IHEP :: Volume #15

#1429: Was vexed......

Belch......” “嗝......” The exit position that the train stands, Cabbage is supporting the perfectly round belly, hit a belch well satisfied .... 列车站的出站口位置,小白菜挺着滚圆的肚皮,心满意足的打了个饱嗝.... What meat really delicious ..... is this is coming?” “真好吃.....这是啥肉来着?” „After valley arrange/cloth Niao meat ..... Chenye silent several seconds, returns again said. “谷布鸟的肉.....”晨夜沉默了几秒后再次回道。 He sees this Flower Spirit for the first time, eats the thing to come compared with family these soldier men also or gives a thought to the image, the standard chirp the standard like the small squirrel chirp big or small the meat patty and her eats cleanly ..... 他第一次看到这种花灵,吃起东西来比家族那些战士汉子还要不顾形象,像小松鼠一样格叽格叽就把和她头一样大小的肉饼吃得干干净净..... The capacity for food is really not generally big ..... 饭量真不是一般大..... In the impression Flower Spirit is not this, in most people impression Flower Spirit only drinks the dawn sweet dew, is unearthly, in these cakes like the picture book is the pink goddess same .... 印象里花灵不是这样的,大部分人印象里花灵只饮晨曦甘露,不食人间烟火,就如同画本子里那些拉粑粑都是粉红色的女神一样.... Naturally, that is the exaggerating analogy, but at least is not at present this ..... 当然,那是夸张的比喻,但至少不是眼前这样..... However tells the truth, although opposite party table manners are not quite elegant, even is uncouthly in that crowd of coarse man appearances with the family, perhaps but is good-looking the reason, the uncouth table manners actually give people one type to eat like that fragrant make one have the feeling of appetite very much very much ..... 不过有一说一,虽然对方这吃相不太雅观,甚至粗鲁得和家族里那群糙汉子一个模样,但或许是长得漂亮的原因,那般不雅观的吃相却给人一种吃得很香让人很有胃口的感觉..... That why these relatives so eat the thing time will be felt by oneself uncouthly, thus affects own appetite? 那为什么自家那些亲戚这般吃东西的时候会让自己觉得粗鲁从而影响自己的胃口呢? Really was too delicious, I have not eaten such delicious steamed stuffed bun ..... the Cabbage sound to interrupt the ponder of Chenye...... “真是太好吃了,我从来没吃过这么好吃的包子.....”小白菜的声音打断了晨夜的思考...... That is the cake......” Chenye investigates the correct path. “那是饼......”晨夜纠正道。 Corrects wants to slap oneself from now on, do oneself emphasize this doing? 纠正过后就想打自己一巴掌,自己强调这个干嘛? Is the cake?” The opposite party as if do not care about oneself rebuttal, instead is even more interested: I meant that the cheek has fried the appearance, but how in that tasty cooking liquor is reserved? Has exploded should the thing unable to retain?” “是饼呀?”对方似乎不在意自己的反驳,反而越发有兴趣:“我是说面皮是煎过的样子,可里面那么鲜美的汤汁是怎么保留的呀?炸过的东西应该保留不了吧?” Then after the active starfish squid seasons can retain the cooking liquor......” Chenye to knit the brows: „Is this general knowledge?” “用活性海星鱿晒干后便可以保留汤汁呀......”晨夜皱眉道:“这是常识吧?” Said, regretted, some are others aristocrat Flower Spirit few life general knowledge very normal? No one same prepares food with oneself frequently, which type a oneself despising tone makes? 说完后又后悔了,人家一个贵族花灵少一些生活常识很正常吧?又不是谁都和自己一样经常自己做饭,自己一副鄙视的口气是闹哪样呀? This? Hehe......” Cabbage embarrassed spitting tongue, lets Chenye is one dull. “这样呀?嘿嘿......”小白菜不好意思的吐了吐舌头,让晨夜又是一呆。 Like this two people arrive at outside the stopping place. 就这样两人一路走到站口外。 „, Is quite attractive!” “哇,好漂亮呀!” The cabbage is looking at the sky, immediately one stayed in same place, her first seeing, daytime stars! 白菜望着天空,顿时一下呆在了原地,她第一次看到,白日的星辰! Yes, in Teldrassil on-board, the daytime sky, can see all over the sky the stars as before! This is the Teldrassil characteristics ..... 是的,在泰达希尔的之星上,白日的天空,依旧能让人看到满天星辰!这是泰达希尔的特色..... Heard that is the demon network of star priest use extremely high rank, melted the energy fine, lets the daytime sunlight during the illumination is also equally gentle is dim like the moonlit night, the dream is quite wonderful, but the peripheral stars in this beautiful dim sunlight, demonstrate a unique aesthetic sense. 听说是星球祭司利用极高级别的魔网,精细化了能量,让白日的日光在照明的同时又轻柔得如月夜一样朦胧,极为梦幻美妙,而周边星辰在这美丽的朦胧日光中,更显示出一种独特的美感。 The cabbage self-examined that is not a person who understands the appreciation beautiful scene, before remembering, when D-Sphere goes to school, some people organized traveling that goes to Huangshan, everyone to Huangshan that so-called, rock and sea of clouds commendation, only oneself feels sloppy ordinary, instead to the Huangshan sesame seed cake and smelly mandarin fish of Huangshan and so on snack is interested .... 白菜自问不是一个懂得欣赏美景的人,记得以前在D球上学的时候,有人组织了去黄山的旅游,大家都对黄山那所谓的奇松、怪石、云海称赞不已,唯自己觉得稀松平常,反而对黄山的黄山烧饼、臭鳜鱼之类的小吃感兴趣.... Because at that time in her eyes, Huangshan these so-called beautiful scenes and she in greatly is not sometimes different, at that time many companions who some mountainous areas saw said that she did not understand the appreciation, slowly also think...... 因为当时在她眼里,黄山那些所谓的美景和她有时候在一些山区看到的并没有太大不同,那时候很多同伴都说她不懂欣赏,慢慢的自己也这么认为...... But actually does not think now, oneself understood certainly person who appreciation beautiful scene, before did not dare the interest is because before , these truly are sloppy ordinary ..... 可现在却不这么想了,自己一定是懂得欣赏美景的人,以前不敢兴趣是因为以前那些确实就是稀松平常..... Thinks that this Cabbage smiled happily ..... 想到此小白菜笑得更开心了..... What are you ..... smiling?” Chenye asked curiously. “你.....在笑什么呀?”晨夜好奇问道。 He is also shocked in the present beautiful scenery, although before had heard in the book and network the Teldrassil daytime stars, may really see shocking by this magnificent beautiful scene. 他也震惊于眼前的美丽景色,虽然以前在书上和网络上就听说过泰达希尔的白日星辰,可真见到了还是被这壮观的美景给震撼到了。 Even but if shocks to does not have such as this little fellow such to laugh foolishly at present...... 可即便震撼到也没有如眼前这小家伙那样一直傻笑的...... Smiles the saliva that keeps ..... 笑得口水的留出来的那种..... ..... 哧溜..... Cabbage attracted saliva hehe to say with a smile: I think, can go to college in this environment, on delicious......” 小白菜吸了一下口水嘿嘿笑道:“我一想到以后能在这个环境里上大学,就美滋滋的......” This saying made Chenye come one slightly silent, immediately could not bear say: Also without opening you is actually very self-confident, it seems like that the result is very good, how many did you divide to test?” 这话让晨夜微微沉默来了一阵,随即忍不住道:“还没开考你倒是挺自信的,看来成绩很不错呀,你分考了多少?” 380!!” The Cabbage fork waist is favorite! “380!!”小白菜叉腰得意! Chenye: ......... 晨夜:“.........” 380? He almost thinks oneself misunderstood...... 380?他差点以为自己听错了...... „Can this score ..... also participate in the register of Starry Sky Academy?” “这分数.....也能来参加星空学院的报考?” Starry Sky Academy announces to the public the interstellar to control the parting line explicitly is about 650, even if controls the parting line to the worst north star territory still in 600 upward, moreover this controls the parting line, the student foundation minute/share of Starry Sky Academy normal enrollment is 700 upward! 星空学院明确对外公布的星际控分线是650左右,即便是对成绩最差的北星域控分线也在600往上,而且这还是控分线,星空学院正常录取的学生基础分都是700往上的! He the first time is heard that 380 can test the top 100 schools ..... 他是第一次听说380能来考百强学院..... Naturally cannot!!” Cabbage hmph hmph to say. “当然不能!!”小白菜哼哼道。 The Chenye supercilious look turns, originally you also know!! 晨夜白眼一翻,原来你也知道呀!! But this cabbage has the back door!!” “但本白菜有后门!!” Chenye: ......... 晨夜:“.........” Looks under the starry sky a more complacent little fellow, Chenye is not knowing that should say anything...... 望着星空下更加得意洋洋的小家伙,晨夜都不知道该说什么...... Now goes through the motions such righteous? Does not know looked that your expression also thinks you did any serious matter to feed...... 现在走后门的都这么理直气壮的吗?不知道的看你表情还以为你干了什么不得了的事呀喂...... Which branch do you test?” Chenye decides to change a topic, changes one by the topic that oneself are not vexed ..... “你考哪一科?”晨夜决定换一个话题,换一个让自己不怎么糟心的话题..... Demon favors the master!” “魔宠师!” The Chenye eyelid jumps, is looking at the opposite party: „Does demon favor the master? Really skillful, I am also, later can perhaps be the schoolmate ..... 晨夜眼皮一跳,望着对方:“魔宠师吗?真是巧呀,我也是,以后说不定会是同学呢.....” You are also go through the motions?” A Cabbage eye bright say/way. “你也是走后门的吗?”小白菜眼睛一亮道。 I am not!!” “我才不是!!” Do not be angry ..... Cabbage hehe to say with a smile: That dwarf has said to this cabbage, said that my result tests other branch dead ends, only then the demon favors the master to facilitate to go through the motions some ..... “别生气嘛.....”小白菜嘿嘿笑道:“那个矮子跟本白菜说过,说我这成绩考其它科死路一条,只有魔宠师方便走后门一些.....” Chenye: ....... 晨夜:“.......” He does not know that several time was speechless, the opposite party in chatting to chat in this talent as if to have the talent very much .... 他都不知道是自己第几次无语了,对方在把聊天聊死这个天赋上似乎很有天赋.... However although is very speechless, but Chenye actually knows, the opposite party said is the fact. 不过虽然很无语,但晨夜却知道,对方说得是事实。 The demon favors the master, is all occupations takes a test is easiest to corrupt practices to go through the motions, the reason is the demon favors the master special examination system. 魔宠师,是所有职业考试里最容易舞弊走后门的,原因便是魔宠师特殊的考试制度。 Besides the basic common knowledge pen test question, the demon favors the master to have 70% scores in the practice examination question, the so-called practice examination question, is the demon that you train favors the quality. 除了基本常识笔试题外,魔宠师有70%的分数在实践考题上,所谓实践考题,便是你培养的魔宠品质。 But it is well known, the demon favors training is not merit in one single day, mostly walks the demon favors the child of master path from very small time must start to train the demon to favor, the work that dozens years of even over a hundred years train carefully is you takes the test to take a minute/share of showpiece of! 但众所周知,魔宠培养不是一朝一夕之功,大多走魔宠师路子的孩子从很小的时候就要开始培养魔宠,几十年甚至上百年精心培养出来的作品便是你去参加考试拿分的展示品! But this type of thing can make the issue to be many, first demon favors can transfer, the contract changes, the demon of others careful training favored turned into your work, you took away the reference, so long as no one revealed that that was your .... 可这种东西能做得文章很多,首先魔宠是能转让的,契约一变,别人精心培养的魔宠就变成了你的作品,你拿去参考只要没人揭穿,那就是你的.... Naturally, regarding the common scholar, was revealed very much easily, the experienced teacher can have many means to confirm that this demon favors is you trains, but if you relate enough hardly, can make the examination official not raise to the plane of political principle, this was not the issue .... 当然,对于一般学子来说,很容易被人揭穿,经验丰富的导师能有很多办法确认这只魔宠是不是你培养出来的,可如果你关系够硬,能让考官不那么上纲上线,这就不是问题了.... But the person who this type can affect the examination official, is exists, even if Starry Sky Academy of top well-known colleges and universities, knows on Chenye, every year in the demon beast training normal junior college industry the quota will have 1/10 taking by these partners in exchange of improper favors at least .... 而这种能影响考官的人,是存在的,哪怕是顶级名校的星空学院,就晨夜所知,每年魔兽培养师专业里名额起码就有十分之一会被那些关系户给占用.... Thinks oneself not only need with from universe regional top study tyrant competitions, but must first have the children of the nobility of relations to dig some quotas by these, but also at present this is one of them, Chenye thought that this topic was vexed compared with former that ....... 一想到自己不仅要和来自宇宙各地顶尖学霸竞争,还要首先被那些有关系的贵族子弟挖去一些名额,而且眼前这个就是其中之一,晨夜就觉得这个话题比之前那个更糟心了.......
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