IACB :: Volume #7

#659: Great Way Supreme, a fish two eats

Just fished a fish? 刚刚钓了一条鱼? The heart of people jumps simultaneously, later vision neat falling in body of that fish, immediately outside eyeball raised, almost passed away at the scene. 众人的心同时一跳,随后目光齐刷刷的落在那条鱼的身上,当即眼珠子外凸,差点当场去世。 This, this aura is...... 这,这气息是…… Right, is that fish, absolutely is that fish! 没错了,是那条鱼,绝对是那条鱼! It is not right, is not the fish, is in River of Time make a move that big shot! 不对,不是鱼,是岁月长河出手的那个大佬 He really by expert fishing, moreover turned into the fish...... 他果然被高人给钓过来了,而且还变成了鱼…… At this moment, their scalp tingles, almost must blast out, in the mind cannot help but thinks again in River of Time that giant palm by the fear and despair that controls. 这一刻,他们头皮发麻,几乎要炸开了,脑海之中不由得再度想到了在岁月长河中被那个巨掌支配的恐惧与绝望。 However, in an instant, Master of that giant palm changed to a fish, is placing on the block, making one slaughter at will. 然而,转眼之间,那个巨掌的主人就化作了一条鱼,正摆放在砧板上,让人随意宰杀。 This feeling was really the dream, It’s just like a dream. 这种感觉实在是太梦幻了,简直跟做梦一样 big shot, super big shot! 大佬,超级大佬 awesome!!! 牛逼!!! Li Nianfan sees people dumbfounded, cannot help but said with a smile: What kind of, this fish appearance not bad?” 念凡见众人愣神,不由得笑道:“怎么样,这条鱼卖相不错吧?” Qin Manyun swallowed saliva, said in a low voice: „...... not bad, this fish does not understand at a glance the unusual overwhelming power.” 秦曼云吞咽了一口口水,低声道:“不……不错,这条鱼一看就知道非常的威猛。” Li Nianfan nod said: That is, I told you, just fished, its vigor may, jump fully three chi (0.33 m) high, pulp proper unusual is ready tasty, you had the luck of having good things to eat.” 念凡点头道:“那是,我跟你们说,刚钓出来的时候,它活力可足了,一蹦三尺高,肉质妥妥的非常鲜美,你们真是有口福了。” Is this Great Way Supreme, the vigor can be insufficient? 这可是大道至尊,活力能不足吗? Wait, pulp?! 等等,肉质?! Is expert this must eat Great Way Supreme? 高人这是要吃大道至尊吗? The complexion of people becomes flushed immediately, is excited whole body each cell to shiver, relates to the expert’s craftsmanship, this food is simply extraordinary! 众人的脸色顿时涨红,激动得全身每一个细胞都在颤抖,联想到高人的手艺,这顿饭简直了不得啊! The Old Man Ling body shook, cannot bear, disturbed trembling sound said: That...... I, can I also eat?” 凌老头身子一抖,忍不住走了出来,忐忑的颤声道:“那个……我,我也可以吃吗?” Li Nianfan said: comer is a guest, sure, how doesn't know fellow daoist call?” 念凡道:“来者是客,当然可以,不知道友怎么称呼?” Old Man Ling said immediately: This poor Daoist Ling Liqun, is the Huang Deheng best friend, accompanies him to come together.” 凌老头当即道:“贫道凌立群,是黄德恒最最好的朋友,陪他一道过来的。” The corners of the mouth of Huang Deheng cannot help but pull out, best your younger sister, to know that now had my relations? How usually not to see you is so warm. 黄德恒的嘴角不由得一抽,最最好你妹,现在知道扯上我的关系了?平时怎么不见你这么热情。 Ling Liqun continues saying: Right, Lord Sage Monarch, this visiting brought a fruit tree specially, but had the accident/surprise on the road, the fruit tree somewhat could not withstand, does not know that can also be good.” 凌立群继续道:“对了,圣君大人,本来这次拜访特意带了一颗果树,只是在路上发生了意外,果树有些不堪了,不知道还能不能行。” In Li Nianfan heart one startled, this that tree that notices them to carry behind, the bare crotch, a leaf does not have, some bark folds, seem like also ordinary with the trees that the autumn loses plant. 念凡心中一惊,这才注意到他们身后扛着的那棵树,光秃秃的树杈,一片叶子都没有,树皮也有些褶皱,看起来就跟秋天枯死的树木一般。 He walked hastily, quick let me take a look.” 他连忙走了过去,“快让我看看。” This is the walnut tree!” “这是核桃树!” Li Nianfan recognized, is pleasantly surprised, some lingering fear: „, The vitality of this tree is fortunately strong enough, has not lost plant completely, but also some rescue, I must hurry to plant it to the backyard.” 念凡认了出来,又惊又喜,有些后怕道:“还好,这树的生命力够强,没有完全枯死,还有的救,我得赶紧把它种到后院去。” Nannan and Long’er run over immediately, volunteer saying: Elder Brother, we help you.” 囡囡龙儿当即跑了过来,自告奋勇道:“哥哥,我们来帮你。” ha ha ha, good, careful.” 哈哈哈,好,小心一点。” Li Nianfan mood not bad, obtained the melon seed a short time ago, currently also has the walnut, regarding these nuts, he likes. 念凡心情不错,前不久得到瓜子,现在又有了核桃,对于这些坚果,他可是非常喜欢的。 Walnut flavor not only delicious, but can also make up the brain, this may be more precious than the common fruit, real not bad. 核桃的味道不但好吃,而且还能补脑,这可比一般的水果贵重多了,真不错 everyone, I must say good bye now.” 诸位,失陪一下。” Meanwhile, Li Nianfan told: Whitey, this fish gave you, hurried to process, was a sumptuous meal entertainment honored guest.” 同时,李念凡吩咐道:“小白,这条鱼就交给你了,赶紧处理一下,做一顿丰盛的饭菜招待贵客。” Whitey said: Good, my honored Master.” 小白道:“好的,我尊贵的主人。” When Li Nianfan went to the backyard, Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun then relax slightly, was too big facing the expert pressure. 等到李念凡去了后院,黄德恒和凌立群这才稍稍松了一口气,面对高人压力太大了。 They are sizing up courtyard house’s all silently, once for a while shrinks the neck, deep shock in courtyard house’s all. 他们默默的打量着四合院的一切,时不时就缩一下脖子,深深的震撼于四合院的一切。 This is the place of genuine track seeking, the implication has the matchless good fortune, here, decided however can cultivation the pinnacle of Zhidao, any secret realm could not compare 12. 这是真正的寻道之地,蕴含有举世无双的造化,在这里,定然能修炼至道的极致,任何秘境都比不了其中一二。 Scoffs.” “嗤嗤嗤。” Whitey is grasping the kitchen knife, is cleaning up the scale conscientiously, each blade falls, the golden scale flutters, sprinkles on the ground, looks somewhat sloppy. 小白手持着菜刀,正在兢兢业业的清理着鱼鳞,每一刀落下,金色的鱼鳞飘飞,洒落在地上,看起来有些邋遢。 However, Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun are actually the vision concentrates simultaneously, stubbornly is staring at that scale, breathe is rapid. 不过,黄德恒和凌立群却是目光同时一凝,死死的盯着那鱼鳞,呼吸急促。 This is the Great Way Supreme’s scale, above the implication has the Great Way vein, is impossible to meet, is more precious than it supreme treasure!” “这可是大道至尊的鱼鳞,其上蕴含有大道脉络,根本不可能遇到,比之至宝还要珍贵!” This scale, can definitely build peerless say/way! The Great Way Supreme whole body is the treasure, the corpse changes the world sufficiently!” “这鱼鳞,完全可以打造出绝世道器!大道至尊浑身是宝,尸体足以改天换地!” They illness/quick in the heart, look that the scale eye was red. 他们在心中疾,看着鱼鳞眼睛都红了。 When sees Whitey to take the water pipe, prepares the scale regards the trash washing away, the mind suddenly trembles, immediately collected without hesitation. 当看到小白拿着水管,准备把鱼鳞当成垃圾给冲走的时候,心神豁然一颤,当即不假思索的凑了过去。 The Huang Deheng whole face flattered: Sir Whitey, can this scale give me? Is deeply grateful below.” 黄德恒满脸谄媚道:“小白大人,请问这鱼鳞能够给我吗?在下感激不尽。” Ling Liqun is flatters saying: Sir Whitey, you are the body of large sum of money, this scale where can be exhausted you to clean up, making me come, this live I am ripe.” 凌立群则是讨好道:“小白大人,您可是万金之躯,这鱼鳞哪里能劳烦您清理,让我来吧,这活我熟。” Whitey said indifferently: As you like then, cleans here in brief cleanly on the line.” 小白无所谓道:“随你们的便,总之把这里打扫干净就行。” Sir Whitey felt relieved, gave me.” 小白大人放心,交给我了。” Sir Whitey the atmosphere, thanks politely.” 小白大人大气,拜谢。” Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun smile obsequiously is bowing to Whitey, turns head, the smile disappears, two people fight at the scene. 黄德恒和凌立群谄笑着对小白鞠躬,一扭头,笑容消失,两人当场就掐起架来。 Huang Deheng rises to blush the anger to exclaim: Old Man Ling, your what meaning? Elderly Lord brings to share the chance you to expert here with you, you such to Elderly Lord? I said that cleaning up the trash is my manual labor!” 黄德恒涨红着脸怒吼道:“凌老头,你什么意思?老子把你带到高人这里与你分享机缘,你就这么对老子?我都说了,捡垃圾是我的活计!” Fart! Picks trash live those who are able to occupy it, forgot to tell you, before my cultivation, was trash Great King.” “放屁!捡垃圾这活能者居之,忘了告诉你,我修仙之前就是垃圾大王。” Ling Liqun does not yield an inch, is picking the scale of ground earnestly, while said: This fruit tree is my, said, you were benefitted from association with I light!” 凌立群寸步不让,一边埋头捡着地上的鱼鳞,一边道:“这果树可是我的,说起来,你还是沾了我的光!” Huang Deheng curses saying: Your supercilious look wolf, was just a dog said I was he best friend.” 黄德恒大骂道:“你个白眼狼,刚刚是一条狗说我是他最最最好的朋友的。” Two people fight are picking the scale that while goes all out, in their hearts also has the number, had not forgotten that own labor of duty, cleans also cleanly compares to lick the location. 两人一边打架一边拼命的捡着鱼鳞,不过他们的心中也有着数,没有忘记自己的本职工作,把场地打扫得比舔得还干净。 After the moment, Li Nianfan comes out from the backyard, said to Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun: Many thanks two delivering fruit trees, had a mind.” 片刻后,李念凡从后院出来,对着黄德恒和凌立群道:“多谢了二位送的果树,有心了。” They link hastily said: Lord Sage Monarch was polite, we are actually see the flower to offer Buddha.” 他们连忙道:“圣君大人客气了,我们其实不过是见花献佛罢了。” Then, Li Nianfan took the fruit juice and between-meal snack to the people, then entered the cooking link with Whitey. 接下来,李念凡给众人上了果汁和零食,便和小白进入了烹饪环节。 Because this fish is very big, then chose a way of eating of fish multi- eating, the fish head cooked the soup, the fish red-roast, the dried shark skin fried in oil, not only did not waste, the flavor returned each has his good points. 因为这条鱼很大,便选择了一鱼多吃的吃法,鱼头炖汤,鱼身红烧,鱼皮油炸,不但不浪费,味道还各有千秋。 Fruit juice and between-meal snack, although is also not ordinary, lets Huang Deheng and ice Liqun screamed, however their attention majority cannot help but places that fish on the god. 果汁和零食虽然也都不是凡品,让黄德恒和凌立群内心尖叫,但是他们的注意力大多数还是不由自主的放在那条鱼的神上。 After all, this is Great Way Supreme! 毕竟,这可是大道至尊啊! gradually, the cooking liquor in pot starts to boil, the one after another fragrance also scatters, integrates the air, sneaks into the nasal cavity of people, makes their unceasing is swallowing the saliva, greedy. 渐渐地,锅内的汤汁开始沸腾起来,一股股香味随之飘散而出,融入空气,窜入众人的鼻腔,让他们不断的吞咽着口水,眼馋不已。 This was ripe Great Way Supreme’s flavor? In the fragrance has the Great Way’s aura. 这就是熟了的大道至尊的味道吗?就连香味中都带着大道的气息。 Has not started to eat, the light was hearing this fragrance, they felt had the sensibility to own say/way. 还没开始吃,光是闻着这股香味,他们感觉对自己的道都有了感悟。 Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun closed the eye directly, breathe that makes an effort fragrance, while immerses to be one of them, being infatuated of whole face, on face appears the comparison dreadfulness. 黄德恒和凌立群更是直接闭上了眼睛,一边用力的呼吸着香味,一边沉浸在其中,满脸的陶醉,老脸上显得比较的猥琐。 Elder Brother, delicious?” “哥哥,好吃了吗?” Long’er and Nannan have sat before the table, the front placed the tableware, the appearance that can start momentarily, awaited eagerly. 龙儿囡囡已经坐在了桌前,面前摆放好了碗筷,一副随时可以开动的模样,望眼欲穿。 Li Nianfan is saying with a smile: No rush, was quick, when I first put some corianders.” 念凡笑着道:“别急,快了,等我先放些香菜。” At the same time saying, he lifted the pot cover. 一边说着,他掀开了锅盖。 In an instant, the one after another rich smog ascends from the pot, covers the surroundings, seeming like ordinary like Immortal Realm. 刹那之间,一股股浓郁的烟雾从锅中升腾而起,笼罩住周围,看起来如同仙境一般。 But in people's eyes, in the pot erupts the endless halo, this is the spirit energy storm, Great Way everywhere dances in the air simply. 而在众人的眼中,锅中则是爆发出无尽的光晕,这简直就是灵气风暴,大道漫天飞舞。 This where is boiling the fish, this is clearly boiling Great Way! 这哪里是在煮鱼,这分明就是在煮大道 Li Nianfan will prepare the good minced green onion and in the coriander investment pot conveniently, stirred simply, is saying with a smile: Was OK, everyone prepares to open eats.” 念凡随手将准备好的葱花和香菜投入锅中,简单的搅拌了一下,笑着道:“可以了,大家准备开吃吧。” Can open eats? 要开吃了吗? Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun all are the heart jumps, seemed the elementary student to hear the teacher to say attended class general, sat respectfully immediately, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. 黄德恒和凌立群俱是心头一跳,好似小学生听到老师说上课一般,立马正襟危坐,大气都不敢喘。 They stare greatly the eye, closely is staring at the hold of dish from the pot, then placed in own front. 他们瞪大着眼睛,紧紧地盯着菜品从锅中盛起,然后摆放在了自己的面前。 I must start!” “我要开动啦!” Long’er and Nannan exciting high , then impolite clamped a fish to send in own mouth. 龙儿囡囡激动的高一声,接着一点也不客气的夹了一块鱼肉送入自己的嘴里。 Confuses A fan A fan a ~ “啊迷a迷a迷a~” Oh my heaven, was too delicious!” 天呐,太好吃了!” Feeling flavor blasted out in the mouth, the pulp of this fish any fish wants the Q ball compared with I have eaten.” “感觉味道在嘴里炸开来了,这条鱼的肉质比起我吃过的任何一条鱼都要Q弹。” Such big fish, the pulp does not feel unexpectedly old, instead slides tenderly incomparably, especially tasty.” “这么大一条鱼,肉质居然一点也不觉得老,反而嫩滑无比,格外的爽口。” Li Nianfan could not bear tap their small head, ridiculed saying: Eats eats, where comes that many words.” 念凡忍不住拍了一下她们的小脑袋,笑骂道:“吃就吃,哪来那么多话。” These two small girl follow oneself, the obscene talk also became a lot, tasted the good food also to appraise while convenient, was really a pair of funny guy. 这两个小丫头跟着自己,骚话也变得多起来了,尝美食还顺便品鉴一番,真是一对活宝。 Long’er and Nannan spit the tongue, then did not have the sound. 龙儿囡囡吐了吐舌头,便没声了。 Fish really delicious, after they eat up the stomach, the one after another warm aura erupts suddenly from the belly, this aura not only integrates their magic power instantaneously, making their magic power inflate several times instantaneously, is the direct impact forehead, making them fall into a strange condition. 鱼肉是真的好吃,不过在她们吃下肚后,一股股温热的气息突然从肚子中爆发开来,这股气息不但瞬间融入他们的法力,让她们的法力瞬间膨胀数倍,更是直冲脑门,让她们陷入了一种奇异的状态。 Their brains blow off directly, the whole person seemed the float in Chaos, lifted hand one move, then has the stars to float to come, later surrounded in own rotation. 她们的大脑直接放空,整个人好似漂浮在了混沌之中,抬手一招,便有着星辰漂浮而来,随后环绕在自己的身边转动。 The stars are getting more and more, centered on them, at this moment, they seemed the Chaos’ center, lifted in the hands, sufficiently control endless entire world. 星辰越来越多,以她们为中心,这一刻,她们好似成了混沌的中心,抬手之间,足以掌控无尽的寰宇。 „Is this feeling...... controls the Great Way’s feeling?” “这股感觉是……掌控大道的感觉?” Hand grasps sun and moon to pick the stars, the Heavenly Way end I for the peak! This is that Great Way Supreme’s angle of view!” “手握日月摘星辰,天道尽头我为峰!这是那个大道至尊的视角!” Elder Brother makes the fish time, integrated in which the say/way of this fish.” “哥哥做鱼肉的时候,把这条鱼的道都融入了其中。” Long’er and Nannan exclaim, say/way that they sense naturally also starts spout, with magic power together, directly their cultivation base rapid pushing up. 龙儿囡囡惊叹不已,她们感悟的道自然而然的随之开始喷涌,与法力一起,直接将她们的修为迅速的推高。 Is a fish, lets them from Heavenly Way initial stage, will soon advance Heavenly Way Realm Intermediate Stage! 仅仅是一口鱼肉,就让她们从天道初期,即将推到天道境界中期 They broke through to Heavenly Way Realm a short time ago. 要知道,前不久她们可是才突破至天道境界 Situ Qin and Qin Manyun also picked a fish to put in the mouth. 司徒沁秦曼云也是随之夹起了一块鱼肉放入嘴里。 Immediately, they only felt that body as if with the wind, becomes the incomparable litheness, integrated the wind, has fluttered Divine Territory, is situated in above Chaos. 立时,他们只感觉身子似乎随风而起,变得无比的轻盈,融入了风,一直飘出了神域,立于混沌之上。 They look that the stars change, is feeling in Chaos the births and annihilations of myriad world. 它们看着星辰之变,感受着混沌中万千世界的诞生与湮灭。 The Qin Manyun finger cannot help but beats, seeming to use the stars path as the string, plays a Chaos music movement, Situ Qin gives birth to impulsive similarly, wants to change entire Chaos with the writing brush for describing. 秦曼云手指不由得跳动,好似要以星辰轨迹为琴弦,弹奏一曲混沌乐章,司徒沁同样生出一股冲动,想要用毛笔将整个混沌之变给描绘出来。 Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun are also hard to endure, the taking up ladle of incomparable anticipation, scooped up one spoon of colors slowly such as fish soup of white breast, then in little suction nozzle. 黄德恒和凌立群也再难忍住,无比期待的拿起勺子,缓缓的舀了一勺色如白乳的鱼汤,然后一点点的吸入嘴里。 Immediately, their bodies shake crazily, the complexion becomes flushed directly a piece, the powerful strength almost gives to open their bodies, the belly swelled directly. 立时,他们身体狂震,脸色直接涨红一片,强大的力量差点将他们的身体给撑开,肚子更是直接胀大了一圈。 However they clench teeth, in the heart makes a determined effort, suppression stubbornly, the desperate digestion, for fear that causes anything to change in front of expert. 不过他们一咬牙,心中发狠,死死的压制下去,拼命的消化,生怕在高人面前引起什么异动。 Relied on their strengths, almost cannot suppress the strength in this fish soup unexpectedly, this was too precious, in the world no elixir can compare. 凭他们的实力,居然差点没能压制住这一口鱼汤中的力量,这实在太珍贵了,世界上没有什么林丹妙药能比。 Was too powerful, was too inconceivable, prepares food can do the Great Way Supreme’s essence unexpectedly in this bowl of soup.” “太强大了,太不可思议了,做饭居然能将大道至尊的精华都做在这碗汤中。” expert was really big shot, was only the say/way of this cooking, perhaps was the Great Way Supreme’s level!” 高人实在是太大佬了,光是这烹饪之道,恐怕就是大道至尊的水准!” They incomparably shock is thinking, simultaneously in the heart cannot help but has one , but sorrowful. 他们无比震撼的想着,同时心中不由得生出一丝无奈与悲哀。 So the defying heavens good food places itself in front, because actually ability is limited, is unable carefree big to eat, this suffers simply. 如此逆天的美食放在自己面前,却因为能力有限,无法畅快的大吃,这简直就是折磨。 The world's most painful matter is not asks not to, but the most wonderful thing places before oneself obviously, because actually ability is limited, but is unable to enjoy heartily. 世界上最痛苦的事情不是求而不得,而是明明最美妙的东西摆放在自己面前,却因为能力有限而无法尽情享用。 Sorrowful! 悲哀啊! Daji and Fire Phoenix are also being opened only by red lips, starts. 妲己火凤也是亲启红唇,开动起来。 Good...... quite hot!” “好……好热!” Their physique are coy, above the tender body presented light beads of sweat unexpectedly, the one after another fiery strength walked randomly in within the body, making them seem soaks in the hot spring. 她们的身姿扭捏,娇躯之上居然出现了一层薄薄的汗珠,一股股火热的力量在体内游走,让她们好似泡在温泉之中。 They are half Great Way’s realm, the appearance of this fish, directly is promoting their cultivation base, making them be away from Great Way Supreme to be getting more and more near, this powerful strength, needs to digest attentively. 她们本来就已经是半步大道的境界,这鱼肉的出现,直接推动着她们的修为,让她们距离大道至尊越来越近,这股强大的力量,需要用心去消化。 This food, eats that on Li Nianfan is unscrupulous, red-roast fish coordination tasty fish soup, simply is an outstanding in both fields, eating the person is comfortable, was satisfied. 这顿饭,也就李念凡吃得那是一个肆无忌惮,红烧鱼肉配合鲜美的鱼汤,简直就是双绝,吃得人舒服无比,惬意极了。 He drinks next bowl of fish soup, cannot bear they were saying to Huang Deheng: You really do not use politely, eats casually, eating were also few.” 他喝下一碗鱼汤,忍不住对着黄德恒他们道:“你们真不用客气,随便吃啊,吃得也太少了。” They do not know that what's the matter, eats the soup with the ladle, a spoon spoon is scooping up, two old men play the role of any virtuous young woman. 他们不知道怎么回事,喝汤都是用勺子,一小勺一小勺的舀着,俩老头扮啥淑女啊。 Huang Deheng and Ling Liqun link hastily said: cough cough, we really not polite, ate many, really enough.” 黄德恒和凌立群连忙道:“,我们真没客气,吃得很多了,真的够了。” Li Nianfan looks on the table remaining remnant thick soup cold roast/broil, opens the mouth saying: Yeah, our so many people, this fish to the elimination, your battle efficiencies are really not unexpectedly good, no one did really eat?” 念凡看着桌上剩下的残羹冷炙,开口道:“哎,我们这么多人,居然还没把这条鱼给消灭,你们的战斗力真的不行啊,真没人吃了?” Young Master, I was really full.” 公子,我真饱了。” Daji and Fire Phoenix stand, walked toward the fitness equipment that side together, they need through practicing the yoga, digest this food obtained, really could not digest, in the evening practiced again with Young Master, should quick be able to enter into Great Way. 妲己火凤站了起来,一同向着健身器材那边走去,她们需要通过练瑜伽,来消化这顿饭的所得,实在消化不了,晚上再与公子练练,应该很快就能迈入大道了。 Jiang Liu is rousing the belly, the speech somewhat seems to be strenuous, Lord Sage Monarch, I have supported is not good.” 江流鼓着肚皮,说话似乎都有些吃力,“圣君大人,我已经撑的不行了。” Li Nianfan beckons with the hand, „, Whitey, treats as the manure to arrive at the backyard the remaining vegetables/dishes but actually, right, in puddle also but actually some, to these fish feeding.” 念凡摆了摆手,“也罢,小白,把剩下的菜当做肥料倒到后院去吧,对了,水潭里也倒一些,给那些鱼儿喂食。” Whitey received an order immediately. 小白当即领命去了。 As it carries the leftover dish to enter the backyard, in an instant, the entire backyard lives it up, leaf huā huā huā makes noise. 随着它端着剩菜进入后院,刹那间,整个后院都热闹起来,树叶作响。 Whitey Whitey, gives me to come one.” 小白小白,给我来一口。” Good fragrant fish soup, a quick pouring point in my below, I needs sleek/moist.” “好香的鱼汤啊,快浇一点在我的下面,我需要润。” In the puddle, these fish could not wait, leapt the water surface in abundance, from the sky has drawn arcs. 水潭中,那些鱼更是等不及了,纷纷跃出了水面,在空中划过一道道弧线。 „The good food that , expert makes came, was too fragrant!” ,高人做的美食来了,太香了!” This is with the delicacy that Great Way Supreme makes, is above the imagination simply, was too thrilling!” “这可是用大道至尊做成的美味啊,简直超乎想象,太让人激动了!” Big chance, the big good fortune, we were really happy!” “大机缘,大造化,我们实在是太幸福了!” expert awesome!” 高人牛逼!” ...... ……
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