IJWTPGQ :: Volume #17

#1663: Spokesmen

Resources that six mahatma clans have, truly spirits the clan to us be more, they can your, is our spirit clan is not possibly able to give you. However the six mahatma races' layout many years on Earth, have scraped together did not know the talents in many human, even if they regard as important you, gives your resources, is several 1, even is dozens 1.” Spirit said. “六大圣族所拥有的资源,确实比我们灵族要多很多,他们所能够给你的,也可能是我们灵族所无法给予你的。但是六大圣族在地球上布局多年,早就已经网罗了不知道多少人类中的天才,纵然他们看重你,所给予你的资源,也不过就是几分之一,甚至是几十分之一。”灵奴说道。 Large clan after all is a large clan, even if dozens 1, is not necessarily able compared with few that you give. Moreover as the saying goes, backing on the big tree is good to enjoy the cool air, if I chose your spirit clan, is equal to fighting single-handedly, but chooses them, not only can obtain the resources, but can also have many helpers not?” An Tianzuo sits on the chair, both hands place on the table, looks tranquilly spirit said. “大族毕竟是大族,纵然是几十分之一,也未必会比你们所给予的少。而且俗话说的好,背靠大树好乘凉,我若是选择了你们灵族,就等于是孤军奋战,而选择他们,不但可以得到资源,还可以拥有许多的帮手不是吗?”安天佐坐在椅子上,双手放在桌子上,平静地看着灵奴说道。 You said right, but these Saint clans are not necessarily able to look like us so to regard as important you, impossible to see you by revering of clan lord personally, will be more impossible to give you to direct, this will be the sincerity of my clan.” “你说的没错,不过那些圣族未必会像我们这般看重你,也不可能以族主之尊亲自见你,更不可能会给予你指点,这是我族的诚意。” „Do your clans mainly see me?” An Tianzuo reveals some accidental/surprised colors. “你们的族主要见我?”安天佐露出些许的意外之色。 Yes, although my clan not and position of Saint clan, but the lord of my clan, can actually disperse into alien race first ten powerful existence.” In the spirit slave voice was full of the proud meaning. “是的,虽然我族未及圣族之位,但是我族之主,却是可以排入异族前十的强大存在。”灵奴声音中充满了自豪之意。 Such being the case, I see your may disperse into the alien race first ten clan lords.” An Tianzuo said. “既然如此,那我就去见一见你们这位可排入异族前十的族主吧。”安天佐说道。 These to is time the spirit slave is startled slightly, never expected that An Tianzuo unexpectedly this complied, the excuse of his follow-up preparation, swallowed back to the mouth. 这一次到是灵奴微微一怔,没想到安天佐竟然这样就答应了,他后续准备的说词,到了嘴边又咽了回去。 What's wrong, can't Could it be that see now?” An Tianzuo said lightly. “怎么,难道说现在不能见吗?”安天佐淡淡地说道。 Sure, but at the openness of present Earth, wants to enter other dimensions is a little troublesome, can only ask you first to leave Earth with me, then can use some methods, then enters other dimensions......” “当然可以,不过以现在地球的开放程度,想要进入异次元还是有一点麻烦,只能请你先跟我离开地球,然后才能利用一些手段,再进入异次元……” Luoyang Li family. 洛阳李家 Li Mobai, you do not need to reply me immediately, can consider slowly.” Li Mobai sits before the desk lamp, the light shines his shadow on the wall, that shadow is completely unexpectedly different from his movement, moreover can make the sound. 李墨白,你不必立刻回答我,可以慢慢考虑。”李墨白坐在台灯前,灯光把他的影子照射在墙上,那影子竟然和他的动作完全不一样,而且还能够发出声音。 Does not need, leading me to see the lords of your evil ghost.” Li Mobai said. “不必了,带我去见见你们那位邪鬼之主吧。”李墨白说道。 Really is the wise choice.” That shadow exudes the ghosts and demons laughter, the next second, the desk lamp extinguishes, a darkness that room inside changes. “真是明智的选择。”那影子发出鬼魅般的笑声,下一秒,台灯灭去,屋子里面变的一片漆黑。 Northern Region Zhongji family. 北区终极家族 Lance, told me your answer.” A magnificent light shadow float in front of Lance, under the huge pressure, with the partner of Lance peer, cannot withstand that terrifying the pressure, uncontrolled kneeing down, facial features twist, the whole body is perspiring crazily. 兰诗,告诉我你的答案。”一个辉煌的光影悬浮在兰诗面前,巨大的威压之下,与兰诗同行的伙伴,都承受不住那恐怖的威压,不受控制的单膝跪地,一个个面容扭曲,全身都在疯狂流汗。 God Sovereign Temple so many do holy disciple, why also want me? Moreover with your God Sovereign Temple corresponding, should be the Capet family person, you do not go to Capet family to elect the person, asks me to do?” The Lance whole body is trembling, the both legs almost must break off, actually still toughs it out has not been kneeling down. 神皇圣殿那么多的圣徒,为什么还要我?而且与你们神皇圣殿对应的,应该是卡佩家的人吧,你不去卡佩家选人,找我干什么?”兰诗全身都在颤栗,双腿几乎就要折断,却依然硬挺着没有下跪。 World can only have sovereign to exist, you came, you are in my clan temple the only sovereign.” The light shadow then continues saying: But everyone wants to become the sovereign, if you take the sovereign, must accept everyone's challenge unceasingly, if you defeat, will degenerate into the invader, challenge that the person who if you undefeated, want to become the sovereign, will never stop you, till you die or defeats...... tell me...... your choice......” “世间只能有一位皇者存在,你来了,那你就是我族圣殿内唯一的皇。”光影接着继续说道:“但是人人都想要成为皇,你若是作为皇,就要不断接受所有人的挑战,你若败,就会沦为寇,你若不败,想要成为皇的人,就会永不休止的挑战你,直到你死或者败为止……告诉我……你的选择……” Indifferent of sovereign non- sovereign, the key is I likes continuously the feeling of victory.” Lance said seriously. “皇不皇的无所谓,关键是我喜欢一直胜利的感觉。”兰诗一本正经地说道。 ...... …… In Virtuous Resurgence Ancient City, Zhou Wen recent several days, clarity of ancient city investigation, here besides not having dimensional creature, other aspects are quite suitable to take the human city use. 归德古城内,周文最近几天,已经把古城探查的清清楚楚,这里除了没有次元生物之外,其它各方面都比较适合作为人类城市使用。 In the city is big enough, is not only the city is big, many constructions also has the large-scale space, the space of entire city, seems like compared with outside does not know that in a big way did not know many times. 城内足够大,不仅仅是城大,许多建筑内部也有大型的空间,整个城的空间,比外面看起来不知道大了不知道多少倍。 Moreover here water source is sufficient, in the city is distributing Iwai, in the well ground water continuously. 而且这里的水源充足,城内分布着很多石井,井里面的地下水源源不绝。 Can plant can also breed, so long as there is a water, food issue can be self-sufficient. 可以种植也可以养殖,只要有水,食物问题是可以自给自足的。 The only hidden danger is on Fire God Terrace stone blade, if stone blade were pulled out, does not know that what change ancient city will have. 唯一的隐患就是火神台上的那把石刀,若是石刀被拔出来,不知道古城会有什么样的变化。 As for that humanoid monster, had been tamed by Zhang Yuzhi completely, follows every time side Zhang Yuzhi, seems her bodyguard general. 至于那个人形怪物,已经完全被张玉致驯服,每时每刻跟在张玉致身边,就好似她的保镖一般。 However besides Zhang Yuzhi, he sees other humans, will have the intense attack desire, but there is Zhang Yuzhi, he to will not really attack human. 不过除了张玉致之外,他见到其他人类,就会有强烈的攻击欲望,不过有张玉致在,他到是不会真的攻击人类。 What kind of, decision? Can construct the city here?” Zhang Yuzhi smilingly looks at Zhou Wen to ask. “怎么样,决定了吗?要不要在这里建城?”张玉致笑眯眯地看着周文问道。 Here.” The Zhou Wen nod replied, clarity that very he had considered for these days, has nothing hesitant. “就在这里吧。”周文点头回答,他这几天已经考虑的很清楚,也没什么可犹豫的。 Listened to the Zhou Wen’s reply, Zhang Yuzhi to sigh: It seems like I jumped in another basket from a basket.” 听了周文的回答,张玉致却叹了一口气:“看来我是从一个笼子跳进了另外一个笼子。” This is not a basket, here is the family/home.” Zhou Wen said. “这不是笼子,这里是家。”周文说道。 „In I must compilers of successful imperial civil service examination papers the best room.” Zhang Yuzhi smiled. “那我要选家里最好的房间。”张玉致又笑了起来。 Zhou Wen left ancient city, returned to the base, Zhang Yuzhi and Zhang family's person, then kept that side ancient city, is not Zhang Yuzhi does not want to come back together, but is she cannot walk, needs to continue with that humanoid monster training sentiment, hopes that can control him as far as possible, in order to avoid shifts massively human goes, has the accidental/surprised problem. 周文离开了古城,回到了基地,张玉致张家的人,则留在了古城那边,不是张玉致不想一起回来,而是她不能走,需要继续和那个人形怪物培养感情,希望能够尽可能控制住他,以免大量转移人类进去的时候,出现意外的问题。 Like Zhang Yuzhi said that really must construct the city, she was goes out with the lingering fear very much difficultly again. 就像张玉致自己说的,真要建了城,她以后怕是很难再出去了。 Zhou Wen returns to the base, asked after several people, found Li Xuan in the assembly hall, then discovers Feng Qiuyan, Ming Xiu and Qin Zhen three people. 周文回到基地,问了几个人之后,在会议厅内找到了李玄,然后发现风秋雁明秀秦臻三个人都在。 Just right that Old Zhou, you come back, they came across some terrible business, you select the opinion to them.” Li Xuan is pointing at Feng Qiuyan and Ming Xiu said. 老周,你回来的正好,他们遇到了一些麻烦事,你给他们点意见。”李玄指着风秋雁明秀说道。 What happened?” Zhou Wen sees their people all right in good condition, but also thinks that is in their family/home has an accident. “发生了什么事?”周文见他们的人好端端的没事,还以为是他们家里出了什么事。 The Feng Qiuyan look is dignified, looks at Zhou Wen saying: Coach, has the other dimensions race, wish makes our two them the spokesman on Earth.” 风秋雁神色凝重,看着周文说道:“教练,有异次元的种族,想要让我们两个成为他们在地球上的代言人。” Is you who which clan looks for? One of temple six clans?” Zhou Wen listened not to feel the accident/surprise, he has known from Wang Mingyuan there, the prohibiting weakening matter of Earth, other dimensions these terrifying existence, did not dare to enter Earth to take risk, will definitely seek for some human to replace them to clarify on Earth to have anything. “是哪一族找的你们?圣殿六族之一吗?”周文听了并不觉得意外,他已经从王明渊那里知道,地球的封禁正在变弱的事,异次元的那些恐怖存在,不敢自己进入地球冒险,肯定会寻找一些人类代替他们弄清楚地球上到底有什么东西。 Feng Qiuyan and Ming Xiu are the outstanding person in human, the other dimensions race will ask them is not accidental/surprised. 风秋雁明秀都是人类中的佼佼者,异次元的种族会找他们也不意外。 „It is not, had not heard race, looks my is what clan, those who look for Little Yanyan is anything does not have the clan.” Ming Xiu paused also then said: They said that meets us to enter other dimensions to practice a period of time, renders our sufficient resources and assistance, making us be able to promote the disaster. Coach, you thought that we should go?” “不是,都是没有听说过的种族,找我的是什么间族,找小雁雁的是什么无相族。”明秀顿了顿又接着说道:“他们说会我们进入异次元修行一段时间,给予我们足够的资源和帮助,让我们能够晋升天灾。教练,你觉得我们应该去吗?” Zhou Wen looked at Ming Xiu, looked at Feng Qiuyan, shakes the head to sigh: Answer already in you, why also to be many this one to ask.” 周文看了看明秀,又看了看风秋雁,摇头叹气道:“答案已经在你们自己心里,又何必再多此一问。” If the coach needs me to stay behind, I stay behind.” Feng Qiuyan said. “若是教练需要我留下,我就留下。”风秋雁说道。 I need you, but is not this for a while.” Zhou Wen patted the shoulder of Feng Qiuyan and Ming Xiu: Respects own conscience to be good, but is careful, other dimensions these fellows are not the good thing, having the small advantage can occupy, but careful do not suffer a loss.” “我需要你们,但不是这一时。”周文拍了拍风秋雁明秀的肩膀:“尊重自己的本心就好,不过还是要小心,异次元的那些家伙都不是什么好东西,有便宜可以占,但是小心别吃了亏。” Now the situation in base is so bad, if we walked, coming that the base defends?” Asking of some Ming Xiu worries. “现在基地的情况这么差,我们要是走了,基地守的过来吗?”明秀有些担心的问道。 You can count on that I have chosen the city, does not need to construct, immediately can move.” Zhou Wen said with a smile. “你们放心吧,我已经选好了城,不必建,马上就可以搬过去。”周文笑道。 In the world did not have the wall that did not ventilate, various other dimensions clans to choose the news of spokesman in human, quick spreads in the federation. 世界上没有不透风的墙,异次元各族在人类当中选择代言人的消息,很快就在联邦内传开了。
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