IHDMB :: Volume #16

#1530: Starry sky refugee

Really is Dragon Emperor has used the divine tool! Good!” “真的是龙帝使用过的神器!好!” Tianwaitian breathes also becomes heavy, both hands closely grip the divine tool, as if will be afraid Mo Nan to renege on a promise to receive to be the same. 天外天呼吸也变得沉重起来,双手紧紧握住神器,似乎害怕莫南会反悔收回去一样。 Mo Nan is only somewhat strange, is the opposite party unexpectedly the Pangu clansman? 莫南只是有些奇怪,对方竟然是盘古族人? He cannot help but opens the mouth to ask: I can feel you am the Pangu clansman! Are you huge starry sky come?” 他不由得开口问道:“我能够感受到你是盘古族人!你是从中天大星空过来的?” This saying, makes the complexion of Tianwaitian in vain change actually, but she covered immediately. 这话一出,倒是让天外天的脸色徒然一变,不过她随即就掩盖下来了。 Although her appearance is the male cultivates likely, but the sound does not conceal thoroughly, said: Dragon Emperor chatted, I am not the huge starry sky come, naturally is not the Pangu clansman. In the future if there is intruder of huge starry sky to destroy Northern Great Starry Sky, I take certainly Dragon Emperor to reward to my divine tool, cuts to kill them.” 她样子虽然还是像男修,可是声音彻底不掩饰了,说道:“龙帝说笑了,我并不是从中天大星空过来的,当然也不是盘古族人。将来要是有中天大星空的入侵者毁坏北方大星空,我一定拿着龙帝奖励给我的神器,将他们一个个斩杀。” Although her these words the sound is not loud, can actually make all cultivator hear clear. 她这几句话虽然声音不大,却能够让所有修者都听得一清二楚。 Many cultivator hears word received the enormous inspiration immediately, the nod commended, even also some people cheered for her. 很多修者闻言当即就受到了极大的鼓舞,纷纷点头称赞,甚至还有人为她喝彩。 The Mo Nan vision sinks, the sound became ice-cold several points, said: I practice my entire life, has seen the Pangu clansman am few. But on you have that type of aura, if will place me not to closely examine in the past absolutely. But now is related to the starry sky life or death, are actually you what status?” 莫南目光又是一沉,声音变得冰冷了几分,说道:“我一生修行,见过的盘古族人屈指可数。但你身上却有那种气息,要是放在过去我绝对不会追问。但现在事关星空存亡,你究竟是什么身份?” This...... actually I am a refugee who the huge starry sky flees from calamity. Our hometown is the disintegration. Dragon Emperor, I may not have the least bit to invading the heart.” Tianwaitian speaking of behind, the sound has one to dread. “这个……其实我是从中天大星空逃难过来的难民。我们的故乡已经是崩碎了。龙帝,我可没有半点对入侵之心啊。”天外天说到后面,声音已经是带着一丝畏惧。 Refugee who the starry sky flees from calamity? 星空逃难过来的难民? Mo Nan nods looking pensive, he has not continued to investigate, he has not truly felt the evil aura from Tianwaitian, he expensive/noble is that matter that Dragon Emperor naturally cannot do to kill has not let off mistakenly. 莫南只是若有所思地点点头,他并没有继续追究下去,确实他并没有从天外天的身上感受到邪恶的气息,他贵为龙帝自然不能够做有杀错没放过的那种事。 Now, most then makes the dragon clan report, informs Ji Yue, sending dragon clan to pay attention to Tianwaitian closely and that's the end. 现在,最多只是回头让龙族禀告回去,告知霁月,派遣龙族密切留意天外天就是了。 Arrived Mo Nan his such boundary, he had given birth to the King of sweeping away all obstacles condition, even if the hostile powerhouse of star scattered powder are many, that is still unpromising. 到了莫南他这样的境界,他已经是生出了所向披靡的王者之态,就算星星散散的敌对强者再多,那也不成气候。 So long as the armies of their four big starry skies join up, sweeps away all obstacles surely, invincible. 只要他们四大星空的大军联合起来,必定就是所向披靡,战无不胜。 Is leaning the entire starry sky strength like this front, individual cultivation base truly was extremely limited. 在这样倾整个星空力量的面前,个人的修为确实是太过有限了。 Mo Nan also distributed the remaining each rewards. 紧接着,莫南把剩下的各个奖励也分派了下去。 The remaining things, gave dragon clan to help process. 剩下的事情,就交给龙族帮忙处理了。 He has so many elemental adept now, then must rush to the contact surface that White Emperor is, elemental adept on White Emperor must attain is good. 他现在拥有了那么多的元素使,接着就要赶往白帝所在的界面了,白帝手上的元素使也必须要拿到才行。 In the evening, Mo Nan is just thinking must bring elemental adept to see White Emperor. 当晚,莫南正想着要带元素使去见见白帝 But the god knows suddenly moves slightly, he actually felt that had a divine tool to leave his god to know the range quietly, broke in the vast starry sky unexpectedly. 可忽然神识微微一动,他竟然感觉到了有一件神器悄然离开他的神识范围,竟然冲入了浩瀚的星空之中。 Was Tianwaitian leaves?” “是天外天离开了?” Mo Nan judged all of a sudden, he has used divine tool, whether or not only has used one time, he has the special induction ability. 莫南一下子就判断出来了,他使用过的神器,不管是不是只使用过一次,他都有着特殊的感应能力。 Whose hand no matter that divine tool, he can also feel. 不管那神器在谁的手上,他也能感受到。 But this Tianwaitian, the body brings the divine tool, wasn't afraid other to have cultivator of evil intention to follow? 可这个天外天,身上带着神器,难道不害怕其他起了歹心的修者跟随吗? Hurried does such outcome need to go? 这么急急忙忙的究竟要去哪? Mo Nan told immediately, making Long Xiwu first bring numerous elemental adept first to see White Emperor, he must follow Tianwaitian to have a look, was actually anything. 莫南当即吩咐下去,让龙兮舞先带着一众元素使先去见白帝,他则是要跟着天外天去看看,究竟是什么事。 This followed , is just one intuition that Mo Nan lives suddenly. 这种跟随,也只不过是莫南突然生出来的一种直觉罢了。 After he breaks in the starry sky, discovered that also several dragon clans follow by far Tianwaitian, it seems like dragon clan the vigilance is very powerful, but looked whereabouts that Tianwaitian that drifts from place to place, obviously was also discovers behind to have the powerhouse to follow. 当他冲入星空之后,发现也有几个龙族远远跟着天外天,看来龙族的警觉性还是很强大的,只不过看天外天那飘忽不定的行踪,显然也是发现到了后面有强者跟着了。 So follows more than ten days later, shuttles back and forth in the starry sky, several dragon clans with losing. 如此跟随十几天之后,在星空之中穿梭,几个龙族就跟丢了。 Because Mo Nan is stepped into without a trace the boundary, no matter Tianwaitian, were several dragon clans, simply had not discovered that he existed. 莫南因为已经是踏入到了“无影无踪”的境界,所以不管是天外天,还是几个龙族,也根本没有发现他存在。 And finally, was only left over a Mo Nan person to follow. 到了最后,就只剩下莫南一个人跟着了。 Tianwaitian seems like very sly, the common Heaven's Chosen characters were really impossible to track her. 天外天似乎是十分狡猾,寻常的天骄人物还真的不可能跟踪得了她。 Finally 17 th day later, the footsteps of Tianwaitian was suddenly slow. 终于在第十七天之后,天外天的脚步突然就慢下来了。 But Mo Nan is one startled, during he has been able to feel the front to be void boundless war intent. 莫南则是一惊,他已经能够感受到了前方虚空之中茫茫战意了。 Existence of this type of starry sky, is not above the contact surface, but is in the obvious vast starry sky, above the starry sky of float, the front is a giant light halo. 这种星空的存在,并非是界面之上,而是明显的浩瀚星空之中,在漂浮的星空之上,前方是一个巨大的光圈。 There as if has had what startled day war, after is the starry sky disintegration, everywhere is the wreckage of float. 那里仿佛已经是发生过什么惊天大战,是星空崩碎之后,到处都是漂浮的残骸。 He saw over a hundred mountain ranges of float, was cut by the smooth smooth sharp blade, many space regions also presented the starry sky disintegration boundary. 他看见了漂浮的上百座山脉,都是被光滑平整的利刃切割开的,有不少空间地带还出现了星空崩碎的境界。 Mo Nan seeing that heart one tight, thought: Has the strength of disintegration starry sky appeared? 莫南见状心头一紧,心想:难道崩碎星空的力量已经出现了? His vision saw that group of rays of central zone, as if also wants the burning hot more fearful than Sun, suddenly his vision sinks. 他的目光又看见了中心地带的那团光芒,仿佛是比太阳还要炙热可怕,突然他的目光又是一沉。 Starry sky powerhouse!” “星空强者!” Accurate, is the body of starry sky powerhouse. 确切来说,是星空强者的尸体。 These starry sky powerhouses was too easy to identify, they and Heavenly Dragon, punishment day clan cultivator have the same aura. 那些星空强者的太容易辨认了,他们和天魔,刑天族修者有着相同的气息。 But, front is floating densely and numerously, is completely the bodies of starry sky powerhouse. 但,前面密密麻麻漂浮着的,全部都是星空强者的尸体。 Who killed them?” “谁将他们都杀了?” Mo Nan is startled secretly, he is stepping on the float in several big buddhas of midair, slowly jumps to go forward step by step. 莫南暗暗吃惊,他踩踏着漂浮在半空的几座大佛,慢慢一步步跳跃前进。 In the front, he also sees the dark heavenly thunder that cut off. 在面前,他还看见了一道般斩断的黑暗天雷。 That is a very strange scene, even if often the heavenly thunder were scattered, should still integrate in the world, because that is belongs to the world the strength. 那是属于一种很奇怪的景象,往往天雷就算是被打散了,也会融入天地之间,因为那是属于天地间力量。 But, he obviously can feel now, at present the dark heavenly thunder has the life in the starry sky is floating, but cuts off now around the middle, lost the dark heavenly thunder of vitality to float in that does not have any vitality. 可是,他现在明显能够感受到,眼前在星空之中漂浮着的黑暗天雷是有生命的,只不过现在被拦腰斩断,失去了生机的黑暗天雷就漂浮在那,没有任何生机。 Such scene, clearly this starry sky contact surface destroying! 这样的景象,分明就是将这个星空界面给打碎了啊! Suddenly, he saw front to have one group of brilliant gods, is only floating scales of belt/bring blood unexpectedly. 忽然,他看见了前面有一团灼灼神光,竟然是漂浮着一枚带血的鳞甲。 What? That is, dragon scale!” “什么?那是,龙鳞!”
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