IHDMB :: Volume #16

#1527: The comprehension without a trace

At this moment. 此时此刻。 No one can direct Mo Nan on cultivation base, to his degree, even if takes a broad view at the endless past history, without many big those who are able can achieve. 没有任何人可以在修为上指点莫南,到了他这个程度,哪怕是放眼漫漫过去历史,也没有多少个大能者可以达到了。 He the understanding of the cultivation base boundary is also unique. 他对修为境界的理解也是独一无二的。 Even if at this moment he in comprehending without a trace the boundary he still felt, this boundary and he arrives epoch-making is the complete two different boundaries. 就算此刻他在参悟“无影无踪”的境界他仍然感觉到,这种境界和他到达的“开天辟地”是完全两种不一样的境界。 Without a trace!” “无影无踪!” Mo Nan is reading these four characters gently, suddenly felt that the body slowly becomes fuzzy. 莫南轻轻念着这四个字,忽然感觉到身体慢慢地变得模糊起来。 He knows that oneself god knowledge is to exist, but his body actually slowly transparent, seems is just about to integrate this day slowly within. 他知道自己的神识是存在的,但他的身体却在慢慢地透明,仿佛是所有的一切正要慢慢地融入到这天地间。 That feeling, seemed he changed to „the Heavenly Dao, changed to principle. 那种感觉,就仿佛是他化作了“天道”,化作了“法则”。 Before he can talk with Heaven, has Heaven to listen to his command, has gone on an expedition the powerful enemy, Heaven had all, sheltered all living things, everywhere, was powerful compared with any big those who are able, but Heaven did not have the main body of essence. 之前他可以和上苍对话,有上苍听他号令,一直征战强敌,上苍拥有一切,庇护众生,无处不在,比起任何的大能者都要强大,但偏偏上苍没有实质的本体。 So-called without a trace is to become in the world that Heavenly Dao to exist obviously? 难道所谓的“无影无踪”就是要成为天地间那明明天道般存在? Bang! 轰隆! In a flash, Mo Nan as if comprehended, he enters the condition that a numerous time passed slowly. 一瞬间,莫南就仿佛领悟了,他进入到了一众时光慢慢流逝的状态。 Encircles in his all around, indistinct flowing light fill the air, are flooding the entire black deep pool in the short time unexpectedly. 在他的四周围,一道道缥缈的流光弥漫而出,竟然在短短的时间内就充斥着整个黑渊。 Distant place that dense and numerous cultivator looks at all in the eye, was startled, they feel on Mo Nan suddenly that change. 远处那密密麻麻的修者将一切都看在眼中,一个个吃惊不已,突然间他们就感受到了莫南身上那种变化。 In their hearts gushed out a paying homage to impulsion, seems like unable to shake the Mo Nan position for a lifetime. 他们心中涌出了一股膜拜的冲动,似乎是一辈子都无法撼动莫南的地位。 All around encircles, goes into hiding these roaming God in various places, the world soul all comes, worships on bended knees. 四周围,隐匿在各处的那些游神,天地魂魄全部现身,纷纷跪拜。 This was...... this Dragon Emperor he comprehended a higher boundary!” “这是……这龙帝他领悟了更高的境界!” Dragon Emperor, he also there? How I cannot see him!” 龙帝,他还在那里吗?我怎么看不见他!” Although all participating cultivator look, but they actually thought that present Mo Nan Dragon Emperor is just together the shadow, the trace of as if after is a person leaves, leaves behind. 虽然所有的参赛修者都看着,可是他们竟然觉得眼前的莫南龙帝只不过是一道影子罢了,仿佛是一个人离开之后所留下的踪影。 But is earnest looks, distinct Dragon Emperor there, but wants them is not slightly centralized, cannot see the Mo Nan form unexpectedly. 可是认真一看,分明龙帝就在那里,可是只要他们稍微不集中,竟然就看不见莫南的身影。 Flip-flop! 噼啪噼啪! Some cultivation base lower points cultivator first to induce slightly, on him some big magical powers unexpectedly automatic performances, seemed like the big magical powers also to have the spirit knowledge, emerged unexpectedly slowly, must pay homage to Dragon Emperor. 一些修为稍微低一点的修者最先有所感应,他身上的一些大神通竟然自动运转,似乎是大神通也有了灵识,竟然慢慢地涌现出来,也像是要膜拜龙帝 It looks like innumerable cultivator is the cultivation principles, their days, months, star, wind, rain wait/etc principle big magical powers, were used to oppose the enemy the time, causes finally strikes, will not arrive at the crucial moment not to use. 就像是无数的修者都是修炼法则的,他们的日、月、星、风、雨等等法则大神通,原本是用来对敌时候,使出来的最后一击,不到生死关头都不会使用的。 But at this time, these big magical powers emerged unexpectedly completely slowly, peeps at Mo Nan of distant place. 可这个时候,这些大神通竟然全部都慢慢涌现出来,窥视远处的莫南 What? Do the magical powers also need to pay homage to he?” Innumerable cultivator are unable to withstand that might, immediately also worshipped on bended knees. “什么?就连神通也要膜拜他?”无数修者无法承受那种威力,当即也跪拜了下去。 Mo Nan all around at this moment has not actually paid attention to cultivator that encircles, he is only the thought moves, entered under foot that center of the earth dragon vein unexpectedly. 此刻的莫南却没有理会四周围的修者,他只是念头一动,竟然就进入到了脚下那地心龙脉之中。 In the center of the earth dragon vein is arranging big of Pangu clan. 地心龙脉里面布置着盘古族的大阵。 Is this big, lets Vast Heaven World all cultivator, was gripped the throat, cultivation base passes.” “就是这个大阵,让长天界的所有修者,被握住咽喉,修为流逝。” Mo Nan has known, now entire Northern Great Starry Sky plane almost suffers the invasion, once were controlled completely, that can say, entire Northern Great Starry Sky was equal to the destruction. 莫南已经知道,现在整个北方大星空位面几乎都遭受到了入侵,一旦被全部操控的话,那可以说,整个北方大星空等同于毁灭了。 After comprehending without a trace, Mo Nan were many immediately a understanding of such Pangu clan strategy. 领悟了“无影无踪”之后,莫南对这样的盘古族阵法顿时就多了一种理解。 Within the short quarter of an hour, actually comprehended this mysterious big, he had confidence that can decode all heaven myriad world all big. 只是在短短的一刻钟之内,竟然就参悟了这种玄奥大阵,他有把握可以破解诸天万界所有的大阵了。 When he wants to intend to eradicate big. 就在他想要出手破除大阵的时候。 Suddenly the front space fluctuates, presented a big form unexpectedly slowly. 忽然前面一阵空间波动,竟然慢慢出现了一个高大身影。 Well?” “咦?” The Mo Nan surprise, cannot think slightly also some people can enter to the dragon vein unexpectedly quietly, moreover he swept to that big form, he actually also knew. 莫南微微诧异,想不到竟然也有人可以悄悄地进入到龙脉当中,而且他扫向了那个高大的身影,他竟然还认识的。 This big form, the back altogether 12 god wings, the body is tying up god chains, but also carries a strange coffin in his back. 这个高大身影,背后一共有十二只神翼,身上捆绑着一条条神链,而在他的背后还背着一个古怪的棺材。 Mo Nan has not opened the mouth, in the coffin spread that also to calculate the familiar sound. 莫南还没有开口,棺材里面就传出了那把还算熟悉的声音。 Oh, it seems like, I came lately one step. You are entered without a trace the boundary.” “唉,看来,我还是来迟了一步。你已经是进入到了‘无影无踪’的境界了。” Mo Nan hear of that sounds, as if filled were a pity, infinite helplessness. 莫南听那声音,似乎充满了可惜,还有无限的无奈。 Mo Nan is unhurriedly, the sinking sound said: What do you make?” 莫南不慌不忙,沉声说道:“你来做什么?” But here Vast Heaven World, is under the center of the earth dragon vein, how does the woman in this coffin come here? Why also comes? 这里可是长天界,还是地心龙脉之下,这个棺材里的女人是怎么来到这里的?又是为什么而来的? In that coffin the female voice had not replied, instead said: Dragon Emperor, I also think that you have cultivated/repaired plate department, cannot think that finally stepped into Cuba department. It seems like dark was doomed.” 那个棺材里女声没有回答,反而是自顾自地说道:“龙帝,我还以为你一直都是修‘盘’系的,想不到最后还是踏入了‘古’系。看来冥冥之中都是注定了。” Mo Nan instead came the interest at this time, he said: It seems like you know much, I just stepped into without a trace, you knew. It seems like you can dispel doubt for me.” 莫南这个时候反而是来了兴趣,他说道:“看来你知道不少,我才刚刚踏入无影无踪,你就知道了。看来你可以为我解惑。” Dragon Emperor, this without a trace the boundary can reverberate in all heaven myriad world, I naturally can feel. The two big branches of Pangu clan, become the biggest difference, actually the plate is for the lord, ancient Xiwei lord?” 龙帝,这个‘无影无踪’的境界能够回荡在诸天万界,我自然能够感受到。盘古族的两大分支,成为了最大的分歧,究竟盘系为主,还是古系为主?” That female voice said here, the sound stopped, muttered said: Eastern Great Starry Sky is Pangu clan the place of ancestral home, I have thought your series Eastern Great Starry Sky cultivates the plate department surely, even one day will enter in the future epoch-makingly boundary. Such at least plate is insufficient the island of resistance to resist with all one's strength, but you stepped into ancient system, without a trace......” 那女声说道了这里,声音停顿了一下,喃喃说道:“东方大星空是盘古族的祖籍之地,我一直以为你一统东方大星空必定是修炼盘系,甚至将来有一天会进入‘开天辟地’的境界。那样至少盘系不至于孤军力敌,可你还是踏入了古系,无影无踪……” Belongs to ancient system without a trace?” Mo Nan feels strange the issue. “无影无踪属于古系?”莫南又奇怪问题。 At this point, huge cultivator of that 12 god wings roared, seemed like very angry. 说到这里,那个十二神翼的巨大修者一声咆哮,似乎是十分愤怒。 The female voice in coffin the gentle voice comforted two immediately, is calm and steady this huge cultivator, she then said: 棺材里的女声马上柔声安慰了两句,将这巨大修者安稳下来,她这才说道: ancient system and plate are different, ancient system the boundary respectively is without a trace, silent colorless, lawless, inexhaustible, without beginning or end...... you, since stepped into this first, will also pursue the following boundary surely. In the near future, ancient system the powerhouse will find you, you destroyed them to catch primitively, but also destroyed their big, what to do did you plan?” “古系和盘系不一样,古系的境界分别是无影无踪,无声无色,无法无天,无穷无尽,无始无终……你既然踏入了这第一层,必定还会追求后面的境界。不久的将来,古系的强者会找到你,你毁了他们捕捉原始,还破坏他们的大阵,你打算怎么办?” Mo Nan heard here, the body shakes, raised the head to say proudly: „? It seems like ancient system is that the strength of crushing the starry sky? They come, I cut to kill all am!” 莫南听到了这里,身躯一震,傲然抬头说道:“哦?看来古系就是那股粉碎星空的力量吗?他们过来,我就尽数斩杀就是!” In the coffin does not have the sound to spread, silent some little time, said slowly: Hopes that Dragon Emperor remembers your pledge of eternal love, protects my entire clan security. I brought several elemental adept to you, gives you, hopes that is useful to you.” 棺材里没有声音传出,沉默了好一会,才慢慢说道:“只是希望龙帝记得你的山盟海誓,护我全族安全。我给你带来了几个元素使,都交给你,希望对你有用。” Then, the big form of this 12 god wings fierce leaps, one jumped out of the center of the earth dragon vein. 说完,这个十二神翼的高大身影猛的一跃,唰的一下就跳出了地心龙脉。 The next flash, he emerges out of thin air above outside giant square. 下一瞬间,他就凭空出现在外面的巨大广场之上。 His appearance immediately caused the shock of innumerable cultivator. 他的出现顿时引起了无数的修者的震惊。 Only sees this big form to suffer a relapse again on the ground, a opens the mouth, put out only huge elemental adept unexpectedly...... 只看见这个高大的身影重重落在地上,一张口,竟然吐出了一只只巨大的元素使来……
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