IHEP :: Volume #21

#2013: Blue spirit team leader (Middle Part)

The universe federation mass is huge, the administration is complex incomparable, little can have the important matter that the entire federation can participate in extremely, but the interstellar friendship is an exception. 宇宙联邦体量巨大,行政管理更是复杂无比,极少能有整个联邦都能参与的大事,但星际联谊是一个例外。 Not only this is the large-scale sports event that ordinary fart people also care about, is related to the innumerable influences the benefits, with the people, this sports event is a rare grand occasion, can join in the fun and buy the horse, World Cup of this heat degree on compared with D-Sphere is much more popular. 这不仅是一个普通屁民也关心的大型赛事,也事关无数势力的利益,与民而言,这个赛事是一个难得的盛况,可以凑热闹、买买马,这个热度比D球上的世界杯要受欢迎得多。 But regarding the major influences of participation, this competition ranks, the representative following ancient times resources, even can say that every so often good ranking, can change a destiny of a school or high-level influence. 而对于参与的各大势力来说,这比赛排名,将代表后面的远古资源,甚至可以说很多时候一个较好的排名,能改变一个学校或者一个高级势力的命运。 This does not crack a joke, this sports event continues the innumerable eras, the resources mass of implication is very huge, even if the top influence, is ready in full battle array. 这不是开玩笑的,这项赛事持续无数纪元,蕴含的资源体量无比巨大,哪怕是顶尖势力,都是严阵以待的。 This also causes Blue Spirit Academy to announce a new student|life becomes the leading team leader time, several schools are away from the innumerable light years to run over sensibly, must hold the school board to listen to the view 这也导致蓝灵学院宣布一个新生成为带队队长的时候,好几个校懂事隔着无数光年都跑了过来,要召开校董会听听说法 Blue Spirit Academy is the top ten top extremely good schools, has not appeared from the Deity federation on establish top background university, the foreign capitals of these year of attractions are naturally huge, various greatly sensibly is the honored and popular donors. 蓝灵学院是排名前十的顶级极佳学院,从天神联邦还未出现时就成立的顶级底蕴高校,这些年吸引的外资自然是庞大的,各大懂事都是有头有脸的金主。 At this time what sits in first is the major stockholder autumn leaf family's leader, the autumn leaf family is the blue spirit large clan, was the blue spirit aristocrat in the ancient times Fairy time, until now as before is one of blue spirit clan top influences, the family protectors were big Deity ranked the 29 th: The day pupil, once repelled one of the void ancient times heroes. 此时坐在首位的正是大股东霜叶家族的首领,霜叶家族是蓝灵大族,在远古精灵时代就属于蓝灵贵族,时至今日依旧是蓝灵一族里的顶级势力之一,家族守护者更是排名第29的大天神:天瞳,曾经击退虚空的远古英雄之一。 This head of household is Mingxi, the Star Rank peak, half life sea, was in the Blue Spirit Academy school regulations one of the top glorious characters, once led Blue Spirit Academy to take third ranking, the historical result is next to present blue spirit chief! 这一任当家人叫明溪,星级顶端,半步命海,是蓝灵学院校史里顶尖荣耀人物之一,曾带领蓝灵学院拿过第三的排名,历史成绩仅次于如今的蓝灵总院长亚古! He is the Blue Spirit Academy faithful supporter, is obtaining the family authority latter several investment of increasing to Blue Spirit Academy, now sits quietly the position in a hierarchy of first shareholder. 他本是蓝灵学院的忠实支持者,在得到家族管理权后几次加大了对蓝灵学院的投资,如今稳坐第一股东的交椅。 But at this time his complexion is also solemn, is waiting for the explanation of school authorities. 但此时他也面色冷峻,等待着校方的解释。 The shareholder who in the conference room, suffices on the shareholders' meeting almost came, the atmosphere seems quite dignified, although no one spoke, but who can feel each other disaffection 会议室里,够得上股东大会的股东几乎都来了,气氛显得相当凝重,虽然没人说话,可谁都能感觉得到彼此的不满 These years, Blue Spirit Academy performance is inferior to one, causing the stock price to fall several, this almost and Windwalk Academy plays the lowest level position, in addition was the crown prince year, this year is not careful, was very likely to fall first ten! 这些年,蓝灵学院的表现一届不如一届,导致股价跌了好几回,这一届几乎和风行学院一起到了最底层的位置,加上是皇储年,今年一个不小心,是极有可能跌出前十的! More was at this time, more should handle affairs safely is right, but the school authorities make this decision this year, making a shareholder shock! 越是这个时候,越应该稳妥行事才对,但是校方今年做得这个决定,让一众股东大跌眼镜! At crucial moment, does not choose the experienced mature student, unexpectedly lets one is the new students of ten grades, when leading team leader? Were that group of old fogies the brain burn out? 关键时候,不挑选老练成熟的学员,居然让一个是十年级的新生当带队队长?那群老家伙是脑子烧坏了吗? Quick, conference room several blue light flash through, the Blue Spirit Academy two vice-presidents and several are responsible for the teachers arriving in abundance. 很快,会议室几道蓝光闪过,蓝灵学院的两个副校长和几位负责导师都纷纷到场。 The principal has not come everyone to become accustomed , the Blue Spirit Academy principal has arrived at the ancient later years, is Blue Spirit Academy totem same existence, basically is ineffective, now mainly the top manager who is responsible for the human affairs above vice-president is outside hires: Seine Stee. Bobbs. 校长没来大家都习以为常,蓝灵学院的校长已经到古暮年,属于蓝灵学院图腾一样的存在,基本是不管事的,如今主要负责人事上面的副校长则是外聘的顶尖管事:莱茵斯特.鲍勃斯。 Is embarrassed and embarrassed Bobbs not to have beckoning with the hand of sincerity, then looked for a position to sit down very much at will, surrounding several teachers also very natural changed sat the chair in behind “不好意思、不好意思”鲍勃斯非常没诚意的摆了摆手,便很随意的找了个位置坐下,周围几个导师也都很自然的变了把椅子坐在后面 This stance, a point does not seem like the laborer of report, but the shareholders were used to it, these teachers were least are Star Rank get up, some academic big shot were existences of Life sea level, in the universe was the honored and popular characters, even if you were the shareholder not possible to gesticulate to others. 这姿态,一点不像是报告工作的打工仔,不过众股东都习惯了,这些导师最少都是星级起,有些学术大佬更是命海级的存在,在宇宙都是有头有脸的人物,就算你是股东也不可能对人家指手画脚。 „Did Teacher Qiyun also come?” Is Mingxi of head saw that in the team some exists, sets out to salute hastily. “绮云导师也来了?”为首的明溪看到队伍里某个存在,连忙起身行了个礼。 After that called Qiyun's teacher saw the opposite party, to nod slightly with a smile, Mingxi then sat. 那叫绮云的导师看见对方后微微笑着点了点头,明溪这才坐了回去。 Ok, had not to end? We come this are make inquiries, does not come to see a grating coarse sound that you are mutually modest to resound: „The school authorities should you explain? Stock price that these years even more low result and fall? Then is this year this brain water penetration decision?” “好了,有完没完?我们来这是问事的,不是来看你们互相谦虚的”一个刺耳难听的声音响起:“校方你们是不是该解释一下?这些年越发低落的成绩和下跌的股价?然后就是今年这个脑子进水的了决策?” The person of speech is very impolite, making a numerous teacher complexion very ugly, even was disinclined to look at the past, but other shareholders were looking to the sound. 说话的人很不客气,让一众导师面色很是难看,甚至都懒得看过去,而其他股东则是对着声音看了过去。 What speech is sits in the corner position, whole body jet black gnome! 说话的是坐在角落位置,一个浑身漆黑的地精 Very rare, Star Rank gnome, in entire federation, gnome can blending Star Rank absolute few, to convenient is outside an unusual case, renowned black heart merchant, abattoir big shot: Gary Wicks! 很少见的,一个星级地精,在整个联邦界,地精能混成星级的绝对屈指可数,对方便是一个非常例外,著名的黑心商人,角斗场大佬:加里维克斯! Becoming the shareholder regarding such a fellow of reputation odor, Blue Spirit Academy had big one group of people to oppose that initially, but does not have the means that during that time the stock price fell again and again, the finance was tight, wanted the big donor to enter the stadium urgently needed, therefore before four eras, took office newly soon foreign affairs principal: Bobbs then introduced a group of merchant princes, made up the hole reluctantly. 对于这样一个名声恶臭的家伙成为股东,蓝灵学院当初是有很大一批人反对的,但没办法,那段时间股价一跌再跌,财政紧张,急需要大金主入场,于是在四个纪元前,新上任不久的外事校长:鲍勃斯便引进了一批豪商,勉强补了窟窿。 However the fault also has, will be this group of reputation poor shareholders will always do everything possible to interfere in the school internal affairs, moreover wants to turn the outstanding student. 不过坏处也有,就是这群名声不怎么好的股东老是会想方设法来干涉学院内政,而且还想拐走优秀的学生。 Facing the interrogation, is different from other even words disdains with the teachers who the opposite party said that Bobbs said with a laugh: This year the situation is grim, has to offer this bad plan.” 面对质问,不同于其它连话都不屑和对方说的导师们,鲍勃斯则是笑呵呵道:“今年形势严峻,不得不出此下策。” Why will say?” Major stockholder Mingxi stared impolite gnome, immediately looks to opposite party curious asking. “为什么会这么说?”大股东明溪瞪了一眼无礼的地精,随即看向对方好奇的问道。 To this foreign affairs principal, Mingxi revered the specific weight to be limited, initially he was also opposed that these merchant princes joined one of shareholder people, thinks that this principal was extremely profit-centered, was far less than that these teachers in school were worth respecting. 对这个外事校长,明溪尊重度就有限了,当初他也是反对那些豪商加入股东行列的人之一,认为这个校长太过功利,远不如学院里的那些导师值得尊重。 This year the situation of alliance is not very good Bobbs apology to say with a smile: Had crown prince's influence we unable to achieve wishes to form an alliance, original hardcore ally Starry Sky Academy these chose our competitor time: Starry sky Mech school, but the influence that several other have the crown prince has the ally, this is my diplomatic influence, if this time the sports event is disadvantageous, I am willing to take the blame and resign “今年联盟的情况不是很好”鲍勃斯歉意笑道:“拥有皇储的势力我们都没能如愿结盟,原本的铁杆盟友星空学院这一次选择了我们的竞争对手:星空机甲学院,而另外几个拥有皇储的势力都已经有了盟友,这是我的外交势力,此次如果赛事不利,我愿引咎辞职” „Do you take the blame and resign to be useful?” gnome jumped directly: This time must be the competition is disadvantageous, your broken school fell directly first ten, perhaps at that time our can the stock price reach the limit down directly? Do you compensate me?” “你引咎辞职有什么用?”地精直接跳了起来:“此次要是比赛不利,你这破学院直接就跌出前十了,那个时候我们的股价恐怕要直接跌停吧?你赔我吗?” Pays attention to your tone, Mr. Wicks, if you spoke again, I did not mind that drove out you!” Mingxi coldly looks to the opposite party. “注意你的语气,威克斯先生,如果你再这么说话,我不介意将你赶出去!”明溪冷冷的看向对方。 Why do you catch up with me to go out? Father also shareholder!” Wicks does not instigate stared opposite party one eyes, merchant who his underworld gang builds up, how is not the empty opposite party, at the worst does not do the Southern Star Territory business is, in any case oneself supreme headquarters in north star territory. “你凭什么赶我出去?老子也股东!”威克斯丝毫不怂的瞪了对方一眼,他这个黑道起家的商人,可不是怎么虚对方的,大不了不做南星域的生意就是,反正自己大本营在北星域。 Initially to throw this broke the school, he planted the most net worth, wants to buy a trough to enter the stadium, has not thought that this broken school was inferior to one, several eras later, owed he not to know many! 当初为了投这所破学院,他栽进去了大半身家,本想买个低谷入场,没想到这破学院一届不如一届,几个纪元下来,亏了他不知多少! „, Discussed the business, where used is so waging a war?” When two people play out, immediately Bobbs's mediation of a laugh, smiles looked to Wicks: Mr. Wicks, these years has enabled to make you gain is we are poor management, like this, you, if must consider to disinvest, I did not oppose, what kind of?” “诶,谈生意嘛,哪用的着这般大动干戈?”就在两人剑拔弩张的时候,鲍勃斯笑呵呵的打了圆场,随即笑眯眯的看向了威克斯:“威克斯先生,这些年一直让没能让您盈利是我们经营不善,这样,您如果要考虑撤资的话,我不反对,怎么样?” People: „!!!” 众人:“!!!”
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