IHAMITLOD :: Volume #8

#738: It is expected that lasts for a month.( To be continued.)

Year 2018 on February 1, was jointly sponsored by Walmart and Future Technologies, the widely-noted first VR commodity exhibition opened under long-waited officially. 2018年2月1日,由沃尔玛未来人科技联合举办,全球瞩目的首届vr商品展在万众期待之下正式开幕。 Entire four months, mounts the stage the commodity of display reaches as high as counts 100,000, covered the small-scale handicraft to large-scale mechanical and electrical and basic necessities of life and other domains, the participating enterprise is over 76,000. 整整四个月的时间,登台展出的商品高达数十万件,涵盖了小型工艺品到大型机电以及衣食住行等多个领域,参展企业超过7.6万家。 And the most noticeable commodity without doubt is running quickly s750e that Daimler Group promotes, with wireless charge solid Lithium Air Battery of Future Heavy Industry design, has both the trying feeling of quantity and aesthetic sense. Although is not the special auto show, but this type of Advanced gadget always makes one forget to return. The ordinary tourist who cannot afford the car(riage) much can only satisfy a craving in Virtual World, therefore Daimler Group running quickly s750e successfully set the highest browsing record. 其中最引人注目的商品无疑是戴勒姆集团推出的奔驰s750e,采用未来人重工设计的无线充电式固体锂空气电池,兼具着力量感与美感。虽然不是专门的车展,但这种高级玩意儿总是让人流连忘返。不少买不起车的普通游客只能在虚拟世界中过把瘾,因此戴勒姆集团的奔驰s750e成功创下了最高浏览次数的记录。 In addition, the technology content highest commodity exhibition without doubt is the Future Heavy Industry participating commodity. Probably improved Household-Type Robot and Dragoon X1 supercomputing chip and dark blue m1...... to ascend the show/unfolds first day, Future Heavy Industry then embraces to attain the value 5,000,000,000 USD order. 除此之外,科技含量最高的商品展无疑要数未来人重工的参展商品。像是改进家用型机器人龙骑兵x1超算芯片、深蓝m1……在登展首日,未来人重工便揽获了价值50亿美元的订单。 According to data that Future Group published afterward, opened the first month at the global commodity exhibition, the deal total amount then broke through 20,000,000,000 USD with ease. Maintains this trend to get down, this year's global commodity exhibition will break former years the record of volume of business with ease. 根据未来人集团事后公布的数据,在全球商品展开幕首月,成交总额便轻松突破了200亿美元。保持这个趋势下去,今年的全球商品展将轻松突破往届成交额的记录。 After attending the opening ceremony of this grand meeting, Jiang Chen then took off helmet. 在出席了这场盛会的开幕式之后,江晨便摘下了头盔 Although as Virtual Reality Network Founder, but he actually enjoys the feeling of life in reality. As Group's Chairman of the Board, needs him in reads out the opening speech that secretary that at the opening ceremony does writes merely, and representatives with major enterprises shakes hand. 虽然身为虚拟实境网络的“奠基人”,但他本人却更享受生活在现实中的感觉。身为集团的董事长,需要他在开幕式上做的仅仅是宣读秘书写好的开幕致辞,以及和各大企业的代表握手。 Shaves the beard under taking care of Ayesha, changed casual clothes, later Jiang Chen then goes out. 阿伊莎的服侍下刮好胡子,换上了一件休闲的衣服,随后江晨便出了门。 Today is an important day, not only VR commodity exhibition opening ceremony, Penglai City ceremony marking the completion. 今天是个重要的日子,不只是vr商品展开幕式,还有蓬莱市的竣工仪式。 ...... …… North in Koro Island sea level, two under accompaniment that Steregushchiy-class frigate that re-equipped Electromagnetic Artillery already in Kilo-class submarine, launches the patrol to the goal sea area. Ten several large-scale Construction Boat dispelled along the construction sea area edge, composed a loose circle. 科罗岛以北的海面上,两艘改装了电磁炮守护级护卫舰已经在基洛级潜艇的陪同下,对目标海域展开巡逻。十数艘大型工程船沿着施工海域边缘排开,组成了一个松散的圆。 The innumerable every large or small Yacht speed boats are placed in side, some of them are the rich and powerful people who come the Koro Island traveling, some purchased the investor or the immigrant of Penglai City real estate, some are the reporters who Future Group invited. 无数艘大大小小的游艇快艇分列在旁,他们有的是来科罗岛旅游的富豪,也有的是购买了蓬莱市房产的投资者或移民,也有的是未来人集团请来的记者。 Belongs to Star Ring Trading Black Hawk Helicopter to circle above the sea area, is carrying the staff, conducts the final inspection to the construction site. Aurora-20 puts on the cloud layer suddenly, howls, brought in cheering and whistling of sound tourist reporter. 属于星环贸易黑鹰直升机在海域上方盘旋,搭载着工作人员,对施工现场进行最后的检查。极光-20突然穿出云层,呼啸而过,引来了游客记者的欢呼与口哨声。 Today the clear weather, the surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km) does not have the sign of slight storm, is the auspicious day of holding the ceremony marking the completion. 今天天气晴朗,方圆百里内没有丝毫暴风雨的迹象,是个举行竣工仪式的好日子。 On a cruise, wears the tourists of the beach attire and bikini by near the parapet, is looking into that uneventful sea level. 一艘游轮上,穿着沙滩装和比基尼的游客们靠在栏杆边上,眺望着那风平浪静的海面。 Shit, that fighter really was too cool!” 谢特,那战斗机简直太酷了!” Hears to call Aurora-20, which fierce does not know with f35.” “听说叫极光-20,不知道和f35哪个厉害。” What I care is where Penglai City? If I do not have the making a mistake date, should be today.” “我更关心的是蓬莱市在哪儿?如果我没搞错日期,应该就是今天。” Marine city, Eastern Atlantis, was really romantic. Dear, can we later live there?” “一座海上的城市,东方的亚特兰蒂斯,实在是太浪漫了。亲爱的,我们以后可以在那里生活吗?” Good, the treasure, you decide......, if Future Group has not jumped the ticket.” “好的,宝贝,你说了算……如果未来人集团没有跳票的话。” Looks quickly! The sea level moved!” “快看!海面动了!” As calls out in alarm, the people stopped inserting funny dialog in abundance, looks steadily in the sea level direction. 随着一声惊呼,众人纷纷停止了插科打诨,目不转睛地向着海面的方向望去。 Yes, the sea level moved! 是的,海面动了! The pea-sized air bubble gushes out from seabed, a surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) sea level is tumbling the pollution air bubble, even has covered that billowing mighty waves. Roughly two minutes, that is tumbling the air bubble stopped. The sea level rises suddenly, was lifted hills of radius several hundred meter/rice unexpectedly forcefully. 豆大的气泡从海底涌出,方圆数十里的海面翻滚着浑浊的气泡,甚至盖过了那滚滚波涛。约莫两分钟,那翻滚着的气泡停止了。海平面陡然上升,竟是被硬生生地抬起了一个半径数百来米的小山包。 Then, the sea water spreads to all around, encircles, in the Outer Circle ships and Yacht seem the leaf in mighty waves, the suddenly raised sea tide pushes the powder! Depended near ship, even presented 45 尔后,海水向四周扩散,围在外圈的舰船、游艇就好似波涛中的树叶,被陡然升起的海潮推散!靠的近些的船,甚至出现了45 …… …… Ship! The ship must but actually!” A tourist shrinks near the cabin, lost one's voice startled called out. “船!船要倒了!”一名游客缩在船舱边上,失声惊叫道。 Called a ghost! Also does not have the water leakage not to lean to turn, pours!” “叫个鬼!又没漏水又没侧翻,倒个屁啊!” Looks quickly! That side! Penglai City came out!” “快看!那边!蓬莱市出来了!” God, I saw anything......” “上帝,我看到了什么……” Holy Mother Maria!” 圣母玛利亚!” Buddha!” 佛祖!” damn!” 握草!” If a steel sharp blade, steep side steeple architecture just like the sea calming god needle, drills from the sea level. 如一把钢铁利刃,陡直的方尖塔式建筑宛如定海神针,从海面中钻出。 Then, radius several hundred meters metal architecture lifts with the water surface upwardly, tall buildings like mushroom growth like that drill from the water surface at the visible speed. The jacked sea water fell from architecture, formed the waterfalls of unusual conditions, such as the covering the face wash gauze is covering the Penglai City facial features lightly. 接着,半径数百米的金属建筑随着水面向上抬起,一座座高楼如同雨后春笋那般,以肉眼可见的速度从水面钻出。被顶起的海水从建筑顶部落下,形成了一座座浑然天成的瀑布,如掩面浣纱般轻掩着蓬莱市的面容。 The sea water crash sea level, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) completely all are surging the white mist. 海水坠落海面,方圆百里尽皆激荡着白色的水雾。 The wind has blown gently, the white fog wave moves with the wind, is waving the beautiful and bewitching dancer's posture in the sea level. 风轻轻吹过,白色的雾浪随风而动,在海面上舞动着妖冶的舞姿。 The steel breaks out the ocean waves, the tide surges to all around layer upon layer. 钢铁劈开海浪,层层浪潮向四周激荡。 The ocean waves are whipping the broad side, sends out such as the heavy hammer to hit the steel the dull thumping sound. Stands on this palatial motionless Steregushchiy-class frigate, Jiang Chen is narrowing the eye, lifts the telescope to look into the rise of this city. 海浪拍打着船舷,发出如重锤击中钢铁的闷响。站在这巍峨不动的守护级护卫舰上,江晨眯着眼睛,举着望远镜眺望着这座城市的崛起。 Main architecture rises!” “主体建筑上升完毕!” Opened the stability lock, the Level 2 steps rises!” “揭开稳定锁,二级阶梯上升!” Rises, graphene pipeline connection!” “上升完毕,石墨烯管道连接!” Outlet sluice......” “排水闸……” Like a top, circular main architecture is stable in the water surface. Afterward the ring rise of al foam structure, the graphene pipeline stretches out from the hole, penetrated the central island side precisely, became this circular manpower great island continually! 如同一座陀螺,圆形的主体建筑在水面稳定。随后泡沫铝结构的圆环上升,石墨烯管道从孔洞中伸出,精确地穿入了中心岛的侧面,连成了这座圆形的人工巨岛! The sea water of irrigation in architecture wells up the street, the shell, conch and algae washout entering the sea avenue, the edge in islands formed the waterfall. After completing the islands break surface the work, the staff then turned on bottom of the islands delivery valve, will pour into sea water in draining water and water supply Artillery System discharges. 灌注在建筑内的海水涌上街道,将满大街的贝壳、海螺、海藻冲刷入海,在岛屿的边缘形成了瀑布。完成岛屿上浮作业后,工作人员紧接着便打开了岛屿底部的压力阀,将灌注在排水、供水系统中的海水排出。 „Is this Penglai City? Although does not have in Virtual Reality is so beautiful, but always felt that many of that Virtual Reality see must shock compared in.” Stands by Jiang Chen, Xia Shiyu said after a sigh. “这就是蓬莱市吗?虽然没有虚拟实境中的那么美,但总感觉要比在虚拟实境中所见的要震撼的多。”站在江晨旁边,夏诗雨感叹道。 Ayesha has not spoken, but from that sapphire eye, Jiang Chen can read out the feeling that wipes to shock as before. 阿伊莎没有说话,但从那蓝宝石般的眼睛中,江晨依旧能读出那抹震撼的感觉。 As for Natasha, as she of Russia diplomatic personnel, at this moment is lowering the head, does not know that is thinking anything. 至于娜塔莎,身为俄罗斯外交人员的她,此刻正低着头,不知道在想些什么。 Relax, I will make a bet, absolutely in that same beautiful with Virtual Reality.” Looks into that city from afar, Jiang Chen was saying with a smile. “放心,我敢打赌,绝对会和虚拟实境中的那个一样美。”远远地眺望着那座城市,江晨笑着说道。 Most essential, main architecture that also possibly has something go wrong breaks surface the work to complete, both hands that Jiang Chen pinches tightly relaxed finally. The draining water job requirement conducts entire two days, then fills other structures between the outer ring and central island. 最关键,也是最可能出岔子的主体建筑上浮工作已经完成,江晨捏紧的双手终于松弛了下来。排水工作需要进行整整两天,接下来便是在外环和中心岛间填充其它结构。 These structures like building blocks, have constructed in seabed, only needs to spell to be able routinely. 这些结构就像一块块积木,都已经在海底建好,只需要按部就班地拼上去便可。 This requires five days of probably. 这大概需要五天的时间。 After completing the complete work, remaining is the general cleaning. Puts on the protective suit staff to take the lead to land on the island, opens the garbage truck is cleaning up algae and shell from house to house, and jellyfish crayfish and so on small gadget. 完成了全部的工作之后,剩下的便是大扫除。穿着防护服的工作人员会率先登岛,开着垃圾车挨家挨户地清理海藻、贝壳、以及水母海虾之类的小玩意儿。 In the process of breaking surface, Penglai City brings many seabed local product, now in the entire man-made island is flooding the thick sea fishy smell. If unclean these trash cleaning up, perhaps this islands some people are not willing to come. 在上浮的过程中,蓬莱市可是带上来了不少海底的“土特产”,现在整个人工岛上都充斥着浓浓的海腥味儿。如果不将那些垃圾清理干净,这座岛屿恐怕不会有人愿意来住。 Cleaning work that this seems like most simple, is actually entire breaks surface in the work to be most time-consuming the strenuous link. It is expected that Future Group will use 1000 Little Gem, as well as 2000 cleaning personnel, 6000 sweep clear drone, 50 garbage trucks and water lorries, complete entire clean the work. 这个看似最简单的清扫工作,却是整个上浮工作中最费时费力的环节。预计未来人集团将动用1000台“小琳”,以及2000名保洁人员,6000架清扫无人机,50辆垃圾车和水罐车,完成整个打扫工作。
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