IKTT :: Volume #2

#197: Finally sprint( second)

The first round of competition that daybreak in measures, finally by blue side Mu Qing six people of steamroll -type successful conclusions. 破晓内测的第一轮对抗赛,最终以蓝方沐晴六人碾压式的胜利结束。 After the match ended, the people withdrew from resistance map distortion forest. 对局结束后,众人退出了对抗地图“扭曲森林”。 The picture entered the long black to send away the standby period. 画面进入了漫长的黑屏退出等待时间。 After more than ten minutes, a translucent screen appears nearby the people, including observing Feng Qi nearby. 十余分钟后,一块半透明的屏幕浮现在众人跟前,也包括观战的封棋跟前。 What on the screen demonstrates is the score statistics of this game of competition. 屏幕上显示的是这一局对抗赛的战绩统计。 Besides striking to kill the quantity contrast, the group outputs the injury value and individual output injury value, to receive the wound value, to strike to add up totals and treat the value and gain condition value auxiliary, wait/etc. 除了击杀数量对比外,还有团体输出伤害数值、个人输出伤害数值、承伤数值、辅助击杀数、治疗数值、增益状态数值,等等。 Clicks on under the screen to draw, but can also see individual technique law release quantity and release efficiency, wait/etc. 点击屏幕下拉,还能看到个人的术法释放数量、释放效率,等等。 And to each player who attended this competition conducted statistical grading. 并且对每个参加本次对抗赛的玩家进行了统计评分。 Grading is divided into seven grades from high to low( S, A, B, C, D, E and F). 评分由高至低分为七档(S、A、B、C、D、E、F)。 In addition, „the audience is best the title will give this synthesis to grade the highest player, to hang the falling form to demonstrate behind the title of player. 除此之外,还有一个“全场最佳”的称号会给予本场综合评分最高的玩家,以挂坠形式显示在玩家的游戏名称后方。 This competition, naturally does not have the suspense. 这一场对抗赛,自然毫无悬念。 Mu Qing obtained the appraisal of S level, and obtained the entire game's best title to hang to fall. 沐晴获得了S级的评价,并获得了全场最佳的称号挂坠。 Regarding this people were sincerely convinced, does not have any objection. 对此众人心服口服,没有任何异议。 They unceasingly under are drawing the score statistical chart, examines the further information of oneself this competition. 他们不断下拉着战绩统计图,查看自己这一场比试的详细情况。 From these data they can be clear that this game of own contribution, and deficiency, following is good to conduct the pointed improvement and promotion. 从这些数据中他们能清楚这一局自己的贡献,以及不足之处,后续好进行针对性的改进与提升。 Under the score frame draws to most, is the option of competition playbacking. 战绩框下拉到最下方,是比赛回放的选项。 What because this game of competition chooses is the customizing pattern, therefore does not have the change of rank overall. 由于这一局对抗赛选择的是自定义模式,所以没有排位积分的变化。 After the click withdraws, Feng Qi created a group in the good friend list, then drew in a student the chat group. 点击退出后,封棋在好友列表中创建了一个群,然后将一众学生拉到了聊天群内。 Feng Qi: How does everyone feel? 封棋:大家感觉如何? Lin Ran: Was hit the self-closing, is completely the unilateral steamroll, felt that purely oppressive, next time I hope with Mu Qing one team. 林染:被打自闭了,完全是单方面的碾压,感觉纯粹就是在被虐,下次我希望和沐晴一队。 Jia changed/easy: + 1 贾易: Yang Xiaoxin: + 2 杨小心: strict Yue: + 3 严岳: Brightness empty: + 10086 慧虚: Lu Yue: This game is meaningful, although in the game does not have sword potential the ability in aspect to use, the training that but gives up affectation can also effectively enhance my sword technique, can continue to come one again? 吕越:这款游戏非常有意义,虽然游戏里面没有“剑势”方面的能力可以使用,但返璞归真的训练也能有效提高我的剑技,可以继续再来一把吗? Brightness empty: Lu Yue, big brother don't this, quick dinner. 慧虚:吕越,大哥别这样,快晚饭了。 Mu Qing: Very fun, feels the control to the strength is easier than the reality in the game, in reality I release the strength always to need to receive, is irritable, in the game can release heartily( smile .jpg) 沐晴:挺好玩呀,感觉在游戏里对力量的控制比现实更容易些,现实中我释放力量总是需要收着,非常别扭,游戏里就可以尽情释放了(笑脸.jpg) Brightness empty: Mu Qing, studies the elder sister you to end us to say such words of Versailles oppressively again, really? Won't the conscience be painful? Can you sleep in the evening? 慧虚:沐晴,学姐你虐完我们再说出这么凡尔赛的话,真的好吗?良心不会痛吗?你晚上睡得着觉吗? Cai fruit: Haha, felt that for the first time works as one to be so joyful auxiliary, the Mu Qing study elder sister was too strong, loved, loved, god teammate. 蔡果:哈哈,第一次感觉到当一个辅助能这么快乐,沐晴学姐真的太强了,爱了,爱了,神队友。 Must Hongyun: The entire journey buys the soy sauce, said that is to make me protect Cai fruit, finally entire journey stand pile QVQ, I also want to contribute a strength for the team. 须鸿云:全程打酱油,说是让我保护蔡果,结果全程站桩QVQ,我也想为团队贡献一份力量呀。 Jia changed/easy: This game is really good, but the resistance of not coordinated strength really easy to hit the self-closing, luckily this game following has the rank mechanism, otherwise plays every day several, is not the oppressive vegetable/dish oppressive, if luck not good day to meet several Mu Qing study elder sister this to be able steamroll own opponent, the mentality explodes inevitably. 贾易:这游戏真不错,但是不对等实力的对抗真的容易把人打自闭,幸亏这游戏后续有排位机制,否则每天玩上几把,不是虐菜就是被虐,要是运气不好一天遇上好几个沐晴学姐这样能够碾压自己的对手,心态必然爆炸。 summer dragon:( Grins to laugh .jpg) strict Yue, we and others will finish eating the dinner to open a customizing , to continue to select only one time, decides a victory and defeat 夏龙:(咧嘴大笑.jpg)严岳,我们等会吃完晚饭开个自定义,继续单挑一次,分出个胜负 ...... …… After one chatted, Feng Qi looked at a time. 一番闲聊后,封棋看了眼时间。 The discovery is 5 : 30. 发现已经是五点半了。 After hinting the people prepare the plain rice, he selects the function option list, then pressed down withdrew from game. 示意众人准备干饭后,他点开功能选项列表,然后按下了“退出游戏”。 About five minutes wait, he opens eyes slowly. 大约五分钟等待,他缓缓睁开眼。 The nourishing cream in game warehouse starts to drop at the visible speed. 游戏仓中的营养液以肉眼可见的速度开始下降。 This kind of nourishing cream is the disposable thing, after the player leaves the game warehouse, the disposable nourishing cream will disperse into the pipeline of docking sewer, not two uses, therefore needs often to supplement. 这类营养液是一次性用品,玩家离开游戏仓后,一次性的营养液就会排入对接下水道的管道中,不会二次使用,所以需要时常补充。 Because is the product that after nourishing cream dilution Scarlet Research Institute delivers, price but actually also cheap, can support a player to play normally for three days. 由于是猩红研究院产出的营养液稀释后的产物,价格倒也便宜,能够支撑一个玩家正常游戏三天。 But nourishing cream only then the function of diet supplements, not anti- hungry. 但营养液只有补充营养的作用,根本就不抗饿。 When the nourishing cream in game warehouse was evacuated, the hose on docking game clothing/taking also falls off to receive automatically. 当游戏仓内的营养液被排空,对接游戏服上的软管也都自动脱落收起。 Opens along with the game warehouse upwardly, Feng Qi bent the waist to set out to leave the game warehouse. 伴随着游戏仓向上开启,封棋弯腰起身离开了游戏仓。 Turns the head to look, Lin Ran and the others the game warehouses also open one after another, goes out in abundance. 转头望去,林染等人的游戏仓也都陆续开启,纷纷从中走出。 First changes the clothes, then the cafeteria plain rice, finished eating continued to train again.” “先换衣服,然后食堂干饭,吃完了再继续训练。” Saying, Feng Qi takes the lead toward compartmented to walk. 说着,封棋率先往隔间走去。 Lin Ran and the others follow immediately. 林染等人当即跟上。 As for Mu Qing and Cai fruit, Yang Xiaoxin, then went to another room replacement clothes. 至于沐晴、蔡果、杨小心,则去了另一个房间更换衣服。 After ten minutes, the people gather outside the stadium, walks in the school restaurant direction together. 十分钟后,众人在体育馆外集合,一起往学府餐厅方向走去。 The people along the way chatted was " Daybreak » related topic. 沿途众人聊的都是与《破晓》有关的话题。 Quiet Lu Yue is also always interested, unintentional expression, tonight or together night. 就连一向沉默寡言的吕越也对此十分感兴趣,有意无意的表示,今晚要不一起通宵吧。 They after the experience understand that this plays the back significance. 他们在亲身经历后才明白这款游戏背后的意义。 In the future will puzzle the major school many years of issues. 往后困扰各大学府多年的问题。 The insufficiency of confrontation training, has been solved along with " Daybreak » promotion. 对抗训练方面的不足,将伴随着《破晓》的推广得到解决。 In addition, this game can also raise training of follower's control as well as fight consciousness to the technique law considerably. 除此之外,这款游戏还能显著提高修炼者对术法的掌控以及战斗意识的培养。 Therefore they are also like Feng Qi, filled with the anticipation to this game official release. 所以他们也与封棋一样,对这款游戏正式发行充满了期待。 Match rank resistance competition when the time comes many followers participate, can be how magnificent scene, they have been able to imagine. 到时候大量修炼者参与的匹配排位对抗比赛,会是多么壮观的景象,他们已经能想象到了。 Is looking at the people who chatted, walked cracks into a smile in Feng Qi of team final side. 望着正在闲聊的众人,走在队伍最后方的封棋咧嘴一笑。 «Daybreak» is a game, rather trains the weapon factory of human soldier, is unifies the super invention of entertainment and confrontation training. 《破晓》与其说是一款游戏,倒不如说是培养人类战士的兵工厂,是结合娱乐与对抗训练的超级发明。 This is also he urgently the key reason that wants to build this game. 这也是他迫切想要打造这款游戏的关键原因。 At this time the new upholstery has completed, he only waits the seed growth that lays down to germinate, will haunch a brand-new future in the river of history. 此时新的铺垫已经完成,他只待埋下的种子成长发芽,在历史长河中撑起一片崭新的未来。 Regarding the future, he always responds with the anticipation. 对于未来,他始终抱以期待。 ...... …… Goes to the school restaurant, is around 6 : 00. 来到学府餐厅,已是六点多了。 Felt the people who are big and hungry, after taking the dinner plate, starts to choose food. 感到饥肠辘辘的众人,取了餐盘后开始挑选食物。 In the fall, today the school buffet area are many a seasonal good food steamed crab. 已是秋季,今天学府自助餐区多了一种季节性美食“大闸蟹”。 Before the cataclysm, the steamed crab of this time is the cultivation delivers, actually is also extremely delicious. 与灾变前不同,这个时代的大闸蟹都是养殖产出,却也是极为美味。 At this time lays aside the steamed crab the buffet area student form to be continuous. 此时放置大闸蟹的自助餐区学员身影络绎不绝。 In order to satisfy the students regarding the demand of steamed crab, behind the buffet area chefs is still stepping up busily, once for a while lifts a cauldron steamed crab to put in the buffet area. 为了满足学员们对于大闸蟹的需求,自助餐区后方的厨师们还在加紧忙碌,时不时抬出一大锅大闸蟹放入自助餐区。 Regarding this type of seasonal good food, Feng Qi naturally cannot miss, immediately the cauldron that from comes out freshly stresses three to put in the dinner plate. 对于这种季节性美食,封棋自然不会错过,当即从新鲜出炉的大锅内抓了三只放入餐盘。 A pot crab displays the buffet area, before long has bottomed. 一锅螃蟹才摆上自助餐区,不一会就已经见底。 Ate the steamed crab naturally unable to be short thought the material, otherwise did not have the soul. 吃大闸蟹自然不能少了酌料,否则就没有灵魂。 He arrives at the buffet middle seasoning area, took the seasoning bowl, then took had cut the good scallion, ginger and garlic, and millet pepper put in the bowl, poured into the soy sauce and vinegar again. 他来到自助餐中间的调料区,取了个调料碗,然后取了已经切好的葱、姜、蒜,以及小米椒放入碗中,再倒入酱油、醋。 After Duke chopsticks simple stirring, under he held the dinner plate to arrive at restaurant North Point to sit down. 用公筷简单搅拌后,他捧着餐盘来到了餐厅北角落坐下。 Afterward Lin Ran and Mu Qing, as well as a student arrives one after another. 随后林染沐晴,以及一众学生陆续到来。 North Point of restaurant fell just like becomes their accumulation now. 餐厅的北角落现在俨然成了他们的聚集。 The good food is always one of the Feng Qi few hobbies, he puts out a hand to grasp a steamed crab. 美食向来是封棋为数不多的爱好之一,他伸手抓起一只大闸蟹。 The crab body surface covers the faint yellow fat that is seeping out from inside to outside, smells lightly can also smell one lightly fragrant and sweet. 蟹身表面覆盖着一层由内而外渗出的淡黄色油脂,轻嗅还能闻到一股淡淡甜香。 Provides to the food of Star City school, forever is highest level. 提供给星城学府的食材,永远是最顶级的。 Same price, food supplier inevitably the student of best leaving school, because of here student representative future of human. 一样的价格,食材供应商必然是将最好的留给学府的学员,因为这里的学员代表着人类的未来。 Therefore each crab is the high-quality goods. 所以每一只螃蟹都是精品。 Loosens the string of bundle on steamed crab, he crab stomach, the crab cheek, the crab heart, the crab intestines takes down in turn, then breaks off fifty-fifty the crab. 解下捆绑在大闸蟹上的绳子,他依次将蟹胃,蟹腮,蟹心,蟹肠取下,然后将螃蟹对半掰开。 Touches to dip the material lightly, then bites. 轻触蘸料,然后一口咬下。 The male crab body big meat of October/ten months is thick, the paste fat fat is full. 十月的雄蟹体大肉厚,膏肥脂满。 Steamed locked in the fresh taste of crabmeat, he can feel that the sweet crabmeat is being chewed to be decomposed the silk threads the crab shredded meat. 清蒸锁住了蟹肉的鲜味,他能感觉到清甜的蟹肉在嘴嚼中被分解成丝丝缕缕的蟹肉丝。 Gets down, the after-taste returns to the fragrance. 一口下去,余味回香。 This steamed crab was eaten up the stomach by him quickly, the meat including each crab leg he has not let off. 这一只大闸蟹很快被他吃下肚,包括每一条蟹腿上的肉他也没有放过。 Then is second, third. 然后是第二只,第三只。 Three steamed crabs that bring were eaten up the stomach by him before long, although has not satisfied, but he does not have to take again, plans first to fill the belly, then enjoys the delicacy. 取来的三只大闸蟹不一会就被他吃下了肚,虽未满足,但他没有再去取,打算先填饱肚子,然后再享受美味。 A half hour of feed, the people look satisfied stopping. 半小时的进食,众人都面露满足的停下。 Only then Feng Qi and Mu Qing are still continue eat food. 只有封棋沐晴还在继续进食。 After finishing eating the food in dinner plate, Feng Qi took a steamed crab of dinner plate, waited for Mu Qing at the same time enjoyed the good food while convenient. 吃完餐盘里的食物后,封棋又去取了一餐盘的大闸蟹,等待沐晴的同时顺便享受美食。 The logistics department of Star City school considered students the enthusiasm to steamed crab obviously. 星城学府的后勤部门显然考虑到了学员们对大闸蟹的热情。 Sufficiency of very crab preparation, the only issue is the chef team somewhat cannot keep up with the students take meal the speed. 螃蟹准备的十分充足,唯一的问题是厨师团队有些跟不上学员们取餐的速度。 The time arrives at 7.20. 时间来到7点20。 Mu Qing stopped the feed finally, on the face appeared the smile of dull sprouting/moe and satisfying. 沐晴终于停下了进食,脸上浮现呆萌而又满足的笑容。 First goes to the drill ground to walk, eight points enter «Daybreak» again carry out the confrontational training, waits the red and blue side personnel who meet me to arrange to resist to arrange.” “先去操场走走吧,八点再进《破晓》展开对抗性训练,等会我重新安排一下对抗的红蓝方人员安排。” Was saying Feng Qi carries the dinner plate to stand up. 说着封棋端着餐盘站起身。 Lin Ran and the others saw that also stands up, toward laying aside the region of dinner plate walks with Feng Qi. 林染等人见状,也都纷纷站起身,跟着封棋往放置餐盘的区域走去。 Leaves the restaurant, outside had been covered by the curtain of night. 离开餐厅,外面已经被夜幕笼罩。 The street light in school has shone, according to sky slightly red, but can also see clearly the mosquito of agglomerate dances in the air around the street light. 学府内的路灯都已亮起,照得天空微红,还能清晰看到成团的蚊虫绕着路灯飞舞。 Afterward Feng Qi led a student to arrive at the drill ground, took a walk to chat. 随后封棋带着一众学生来到了操场,散步闲聊。 Arrived eight points, the people returned to the stadium again. 到了八点,众人再次回到了体育馆。 If the library of Star City school is the night traffic biggest region, then stadium, when is second. 如果说星城学府的图书馆是夜晚人流量最大的区域,那么体育馆当属第二。 These walk the body to cultivate/repair the student of route, often the stadium will conduct in the evening teaches especially. 那些走体修路线的学员,时常会在晚上来体育馆进行特训。 The acoustical shield of stadium is excellent, the call and moan that at night passed by from outside can also hear the student trains sends out. 要不是体育馆的隔音装置极好,夜晚从外面路过还能听到学员训练时发出的呐喊、呻吟声。 In the aisle following stadium, they arrived at No. 1019 room. 顺着体育馆内的走道,他们来到了1019号房间。 Turns on the light, the people walk into compartmented, starts to replace the game clothing/taking. 开了灯,众人纷纷走入隔间,开始更换游戏服。 The new round confrontation training starts. 新一轮的对抗训练开始。 The previous antagonism trains, making Feng Qi realize that Mu Qing was an enormous variable. 上一次对抗性训练,令封棋意识到沐晴是个极大变数。 Therefore in entering the game, after founding the customizing room , he Mu Qing, Lin Ran draws the red camp. 所以在进入游戏,创建了自定义房间后,他将自己、沐晴林染三人拉到了红方阵营。 Other ten people were assigned the blue side. 其余十人则被分配到了蓝方。 The choice participates in the resistance personally, besides wanting to train Lu Yue and the others the actual combat capabilities, he also wants to try to exercise itself in the confrontation training. 选择亲自参与对抗,除了想要训练吕越等人的实战能力外,他也想试着在对抗训练中锻炼一下自身。 As for the two sides power gaps, has Mu Qing, he was not worried. 至于两边的实力差距,有沐晴在,他并不担心。 The following resistance, he must begin to train ten people acts in harmony the degree, and self-orientation of group wartime. 接下来的对抗,他要着手训练十人的配合默契程度,以及团战时的自我定位。 Earlier more than 20 minutes of preparations and hypotheses, the resistance competition formally starts. 前期20余分钟的准备与设定,对抗比赛正式开始。 The map that this time arrives at randomly is cloud Dian the mountain range, the map environment by the summit that the thick cloud layer covers, in the sky is also hung a round of red glowing sun, the scenery is especially beautiful. 这次随机到的地图是“云巅山脉”,地图环境是被厚实云层笼罩的山巅,天空中还挂着一轮红日,风景格外秀丽。 The new round resistance is launching at this moment. 新一轮的对抗在此刻展开。 ...... …… Over the following two days, Feng Qi led a student to carry out very intensive simulation confrontation training. 接下来的两天,封棋带着一众学生展开了高强度的模拟对抗训练。 Basically is fires off one to start next. 基本是打完一把就开始下一把。 Besides attending class with dinner time, other time passed in the No. 1019 room in stadium. 除了上课与吃饭时间外,其余时间都在体育馆的1019号房间内度过。 The effect of training is also very evident. 训练的效果也十分显著。 All students found the self-orientation. 所有学员都找到了自我定位。 For example Lu Yue and Yang Xiaoxin, are this team absolute main force output. 例如吕越与杨小心,是这个团队绝对的主力输出。 strict Yue is the first meat shield in team. 严岳是团队里的第一肉盾。 The Xia three brothers act to fight auxiliary, is responsible for coordinating the main force output to launch the attack. 夏家三兄弟则充当战辅,负责配合主力输出展开进攻。 Cai fruit is in the team the only medical master, is responsible for giving the teammate the increase condition, as well as injury treatment and physical strength restoration. 蔡果是队伍里唯一的医疗师,负责给队友增幅状态,以及伤势治疗、体力恢复。 Must Hongyun and monk is responsible for the back row protection, does not attack on own initiative. 须鸿云与和尚则负责后排保护,不主动进攻。 The necessary time will also choose the sacrifice, preserves the back row main force output. 必要时候也会选择牺牲自我,保全后排主力输出。 Finally is special auxiliary Jia changed/easy. 最后是“特殊辅助”贾易。 Jia changed/easy localization that in team cultivates the formation study is relatively fuzzy, may assist also to attack, but can also tie the long-distance technique law offensive of resisting the enemy. 修炼阵法学的贾易在队伍中的定位相对模糊,既可辅助也可进攻,还能结阵抵挡敌人的远程术法攻势。 Even can also arrange the trap using formation, sneak attacks the opponent. 甚至还能利用阵法来布置陷阱,偷袭对手。 The two days training, ten people are rolling fighting intent to know gradually become mature, acted in harmony also to have the obvious promotion. 这两天的训练,十人在团战意识上逐渐变得成熟,配合默契度也有了明显提升。 Most starts, in their voice channels always floods various types to spurt the content mutually. 最开始的时候,他们的语音频道内总是充斥着各种互喷内容。 Besides quiet Lu Yue, other nine people thought that the failure is the issue of pig teammate , there is nothing to do with oneself. 除了沉默寡言的吕越外,其余九人都觉得失败是猪队友的问题,与自己无关。 Therefore each game ended to the war, the mutual mouth will spit fragrantly. 所以每一局对战结束,都会相互口吐芬芳。 This naturally is not Feng Qi wants to see. 这自然不是封棋想要见到的。 Therefore each game after the war ended, he can with Lin Ran and Mu Qing together give the reason that ten people deduce this game of them to be defeated, discovers the shortcoming, then offers the suggestion. 所以每一局对战结束后,他都会与林染沐晴一起给十人推演这一局他们之所以失败的原因,找出缺点,然后给出建议。 Under the so very intensive training, Lu Yue and the others rolled to fight the fit capability to progress by leaps and bounds. 如此高强度的训练下,吕越等人团战配合能力突飞猛进。 When commencing of action can also know itself to make anything rapidly, rather than the headless fly feels helpless. 战斗开始时也能迅速知晓到自己该做什么,而不是无头苍蝇般不知所措。 In addition. 除此之外。 These days high-intensity training also has the remarkable promotion regarding ten people in controls in technique law. 这段时间的高强度训练对于十人在术法上的掌控也有显著提升。 For example Cai fruit. 例如蔡果。 Over the two days she released spirit named a nature unceasingly the increase to the technique law, gradually mastered the skill of release. 这两天她不断释放一个名叫“自然之灵”的增幅向术法,逐渐掌握了释放的技巧。 When she tries in the release technique law of skill path with game in the reality, in 10 times has been able to succeed 1 and 2 times. 当她尝试用游戏里的技能轨迹在现实中释放术法时,十次里面已经能够成功一、二次了。 Although this it is an extremely simple technique law is also related with „the spirit of nature. 虽然这也与“自然之灵”本身就是一门极为简单的术法有关。 Also explained «Daybreak» this game, truly can help the player( follower) the control of promotion to technique law, and even learns a brand-new technique law. 却也说明了《破晓》这款游戏,确实能帮助玩家(修炼者)提升对术法的掌控力,乃至学会一门崭新的术法。 By third day, had two days of time from the new student/life competition. 到了第三天,距离新生争霸赛还有两天时间。 Feng Qi replaced the learning mode. 封棋更换了训练方式。 This time he Lin Ran and Mu Qing, as well as drew to watch a sports contest the seat. 这次他将林染沐晴,以及自己拉到了观赛席。 Then set 200 man-machine to join to the competition. 然后设置了200个人机加入到比赛中。 Although man-machine no wisdom, very difficult to display the efficient battle efficiency in the game of complete simulated reality, but wins in a large number, and release technique law will not have the slight delay. 人机虽然没什么智慧,也很难在完全模拟现实的游戏中发挥出高效战斗力,但胜在人数众多,且释放术法不会有丝毫延迟。 The new student/life competition, the population of other participating classes and grades fight on three classes of many several times compared with them. 新生争霸赛,其余参赛班级的人数比他们战斗三班多上数倍。 This Feng Qi plan train few their to fights the ability to many groups. 这次封棋打算训练他们的以少对多的团战能力。 Facts showed, days before raining effect was evident, displayed facing No. 200 man-machine Lu Yue and the others of really outstandingly. 事实证明,前几日的训练效果显著,面对200号人机的吕越等人表现着实优秀。 Seven matches, won unexpectedly two. 七场对局,竟然赢下了其中两场。 This is Lu Yue has not displayed that the sword potential in the situation wins. 这还是吕越没有施展剑势的情况下获得的胜利。 This made Feng Qi regarding the following new student/life competition, had the confidence. 这令封棋对于接下来的新生争霸赛,更有信心了。
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