IKTT :: Volume #5

#449: Snow and ice war-god

Chapter 449 snow and ice war-god 第449章冰雪战神 Tonight in the cold winter city is especially cold. 今夜凛冬城内格外寒冷。 The bone-chilling cold wind and snow mix with the thin ice sludge to puncture in the city howl, resembling to the entire city frozen. 凛冽风雪夹杂着细碎冰刺在城内呼啸,似要将整座城市冰封。 Facing the stop of sword clan soldier, shoulders Zhang Daowen of ice coffin to erupt in this time thoroughly. 面对剑族战士的阻拦,背负冰棺的张道文在此时彻底爆发。 The weather comes under his strength influence, follows his will to wreak havoc the entire city. 就连天气都受到他的力量影响,跟随他的意志肆虐整座城市。 Zhang Daowen lifts in the hands, close frost sweeps across the front, covers more than hundred sword clan soldier bodies, finally a giant ice coffin appears. 张道文抬手间,细密的冰霜席卷前方,将百余名剑族战士身躯覆盖,最终一座巨型冰棺浮现。 Makes a fist, ices the coffin disruption, more than hundred sword clan soldiers of iced coffin seal perish instantaneously. 握拳间,冰棺碎裂,被冰棺封印的百余名剑族战士瞬间殒命。 This looked to stay through the upper air unmanned aerial vehicle observation tactical situation cold winter city military headquarters high level. 这一幕看呆了通过高空无人机观察战况的凛冬城军部高层。 When sees the Zhang Daowen form, they feel look familiar, but the wind and snow cover the line of sight, looks fuzzily, who they have not seen clearly this person are. 看到张道文的身影时,他们就觉得十分眼熟,只是风雪覆盖视线,看得模糊,他们未看清此人到底是谁。 When sees Zhang Daowen displays the ability, they suddenly remember this person are what origins. 当看到张道文施展能力的时候,他们忽然想起此人是什么来历了。 The strongest soldier in Star City western supplies area, Zhang Daowen. 星城西补给区的最强战士,张道文 Simultaneously Zhang Daowen is also five big city together evaluations one of the new native of Shanxi clan ten big war-gods. 同时张道文也是五大城市共同评选的新晋人族十大战神之一。 About his score, can describe with the valiance. 关于他的战绩,可以用彪悍来形容。 Newly emerged Zhang Daowen shows the unequalled battlefield rule strength, his development process does not even have other beautiful soldiers to have the adaptation and growth period, the opening is the high light time. 初出茅庐的张道文就展现出无与伦比的战场统治力,他的成长过程甚至没有其他新秀战士该有适应与成长期,开局就是高光时刻。 The major City Media to the Zhang Daowen unified appraisal are, not only he war talent, is the war versatile person. 各大城市媒体对张道文统一的评价是,他不只是战争天才,更是战争全才。 During frontline profession, Zhang Daowen is the construction, pharmaceutics and the equipment weapon frontline renews, and so on domains have proposed the professional advice, and almost all suggestions were accepted the use after the test. 前线生涯期间,张道文为前线的建设、药剂学、装备武器更新,等等领域都提出过专业建议,且几乎所有建议都在测试后被采纳使用。 If Mu Qing is martial God, then Zhang Daowen is the versatile soldier. 如果说沐晴是武神,那么张道文就是全能战士。 Excels by far west Star City the strength of supplies area is only one of the Zhang Daowen labels, the rich knowledge that he masters similarly is his weapon. 冠绝星城西补给区的战力只是张道文身上的标签之一,他掌握的丰富知识同样是他的武器。 Most classical is the campaign of black juice domain field. 最经典的就是与黑汁领域场的战役。 Because the regular particularity of black juice domain field, the soldier in Star City western supplies area is hard to adapt to the circumstances of black juice domain field, scatters the action to move slowly. 由于黑汁领域场的规则特殊性,星城西补给区的战士难以适应黑汁领域场的环境,驱散行动进展缓慢。 But the black juice domain field is actually west Star City the domain field continues an important main road channel that expands to the west. 但黑汁领域场却是星城西领域场继续向西扩张的一条重要主路通道。 Wish makes west Star City the development of supplies area go a step further, the black juice domain field must be scattered. 想要让星城西补给区的发展更进一步,黑汁领域场必须被驱散。 At that time to scatter the black juice domain field, the major supplies areas sent the soldier to enter west Star City the supplies area, the attempt helped capture/raid this domain field. 当时为了驱散黑汁领域场,各大补给区都派遣战士进入星城西补给区,尝试帮助攻略这座领域场。 But several times the joint operations ended in failure. 但数次联合行动都以失败告终。 The issue is , in the soldier is hard to adapt to the environmental issue in black juice domain field. 问题无一不是出在战士难以适应黑汁领域场内的环境问题上。 Even if wears packages solid against has, still in the black juice domain field will feel to have a dizzy spell, when how long will vomit, or stupor. 即使佩戴包裹严实的防具,仍会在黑汁领域场内感到头晕目眩,待不了多久就会呕吐,或是昏迷。 Finally was Zhang Daowen studies special medicament of mass production, helping the frontline soldier adapt to the circumstances of black juice domain field, finally successfully scattered the black juice domain field. 最终是张道文研究出了一款量产的特殊药剂,帮助前线战士适应黑汁领域场的环境,最终成功驱散了黑汁领域场。 Other similar cases have. 其他相似的案例还有很多。 Young Zhang Daowen is like Mu Qing, had the extremely high prestige in new generation, was many young people wants after the regiment leader who the graduation followed. 年轻的张道文沐晴一样,在新生代中拥有极高的声望,更是诸多年轻人想在毕业后追随的战团领袖。 The cold winter city military headquarters have not thought, Zhang Daowen will appear at this time unexpectedly. 凛冬城军部怎么也没想到,张道文竟然会在这时候出现。 Made them feel what was puzzled, why Zhang Daowen will appear here. 更令他们感到不解的是,张道文为何会出现在这里。 What did here exactly have? 这里到底发生了什么? In the executives of cold winter city military headquarters feel the doubts for this reason, the strength of Zhang Daowen release is raised again. 就在凛冬城军部的高管们为此感到疑惑时,张道文释放的力量再次提升。 The ice palace temple that he appears behind nearly substantializes, in the temperature of region was to reduce the normal life unendurable situation, the physique powerful sword clan soldiers also trembled under the cold attack, can only urge the sword air/Qi resistance to be extremely cold. 他身后显现的冰宫神殿近乎实质化,所在区域的温度更是降低到了正常生命难以忍受的地步,就连体质强悍的剑族战士也在寒冷侵袭下瑟瑟发抖,只能驱使剑气抵御极寒。 Zhang Daowen treads every time the previous step, treads probably in their frail lives. 张道文每踏前一步,都像是踏在他们的脆弱的生命上。 At this time Zhang Daowen waved suddenly. 这时张道文忽然挥手。 Immediately before everywhere flying snow and ice crystal coerce a sword clan soldier of named head is arriving at his body, an frost hand baseless produces, pinching is the nape of the neck place of first sword clan soldier, raises him in the midair, freezing his complexion is pale. 顿时漫天飞雪与冰晶裹挟着一名为首的剑族战士来到他的身前,一只冰霜之手凭空生成,掐在了为首剑族战士的脖颈处,将他提在半空,冻得他面色惨白。 Whom kills Uncle Qi also!” “害死棋叔的还有谁!” Is looking at the Zhang Daowen ice blue eye pupil, the biting cold chill in the air raises from this sword clan soldier heart, does not know that is cold or frightened, his body starts unable to stop trembles. 望着张道文冰蓝色的眼眸,彻骨寒意自这名剑族战士心底升起,不知是寒冷还是恐惧,他的身体开始止不住地打颤。 Looked at the Zhang Daowen behind ice coffin, he naturally knows in the Zhang Daowen mouth who Uncle Qi is. 看了眼张道文身后的冰棺,他自然知道张道文口中的“棋叔”是谁。 Facing the interrogation of Zhang Daowen, he has not spoken very much unyieldingly, but the body does not run errands, was frozen the body to be lacking in vigilance, the consciousness was gradually murky, seems can the lethargic sleep momentarily in the past. 面对张道文的质问,他很是硬气地没有说话,只是身躯不听使唤,被冻得身体麻痹,意识逐渐昏沉,好似随时都会昏睡过去。 Looked that the sword clan men are not willing to reply, Zhang Daowen excessively had not inquired again. 看剑族男子不愿回答,张道文没有再过多询问。 In his eye flashes through the cold glow, immediately the frost hand pinches fiercely, the male freezing corpse, changes to the fragment that the body falls to the ground to scatter in all directions instantaneously. 他的眼中闪过寒芒,顿时冰霜之手猛地一捏,将男子冻成了冰尸,身体落地的瞬间化作碎块四散。 After killing this sword clan men, the Zhang Daowen ice-cold vision looks slowly to the front sword clan soldier. 杀死这名剑族男子后,张道文冰冷的目光缓缓望向前方的剑族战士。 Although the sword clan has the absolute advantage in the population, and there are more and more sword clan soldiers to join the battlefield, but under the ice-cold line of sight of Zhang Daowen, the innermost feelings of sword clan soldier even produced itself an misconception of surrounded side. 虽然剑族在人数上占据绝对的优势,且有越来越多的剑族战士加入战场,但在张道文的冰冷视线下,剑族战士的内心甚至产生了自己才是被包围的一方的错觉。 The icy blast must seem the devil that in the extremely cold abyss crawls the Zhang Daowen complementing. 凛冽寒风将张道文映衬得好似极寒深渊中爬出的恶魔。 The cold wind howls in his side, actually does not injure his slightest. 寒风在他身边呼啸,却不伤他分毫。 The snowflake surrounds him like the stars surrounding the moon, condenses a partly visible ice crystal float royal crown in his head frost. 雪花如众星拱月般将他环绕,冰霜在他头上凝聚成一顶若隐若现的冰晶悬浮王冠。 This time Zhang Daowen like wielding the extremely cold gods, took away extremely strong mind constriction to the sword clan soldiers. 这时候的张道文如同执掌极寒的神明,给剑族战士带去了极强的心灵压迫感。 Immediately has the sword clan soldiers to be unbearable the spiritual oppression, the hand pinches the sword secret art to urge this life sword to point to Zhang Daowen. 当即有剑族战士不堪忍受精神压迫,手掐剑诀驱使本命剑直指张道文 Immediately dozens life swords change to the rainbow, shot at the Zhang Daowen forehead directly. 顿时数十柄本命剑化作长虹,径直射向了张道文眉心。 However these life swords have not been close to Zhang Daowen on hovering in his body first more than ten meters place, the sword blade shivered are covered frost, later accordingly break round number truncation. 然而这些本命剑还未接近张道文就悬停在了他身前十余米处,剑身颤抖间被冰霜覆盖,随后应声断裂成数截。 Dozens sword clan soldier yawns that immediately launches the offensive cough up blood, in the eye does not dare to believe completely. 顿时发动攻势的数十名剑族战士张口咳血,眼中满是不敢置信。 Ambushes these years of in Lindong city, they were understand to human. 潜伏于凛冬城的这些年,他们对人类算是非常了解了。 Once person clan perhaps was the core of world, but after their these domain influences appeared, the human proud talent was not worth mentioning. 曾经的人族或许是人类世界的核心,但在他们这些领域势力出现后,人类引以为豪的天赋根本不值一提。 Perhaps in human has the Mu Qing like this super soldier. 或许人类中有沐晴这样的超级战士。 But the soldier like Mu Qing eventually is few, the Mu Qing strength came from that mysterious scarlet rune/symbol writing crystal stone let alone much, most human self-torture hundred years cannot achieve the strength boundary that they can arrive in ease even. 但像沐晴这样的战士终究是极少数,更何况沐晴的实力更多来自于那颗神秘的猩红符文晶石,绝大多数的人类即使苦修百年也达不到他们轻松就能抵达的实力境界。 The talent is inferior, is they to the inherent impression of human. 天赋低劣,是他们对人类的固有印象。 But this is also the fact. 而这也是事实。 Therefore they are unable to imagine, why in human can be born the soldier like Zhang Daowen. 所以他们无法想象,人类中为何能诞生像张道文这样的战士。 At this time the Zhang Daowen control extremely cold energy has even gone beyond the technique legal science category that they have understood, the entire journey does not need to outline the technique law, seems like Zhang Daowen each thought is to a natural imperial decree, the wind and snow will comply with. 此时张道文操控极寒的能量甚至已经超出了他们理解的术法学范畴,全程不需要勾勒术法,就好像张道文的每一个念头都是对自然的一道圣旨,风雪自会遵从。 Their innermost feelings seem are also attacked by the chill in the air, turns frightened unceasingly wells up the spread. 他们的内心好似也被寒意侵袭,恐惧不断翻涌蔓延。 Sword lotus, kills!” “剑莲阵,杀!” Finally, was the sword clan soldier of head shouts the order of attack. 终于,为首的一名剑族战士喊出了进攻的命令。 Immediately several thousand long swords lift off, condenses a sword lotus in the midair, during revolving cuts the wind and snow fast to bully near toward Zhang Daowen. 顿时数千长剑一齐升空,在半空中凝聚成一朵剑莲,旋转间切割风雪快速朝张道文欺近。 Facing the swift and fierce offensive, in the eye of Zhang Daowen does not have a sentiment. 面对凌厉攻势,张道文的眼中不带一丝感情。 He trod the previous step at this time, immediately the partly visible ice crystal palace moved ahead suddenly, bumped into across his body and sword lotus. 他在这时踏前一步,顿时身后若隐若现的冰晶宫殿骤然前移,穿过他的身体与剑莲相撞。 The blue color and white ray interweave. 蓝色与白色光芒交织。 The extremely cold white fog spews out from the ice crystal temple , the velocity of whirl of sword lotus slows down at the visible speed, finally was suppressed by the ice crystal palace was stopping revolving. 极寒白雾自冰晶神殿内喷涌而出,剑莲的旋转速度以肉眼可见的速度放缓,最终被冰晶宫殿压制着停止了旋转。 Continues to penetrate several thousand life sword transmissions extremely coldly to sword clan soldier within the body. 极寒继续透过数千柄本命剑传递至剑族战士体内。 Several thousand sword clan soldiers the body shiver simultaneously, the body surface gradually appears frost, the eyebrow was also covered frost. 数千剑族战士同时身躯颤抖,体表逐渐浮现冰霜,就连眉毛也被冰霜覆盖。 Feels within the body the biting cold chill in the air, several thousand sword clan soldiers try to recall this life sword. 感受体内着彻骨寒意,数千剑族战士试图招回本命剑。 At this time float in the ice crystal royal crown twinkle blue color ray of Zhang Daowen top of the head, the volume of ice crystal palace also rose suddenly, depressed loudly. 这时悬浮于张道文头顶的冰晶王冠闪烁蓝色光芒,冰晶宫殿的体积随之暴涨,轰然压下。 When the ice crystal palace presses several thousand life swords to fall to the ground, several thousand sword clan soldiers also cough up blood, the facial expression becomes the dispirited. 当冰晶宫殿压着数千本命剑落地,数千剑族战士同时咳血,神情变得萎靡。 At this moment, the horizon flies a blue flowing light. 就在这时,天际飞来一道蓝色流光。 A female form of bosom blue color long sword appears, when she will soon be close to the battlefield, shot in the hand the blue long sword. 一名怀抱蓝色长剑的女子身影出现,她在即将接近战场时,掷出了手中蓝色长剑。 The blue long sword has from the sky delimited the strange curve, is close to Zhang Daowen quickly. 蓝色长剑在空中划过诡异弧度,以迅雷不及掩耳之势接近张道文 At this moment, the blue transparent barrier appears from Zhang Daowen within the body, rapidly spreads toward all around, suddenly covers him. 就在这时,蓝色透明屏障自张道文体内浮现,快速朝四周蔓延,眨眼间将他笼罩。 When the blue long sword and blue transparent barrier bumps into. 当蓝色长剑与蓝色透明屏障相撞。 The blue long sword of making a great show of one's talents expresses buzz the cry, only submerged the inch then to stop the advance. 锋芒毕露的蓝色长剑发出嗡鸣,仅没入寸许便停止了前进。 Zhang Daowen trod the previous step at this time, put out a hand to aim at the sword point of blue long sword, immediately was incorruptible the blue long sword embezzles. 张道文在这时踏前一步,伸手指向蓝色长剑的剑尖,顿时冰霜将蓝色长剑吞没。 Puts out a hand again, on blue long sword reappearing crack. 再次伸手一点,蓝色长剑上浮现裂纹。 Float creakies in the in the air female form immediately, actually clenched teeth to launch the attack toward Zhang Daowen. 悬浮在空中的女子身影顿时摇摇欲坠,却还是咬牙朝张道文发起了进攻。 This Zhang Daowen has not given him the opportunity, after waving the female of wind and snow packages, to draw to nearby. 这一次张道文没有给他机会,挥手间风雪将女子包裹后拉至跟前。 I know you, daybreak the fifth regimental commander of regiment.” “我认识你,黎明战团的第五团长。” Shivering that the female body that is looking at the ice blue color deathly stillness eye pupil, the whole body by the chill in the air attack cannot stop. 望着冰蓝色死寂般的眼眸,浑身被寒意侵袭的女子身体止不住的颤抖。 It seems like the Uncle Qi death, daybreak the regiment also has the share, whom now tells me also?” “看来棋叔的死,黎明战团也有份,现在告诉我还有谁?” Facing the interrogation of Zhang Daowen, the female felt the biting cold chill in the air, this chill in the air was incessantly influential to the physical body, her spirit knew in the sea to appear frost, and fast spread. 面对张道文的质问,女子感受到了彻骨寒意,这种寒意不止是对肉体有影响,她的精神识海中出现了冰霜,并快速蔓延。 Even he felt the bloodlines suppression beyond description on Zhang Daowen. 甚至他在张道文身上感受到了难以形容的血脉压制。 Probably with antiquity gods who wields the snow and ice are talking. 就好像与一位执掌冰雪的上古神明在对话。 Trembling from innermost soul made her suddenly dumbfounded. 来自灵魂深处的战栗令她一时间傻了眼。 Opportunity that Zhang Daowen has not continued to reply to her, waves the female to be swallowed by the wind and snow, when Zhang Daowen passes through from her side, after the wind and snow diverge, only left behind an expression pain ice sculpture. 张道文没有给她继续回答的机会,挥手间女子被风雪吞噬,当张道文从她身边走过,风雪散去后只留下了一座表情痛苦的冰雕。 ! 啪! Ice sculpture blasting open, all death paths about female. 冰雕炸裂,关于女子的一切痕迹消失。 Facing the front several thousand sword clan soldiers, this Zhang Daowen has not kept the hand again, the intention in a flash, the bone-chilling cold wind and snow surround them, when the wind and snow diverge, several thousand sword clan soldier statues also blast open. 面对前方的数千剑族战士,这次张道文没有再留手,心念转瞬间,凛冽风雪将他们包围,当风雪散去,数千剑族战士雕像同时炸裂。 Zhang Daowen raised the head at this time slowly, looks out fighting Mu Qing, Mu Yao and Jian Ji. 张道文在这时缓缓抬起头,遥望正在交手的沐晴慕暚剑寂 Waves the wind and snow to pick up his body to fly toward the sky. 挥手间风雪托起他的身体往天空飞去。 Is close to the fierce combat area, the ice crystal royal crown twinkle of Zhang Daowen top of the head, immediately the icy blast changes to myriad ice to puncture toward the battlefield takes away as many things as possible. 接近激战区,张道文头顶的冰晶王冠闪烁,顿时凛冽寒风化作万千冰刺朝战场席卷而去。 Facing sudden joining of Zhang Daowen, the response of Jian Ji is extremely quick, immediately lifts to burn Sky Sword to defend. 面对张道文的突然加入,剑寂的反应极快,当即抬起焚天剑防守。 Immediately 1 million sword spirits wield a sword to form defense sword simultaneously. 顿时百万剑灵同时挥剑形成防御剑阵。 The ice rebukes in defense is unable the little advance. 冰刺打在防御阵上无法寸进。 Mu Yao also turned around to defend at this time, the silver dragon spear/gun blooming dazzling silver light of super revolving, resisted the wind and snow attack. 慕暚也在这时转身防御,高速旋转的银龙枪绽放刺目银光,抵挡住了风雪侵袭。 Mu Qing that only then loses control of turned around at this time, wielded fiercely fights with the fists to Zhang Daowen. 只有失控的沐晴在这时转身,猛地挥拳打向张道文 Immediately the blood-color and snow and ice connection, tear space crevasses. 顿时血色与冰雪交汇,撕裂出一道道空间裂隙。 Person on one's own side!” Mu Yao cried out at this time loudly, wields the spear pierces to the wind and snow and scarlet energy connection central area, tries to break fight of both sides. “自己人啊!”慕暚在这时高声呐喊,挥枪刺向风雪与猩红色能量交汇的中心区域,试图打断双方的交手。 But Mu Yao only depends on own strength unable to divide the battlefield. 慕暚仅凭自己的力量根本无法分割战场。 Zhang Daowen received the strength at this time actually slowly. 倒是张道文在这时缓缓收力。 Because he saw clearly the Mu Qing appearance at this time. 因为他在这时看清了沐晴的容貌。 Regarding Mu Qing, he is not familiar, is not strange. 对于沐晴,他不算熟悉,却也不算陌生。 But he knows that Aunt Mu Qing is the Uncle Qi good friend, he also listens to Uncle Qi to tell Aunt Mu Qing growth story. 但他知道沐晴阿姨是棋叔的挚友,他还听棋叔讲述过沐晴阿姨的成长故事。 Although resented that the Uncle Qi death is related with the daybreak regiment. 虽然愤恨棋叔的死与黎明战团有关。 But he knows that this matter definitely has nothing to do with Aunt Mu Qing, was the daybreak regiment internal had the problem. 但他知道这件事肯定与沐晴阿姨无关,是黎明战团内部出现了问题。 Therefore he starts to receive the strength decisively. 所以他果断开始收力。 But Mu Qing under out of control mood has not actually paid attention, the scarlet ray in eye rises suddenly, the blood-color tsunami also ascends. 但失控情绪下的沐晴却并未理会,眼中的猩红色光芒暴涨,血色海啸随之升腾。 Saw that the situation will soon turn into internal fight. 看到局势即将变成内斗。 In Mu Yao heart anxious. 慕暚心中焦急。 Feng Qi had told with him own experience, mentioned training of Zhang Daowen. 封棋与他讲述过自己的经历,其中也提到了张道文的培养。 Therefore sees Zhang Daowen, when ability that as well as he displays, he recognized the Zhang Daowen identity, knows that he is the child of Feng Qi adoption. 所以看到张道文,以及他施展的能力时,他就认出了张道文的身份,知道他就是封棋收养的孩子。 What made him not think, Zhang Daowen can take the lead with Mu Qing to. 只是令他没想到的是,张道文会与沐晴率先对上。 How now to control Mu Qing to be a problem. 现在如何控制沐晴成了问题。 At this moment, her line of sight focused in the Zhang Daowen back ice coffin suddenly. 就在这时,她的视线忽然聚焦在了张道文背后的冰棺。 Not hesitant, she cried out immediately: 没有犹豫,她当即呐喊道: Mu Qing, controls the mood, Feng Qi is lying down in the ice coffin now, you do not control your strength, Feng Qi must die without doubt.” 沐晴,控制情绪,封棋现在正躺在冰棺内,你再不控制你的力量,封棋必死无疑。” Expression fierce Mu Qing after hearing shouting of Mu Yao, in the eye restored a pure brightness instantaneously. 原本表情狰狞的沐晴在听到慕暚的呼喊后,眼中瞬间恢复了一丝清明。 She took back the scarlet strength at this time decisively. 她在这时果断收回猩红之力。 Immediately the blood-color energy sea removes like surging tides. 顿时血色能量海洋如潮水般褪去。 little writing.” Restores the mood Mu Qing to look to Zhang Daowen, in the eye appears wipes the doubts. “小文。”恢复情绪的沐晴望向张道文,眼中浮现一抹疑惑。 But has not waited for Zhang Daowen to reply, the pupil of Mu Qing contracts suddenly: 可还未等张道文回答,沐晴的瞳孔骤然收缩: Feng Qi?!” 封棋呢?!” Uncle Qi...... died.” Zhang Daowen said these words time, clenched jaws. 棋叔……死了。”张道文说出这句话的时候,咬牙切齿。 Listened to the reply of Zhang Daowen, had been separated from the out of control condition the Mu Qing line of sight to shift to his behind ice coffin, the eye is covered by the scarlet again. 听了张道文的回答,原本已经脱离失控状态的沐晴视线转向他身后的冰棺,眼睛再度被猩红色覆盖。 She supports the last reason to turn around to plunge Jian Ji. 她撑着最后一丝理智转身扑向剑寂 The scarlet energy covers the body of Mu Qing, she opens the crazy scarlet pattern again. 猩红色能量将沐晴的躯体覆盖,她再次开启狂化猩红模式。 The arm wields twists, changes to the scarlet energy to spread, just like a scarlet long whip, pounds fiercely to Jian Ji. 手臂挥动间扭曲,化作猩红能量蔓延,犹如一条猩红长鞭,猛地砸向剑寂 In hysteric shouting sound, Mu Qing thorough crazy. 歇斯底里的嘶吼声中,沐晴彻底狂化。 The scarlet strength cannot stop floods into her within the body, her body distortion wields, optional strikes can tear the space with ease. 猩红之力止不住地涌入她体内,她的身体扭曲挥动,随意的一击都能轻松撕裂空间。 Under crazy offensive, Jian Ji that even if 1 million swords cheered for spirit still can only choose evades the point temporarily. 疯狂的攻势下,即使有百万剑灵助阵的剑寂也只能选择暂避锋芒。 The land trembles fiercely, the sky seems the torn canvas, unceasing reappearing crack. 大地剧烈震颤,天空好似被撕裂的画布,不断浮现裂纹。 Was he killed Uncle Qi was right?” Zhang Daowen the cold sound asked at this time. “是他害死了棋叔对吗?”张道文这时冷声开口询问道。 Is...... “是……。” Has not waited for Mu Yao saying that the Zhang Daowen body was then covered by the wind and snow. 还未等慕暚说完,张道文的身躯便被风雪覆盖。 To him, so long as knows that was good, other are unimportant. 对他而言,只要知道是不是就行了,其他都不重要。 Kills Uncle Qi, recompenses by the life. 棋叔,以命偿。 Zhang Daowen chose at this time erupted the complete strength. 张道文在这时选择了爆发全部力量。 The snow and ice start toward his body gathering, the snow and ice temple also covered him at this time. 冰雪开始朝他的身躯汇聚,身后的冰雪神殿也在这时将他笼罩。 When the wind and snow diverge, more than a hundred meters high great form appears. 当风雪散去,一具百余米高的伟岸身影显现。 Hangs in the ice crystal royal crown of great frost giant top of the head the blooming eye-catching blue light, the whole city flying snow is gathering toward the Zhang Daowen hand at this moment. 悬在伟岸冰霜巨人头顶的冰晶王冠在此刻绽放夺目蓝光,满城飞雪纷纷朝张道文手中汇聚。 Kills!” “杀!” Angrily roars, Zhang Daowen lifts the right arm. 怒吼间,张道文抬起右臂。 Immediately the whole city flying snow gathers a to congeal the solid ice blade in his right hand heart. 顿时满城飞雪在他右手心汇聚成一柄凝实的冰刃。 little writing, you uses the posture of blade is not right.” “小文,伱用刀的姿势不对。” „When little writing, brandishes a sword in the heart must have the unprecedented potential...... to consider as finished, you cannot understand now.” “小文,挥刀时心中要有一往无前的势……算了,你现在也听不懂。” little writing, Uncle Qi knife skill how, to be graceful.” “小文,棋叔的刀法怎么样,帅不帅。” ...... …… When this move, is he takes the childhood follows the Uncle Qi study blade experience to direct to create. 这一招,是他以童年时跟随棋叔学刀时的经历为引而创作。 But Uncle Qi is actually not able to see with one's own eyes displaying of this type knife skill. 棋叔却无法亲眼看到这一式刀法的施展。 He is unable to notice that the Uncle Qi whole face nods to him proudly the smile, recounted that I am proud for you. 他也无法看到棋叔满脸骄傲地对他点头微笑,述说“我为你感到骄傲”。 The hatred ascends in the Zhang Daowen heart infinitely. 恨意在张道文心底无限升腾。 He held up the ice blade at this time slowly. 他在这时缓缓举起了冰刃。 Instantly, cold winter Eastern District blew the snow and ice storm. 刹时间,凛冬城东区刮起了冰雪风暴。 Entire cold winter Eastern District in wind and snow under whips recklessly shivers. 整个凛冬城东区都在风雪的肆意鞭打下颤抖。 Is also knitting the brows at this time with Jian Ji of Mu Qing fierce combat, the line of sight went to also in Zhang Daowen of gathering extremely cold strength. 就连正在与沐晴激战的剑寂也在这时皱眉,视线投向了还在汇聚极寒之力的张道文 At this moment, Zhang Daowen under frost giant shape seems the snow and ice world's control. 此刻,冰霜巨人形态下的张道文好似冰雪世界的主宰。 The terrifying side cold strength even causes other domain ambush influences that the preparation fishes in troubled waters to evacuate in abundance. 恐怖的极寒之力甚至引得准备浑水摸鱼的其他领域潜伏势力纷纷撤离。 Because they discovered, the intensity that this fights has gone beyond their withstanding category. 因为他们发现,这一战的强度已经超出了他们的承受范畴。 This time greedy very probably brought the total destruction to oneself. 这时候的贪婪很可能给自己带来灭顶之灾。 The front emits the higher bloodlines pressure that comes is to make them feels scared. 前方散溢而来的高等血脉威压更是令他们感到胆寒。 Thank 10000 beginning coins that are willing the human glory to exist forever to hit to enjoy, thanked ~ 感谢愿人类荣耀长存打赏的10000起点币,感谢吖~ Tomorrow this sacrifice line ended, the recent sacrifice line plot will soon reach the high tide, Feng Qi must start to rise. 明天这条牺牲线结束了,新的牺牲线剧情即将进入高潮,封棋要开始崛起了。
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