IACB :: Volume #7

#665: Ancient Race’s terrifying ambition, Great Way Ruler

The I’m Actually A Cultivation Bigshot document Chapter 565 Ancient Race’s terrifying ambition, Great Way Ruler after a Qin Manyun such saying, everyone also realizes that immediately this issue, in the eye pupil all reveals the color of doubts. 原来我是修仙大佬正文卷第565章古族的恐怖野心,大道主宰经过秦曼云这么一说,所有人也是立刻认识到这个问题,眼眸中俱是露出疑惑之色。 Right, everyone hears Ancient Race, does not know that First Realm also does have other races, these races have anything to relate with Ancient Race. 对啊,大家只是听到古族,也不知道第一界还有没有其他的种族,那些种族又跟古族有着什么关系。 The star cliff looks to Qin Manyun, looked at the cleaning rag in her hand, in the eye pupil reveals an admiring color. 星崖看向秦曼云,又看了看她手中的抹布,眼眸中露出一丝艳羡之色。 These four females just sought the full limelight simply, set everyone the strength is unable to erase World Extinguishing Demonic Sabre’s Qi of Slaughter, they take the broom and mop travel-worn catches up, lifted the hand to sweep levelled, deducted simply incisively acting cool. 这四名女子刚刚简直是出了十足的风头啊,集合大家之力都无法抹除灭世魔刀的杀戮之气,他们拿着扫帚和拖把风尘仆仆的赶来,就这么抬手一扫就摆平了,简直就是将装逼演绎到了淋漓尽致。 If this showing off opportunity gives me, coordinates the 1 tael sentence obscene talk again...... 如果这种出风头的机会给我,再配合一两句骚话…… Only thinks that scene, the body of star cliff cannot help but is excited to shiver, who later does the world have not to know the palm star pavilion star cliff? 光是想想那场面,星崖的身子都不由得激动得颤抖起来,以后天下还有谁人不知掌星阁星崖? Archenemies. 大敌。 They are also my archenemy! 她们也是我之大敌啊! The star cliff recovers, opens the mouth saying: This point that I must say is different, in First Realm, naturally is incessantly a Ancient Race race, but now, is only left over their race.” 星崖回过神来,开口道:“我要说的正是这一点不同,第一界中,原本自然是不止古族一个种族,不过现在,只剩下了他们一个种族。” Such remarks, everyone first stares, later the heart emerges a dense chill in the air immediately. 此话一出,所有人先是一愣,随后心底顿时涌现出一股森然的寒意。 They are the smart people, wanted a possibility instantaneously! 他们都是聪明人,瞬间就想要了一种可能! These races possibly do not exterminate because of the strength, can only be has problems, in other words that was the Ancient Race slaughter extinguished all lives of First Realm excluding oneself! 那些种族不可能是因为外界的力量而灭绝的,只能是本界出了问题,换而言之那就是古族屠灭了第一界除自己以外的所有生灵! This was really ruthless, even if wanted to lord it over is not the extent that. 这实在是太狠了,就算是想要称王称霸也不至于如此吧。 This was also cruel, how can the being able to get down hand?” “这也残忍了,他们怎么能下得去手?” even/including Benjie the life kills off, no wonder they will slaughter other life, is simply crazed!” “连本界的生灵都杀光,难怪他们会屠戮其他界的生灵,简直丧心病狂!” How this race can save possibly in the world, won't encounter the scourge?” “这种种族怎么能容许存在世上,难道不会遭遇天谴吗?” The people are startled make noise, the anger of whole face. 众人都是惊出声,满脸的怒火。 But Daoist Junjun as being good at planning the person, the vision cannot help but glitters, later asked key question, why can Ancient Race do that?” 钧钧道人作为擅长算计之人,目光不由得闪烁,随后问出了关键问题,“古族为什么要这么做?” Why?” “为什么?” The eye pupil of star cliff narrows the eyes, said dignifiedly: Because pursues realm in that legend, this controls the seven realms’ strength sufficiently, is the god of true creation world!” 星崖的眼眸眯起,凝重道:“因为追求那传说中的境界,这是足以掌控七界的力量,是真正的创世之神!” The Ancient Race’s goal is to become Lord of Seven Realms unexpectedly! 古族的目标居然是成为七界之主 Everyone was given to have a scare by their ambitions, this to them is really extremely remote, even they also know that altogether has seven realms to exist. 所有人都被他们的野心给吓了一跳,这对于他们来说实在是太过遥远,甚至他们也是才知道一共有七界存在。 So calculated, Ancient Race also had the years too to be rather glorious, only feared that is unable the year to calculate. 如此来推算,古族存在得岁月未免也太悠久了,只怕根本无从岁算。 Does not wait for the people to closely examine, the star cliff continues saying: Among this heaven and earth, the total quantity of energy is ancient does not change, the same many strengths, a person has with two people divides equally is obviously different, such as our piece of Chaos, if all strengths completely turn over to Human Race, how many that Human Race’s expert will have?” 不等众人追问,星崖继续道:“这天地之间,能量的总量是亘古不会变的,相同多的力量,一个人拥有和两个人平分显然是不一样的,就如我们这片混沌,若是所有的力量尽归人族,那人族的强者将会有多少?” Such remarks, everyone's pupil shrinks, breathe is rapid. 此话一出,所有人的瞳孔都是一缩,呼吸急促。 This is very simple truth, but no one had thought before radically, never have such thoughts. 这是很简单的道理,但是以前根本没有人去想过,想都不敢想。 Because this was really inconceivable. 因为这实在是太不可思议了。 Nannan without hesitation asked that everyone's doubts, entire spirit energy, Ancient Race was also too greedy, can they attract the light?” 囡囡不假思索的问出了所有人的疑惑,“整整一界的灵气,古族也太贪心了吧,他们能吸得光吗?” The star cliff shows a faint smile, his cultivation base is not high, but the tone is actually very big, in the tone filled coolness, what is spirit energy? With the rise of strength, the demand of individual to spirit energy definitely as big as pinnacle, spirit energy that Heavenly Way powerhouse, needs at least is side small world, but spirit energy that Great Way Supreme needs is 10,000 even 100,000 small world, you calculate, entire Chaos can provide for several Great Way Supreme?” 星崖微微一笑,他的修为不高,但是口气却是很大,语气中充满了逼格,“一界的灵气算什么?随着实力的提升,个体对灵气的需求必然会大到极致,一位天道大能,所需要的灵气至少是一方小世界,而一名大道至尊所需要的灵气则是一万个甚至十万个小世界,你算一算,整个混沌又能供养出几个大道至尊呢?” Everyone like be enlightened awakens. 所有人都是如同醍醐灌顶般醒悟过来。 Was, Chaos’ spirit energy was eventually limited, had the new expert birth, will have many weak one births inevitably, because more resources were plundered by expert! 是了,混沌的灵气终究是有限的,有新的强者诞生,必然就会有更多的弱者诞生,因为更多的资源被强者掠夺走了! But eventually will definitely achieve a bottleneck, irreconcilable! 而最终必然会达到一个瓶颈,不可调和! Actually listens to the star cliff to add: Also has stronger existence above Great Way Supreme let alone, spirit energy that needs is unable to estimate, you also thought that spirit energy is sufficient?” 却听星崖补充道:“更何况在大道至尊之上还有更强的存在,那所需要的灵气更是无法去估量,你们还觉得一界的灵气够用吗?” This, this......” “这,这……” The people are the mind hōng cries, is digesting this news. 众人都是心神鸣,消化着这一消息。 In the world few person, are few person to share the resources, own opportunity were more a point. 世上少一个人,就少一个人分享资源,自己的机会就更多了一分。 Daoist Junjun heavy say/way: Ancient Race this is making the god! They held First Realm, plundered other six, so many strengths decided however to mold innumerable expert, perhaps existence above Great Way Supreme, however, they were dissatisfied, wanting to embezzle entire seven realms’ spirit energy, if really made them achieve, will create fearful existence?” 钧钧道人沉重道:“古族这是在造神啊!他们占有了第一界,又掠夺了另外六界,这么多力量定然已经塑造出了无数的强者,说不定还有大道至尊之上的存在,然而,他们还不满足,欲要吞没整个七界的灵气,如果真的让他们做到,将会缔造出一个何等可怕的存在?” The strength of seven realms cultivates for one person, that can be what kind of altitude, cannot think simply, this seems the mortal unable to think Heavenly Way powerhouse’s is powerful. 七界之力供一人去修炼,那会是何等的高度,简直不敢想,这就好像凡人不敢去想天道大能的强大一般。 The star cliff also said: We are Heavenly Way Realm, naturally knows that the number of days fixed, small world is also good, the macrocosm, each world has own fate, has the good ecology chain respectively, can accumulated raise many expert is also fixed.” 星崖又道:“我们都是天道境界,自然知道天数本就固定,小世界也好,大世界也罢,每个世界都有自己的定数,各自有着良好的生态链,能够蕴养出多少强者也是固定。” On such as the initial Vast Desolate world, the limit was to then breed seven Saint, this was the fate. 就如当初的洪荒世界,极限便是孕育出七位圣人,这便是定数。 The star cliff sees the people to nod, this continues saying: Great Way Supreme that each realm can breed is also limited, multi- spirit energy will be again unbalanced, however...... Ancient Race left actually had/left one ambition full generation, he did not satisfy this situation, finally unexpectedly really made him find a method, broke this boundary!” 星崖见众人点头,这才继续道:“每一界所能孕育出的大道至尊也是有限的,再多灵气就会失衡,然而……古族出了却是出了一位野心十足之辈,他不满足于这种情况,最后居然真的让他找到了一种方法,突破了这种界限!” The Nüwa connection said: This method is to then kill off First Realm’s all lives, holds First Realm’s spirit energy alone?” 女娲接口道:“这方法便是杀光第一界的所有生灵,独自占有第一界的灵气?” Jade Emperor frowns saying: This, since is the number of days, Ancient Race will do that to decide however will backlash, how can succeed?” 玉帝蹙眉道:“此既然为天数,古族这么做定然会遭来反噬,如何能成功?” The star cliff sighed the sound said: Although does not know that Ancient Race used what method, but they were truly successful, moreover obliterated First Realm’s Great Way, meanwhile will focus on other six above.” 星崖叹声道:“虽然不知道古族施展了什么手段,但是他们确确实实成功了,而且磨灭了第一界的大道,同时还将目光放在了另外六界上面。” The audience are silent. 全场寂静。 The people felt the heavy pressure. 众人都感受到了沉甸甸的压力。 This Ancient Race is the most typical defying heavens successful case, was really terrifying, their background, are unable to imagine simply. 古族就是最典型的逆天成功的案例,实在是太恐怖了,那他们的底蕴,简直无法想象。 The Daoist Junjun innermost feelings are serious, tone hoarsely said: Then, the Ancient Race’s Great Way Supreme’s quantity only fears very astonishingly, but that even First Realm Great Way gives fearful existence that obliterates, only feared that had broken through Great Way Supreme’s realm.” 钧钧道人内心沉重,语气沙哑道:“这么说来,古族的大道至尊的数量只怕很是惊人,而那位连第一界大道都给磨灭的可怕存在,只怕已经突破了大道至尊的境界了。” The star cliff opens the mouth saying: realm above Great Way Supreme, should be Great Way Ruler!” 星崖开口道:“大道至尊之上的境界,应该是大道主宰!” Great Way Ruler, even Great Way can Ruler, one listen to know that has awesome how, everyone before him only feared that the ants are not continually, is as good is grain of dust. 大道主宰,连大道都可以主宰,一听就知道有多么的牛逼,大家在他面前只怕连蝼蚁所算不上,不亚于是一粒尘埃。 Xiao Chengfeng did not have the confidence, opened the mouth saying: If this fellow comes Seventh Realm, our direct level resulted, but also hits.” 萧乘风都没信心了,开口道:“如果这家伙来第七界,那我们直接躺平得了,还打个屁。” He, if can come to come.” “他若是能来早就来了。” The star cliff shakes the head, is saying with a smile: He, although can obliterate First Realm’s Great Way, but does not represent him to face directly other six Great Way, he has not at least grasped now, otherwise does not only dare to let plunder hand/subordinate.” 星崖摇了摇头,笑着道:“他虽然可以磨灭第一界的大道,但是不代表他就可以直面其他六界的大道,至少如今他还没有把握,否则也不会只敢让手下来掠夺了。” Xiao Chengfeng cannot bear exclaim: Extraordinary, cannot think you know are very many.” 萧乘风忍不住惊叹道:“了不起,想不到你知道的还挺多。” The star cliff beckons with the hand, serene said: „There is nothing, I hold the star pavilion to exist forever in Changhe of years through ancient times, these secrets to us at all are not anything.” 星崖摆摆手,云淡风轻道:“这没什么,我掌星阁于岁月的长河中亘古长存,这些秘幸对我们来说根本不算什么。” During the spoken languages, performs is as deep as a well obviously. 言语之间,尽显高深莫测。 Unknowingly, installed one wave to compel greatly. 不经意间,装了一波大逼。 He is concerned about country and people saying: Starts on Chaos Great Tribulation, we will be born, makes contribution to the insurance world life.” 他又忧国忧民道:“每逢混沌大劫开始,我们才会出世,为保天下生灵尽一份力。” Long’er honk mouth, confident say/way: Snort, what Ancient Race I did not fear that we have the Elder Brother!” 龙儿嘟着嘴巴,信心满满道:“哼,什么古族我才不怕呐,我们有哥哥!” Right, our Seventh Realm has expert, is today we are no longer as we have been, fears a ball!” “对,我们第七界有着高人,已经是今非昔比,怕个球!” Right that you said that expert perhaps is also Great Way Supreme, who feared who?” “你们说的对,高人说不定也是大道至尊,谁怕谁?” You said, expert can be our Seventh Realm’s Great Way incarnation? manifest helps us extinguish Ancient Race that flock of domestic animals specially!” “你们说,高人会不会就是我们第七界的大道化身?特意显化帮我们灭古族那群畜生的!” The people open the mouth in abundance. 众人纷纷开口。 Daoist Junjun is opens the mouth to ask: Star cliff fellow daoist, are you speaking of the key point, what meaning not entering?” 钧钧道人则是开口问道:“星崖道友,你还没说到重点,入凡到底是什么意思?” Six were suppressed the innumerable years by Ancient Race, naturally also presented the generations of numerous shocking talent, once obtained the sensibility to expert and Great Way connected, coped with the Ancient Race’s method, only then, that then enters!” “六界被古族镇压了无数年,自然也出现了众多惊才艳艳之辈,曾经有一位至强者大道相连得出感悟,对付古族的方法只有一个,那便是入凡!” The star cliff continues saying: Situation invisible, Great Way does not have the root, such as all-heavens revolves, the four seasons change, these cannot dope any will and sentiment, will otherwise decide however has the chaos.” 星崖继续道:“大势无形,大道无根,就如诸天运转,四季变化,这其中不可掺杂任何的意志与感情,否则定然会有着大乱。” So-called enters, is extremely special realm, theoretically in into every, oneself is Great Way, can be omnipotent! Actually then forgot the matter that own cultivation base and must do, integrates Great Way the goal, thus makes something.” “所谓入凡,是一种极其特殊的境界,理论上在入凡中,自己便是大道,可以无所不能!其实便是忘记自己修为和要做的事,将目的融入大道,从而将某件事做成。” Nannan listened stupidly, the doubts said: Forgot matter that oneself must handle, how can also make the matter?” 囡囡都听傻了,疑惑道:“都忘记了自己要做的事情了,又怎么能把事情做成?” The star cliff exclaims: Therefore enters every only exists in the legend, is not the average person can achieve, this approach can say that created a Great Way path, is really unthinkable.” 星崖惊叹道:“所以说入凡只存在于传说中,根本不是一般人所能做到的,这种做法可以说创造了一条大道轨迹,实在是匪夷所思。” This person established a procedure/program probably, the ultimate objective is to eliminate a demon, then oneself integrated in the middle of the procedure/program, without operation of consciousness, therefore on such as will be similar to the day to decide general, often the approach implied the main line. 这就好像一个人设定了一个程序,最终目标是消灭一个魔头,然后自己融入了程序当中,没有意识的运行起来,因此就如会如同天定一般,每每做法都暗含主线。 The people can understand faintly. 众人隐隐能够理解了。 Creates Chaos supreme treasure on for example expert, if he wants to create Chaos supreme treasure, then instead cannot create, forgot oneself think, in the unconsciousness can actually create infinitely. 就比如高人创造混沌至宝,他若是自己想去创造混沌至宝,那么反而创造不出来,忘记自己所想,无意识中却能无限创造出来。 But, makes an enormous flaw.” “只不过,这么做有一个极大的缺陷。” In the tone of star cliff passes the unprecedented dignity, took a deep breath was saying: Great Way operates unable to dope into a will absolutely, once enters in every process to be awakened, then all will waste all previous efforts, will be is wiped the dregs not to remain by Great Way!” 星崖的语气中透着前所未有的凝重,深吸一口气道:“大道运行绝对不可以掺杂入一丝意志,一旦入凡的过程中被人唤醒,那么所有的一切都会前功尽弃,更是会被大道抹得渣都不剩!” The people are the heart one startled, is so terrifying?” 众人都是心头一惊,“这么恐怖?” Their innermost feelings become the unprecedented heaviness suddenly, more admires to expert’s. 他们的内心突然间变得前所未有的沉重,更多的则是向高人的敬佩。 Only is thinks to know, enters any how rarely, decides however needs big magic power that is inconceivable, moreover this road variable should not be too many, the risk can be said as high to odd! 光是想想就知道,入凡是多么的难得,定然是需要难以想象的大法力,而且这条路变数不要太多,风险可以说是高到离谱! Even the slightest misstep, will be pierced, was cancelled by Great Way. 稍有不慎,就会被人戳穿,然后被大道抹去。 Even...... only needs the casual person to come one, actually you very fierce, sufficiently expert erasing! 甚至……只需要随便一个人来一句,其实你非常的厉害,就足以将高人给抹除! This sacrificed itself truly, benefitted myriad lives! 这是真正的牺牲自己,造福万千生灵啊! Nannan and Long’er eye tearful, was about to cry, Elder Brother to certainly resist Ancient Race did that said that he was very dangerous?” 囡囡龙儿眼泪汪汪的,都快哭了,“哥哥一定是为了对抗古族才这么做的,这么说他岂不是很危险?” No wonder Elder Sister Spirit Lord also warned that we cannot awaken the Elder Brother, I must hurry to protect the Elder Brother, will not allow that anybody disturbs the Elder Brother!” “难怪灵主姐姐也告诫我们绝不可以唤醒哥哥,我要赶紧回去保护哥哥,绝不会容许任何人去打扰哥哥!” expert for us, we decides however will not make any accident/surprise happen!” 高人是为了我们大家,我们定然不会让任何意外发生!” I know that expert does to decide this however has the reason, cannot think that unexpectedly is so great, this is the luck of my seven realms!” “我就知道高人如此做定然有着缘由,想不到居然如此伟大,这是我七界之福啊!” Later must careful be better, cannot have the flaw.” “以后要更加的小心谨慎才行,决不能有破绽。” The people are also the opens the mouth, in the look full are firm. 众人也都是开口,眼神中满是坚定。 The star cliff is also the devout opens the mouth said: seven realms met with Great Tribulation, should this then tribulation the character who lives? I can result in fortunately see entering in legend, believes that this grade of character, can certainly pass seven realms Great Tribulation’s!” 星崖也是虔诚的开口道:“七界遭逢大劫,这便是应劫而生的人物吗?我有幸能够得见传说中的入凡,相信有这等人物在,一定可以度过七界大劫的!” Daoist Junjun said suddenly: Also, the most imminent matter copes with Gu He now!” 钧钧道人突然道:“还有,如今最迫在眉睫的一件事是对付古河!” The people a silence, look at World Extinguishing Demonic Sabre that falls to the ground immediately, worry of whole face. 众人顿时一阵沉默,看着那落地的灭世魔刀,满脸的担忧。 Is the weapon is so only fierce, let alone this venerable . Moreover, the opposite party is Great Way Supreme, this is not the population can make up. 光是兵器就这么厉害,更何况本尊,而且,对方可是实打实的大道至尊,这根本不是人数所能弥补的。 Only has one month, how wants not possible obstruct. 只有一个月的时间,怎么想都不可能挡住啊。 Gu He is not ordinary Great Way Supreme, led several Great Tribulation, raised slaughtered boundlessly, very fearful.” 古河可不是普通的大道至尊,引领了好几次大劫,掀起了无边杀戮,非常的可怕。” The words of star cliff make the people desperate immediately. 星崖的话顿时让众人更加的绝望。 Long’er opens the mouth saying: Relax, Elder Sister Daji and Elder Sister Fire Phoenix have become Great Way Supreme, can definitely cope with Gu He’s.” 龙儿开口道:“放心吧,妲己姐姐和火凤姐姐已经成为了大道至尊,肯定能够对付古河的。” Great Way Supreme?” 大道至尊?” Daoist Junjun and the others sucked in cold air. 钧钧道人等人倒抽一口凉气。 Fairy Daji and did Fairy Fire Phoenix this become Great Way Supreme? Really, marrying expert is crisp! 妲己仙子火凤仙子这就成为大道至尊了?果然,嫁给高人就是爽啊! Qin Manyun must return to side Li Nianfan impatiently, protected Li Nianfan, opened the mouth saying: Ok, we should go back.” 秦曼云已经迫不及待要回到李念凡身边,保护李念凡了,开口道:“好了,我们该回去了。” Jade Emperor opens the mouth to say hastily: Fairy Manyun holds on a minute, since this World Extinguishing Demonic Sabre is the Gu He’s weapon, if suppresses it, decides however can greatly reduce the Gu He’s strength, might as well bring by you.” 玉帝则是连忙开口道:“曼云仙子且慢,这柄灭世魔刀既然是古河的兵器,那若是将其镇压起来,定然能够大大减少古河的战力,不如由你们带回去吧。” Nüwa also cannot help but smiled. 女娲也是不由得笑了。 This Gu He to own strength obviously is being proud extremely, this will first send in Seventh Realm World Extinguishing Demonic Sabre, then oneself and the others then make him lose this weapon, digs big pit to him! 古河对自己的实力显然是极其的自负,这才会将灭世魔刀先送入第七界,那么自己等人便让他丢失这个兵器,给他挖一个大坑 When he arrives at Seventh Realm, that expression will decide splendidly however. 等他来到第七界,那表情定然会十分的精彩。 Queen Mother’s eye cannot help but one bright, said with a smile: Great idea, expert there everywhere is extraordinary, not only there is Daji and Fairy Fire Phoenix, Lord Dog and Gou dragon and other numerous expert, decide however can suppress this sword.” 王母的眼睛不由得一亮,笑道:“好主意,高人那里到处都是非凡,不仅有妲己火凤仙子,还有狗大爷、苟龙等众多强者,定然能够镇压此剑。” The Qin Manyun nod said: Good.” 秦曼云点头道:“好。” Immediately, they then bring World Extinguishing Demonic Sabre to go toward courtyard house. 当即,她们便带着灭世魔刀向着四合院而去。 As for others, they, although wants to visit expert, because just learned enters every matter, in the heart especially anxious, will for fear that affect expert’s realm incautiously, therefore needs slow one slow. 至于其他人,他们虽然很想去拜访高人,但是因为刚刚得知了入凡的事情,心中格外的紧张,生怕会一不小心影响到高人的境界,因此需要缓一缓。 Xiao Chengfeng fell the vision on star cliff body, said curiously: „Do you wear a mask is not tired? Can pick to make us have a look?” 萧乘风将目光落在了星崖身上,好奇道:“你戴个面具不累吗?能否摘下来让我们看看?” The star cliff crosses the hands behind the back to stand, raised the head 45 degrees corner/horn to look up to the vault of heaven. 星崖负手而立,抬头四十五度角仰望苍穹。 The makings are indifferent, said indifferently: Your strength is not weak, moreover ally who fights side-by-side with me, but, you do not match with all due respect!” 气质冷漠,淡然道:“你们实力不弱,而且是与我并肩作战的战友,但恕我直言,你不配!”
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