IJWPBTB :: Volume #7

#624: Grouping

The talent of Chapter 626 have heaven and earth under one's control 第626章经天纬地之才 After flourishing Ling Yang leaves, went to the Tan Country rescue squad also to come back, and brought back to since birth Strength massively, even were not less than Wei Country in the quantity. 殷凌炀离开后,前往郯国的救援小队也回来了,并且带回了大量有生力量,甚至在数量上不比渭国少。 This made Jiang Beiran quite accidental/surprised. 这就让江北然相当意外了。 Curious, Jiang Beiran followed Ji rain to arrive at the arrangement to give the Tan Country rest point together. 好奇之下,江北然跟着嵇雨一起来到了安排给郯国的休息点。 Saw that Ji rain comes, an old man set out immediately, simultaneously behind also followed young people. 见到嵇雨过来,一位老者立即起身走了过来,同时身后还跟着一个年轻人。 Qinghuan!?” 清欢!?” Jiang Beiran is startled at heart fiercely. 江北然心里猛地一怔。 But Gu Qinghuan when seeing Senior Brother, although also stares, but comes compared with Jiang Beiran, what in his mentality are more is natural. 顾清欢在见到师兄时虽然也是一愣,但比起江北然来,他的心态中更多的是理所当然。 It can be said that he guessed correctly from the beginning this Tong Country rescue squad is inevitably related with Senior Brother. 可以说他一开始就猜到这支潼国的救援小队必然和师兄有关。 However two people have not displayed any sign of mutually understanding, but stands in the one side silently. 不过两人都没有表现出任何互相认识的迹象,只是都默默地站在一旁。 Then under the introduction of Ji rain, Jiang Beiran knows this old man is Tan Country Qian mountain sect Sect Master Luo Jingtian, but can be to represent and Ji rain talks, naturally is the Tan Country first powerhouse. 接着在嵇雨的介绍下,江北然知道了这位老者是郯国千山宗宗主罗靖天,而能作为代表来和嵇雨谈话,自然是郯国第一强者。 After smalltalk, Ji rain said after she goes to Tan Country , the situation of discovering. 客套过后,嵇雨说起来她去到郯国后发现的情况。 Just like other Nation, Tan Country also all top strengths completely centralized to capital city, but under the gu clan fierce offensive, merely several days, the stretcher patient in capital city were in large numbers many one. 和其他国家一样,郯国也将所有的顶级战力全部集中到了都城中,但在蛊族凶猛的攻势下,仅仅几天,都城中的重伤员就多了一大批。 Moreover these wounded person are the Profound Qi use excessively are without exception many, causing in within the body miasma poisonous onset is too quick. 而且这些伤员无一例外都是玄气使用过多,导致体内瘴毒发作太快。 But in Luo Jingtian feels being able to find way out, Wen Family Head recommended one person to him suddenly, said that is this person has the talent of have heaven and earth under one's control, before drew out Shen this malignant tumor, relied on his wisdom completely, made Yunzhou not have a fracture. 而就在罗靖天感觉到一筹莫展时,文家家主突然向他举荐了一人,说是此人有经天纬地之才,之前拔出申家这颗毒瘤时,就是完全凭借他的智慧,才让云州没有伤筋动骨。 Luo Jingtian this little while a little turned to any doctor one can find when critically ill, after hearing Wen Family Head this flattered and recommends, holds the thoughts of refusing to abandon hope to make him this have heaven and earth under one's control look. 罗靖天这会儿本就有点病急乱投医了,听到文家家主这顿吹捧和推荐后,也就抱着死马当活马医的心思让他将这位经天纬地之才找来。 Later when seeing Gu Qinghuan, Luo Jingtian not, because his young despises him, because he believes under the great reputation very much no one with reputation but no real merit these words, since Wen Family Head is willing to guarantee him certainly to play the role with the own reputation/honorary, absolutely will not be the common people. 之后在见到顾清欢时,罗靖天并没有因为他的年轻而轻视他,因为他很相信盛名之下无虚士这句话,文家家主既然愿意用自己的名誉担保他一定能起到作用,就绝对不会是泛泛之辈。 Gu Qinghuan indeed has not disappointed him, the discussions of merely two double-hour, Luo Jingtian had the feeling of universality of contradictions, and starts the split-cycle control to deploy troops for defense. 顾清欢也的确没让他失望,仅仅两个时辰的讨论,罗靖天就有了茅塞顿开的感觉,并开始迅速调整布防。 The suggestion of Gu Qinghuan has two. 顾清欢的建议有两个。 The first point is hopes that Luo Jingtian places in the thoughts the defense completely, does everything possible to delay the time, rather than during defense is also thinking the counter-attack. 第一点是希望罗靖天将心思全部放在防御上,想尽办法拖时间,而不是在防守的同时还想着反击。 It looks like in Gu Qinghuan, although the counter-attack is a way of growth morale, but they do not have the capital to make the so luxurious behavior now, the counter-attack is equal to each time in the waste originally insufficient Profound Qi, even if moreover really makes a road that escaped the birth day how, the surroundings all were Miasma, they had no place to go radically. 顾清欢看来,反击虽然是一种增长士气的方式,但现在他们没有资本做如此奢侈的行为,每次反击都等于在浪费本就不够用的玄气,另外就算真的打出一条逃出生天的路又如何,周围全是瘴气,他们根本无处可去。 But in the situation of defense, Gu Qinghuan provided three sets of feasible extremely strong tactic full power, used the pinnacle the Profound Sage level strength. 而在全力防守的情况下,顾清欢提供了三套可行性极强的战术,将玄圣级战力利用到了极致。 Naturally, makes Tan Country support depending on these also being insufficient now. 当然,光凭这些还不足以让郯国撑到现在。 Then is the second key point that Gu Qinghuan proposed. 接下来就是顾清欢提出的第二个重点。 That must be primarily controlling the opposite party the mortal body when the defense, the gu cultivates does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, starts the style to crush them with it with massive Profound Qi, might as well use in the control completely. 那就是在防守时要以控制住对方为主,蛊修的肉身不死不灭,与其用大量的玄气发动招式击碎他们,不如全部用在控制上。 After Luo Jingtian hear, expressed the agreement, and put forward the proposal saying that cultivated/repaired to control completely after these gus, closed/pass to be better. 罗靖天听后表示了同意,并提出建议道,将那些蛊修全部控制住后关起来岂不是更好。 But Gu Qinghuan denied this decision directly, if cultivates to stress these gus, might cause the gu to cultivate/repair that side attaching great importance to very much, will thus change the strategic plan, will strengthen to their offensive. 顾清欢直接就否定了这个决定,因为如果将这些蛊修都抓起来的话,很有可能会引起蛊修那边的重视,从而改变战略部署,加强对他们的攻势。 The information that them has are too few, cannot conduct this action that has the enormous risk. 他们这边掌握的情报太少,不能进行这种有着极大风险的行动。 The Luo Jingtian hear also thinks that was very reasonable, agreed with the plan of Gu Qinghuan. 罗靖天听完也认为很有道理,就同意了顾清欢的计划。 However in finally, Luo Jingtian asked very important issue. 不过在最后,罗靖天提出了非常重要的问题。 That is the light is such defensive words , was just chronic death that's all, even if defended also had what significance. 那就是光是这样防守的话,也只不过是慢性死亡而已,就算守住了又有什么意义。 Hears this expected issue, Gu Qinghuan replies: Younger Generation had said a moment ago, the goal of defense is the protracted time, but the goal of protracted time was to find to give the opportunity that these gus cultivated/repaired strike to kill.” 听到这个意料之中的问题,顾清欢回答道:“晚辈刚才就说过了,防守的目的是拖延时间,而拖延时间的目的是找到给予那些蛊修一击必杀的机会。” How to look?” “怎么找?” So long as holds a gu to cultivate/repair to do the experiment on the line, attribute that they do not refuse stubbornly to extinguish will make them the best experiment body, so long as does the experiment in his body unceasingly, can certainly find the weakness that these gus cultivate/repair, when the time comes can rush ahead, cultivates the gu cuts to kill completely.” “只要抓住一个蛊修来做实验就行,他们不死不灭的属性会让他们成为最好的实验体,只要不断在他身上做实验,就一定能找到这些蛊修的弱点,到时候就能一口气冲杀出去,将蛊修全部斩杀。” Moreover only stresses words, will not definitely cause the gu to cultivate/repair that side too big response.” “而且只抓一个的话,肯定不会引起蛊修那边太大的反应。” Luo Jingtian hear ponder moment, in not being able to think of the situation of better way, accepted the Gu Qinghuan means that and lets Gu Qinghuan plenary powers direction this action. 罗靖天听完沉思片刻,在想不到更好办法的情况下,就采纳了顾清欢的办法,并让顾清欢全权指挥这次行动。 Saw Luo Jingtian to agree the own plan, Gu Qinghuan also relaxes. 罗靖天同意了自己的方案,顾清欢也是松了口气。 He biggest energy naturally did not count on that cultivates body to discover what weakness in the gu, because from the beforehand fight his already saw that the gu in this Miasma cultivates to have the absolute advantage, wants to win them to find the way to solve this Miasma. 他最大的底气自然不是指望在蛊修身上找出什么弱点,因为从之前的战斗中他就已经看出在这瘴气中蛊修拥有着绝对的优势,想要赢过他们就必须想办法将这瘴气解决掉。 However they by dire straits in this capital city, are wanted to find to decode this Miasma means now completely radically are fantasy story. 然而他们现在完全被困死在了这座都城中,想要找到破解这瘴气的办法根本就是天方夜谭。 The goal that therefore from the beginning he perseveres only has one. 所以从一开始他坚守的目的就只有一个。 That waits for Senior Brother! 那就是等待师兄 He believes that Senior Brother definitely has means solution this crisis, he must do goes on living, lives Senior Brother to solve this crisis. 他相信师兄绝对有办法解决这次危机,他要做的就是活下去,活到师兄将这次危机解决掉。 This words definitely cannot be used to convince Luo Jingtian, therefore he found the most suitable excuse. 只是这种话肯定不能用来说服罗靖天,所以他才找了一个最为适合的借口。 However the following all actually came as a surprise to his, went beyond everyone's expectation. 不过接下来的一切却是出乎了他的预料,也超出了所有人的预料。 After adopting defense focusing on control, the Profound Qi consumption of Profound Sage truly greatly reduces, moreover according to the Gu Qinghuan tactic, Profound Sage by three people of one group, by the way not parking gu clan of guerrilla warfare kite. 在采取以控制为主的防守后,玄圣们的玄气消耗确实大大减少,而且根据顾清欢的战术,玄圣们以三人一组,以游击的方式不停放蛊族的“风筝”。 Let their powerful nowhere cause, saved massive Profound Qi. 让他们有力无处使,同时也节约了大量玄气 the defensive successful second day, Luo Jingtian held a gu to cultivate/repair to take to Gu Qinghuan according to Gu Qinghuan request personally, and its numerous seals. 在防守大为成功的第二天,罗靖天按照顾清欢的要求亲自抓住一个蛊修带给了顾清欢,并将它重重封印。 Although Gu Qinghuan is the protracted time that the plan puts on airs, what puts on airs also to install is a matter is so good. 顾清欢虽然是打算装模作样的拖延时间,但装模作样也必须要装的是那么回事才行。 Therefore he called in the clear distance city all Nine Grades Pharmacist, planned to dissect the troublesome fellow who this did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish layer upon layer. 所以他叫来了清远城中所有的九品药师,打算层层解剖这个不死不灭的麻烦家伙。 But in the process of dissection, a matter that made everyone not think of happened. 而在解剖的过程中,一件令所有人都没想到的事情发生了。 That gu cultivates does not know that is extremely insulted or plans to escape, conducts in the dissection to half, its whole body blooms suddenly a sky-blue ray, simultaneously a huge energy starts to fluctuate crazily. 那个蛊修不知道是不堪受辱还是打算逃跑,在解剖进行到一半时,它浑身突然绽放出一阵蔚蓝色的光芒,同时一股巨大的能量开始疯狂波动。 Guesses correctly the gu cultivates to from exploding in the Luo Jingtian heart to loudly call out is not good, is planning to disperse everyone, actually saw that Gu Qinghuan within the body emerged purple Spirit Qi to suppress the gu to cultivate/repair the body blue light unexpectedly. 猜出蛊修要自爆的罗靖天心中大叫一声“不好”,正打算疏散所有人,却看到顾清欢体内竟涌现出一股紫色的灵气压制住了蛊修身上的蓝光。 Suppresses the explosion that will soon be born unexpectedly forcefully. 竟硬生生抑制住了那即将诞生的爆炸。 Emperor Spirit Qi!?’ ‘帝灵气!?’ Experienced Luo Jingtian recognized Gu Qinghuan body this unusual Spirit Qi, is emperor Spirit Qi in Legend will not be wrong. 见多识广的罗靖天一眼就认出了顾清欢身上这股奇特灵气,就是传说中的帝灵气不会错。 This makes Luo Jingtian be startled. 这让罗靖天大为吃惊。 Must know that emperor Spirit Qi regarding Profound Sage is existence in Legend, rarely has Profound Sage personally to see, but now emperor Spirit Qi appears in cultivation base unexpectedly merely in junior body of Profound King boundary. 要知道帝灵气对于玄圣来说都是传说中的存在,很少有玄圣亲眼见过,而现在帝灵气竟然出现在一个修为仅仅在玄王境的小辈身上 This is simply inconceivable. 这简直不可思议。 But if not look at cultivation base. 但如果不看修为的话。 The calm that Gu Qinghuan displays, intelligent and overall perception makes Luo Jingtian not treat as a young fellow to treat him from the beginning. 顾清欢表现出来的沉稳,聪慧以及大局观都让罗靖天从一开始就没把他当做一个少年人对待。 Now emperor the appearance of Spirit Qi adds massive mysterious air for Gu Qinghuan, actually making Luo Jingtian even more not be fully correct this young fellow is what background. 如今帝灵气的出现更是为顾清欢增添了大量神秘色彩,让罗靖天越发猜不透这个少年人究竟是什么来头。 Gu Qinghuan has not thought that already is dormant in emperor Spirit Qi of own within the body will initiated an attack suddenly, but surprised will produce various types of relates from now on. 顾清欢也没想到已经蛰伏在自己体内的帝灵气会突然主动出击,但惊讶过后就不禁产生了各种联想。 First emperor Spirit Qi was Senior Brother found in the ancient grave, the function was the casting to the sword. 首先帝灵气师兄在古墓中找到的,作用是铸造对剑。 At that time Gu Qinghuan was not clear this emperor Spirit Qi had anything to affect, but obeyed the Senior Brother words, inhaled within the body it. 当时顾清欢也不清楚这帝灵气有什么作用,只是听从师兄的话,将它吸入了体内。 Later this emperor Spirit Qi had not been transformed by him, but is the peaceful deep sleep in his within the body. 之后这帝灵气也没有被他转化,而是安静的沉睡在他体内。 Now actually cultivates to have that big response to the gu,......’ ‘如今却对蛊修产生了那么大的反应,难道说……’ Gu Qinghuan was so long with Jiang Beiran, very clear Senior Brother works always provides for a rainy day, as if any accident Senior Brother already has foreseen, and can properly process with the most perfect means. 顾清欢跟了江北然这么久,非常清楚师兄做事一向是未雨绸缪,仿佛任何事发生前师兄已经早已预见到,并能够用最完美的办法妥善处理。 Therefore Gu Qinghuan has thought this world all matters perform during the control of Senior Brother, the fierce character is also board game piece that's all in Senior Brother hand. 所以顾清欢一直觉得这世间所有事都尽在师兄的掌控之中,再厉害的人物也不过是师兄手中的一颗棋子而已 Under enforcement of this idea, Gu Qinghuan on sudden enlightenment. 在这想法的加持下,顾清欢一下就顿悟了。 Senior Brother has actually had long known Profound Dragon Continent will have this tribulation, but this emperor Spirit Qi copes with the best method that the gu cultivates specially, therefore Senior Brother with emperor Spirit Qi Forging that to the sword, the goal is to exterminate early these gus cultivates.’ 师兄其实早就知道玄龙大陆会有此劫,而这帝灵气正是专门对付蛊修的最佳手段,所以师兄才早早的用帝灵气锻造了那对剑,目的就是为了诛灭这些蛊修。’ Rational that Gu Qinghuan more wants more to think, in the heart will decode Miasma this point to be firmer to Senior Brother simultaneously sooner or later. 顾清欢越想越觉的有理,同时心中对师兄迟早会破解瘴气这一点更加坚定了。 Therefore in seeing Luo Jingtian with the incomparably surprised look looks when oneself, Gu Qinghuan emperor Spirit Qi will condense to own fingertip said: This is my test objective, actually without thinking succeeded simply.” 于是在看到罗靖天用无比惊讶的眼神看着自己时,顾清欢将帝灵气凝聚到自己指尖道:“这就是我的试验目的,倒是没想到这么简单就成功了。” Looks at the Gu Qinghuan self-confident incomparable expression, Luo Jingtian by flickering dumbfounded, suddenly image of Gu Qinghuan in his heart is to also change is more mystical. 看着顾清欢自信无比的表情,罗靖天被忽悠的一愣一愣的,一时间顾清欢在他心中的形象也是变的更加神秘起来。 Also after surprised moment, calms down Luo Jingtian not to go to ask why Gu Qinghuan will have emperor Spirit Qi, but is inquired how he plans to use emperor Spirit Qi to collapse. 又惊讶了片刻后,重新冷静下来的罗靖天没有去问顾清欢为何会拥有帝灵气,而是询问他打算怎么用帝灵气来破局。 After Gu Qinghuan hear, replied: Method, but implements actually some difficulties, but also needs Luo Sect Master to coordinate me to be good.” 顾清欢听后回答道:“方法说来简单,但实行起来却有些难度,还需要罗宗主配合我才行。” How to coordinate?” “怎么配合?” Makes me emperor Spirit Qi entangle your Profound Qi, as the matter stands your style will cultivate to have the fatal consequence to the gu.” “让我将帝灵气缠上你的玄气,这样一来你的招式就会对蛊修产生致命的影响。” Entangles......” “缠上……” Although how Luo Jingtian some have not understood what is heard to do, but already to this situation, is what method must certainly try. 罗靖天虽然有些没听明白要怎么做,但都已经到了这地步,肯定是什么方法都要试一试。 Therefore under the leadership of Gu Qinghuan, two people started style cooperation. 于是在顾清欢的带领下,两人开始了招式“合作”。 Finally Gu Qinghuan succeeds emperor Spirit Qi to wrap on Profound Qi that in Luo Jingtian released, and changes to the Luo Jingtian style part of same places to attack to the gu cultivates. 最终顾清欢成功将帝灵气包裹在了罗靖天释放出来的玄气上,并化作罗靖天招式的一部分一起攻向蛊修。 Moreover this move also indeed achieved the effect outstanding, the similar control style, Luo Jingtian can suppress these gus to cultivate/repair with ease. 而且这一招也的确做到了效果拔群,同样的控制招式,罗靖天能够更加轻松压制那些蛊修。 Simultaneously like this makes emperor Spirit Qi not to have the slight consumption, this makes it be willing to coordinate Gu Qinghuan, rather than just started to appear likely makes the monster. 同时这样做帝灵气也不会有丝毫消耗,这就让它很愿意配合顾清欢,而不是像刚开始出现般作妖。 In successfully completes the coordination after Luo Jingtian, Gu Qinghuan one after another and many Profound Sage completed this cooperation. 在和罗靖天成功完成配合后,顾清欢又陆陆续续和更多玄圣完成了这种合作。 Let the defensive ability of clear distance city greatly promote again, this supported the rescue of Tong Country smoothly. 让清远城的防守能力再次大大提升,这才顺利撑到了潼国的救援。 After listening to these, Jiang Beiran is quite sigh with emotion, never expected that emperor Spirit Qi really also has function so. 听完这些后,江北然都颇为感慨,没想到帝灵气竟然还有这般作用。 But Luo Jingtian said these, was hopes that Gu Qinghuan can help, if after all did not have Tong Country to support, they were very difficult to run out of the encirclement ring, again if he covers-up too did not speak morality and justice. 罗靖天之所以将这些都说出来,就是希望顾清欢能帮上忙,毕竟如果没有潼国来支援的话,他们还是很难冲出包围圈,所以要是他再藏着掖着的就太不讲道义了。 When hearing emperor Spirit Qi, Ji rain expression also is quite obviously astonished, has not obviously thought in this youngster body will see Spirit Qi in Legend. 在听到帝灵气时,嵇雨的表情明显也是颇为讶异,明显没想到会在这个少年身上见到传说中的灵气 However thinks oneself also the similarly astonishing young fellows, Ji rain returned to normal, is only many are somewhat sigh with emotion. 不过一想到自己这边也有一个同样惊人的少年人,嵇雨就平复了许多,只是多少有些感慨。 ‚After already before , the wave pushes the alternation time of wave?’ ‘难道已经到了后浪推前浪的更迭时代了吗?’ After knowing Tan Country can survive so many since birth the Strength reason, several people also chatted one respectively to the Miasma cognition. 在知晓了郯国能够存活如此多有生力量的原因后,几人又聊了一番各自对瘴气的认知。 In the process Luo Jingtian also makes use to ask Miasma how Tong Country eradicated, ambiguous that quite but Ji rain replied, after all they now are the superiors, did not reply that was also reasonable. 过程中罗靖天也趁势问起了潼国是如何破除的瘴气,不过嵇雨回答的比较含糊,毕竟他们现在是上位,不回答也在情理之中。 Luo Jingtian also very clear this point, reply that after without was wanted oneself also no mood. 罗靖天也很明白这一点,所以在没得到自己想要的回答后也没任何情绪。 However in the chat process his look has been glancing toward Jiang Beiran body, after experiencing fierce of Gu Qinghuan, he does not dare to despise any young people now, this young people are follow Ji Sect Master to come let alone together, obviously also has the special skill, how otherwise possibly to appear in this talk situation. 不过聊天过程中他的眼神一直在往江北然身上瞟,在见识了顾清欢的厉害后,他现在是不敢轻视任何一个年轻人,更何况这个年轻人是跟着嵇宗主一起来的,明显也是有着特别的本事,不然怎么可能出现在这种谈话场合中。 This young people are extremely quiet, causing Luo Jingtian not to see what unique element in his body, has guessing. 只是这年轻人太过沉默寡言,导致罗靖天也没在他身上看出什么特殊之处,就只好一个劲的猜。 Soon, Ji rain sets out to say toward Luo Jingtian submissively: Luo Sect Master, in the deep pool city also many things must process, I did not accompany in this, Luo Sect Master can first take a break in this, we discussed the proper business later.” 不多时,嵇雨起身朝着罗靖天拱手道:“罗宗主,渊城内还有很多事要处理,我就不在这多陪了,罗宗主可以先在此休息片刻,我们稍后再谈正事。” The Luo Jingtian hear also sets out to return a courtesy said: Good, Ji Sect Master goes although busily, we can take care of itself good.” 罗靖天听完也起身回礼道:“好,嵇宗主尽管去忙,我们自己能照顾好自己。” We first said goodbye.” Ji rain said that brought Jiang Beiran to leave the Tan Country temporary station together. “那我们就先告辞了。”嵇雨说完带着江北然一起离开了郯国的临时驻地。 After Ji rain they walk away, Luo Jingtian looked that said to Gu Qinghuan: Mister, you thought that young people are the key man who Tong Country decodes this Miasma aspect?” 等嵇雨他们走远后,罗靖天看向顾清欢说道:“先生,你觉得那个年轻人是不是潼国破解这瘴气局面的关键人物?” Gu Qinghuan narrowed the eye, the smile said: In Luo Tianzun heart has the answer not?” 顾清欢眯了眯眼睛,微笑道:“罗天尊心中早已有了答案不是吗?” Ha, is really anything does not hide the truth from the mister, but I or want to get a more affirmative answer in mister this.” “哈哈哈,真是什么都瞒不过先生,只是我还是想在先生这得到一个更肯定的答案。” Certainly is.” “一定是。” The Luo Jingtian hear nods immediately, „is really the hero has the youngster, the old man was too long does not hear the human affairs, cannot think of now on Profound Dragon Continent outstandingly able person unexpectedly incessantly like mister.” 罗靖天听完顿时点了点头,“真是英雄出少年啊,老夫也是太久不闻世事了,想不到如今玄龙大陆上像先生这样的奇人竟不止一个。” The Gu Qinghuan hear shakes the head, replied: Luo Tianzun this word erroneous, compared with that below is the light of firefly insect, how dare also to vie with the livelihood.” 顾清欢听完摇了摇头,回答道:“罗天尊此言谬矣,和那位相比,在下不过是萤虫之光,又岂敢与日月争辉。” The Luo Jingtian hear is startled, somewhat surprised looks at Gu Qinghuan to ask: Is it possible that has the mister known him?” 罗靖天听完一怔,有些惊奇的看着顾清欢问道:“莫非先生早就认识他?” Had not known.” “不曾认识。” Why will that give the so high appraisal?” “那为何会给出如此高的评价?” Gu Qinghuan hear deep looked at Senior Brother to leave direction one that sincere replied. 顾清欢听完深深的看了师兄离开的方向一眼,语重心长的回答道。 Depends on him to help Tong Country decode the Miasma this point foot.” “就凭他能助潼国破解瘴气这一点足矣。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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