IHEP :: Volume #12

#1172: Reorganization fragment

To be honest, that soul-stirring experience to the present also insufficient in January/one month, just like yesterday to the feeling of grandfather, he does not know how oneself were the luck or, was one did not have the shapeshifting player obviously, but experienced were more than many players, why he is also willing the following soap main reason. 说实话,那场动魄的经历离现在也不足一月,给姥爷的感觉就恍如昨日,他也不知道自己是运气还是怎么的,明明是一个还没化形的玩家,但经历的却比很多玩家都要多,这也是为什么他愿意来跟着肥皂最主要的原因。 Also is this experience makes him see clearly, in his bone is a person who fills the adventure gene, has hoped is this extraordinary day, but the following soap walks this special mission, conforms to the expected life. 也是这次经历才让他看清,他骨子里就是一种充满冒险基因的人,希望过的就是这种不平凡的日子,而跟着肥皂走这个特殊任务,就是最为符合自己预期的生活。 Naturally, the experience of legend needs the audience, otherwise lost half of significances. 当然,传奇的经历需要听众,否则就失去一半意义了。 Is looking at Feng Doudou of face anticipation, the grandfather heart is quite satisfactory. 望着一脸期待的冯豆豆,姥爷心头极为满意。 Where should say? 该从哪里讲起呢? From having New Territories starts? 从出新界开始? Eh here said slightly to cross casually, after all showed off was the soap, oneself seemed like to buy the soy sauce. 额这里随便讲下就略过吧,毕竟出风头的都是肥皂,自己好像是个打酱油的。 Oneself show off truly, after should rescue Verafa them ? 自己真正出风头,应该还是救下维拉法他们之后吧? Thinks that this grandfather recalled then scene- 想到此姥爷回忆起了当时的场景- Under Verafa after being saved them, grandfather have been at the condition of Nirvana, that condition is very marvelous, oneself changed into a lump of not well-known thing, cannot move, but consciousness can actually extend to the very far position, even can with periphery many inexplicable thing communications. 记得救下维拉法他们后,姥爷自己就一直处于涅槃的状态,那种状态很奇妙,自己化为了一坨不知名的东西,不能动弹,但意识却能伸到很远很远的位置,甚至能和周围很多莫名的东西沟通。 Especially in this fragment world, it can see the relations of these fragment world clearly, that eye of control fragment world 尤其是在这个碎片世界,它能清晰看到这些碎片世界的联系,还有操控碎片世界的那一双眼睛 How long can grandfather like this continue?” “姥爷这样子要持续多久呀?” What speech is the soap, he walks in the forefront, is looking by Verafa is hugging the grandfather, asked curiously. 说话的是肥皂,他走在最前面,望着被维拉法抱着的姥爷,好奇问道。 „It is not clear Szabo's weak shaking the head of: Phoenix lifeform is in the Fairy race the variety that is hard to ponder over, some specialized bachelors do not talk clearly, do not say our boorish fellows “不清楚”萨博虚弱的摇了摇头:“凤凰这种生物一直是精灵种族里非常难以琢磨的品种,一些专业的学士来也说不清楚,不要说我们这种莽夫了” If the short time cannot restore, or will the grandfather put in Mech?” The soap looks at the Verafa proposition to say. “那如果短时间恢复不了,要不将姥爷放机甲里面吧?”肥皂望着维拉法提议道。 Always felt that the opposite party has hugged the grandfather to be strange, if the accident grandfather of were brought to work as shield by the opposite party is not good, oneself also consider for the grandfather safely. 总感觉对方一直抱着姥爷怪怪的,万一出了什么事姥爷被对方拿来当挡箭牌就不好了,自己也是为了姥爷安全着想。 Absolutely is not because the grandfather was being hugged the envy by the beautiful woman, un absolutely is not!! 绝对不是因为姥爷被美女抱着嫉妒,嗯绝对不是!! Verafa gawked staring, looks Mech that side follows, suddenly unexpectedly hesitated. 维拉法愣了愣,望了望旁边跟着的机甲,一时间居然犹豫了。 This small phoenix hugs is being very comfortable 这小凤凰抱着很舒服 Blood Demon is the happy cool moist physique, to having the thing of hot element quite likes giving way to traffic generally, but grandfather is very strange, obviously is the hot element physique, but hugs is making her trade the bloodlines exceptionally tranquil, light warmth imitates , if nourishing the whole body, making her somewhat not hate to drop suddenly unexpectedly. 血魔原本是喜阴凉潮湿的体质,对有火元素的事物一般都比较喜欢避让,但姥爷这个却很奇怪,明明是火元素体质,但抱着却让她换血脉异常的平静,淡淡的温暖感仿若滋养着全身,让她一时间竟有些舍不得放手。 But Szabo looked has followed silently their Mech to that on the face reveals a deepness: Your this Mech 而萨博则是看向了那一直默默跟着他们的机甲,脸上露出一丝深沉:“你这机甲 What's wrong?” The soap tilts the head asks. “咋了?”肥皂歪头问道。 Some are not quite right the Szabo spooky say/way. “有些不太对劲”萨博幽幽道。 Which point isn't right?” The soap does intentionally curious asking. “哪点不对劲?”肥皂故作好奇的问道。 Szabo looked at his one eyes, said curiously: „Is this tooth tiger series in Vogu influence? How your here?” 萨博看了他一眼,好奇道:“这是沃古势力里的牙虎系列吧?怎么会在你这里?” Soap hears words coldly gawked, immediately before , how to be attacked by this Mech, how oneself got rid of the Mech master, finally infiltrated the matter of Unit Mech to say. 肥皂闻言愣了愣,随即将之前怎么被这机甲袭击,自己又怎么干掉机甲主人,最后混进机甲的事情说了一遍。 Why as for will say, has the reason, because he himself also thought that this Mech is not quite right, hopes can get some answers on this big shot 至于为什么会说出来,也是有原因的,因为他自己也觉得这机甲不太对劲,希望能在这大佬身上得到一些答案 Szabo looks at that Mech, the look is flashing through an inexplicable color, that Mech is not certainly right, then the large-scale energy explodes, a middle-grade 7 th generation aircraft Mech trifling thing does not have, possibly to be how normal? 萨博望着那机甲,眼神闪过一丝莫名之色,那机甲当然不对劲,那么大规模的能量爆炸,一个中等七代机型的机甲屁事没有,怎么可能正常? He remembers clearly, extent of protection that at that time this small phoenix opened not including this Mech 他可是记得清楚,当时这小凤凰张开的保护范围可没包括这机甲 After listening the soap described, Szabo brow tight wrinkle. 听了肥皂描述后,萨博眉头紧皱。 Their influence is the biology department influence, but oneself mix so many years in the federation, naturally possibly is not did not understand to the Mech characteristics, Mech in the mechanical influence is the high-end product, this tooth tiger series estimate value should over a billion federal coin about one, such expensive Mech should match properly speaking has the advanced intelligence. 他们势力是生物系势力,但自己在联邦混这么多年,对机甲的特性自然不可能是一点不了解,机甲是在机械势力是高端产品,这牙虎系列估值应该在上亿联邦币一台左右,这样昂贵的机甲按理来说应该是配得有高级智能的。 Won't the advanced intelligence, be able to distinguish the original master and variation gene? Cracks a joke simply! 高级智能,会识别不了原主人和异种的基因?简直就是开玩笑! Drew back 10,000 steps saying that even could not distinguish, but the intelligence was sees with one's own eyes original host to be invaded to duplicate, how to possibly make the opposite party successfully control Mech? 退一万步说,就算识别不了,可智能是亲眼看到原宿主被入侵复制的,怎么可能会让对方成功操控机甲 Only has a possibility, is this intelligence is intentionally 只有一种可能,就是这智能是故意的 A little meaning 有点意思 Szabo is looking at that Mech, said with a smile slightly. 萨博望着那机甲,微微笑道。 What situation do you know?” The soap knits the brows to say. “你知道什么情况?”肥皂皱眉道。 „It is not very clear Szabo shakes the head: You best vigilantly to it, absolutely are not proper Mech.” “不是很清楚”萨博摇了摇头:“不过你最好还是对它警惕点,绝对不是什么正经机甲。” Right?” The soap then looks at Mech, that Mech imitates, if has not heard them to say anything same, follows they, no point other movements. “是吗?”肥皂回头望了望机甲,那机甲仿若没听到他们说什么一样,自顾自的跟着他们,没有一点其余的动作。 Is saying, suddenly entire space, surroundings all things as if one stagnated! 正说间,突然整个空间一顿,周围所有事物似乎一下停滞了下来! Soap vigilant is looking at all around, next the sky of drizzle, the raindrop in the midair was imitating at this time, if pressed down the suspension key, feels to discover that carefully the surrounding wind stopped! 肥皂一下警惕的望着四周,原本下着细雨的天空,此时雨滴在半空中仿若按下了暂停键,仔细感受一下会发现周围的风都停了下来! What situation?” Soap stunned is looking at the surroundings. “什么情况?”肥皂愕然的望着周围。 Must move!!” Szabo looks at the sky, the scarlet pupil flashes through a dignity: „The master of emerald space must move the pattern!” “要动了!!”萨博望了望天空,猩红色的瞳孔闪过一丝凝重:“翡翠空间的主人要重新挪动格局!” Un?” The soap stares, but the next second he saw oneself and held between grandfather's Verafa suddenly to present a crack behind! “嗯?”肥皂一愣,但下一秒他就看到自己和身后抱着姥爷的维拉法之间突然出现了一丝裂纹! That crack presents the position to be very strange, does not appear in the ground, but in the middle of each other space, like a mirror, tears to be the same suddenly! 那裂纹出现位置很奇怪,并不是出现在地面,而是彼此的空间当中,就像一面镜子,突然撕裂开来一样! Bad!!” Nearby Szabo complexion a azure, the body changes into the blood light/only to throw immediately together toward Verafa, but that arrives at the slight fissure, is similar to the space line that is unable to overstep together, how regardless of Szabo diligently, is unable to span, can only look at the fissure to expand helplessly, finally bang thorough and this side separates! “糟!!”旁边的萨博脸色顿时一青,身体化为一道血光朝着维拉法扑去,但那到细微的裂痕,就如同一道无法逾越的空间线,无论萨博如何努力,始终无法跨越,只能眼睁睁看着裂痕扩大,最终砰的一声彻底和自己这一边断开! Szabo!!!” Verafa puts out a hand to hold on to Szabo, but after that splitting line was shattered, two people like separated thoroughly generally, can only look at the opposite party to be getting more and more far!- “萨博!!!”维拉法伸手想要拉住冲过来的萨博,但那条裂开的线破碎后,两人就像被彻底隔开了一般,只能望着对方越来越远!- I scratch, what situation?” “我擦,什么情况?” The soap is looking at this, a face compels the shape ignorant, he even can see, except for separating Verafa they, some that side also innumerable fragments, in the fragment as if the somewhat familiar character, has Gou Dan (dog's eggs), Cabbage, has the rain female eldest child, main also has itself!! 肥皂望着这一幕,一脸懵逼状,他甚至能看到,除了断开的维拉法他们,那边还有无数碎片,碎片里似乎都有些熟悉的人物,有狗蛋,小白菜、还有雨女老大,最主要的还有自己!! He sees innumerable, appears in the different fragments, reveals with oneself same dumb-founded 他看到无数个自己,出现在不同碎片里,也都露出和自己一样的傻脸 Reorganization!!” Szabo complexion said pale: Then troubled!!!” “重组了!!”萨博脸色铁青道:“这下麻烦了!!!” Because Szabo saw clearly, in debris that in Verafa is, presented him most not to let the character who Verafa contacted!- 因为萨博清晰看到,在维拉法所在的空间碎片里,出现了一个他最不想让维拉法接触的人物!- That side Szabo Verafa also sees the general idea in that Szabo fragment, she wants to remind Szabo to make him be careful, because of him in the fragment, has fearful existence. “萨博”维拉法那边也看到那萨博碎片里的大概,她很想提醒萨博让他小心,因为他在的碎片,有着非常可怕的存在。 But how regardless of roar, as if cannot relay the sound. 但无论自己怎么吼,似乎并不能将声音传达。 You cared oneself are quite good “你还是关心关心自己比较好” An ice-cold sound suddenly appears in Verafa behind. 一个冰冷的声音突然出现在维拉法的身后。 Verafa hears this sound body instantaneous one stiff, this sound she is very familiar, in childhood a long time, was her nightmare 维拉法听到这个声音身体瞬间一僵,这声音她无比熟悉,在小时候很长一段时间里,都是她的噩梦 Big big brother?” “大大哥?”
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