IJWTPGQ :: Volume #16

#1532: Big Dipper dungeon

„Don't you find it a little strange?” Zhou Wen looks that two tombstones said. “你不觉得有点奇怪吗?”周文看着那两块墓碑说道。 What strange place has? How haven't I looked?” Killing Demon looks right and left, has not actually seen what issue. “有什么奇异的地方?我怎么没有看出来?”杀魔左看右看,却没有看出什么问题。 I did not know that the tombstone above character, as you said that a tombstone is Adam, another tombstone is Eve, this not wrong?” Zhou Wen points at the tombstone to say. “我不认识墓碑上面的字,如你所说,一块墓碑是属于亚当的,另一块墓碑是属于夏娃的,这没有错吧?”周文指着墓碑说道。 Right.” The Killing Demon nod said. “没错啊。”杀魔点头道。 That felt strange, they are the couple not? Shouldn't the couple bury husband and wife together? Why buries in two graves, set up two tombstones?” Zhou Wen said. “那就奇怪,他们是夫妻不是吗?夫妻不应该合葬吗?为什么葬在两个坟中,立了两块墓碑?”周文说道。 Killing Demon is not a human, is not sensitive to this matter, but he also saw the person class to bury husband and wife together before, probably truly like Zhou Wen said that also thought that somewhat felt strange. 杀魔并非人类,对于这件事不怎么敏感,但他以前也见过人类合葬,好像确实像周文说的一样,也觉得有些奇怪起来。 Or, we give to dig up this grave, in has a look is Adam and Eve?” Killing Demon stares at the tombstone to say. “要不,我们把这坟给挖开,看看里面到底是不是亚当和夏娃?”杀魔盯着墓碑说道。 „Is inside Adam and Eve, I have no interest in knowing, I only want to know, how we can return to Earth.” Does Zhou Wen is not in no mood to confirm have Adam and Eve. “里面是不是亚当和夏娃,我并没有兴趣知道,我只想知道,我们怎么才能够回到地球。”周文没心情去验证到底有没有亚当和夏娃。 The Singularity Universe space teleportation ability, cannot uses between other dimensions and Earth's Universe. 奇点宇宙空间传送能力,并不能在异次元地球宇宙之间使用。 Wants, besides walking cube, can only like the Zhou Wen previous time, return to that intermediate area Earth's Universe and other dimensions. 想要回去,除了走魔方之外,就只能像周文上一次那样,回到地球宇宙异次元中间的那个缓冲地带。 But without ice woman guides, Zhou Wen does not know how can arrive there, even , is still willing to guide, before here is not ice woman , can the place that is, go back is very difficult to say. 可是没有冰女带路,周文也不知道怎么能到达那里,就算还在,也愿意带路,这里也不是冰女以前所在的地方,能不能回去还很难说。 Coming out that Zhou Wen can feel, more comes far from sea of flowers, the influence of other dimensions rules is also bigger, behind in the city mountain range, the other dimensions strength changes is getting stronger and stronger. 周文可以感觉的出来,距离花海越来远,异次元规则的影响也就越大,城市后面的山脉之中,异次元的力量变的越来越强。 Do not ask me, asked also asked white/in vain, I have only come other dimensions before the birth.” Killing Demon spreads out both hands to say. “别问我,问了也是白问,我只在出生之前来过异次元。”杀魔摊开双手说道。 Zhou Wen thought: „Didn't you speak the idle talk? Guardian is other dimensions does, all Guardian when the cocoon condition, came from other dimensions.” 周文心想:“那你不是说废话吗?守护者就是异次元搞出来的,所有的守护者在茧状态的时候,都是来自于异次元。” Zhou Wen is just thinking, suddenly felt that cellphone vibrated, stretches out cellphone to look, discovered that beforehand downloading dungeon, downloaded finally successfully. 周文正想着呢,突然感觉到手机震动,伸出手机看了看,发现之前下载的副本,终于下载成功了。 „The time of this dungeon downloading is really long enough.” Zhou Wen selected the desktop, seeks dungeon that new student/new life became. “这个副本下载的时间真够长的。”周文点进了桌面,寻找新生成的副本 Looked for a while on the desktop, the surprise, has not produced auxiliary star dungeon, new dungeon is a Seven Stars of the Big Dipper design, the name that below writes was Big Dipper. 在桌面上找了一会儿,意外发现,并没有生成辅星副本,新的副本是一个北斗七星的图案,下面写的名字就叫“北斗”。 „, Will not get down such a long time, originally all gave downloading Seven Stars of the Big Dipper?” In Zhou Wen heart surprised, selected dungeon hastily, making blood-colored little person go. “不会吧,下了这么长时间,原来是把北斗七星全给下载了吗?”周文心中惊讶,连忙点开了副本,让血色小人进去。 After entering dungeon, Zhou Wen recognizes immediately, before this is, Dubhe Star dungeon that the tyrannosaurus enters. 进入副本之后,周文立刻就认了出来,这就是之前暴龙进入的天枢星副本 Dubhe Star dimensional field that Could it be that, these presents time, is not list planet dimensional field, entire is Seven Stars of the Big Dipper large-scale multi- planet dimensional field?” Zhou Wen more wants more to feel right. 难道说,这一次出现的天枢星次元领域,并不是一个单星球次元领域,整个北斗七星都是一个大型的多星球次元领域吗?”周文越想越觉得没错。 Entered came, Zhou Wen summoned Golden Flood Dragon Scissors and Golden Sniper, simultaneously made Tyrant Behemoth overrun, the front door of that Dubhe Star palace hitting. 进都进来了,周文金蛟剪金色狙击手都召唤了出来,同时让暴君比蒙冲过去,把那天枢星宫殿的大门给撞开。 In the palace, really has exactly the same creature(s) of one in the reality, puts on amethyst armor, sits well in the palace, but the image in game is the q version, looks quite lovable, without the reality in the middle of looks has the sense of reality. 宫殿内,果然有着一个与现实中一模一样的生物,穿着一身紫晶盔甲,端坐在宫殿之内,只不过游戏中的形像是q版,看起来比较可爱,没有现实当中看着那么有质感。 Tyrant Behemoth had flushed, but Zhou Wen is very clear, the Tyrant Behemoth present strength, is not enough to contend with that Dubhe Star creature(s). 暴君比蒙已经冲了进去,不过周文很清楚,暴君比蒙现在的实力,根本不足以与那天枢星生物抗衡。 When Tyrant Behemoth rushes to front of amethyst armor creature(s), Zhou Wen made Golden Flood Dragon Scissors also fly quietly, oneself are grasping the trigger of sniper's rifle, in palace entrance place, to that amethyst armor shooting. 所以在暴君比蒙冲到紫晶盔甲生物面前的时候,周文就悄悄让金蛟剪也飞了过去,自己则握着狙击枪的扳机,在宫殿大门口处,对着那紫晶盔甲射击 Tyrant Behemoth bears the brunt, to amethyst armor in front , the opens the mouth wanted to swallow it. 暴君比蒙首当其冲,到了紫晶盔甲面前,张口就想要将其吞下。 amethyst armor moved finally, lifts the hand to press, immediately the terrifying purple light four shoot, formed everywhere light explosion instantaneously. 紫晶盔甲终于动了,抬手一按,顿时恐怖的紫光四射,瞬间形成了无处不在的光爆 Stood in entrance blood-colored little person secretly directly by instakill, the game screen. 站在门口的血色小人直接被秒杀,游戏屏幕暗了下来。 This striking power was also too strong a point, obviously is the attack of range-type, my imprison dragon armor cannot defend unexpectedly, instantaneously by instakill.” Zhou Wen knits the brows the thinking. “这攻击力也太强了一点吧,明明是范围性的攻击,我身上的囚龙盔甲竟然一点也没能防住,瞬间被秒杀了。”周文皱眉思索。 Although a moment ago was only the flash by instakill, but Zhou Wen obtained many information and materials, this must benefit from his Disqualified ability. 刚才虽然只是一瞬间就被秒杀,但是周文还是得到了不少的信息和资料,这都要得益于他的失格者能力。 Sensation information that obtained from the death, killed the blood-colored little person strength, should be a high-temperature strength, moreover along with the fearful radiation, destructive power of this radiation strength will not compare the high temperature to be weak, even might be makes the primary cause of blood-colored little person instantaneous death......” Zhou Wen feeling of recollection death, while conducted the speculation reorganization. “从死亡时获得的感知信息来看,杀死血色小人的力量,应该是一种高温力量,而且还伴随着可怕的辐射,这种辐射力量的杀伤力不会比高温弱,甚至有可能是令血色小人瞬间死亡的主要原因……”周文一边回忆死亡的感受,一边进行推测整理。 Studied some little time, Zhou Wen thought that Chaos Egg should be able to shoulder that attack in a short time, but can only keep off lives uselessly, but must be able to kill that dimensional creature to be good. 研究了好一会儿,周文觉得混沌卵应该能够在短时间内扛住那种攻击,不过只能挡的住没用,还要能够杀死那个次元生物才行。 That gives a try again.” Zhou Wen rebirth from a drop of blood, enters Dubhe Star dungeon again. “那就再试试看吧。”周文滴血重生,再次进入天枢星副本 Those who make Zhou Wen accidental/surprised is, really came in unexpectedly, Dubhe Star dungeon does not have the time to limit, can enter momentarily. 周文意外的是,竟然真的进来了,天枢星副本并没有时间限制,随时都可以进入。 This was easy to do, dies several times, obtains enough many information, wants to kill it should not be difficult.” In the Zhou Wen hand has Golden Flood Dragon Scissors, the opportunity has. “这就好办了,多死几次,获得足够多的信息,想要杀它应该也不难。”周文手中有金蛟剪,机会还是有的。 Enters dungeon again, this Zhou Wen only summoned Golden Flood Dragon Scissors, making it crash in the palace. 再次进入副本,这一次周文只把金蛟剪召唤了出来,让它冲进了宫殿。 Zhou Wen hid in Chaos Egg, his present mission is not the help, but yes guaranteed oneself will not be killed, otherwise he died, Golden Flood Dragon Scissors battle strength again also useless, as he will disappear together. 周文自己则藏在了混沌卵内,他现在的任务不是帮忙,而是保证自己不会被杀死,否则他一死,金蛟剪战力再强也没用,会随着他一起消失。 Golden Flood Dragon Scissors changes into together the golden light, toward the amethyst armor creature(s) joint, that creature(s) lifted the palm again, purple light explosion filled entire dimensional field instantaneously. 金蛟剪化为一道金光,向着紫晶盔甲生物铰去,那生物再次抬起了手掌,紫色的光爆瞬间充满了整个次元领域 In Chaos Egg produced massive solidified primordial qi crystal immediately, almost explodes the Chaos Egg brace, Zhou Wen shifts solidified primordial qi crystal to Tyrant Behemoth hastily. 混沌卵内顿时产生了大量的固态元气结晶,差点把混沌卵撑爆,周文连忙把固态元气结晶转移给暴君比蒙 The Zhou Wen unceasing shift, solidified primordial qi crystal also keeps producing, Zhou Wen was at cost of completely the life, Chaos Egg has been at the edge that was supported to explode. 周文不断的转移,固态元气结晶也不停地产生,周文拼尽了老命,混沌卵还是一直处在被撑爆的边缘。 After supporting for one second, light explosion weakened, Zhou Wen long relaxes, merely was only one second, to him was actually too long, if held again *** the bell, really does not know living that Chaos Egg can also support. 撑过去了一秒钟之后,光爆减弱,周文才长长松了一口气,仅仅只是一秒钟,对他来说却是太久了,若是再持***钟,真不知道混沌卵还能不能撑的住。 Dāng! 当! The impact noise that in the palace passes on the terrifying, light explosion produces simultaneously again, Zhou Wen simply has not come and clarified inside situation, in Chaos Egg produces massive solidified primordial qi crystal again, Zhou Wen can only transport again crazily, uses the Stealing the Sky and Substitute the Sun technique, fed solidified primordial qi crystal to Tyrant Behemoth. 宫殿内传出来恐怖的撞击声,同时光爆再次产生,周文根本没来的及弄清楚里面的情况,混沌卵内又再次产生了大量的固态元气结晶,周文只能再次疯狂搬运,利用偷天换日的手法,将固态元气结晶都喂给了暴君比蒙 The opportunity that in the palace two terrifying existence wars, Zhou Wen actually observes continually does not have, he can only put together going all-out to go on living by himself, only then he goes on living, Golden Flood Dragon Scissors has the opportunity to kill that amethyst armor creature(s). 宫殿内两个恐怖的存在大战,周文却连观战的机会都没有,他只能拼尽全力让自己活下去,只有他活下去,金蛟剪才有机会杀死那个紫晶盔甲生物
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