IJWTPGQ :: Volume #13

#1247: Keeps off the bullet

The vision of people centralized on the body of Tsukuyomi, basically no one can see the path of bullet, can only look at the result. 人们的目光都集中在了月读的身上,基本上没什么人能够看到子弹的轨迹,只能去看结果。 Tsukuyomi such as previously stood there like that the figure has not moved completely, her left hand actually lifted, slender, if has no time sleek/moist jade middle finger and index finger, gripped a sharp long bullet, the both sides of bullet is clamped by her finger hollow. 月读还是如先前那般站在那里,身形完全没有移动过,不过她的左手却举了起来,修长如无暇润玉般的中指和食指,夹住了一颗尖长的子弹,子弹的两侧被她的手指夹的凹陷了进去。 Dāng! Tsukuyomi loosens the finger, whatever that bullet falls on the ground, the vision is looks to project the front door of bullet like that tranquilly. 当!月读松开手指,任由那颗子弹掉落在地上,目光还是那般平静地看着射出子弹的大门。 Actually gripped!” People all startled, looked at such long fight, this is the first time that they saw that bullet is long what appearance. “竟然夹住了!”众人皆惊,看了这么久的战斗,这还是他们第一次看到那子弹到底长什么模样。 Although bullet clamped distortion, coming out that but roughly can also look, that is the bullet that one metal casts, outside the bullet also some strange patterns. 虽然子弹已经被夹的变了形,不过大体还能够看的出来,那是一种黑色金属铸就的子弹,子弹外面还有一些奇异的花纹。 Because the bullet has distorted, the pattern could not have looked is what appearance. 只不过因为子弹已经变形,花纹已经看不出来原本是什么模样了。 Bang bang! 嘭嘭! Sound of gunfire one after another, Tsukuyomi moves toward the front door, while the jade palm wields lightly, bullets by her were clamped, in referred, among the moments, the first six spears/guns have fired off, seventh shoot has not resounded immediately. 枪声一下接一下,月读一边走向大门,一边玉掌轻挥,一个又一个子弹被她夹在了指间,片刻之间,前六枪都已经打完,第七枪并没有立刻响起。 Before Tsukuyomi has arrived at the front door, outstretches the palm, five bullets such as the previous bullet is common, dingdong fell on the ground. 月读已经走到大门前,伸开手掌,五颗子弹如先前的子弹一般,叮叮当当都掉落在了地上。 Too strong...... Professor Gu said right, this fairy maiden were too more than Dragon-Turtle......” “太强了……古教授说的没错,这位仙子比龙龟强太多了……” Such attractive creature(s), is Disaster Rank, you said that if killed her, can have companion egg?” “这么漂亮的生物,还是天灾级,你们说,要是杀了她,会不会出伴生卵?” Has the companion egg words, my first snatches.” “出伴生卵的话,我第一个去抢。” What qualifications do you have to snatch? Must snatch is also Thief Saint and Jianlou King picks.” “你有啥资格抢?要抢也是盗圣捡漏王去捡。” Zhou Wen is not in no mood to look at the captions, does not want to listen to Professor Gu and host analyzes anything, his all attention in Tsukuyomi anything, somewhat are disturbed, does not know that Tsukuyomi can catch this certain kill seventh shoot. 周文没有心情看字幕,也不想听古教授和主持人分析什么,他的所有注意力都在月读什么,有些忐忑,不知道月读能不能接住这必杀第七枪 Until now, but also did not have creature(s) to suffer seventh shoot not dead, regardless had undying body and No. 10 Death God or Disaster Rank of undying and inextinguishable ability Dragon-Turtle, was must die. 至今为止,还没有生物能够挨了第七枪不死,无论拥有不死之身不死不灭能力的十号死神还是天灾级龙龟,都是中之必死。 Before Tsukuyomi arrived at the gate, is preparing to enter in the front door, seventh shoot finally sound. 月读走到了门前,正准备走进大门内,第七枪终于响了。 Hears the gunshot, everyone could not bear hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, then first looked at Tsukuyomi. 听到枪响,所有人都忍不住打了一个激灵,然后第一时间去看月读 Some people do not even dare to look at Tsukuyomi, for fear that saw that the Tsukuyomi head was hit the scene of exploding. 有人甚至不敢去看月读,生怕看到月读脑袋被打爆的场面。 Zhou Wen has been staring at Tsukuyomi, after the gunshot, when he sees clearly the Tsukuyomi situation, somewhat cannot help but astonished. 周文一直在盯着月读,枪响之后,当他看清楚月读的情况时,不由得有些惊愕。 The finger of Tsukuyomi grips the seventh bullet impressively, but that bullet actually not, because was gripped by Tsukuyomi loses the strength. 月读的手指赫然已经夹住了第七颗子弹,可是那颗子弹却并没有因为被月读夹住就失去力量。 Fierce revolving of bullet in referring to of Tsukuyomi, with the power of moonlight friction of Tsukuyomi, projectile, because extremely shone scalding hot, looks from afar, during referring to of Tsukuyomi clamps one to fluctuate probably uncertain light shuttle. 子弹在月读的指间剧烈旋转,与月读月光之力摩擦,子弹头因为太过灼热都亮了起来,远远看去,月读的指间像是夹着一个变幻不定的光梭似的。 power of moonlight and bullet unceasing collision, Tsukuyomi has not completely controlled the bullet, the bullet cannot shoot. 月光之力与子弹不断的碰撞,月读没有完全控制住子弹,子弹也射不出去。 Dāng! 当! The Tsukuyomi finger lifts, changed the track of bullet forcefully, making the bullet fly from her side. 月读手指微抬,硬生生改变了子弹的轨道,让子弹从她身旁飞了过去。 Because is too quick, after the bullet leaves the finger of Tsukuyomi, the the greater part people did not see clearly, but also thinks that Tsukuyomi had blocked certain kill seventh shoot successfully. 因为太快,子弹离开月读的手指之后,大部分人都看不清楚了,还以为月读已经成功挡住了必杀第七枪 But Zhou Wen actually saw, after that bullet flies, probably the living creature is unexpectedly common, from the sky circled an arc, at a quicker speed, from the back of the head of back shoots towards Tsukuyomi. 可是周文却看到了,那颗子弹飞过去之后,竟然像是活物一般,在空中绕了一个弧线,以更快的速度,从背后射向月读的后脑。 Bang! 嘭! Almost is simultaneously, the eighth gunshot, this spear/gun not only has the strong striking power, but also covered the seventh shoot bullet that circled, lets Tsukuyomi fell into around in the difficult position of converging attack. 几乎是同时的,第八枪响了,这一枪不仅仅是带有强大的攻击力,还掩盖了绕回来的第七枪子弹,让月读陷入了前后夹击的困境之中。 Almost is when the Zhou Wen discovery bullet makes a turn, he has used space teleportation to arrive at Venus. 几乎是在周文发现子弹转弯的时候,他已经使用空间传送来到了金星 Bang! Dāng! 嘭!当! After two gunshots, people of observing discovered, the Tsukuyomi finger gripped the bullet of eighth spear/gun, but in Tsukuyomi behind, ancient sword blocks the seventh bullet that circled. 两声枪响之后,观战的人们发现,月读手指夹住了第八枪的子弹,而在月读的身后,一把古剑挡住了绕回来的第七颗子弹。 What is strange, that can hit to explode all bullets, hits above the ancient sword scabbard, actually cannot destroy the ancient sword scabbard, but flew that ancient sword ball, the bullet also therefore changed the path. 诡异的是,那颗能够打爆一切的子弹,打在古剑的剑鞘之上,竟然没有能够把古剑的剑鞘打碎,只是把那古剑弹飞了出去,子弹也因此改变了轨迹。 ancient sword flies upside down, fell in an individual hand, the people carefully looked discovered, gripped the ancient sword person impressively is Jianlou King. 古剑倒飞出去,落在了一个人手里,众人仔细一看才发现,握住古剑的人赫然就是捡漏王 fuck, what thing that is ancient sword in Jianlou King hand? Actually can block the Disaster Rank bullet?” 我靠,捡漏王手中的那把古剑是什么东西?竟然能够挡住天灾级的子弹?” That is not the common bullet, but is certain kill seventh bullet.” “那不是一般的子弹,而是必杀第七弹。” „Isn't that a Disaster Rank sword?” “那不会是一把天灾级的剑吧?” Is impossible?” “不可能吧?” Damn, what origin is Jianlou King? Can block the Disaster Rank bullet is so strong, why also to grab others' bargain? Do oneself enter dimensional field is not good?” “见鬼了,捡漏王到底是什么来历?能够挡住天灾级的子弹这么强,干嘛还捡别人的便宜?自己打进次元领域不好吗?” People surprised uncertain looks at Zhou Wen, Zhou Wen are also somewhat surprised. 人们惊疑不定的看着周文,周文自己也是有些惊讶。 He knew that cannot block that bullet, wanted an equipment with hard point to help Tsukuyomi keep off. 他自知挡不住那颗子弹,原本只是想要用一件硬一点的装备帮月读挡一下。 So-called keeps off, delays time, had not counted on that really can block that bullet the sword, only needed to be OK for the time of Tsukuyomi receiving in exchange flash. 所谓的挡一下,也就是拖延一点时间,并没有指望那把剑真的能够拦下那颗子弹,只需要为月读换取一刹那的时间就可以了。 But who knows, had been regarded Son of Heaven's Three Swords of sacrificial victim by Zhou Wen, unexpectedly unexpected had not been destroyed, blocked the certain kill seventh shoot bullet to strike forcefully. 可是谁知道,已经被周文当成牺牲品的天子三剑,竟然出人意料的没有被打碎,硬生生挡住了必杀第七枪的子弹一击。 „Is Son of Heaven's Three Swords so hard?” In the Zhou Wen heart is also pleasantly surprised. 天子三剑这么硬吗?”周文心中也是又惊又喜。 Since Son of Heaven's Three Swords, Zhou Wen cannot pull out the sword, how also does not know to use, therefore had not used, at this time takes to work as the cannon fodder, had the effect. 自从合出了天子三剑之后,周文就没能把剑拔出来过,也不知道怎么用,所以一直没有用过,此时拿出来当炮灰,却有了奇效。 Tsukuyomi looked at Zhou Wen, to the Tsukuyomi slight nod, the corner of the eye has the happy expression. 月读看了一眼周文,对着月读微微点头,眼角带着笑意。 Zhou Wen knows, Tsukuyomi should recognize him, was the next second, Tsukuyomi turns around to crash in the front door, her speed was too fast, waited for Zhou Wen to want with the time, inside has resounded the number spear/gun, then suddenly calmed down. 周文知道,月读应该认出了他,可是下一秒,月读转身冲进了大门之内,她的速度太快,等周文想要跟上去的时候,里面已经响起了数枪,然后又突然安静了下来 In the Zhou Wen heart thump, in the front door died the general silence, Zhou Wen knows even if own present to/clashes, feared that was still without enough time, but he wanted to look at one, used teleport to clash. 周文心里面咯噔了一下,大门内还是死一般的寂静,周文知道自己现在就算冲进去,怕是也来不及了,不过他还是想要进去看一眼,使用瞬移冲了进去。 But inside is the channel of extending in all directions, the front doors of six directions are connected, in the game, Zhou Wen also to/clashes. 可是里面是四通八达的通道,六个方向的大门都是相连的,在游戏中的时候,周文也冲进去过。 The non- overswing went is killed shortly, still had not found to project dimensional creature of bullet. 不过冲进去没多久就被杀死了,一直没有找到射出子弹的次元生物 This coming, Zhou Wen pasted on body replacement talisman to oneself, so long as is intimate a spear/gun, flashes the person immediately. 这次进来,周文给自己贴上了替身符,只要挨上一枪,就立马闪人。 But he looked for some little time, actually also no one to the inlet passage in attacked him. 可是他冲进通道内寻找了好一会儿,却也没有人攻击他。 When Zhou Wen across the corridor of spreading across, before arriving at a front door of metal palace time, discovered that Tsukuyomi stands there, seems like has not damaged, but Zhou Wen has not seen the dimensional creature corpse. 周文穿过纵横交错的长廊,来到了一处金属宫殿的大门前的时候,发现月读就站在那里,看起来并没有损伤,但是周文也没有看到次元生物的尸体。 In the Zhou Wen doubts time, the front door of that metal palace opens loudly, inside emits the radiant brilliance. 正在周文疑惑的时候,那座金属宫殿的大门轰然打开,里面放射出璀璨的光辉。 The person on Earth, saw this through cube, they and Zhou Wen same have doubts, does not know that had anything. 地球上的人,也通过魔方看到了这一幕,他们和周文一样疑惑,不知道发生了什么。 The Zhou Wen figure retroceded, draws back in the channel, does not dare the brilliance that was projected by the palace to shine, but Tsukuyomi actually stood there, the meaning without dodged. 周文身形后退,退进了通道内,不敢被宫殿内射出的光辉照射到,而月读却站在那里,并没有躲闪的意思。
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