IACB :: Volume #7

#661: The coming up in great numbers and from all sides accident, the god corpse draws a sword

Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng see behind the pitiful condition of people, is raised the brows, the complexion somewhat is all heavy. 杨戬萧乘风看到身后众人的惨状,俱是眉头一挑,面色有些沉重。 Yang Jian said dignifiedly: Old Xiao, how do you see?” 杨戬凝重道:“老萧,你怎么看?” There really is something strange about this.” 此事果然有着蹊跷。” Xiao Chengfeng, the analysis said: Beginning these black qi when will not detect the big difference, but when the people enter, will erupt suddenly, once cultivation base is insufficient, will then be embezzled by it directly, its this is fishing!” 萧乘风顿了顿,分析道:“这些黑气初时并不会察觉到多大的异样,而是等到众人进入其中后,才会突然爆发,一旦修为不够,便会直接被其吞没,它这是在钓鱼啊!” Yang Jian nods saying: Very big possibility, creates this situation not dying thing.” 杨戬点了点头道:“很大的可能,造成这个情况的不是死物。” Their skill expert is brave, pours not empty, whole body magic power light/only surrounds, quick arrived at the black qi’s central zone. 他们艺高人胆大,倒也不虚,周身法力之光环绕,很快就来到了黑气的中心地带。 Sees the present scene, two people complexions become extremely ugly, has a heavy heart. 看到眼前的景象,两人的脸色都变得极为的难看,心情沉重。 This piece of heaven and earth had turned into the black completely, such as black ink is ordinary, floods desperately, is being unwilling wild with. 这一片天地已经完全变成了黑色,如墨一般,充斥着绝望、不甘与狂暴。 Can clear seeing, this world also be side peace small heaven and earth, proliferates various lives, has not actually thought, suffered this unexpected misfortune. 可以清晰的看到,这一片世界原本也是一方和平的小天地,遍布各类生灵,却不曾想,遭遇了这场无妄之灾。 Body not at all of these lives dissipate, but was dyed the black by black qi, many mortals do not even know what happened, before dying, on the face also has the appearance of respective life, some are smiling, some are planting crops, but also some are drinking. 这些生灵的身体并没有消散,而是被黑气染成了黑色,很多凡人甚至不知道发生了什么,死前脸上还带着各自生活的样子,有的在笑,有的在耕地,还有的在喝酒。 Many cultivator are whole face panic-stricken running away, can see that before they die that to despair and pain. 很多修士则是满脸惊恐的逃窜,可以看到他们死前的那份绝望与痛苦。 The animal, the plant, all, was all eliminated! 还有动物,植物,一切的一切,全都被剥夺! This is the deathly stillness world, the complaint gatherings of myriad lives nearly changed into the essence, gets angry howlingly in void, under the gaze of Yang Jian third eye, even condensed trillion resentful spirits, twined above that black sabre, erupted the startled day the resentment. 这是死寂的世界,万千生灵的怨念汇聚近乎化为了实质,在虚空中怒嚎,在杨戬第三只眼的注视下,甚至凝聚成了亿万怨灵,缠绕于那黑刀之上,爆发出惊天的怨气。 But that black sabre body Qi of Slaughter and resentment spirit quantity reached the terrifying level, its fearful degree lets the Yang Jian’s eye is a stabbing pain, scalp tingles. 而那柄黑刀身上杀戮之气与怨灵的数量更是达到了恐怖的水准,其可怕程度让杨戬的眼睛都是一阵刺痛,头皮发麻。 Yang Jian heart startled, hoarsely said: This is blade of the unknown, unexpectedly made a side world change into the purgatory instantaneously, contaminated endless slaughtering!” 杨戬心惊,沙哑道:“这是一柄不详之刀,居然让一方世界瞬间化为了炼狱,沾染了无尽的杀戮!” Xiao Chengfeng curses saying: Kills all living things concise resentment, this sabre shouldn't exist in the world!” 萧乘风大骂道:“杀众生凝练怨气,这刀特么的就不应该存在于世!” They see the pitiful condition in this side world, in the heart unavoidable sorrowful, sympathize. 他们见到这一方世界的惨状,心中难免悲痛,感同身受。 Because beforehand Vast Desolate is also a side small and weak world, even might as well this world is powerful, if this accident falls on Vast Desolate’s, that entire Vast Desolate world then does not exist, is only thinks to let their incomparable lingering fear. 因为以前的洪荒也是一方弱小的世界,甚至还不如这个世界强大,若是这场变故落在洪荒的头上,那整个洪荒世界便不复存在,光是想想就让他们无比的后怕。 At this time, seven silhouette have gathered here, sees this scene, the complexion also cannot help but changes. 此时,已经有七道身影汇聚到了此处,看到这种场面,面色也都是不由得大变。 Good fearful blade, to kill to live simply, how to appear here?” “好可怕的刀,简直就是为杀而生,怎么会出现在这里?” This blade depending on killing intent extinguished unexpectedly killed one, moreover concise resentment, making the life that killed change into the resentful soul, by it forever and ever enslaving, living to might as well die, was simply shocking.” “此刀光凭杀意居然就灭杀了一界,而且还凝练了怨气,让所杀的生灵化为了怨魂,被其永生永世的奴役,生不如死,简直骇人听闻。” This is the peerless lethal weapon, is contrary to Tianhe.” “这是绝世凶器,有违天合。” Can arrive here without exception is Heavenly Way Realm’s powerhouse, however, even if they, the short distance feels a pressure close to this blade, breathe is impeded, felt that magic power is draining. 能够来到这里的无一例外都是天道境界的大能,然而,纵然是他们,近距离靠近此刀都感受到一股压力,呼吸不畅,感觉法力在流失。 Everyone, I have a proposition.” “各位,我有一个提议。” The Yang Jian stand, opened the mouth saying: This blade unknown, Qi of Slaughter also in outward diffusion, if not stop the formulation however to create the plunging the people into disaster, its existence absolutely is not the good matter, is inferior to us to collaborate, its seal, always isolates!” 杨戬站了出来,开口道:“此刀不详,杀戮之气还在向外扩散,若是不加以遏制定然会造成生灵涂炭,它的存在绝对不是好事情,不如我们联手,将其封印,永世隔绝!” I approve of!” “我赞同!” Yang Jian’s finishes speaking, then some people make noise to drink immediately, is actually a middle-aged guy, he hugged to Yang Jian held the fist in the other hand to say with a smile: Has seen the Heavenly Palace judicature deity.” 杨戬的话音刚落,立马便有人出声应喝,却是一名中年大汉,他冲着杨戬抱了抱拳笑着道:“见过天宫司法天神。” Yang Jian recognized him, originally moves into a side influence in Divine Territory, immediately also hugged to the opposite party held the fist in the other hand to return a courtesy. 杨戬认出了他,原来是入驻神域中的一方势力,当即也向对方抱了抱拳回礼。 Also the old man opens the mouth saying: Old Daoist I also approve, this blade created boundless slaughtering, the natural justice is intolerable, will decide with this blade however is spurned, will be killed intent to affect Way heart, therefore the seal will be good to anyone!” 又有一名老者开口道:“老道我也赞同,此刀缔造了无边的杀戮,天理难容,用此刀者定然会被唾弃,甚至会被杀意影响道心,所以封印对谁都好!” Yang Jian and Xiao Chengfeng looked at the past, immediately smiled, originally was White Cloud Temple’s Elder, similarly was an old friend. 杨戬萧乘风看过去,当即就笑了,原来是白云观的一名长老,同样是老朋友。 Other person of consideration moments, is the nod complies. 其他人思量片刻,也是点头答应下来。 Some people proposed: This place was slaughtered the resentment to cover, below non- Heavenly Way Realm can not enter, for did not let many being driven to death after suffering an injustice, was this piece of region complete seal for good!” 有人提议道:“此地被杀戮怨气所笼罩,非天道境界以下不得进入,为了不让更多的枉死,还是将这片地域全部封印为好!” Good!” “甚好!” In the people preparation begins, boundless aura from the distant place comes suddenly enormously and powerful, is ordinary like the overwhelmingly superior force, but with a loud bang to! 就在众人准备动手之际,一股磅礴的气息突然从远处浩荡而来,如同秋风扫落叶一般,轰然而至! The people have not seen clearly the person, then sees a giant golden fist to come, to coerce the boundless power and influence from distant place whistling, pushes horizontally, murderous intention ebullition, overbearing unparalleled. 众人还没有看清楚来人,便见一个巨大的金色拳头从远处呼啸而来,裹挟着无边的威势,一路横推,杀机沸腾,霸道无双。 Above this golden fist, principle surrounds, opened an opening Chaos hōng, void shatter, the implication has heavenly prestige, suppresses all. 这金色的拳头之上,法则环绕,将混沌开了一道口子,一路虚空破碎,蕴含有天威,镇压一切。 This fist, but the people on the scene will include completely, it may be said that is wild. 这一拳,可是将在场的众人全部囊括,可谓是猖狂至极。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Heavenly Way powerhouse on the scene simultaneously brow slightly variety, later together make a move, easily this fist reducing and solving. 在场的天道大能同时眉头微簇,随后一同出手,轻易将这一拳给化解。 next moment, sees four silhouette steps to come, their aura were full of death qi and complaint, is black qi somewhat is similar, a gloomy and cold feeling. 下一刻,就见四道身影踏步而来,他们的气息充满了死气与怨念,却是与黑气有些相似,给人一种阴冷之感。 These four silhouette, what is the head is two figure is skinny, old man who the facial features hang down, seems like some last years of life, as if the wind blows but actually, however they are actually real Heavenly Way powerhouse! 这四道身影,为首的是两名身形干瘦,眉眼低垂的老者,看起来有些风烛残年,似乎风一吹就倒,然而他们却是货真价实的天道大能 Two people are the figure are big, the fiendish features, the skin of body turned the coal metallic luster, the joint place of four limbs was also growing the green wool. 身后两人却是身形高大,青面獠牙,身上的皮肤翻着黑金般的金属光泽,四肢的关节处还长出了绿毛。 This is two zombie corpse sovereigns. 这是两个僵尸尸皇。 But they are also carrying bronze ancient Guan, is lending the strange aura. 而它们还抬着一个青铜古棺,散发着古怪的气息。 Regarding this lineup, Yang Jian naturally cannot be strange, knits the brows: Catches up with corpse lineage/vein, what do they make?” 对于这个阵容,杨戬自然不会陌生,皱眉道:“是赶尸一脉,他们来做什么?” Xiao Chengfeng worries saying: I’m afraid things will happen for no reason, I’d called more people over if I knew it.” 萧乘风担忧道:“事情只怕会无端生出变故了,早知道就多叫些人过来了。” Catches up with corpse to be able with existence that initial Realm Alliance fought, moreover...... also refine the Great Way Supreme King Venerable corpse! 赶尸界可是可以跟当初的界盟对打的存在,而且……还炼出了大道至尊王尊的尸体! Although King Venerable travelled, but sees its anomaly sufficiently. 虽然王尊跑路了,但是足以见得其变态。 The eyes of some people were immediately red, immediately gets angry shouts: „The domestic animal that catches up with corpse, comes back my ancestor's body quickly!” 有人的眼睛顿时就红了,当即怒喝道:“赶尸界的畜生,快把我祖宗的尸体还回来!” The person who catches up with corpse has to refine the energy of corpse, year to year robs a grave in Chaos, especially likes the expert corpse, simultaneously likes making to slaughter absurdly, it can be said that is notorious, is existence of being chased by all. 赶尸界的人有炼尸之能,常年在混沌中盗墓,尤其喜好强者尸体,同时又喜欢妄造杀戮,可以说是臭名昭著,是人人喊打的存在。 However what is undeniable, catching up with corpse is extremely mystical and powerful, has enlivened during the years, the foundation is solid, although the people hate, actually dreading quite. 不过不可否认的是,赶尸界太过神秘与强大,一直活跃于岁月之中,底蕴深厚,众人虽恨,却又颇为的忌惮。 Catches up with corpse old man to sneer saying: Wanted words take! Succeeded, you can the corpse reunion with your ancestor, be defeated, you can the corpse reunion with your ancestor, be the good deed.” 赶尸界的一名老者冷笑道:“想要的话自己来拿!成功了,你可以与你祖宗的尸体团聚,失败了,你还是可以与你祖宗的尸体团聚,都是好事。” Really is wildness as always, since you came, that stays behind!” “真是一如既往的猖狂,你们既然现身了,那就留下吧!” Everyone, caught up with corpse the actions not to need me saying that since today met, how might as well together jointly?” “各位,赶尸界的所作所为不需要我多说了吧,今儿既然遇上了,不如一同联手如何?” Presents some people unable to tolerate, immediately stands the proposition. 在场有人看不过眼,当即站出来提议。 The old man who catches up with corpse simply has not actually paid attention to the people, but is the vision brilliant say/way: Cannot think in Chaos creates the so big sound unexpectedly is a blade, this belt/bring god corpse came out to be really right! This blade we wanted!” 赶尸界的老者却是根本没有理会众人,而是目光灼灼道:“想不到在混沌中造成这般大动静的居然是一柄刀,这次带神尸出来果然是对了!这刀我们要了!” I want mother, my Xiao Chengfeng does not allow some people's acting cool before me! Dies to me!” “我要尼玛,我萧乘风绝不容许有人在我面前装逼!给我死!” Xiao Chengfeng could not bear directly, along with a long and loud cry, the long sword in hand is shattering void, wipes the sword light to cut to extinguish the space, brought to this piece of black heaven and earth wiped the bright, cutting with irresistible force approached that old man. 萧乘风直接就忍不住了,伴随着一声长啸,手中的长剑已然是破空而出,一抹剑光斩灭空间,给这片黑色的天地带来了一抹亮光,势如破竹的斩向了那名老者。 Old man behind, the corpse sovereign steps, are facing this sword, lifts the hand to make a fist, meets the approaching enemy by the unparalleled prestige on. 那老者的身后,尸皇踏步而出,面对着这一剑,抬手握拳,以盖世之威迎击而上。 Although it is the corpse, but whole body principle dies out, strength unparalleled, the implication has magic power before, the strength incomparable great strength. 它虽然是尸体,但是周身法则寂灭,力量无双,蕴含有身前的法力,战力无比的强大。 After fist hōng broke to pieces the sword light , to continue with a loud bang to erupt, launched the counter-attack toward Xiao Chengfeng. 一拳碎了剑光后,继续轰然爆发,向着萧乘风发动了反击。 Xiao Chengfeng grasps the long sword, similarly changed into the rainbow to meet the approaching enemy to go, loudly shouted: Comes well, Heaven didn’t give birth to me, Xiao Chengfeng, the Sword Way is eternal like the endless night! Sword light poisonous dragon diamond/drill!” 萧乘风手持长剑,同样是化为了长虹迎击而去,大喝道:“来得好,天不生我萧乘风,剑道万古如长夜!剑光毒龙钻!” Catches up with corpse everybody has the right to punish, the death!” “赶尸界人人得而诛之,死吧!” Others also toward catching up with the person of corpse launched the attack, suddenly, the magecraft radiance void blooms in this piece, tilts the fierce vibration in this stretch of land, the hōng cry continues. 其他人也是向着赶尸界的人发起了攻击,一时间,法术光华在这一片虚空中绽放,在这片大地上掀动起剧烈的震动,鸣不止。 Catches up with corpse altogether to only have four people, but Yang Jian has nine people, although only then six people of make a move, but catches up with corpse six not to drop the wind by four pairs unexpectedly as before, particularly the corpse sovereign, the fight wild can press general Heavenly Way Realm powerhouse extremely unexpectedly. 赶尸界一共只有四人,而杨戬这边则是有九人,虽然只有六人出手了,但是赶尸界以四对六居然依旧不落下风,尤其是尸皇,战斗极为的狂暴居然能压过一般的天道境界大能 Yang Jian and other two choose to watch changes quietly, prepare to deal with the accident, momentarily support. 杨戬和另外两人选择静观其变,准备应付着变故,随时支援。 Because they can feel in that copper coffin also aura of hidden. 因为他们能感觉那铜棺之内还有一股隐藏的气息。 Really, an old man who catches up with corpse pinched secret technique suddenly, to that copper coffin one finger/refers, in the eye pupil is jumping later projects the strange light, hoarsely said: God corpse wakes up!” 果然,赶尸界的一名老者突然掐动了一个法诀,对着那铜棺一指,随后眼眸中迸射出诡异之光,沙哑道:“神尸醒来!” In an instant, rising winds and scudding clouds, bronze ancient coffin fierce shivers, the above strange trace sent out the blood red ray, abominable intent is chaotic. 刹那间,风起云涌,青铜古棺剧烈的颤抖起来,其上的奇异纹路更是发出了血红色的光芒,让人心烦意乱。 hōng lóng!” 轰隆!” The coffin cover flies accordingly, the one after another black air current ascends from the ancient coffin, later a black golden big corpse is the erectness! 棺材盖子应声而飞,一股股黑色气流从古棺内升腾而起,随后一个黑金色的高大尸体便是直立而起! The incomparably scary aura erupts from its body, suppresses in world, making everyone's movement stagnate, felt that the heart is startled. 无比骇人的气息从它的身上爆发而出,镇压于世,让所有人的动作都是一滞,感到心惊。 When the time pays attention that ancient Guan Yang Jian is seeing that form, is actually the pupil fiercely shrinks, breathe rapid say/way: „Is that...... Gu Zhan?!” 时刻关注着那古棺的杨戬见到那身影时,却是瞳孔猛地一缩,呼吸急促道:“那是……古战?!” Although the appearance of corpse changed, but Yang Jian can recognize vaguely, because initially fighting in ancient battlefield was really intense, Gu Zhan was very strong, moreover led an important goods Ancient Race energy body, gave his impression extremely profoundly, is existence of Heavenly Way Realm peak deserved. 尸体的样子虽然变化了很多,但是杨戬还是能依稀认出来,因为当初在远古战场中的打斗实在是太激烈了,古战很强,而且还带领了一大帮古族能量体,给他的印象极为的深刻,是当之无愧的天道境界巅峰的存在。 Caught up with corpse also to refine the god corpse Gu Zhan unexpectedly? Catches up with corpse unexpectedly also to refine the Ancient Race’s corpse! 只是,赶尸界居然把古战也炼制成了神尸?赶尸界居然也可以炼制古族的尸体! Yang Jian thinks when ancient battlefield, the King Venerable corpse caught up. 杨戬想到了在远古战场时,王尊的尸体赶了过来。 Certainly is the person who catches up with corpse tracks down the King Venerable corpse, thus went to ancient battlefield, and discovered exactly the Gu Zhan corpse, then the belt/bring went back to refine. 一定是赶尸界的人追寻王尊的尸体,从而去了远古战场,并且恰好发现了古战的尸体,便带回去炼制了。 The Gu Zhan strength, is not general Heavenly Way Realm, in ancient battlefield that stand, after absorbing massive energies, can say that is half Great Way’s exists, with corpse that he refines, naturally also cannot be underestimated. 古战的实力,已经不是一般的天道境界,在远古战场那一站中,吸取了大量的能量后,可以说已经是半步大道的存在,用他炼制的尸体,自然也不容小觑。 He cannot bear make noise to remind: Everyone was careful.” 他忍不住出声提醒道:“大家小心。” Did not need him saying that everyone can feel the endless pressure from Gu Zhan body. 不需要他说,所有人都能从古战身上感受到无尽的压力。 The old man who catches up with corpse ordered: Goes to pull out that blade!” 赶尸界的老者下令道:“去把那柄刀拔出来!” Immediately, Gu Zhan whole face indifferent taking a step. 当即,古战满脸冷漠的迈步而出。 Bang bang bang.” “砰砰砰。” His foot steps on above the land, step by step straight goes toward black sabre, the boundless imposing manner also overflows to disperse, changed into the strong winds, sweeps across toward four sides. 他的脚踩踏在大地之上,一步一步直直的向着黑刀而去,无边的气势随之溢散而出,化为了狂风,向着四面席卷。 block him!” 挡住他!” Yang Jian is serious, first make a move, the three sharp double-edged swords in hand cut void, has the intermittent bright and beautiful ray, punctured one toward Gu Zhan greatly the blade glow. 杨戬面色凝重,第一个出手,手中的三尖两刃刀划破虚空,带起阵阵亮丽的光芒,向着古战刺出了一道巨大了刀芒。 Another two Heavenly Way Realm’s powerhouse do not dare to neglect, a person lifts in the hands, transforms nearly illusory flame, uses principle as the fuel, burns completely void, this is the fire of Heavenly Way, transforms sinks a giant rhinocero, goes toward the Gu Zhan impact. 另外两名天道境界的大能也是不敢怠慢,一人抬手之间,幻化出近乎虚幻的火焰,以法则为燃料,焚尽虚空,这是天道之火,幻化沉一头巨大的犀牛,向着古战冲击而去。 In another person of hand puts out purple gold color long sword, condenses myriad purple sword qi, is ordinary like myriad stars, covers in the Gu Zhan top of the head, later cuts to extinguish under! 另一人手中拿出一柄紫金色的长剑,凝聚出万千紫色剑气,如同万千星辰一般,笼罩于古战的头顶,随后斩灭而下! Three Heavenly Way Realm erupt jointly to strikes, lets Universe Nirvana, all around scene also annihilates entirely, presents besides that black sabre, all completely all changed into the dream bubble, was razed to the ground. 三名天道境界联手爆发出的至强一击,让乾坤寂灭,四周的景象统统随之湮灭,在场除了那柄黑刀外,所有的一切尽皆化为了梦幻泡影,被夷为了平地。 Gu Zhan treads forward one step, lifts both hands, makes a fist together later bombardment! 古战向前踏出一步,抬起双手,一同握拳随后轰击而出! His whole body, the powerful strength flows instantaneously, changes into the air wave to ripple toward all around, unexpectedly by one's effort, hard anti- next three people of collaborations. 他的周身,强大的力量瞬间奔涌而出,化为气浪向着四周荡漾,居然凭借一己之力,硬抗下三人的联手。 His rave, the brilliance of eye whole body magic power, erupts the strength of pinnacle, the Yang Jian three people of strengths shaking the powder, the light of destruction overflows the impact. 他狂吼一声,周身法力之光耀眼,爆发出极致之力,将杨戬三人的力量给震散,毁灭之光四溢冲击。 The Yang Jian three human body bodies all shake, when recovering, before Gu Zhan had arrived at black sabre . 杨戬人身体俱是一震,等到回过神来时,古战已然来到了黑刀之前。 His lifting hand without hesitation, straight grasping was supreme in the hilt! 他毫不犹豫的抬手,直直的握在了刀柄至上! wēng!” !” Among heaven and earth, covers to shiver simultaneously in endless area black qi, Qi of Slaughter and endless complaint are boil, the ear of people seemed passed on shouting of innumerable resentment soul. 天地之间,覆盖于无尽面积的黑气同时颤动起来,杀戮之气与无尽怨念更是沸腾起来,众人的耳边好似传了无数怨魂的嘶吼。 Everyone cannot help but stopped the fight, stares the eye to look at Gu Zhan greatly. 所有人都不由得停止了战斗,瞪大着眼睛看着古战 black sabre is not so definitely easy to take, its embodiment containing as tyrannical as pinnacle strength. 黑刀肯定不是这么容易取的,其内蕴含有暴虐到极致的力量。 Even if the average people approach are blotted the vitality, grips the hilt let alone, only fears to be able by the instantaneous suck dry. 一般人就算是靠近都会被吸去生机,更何况是握住刀柄,只怕会被瞬间吸干。 hōng hōng hōng!” !” Endless black qi exudes the thunderous sound, if later Myriad Rivers Return to the Sea starts to turn toward the black sabre gathering, Gu Zhan is becoming the vortex center, has the boundless black qi trundle. 无尽的黑气发出雷鸣之声,随后如万川归海开始向着黑刀汇聚,古战的所在成为了漩涡中心,有着无边的黑气滚动。 That two old men who catch up with corpse are wild with joy immediately, ha ha ha, was this becomes? This type desperate with slaughtering supreme treasure, really can catch up with corpse lineage/vein the corpse to control through me!” 赶尸界的那两名老者顿时狂喜,“哈哈哈,这是成了?这种绝望与杀戮的至宝,果然可以通过我赶尸一脉的尸体来驾驭!” Obtains this blade, the god corpse battle efficiency can increase absolutely, endures to compare Supreme!” “获得此刀,神尸的战斗力绝对能大增,堪比至尊!” Previous time the King Venerable corpse that catches up with the corpse with great difficulty refinement escapes, catching up with corpse delivered the major attack, this after all is the Great Way Supreme’s corpse, the anxiety to is not simply good. 上次赶尸界好不容易炼制的王尊尸体逃跑,给赶尸界带来了重大打击,这毕竟是大道至尊的尸体啊,简直肉疼到不行。 Great Way Supreme is not really ordinary, after dying, refining up the corpse also to be able unexpectedly the sudden rising, makes people virtually impossible to guard against. 大道至尊果然不一般,死后炼成尸体居然还能尸变,着实让人防不胜防。 However now the day falls this desperate black sabre, cultivator may not control, but was used to take the god corpse the weapon is was just good, made the god corpse the strength rise dramatically sufficiently, became the peak strength. 不过现在天降这柄绝望黑刀,修士不一定能够驾驭得了,但用来作为神尸的兵器却是刚刚好,足以让神尸的战力飙升,成为巅峰战力。
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