IJWTPGQ :: Volume #19

#1876: Real and illusory

My family/home...... the base......” the look of woman is getting more and more strange. “我的家……基地……”女人的神色越来越古怪。 Zhou Wen looks at her appearance, knows that in this really has the issue. Possibly how to have human-shaped to allow own world not to have the world of god. 周文看她的模样,就知道这里面果然有问题。怎么可能会有人形容自己的世界是没有神的世界。 Even two world again how different, will still the descriptions of some details, rather than say that anything does not have the world words of god, these words to make Zhou Wen feel very strange. 就算两个世界再怎么不一样,也应该会有些细节的描述,而不是说什么没有神的世界这种话,这句话本身就让周文感觉很怪。 This does not seem like the words that human can say, to seeming like the machine establishes the good answer. 这不像是人类能够说出来的话,到像是机器设定好的答案。 The women obviously are not a machine, why she will answer the issue like this? 女人显然不是一个机器,那么她为什么会这样回答问题呢? What do you remember?” Zhou Wen stares at the woman to ask. “你到底都记得些什么?”周文盯着女人问道。 I remember that I and husband love...... we had a daughter very much......, but...... woman who the body not good...... also to have...... me who my world...... I remember to remember somewhat to speak incoherently. “我记得我和丈夫很恩爱……我们生了一个女儿……但是身体不好……还有我的世界……我记得的……我记得的……”女人有些语无伦次起来。 Zhou Wen can be ideal her present feeling, conversion is he, he may also collapse. 周文能够理想她现在的感觉,换成是他,他可能也会崩溃。 You told me, how did your world go to bathroom? Is food that you eats what? Where do these food buy?” Zhou Wen also asked some questions. “你告诉我,你的那个世界是怎么上厕所的?伱吃的食物是什么样的?那些食物是在哪里买的?”周文又问了一些问题。 Restroom...... food in the room...... me who purchases from food machine thinks that...... our world anything were automatic, needs anything, will only need according to a button, thing to deliver...... woman to realize the issue through the pipeline, but actually cannot accept to deny own life suddenly, but also is trying to look for some evidence, showed that own life will be own. “厕所就在房间里面……食物是从食物机上面购买的……我想起来了……我们那个世界什么都是自动的,需要什么,只需要按一下按钮,东西就会通过管道送过来……”女人自己已经意识到了问题,可是一时间却不能接受否定自己的人生,还在试图寻找一些证据,证明自己的人生就是自己的。 In other words, you have not left your home, all that you know, come from these technology products is right?” Zhou Wen is hesitating asking. “也就是说,你没有离开过你的家,你所知道的一切,都是来自于那些科技产品对吗?”周文沉吟着问道。 I have certainly left the home, how I have not possibly left the home...... I not to go to the experiment base......” woman complexion to be pallid, the lip shivers was saying. “我当然离开过家,我怎么可能没有离开过家……我不是去了实验基地……”女人脸色煞白,嘴唇颤抖着说道。 Except for experiment base?” Zhou Wen asked. “除了实验基地呢?”周文问道。 „...... I...... I...... woman could not be justified except for the experiment base. “除了实验基地……我……我……”女人说不下去了。 Also, you said that experiment base is a very powerful person, then that person does name? You had not said her name.” Zhou Wen about one step pressing for an answer. “还有,你说那个实验基地是属于一个非常强大的人,那么那个人叫什么名字?你一直没有说过她的名字。”周文更近一步的逼问。 I do not know, I only know she powerful is very very fierce, but I do not know that her name......” some woman pain shake the head. “我不知道,我只知道她很强大很厉害,但是我不知道她的名字……”女人有些痛苦地摇头。 You are very contradictory, you said that she powerful is very very fierce, she is very certainly famous, you even call Immortal Bewilderment's Scripture to know cultivation technique that she cultivates why actually her name doesn't know? At least should also the name, or be the duty and so on name.” Zhou Wen is saying one word at a time. “你就很矛盾,你说她很强大很厉害,那她一定很出名,你甚至连她修炼的功法迷仙经都知道,为什么却连她的名字都不知道呢?至少也应该有一个称呼,或者是职务之类的称呼。”周文一字一顿地说着。 I...... do not know that...... I really do not know her name......” woman is shaking the head panic-stricken. “我……不知道……我真的不知道她的名字……”女人惊恐地摇着头。 Your husband names, should you always know?” Zhou Wen looks at the woman, asked the last question. “那你丈夫叫什么名字,你总应该知道吧?”周文看着女人,问出了最后一个问题。 I know certainly that my husband called anything...... him...... he to ask......” woman to collapse suddenly, covered the head to send out the rending scream. “我当然知道我的丈夫叫什么……他……他叫……”女人突然间崩溃了,捂着脑袋发出撕心裂肺的尖叫。 No longer needs the woman to reply, Zhou Wen had known the answer. 不再需要女人回答,周文已经知道了答案。 This woman, radically is one played with pulling line puppet, perhaps her memory had been tampered, perhaps she from living, is a test piece. 这个女人,根本就是一个被人玩弄的扯线木偶而已,也许她的记忆早就被人篡改,也许她从生下来,就是一个实验品。 She brought cellphone, brought Immortal Bewilderment's Scripture, perhaps these thing are genuine makes her bring in the person of secret control, who is that secret person? Is that woman in Immortal Bewilderment's Scripture? Does she actually want to do?” Zhou Wen thinks that found this woman, can be close to the truth, but actually suddenly discovered, really compares him to imagine is more complex, is blurred. “她带来了手机,带来了迷仙经,这些东西恐怕都是真正在幕后操控的人让她带过来的,那幕后的人到底是谁?是迷仙经中的那个女人吗?她到底想干什么?”周文以为找到了这个女人,就可以接近真相,可是却突然发现,真相比他想象中的更加复杂,更加迷离。 Who is controlling all these? The world that I am, is real or illusory?” Authenticity that Zhou Wen has started to suspect this world. “到底是谁在操控这一切?我所在的这个世界,到底是真实还是虚幻?”周文已经开始怀疑这个世界的真实性。 cellphone can simulate dimensional field of this world baseless, before Zhou Wen found it miraculous, now the careful thinking, some revolving fear suddenly extremely. 手机能够凭空模拟出这个世界的次元领域,以前周文只是觉得神奇,现在仔细思索,却突然有些细思极恐。 Why can cellphone download dungeon in reality? Could it be that this world is the data stream constructs, can therefore be downloaded to the game , this whole world virtual?” Zhou Wen back intermittent sending cold. “为什么手机能够下载现实中的副本难道说这个世界本身就是数据流所构建出来的,所以才能够被下载到游戏中,难道这整个世界都是虚拟的?”周文脊背一阵阵的发寒。 Although he felt that this world is definitely real, who knows, this feeling can be a data? 他虽然感觉这个世界肯定是真实的,可是谁又知道,这种感觉会不会就是一种数据呢? Like all, fact that she who the woman experiences thinks, even does not hesitate to bet the life for this reason the reality, now seems like her credibly not that. 就像女人所经历的一切一样,她所认为的事实,甚至是为此不惜赌上性命的真实,现在看起来她不那么的靠谱。 „............ I will not have the family...... I to have the husband...... I to have the child...... to have the child...... my child to...... me to prove all...... this possibly is not false......” woman goes crazy threw to hold Zhou Wen to call out: You know that my child where is right? You know is right?” “不会的……不会的……我有家庭……我有丈夫……我有孩子……对……我有孩子……我的孩子可以证明一切……这不可能是假的……”女人发疯似的扑过来抓住周文叫道:“你知道我的孩子在哪里对不对?你知道的对不对?” Right, I know.” Zhou Wen slight nod. “对,我知道。”周文微微点头。 Leads me to see her, my life possibly is not false, I have the child.” Some face expression distortions of woman. “带我去见她,我的人生不可能是假的,我有孩子。”女人的脸部表情有些扭曲。 Good.” Zhou Wen complied with one, ninth day Human Sovereign presents the woman behind, a hand according to the woman top of the head, a light ball was stranded the woman. “好。”周文答应了一声,第九天人皇出现女人身后,一只手按在了女人头顶,一个光球将女人困在了其中。 How whatever the woman struggles, cannot come out from that light ball. 任由女人怎么挣扎,也没能从那光球之中出来。 The light ball has the Chaos First Order characteristics, under the Doomsday Rank strength, hardly may be destroyed. 光球拥有混沌第一秩序的特性,末世级的力量之下,几乎不可被摧毁。 Ninth day Human Sovereign puts out a hand to grasp, the light ball reduced automatically, changed into a glass globe of pigeon egg size, fell in the Zhou Wen hand. 第九天人皇伸手一抓,光球就自动缩小,化为了一颗鸽子蛋大小的玻璃球状物,落在了周文手中。 It seems like, can only see that person.” The Zhou Wen mind moves, ninth day Human Sovereign tore the space of dimension air zone, the Zhou Wen direct transmission returned to Earth. “看来,只能去见那个人了。”周文心神一动,第九天人皇就撕裂了次元空域的空间,周文直接传送回到了地球。 Now the dimension air zone could not have blocked to have Zhou Wen of Doomsday Rank strength, before Zhou Wen arrived at the mountain wall of Chess Piece Mountain, directly. 现在次元空域已经挡不住拥有末世级力量的周文了,周文直接来到了棋子山的山壁前。 That little flower still also grows on the mountain wall, sunning of languid as. 那朵小花依然还生长在山壁上,懒洋洋似的晒着太阳。 Lord Emperor, I came.” Zhou Wen looks that little flower said. 帝大人,我来了。”周文看着那小花说道。 Now can touch the truth altogether five people, Jing Daoxian and Zhou Lingfeng know to be quite limited, they have not boarded the steamship, knows nothing about another world. 现在能够触及到真相的一共有五个人,井道仙周凌风所知应该比较有限,他们并没有上过大船,对于另外一个世界一无所知。 Wang Mingyuan and old headmaster have boarded the steamship, had understood another world, these thing that but they understand perhaps, is true or false, they do not know. 王明渊老校长上过大船,对于另外一个世界有所了解,可是他们了解的那些东西,到底是真是假,恐怕连他们自己都不知道。 Zhou Wen guessed, these thing on steamship, are the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator made the woman bring intentionally, these thing credibility are not high. 周文猜测,大船上的那些东西,本来就是幕后黑手故意让女人带来的,那些东西可信度并不怎么高。 Really must say that anyone may understand the truth, that should also be that Immortal Emperor that destroyed the woman to plan, is present Lord Emperor. 真要说有什么人有可能了解真相,那也应该是那位破坏了女人计划的仙帝,也就是现在的帝大人 „Do you want to know the matter about that woman?” The green leaf extension of little flower, is extremely user-friendly, seems like stretching oneself general. “你想知道关于那个女人的事?”小花的绿叶伸展,极为人性化,就像是在伸懒腰一般。 Yes.” Zhou Wen nods. “是的。”周文点头。 You may ask the wrong person.” The reply of Lord Emperor actually somewhat comes as a surprise to Zhou Wen’s. “那你可就问错人了。”帝大人的回答却有些出乎周文的意料。 Where is wrong?” Zhou Wen also asked. “错在哪里?”周文又问道。 I have not boarded that steamship, thing that I know will not compare Wang Mingyuan to be many, if you want to know anything, should ask Wang Mingyuan, rather than asked me.” Lord Emperor said. “我没有上过那艘大船,我所知道的东西不会比王明渊多,如果你想知道什么,应该去问王明渊,而不是来问我。”帝大人说道。 Seen not necessarily real, I want to know your answer.” Zhou Wen hesitates to say. “看到的未必就是真的,我想知道你的答案。”周文沉吟道。 My answer is very simple, goes to that world to look, naturally anything understood.” Lord Emperor said: If you not self-confident, you can also ask a person, she is most likely to understand the person in that world.” “我的答案很简单,去那个世界看一看,自然什么就都明白了。”帝大人说道:“如果你没有自信,你还可以去问一个人,她是最有可能了解那个世界的人。” Isn't Wang Mingyuan?” Zhou Wen is surprised the different way. “不是王明渊吗?”周文诧异道。 All of course not, that woman brought initially, had once been studied by that you said that also some people can understand that world compared with her?” Lord Emperor said with a smile. “当然不是,当初那个女人带来的一切,都曾被那一位研究过呢,你说还有人比她更有可能了解那个世界吗?”帝大人笑着说道。 Great Devil King......” Zhou Wen knows what immediately Lord Emperor said was. 大魔王……”周文立刻知道帝大人说的是谁了。 But Great Devil King had turned into present Demon Infant, she does not have the beforehand memory, what can also ask? Only if Zhou Wen allows Demon Infant to fuse the demon spirit that Great Devil King leaves behind, reclaims her beforehand memory. 可是大魔王已经变成了现在的魔婴,她已经没有了以前的记忆,又能问出什么呢?除非周文允许魔婴融合大魔王留下的魔灵,找回她以前的记忆。 But such Demon Infant, is she Demon Infant? Even she is Demon Infant, will she forgive herself once to kill her? 可是那样的魔婴,她还是魔婴吗?就算她还是魔婴,她会原谅自己曾杀过她吗? The Zhou Wen’s innermost feelings are very complex, suddenly does not know how should choose. 周文的内心很是复杂,一时间不知道该怎么抉择。 She has grown, even you do not drop, she will still awaken slowly, when she promotes doomsday, was the day of Great Devil King return.” Lord Emperor seemed to have seen the Demon Infant status, said lightly. “她已然成长起来,就算你不放手,她也会慢慢觉醒,她晋升末世之时,就是大魔王回归之日。”帝大人似乎早就已经看出了魔婴的身份,淡淡地说道。 Said is also.” Zhou Wen sighed one lightly, looked up said to little flower: „Do you need me to put you to come out?” “说的也是。”周文轻叹一声,抬头看向小花说道:“你需要我放你出来吗?” Now continues to close Lord Emperor not to have the significance, if she is willing to come out, Zhou Wen to did not introduce puts her. 现在继续关着帝大人已经没有意义,如果她愿意出来,周文到是不介绍把她放出来。 Does not need, breaking restriction at present, and attended the war of destiny should come.” Lord Emperor said with a smile. “已经不需要了,破禁就在眼前,应该来的及参加天命之战。”帝大人笑吟吟地说道。 „Do you want to attend the war of destiny?” Zhou Wen is startled. “你要参加天命之战?”周文大吃一惊。 Naturally, I must become the lord of justifiable dimension, then goes to that world to look, is who is controlling all these, should be able to be a very interesting opponent.” Lord Emperor said. “当然,我要成为名正言顺的次元之主,然后再去那个世界看一看,到底是谁在操控这一切,应该会是一个很有意思的对手。”帝大人说道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:. cellphone version reading website: wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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