfan and the others, they salute to say respectfully: Has seen Lord Sage Monarch, Fairy Daji and Fairy Fire Phoenix.” 当见到李念凡等人时,他们恭敬的行礼道:“见过圣君大人,妲己仙子火凤仙子。” desolate divine general, Giant God, hello.” “萧神将,巨灵神将,你们好啊。” Li Nianfan returns a courtesy with a smile, his split vision cannot help but falls on nearby checkerboard, immediately reveals color of the understanding clearly. 念凡笑着回礼,他的余光不由得落在一旁的棋盘上,当即露出一丝了然之色。 yō hū, cannot look, originally is on duty in Heavenly Palace can also catch a fish by hand, mixes. 哟呼,看不出来,原来在天宫中当值也是可以摸鱼的,混得可以啊。 Giant God and Xiao Chengfeng detected that Li Nianfan eye pupil that in teased, all touched own ears and cheeks, the heartbeat accelerated, hastily awkward cleaned up the aftermath. 巨灵神萧乘风都察觉到李念凡眼眸中的那一丝戏谑,俱是抓耳挠腮,心跳加速,连忙尴尬的收拾起了残局。 Giant God opens the mouth saying: Does not know that what matter Lord Sage Monarch does come this so-called?” 巨灵神开口道:“不知圣君大人来此所谓何事?” It‘s nothing, has not come Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall for a long time, rather leaves uncultivated to have a look.” “没什么,就是好久没来功德圣君殿了,未免荒废就过来看看。” Li Nianfan beckons with the hand, you are optional, I in the past on line.” 念凡摆摆手,“你们随意,我自己过去就行。” Xiao Chengfeng said immediately sincerely: Our about safe/without matter, accompanies Lord Sage Monarch to pass in any case together.” 萧乘风当即真诚道:“我们反正左右无事,就陪圣君大人一道过去吧。” The opportunity of rare promising expert service, their where is willing to let off, immediately is the expert opening. 难得有为高人服务的机会,他们哪里肯放过,当即为高人开路。 Li Nianfan but actually also indifferent, then together chatted went toward Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall, is listening to Xiao Chengfeng and Giant God was telling some Heavenly Palace’s changes, recruiting many new gods and immortals to make Heavenly Palace enrich. 念凡倒也无所谓,便一同说说笑笑的向着功德圣君殿而去,听着萧乘风巨灵神讲述着天宫的一些变化,招募了很多新的神仙天宫充实了很多。 At this time, on front not far away the roof of main hall, silhouette such as the wind was ordinary, towering reappearing there, the white robe was floating, the imposing manner was indistinct, being as deep as a well words spread from his mouth, died out after sun and moon, the sitting and watching years drained away, I was also eternal ancient!” 却在这时,前方不远处的一个大殿的屋顶上,一道身影如风一般,突兀的浮现在那里,白袍飘飘,气势缥缈,一股高深莫测的话语从他的嘴里传出,“历经日月寂灭,坐观岁月流尽,吾亦亘古永恒!” This saying makes Li Nianfan stare, surprised, felt that this fellow is a character. 这话让李念凡一愣,惊奇不已,感觉这家伙是个人物。 Li Nianfan looks to Xiao Chengfeng, this is also the Heavenly Palace new person?” 念凡看向萧乘风,“这位也是天宫新招的人吗?” The Xiao Chengfeng’s complexion is very ugly, with eating the excrement same was green, „, he did not call the star cliff, Lord Sage Monarch did not need to manage him.” 萧乘风的脸色很难看,跟吃了屎一样都绿了,“不是的,他叫星崖,圣君大人不用理他。” Li Nianfan spoke thoughtlessly to ask: How to bring a mask?” 念凡随口问道:“怎么带着个面具?” Actually listens to the star cliff to say proudly: „The appearance most preliminary semblance, revealing to the public is to my blaspheming, I disdain in showing!” 却听星崖傲然道:“容貌只是最低级的外表,公之于众是对吾的亵渎,我不屑于示人!” Excuse me, Lord Sage Monarch, this fellow......” “不好意思,圣君大人,这家伙……” The Xiao Chengfeng hair was mad to set upright, endured with great difficulty, referred to own head , indicating that this fellow was a fool. 萧乘风头发都气得竖起来了,好不容易忍下了,指了指自己的脑袋,表示这家伙是个傻逼。 Giant God said directly: Disregarding him is good, we walk.” 巨灵神直接道:“无视他就好,我们走吧。” The people pass through from the side of star cliff directly, Li Nianfan said in a low voice: What situation, his symptom how long?” 众人径直从星崖的身边穿过,李念凡低声道:“什么情况,他这个症状有多久了?” Xiao Chengfeng shakes the head saying: Yeah, this is the acting cool suspect, is terminally ill, has not resulted in governs.” 萧乘风摇头道:“哎,这就是个装逼犯,病入膏肓,没得治了。” The Giant God connection said: Frankly, originally we also want with the military force his mask taking down, knew afterward, he did not hesitate to cost the time of innumerable years unexpectedly, homemade had/left cultivation technique, this cultivation technique can wear the mask on the face, only if voluntary, otherwise did not take down forever.” 巨灵神接口道:“实不相瞒,本来我们还想用武力将他的面具给取下来的,后来才得知,他居然不惜耗费了无数岁月的时间,自创出了一种功法,这功法可以将面具戴在脸上,除非自愿否则永远取不下来。” Li Nianfan was startled, also has cultivation technique of such rare and beautiful flowers?” 念凡惊了,“还有这么奇葩的功法?” Giant God opens the mouth saying: What is most essential, this cultivation technique besides this ability, other not function......” 巨灵神开口道:“最关键的是,这功法除了这个能力外,其他没有一点作用……” Li Nianfan is speechless immediately. 念凡顿时无话可说。 The time definitely is very precious, directly concerns the rise of strength, however, some people will spend the innumerable years to create such ineffective cultivation technique unexpectedly, can be so willful? 时间肯定是非常宝贵的,直接关乎实力的提升,然而,居然会有人花费无数的岁月创造这么一个毫无作用的功法,要不要这么任性? This to highlight coolness, paid price also extremely big. 这为了凸显逼格,付出的代价也太大太大了。 Long’er said curiously: „The rare and beautiful flowers, were really curious his long anything appearance.” 龙儿好奇道:“太奇葩了,真好奇他长什么样子。” Li Nianfan opens the mouth to ask: „Do you want to know?” 念凡开口问道:“你们都想知道吗?” Nannan nods to say again and again: Thinks that thinks, the Elder Brother does have the means?” 囡囡连连点头道:“想啊想啊,哥哥有办法吗?” Daji also looks to Li Nianfan, Young Master really?” 妲己也是看向李念凡,“公子真的可以吗?” The Li Nianfan’s look sparkles, mysterious smiles, this is very difficult, tonight looks my!” 李念凡的眼神闪了闪,神秘的一笑,“这有很难,今天晚上看我的!” He keeps guessing, making the people anticipate. 他卖了个关子,让众人期待不已。 expert make a move, that acting cool violates right now definitely cannot escape. 高人出手,这下子那个装逼犯肯定是逃不掉了。 Especially Xiao Chengfeng is excited, the star cliff waits for expert to break your acting cool method! 尤其是萧乘风激动不已,星崖就等着高人去破你的装逼手段吧! Chatted, the people had arrived at Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall. 说说笑笑间,众人已经来到了功德圣君殿 After the Vast Desolate promotion is Divine Territory, Heavenly Palace naturally also obtained very big expansion, the change is very big, immortal qi like the tide, one after another immortal qi is covering the surroundings like the white fog generally, is coordinating everywhere auspicious clouds, is immortal qi is really floating, impressive. 洪荒升级为神域后,天宫自然也是得到了很大的扩张,变化很大,仙气如潮,一重重仙气如同白雾一般笼罩着周围,配合着漫天的祥云,真的是仙气飘飘,让人惊叹。 Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall on Stargazing Platform, belongs to the field of vision best position, side is Xinghe. 功德圣君殿位于观星台上,属于视野最好的位置,旁边就是星河 Compared with initially, Xinghe also expanded several times, among the twinkle star, the star light flows like the river water generally, is glittering just like the innumerable jades, too beautiful to behold. 比起当初,星河也是扩大了好几倍,其内星星点点,星光如同河水一般流淌,宛若无数的玉石在闪烁,美不胜收。 The stand looks into the distant place here, below high mountain ridge, is densely wooded, heaven and earth broad compared with was also no comparison between them initially. 站在这里眺望远处,下面崇山峻岭,森林密布,天地之广阔比起当初也是不可同日而语。 ?” ?” The Li Nianfan’s vision is actually, looks at the distant place, actually discovered several very strange views. 李念凡的目光却是一顿,看着远处,却是发现了好几处十分奇异的景致。 The mountain range like holding up a day of column is common, reaches to the sky, looks from the Heavenly Palace’s angle of view by him, can clear sees this high pillar, although has not reached the Heavenly Palace’s altitude, but it can be said that connected the day and place absolutely, is highly inestimable. 有一座山脉如同擎天之柱一般,高耸入云,以他从天宫的视角看去,都能清晰的看到这根高高的柱子,虽然没有达到天宫的高度,但是绝对可以说是连通了天和地,高度不可估量。 Giant God explained: Lord Sage Monarch, that mountain and past Vast Desolate’s Mount Buzhou was very similar, therefore is called Mount Buzhou, is a Divine Mountain that Divine Territory formed, often has the disciple to go to there to seek for the chance.” 巨灵神解释道:“圣君大人,那座山和当年洪荒的不周山很相似,所以还是叫做不周山,是神域形成的一座神山,经常有弟子会去那里寻找机缘。” This mountain truly not bad, is really the marvelous sight.” Li Nianfan nods, later looks to several other. “此山确实不错,真可谓是奇景。”李念凡点了点头,随后又看向另外几处。 These contours also very special, takes a quick look around to feel magnificently, moreover looks uncommonly, has the immortal qi gathering, the palace is glittering the brilliance under the sunlight. 这几处的外形也是十分的特殊,一眼看去就感觉到壮观,而且一看就不凡,有着仙气汇聚,殿宇在阳光下闪烁着光辉。 That is the sea of flowers boundary, Hundred Flowers Sect’s is, that is Luo Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty imperial capital, Luo Heavenly Immortal palace, there, is the snow and ice Saint territory......” “那是花海地界,百花宗的所在,那便是罗天皇朝的帝都,罗天仙殿,还有那里,是冰雪圣域……” Xiao Chengfeng and Giant God Nianfan worked as the guide to Li. 萧乘风巨灵神给李念凡当起了向导。 Material that these Sect to maintain own coolness, the construction naturally extreme high end of palace, uses, that is also the careful choice, some, for does not make Heavenly Palace be inferior, even also sets up Sect in the sky. 这些宗门为了维护自己的逼格,殿宇的建筑自然极为的高端,就连所使用的材料,那也是精心挑选,有些为了不让天宫比下去,甚至将宗门也设立在天空中。 From Stargazing Platform, can see Divine Territory’s to be magnificent seriously. 观星台看去,当真是能看到神域的辉煌。 Pulled out an opportunity, Xiao Chengfeng looked for Heavenly Soldier, confessed to say to him prudently: Hurries to relate these Sect, said that expert came Stargazing Platform to look at the night scene specially, being distracted well, they know how should do!” 抽了个机会,萧乘风找来了一名天兵,对他慎重的交代道:“赶紧去联系那些宗门,就说高人特意来观星台看夜景了,好好的走心,他们知道该怎么做!” That Heavenly Soldier received an order immediately. 天兵当即领命去了。 The weather fades out, Li Nianfan and Little Daji and the others sat in the Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall most above Grand Terrace, displays a big table, put up baked the frame, is welcoming night breeze slowly, in the vast sky, under shining of endless star light, started one open-air to bake. 天色渐暗,李念凡小妲己等人坐在功德圣君殿的最上方的大露台上,摆上一个大桌,搭起了烧烤架,迎着徐徐的晚风,在浩瀚的天空中,无尽星光的照耀下,开始了一场露天烧烤。 Turns toward all around to look again from here, the scenery the big difference, night scene that is a grandness. 从这里再向着四周看去,景色已经大大的不同,夜景那是一个壮丽。 Major Sect unexpectedly entirely turning on a light fires of during the daytime look, some such as the flame hangs, blasts open various appearances, has the fire dragon to circle to soar to the heavens, there is fire lotus to bloom, Hundred Flowers Sect has innumerable flowers phantom to sparkle in the sky, the color varies, arrangement ordered...... 白天所看的各大宗门居然统统亮起了灯火,有的如火焰高悬,炸裂出各种模样,有火龙盘旋冲天,也有火莲绽放,百花宗则是有无数花朵虚影在天空中闪耀,颜色各异,排列有序…… The light of various magecraft illuminated the dim light of night, making Li Nianfan once feel oneself are watching the light show of previous generation ultra first-tier city, but, this may want too many is too more than light show magnificently, this was the true immortal law! 各类法术之光照亮了夜色,让李念凡一度觉得自己在看前世超一线城市的灯光秀,不过,这可比灯光秀要壮观太多太多了,这是真正的仙法! Li Nianfan cannot bear to praise sigh: Major Sect to recruit the disciple also enough spells, the night scene does unexpectedly such grandly, was too eye-catching, cultivation base is profound willful.” 念凡忍不住赞叹道:“各大宗门为了招收弟子也是够拼的,夜景居然搞得这么隆重,太吸引眼球了,修为高深就是任性啊。” At this time, Jade Emperor and Queen Mother take a step to come, is saying with a smile to Li Nianfan: Has seen Lord Sage Monarch.” 此时,玉帝王母迈步而来,对着李念凡笑着道:“见过圣君大人。” Afterward, Seven Fairy Maidens, Fairy Maiden Chang'e, Nüwa, Daoist Junjun, Food God, Ye Liuyun and other old friends also come one after another, goes to Li Nianfan to make with a smile. 随后,七仙女姮娥仙子女娲钧钧道人食神叶流云等老朋友也都是相继而来,笑着来赴李念凡约。 Li Nianfan returns to Sage Monarch of Karmic Virtue Hall, naturally must ask everyone to rub. 念凡回到功德圣君殿,自然要请大家搓一顿。 He opens the mouth to say with a smile: Come, I made a liquor newly, named Dragon Blood Wine, this liquor is very fierce, brings to everyone specially tastes, coordinates to bake again, has taste, hopes that everyone likes.” 他笑着开口道:“来,我新酿了一种酒,名为龙血酒,此酒很烈,特意带来给大家尝尝,再配合烧烤,别有一番滋味,希望大家喜欢。” Immediately has Fairy Maiden to pour out wine for everyone. 当即就有着仙女为大家斟酒。 Baking is responsible for by Whitey, the charcoal braves red sparks/Mars, the light smoke is billowing, shashlik skewer, as Whitey is turning over, sends out sound. 烧烤则是由小白负责,木炭冒着红色的火星,青烟滚滚,烤肉串成了一根根串儿,随着小白翻转着,发出“”的声响。 At this time, under the moonlight silhouette floated with the wind, appears in the people at present. 这个时候,月色下又有一道身影随风飘来,浮现于众人的眼前。 Said leisurely: I come , many thanks Lord Sage Monarch invited.” 悠悠道:“吾来也,多谢圣君大人相邀。” Li Nianfan is saying with a smile: Please sit down quickly.” 念凡笑着道:“快请坐。” The star cliff shakes the head, „, my status did not allow that I dine together with them together, Lord Sage Monarch packs to carry off to me is.” 星崖摇头,“不了,我的身份不容许我跟他们一起聚餐,圣君大人给我打包一份带走就是。” He raised the head to look up to the vault of heaven, shows the indifferent makings. 他抬头仰望起苍穹,彰显冷漠的气质。 Xiao Chengfeng suppresses to blush, rapid say/way: Quickly, the Djinn brother, holds down my sword.” 萧乘风憋红了脸,急促道:“快,巨灵兄,按住我的剑。” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Xiao Chengfeng clenches jaws, it must kill the star cliff, I could not have controlled it.” 萧乘风咬牙切齿,“它要去杀了星崖,我已经控制不住它了。” cough cough.” 。” Li Nianfan light cough, depresses the impulsion of people, later said: Star cliff fellow daoist, can take off the mask, I can teach you some words as the exchange.” 念凡一声,压下众人的冲动,随后道:“星崖道友,能否摘下面具,我可以教你一些话作为交换。” Lord Sage Monarch, cannot think that you also rigidly adhere to the representation unexpectedly, I already transcending, you want to trade can it be that can trade, gives up.” 圣君大人,想不到你居然也拘泥于表象,我已经超脱,又岂是你想换就能换的,放弃吧。” Li Nianfan said lightly: Hand grasps sun and moon to pick the stars, There’s no one else like me in the world.” 念凡淡淡道:“手握日月摘星辰,世间无我这般人。” hōng! star cliff with a loud bang opened the eye, the whole body blood welled up but actually, brain wēng wēng made noise. 星崖轰然睁开了眼睛,全身血液倒涌,大脑作响。 A few words of good show, too acting cool, had pressed my pet phrase unexpectedly! 好骚的一句话,太装逼了,居然压过了我的口头禅! This words can be joined to my heroic bearing. 这种话才能配得上我的英姿。 worthily the expert, was too great, I approved you. 不愧是高人啊,太了不起了,我认可你了。 Archenemies, this is my investigation extremely archenemy! 大敌,这是吾的究极大敌啊! Stands firm, bears! 稳住,忍住! How can I easily go to the discretion? 我怎可轻易是去分寸? Actually listens to Li Nianfan to continue saying: Immortal road end who is the peak, sees the star cliff turns into air.” 却听李念凡继续道:“仙路尽头谁为峰,一见星崖道成空。” hōng hōng hōng! Because in these words joined the name of star cliff, makes him substitute the feeling to be full directly, the body shakes fiercely, then fierce shivers. 因为这句话中加入了星崖的名字,直接让他代入感满满,身躯猛地一震,接着剧烈的颤抖起来。 Aaah. 啊啊啊 He wishes one could to scream. 他恨不得尖叫。 These words were too flagitious. 这句话太凶残了。 If so the acting cool words spread...... 如此装逼的话若是传开…… The star cliff light/only thinks that on scalp tingles, almost must blast out. 星崖光是想想就头皮发麻,几乎要炸开了。
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