IJWTPGQ :: Volume #17

#1665: First exchanges ownerships

The average people only felt that the present scene incomparably shocks, black ink has not moved the hand unexpectedly, cut to kill two Star Monarch, powerful being hard imagination. 一般人都只感觉眼前的景象无比震撼,墨赫竟然连手都没有动,就斩杀了两位星君,强大的难以想象。 Before let alone black ink, wins great reputation, now looks like feels unbelievable. 更何况墨赫以前名声在外,如今看来就更觉得难以置信。 But top characters in some human, then guessed probably, black ink has probably an ability of rebound injury. 而一些人类中的顶级人物,则大概猜测出来,墨赫可能是拥有一种反弹伤害的能力。 Should not be the pure rebound is so simple.” Li Xuan hesitates was saying: „The ability of rebound injury, generally speaking, will have certain energy consumption in the rebound process, the strength of therefore rebounding, will not be bigger than the strength of user. But black ink situation is obviously different, strength that he rebounds, even compares the strength that two Star Monarch use to be strong.” “应该不是单纯的反弹那么简单。”李玄沉吟着说道:“反弹伤害的能力,一般来说,在反弹过程中都会有一定的能量消耗,所以反弹回来的力量,不会大于使用者的力量。而墨赫的情况明显不一样,他反弹的力量,甚至比两位星君所使用的力量还要强。” Similarly is watching the Xia Xianyue nod of fight saying: Perhaps rebounds is not the strength, but is the injury.” 同样在观看战斗的夏弦月点头道:“也许反弹的不是力量,而是伤害本身。” This arrives has the possibility very much.” Li Xuan felt some truth that Xia Xianyue said. “这到是很有可能。”李玄觉得夏弦月说的有些道理。 Zhou Wen is also looking at the fight, he thought that black ink strength and Wealth Storing Star Monarch are somewhat similar, in heart secretly thought: Does not know that black ink can continue to challenge, doesn't similar strength, who know black ink and Wealth Storing Star Monarch?” 周文也在看战斗,他觉得墨赫的力量和禄存星君有些相似,心中暗道:“也不知道墨赫会不会继续挑战下去,类似的力量,不知道墨赫和禄存星君谁更强一些?” Zhou Wen is thinking deeply about time, black ink had entered the transmission star, a cube picture revolution, turned into the picture of Phecda Star palace. 周文正在思索的时候,墨赫已然走进了传送星,魔方的画面一转,变成了天玑星宫的画面。 Then to was interesting, both needed to rebound the ability of others strength, how will they fight?” Zhou Wen came the interest. “这下到是有意思了,两个都需要反弹别人力量的能力,他们会怎么样战斗呢?”周文来了兴趣。 Initially when Zhou Wen and Wealth Storing Star Monarch fought, used power of Human Sovereign, killed Wealth Storing Star Monarch, otherwise any strength hit on Wealth Storing Star Monarch, will rebound oneself. 当初周文禄存星君一战之时,使用了人皇之力,才把禄存星君杀死,否则任何力量打在禄存星君身上,都会反弹自身。 black ink and Wealth Storing Star Monarch fight, if both do not begin, is waiting for the injury of rebound opposite party, as if will never possibly decide the victory and defeat. 墨赫与禄存星君战斗,如果两者都不动手,等着反弹对方的伤害,似乎就永远不可能分出胜负了。 black ink opened the front door of Phecda Star palace, walked toward Wealth Storing Star Monarch, the stance and no difference, had not as if cared Wealth Storing Star Monarch a moment ago. 墨赫推开了天玑星宫的大门,向着禄存星君走了过去,姿态和刚才没什么差别,似乎也未把禄存星君放在心上。 Initially Egg Sovereign...... immortal Wily King brought companion pet also only to rush to the Phecda Star palace...... unable to kill Wealth Storing Star Monarch......, if black ink did succeed...... he to rush to the ranking the first position?” “当初蛋皇……不……仙贼王带着伴生宠也只闯到了天玑星宫……还没有能够把禄存星君杀死……如果墨赫成功了……他岂不是要冲上排行榜的第一之位?” Even if cannot kill Wealth Storing Star Monarch, still has arrived at the highest place that human can impact, black ink suddenly will change will be so strong? Even the contract Guardian, was impossible all of a sudden changes was so strong?” “就算杀不死禄存星君,也已经到达了人类能够冲击的最高之处,墨赫怎么会突然变的这么强?就算契约了守护者,也不可能一下子就变的这么强吧?” Yes, moreover black ink Fate Standard that rare and beautiful flowers, he should not be possible to kill right of opponent, how easily to cut to kill two Star Monarch?” “是啊,而且墨赫的命格那么奇葩,他应该不可能杀死对手的才对,怎么轻易就斩杀了两位星君?” The person of observing discusses spiritedly, was guessing why black ink can change is so strong, moreover they also want to know, black ink can create the miracle, kills Wealth Storing Star Monarch, captures the cube ranking's first position. 观战的人议论纷纷,都在猜测墨赫为什么会变的那么强,而且他们也很想知道,墨赫能够创造奇迹,杀死禄存星君,夺取魔方排行榜第一的位置。 black ink gradually moves toward Wealth Storing Star Monarch, everyone's vision is also following his figure movement. 墨赫一步步走向禄存星君,所有人的目光也都跟随着他的身形移动。 Wealth Storing Star Monarch sits there, meaning that do not set out. 禄存星君坐在那里,并没有要起身的意思。 If they do not act, that is a non-solution dead end.” Zhou Wen is just thinking time, actually saw black ink first to act unexpectedly, a fist bang approached Wealth Storing Star Monarch. “如果他们都不出手,那就是一个无解的死局。”周文正想着的时候,却见墨赫竟然先出手了,一拳轰向了禄存星君 Zhou Wen is startled slightly, this result is a little unexpected, although does not know that what strength black ink Guardian has specifically, if his Fate Standard has not changed, makes a move to take a life on own initiative, the wound should appear on he himself is right. 周文微微一怔,这个结果有点出乎意料,虽然不知道墨赫的守护者具体拥有什么样的力量,如果他的命格没有改变,主动出手杀生的话,伤口应该还是会出现在他自己身上才对。 Could it be that, black ink has changed Fate Standard?” In Zhou Wen heart secretly thought. 难道说,墨赫连命格都已经改了?”周文心中暗道。 black ink fist seems like not strong, without having what mysterious brilliance, was an ordinary straight punch, the bang on the body of Wealth Storing Star Monarch. 墨赫的拳头看起来并不强,也没有带着什么神秘的光辉,就是普普通通的一记直拳,轰在了禄存星君的身上。 The meaning that Wealth Storing Star Monarch simply do not hide, a that simple direct fist, rumbled on his body. 禄存星君根本没有要躲的意思,那简单直接的一拳,就这么轰在了他的身上。 After a black ink boxing, Wealth Storing Star Monarch returns safe and sound, the body shakes continually has not shaken, but black ink has actually taken back the fist. 墨赫一拳击中之后,禄存星君毫发无伤,身体连晃都没有晃一下,而墨赫却已经收回了拳头。 black ink Guardian is really the type of rebound injury, is only the rebound injury is fierce, oneself attack the opponent, this strength may miss are too many.” “墨赫的守护者果然是反弹伤害的类型,只是反弹伤害厉害而已,自己攻击对手,这力量可就差太多了。” Has guessed expert regarding black ink strength, showed really such expression. 许多对于墨赫的力量已经有所猜测的强者,都露出了果然如此的表情。 But the next second, made everyone stare in a big way the eye, Wealth Storing Star Monarch that seemingly returned safe and sound, the body changed into the flying ash suddenly, the wind blew scattered place dust. 可是下一秒,却让所有人都瞪大了眼睛,看起来毫发无伤的禄存星君,身体陡然间化为了飞灰,风一吹就散落了一地尘埃。 Silent! Dies the general silence! 寂静!死一般的寂静! No one thinks that can be such a result, including Zhou Wen, somewhat looks at the cube screen surprised, black ink in that everywhere dust, like been common by the devil that the dense fog wraps, making people feel the incomparable terrifying. 没有人想到会是这么一个结果,包括周文在内,都有些吃惊地看着魔方屏幕,那漫天尘埃中的墨赫,如同被迷雾包裹的恶魔一般,让人感觉无比恐怖。 expert of various respected families, are the mind shakes at this time, thinks black ink Guardian can the rebound injury, never expected that his unexpectedly casual fist on instakill Disaster Rank Star Monarch, powerful is unable to imagine. 就连各大家族的强者,此时也都是心神震荡,原本以为墨赫的守护者只是能够反弹伤害而已,没想到他竟然随便一拳就秒杀天灾级星君,强大的无法想象。 black ink has not stopped, moved toward transmission formation directly, in people heart guessed secretly, anticipated black ink can puncture many star palace time, actually the discovery picture switching returned to the cube ranking, obviously black ink has not continued to challenge downward. 墨赫没有停顿,直接走向了传送阵,当人们心中暗自猜测,期待墨赫到底能够打穿多少星宫的时候,却发现画面切换回到了魔方排行榜,显然墨赫并没有继续往下挑战。 Everyone's vision looked to the first place position of cube ranking , black ink name should appear there if as expected is right. 所有人的目光都看向了魔方排行榜的榜首位置,不出意外的话,墨赫的名字应该出现在那里才对。 Really, the first position has transposed, is present first, the name is actually not black ink. 果然,第一名的位置已经易位,可是现在的第一,名字却不是墨赫。 Perishing clan spokesman.” Many people meditated that name that arranged at first place. “殒族代言人。”许多人都默念出了排在第一位的那个名字。 In a flash, people are suddenly enlighted, suddenly somewhat surprised, feels like natural. 一瞬间,人们都恍然大悟,一时间都有些意外,又感觉似乎理所当然。 No wonder waste black ink suddenly changes is so strong, he was the other dimensions race spokesman.” “难怪废物墨赫突然变的这么强,原本他做了异次元种族的代言人。” „A waste becomes so strong, if I who the spokesmen can change becomes the spokesman?” “一个废物成为了代言人都能够变的这么强,如果是我成为了代言人呢?” What race is perishing clan? Before simply had not heard, definitely is not one of the six mahatma clans, including a nameless small clan, can train the so powerful spokesman, if becomes the spokesmen of six mahatma clans, how many advantage that will gain, powerful to what situation?” “殒族是什么样的种族?以前根本没听说过,肯定不是六大圣族之一,连一个无名的小族,都能够培养出如此强大的代言人,若是成为了六大圣族的代言人,那将会获得多少好处,强大到何种地步呢?” Suddenly in all human's heart is calculating anything, no one has started talking. 一时间所有人心中都在盘算着什么,谁也没有开口说话。 It seems like after today, will have many human talents to become the other dimensions spokesman.” Li Xuan curls the lip to say. “看来今日之后,会有很多人类天才成为异次元的代言人吧。”李玄撇了撇嘴说道。 If truly Li Xuan said that today after this fights, everyone is discussing the matter of black ink and spokesman, as if in one night, everyone to the utmost interest that to become the other dimensions spokesman has. 确实如李玄所说,今日这一战之后,所有人都在谈论墨赫和代言人的事情,似乎在一夜之间,人人都对成为异次元代言人产生的极大兴趣。 Even if these simply do not have the qualifications to become the average person of spokesman, was anticipating that secretly other dimensions will look for them, making them expert like black ink. 就算是那些根本没有资格成为代言人的普通人,都在暗自期待异次元会找上他们,让他们成为像墨赫一样的强者 After all even/including Mohe such has is so strong, they who the people of name of waste can change will not compare black ink to miss voluntarily are right, the black ink htu height of transfer unit can be good, they are not why good. 毕竟连墨赫那样有着废物之名的人都能够变的这么强,他们自觉怎么也不会比墨赫差才对,墨赫都能行,为什么他们不行。 Received human of other dimensions race invitation, before also made others know that embarrassed they received the invitation, now actually many person initiative dropped come out, as if received the spokesman to invite, to turn into a very glorious matter. 原本一些接到了异次元种族邀请的人类,之前还不好意思让别人知道他们接到了邀请,现在却有不少人主动爆了出来,似乎接到代言人邀请,变成了一件很荣耀的事情。
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